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DOMINGO, Respondents.



Before us is a special civil action for certiorari1 under Rule 65 of the Rules of Court, dated March 17,
2010, filed by Atty. Augusto M. Aquino (petitioner) assailing the Order dated January 11, 2010
issued by respondent Presiding Judge Ismael P. Casabar (public respondent), in relation to Agrarian
Case No. 1217-G,2 for allegedly having been issued with grave abuse of discretion amounting to
lack or excess of jurisdiction.

The facts of the case, as culled from the records, are as follows:

On June 27, 2002, Atty. Angel T. Domingo (now deceased) verbally contracted petitioner to
represent him in Agrarian Case No. 1217-G on a contingency fee basis. The case was for the
determination of the just compensation for the expropriation and taking of Atty. Domingo's
ricelands consisting of 60.5348 hectares, situated in Guimba, Nueva Ecija, by the Department of
Agrarian Reform (DAR), pursuant to Presidential Decree (P.D.) 27. The DAR and the Land Bank of
the Philippines (Land Bank) initially valued Atty. Domingo's property at P484,236.27 or P7,999.30
per hectare, which the latter, through petitioner-counsel, opposed in courts.

Eventually, the RTC, acting as Special Agrarian Court (RTC/SAC) issued a Decision dated April 12,
2004 fixing the just compensation for Atty. Domingo's property at P2,459,319.70 or P40,626.54 per
hectare, or an increase of P1,975,083.43 over the initial DAR and the Land Bank valuation. Land
Bank moved for reconsideration, but was denied, thus, it filed a petition for review docketed as CA-
G.R. SP No. 85394. However, in a Decision dated June 12, 2007, the appellate court affirmed in
toto the SAC Decision dated April 12, 2004. Land Bank moved for reconsideration anew, but was

Meanwhile, on September 30, 2007, Atty. Domingo died. Petitioner filed a Manifestation dated
December 11, 2007 of the fact of Atty. Domingo's death and the substitution of the latter by his
legal heirs, Ma. Ala F. Domingo and Margarita Irene F. Domingo (private respondents).

Land Bank assailed the appellate court's decision and resolution before the Supreme Court via a
petition for review on certiorari dated December 4, 2007 docketed as G.R. No. 180108 entitled
“Land Bank of the Philippines vs. Angel T. Domingo”. However, in a Resolution dated September 17,
2008, the Court denied the same for failure to sufficiently show any reversible error in the appellate
court's decision. On December 15, 2008, the Court denied with finality Land Bank's motion for

On February 11, 2009,3 petitioner wrote private respondent Ma. Ala Domingo and informed her of
the finality of the RTC/SAC decision as affirmed by the Court of Appeals and the Supreme Court. He
then requested her to inform the Land Bank of the segregation of petitioner's thirty percent (30%)
contingent attorney's fees out of the increase of the just compensation for the subject property, or
thirty percent (30%) of the total increase amounting to Php1,975,983.43. Petitioner claimed never
to have received a reply from private respondent.

On March 30, 2009, petitioner received a copy of the entry of judgment from this Court certifying
that its Resolution dated September 17, 2008 in G.R. No. 180108 has already become final and
executory on March 3, 2009.

On July 28, 2009, petitioner received a Notice of Appearance dated July 16, 2009 filed by Atty.
Antonio G. Conde, entering his appearance as counsel of herein private respondents and replacing
him as counsel in Agrarian Case No. 1217-G.

On August 14, 2009, private respondents, through their new counsel, Atty. Conde, filed a Motion for
Execution dated August 6, 2009 of the RTC/SAC Decision dated April 12, 2004.
On August 12, 2009, petitioner filed a Motion for Approval of Charging Attorney's Lien and for the
Order of Payment.4 Petitioner further executed an Affidavit5 dated August 10, 2009, attesting to the
circumstances surrounding the legal services he has rendered for the deceased Atty. Domingo and
the successful prosecution of the Agrarian case from the RTC/SAC through the appellate court and
the Supreme Court.

On August 18, 2009, private respondents filed a Motion to Dismiss/Expunge Petitioner's

Motion.6 Public respondent Presiding Judge Casabar denied the same.7 Private respondents moved
for reconsideration.

