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U.S. Department of State EXPIRATION DATE: 01-31-2021
Trainee/Intern Name (Surname/Primary, Given Name(s) (must match passport name) E-mail Address

Sarmiento Feriza Kaye Niepes [email protected]

Program Sponsor Program Category

American Pool Enterprises Inc. Intern

Occupational Category Current Field of Study/Profession Experience in Field (number of years)

Hospitality & Tourism International Culinary Arts

Type of Degree or Certificate Date Awarded (mm-dd-yyyy) or Expected Training/Internship Dates (mm-dd-yyyy)

Diploma 11-27-2020 From 09-01-2019 To 08-31-2020

Organization Name Primary Site Address Suite

Grand Sierra Resort 2500 E. 2nd Street

City State ZIP Code Website URL

Reno NV 89595

Employer ID Number (EIN) Exchange Visitor Compensation
Hours Per Week Stipend Yes No If yes, how much? $12.50 per Hour
263444053 32.00 Compensation Yes No If yes, how much? $0.00 per Hour
Workers' Compensation Policy Does your Workers' Compensation policy cover
exchange Visitors?
Yes No If so, Name of Carrier Starr Indemnity & Liability Company Yes No, exempt
No, but equivalent coverage
Number of FT Employees Onsite at Annual Revenue
2500 $0 to $3 Million $3 Million to $10 Million $10 Million to $25 Million $25 Million or More

Trainee/Intern - I certify that:

1. I have reviewed, understand, and will follow this Training/Internship Placement Plan (T/IPP);
I am entering into this Exchange Visitor Program in order to participate as a Trainee or Intern as delineated in this T/IPP and not simply to
2. engage in labor or work within the United States.

I understand that the intent of the Exchange Visitor Program is to allow me to enhance my skills and gain exposure to U.S. culture and business
in a way that will be useful to me when I return home upon completion of my program.
I understand that my internship/training will take place only at the organization listed on this T/IPP and that working at another organization while
on the Exchange Visitor Program is prohibited.
5. I will contact the Sponsor at the earliest available opportunity regarding any concerns, changes in, or deviations from this T/IPP.
6. I will respond in a timely way to all inquiries and monitoring activities of my sponsor.

7. I will follow all of my sponsor's guidelines required for my participation in my program.

8. I will contact the U.S. Department of State's Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs (ECA) at the earliest possible opportunity if I believe that
my sponsor or supervisor (as set forth on page 3, section 4), is not providing me with a legitimate internship or training, as delineated on my
T/IPP; and
9. I declare and affirm under penalty of perjury that the statements and information made herein are true and correct to the best of my knowledge,
information and belief. The law provides severe penalties for knowingly and willfully falsifying or concealing a material fact, or using any false
document in the submission of this form.

Printed Name of Trainee/Intern Date (mm-dd-yyyy)

Signature of Trainee/Intern

DS-7002 Page 1 of 5

1. I have reviewed, understand, and will ensure that the Supervisor (as set forth on page 3, section 4) follows this Training/Internship Placement
Plan (T/IPP) regarding the Trainee or Intern listed above;

2. I will notify the designated U.S. Department of State's Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs (ECA) at the earliest available opportunity
regarding any concerns about, changes in, or deviations from this Training/Internship Placement Plan (T/IPP), including, but not limited to,
changes of Supervisor or host organization;
3. I will adhere to all applicable regulatory provisions that govern this program (see 22 CFR Part 62), including, but are not limited to, the following:
a. I will ensure that the Trainee or Intern named in this T/IPP receives continuous on-site supervision and mentoring by experienced and
knowledgeable staff;
b. I have confirmed with the Supervisor or host organization representative that sufficient resources, plant, equipment, and trained personnel will
be available to provide the specified training or internship program set forth in this T/IPP;
c. I will ensure that the Trainee or Intern named in this T/IPP obtains skills, knowledge, and competencies through structured and guided
activities such as classroom training, seminars, rotation through several departments, on-the-job training, attendance at conferences, and
similar learning activities, as appropriate in specific circumstances;
d. I will ensure that the Trainee or Intern named in this T/IPP does not displace full-or part-time temporary or permanent American workers or
serve to fill a labor needed and ensure that the position that the Trainee or Intern fills exists primarily to assist the Trainee or Intern in achieving
the objectives of his or her participation in this training or internship program;
e. I certify that this training or internship meets all of the requirements of the Fair Labor Standards Act, as amended (29 U.S.C. 201 et seq.). I
also certify that training or internships in the field of agriculture meet all requirements of the Migrant and Seasonal Worker Protection Act, as
amended (29 U.S.C. 1801 et seq.)
f. I will notify the Department of State if I receive information regarding a serious problem or controversy involving the Trainee or Intern named in
this T/IPP that could be expected to bring the Department of State, the Exchange Visitor Program, or the Sponsor's exchange visitor program
into notoriety or disrepute; and
g. I declare and affirm under penalty of perjury that the statements and information made herein are true and correct to the best of my knowledge,
information and belief. The law provides severe penalties for knowingly and willfully falsifying or concealing a material fact, or using any false
document in the submission of this form.

