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Today is Thursday, July 18, 2019 healing with chemotherapy ("Magiging normal na ang anak nyo basta ma-chemo. 95% ang healing") and wh
asked regarding the side effects, petitioner mentioned only slight vomiting, hair loss and weakness ("Magsusuka
Custom Search kaunti. Malulugas ang buhok. Manghihina"). Respondents thus claimed that they would not have given their cons
to chemotherapy had petitioner not falsely assured them of its side effects.

Constitution Statutes Executive Issuances Judicial Issuances Oth In her answer,8 petitioner denied having been negligent in administering the chemotherapy drugs to Angelica a
asserted that she had fully explained to respondents how the chemotherapy will affect not only the cancer cells
also the patient’s normal body parts, including the lowering of white and red blood cells and platelets. She claim
that what happened to Angelica can be attributed to malignant tumor cells possibly left behind after surgery. Few
Republic of the Philippines they may be, these have the capacity to compete for nutrients such that the body becomes so weak structur
SUPREME COURT (cachexia) and functionally in the form of lower resistance of the body to combat infection. Such infection becom
Manila uncontrollable and triggers a chain of events (sepsis or septicemia) that may lead to bleeding in the form
Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation (DIC), as what the autopsy report showed in the case of Angelica.
Since the medical records of Angelica were not produced in court, the trial and appellate courts had to rely
G.R. No. 165279 June 7, 2011 testimonial evidence, principally the declarations of petitioner and respondents themselves. The follow
chronology of events was gathered:
DR. RUBI LI, Petitioner,
vs. On July 23, 1993, petitioner saw the respondents at the hospital after Angelica’s surgery and discussed with th
SPOUSES REYNALDO and LINA SOLIMAN, as parents/heirs of deceased Angelica Soliman, Respondents. Angelica’s condition. Petitioner told respondents that Angelica should be given two to three weeks to recover fr
the operation before starting chemotherapy. Respondents were apprehensive due to financial constraints
DECISION Reynaldo earns only from ₱70,000.00 to ₱150,000.00 a year from his jewelry and watch repairing busines
Petitioner, however, assured them not to worry about her professional fee and told them to just save up for
VILLARAMA, JR., J.: medicines to be used.
Challenged in this petition for review on certiorari is the Decision1 dated June 15, 2004 as well as the Resolutio Petitioner claimed that she explained to respondents that even when a tumor is removed, there are still small lesio
dated September 1, 2004 of the Court of Appeals (CA) in CA-G.R. CV No. 58013 which modified the Decisio undetectable to the naked eye, and that adjuvant chemotherapy is needed to clean out the small lesions in orde
dated September 5, 1997 of the Regional Trial Court of Legazpi City, Branch 8 in Civil Case No. 8904. lessen the chance of the cancer to recur. She did not give the respondents any assurance that chemotherapy
cure Angelica’s cancer. During these consultations with respondents, she explained the following side effects
The factual antecedents: chemotherapy treatment to respondents: (1) falling hair; (2) nausea and vomiting; (3) loss of appetite; (4) low co
of white blood cells [WBC], red blood cells [RBC] and platelets; (5) possible sterility due to the effects on Angelic
On July 7, 1993, respondents’ 11-year old daughter, Angelica Soliman, underwent a biopsy of the mass located ovary; (6) damage to the heart and kidneys; and (7) darkening of the skin especially when exposed to sunlight. S
her lower extremity at the St. Luke’s Medical Center (SLMC). Results showed that Angelica was suffering fr actually talked with respondents four times, once at the hospital after the surgery, twice at her clinic and the fou
osteosarcoma, osteoblastic type,4 a high-grade (highly malignant) cancer of the bone which usually afflicts teena time when Angelica’s mother called her through long distance.10 This was disputed by respondents who counte
children. Following this diagnosis and as primary intervention, Angelica’s right leg was amputated by Dr. Jai that petitioner gave them assurance that there is 95% chance of healing for Angelica if she undergo
Tamayo in order to remove the tumor. As adjuvant treatment to eliminate any remaining cancer cells, and hen chemotherapy and that the only side effects were nausea, vomiting and hair loss.11 Those were the only side-effe
minimize the chances of recurrence and prevent the disease from spreading to other parts of the patient’s bo
(metastasis), chemotherapy was suggested by Dr. Tamayo. Dr. Tamayo referred Angelica to another doctor of chemotherapy treatment mentioned by petitioner.12
SLMC, herein petitioner Dr. Rubi Li, a medical oncologist.