On January 11, 2010, public respondent Judge Casabar issued the disputed Order denying
petitioner's motion for approval of attorney's lien, the dispositive portion of which reads: chan roble svirtuallaw lib rary


Examining the basis of the instant motion for reconsideration, this court agrees with respondents –
movants that this court has no jurisdiction over Atty. Aquino's motion for approval of charging
(Attorney's) lien having been filed after the judgment has become final and executory. Accordingly,
the motion for reconsideration is granted and the motion for approval of (Attorney's) lien is denied
and or expunged from the records of the case.


On the same day, January 11, 2010, public respondent issued an Order directing the issuance of a
Writ of Execution of the RTC/SAC Decision dated April 12, 2004.

On January 12, 2010, the Clerk of Court of Branch 33, RTC of Guimba, Nueva Ecija, issued a Writ of
Execution of the April 12, 2004. On January 15, 2010, the Sheriff of the RTC of Guimba, Nueva
Ecija issued a Notice of Garnishment.

Thus, the instant petition for certiorari via Rule 65, raising the following issues: chan roble svirtuall awlib rary







Petitioner maintains that he filed the motion for charging attorney's lien and order of payment in the
very same case, Agrarian Case No. 1217-G, as an incident thereof, wherein he was the counsel
during the proceedings of the latter, and that he is allowed to wait until the finality of the case to
file the said motion.

Private respondents, on the other hand, counter that the motion was belatedly filed and that it was
filed without the payment of docket fees, thus, the court a quo did not acquire jurisdiction over the


In a nutshell, the issue is whether the trial court committed a reversible error in denying the motion
to approve attorney's lien and order of payment on the ground that it lost jurisdiction over the case
since judgment in the case has already become final and executory.

We rule in favor of the petitioner.

In the case of Rosario, Jr. v. De Guzman,9 the Court clarified a similar issue and discussed the two
concepts of attorney’s fees – that is, ordinary and extraordinary. In its ordinary sense, it is the
reasonable compensation paid to a lawyer by his client for legal services rendered. In its
extraordinary concept, it is awarded by the court to the successful litigant to be paid by the losing
party as indemnity for damages.10 Although both concepts are similar in some respects, they differ
from each other, as further explained below: cha nrob lesvi rtua llawlib ra ry

The attorney’s fees which a court may, in proper cases, award to a winning litigant is, strictly
speaking, an item of damages. It differs from that which a client pays his counsel for the latter’s
professional services. However, the two concepts have many things in common that a treatment of
the subject is necessary. The award that the court may grant to a successful party by way of
attorney’s fee is an indemnity for damages sustained by him in prosecuting or defending, through
counsel, his cause in court. It may be decreed in favor of the party, not his lawyer, in any of the
instances authorized by law. On the other hand, the attorney’s fee which a client pays his counsel
refers to the compensation for the latter’sservices. The losing party against whom damages by way
of attorney’s fees may be assessed is not bound by, nor is his liability dependent upon, the fee
arrangement of the prevailing party with his lawyer. The amount stipulated in such fee arrangement
may, however, be taken into account by the court in fixing the amount of counsel fees as an
element of damages.

The fee as an item of damages belongs to the party litigant and not to his lawyer. It forms part of
his judgment recoveries against the losing party. The client and his lawyer may, however, agree
that whatever attorney’s fee as an element of damages the court may award shall pertain to the
lawyer as his compensation or as part thereof. In such a case, the court upon proper motion may
require the losing party to pay such fee directly to the lawyer of the prevailing party.

The two concepts of attorney’s fees are similar in other respects. They both require, as a
prerequisite to their grant, the intervention of or the rendition of professional services by a
lawyer. As a client may not be held liable for counsel fees in favor of his lawyer who never rendered
services, so too may a party be not held liable for attorney’s fees as damages in favor of the
winning party who enforced his rights without the assistance of counsel. Moreover, both fees are
subject to judicial control and modification. And the rules governing the determination of their
reasonable amount are applicable in one as in the other.11

Similarly, in the instant case, the attorney’s fees being claimed by the petitioner is the
compensation for professional services rendered, and not an indemnity for damages. Petitioner is
claiming payment from private respondents for the successful outcome of the agrarian case which
he represented. We see no valid reason why public respondent cannot pass upon a proper petition
to determine attorney's fees considering that it is already familiar with the nature and the extent of
petitioner's legal services. If we are to follow the rule against multiplicity of suits, then with more
reason that petitioner's motion should not be dismissed as the same is in effect incidental to the
main case.