Signature of Responsible Officer or Alternate Responsible Officer

Printed Name of Responsible Officer or Alternate Responsible Officer Date (mm-dd-yyyy)

Name of Sponsor Organization Program Number

DS-7002 Page 2 of 5
Each Training/Internship Placement Plan should cover a definite period of time and should consist of definite phases of training or tasks performed with
a specific objective for each phase. The plan must also contain information on how the trainees/interns will accomplish those objectives (e.g. classes,
individual instruction, shadowing). Each phase must build upon the previous phase to show a progression in the training/internship. A separate copy of
pages 3 and 4 must be completed for each phase if applicable (e.g.; if the trainee/intern is rotating through different departments).
Surname/Primary, Given Name(s) (must match passport name) The Exchange Visitor is:

Sarmiento Feriza Kaye Niepes Intern

Program Sponsor Program Number

American Pool Enterprises Inc. P-4-19141

Main Program Supervisor/POC at Host Organization Supervisor Contact Information

Jerry Ignatich Phone 7757891114 Fax

Title Email
Executive Chef [email protected]
Phase Site Name Training/Internship Field Phase Site Address

Grand Sierra Resort Hospitality- Culinary Arts 2500 E. 2nd Street

Phase Name Start Date (mm-dd-yyyy) of Phase End Date (mm-dd-yyyy)Reno, NV 89595
of Phase Phase

Orientation 09/01/2019 09/10/2019 1 of 5

Primary Phase Supervisor Supervisor Title

Armando Canales Talent Acquisition Partner

E-mail Phone Number

[email protected] 7757891625
Description of Trainee/Intern's role for this program or phase

During the phase, Feriza will learn about the values and standards of Grand Sierra Resort. The intern will become familiar with the
operation, culture and clientele. The intern will also learn about American hospitality service standards. Additionally, the intern
will learn about the chain of communication and proper communication techniques within the organization.

Specific goals and objectives for this program or phase

To become familiar with policies, procedures, operations and customer service standards. The overall goal of Orientation Training
is to provide individuals with American standards of service to enhance their own knowledge and experience. Also, the intern will
learn what is expected of them while training at Grand Sierra Resort.

Please list the names and titles of those who will provide continuous (for example, daily) supervision of the Trainee/Intern, including the primary
supervisor. What are these persons' qualifications to teach the planned learning?

Feriza will be supervised by our Talent acquisition Partner, Armando Canales who has been in the hospitality industry for over 7+
years which includes HR training & development, recruitment, benefits and on boarding experience.

DS-7002 Page 3 of 5
What plans are in place for the Trainee/Intern to participate in cultural activities while in the United States?

The intern will gain exposure to American culture during their orientation and interactions with other associates. The orientation
will include a tour of our GSR property and information about many events happening in Reno such as festivals, and cultural
activities. The intern will be required to interact with guests and associates to gain insight into the cultures of not only the USA, but
cultures of our other international travelers as well.

What specific knowledge, skills, or techniques will be learned?

Specifically, the intern will gain an understanding of the rules, culture and policies of Grand Sierra Resort during this phase. These
skills will empower them to be successful during their time at Grand Sierra Resort.

How specifically will these knowledge, skills, or techniques be taught? Include specific tasks and activities (Interns) and/ or methodology of training
and chronology/syllabus (Trainees).

The intern will attend an orientation specific to new hire associates. This will cover all of the rules, policies and procedures required
of them during their training.

How will the Trainee/Intern's acquisition of new skills and competencies be measured?

Reviews will be held at the end of this phase to ensure the intern is prepared to continue. Classroom discussion and
question and answer sessions will ensure the intern has a complete grasp of the materials covered.

The intern will be required to submit a monthly online check in report in the intern's online account created by the visa
sponsor, summarizing what they learned during the training program at the host organization, and also describe the
cultural activities which helped the intern integrate in the American culture and our community.

Additional Phase Remarks (optional)

Intern will not participate in any training considered prohibited under Appendix E of 22 C.F.R.62.

DS-7002 Page 4 of 5
Phase Supervisor - I certify that:

1. I have reviewed, understand, and will follow this Training/Internship Placement Plan (T/IPP);
2. I will contact the Sponsor at the earliest possible opportunity if I believe that the Trainee or Intern is not receiving the type of training delineated on
this T/IPP;
3. I will actively support the Sponsor by adhering to all applicable regulatory provisions that govern this program (see 22 CFR Part 62);
4. The Trainee or Intern named in this T/IPP will not displace full-or part-time, seasonal or permanent American workers, or serve to fill a labor need;
5. I will conduct the required periodic evaluations of the Trainee or Intern named in this T/IPP;
6. I will notify the designated Sponsor contact at the earliest available opportunity regarding any concerns about, changes in, or deviations from this
7. I will notify the Sponsor in the event of an emergency involving the Trainee or Intern named in this T/IPP, as well as any information that I receive
about the Trainee or Intern that might have an effect on that exchange visitor's health, safety, or welfare;
8. I will notify the Sponsor if I receive information regarding a serious problem or controversy involving the Trainee or Intern named in this T/IPP that
could be expected to bring the Department of State, the Exchange Visitor Program, or the Sponsor's exchange visitor program into notoriety or
9. I am participating in this Exchange Visitor Program in order to provide the Trainee or Intern named in this T/IPP with training or an internship as
delineated in this T/IPP;
10. I certify that this training or internship meets all the requirements of the Fair Labor Standards Act, as amended (29 U.S.C. 201 et seq.) I also certify
that training or internships in the field of agriculture meet all requirements of the Migrant and Seasonal Worker Protection Act, as amended
(29 U.S.C. 1801 et seq.).
11. I declare and affirm under penalty of perjury that the statements and information made herein are true and correct to the best of my knowledge,
information and belief. The law provides severe penalties for knowingly and willfully falsifying or concealing a material fact, or using any false
document in the submission of this form.

