Icse X Chemistry: ICSE Board Class X Chemistry Board Paper Solution - 2018 Time: 2 Hrs. Max. Marks: 80 Section I Answer 1

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Board Paper Solution – 2018

ICSE Board
Class X Chemistry
Board Paper Solution - 2018
Time: 2 hrs. Max. Marks: 80


Answer 1
(i) Calcium nitrate
(ii) C2H6
(iii) Redox reaction
(iv) Methoxy methane
(v) Vanadium pentoxide

(i) Electron affinity
(ii) Ionisation
(iii) Catenation
(iv) Efflorescence
(v) Froth flotation

(i) Action of concentrated sulphuric acid on carbon.
C+H2SO4 
 CO2  +2SO2  +2H2O

(ii) Reaction of sodium hydroxide solution with iron (III) chloride solution.
FeCl3 +3NaOH 
 Fe(OH)3  +3NaCl

(iii) Action of heat on aluminium hydroxide.

2Al(OH)3 
 Al2O3 +3H2O

(iv) Reaction of zinc with potassium hydroxide solution.

Zn+2KOH 
 K2ZnO2 +H2 

(v) Action of dilute hydrochloric acid on magnesium sulphite.

MgSO3 +2dil.HCl 
 MgCl2 +H2O+SO2 

1. Methanal
2. Propan-1-al
3. But-2-ene

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(ii) Structural formulae of the isomers of butane:

(i) Lead nitrate solution is treated with sodium hydroxide solution drop-wise
till it is in excess and then a white precipitate of lead hydroxide is

Pb  OH2 + 2NaOH  Na2PbO2 + 2H2O

 excess Sodium

(ii) At the anode, when molten lead bromide is electrolysed using graphite
electrodes, dark reddish brown fumes of bromine are evolved.

PbBr2l  Pbs  2Br(g)

Re ddishbrown

(iii) Lead nitrate solution is mixed with dilute hydrochloric acid and heated to
give a white precipitate of lead (I) chloride.
Pb(NO3 )2  2HCl  PbCl2   2HNO3

(iv) Anhydrous calcium chloride is exposed to air for some time, and then it
will absorb moisture as it is a deliquescent substance and dissolves in it.

(v) Barium chloride solution is slowly added to sodium sulphate solution, and
it gives a white-coloured precipitate of barium sulphate.
BaCl2  Na2SO4  BaSO4   2NaCl

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(i) Ionic compounds have a high melting point, because the ionic bond in
these compounds is very strong and a lot of energy is required to break
the bond.

(ii) To attain stability, atoms need to complete their octet by sharing, losing
or gaining electrons. In inert gases, the octet is completed and they do
not need to gain, lose or share electrons; hence, they do not form ions.

(iii) Ionisation potential increases across a period from left to right because
the atomic size decreases due to an increase in the nuclear charge. The
electrons in the outermost shell lie close to the nucleus and this makes
the removal of electrons difficult and requires more energy.

(iv) Reducing agents are elements or groups of elements which easily lose
their electrons. Alkali metals are good reducing agents because they
have only one extra electron in their outermost shell; hence, to attain
stability, they easily lose the electron.

(v) Conductivity of dilute hydrochloric acid is greater than that of acetic acid.
This happens because hydrochloric acid is a strong acid. It ionises
completely and forms more ions than weak acetic acid.

(i) Nitrogen dioxide (NO2)
(ii) Hydrogen sulphide (H2S)
(iii) Nitric oxide (NO)
(iv) Oxygen (O2)
(v) Hydrogen (H2)

(i) Ionic or electrovalent compounds do not conduct electricity in their solid
(iii) Electrolysis of aqueous sodium chloride solution will form sodium metal
at the cathode.
(iv) Dry hydrogen chloride gas can be collected by the upward displacement
of air.
(v) The most common ore of iron is haematite.
(vi) The salt prepared by the method of direct combination is iron (III)

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Answer 2
(i) A lone pair of electrons: A pair of electrons which is not shared with any
other atom is known as a lone pair of electrons. It is provided to the other
atom for the formation of a coordinate bond.

(ii) Electron dot diagram of hydronium ion:

Water Hydrogen ion Hydronium ion

(i) The clement B would have lower metallic character than A.
(ii) The element A would probably have higher electron affinity than B.
(iii) The element A would have smaller atomic size than B.

Conversion Ionic Equation Oxidation/Reduction
(i) Chloride ion to chlorine (i) Cl− − e− →Cl (i) Oxidation
molecule Cl + Cl → Cl2

(ii) Lead (II) ion to lead (ii) Pb2+ + 2e−→ (ii) Reduction

Answer 3
(i) The balanced chemical equation to prepare ammonia gas in the
laboratory by using an alkali.
2NH4Cl + Ca(OH)2 → CaCl2 + 2H2O +2NH3
(ii) Ammonia is basic in nature. If we use sulphuric acid as a drying agent,
then it reacts with acid to give water and salt.
(iii) Ammonia gas is not collected over water because it is highly soluble in
water and dissolves to form ammonium hydroxide.