We are, likewise, unconvinced that the court a quo did not acquire jurisdiction over the motion
solely due to non-payment of docket fees. Petitioner's failure to pay the docket fees pertinent to his
motion should not be considered as having divested the court a quo's jurisdiction. We note that, in
this case, there was no showing that petitioner intended to evade the payment of docket fees as in
fact he manifested willingness to pay the same should it be necessary.12 chanRoblesv irt ual Lawlib rary

Likewise, pursuant to the ruling in Sun Insurance Office, Ltd. (SIOL) v. Asuncion, should there be
unpaid docket fees, the same should be considered as a lien on the judgment. Thus, even on the
assumption that additional docket fees are required as a consequence of petitioner's motion, its
non-payment will not result in the court’s loss of jurisdiction over the case.13 chanRoblesv irt ual Lawlib rary

With regards to how attorney’s fees for professional services can be recovered, and when an action
for attorney’s fees for professional services can be filed, the case of Traders Royal Bank Employees
Union-Independent v. NLRC14 is instructive: c hanroblesv irt uallawl ibra ry
x x x It is well settled that a claim for attorney’s fees may be asserted either in the very
action in which the services of a lawyer had been rendered or in a separate action.

With respect to the first situation, the remedy for recovering attorney’s fees as an
incident of the main action may be availed of only when something is due to the client.
Attorney’s fees cannot be determined until after the main litigation has been decided and
the subject of the recovery is at the disposition of the court. The issue over attorney’s fees
only arises when something has been recovered from which the fee is to be paid.

While a claim for attorney’s fees may be filed before the judgment is rendered, the
determination as to the propriety of the fees or as to the amount thereof will have to be
held in abeyance until the main case from which the lawyer’s claim for attorney’s fees
may arise has become final. Otherwise, the determination to be made by the courts will be
premature. Of course, a petition for attorney’s fees may be filed before the judgment in favor of the
client is satisfied or the proceeds thereof delivered to the client.

It is apparent from the foregoing discussion that a lawyer has two options as to when to file his
claim for professional fees. Hence, private respondent was well within his rights when he
made his claim and waited for the finality of the judgment for holiday pay differential,
instead of filing it ahead of the award’s complete resolution. To declare that a lawyer may
file a claim for fees in the same action only before the judgment is reviewed by a higher
tribunal would deprive him of his aforestated options and render ineffective the foregoing
pronouncements of this Court.15

Here, apparently petitioner filed his claim as an incident of the main action, as in fact, his motion
was for the court's approval of charging attorney's lien and the prayer thereto was to direct the
entry into the case records the attorney's fees he is claiming. Needless to say, petitioner's motion
for approval of charging attorney's lien and order of payment was not intended to be filed as a
separate action. Nevertheless, it is within petitioner's right to wait for the finality of the judgment,
instead of filing it ahead of the court's resolution, since precisely the basis of the determination of
the attorney's fees is the final disposition of the case, that is, the just compensation to be awarded
to the private respondents.

Moreover, the RTC/SAC decision became final and executory on March 3, 2009, and petitioner filed
his Motion to Determine Attorney’s Fees on August 10, 2009, or only about four (4) months from
the finality of the RTC/SAC decision. Considering that petitioner and Atty. Domingo’s agreement was
contracted verbally, Article 114516 of the Civil Code allows petitioner a period of six (6) years within
which to file an action to recover professional fees for services rendered.17 Thus, the disputed
motion to approve the charging of attorney's lien and the order of payment was seasonably filed.