Signature of Supervisor

Printed Name of Supervisor Armando Canales Date (mm-dd-yyyy)


AUTHORITIES: The information is sought pursuant to Section 102 of the Mutual Educational and Cultural Exchange Act of 1961, as amended (the
Fulbright-Hays Act)(22 U.S.C. 2452) which provides for the administration of the Exchange Visitor Program (J visa).

PURPOSE: The information solicited on this form will be used to provide clarity of training and intern programs offered by entities designated by the
U.S. Department of State to conduct exchange visitor programs; for general statistical use; and to administer the Trainee and Intern categories of the
Exchange Visitor Program.

ROUTINE USES: The information on this form may be shared with entities administering the program on behalf of the Department; federal, state,
local, or foreign government entities for law enforcement purposes; to members of Congress in response to a request on your behalf . More
information on the Routine Uses for the system can be found in the System of Records Notice State-08, Educational and Cultural Exchange Program

DISCLOSURE: Participation in this program is voluntary; however, failure to provide the information may delay or prevent participation in the
Exchange Visitor Program.
Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 2 hours per response, including time required for searching existing
data sources, gathering the necessary documentation, providing the information and/or documents required, and reviewing the final collection. You do
not have to supply this information unless this collection displays a currently valid OMB control number. If you have comments on the accuracy of this
burden estimate and/or recommendations for reducing it, please send them to: ECA/EC, SA-5, Fifth Floor, U.S. Department of State, Washington, DC

DS-7002 Page 5 of 5
Each Training/Internship Placement Plan should cover a definite period of time and should consist of definite phases of training or tasks performed with
a specific objective for each phase. The plan must also contain information on how the trainees/interns will accomplish those objectives (e.g. classes,
individual instruction, shadowing). Each phase must build upon the previous phase to show a progression in the training/internship. A separate copy of
pages 3 and 4 must be completed for each phase if applicable (e.g.; if the trainee/intern is rotating through different departments).
Surname/Primary, Given Name(s) (must match passport name) The Exchange Visitor is:

Sarmiento Feriza Kaye Niepes Intern

Program Sponsor Program Number

American Pool Enterprises Inc. P-4-19141

Main Program Supervisor/POC at Host Organization Supervisor Contact Information

Jerry Ignatich Phone 7757891114 Fax

Title Email
Executive Chef [email protected]
Phase Site Name Training/Internship Field Phase Site Address

Grand Sierra Resort Hospitality-Culinary Arts 2500 E. 2nd Street

Phase Name Start Date (mm-dd-yyyy) of Phase End Date (mm-dd-yyyy)Reno, NV 89595
of Phase Phase

Production & Banquet 09-11-2019 12-15-2019 2 of 5

Primary Phase Supervisor Supervisor Title

Jerry Ignatich Executive Chef

E-mail Phone Number

[email protected] 7757891114
Description of Trainee/Intern's role for this program or phase

In this phase, Feriza will be trained in Production and Banquet Outlets. Each intern will rotate through the various areas associated
with the main production areas of the hotel to include Main Kitchen, Banquet Production, Garde Manger, Pastry Shop/Bakery and

Specific goals and objectives for this program or phase

In this phase, training will include building of stocks and soups, roasting of large quantity items, banquet production prep., salad
preparation and foundation of constructing dressing, different types of cold buffet items, pasta salad, vegetable salad etc. butchering
of primal beef, poultry and seafood cuts from whole to sub-primal products including how to portion steaks. Training will also
include baking and pastry production from breads to high level desserts, working with chocolate and decorative sugar work.

Please list the names and titles of those who will provide continuous (for example, daily) supervision of the Trainee/Intern, including the primary
supervisor. What are these persons' qualifications to teach the planned learning?

Jerry Ignatich- Executive for 30 years at Northern NV premier resort and casino
Adela Figueroa- Banquet Chef with 15 years of high volume and gourmet experience, parties ranges from 25 to 2500 covers.
Steve Tucker- Garde Manger Chef with 20 years of experience in all aspects of culinary
Miguel Figueroa- Master Butcher with over 20 years of experience.
Eddy Guzman & Jenifer Kovacs Pastry Chefs. Eddy with 20 years and Jenifer at 5 years of experience.

DS-7002 Page 3 of 5
What plans are in place for the Trainee/Intern to participate in cultural activities while in the United States?

Feriza is encouraged to visit the Nevada Museum of Arts which is the only accredited Art Museum in the State of Nevada. The
Nevada Museum of Arts has permanent collections as well as rotates traveling exhibitions from across the globe and artwork by
emerging artists. Reno has also the National Automobile Museum, considered "one of America's Five Greatest Auto Museums" as
it showcases more than 200 eye-popping cars and authentic street scenes.

What specific knowledge, skills, or techniques will be learned?

In this phase, interns will learn knowledge of the production area kitchens, the fundamentals from beginning to finishing work will
be achieved. Techniques from the four areas will include knife skill training, use of various culinary machinery, building blocks of
preparation, quantities and time-lines. Principles of baking to include measuring, mixing, proofing and baking.
They will also learn salad construction and how to make the different types of dressings, mayonnaise, Aioli etc.

How specifically will these knowledge, skills, or techniques be taught? Include specific tasks and activities (Interns) and/ or methodology of training
and chronology/syllabus (Trainees).

Interns will be taught by individual supervisors that will be assigned to the intern. All interns will spend time under direct
supervision of the kitchen chef and secondary supervisors. Hands on training will apply in every area recipes and training manuals
will also be given to interns specific to the area in which they are assigned.

