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Código fuente
Modelo Ecuación Grado 1
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package bean;

import java.util.Vector;

* @author labctr
public class ecuacionPrimergrado {
private int id;
private double ax;
private double b;
private double x1;

public ecuacionPrimergrado(int id, double ax, double b, double x1) { = id; = ax;
this.b = b;
this.x1 = x1;

public ecuacionPrimergrado(int id) { = id;

public ecuacionPrimergrado() {

public int getId() {

return id;

public void setId(int id) { = id;

public double getAx() {

return ax;

public void setAx(double ax) { = ax;
public double getB() {
return b;

public void setB(double b) {

this.b = b;

public double getX1() {

return x1;

public void setX1(double x1) {

this.x1 = x1;

public static double raizX(double ax, double b){

double raiz;
raiz = -b/ax;
return raiz;

public static void tabla(double ax, double b){

double y;
Vector vector=new Vector();
for(int i=-20;i<20;i++){
y = ax*i + b;

Modelo Grado 2

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package bean;

import java.util.Vector;

* @author labctr
public class ecuacionSegundogrado {
private int id;
private double ax;
private double bx;
private double c;
private double x1;
private double x2;

public ecuacionSegundogrado(int id, double ax, double bx, double c, double x1, double x2) { = id; = ax;
this.bx = bx;
this.c = c;
this.x1 = x1;
this.x2 = x2;

public ecuacionSegundogrado(int id) { = id;

public ecuacionSegundogrado() {

public int getId() {

return id;

public void setId(int id) { = id;

public double getAx() {

return ax;

public void setAx(double ax) { = ax;

public double getBx() {

return bx;

public void setBx(double bx) {

this.bx = bx;

public double getC() {

return c;

public void setC(double c) {

this.c = c;

public double getX1() {

return x1;

public void setX1(double x1) {

this.x1 = x1;

public double getX2() {

return x2;

public void setX2(double x2) {

this.x2 = x2;

public static double raizX1(double ax, double bx, double c){

double raiz;
double parte = Math.sqrt(((bx*bx)-4*ax*c));
raiz = ((-bx + parte)/(2*ax));
return raiz;

public static double raizX2(double ax, double bx, double c){

double raiz;
double parte = Math.sqrt(((bx*bx)-4*ax*c));
raiz = ((-bx - parte)/(2*ax));
return raiz;

public static void tabla(double ax, double bx, double c){

double y;
Vector vector=new Vector();
for(int i=-20;i<20;i++){
y = ax*(i*i) + bx*i + c;

Controlador Ecuación Grado Uno

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package controller;
import bean.ecuacionPrimergrado;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Controller;
import org.springframework.ui.Model;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMethod;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestParam;

* @author labctr
public class ecuacionPrimergradoController {
@RequestMapping(value = "/gradouno/ecuacion.htm", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public String createDistancia(Model m){
return "/gradouno/form";

@RequestMapping(value = "/gradouno/ecuacion.htm", method = RequestMethod.POST)

public String createDistancia(@RequestParam("ax") double ax,
@RequestParam("b") double b,
Model m){
ecuacionPrimergrado ecuagraduno = new ecuacionPrimergrado();
double raiz = ecuagraduno.raizX(ax, b);
m.addAttribute("ecuagraduno", ecuagraduno);
return "/gradouno/list";
Controlador Ecuación Grado Dos

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* and open the template in the editor.
package controller;

import bean.ecuacionSegundogrado;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Controller;
import org.springframework.ui.Model;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMethod;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestParam;

* @author labctr
public class ecuacionSegundogradoController {
@RequestMapping(value = "/gradodos/ecuacion.htm", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public String createDistancia(Model m){
return "/gradodos/form";

@RequestMapping(value = "/gradodos/ecuacion.htm", method = RequestMethod.POST)

public String createDistancia(@RequestParam("ax") double ax,
@RequestParam("bx") double bx,
@RequestParam("c") double c,
Model m){
ecuacionSegundogrado ecuagrados = new ecuacionSegundogrado();
double raiz1 = ecuagrados.raizX1(ax, bx, c);
double raiz2 = ecuagrados.raizX2(ax, bx, c);
m.addAttribute("ecuagrados", ecuagrados);
return "/gradodos/list";

Vistas Ecuación Grado 1

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Author : Endevour

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<h4> <em> Ecuacion </em> </h4>

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<h4>Ecuacion de primer grado</h4>
<h5>Calculo De Raices</h5>
<form action="ecuacion.htm" method="POST">

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<label>Coeficiente de x^2: </label>

<input id="ax" name="ax" placeholder="Ingrese un termino que contenga x^2" />
<label>Coeficiente de x: </label>
<input id="bx" name="bx" placeholder="Ingrese un termino que contenga x" />
<label>Termino independiente: </label>
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<h4> <em> Ecuacion </em> </h4>

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<h4>Ecuacion De Primer Grado</h4>
<h5>Datos De Calculos</h5>
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<span>${} </span>
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<span>${requestScope.ecuagrados.bx} </span>
<label>c: </label>
<span>${requestScope.ecuagrados.c} </span>
<label>Raiz x2: </label>
<span>${requestScope.ecuagrados.x2} </span>
<label>Raiz x1: </label>
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Vistas Ecuación Grado 2

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<h4> <em> Ecuacion </em> </h4>

<div class="container">
<h4>Ecuacion de primer grado</h4>
<h5>Calculo De Raices</h5>
<form action="ecuacion.htm" method="POST">

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<label>Coeficiente de x: </label>
<input id="ax" name="ax" placeholder="Ingrese un termino que contenga x" />
<label>Termino independiente: </label>
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<h4> <em> Ecuacion </em> </h4>

<div class="container">
<h4>Ecuacion De Primer Grado</h4>
<h5>Datos De Calculos</h5>
<label>ax: </label>
<span>${} </span>
<label>b: </label>
<span>${requestScope.ecuagraduno.b} </span>
<label>Raiz: </label>
<span>${requestScope.ecuagraduno.x1} </span>
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