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This document outlines the format to be adhered to in developing the initial proposal (for concept
approval) to be submitted to the Lagos State PPP Office.

Please note that;

• The highlighted aspects (in blue) are to be filled as appropriate

• The format is not exhaustive and as such supplementary information should be provided in the
appropriate section as required.
• This page is not to be included in your submission
• Note that non-adherence to all the above instructions may adversely affect your proposal

Proposals should be submitted to:

Public - Private Partnership Office
Governor’s Office
Lagos House
Alausa – Ikeja
Lagos State

Please note that submitting a proposal does not constitute a commitment on the part of
Lagos State Government to execute the project with the proponent. Proposals may be
subjected to Competition.




Document 01- 5/02/09 © PPP Office

1. Introduction
Briefly describe the project. Outline the underlying need, problem or opportunity that the project will address and how it will
optimally address them. This section should include the following as appropriate:

i. Project background and current situation.

ii. Elucidate on the project’s strategic fit and how it supports any of Lagos State’s strategic policy thrusts (eg Megacity
vision, 10-point agenda etc) and/or any other national and/or multilateral strategy e.g. FGN’s 7-point agenda, World
Bank Millennium Development Goals etc).

2. Project Objectives
i. What are the objectives of the project?
ii. What will the project accomplish in general (qualitative) and, in clear and measurable (quantitative) terms?

3. Benefits of the Project to Lagos State

State the actual benefits that the project will bring to the State and its citizens. e.g. improvement of living standard and public
safety, job creation, infrastructure redevelopment, increased revenue etc

4. Project Scope and Modalities

i. What is the actual scope of the project?
ii. Detail the
• Project design (if appropriate)
• Implementation approach
• Infrastructural and technical content and specifications
iii. How will success and progress be measured/milestones?
iv. What innovation is the project/solution proposing?

5. Transaction Structure
i. What type of PPP structure(s) is/are being proposed for the project? The transactional structure(s) if relevant.
ii. Would an SPV be required? If so, detail the proposed ownership of the SPV.
iii. Who would fund the transactions?
iv. The terms and conditions proposed for the PPP should be included here. The proposed Heads of Terms (HOT)

6. Why PPP
i. Extensive information on why a PPP is being proposed.
ii. What are the benefits of the PPP structure being proposed?

7. Project Stakeholders
i. Who are the project beneficiaries? Who would benefit from/be directly or indirectly impacted by the project?
ii. Enlist the various parties that would be involved in the project and their responsibilities in/contributions to the project?
iii. Include the sponsor(s)/ fund provider(s)? if any.
iv. Detail the obligation expected from the State.

8. Project Viability
i. State the estimated total cost of the project i.e. the total investment required for the project. The whole life costs of the
project. This should be for both the Capital Expenditure (CAPEX) and Operating Expenditure (OPEX).
ii. 5-Year financial projections with the broad assumptions clearly outlined.
iii. Scenario analysis that will incorporate the effect of movement in key economic variables (interest rates, foreign
exchange rates, etc) and government policies, as applicable.

Document 01- 5/02/09 © PPP Office

9. Consortium/Company structure and Capabilities

9.1 Ownership structure & Shareholding

List of shareholders and related shareholdings.

9.2 Consortium/Company structure

Details of the consortium/organisation proposing the project and teams that would implement the project. This should
include a schematic diagram showing the inter-relationships between consortium members.

9.3 Capabilities Statement

i. Outline the relevant technical and managerial capabilities of the consortium/ organisation, including cognate
project experiences, track records and references as necessary.
ii. Outline the local and foreign partners. Detail the partnership relationships as it relates to the project e.g.
technical partners, subsidiary relationship.
iii. Audited financial statements for 3 years of consortium/company(ies)
iv. Details of available funding and access to credit lines.
v. Provide details of any on-going projects/forthcoming projects with Lagos State If any.

9.4 Documentation to support consortium structure and capabilities

i. MOU or Agreement with technical partners.
ii. Memorandum of Association and Article.
iii. Partnership Agreement as applicable.
iv. Commitment letters from bankers
v. Any other documents deemed appropriate.

10. Programme/ Timelines

Outline the project timelines and phases with the appropriate milestones (if the project is to be implemented in phases). This
could include high level work plans, deliverables and targeted durations/dates of completion, required resources (personnel),
pre and post implementation approach.

11. Appendices
i. All relevant appendices should be clearly listed and attached in order.
ii. Additional information as deemed necessary should be provided herein under the appropriate headings.

Document 01- 5/02/09 © PPP Office

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