How will the Trainee/Intern's acquisition of new skills and competencies be measured?

All interns on completion of the assigned area will be given a written and practical exam, the written will focus on the
recipes and methods used, best practices and verbal identification. The practical will be an observation of skills
learned in the training cycle . The room chef will evaluate the progress and results . If the intern completes the training
he or she can progress to the next cycle. Any areas found to be in need of further training the chef will re-train until the
intern can complete.

Additional Phase Remarks (optional)

Intern will not participate in any training considered prohibited under Appendix E of 22 C.F.R.62.

DS-7002 Page 4 of 5
Phase Supervisor - I certify that:
1. I have reviewed, understand, and will follow this Training/Internship Placement Plan (T/IPP)
2. I will contact the Sponsor at the earliest possible opportunity if I believe that the Trainee or Intern is not receiving the type of training delineated on
this T/IPP;
3. I will actively support the Sponsor by adhering to all applicable regulatory provisions that govern this program (see 22 CFR Part 62);
4. The Trainee or Intern named in this T/IPP will not displace full-or part-time, seasonal or permanent American workers, or serve to fill a labor need;
5. I will conduct the required periodic evaluations of the Trainee or Intern named in this T/IPP;
6. I will notify the designated Sponsor contact at the earliest available opportunity regarding any concerns about, changes in, or deviations from this
7. I will notify the Sponsor in the event of an emergency involving the Trainee or Intern named in this T/IPP, as well as any information that I receive
about the Trainee or Intern that might have an effect on that exchange visitor's health, safety, or welfare;
8. I will notify the Sponsor if I receive information regarding a serious problem or controversy involving the Trainee or Intern named in this T/IPP that
could be expected to bring the Department of State, the Exchange Visitor Program, or the Sponsor's exchange visitor program into notoriety or
9. I am participating in this Exchange Visitor Program in order to provide the Trainee or Intern named in this T/IPP with training or an internship as
delineated in this T/IPP;
10. I certify that this training or internship meets all the requirements of the Fair Labor Standards Act, as amended (29 U.S.C. 201 et seq.) I also certify
that training or internships in the field of agriculture meet all requirements of the Migrant and Seasonal Worker Protection Act, as amended
(29 U.S.C. 1801 et seq.).
11. I declare and affirm under penalty of perjury that the statements and information made herein are true and correct to the best of my knowledge,
information and belief. The law provides severe penalties for knowingly and willfully falsifying or concealing a material fact, or using any false
document in the submission of this form.

Signature of Supervisor

Printed Name of Supervisor Jerry Ignatich Date (mm-dd-yyyy)


AUTHORITIES: The information is sought pursuant to Section 102 of the Mutual Educational and Cultural Exchange Act of 1961, as amended (the
Fulbright-Hays Act)(22 U.S.C. 2452) which provides for the administration of the Exchange Visitor Program (J visa).

PURPOSE: The information solicited on this form will be used to provide clarity of training and intern programs offered by entities designated by the
U.S. Department of State to conduct exchange visitor programs; for general statistical use; and to administer the Trainee and Intern categories of the
Exchange Visitor Program.

ROUTINE USES: The information on this form may be shared with entities administering the program on behalf of the Department; federal, state,
local, or foreign government entities for law enforcement purposes; to members of Congress in response to a request on your behalf . More
information on the Routine Uses for the system can be found in the System of Records Notice State-08, Educational and Cultural Exchange Program

DISCLOSURE: Participation in this program is voluntary; however, failure to provide the information may delay or prevent participation in the
Exchange Visitor Program.
Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 2 hours per response, including time required for searching existing
data sources, gathering the necessary documentation, providing the information and/or documents required, and reviewing the final collection. You do
not have to supply this information unless this collection displays a currently valid OMB control number. If you have comments on the accuracy of this
burden estimate and/or recommendations for reducing it, please send them to: ECA/EC, SA-5, Fifth Floor, U.S. Department of State, Washington, DC

DS-7002 Page 5 of 5
Each Training/Internship Placement Plan should cover a definite period of time and should consist of definite phases of training or tasks performed with
a specific objective for each phase. The plan must also contain information on how the trainees/interns will accomplish those objectives (e.g. classes,
individual instruction, shadowing). Each phase must build upon the previous phase to show a progression in the training/internship. A separate copy of
pages 3 and 4 must be completed for each phase if applicable (e.g.; if the trainee/intern is rotating through different departments).
Surname/Primary, Given Name(s) (must match passport name) The Exchange Visitor is:

Sarmiento Feriza Kaye Niepes Intern

Program Sponsor Program Number

American Pool Enterprises Inc. P-4-19141

Main Program Supervisor/POC at Host Organization Supervisor Contact Information

Jerry Ignatich Phone 7757891114 Fax

Title Email
Executive Chef [email protected]
Phase Site Name Training/Internship Field Phase Site Address

Grand Sierra Resort Hospitality-Culinary Arts 2500 E. 2nd Street

Phase Name Start Date (mm-dd-yyyy) of Phase End Date (mm-dd-yyyy)Reno, NV 89595
of Phase Phase

High Volume Restaurants 12-16-2019 03-15-2020 3 of 5

Primary Phase Supervisor Supervisor Title

Jerry Ignatich Executive Chef

E-mail Phone Number

[email protected] 7757891114
Description of Trainee/Intern's role for this program or phase

In this phase, training will concentrate on the high volume outlets , Grand cafe , California Pizza Kitchen, Cantina and buffet . Each
of these restaurants produces large covers on a daily basis from 1800 ala carte to 2800 buffet . Interns will rotate through the outlets
over the training cycle at equal amounts of time in each area. Interns will learn daily production prep, schedules, proper roasting
and braising techniques. Interns will also be trained on the hot line of each of the kitchens learning skills on all stations from pantry,
broiler, saute, and deep frying.