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(i) Concentrated sulphuric acid is used for the preparation of hydrogen
chloride gas in the laboratory. It is preferred over conc. nitric acid
because it is volatile and may volatilise out along with hydrogen chloride.
(ii) Balanced chemical equation for the laboratory preparation of hydrogen
chloride gas:
NaCl + H2SO4 
 NaHSO4+ HCl (g)
NaCl + H2SO4 
 Na2SO4+ HCl (g

(c) For the preparation of hydrochloric acid in the laboratory:

(i) Direct absorption of hydrogen chloride gas in water is not feasible
because it is highly soluble in water.
(ii) Hydrochloric acid is prepared by dissolving hydrogen chloride gas in water
using a special funnel arrangement because direct absorption of HCl gas
in water using a delivery tube causes back suction.

(d) For the electro-refining of copper:

(i) The cathode is made of a thin strip of copper.
(ii) The reaction which takes place at the anode is
Cu – 2e−→ Cu2+

Question 4
(a) Given:
N = 82.35%
H =17.64 %

Element % composition Atomic mass Atomic ratio Simplest ratio

H 17.64 1 17.64 3
N 82.35 14 5.8 1

So, the empirical formula is NH3.

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Al4C3  12 H2O 
 3CH4  4Al OH3
1V 3V 312g
144g 3x22.4 vol

since 144 g of Al4C3 gives  312 gof Al OH3
312 x12
So,12 g of Al4C3 will give 
 26 g Al  OH3

Now, since 144 g of Al4C3 gives  3x22.4 litre of CH4
3x22.4 x12
So,12 g of Al4C3 will give 
 5.6 litre CH4

(i) According to Avogadro’s law, under the same conditions of temperature
and pressure, equal volumes of different gases have the same number of
As 150 cc of gas A contains X molecules, 150 cc of gas B also contains X
So, 75 cc of B will contain X/2 molecules.

(ii) The problem is based on Avogadro’s law.

(d) The main component of the following alloys:

Name Composition Uses

Cu = 60–80%
(i) Brass For making utensils, cartridges
Zn = 40–20%
Al = 95%, Cu = 4%
(ii) Duralumin For making bodies of aircraft
Mn = 0·5%, Mg = 0·5%

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Answer 5
IUPAC name of the
IUPAC name of the Characteristic bond
General formula first member of the
homologous series type
(B) Triple covalent
CnH2n − 2 (A) Alkyne (C) Ethyne
(E) Single covalent
CnH2n + 2 (D) Alkane (F) Methane

Ore of Al Chemical name Formula
Bauxite Hydrated aluminium oxide Al2O3.2H2O
Cryolite Sodium aluminium fluoride Na3AlF6
Corundum Anhydrous aluminium oxide Al2O3

(ii) The process by which impure ore of aluminium gets purified by using
concentrated solution of an alkali is Bayer process.

(iii) The equation for the formation of aluminium at the cathode during the
electrolysis of alumina.
Cathode: 2Al3+ + 6e− → 2Al

Answer 6
(a) As compound X has vinegar-like smell, i.e. it is definitely acetic acid
CH3COOH. When treated with ethanol in the presence of acid Z, the given
compound Y has a fruity smell. So, compound Y is an ester.
The by-product is a water molecule which means acid Z will be a dehydrating
agent, i.e. conc. sulphuric acid H2SO4.


conc.H SO [Z]
C2H5OH  CH3COOH 
2 4
 CH3COOC2H5  H2O
Ethanol [X] [Y]

The above reaction is an esterification reaction.

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2C2H6  7O2  4CO2  6H2O
2V 7V 4V
2  22400 2  22400 4  22400
i 
4  22400  3000
300cc of C2H6 will give 
2  22400

So volume of CO2 formed  600 cc

For 300cc of C2H6 1050cc of O2 willrequired.
unused O2  1250  1050 
 200 cc
(i) Solution Q is a weak acid.
(ii) Solution R is a strong alkali.

Answer 7
(i) Lead nitrate solution can be distinguished from zinc nitrate solution with
the help of a base, i.e. NaOH. Lead nitrate gives a white precipitate of
lead hydroxide on treatment with a base.

(ii) To distinguish between sodium chloride and sodium nitrate, a solution of

silver nitrate can be used. This gives a white precipitate with sodium

(i) Copper sulphate from copper carbonate
CuCO3 +H2SO4 
 CuSO4 +H2O+CO2 

(ii) Zinc carbonate from zinc sulphate

ZnSO4 +Na2CO3 
 Na2SO4 +ZnCO3 
(i) Potassium/sodium bisulphate is formed when potassium nitrate/sodium
nitrate and conc. H2SO4 are heated at <200°C temperature for the
preparation of nitric acid.

(ii) During the preparation of nitric acid, the complete apparatus is made of
glass. This is because nitric acid is a powerful oxidising agent, and it
vigorously oxidises non-metals, metals, inorganic compounds and organic

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(i) As a dehydrating agent
(ii) As an oxidising agent

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