On July 27, 1993, SLMC discharged Angelica, with instruction from petitioner that she be readmitted after two
On August 18, 1993, Angelica was admitted to SLMC. However, she died on September 1, 1993, just eleven ( three weeks for the chemotherapy.
days after the (intravenous) administration of the first cycle of the chemotherapy regimen. Because SLMC refused
On August 18, 1993, respondents brought Angelica to SLMC for chemotherapy, bringing with them the results of
release a death certificate without full payment of their hospital bill, respondents brought the cadaver of Angelica
laboratory tests requested by petitioner: Angelica’s chest x-ray, ultrasound of the liver, creatinine and complete li
the Philippine National Police (PNP) Crime Laboratory at Camp Crame for post-mortem examination. The Medi
Legal Report issued by said institution indicated the cause of death as "Hypovolemic shock secondary to multi function tests.13 Petitioner proceeded with the chemotherapy by first administering hydration fluids to Angelica.14
organ hemorrhages and Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation."5
The following day, August 19, petitioner began administering three chemotherapy drugs – Cisplatin,15 Doxorubicin
On the other hand, the Certificate of Death6 issued by SLMC stated the cause of death as follows: and Cosmegen17 – intravenously. Petitioner was supposedly assisted by her trainees Dr. Leo Marbella18 and
Grace Arriete.19 In his testimony, Dr. Marbella denied having any participation in administering the s
Immediate cause : a. Osteosarcoma, Status Post AKA chemotherapy drugs.20
Antecedent cause : b. (above knee amputation) On the second day of chemotherapy, August 20, respondents noticed reddish discoloration on Angelica’s face
Underlying cause : c. Status Post Chemotherapy They asked petitioner about it, but she merely quipped, "Wala yan. Epekto ng gamot."22 Petitioner recalled notic
the skin rashes on the nose and cheek area of Angelica. At that moment, she entertained the possibility t
On February 21, 1994, respondents filed a damage suit7 against petitioner, Dr. Leo Marbella, Mr. Jose Ledesma Angelica also had systemic lupus and consulted Dr. Victoria Abesamis on the matter.23
certain Dr. Arriete and SLMC. Respondents charged them with negligence and disregard of Angelica’s safety, hea
and welfare by their careless administration of the chemotherapy drugs, their failure to observe the essen On the third day of chemotherapy, August 21, Angelica had difficulty breathing and was thus provided with oxyg
precautions in detecting early the symptoms of fatal blood platelet decrease and stopping early on inhalation apparatus. This time, the reddish discoloration on Angelica’s face had extended to her neck, but petitio
chemotherapy, which bleeding led to hypovolemic shock that caused Angelica’s untimely demise. Further, it w dismissed it again as merely the effect of medicines.24 Petitioner testified that she did not see any discoloration
specifically averred that petitioner assured the respondents that Angelica would recover in view of 95% chance 1/12 2/12
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Angelica’s face, nor did she notice any difficulty in the child’s breathing. She claimed that Angelica mer fruit but when it was given to her, she only smelled it. At this time, Reynaldo claimed he could not find eit
complained of nausea and was given ice chips.25 1avvphi1
petitioner or Dr. Marbella. That night, Angelica became hysterical and started removing those gadgets attached
her. At three o’clock in the morning of September 1, a priest came and they prayed before Angelica expir
On August 22, 1993, at around ten o’clock in the morning, upon seeing that their child could not anymore bear Petitioner finally came back and supposedly told respondents that there was "malfunction" or bogged-do
pain, respondents pleaded with petitioner to stop the chemotherapy. Petitioner supposedly replied: "Dapat machine.37
Cosmegen pa iyan. Okay, let’s observe. If pwede na, bigyan uli ng chemo." At this point, respondents ask
petitioner’s permission to bring their child home. Later in the evening, Angelica passed black stool and redd By petitioner’s own account, Angelica was merely irritable that day (August 31). Petitioner noted though t
urine.26 Petitioner countered that there was no record of blackening of stools but only an episode of loose bow Angelica’s skin was indeed sloughing off.38 She stressed that at 9:30 in the evening, Angelica pulled out
movement (LBM). Petitioner also testified that what Angelica complained of was carpo-pedal spasm, not convuls endotracheal tube.39 On September 1, exactly two weeks after being admitted at SLMC for chemotherapy, Ange
or epileptic attack, as respondents call it (petitioner described it in the vernacular as "naninigas ang kamay at paa died.40 The cause of death, according to petitioner, was septicemia, or overwhelming infection, which caus
She then requested for a serum calcium determination and stopped the chemotherapy. When Angelica was giv
Angelica’s other organs to fail.41 Petitioner attributed this to the patient’s poor defense mechanism brought about
calcium gluconate, the spasm and numbness subsided.27
the cancer itself.42
The following day, August 23, petitioner yielded to respondents’ request to take Angelica home. But prior
discharging Angelica, petitioner requested for a repeat serum calcium determination and explained to responde While he was seeking the release of Angelica’s cadaver from SLMC, Reynaldo claimed that petitioner ac
that the chemotherapy will be temporarily stopped while she observes Angelica’s muscle twitching and ser arrogantly and called him names. He was asked to sign a promissory note as he did not have cash to pay
calcium level. Take-home medicines were also prescribed for Angelica, with instructions to respondents that hospital bill.43
serum calcium test will have to be repeated after seven days. Petitioner told respondents that she will see Ange
Respondents also presented as witnesses Dr. Jesusa Nieves-Vergara, Medico-Legal Officer of the PNP-Cri
again after two weeks, but respondents can see her anytime if any immediate problem arises.28
Laboratory who conducted the autopsy on Angelica’s cadaver, and Dr. Melinda Vergara Balmaceda who is
However, Angelica remained in confinement because while still in the premises of SLMC, her "convulsions" return Medical Specialist employed at the Department of Health (DOH) Operations and Management Services.