Specific goals and objectives for this program or phase

In this phase, Feriza will be trained in the high volume techniques and skills needed to be successful in this environment. Each
chef will rotate the interns through all of the different stations and areas of the particular restaurant. The goals are to educate interns
in the different manors of the 3 high volume restaurants

Please list the names and titles of those who will provide continuous (for example, daily) supervision of the Trainee/Intern, including the primary
supervisor. What are these persons' qualifications to teach the planned learning?

Jerry Ignatich- Executive for 30 years at Northern NV premier resort and Casino.
Kevin Conway - Grand Cafe Chef 25+ years of experience
Roberto Martinez - Cantina Chef , Latin specialty 10 years
Victor Perez - Buffet Room Chef with 15 years of experience
Adam Smith- California Pizza Kitchen Chef with 25 years of experience

DS-7002 Page 3 of 5
What plans are in place for the Trainee/Intern to participate in cultural activities while in the United States?

Heavy snowfall and majestic mountains make Reno Tahoe the perfect destination for any skier or snowboarder alike. Interns are
encourage to visit our surrounding ski resorts that offer more than just a typical ski day. With the slopes as close as 25 minutes from
downtown Reno, and most within an hours drive.

What specific knowledge, skills, or techniques will be learned?

During phase 3 part of the program Feriza will be trained on grilling, saute, pan frying and sauce making. Detail training of Latin
cuisine will be taught in the Cantina restaurant portion. Our Buffet restaurant will expose the intern to large batch cooking and
braising and in all areas of production prep and recipe reading.

How specifically will these knowledge, skills, or techniques be taught? Include specific tasks and activities (Interns) and/ or methodology of training
and chronology/syllabus (Trainees).

Interns will be taught by the assigned Room Chef of the area that they are currently training in. All interns will be given a testing
date to complete a written and practical exam. The intern will learn by the chef overseeing a curriculum that has the training intern
provided with a recipe manual and an assigned Chef to manage the daily training of the individual as they rotate through the cycle.

How will the Trainee/Intern's acquisition of new skills and competencies be measured?

The intern will be tested after completing the phase training, testing will cover specific skills learned in this phase and a
written and skill set test will be conducted. Also practical skills will be tested by trainees producing dishes within each of
the kitchens they have been trained in. If the interns needs further time in a certain area the chef will provide this prior
to moving through the rotation.

A Mid-Point evaluation at the end of the phase will measure intern's overall development and learning.

Additional Phase Remarks (optional)

Intern will not participate in any training considered prohibited under Appendix E of 22 C.F.R.62.

DS-7002 Page 4 of 5
Phase Supervisor - I certify that:

1. I have reviewed, understand, and will follow this Training/Internship Placement Plan (T/IPP);
2. I will contact the Sponsor at the earliest possible opportunity if I believe that the Trainee or Intern is not receiving the type of training delineated on
this T/IPP;
3. I will actively support the Sponsor by adhering to all applicable regulatory provisions that govern this program (see 22 CFR Part 62);
4. The Trainee or Intern named in this T/IPP will not displace full-or part-time, seasonal or permanent American workers, or serve to fill a labor need;
5. I will conduct the required periodic evaluations of the Trainee or Intern named in this T/IPP;
6. I will notify the designated Sponsor contact at the earliest available opportunity regarding any concerns about, changes in, or deviations from this
7. I will notify the Sponsor in the event of an emergency involving the Trainee or Intern named in this T/IPP, as well as any information that I receive
about the Trainee or Intern that might have an effect on that exchange visitor's health, safety, or welfare;
8. I will notify the Sponsor if I receive information regarding a serious problem or controversy involving the Trainee or Intern named in this T/IPP that
could be expected to bring the Department of State, the Exchange Visitor Program, or the Sponsor's exchange visitor program into notoriety or
9. I am participating in this Exchange Visitor Program in order to provide the Trainee or Intern named in this T/IPP with training or an internship as
delineated in this T/IPP;
10. I certify that this training or internship meets all the requirements of the Fair Labor Standards Act, as amended (29 U.S.C. 201 et seq.) I also certify
that training or internships in the field of agriculture meet all requirements of the Migrant and Seasonal Worker Protection Act, as amended
(29 U.S.C. 1801 et seq.).
11. I declare and affirm under penalty of perjury that the statements and information made herein are true and correct to the best of my knowledge,
information and belief. The law provides severe penalties for knowingly and willfully falsifying or concealing a material fact, or using any false
document in the submission of this form.

Signature of Supervisor

Printed Name of Supervisor Jerry Ignatich Date (mm-dd-yyyy)


AUTHORITIES: The information is sought pursuant to Section 102 of the Mutual Educational and Cultural Exchange Act of 1961, as amended (the
Fulbright-Hays Act)(22 U.S.C. 2452) which provides for the administration of the Exchange Visitor Program (J visa).

PURPOSE: The information solicited on this form will be used to provide clarity of training and intern programs offered by entities designated by the
U.S. Department of State to conduct exchange visitor programs; for general statistical use; and to administer the Trainee and Intern categories of the
Exchange Visitor Program.