Petitioner claims that he and Atty. Domingo agreed to a contract for contingent fees equivalent to
thirty percent (30%) of the increase of the just compensation awarded, albeit verbally. However, a
contract for contingent fees is an agreement in writing by which the fees, usually a fixed percentage
of what may be recovered in the action, are made to depend upon the success in the effort to
enforce or defend a supposed right. Contingent fees depend upon an express contract, without
which the attorney can only recover on the basis of quantum meruit.18 Here, considering that the
contract was made verbally and that there was no evidence presented to justify the 30% contingent
fees being claimed by petitioner, the only way to determine his right to appropriate attorney’s fees
is to apply the principle of quantum meruit,to wit: chanroble svirtual lawlib rary

Quantum meruit – literally meaning as much as he deserves – is used as basis for determining an
attorney’s professional fees in the absence of an express agreement. The recovery of attorney’s fees
on the basis of quantum meruit is a device that prevents an unscrupulous client from running away
with the fruits of the legal services of counsel without paying for it and also avoids unjust
enrichment on the part of the attorney himself. An attorney must show that he is entitled to
reasonable compensation for the effort in pursuing the client’s cause, taking into account certain
factors in fixing the amount of legal fees.

Further, Rule 20.01 of the Code of Professional Responsibility lists the guidelines for determining the
proper amount of attorney fees, to wit: chan roble svirtuallaw lib rary

Rule 20.1 – A lawyer shall be guided by the following factors in determining his fees: ChanRobles Vi rtua lawlib rary
a) The time spent and the extent of the services rendered or required;
b) The novelty and difficult of the questions involved;
c) The important of the subject matter;
d) The skill demanded;
e) The probability of losing other employment as a result of acceptance of the proffered case;
f) The customary charges for similar services and the schedule of fees of the IBP chapter to which
he belongs;
g) The amount involved in the controversy and the benefits resulting to the client from the service;
h) The contingency or certainty of compensation;
i) The character of the employment, whether occasional or established; and
j) The professional standing of the lawyer.

Private respondents never rebutted the fact that petitioner rendered legal services in the subject
case. It is likewise undisputed that it was petitioner who successfully represented Atty. Domingo in
Agrarian Case No. 12-17-G before the Special Agrarian Court, in the Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. SP
No. 85394, and before this Court in G.R. No. 180108 where the case eventually attained finality. It
is, therefore, through petitioner's effort for a lengthy period of seven (7) years that the just
compensation for the property owned by deceased Atty. Domingo increased. It cannot be denied
then that private respondents benefited from the said increase in the just compensation. Thus,
considering petitioner's effort and the amount of time spent in ensuring the successful disposition of
the case, petitioner rightfully deserves to be awarded reasonable attorney’s fees for services

Ordinarily, We would have left it to the trial court the determination of attorney's fees based
on quantum meruit, however, following the several pronouncements of the Court that it will be just
and equitable to now assess and fix the attorney’s fees in order that the resolution thereof would
not be needlessly prolonged,19 this Court, which holds and exercises the power to fix attorney’s fees
on quantum meruitbasis in the absence of an express written agreement between the attorney and
the client, deems it fair to fix petitioner's attorney’s fees at fifteen percent (15%) of the increase in
the just compensation awarded to private respondents.

The fact that the practice of law is not a business and the attorney plays a vital role in the
administration of justice underscores the need to secure him his honorarium lawfully earned as a
means to preserve the decorum and respectability of the legal profession. A lawyer is as much
entitled to judicial protection against injustice, imposition or fraud on the part of his client as the
client against abuse on the part of his counsel. The duty of the court is not alone to see that a
lawyer acts in a proper and lawful manner; it is also its duty to see that a lawyer is paid his just
fees. With his capital consisting of his brains and with his skill acquired at tremendous cost not only
in money but in expenditure of time and energy, he is entitled to the protection of any judicial
tribunal against any attempt on the part of his client to escape payment of his just
compensation. It would be ironic if after putting forth the best in him to secure justice for his client
he himself would not get his due.20 chanRoble svirtual Lawli bra rychan rob leslaw

WHEREFORE, the petition is GRANTED. Accordingly, the Court grants the Motion for Approval of
Charging Attorney's Lien filed by petitioner Atty. Augusto M. Aquino. Based on quantum meruit, the
amount of attorney's fees is at the rate of fifteen percent (15%) of the amount of the increase in
valuation of just compensation awarded to the private respondents.

SO ORDERED. cralawlawlibra ry

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