1009 Chimny

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Disposal of Solid Municipal, Gram Panchayat, Domestic and Hospital Biomass Waste Through

use of Incinerator, And Energy for Heating Water

Introduction :-

In present condition solid waste management is a big issue, the solid waste is generated at
domestic, commercial and agricultural levels which is to be managed and treated in a proper
manner so that it can be used as energy source and also be less polluting. The traditional systems
of dumping solid waste causes land pollution and the process of burning solid waste causes air
pollution which is not desirable. Solid waste incinerator is the most useful device for managing
wastes and it is the desirable technique which can be used for disposing all types of hazardous
wastes. At domestic level such as house, the waste such as plastics, clothes, packing materials,
cardboard, paper, garden wastes, Coconut wastes, etc. are not disposed properly. And if this is the
condition of a single house then what would be of one city and that of whole country we cant
imagine. This waste is just taken and dumped at the places out of city which causes the land
pollution or burned which causes the air pollution. This condition can become critical if proper
steps are no taken before its too late.

Technology Intervention :-

This traditional method of burning is modified in such a way that the burning process is carried
out in a closed compact system called Solid Waste Incinerator. A Solid Waste incinerator, which is
used for domestic hot water generation was designed, successfully constructed and tested. The
natural draft system, primary and secondary air system is introduced along with it for clean
burning. Performance testing of the system was carried out on large observation basis and
concluded that the system is reliable for daily use. It could be very useful for urban and rural areas
as well, especially in school/college hostels where papers and other non toxic solid wastes are
generated in large quantities. It can prove to be useful in hospitals and villages for domestic use.

Components of Incinerator :-

 Fuel loading door

 Combustion chamber

 Hot water tank (Heat Exchanger)

 Cold water Inlet tube.

 Pressure release valve

 Ash box

 Combustion hot flew gases passing chamber

 Chimney

1. Fuel loading door : 400 mm x 300 mm Angle : 50 mm x 50 mm. Thickness : 5 mm

2. Combustion Chamber : Diameter : 400 mm. Height 400 mm.

Cast Iron (CI) grate 300 mm x 300 mm. Thickness 16 mm. Construction in fire bricks

3. Hot water Tank (Heat Exchanger) : Stainless steel (SS). Grade 302. Thickness 3 mm.
Capacity 50 ltrs. Size : Diameter 400 mm. Height 450 mm.

4. Cold water Inlet tube : Stainless Steel (SS). Diameter 25 mm. Inserted into heat
exchanger at center. 25 mm above the bottom of the heat exchanger.

5. Pressure release valve : At the top of heat exchanger. Stainless Steel (SS)

6. Ash Box : 280 mm x 280 mm : Constructed in bricks.

7. Flue gasses chamber : Diameter 600 mm. Height 650 mm.

8. Chimney Height : 4.5 m. Diameter 150 mm. Thickness 3 mm (Mild steel)

Operation :-

1. Load fuel from fuel chamber to combustion chamber.

2. Fuel burning in combustion chamber.

3. Combustion process takes place due to combination of primary and secondary air.

4. Hot flue gases formed in combustion chamber, which passes in the flue gas chamber
which is insulated by fire bricks.

5. Hot flue gases passing around the heat exchanger.

6. Thus heated tank surface heats the water.

Study Results : -

Burning rate 20-25 kg/hr

Temperature in combustion chamber 600 to 7000
Hot water capacity 300-350 ltrs
Hot water temperature 50-600
Efficiency 25%
Particulate Matter >350 pm(mg/mjd)
CO 5g/mjd

Extension of Technology :-

Solid waste disposal incinerator was successfully demonstrated and installed at corporate
sector canteens, hospitals, Institutes training centres, Hostels, agro-tourisum centres,
industries, village level gram panchayat and domestic use.

Care should be taken while using incinerator

 Ash near combustion chamber should be cleared regularly.

 Chimney should be cleaned once in a month and carbon particulates should be removed
by opening the chamber and then close the chamber.

 Top hood of bricks should be opened and cleaned once in 3 months and then close the
hood as before

 Incinerator should be cleaned from inside by opening the drain valve once in three months

 When dry solid wastes catches the fire load half dry waste inside combustion chamber

 Before burning the hospital waste first burn the dry waste or wood and the load hospital

 Combustion chamber should be loaded by light weight waste of 2 to 5 kg and then burn it

 It takes about 30 min to get hot water

 Pressure wall used in the system, should be used regularly

 Combustion chamber door should be always closed.

 After removing hot water from the system cold water should be filled in the system
Catalyzed and supported by
SEED Division, Deptt. of Science & Technology
New Delhi 110 016

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