ROUTINE USES: The information on this form may be shared with entities administering the program on behalf of the Department; federal, state,
local, or foreign government entities for law enforcement purposes; to members of Congress in response to a request on your behalf . More
information on the Routine Uses for the system can be found in the System of Records Notice State-08, Educational and Cultural Exchange Program

DISCLOSURE: Participation in this program is voluntary; however, failure to provide the information may delay or prevent participation in the
Exchange Visitor Program.
Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 2 hours per response, including time required for searching existing
data sources, gathering the necessary documentation, providing the information and/or documents required, and reviewing the final collection. You do
not have to supply this information unless this collection displays a currently valid OMB control number. If you have comments on the accuracy of this
burden estimate and/or recommendations for reducing it, please send them to: ECA/EC, SA-5, Fifth Floor, U.S. Department of State, Washington, DC

DS-7002 Page 5 of 5
Each Training/Internship Placement Plan should cover a definite period of time and should consist of definite phases of training or tasks performed with
a specific objective for each phase. The plan must also contain information on how the trainees/interns will accomplish those objectives (e.g. classes,
individual instruction, shadowing). Each phase must build upon the previous phase to show a progression in the training/internship. A separate copy of
pages 3 and 4 must be completed for each phase if applicable (e.g.; if the trainee/intern is rotating through different departments).
Surname/Primary, Given Name(s) (must match passport name) The Exchange Visitor is:

Sarmiento Feriza Kaye Niepes Intern

Program Sponsor Program Number

American Pool Enterprises Inc. P-4-19141

Main Program Supervisor/POC at Host Organization Supervisor Contact Information

Jerry Ignatich Phone 7757891114 Fax

Title Email
Executive Chef [email protected]
Phase Site Name Training/Internship Field Phase Site Address

Grand Sierra Resort Hospitality-Culinary Arts 2500 E. 2nd Street

Phase Name Start Date (mm-dd-yyyy) of Phase End Date (mm-dd-yyyy)Reno, NV 89595
of Phase Phase

Fine Dining 03-16-2020 06-20-2020 4 of 5

Primary Phase Supervisor Supervisor Title

Jerry Ignatich Executive Chef

E-mail Phone Number

[email protected] 7757891114
Description of Trainee/Intern's role for this program or phase

In this phase of the training, Feriza will be exposed to our 3 areas of fine dining, Charlie Palmer's Steak , Briscola Italian restaurant
and in room dining . Interns will rotate through each of these outlets and will be trained on the aspects of fine dining

Specific goals and objectives for this program or phase

Feriza will be exposed to culinary skills and techniques associated with fine dining concepts. In this phase the intern will be
exposed to advanced sauce making , the cooking methods used when working with such items as prime cuts of beef, fresh fish,
poultry and game meats. The intern will gain knowledge of the different methods and procedures used to create the fine dining

Please list the names and titles of those who will provide continuous (for example, daily) supervision of the Trainee/Intern, including the primary
supervisor. What are these persons' qualifications to teach the planned learning?

Jerry Ignatich- Executive for 30 years at Northern NV premier resort and Casino.
Cliff Denney & Michael Mahoney - Executive Chef and Executive Sous Chef of Charlie Palmer Steak House. They are both
Culinary School graduates with over 15 years in restaurant business .
Richard Laconte - Italian Specialty Chef with a degree at CIA.
Matt Gerhardt a California Culinary School graduate.

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What plans are in place for the Trainee/Intern to participate in cultural activities while in the United States?

Feriza is encourage to immerse in this cultural activity that is sought after many locals and tourists. There are plenty of businesses
all around the river ready to provide you with everything needed to enjoy a day of rafting on the Truckee River. Keep in mind, this
is not the only river around as we are surrounded by many other spectacular lakes and rivers. Water rafting is the most popular way
to travel the waters of the Truckee River which runs from Lake Tahoe to Pyramid Lake in Reno.

What specific knowledge, skills, or techniques will be learned?

In this phase, the interns will focus on specific methods that apply to the fine dining and gourmet areas of the Culinary field .
The training in this section will include Garde Manger in the restaurant to include how to build salads, appetizers and dessert
presentations, plating specifications, garnishing and finishing plates, the steps of making pan sauces, the intern will also train on
the expediter stations in all of the rooms.

How specifically will these knowledge, skills, or techniques be taught? Include specific tasks and activities (Interns) and/ or methodology of training
and chronology/syllabus (Trainees).

The intern will be taught by the assigned Room Chef of the area that they are currently training in . All interns will be giving a
testing date to complete a written and practical exam . Interns will learn by the chef overseeing a curriculum that has the training
intern provided with a recipe manual and an assigned chef to manage the daily training of the individual as they rotate through the

How will the Trainee/Intern's acquisition of new skills and competencies be measured?

Interns will be tested after completing the phase training, testing will cover specific skills learned in this phase and a
written and skill set test will be conducted . Also practical skills will be tested by interns producing dishes within each of
the kitchens they have been trained in . If the intern needs further time in a certain area the chef will provide this prior to
moving through the rotation.

Additional Phase Remarks (optional)

Intern will not participate in any training considered prohibited under Appendix E of 22 C.F.R.62.

