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1. What are the two major forms of workplace diversity?

surface-level diversity Differences in easily perceived characteristics, such as gender, race, ethnicity, age,
or disability, that do not necessarily reflect the ways people think or feel but that may activate certain
deep-level diversity Differences in values, personality, and work preferences that become progressively
more important for determining similarity as people get to know one another better.

2. How does workplace discrimination undermine organizational effectiveness?

To review, rather than looking at individual characteristics, unfair discrimination assumes everyone in a group
is the same. This discrimination is often very harmful for employees and undermine organizational
Many Type of Discrimination are prohibited by law and therefore are not a part of organizations’ official policies,
the practices persist.

stereotyping Judging someone on the basis of our perception of the group to which that person belongs.
Stereotype threat describes the degree to which we internally agree with the generally negative stereotyped
perceptions of our groups.
Stereotype threat has serious implications for the workplace. Employees who feel it may have lower
performance, lower satisfaction, negative job attitudes, decreased engagement, decreased motivation, higher
absenteeism, more health issues, and higher turnover intentions.

3. How are the key biographical characteristics relevant to OB?

Variations in surface-level (biographical) characteristics may be the basis for discrimination against
classes of employees, so it is worth knowing how related they actually are to work outcomes. As a
general rule, many biographical differences are not important to actual.
Age :
The stereotypes of older workers as being behind the times, grumpy, and inflexible are changing. But
-Regarding turnover, the Older skills have become more specialized.
-Absenteeism, older employees have lower rates of avoidable absence versus younger employees also
older workers do not have more psychological problems.
-Job performance, the older workers seemed to know better how to avoid severe errors, These artists
rely on wisdom, which increases with age”.
-Regarding life satisfaction
Actually, positive moods increased with age.
-One meta-analysis of job performance studies found that women scored slightly higher than men on
performance measures. A separate meta-analysis of 95 leadership studies indicated that women and men
are rated equally effective as leaders.
-For instance, men are preferred in hiring decisions for male-dominated occupations.
-Once on the job, men and women may be offered a similar number of developmental experiences, but
females are less likely to be assigned challenging positions by men, assignments that could help them
achieve higher organizational positions.
Moreover, men are more likely to be chosen for leadership roles even though men and women are
equally effective leaders.
-Sex discrimination has a pervasive negative impact. Notably, women still earn less money than men for
the same positions.

Race and Ethnicity

Race is a controversial issue in society and in organizations.
members of racial and ethnic minorities report higher levels of discrimination in the workplace.
positive diversity climate In an organization, an environment of inclusiveness and an acceptance of
in many Countries have specific laws to protect individuals with disabilities.These laws have resulted in
greater acceptance and accommodation of people with physical or mental impairments.
The impact of disabilities on employment outcomes has been explored from a variety of perspectives:
-On one hand, when disability status is randomly
manipulated among hypothetical candidates, Disabled individuals are rated as having superior personal
qualities like dependability.
individuals with disabilities tend to encounter lower performance expectations and are less likely to be

4. How do other differentiating characteristics factor into OB?

tenure, meaning time spent in a job, organization, or field.
So tenure, expressed as work experience, appears to be a good predictor of employee productivity,
often people of different religious faiths conflict. For this reason, employers are prohibited by law from
discriminating against employees based on religion in many countries,
Sexual orientation and gender identity
Perhaps as a result of perceived discrimination, many LGBT employees do not disclose their status.
Some countries prohibit discrimination based on sexual orientation, but many organizations have
implemented policies and procedures that cover sexual orientation.
Some companies claim they do not need to provide LGBT benefits for religious reasons.
Employee should be aware of international and national laws.
Cultural identity
Many people carry a strong cultural identity as well, a link with the culture of family ancestry or youth that
lasts a lifetime,
Today’s organizations do well to understand and respect the cultural identities of their employees, both as
groups and as individuals.
Often, managers can provide the bridge of workplace flexibility to meet both organizational goals and
individual needs.

5. What are the relevant points of intellectual and physical abilities to organizational
intellectual abilities The capacity to do mental activities—thinking, reasoning, and problem solving.
Jobs differ in the demands they place on intellectual abilities. Research consistently indicates a correspondence
between cognitive ability and task performance.
intelligence is a big help in performing a job well, to classify employees abilities.
seven most frequently cited dimensions:
Number aptitude, verbal comprehension, perceptual speed, inductive reasoning, deductive reasoning, spatial
visualization, and memory

physical abilities The capacity to do tasks that demand stamina, dexterity, strength, and similar characteristics.
High employee performance is likely to be achieved when the extent to which a job requires each of the nine
abilities matches the abilities of employees in that job.

nine abilities matches the abilities of employees in that job:

6. How can organizations manage diversity effectively?

diversity management The process and programs by which managers make everyone more aware of and
sensitive to the needs and differences of others.
Diversity advertisements that fail to show women and minorities in positions of organizational leadership
send a negative message about the diversity climate at an organization.
The selection process, when managers use a well-defined protocol for assessing applicant talent and the
organization clearly prioritizes nondiscrimination policies, qualifications become far more important in
determining who gets hired than demographic characteristics.
Many diversity training programs are available to employers, and research efforts are focusing on identifying
the most effective initiatives.

Groups of individuals with different types of expertise and education are more effective than homogeneous
Managers who emphasize higher-order goals and values in their leadership style are more effective in
managing diverse teams.
Effective Diversity programs
First, they teach managers about the legal framework for equal employment opportunity.
Second, they teach managers how a diverse workforce will be better able to serve a diverse market of
customers and clients.
Third, they foster personal development practices that bring out the skills and abilities of all workers,
diversity-oriented programs to increase the representation of minority groups and ensure everyone a fair
opportunity to show their skills and abilities.

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