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Phase Supervisor - I certify that:

1. I have reviewed, understand, and will follow this Training/Internship Placement Plan (T/IPP);
2. I will contact the Sponsor at the earliest possible opportunity if I believe that the Trainee or Intern is not receiving the type of training delineated on
this T/IPP;
3. I will actively support the Sponsor by adhering to all applicable regulatory provisions that govern this program (see 22 CFR Part 62);
4. The Trainee or Intern named in this T/IPP will not displace full-or part-time, seasonal or permanent American workers, or serve to fill a labor need;
5. I will conduct the required periodic evaluations of the Trainee or Intern named in this T/IPP;
6. I will notify the designated Sponsor contact at the earliest available opportunity regarding any concerns about, changes in, or deviations from this
7. I will notify the Sponsor in the event of an emergency involving the Trainee or Intern named in this T/IPP, as well as any information that I receive
about the Trainee or Intern that might have an effect on that exchange visitor's health, safety, or welfare;
8. I will notify the Sponsor if I receive information regarding a serious problem or controversy involving the Trainee or Intern named in this T/IPP that
could be expected to bring the Department of State, the Exchange Visitor Program, or the Sponsor's exchange visitor program into notoriety or
9. I am participating in this Exchange Visitor Program in order to provide the Trainee or Intern named in this T/IPP with training or an internship as
delineated in this T/IPP;
10. I certify that this training or internship meets all the requirements of the Fair Labor Standards Act, as amended (29 U.S.C. 201 et seq.) I also certify
that training or internships in the field of agriculture meet all requirements of the Migrant and Seasonal Worker Protection Act, as amended
(29 U.S.C. 1801 et seq.).
11. I declare and affirm under penalty of perjury that the statements and information made herein are true and correct to the best of my knowledge,
information and belief. The law provides severe penalties for knowingly and willfully falsifying or concealing a material fact, or using any false
document in the submission of this form.

Signature of Supervisor

Printed Name of Supervisor Jerry Ignatich Date (mm-dd-yyyy)


AUTHORITIES: The information is sought pursuant to Section 102 of the Mutual Educational and Cultural Exchange Act of 1961, as amended (the
Fulbright-Hays Act)(22 U.S.C. 2452) which provides for the administration of the Exchange Visitor Program (J visa).

PURPOSE: The information solicited on this form will be used to provide clarity of training and intern programs offered by entities designated by the
U.S. Department of State to conduct exchange visitor programs; for general statistical use; and to administer the Trainee and Intern categories of the
Exchange Visitor Program.

ROUTINE USES: The information on this form may be shared with entities administering the program on behalf of the Department; federal, state,
local, or foreign government entities for law enforcement purposes; to members of Congress in response to a request on your behalf . More
information on the Routine Uses for the system can be found in the System of Records Notice State-08, Educational and Cultural Exchange Program

DISCLOSURE: Participation in this program is voluntary; however, failure to provide the information may delay or prevent participation in the
Exchange Visitor Program.
Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 2 hours per response, including time required for searching existing
data sources, gathering the necessary documentation, providing the information and/or documents required, and reviewing the final collection. You do
not have to supply this information unless this collection displays a currently valid OMB control number. If you have comments on the accuracy of this
burden estimate and/or recommendations for reducing it, please send them to: ECA/EC, SA-5, Fifth Floor, U.S. Department of State, Washington, DC

DS-7002 Page 5 of 5
Each Training/Internship Placement Plan should cover a definite period of time and should consist of definite phases of training or tasks performed with
a specific objective for each phase. The plan must also contain information on how the trainees/interns will accomplish those objectives (e.g. classes,
individual instruction, shadowing). Each phase must build upon the previous phase to show a progression in the training/internship. A separate copy of
pages 3 and 4 must be completed for each phase if applicable (e.g.; if the trainee/intern is rotating through different departments).
Surname/Primary, Given Name(s) (must match passport name) The Exchange Visitor is:

Sarmiento Feriza Kaye Niepes Intern

Program Sponsor Program Number

American Pool Enterprises Inc. P-4-19141

Main Program Supervisor/POC at Host Organization Supervisor Contact Information

Jerry Ignatich Phone 7757891114 Fax

Title Email
Executive Chef [email protected]
Phase Site Name Training/Internship Field Phase Site Address

Grand Sierra Resort Hospitality-Culinary Arts 2500 E. 2nd Street

Phase Name Start Date (mm-dd-yyyy) of Phase End Date (mm-dd-yyyy)Reno, NV 89595
of Phase Phase

Culinary Administration 06-21-2020 08-31-2020 5 of 5

Primary Phase Supervisor Supervisor Title

Jerry Ignatich Executive Chef

E-mail Phone Number

[email protected] 7757891114
Description of Trainee/Intern's role for this program or phase

In this phase, Feriza will learn the administrative duties associated with a large culinary operation. Interns will rotate through
several classroom and hands on training sessions: to include serve safe training (national restaurant association certified class)
introduction to wine and pairing with foods. scheduling with Kronos, food cost formulas, menu writing concepts, the use of a
theoretical cost vs actual, and costing of a menu.

Specific goals and objectives for this program or phase

In this phase, the goals will be to teach the administrative and sanitation requirements in the Culinary department. Upon completion
of this section, interns will gain knowledge of the duties of the business as it relates to the above areas .

Please list the names and titles of those who will provide continuous (for example, daily) supervision of the Trainee/Intern, including the primary
supervisor. What are these persons' qualifications to teach the planned learning?

Jerry Ignatich- Executive for 30 years at Northern NV premier resort and Casino.
Thierry Bregeon - Executive Chef
Melissa Woods - Level 2 Sommelier
Kevin Conway - National Restaurant Association Certified Sanitation instructor.
Amie Wall - Executive Administrator

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What plans are in place for the Trainee/Intern to participate in cultural activities while in the United States?

4th of July Celebration will offer the intern a great opportunity to learn more about the US, and how the national day is celebrated.
Grand Sierra Resort will keep all the interns informed, during the course of the program, with all the events available in the area.
The interns are welcomed to visit and take the scenic Aerial Tram 2,000 vertical feet up to High Camp in North Reno/Tahoe where
you can take in jaw-dropping, panoramic views of Lake Tahoe as well as access to a mountaintop pool and ice skating rink.

What specific knowledge, skills, or techniques will be learned?

In this phase, interns will learn the administration duties associated with the Culinary department. Training will be divided into
sections that include a formal sanitation class with overview of the current Washoe county requirements, and introduction to wine
taught by Melissa Woods a level 2 Sommelier, menu development and costings of the menu, how to develop a menu and execute
the implementation of new items on a menu . proper recipe writing and formulas used to create a theoretical cost of individual plate

How specifically will these knowledge, skills, or techniques be taught? Include specific tasks and activities (Interns) and/ or methodology of training
and chronology/syllabus (Trainees).

In this phase, interns will be taught primarily in a classroom situation conducted by the trainers. There will also be a hand on
section where the interns will apply what they have learned.

How will the Trainee/Intern's acquisition of new skills and competencies be measured?

All interns will be tested by means of a written exam as it applies to the different training sections . Interns will also be
tested within the department by assignment based exercise to apply the knowledge learned training with the trainers in
real situations, the interns will be involved in actual business administrative and culinary development such as
involvement in menu writing ,developing specials for the restaurants with the chefs . Also interns skills will be measured
by there ability to comprehend and manage the systems used in the department such as placing orders through the
computer system, evaluating sanitation practices and corrective action taken.
The interns will be evaluated on their own successful completion of formal training seminars and subsequently in daily
assignments, and a final written evaluation at the end of this phase will provide documentation regarding the intern's
program success.

Additional Phase Remarks (optional)

Intern will not participate in any training considered prohibited under Appendix E of 22 C.F.R.62.
Administrative duties will not exceed 20 percent of the final phase.

DS-7002 Page 4 of 5
Phase Supervisor - I certify that:

1. I have reviewed, understand, and will follow this Training/Internship Placement Plan (T/IPP);
2. I will contact the Sponsor at the earliest possible opportunity if I believe that the Trainee or Intern is not receiving the type of training delineated on
this T/IPP;
3. I will actively support the Sponsor by adhering to all applicable regulatory provisions that govern this program (see 22 CFR Part 62);
4. The Trainee or Intern named in this T/IPP will not displace full-or part-time, seasonal or permanent American workers, or serve to fill a labor need;
5. I will conduct the required periodic evaluations of the Trainee or Intern named in this T/IPP;
6. I will notify the designated Sponsor contact at the earliest available opportunity regarding any concerns about, changes in, or deviations from this
7. I will notify the Sponsor in the event of an emergency involving the Trainee or Intern named in this T/IPP, as well as any information that I receive
about the Trainee or Intern that might have an effect on that exchange visitor's health, safety, or welfare;
8. I will notify the Sponsor if I receive information regarding a serious problem or controversy involving the Trainee or Intern named in this T/IPP that
could be expected to bring the Department of State, the Exchange Visitor Program, or the Sponsor's exchange visitor program into notoriety or
9. I am participating in this Exchange Visitor Program in order to provide the Trainee or Intern named in this T/IPP with training or an internship as
delineated in this T/IPP;
10. I certify that this training or internship meets all the requirements of the Fair Labor Standards Act, as amended (29 U.S.C. 201 et seq.) I also certify
that training or internships in the field of agriculture meet all requirements of the Migrant and Seasonal Worker Protection Act, as amended
(29 U.S.C. 1801 et seq.).
11. I declare and affirm under penalty of perjury that the statements and information made herein are true and correct to the best of my knowledge,
information and belief. The law provides severe penalties for knowingly and willfully falsifying or concealing a material fact, or using any false
document in the submission of this form.

Signature of Supervisor

Printed Name of Supervisor Jerry Ignatich Date (mm-dd-yyyy)


AUTHORITIES: The information is sought pursuant to Section 102 of the Mutual Educational and Cultural Exchange Act of 1961, as amended (the
Fulbright-Hays Act)(22 U.S.C. 2452) which provides for the administration of the Exchange Visitor Program (J visa).

PURPOSE: The information solicited on this form will be used to provide clarity of training and intern programs offered by entities designated by the
U.S. Department of State to conduct exchange visitor programs; for general statistical use; and to administer the Trainee and Intern categories of the
Exchange Visitor Program.

ROUTINE USES: The information on this form may be shared with entities administering the program on behalf of the Department; federal, state,
local, or foreign government entities for law enforcement purposes; to members of Congress in response to a request on your behalf . More
information on the Routine Uses for the system can be found in the System of Records Notice State-08, Educational and Cultural Exchange Program

DISCLOSURE: Participation in this program is voluntary; however, failure to provide the information may delay or prevent participation in the
Exchange Visitor Program.
Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 2 hours per response, including time required for searching existing
data sources, gathering the necessary documentation, providing the information and/or documents required, and reviewing the final collection. You do
not have to supply this information unless this collection displays a currently valid OMB control number. If you have comments on the accuracy of this
burden estimate and/or recommendations for reducing it, please send them to: ECA/EC, SA-5, Fifth Floor, U.S. Department of State, Washington, DC

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