and she also had LBM. Angelica was given oxygen and administration of calcium continued.29 Testifying on the findings stated in her medico-legal report, Dr. Vergara noted the following: (1) there were flu
recovered from the abdominal cavity, which is not normal, and was due to hemorrhagic shock secondary
The next day, August 24, respondents claimed that Angelica still suffered from convulsions. They also noticed t bleeding; (2) there was hemorrhage at the left side of the heart; (3) bleeding at the upper portion of and are
she had a fever and had difficulty breathing.30 Petitioner insisted it was carpo-pedal spasm, not convulsions. S adjacent to, the esophagus; (4) lungs were heavy with bleeding at the back and lower portion, due to accumulat
verified that at around 4:50 that afternoon, Angelica developed difficulty in breathing and had fever. She th of fluids; (4) yellowish discoloration of the liver; (5) kidneys showed appearance of facial shock on account
requested for an electrocardiogram analysis, and infused calcium gluconate on the patient at a "stat dose." S hemorrhages; and (6) reddishness on external surface of the spleen. All these were the end result of "hypovolem
further ordered that Angelica be given Bactrim,31 a synthetic antibacterial combination drug,32 to combat a shock secondary to multiple organ hemorrhages and disseminated intravascular coagulation." Dr. Vergara opin
infection on the child’s body.33 that this can be attributed to the chemical agents in the drugs given to the victim, which caused platelet reduct
resulting to bleeding sufficient to cause the victim’s death. The time lapse for the production of DIC in the case
By August 26, Angelica was bleeding through the mouth. Respondents also saw blood on her anus and urine. Wh Angelica (from the time of diagnosis of sarcoma) was too short, considering the survival rate of about 3 years. T
Lina asked petitioner what was happening to her daughter, petitioner replied, "Bagsak ang platelets ng anak m witness conceded that the victim will also die of osteosarcoma even with amputation or chemotherapy, but in t
Four units of platelet concentrates were then transfused to Angelica. Petitioner prescribed Solucortef. Consider case Angelica’s death was not caused by osteosarcoma. Dr. Vergara admitted that she is not a pathologist but
that Angelica’s fever was high and her white blood cell count was low, petitioner prescribed Leucomax. About fou statements were based on the opinion of an oncologist whom she had interviewed. This oncologist supposedly s
eight bags of blood, consisting of packed red blood cells, fresh whole blood, or platelet concentrate, were transfus that if the victim already had DIC prior to the chemotherapy, the hospital staff could have detected it.44
to Angelica. For two days (August 27 to 28), Angelica continued bleeding, but petitioner claimed it was lesse
amount and in frequency. Petitioner also denied that there were gadgets attached to Angelica at that time.34 On her part, Dr. Balmaceda declared that it is the physician’s duty to inform and explain to the patient or his relativ
every known side effect of the procedure or therapeutic agents to be administered, before securing the consen
On August 29, Angelica developed ulcers in her mouth, which petitioner said were blood clots that should not the patient or his relatives to such procedure or therapy. The physician thus bases his assurance to the patient
removed. Respondents claimed that Angelica passed about half a liter of blood through her anus at around sev his personal assessment of the patient’s condition and his knowledge of the general effects of the agents
o’clock that evening, which petitioner likewise denied. procedure that will be allowed on the patient. Dr. Balmaceda stressed that the patient or relatives must be inform
of all known side effects based on studies and observations, even if such will aggravate the patient’s condition.45
On August 30, Angelica continued bleeding. She was restless as endotracheal and nasogastric tubes were inser
into her weakened body. An aspiration of the nasogastric tube inserted to Angelica also revealed a bloody conte Dr. Jaime Tamayo, the orthopaedic surgeon who operated on Angelica’s lower extremity, testified for
Angelica was given more platelet concentrate and fresh whole blood, which petitioner claimed improved defendants. He explained that in case of malignant tumors, there is no guarantee that the ablation or removal of
condition. Petitioner told Angelica not to remove the endotracheal tube because this may induce further bleeding amputated part will completely cure the cancer. Thus, surgery is not enough. The mortality rate of osteosarcoma
She was also transferred to the intensive care unit to avoid infection. the time of modern chemotherapy and early diagnosis still remains at 80% to 90%. Usually, deaths occur fr
metastasis, or spread of the cancer to other vital organs like the liver, causing systemic complications. The modes
The next day, respondents claimed that Angelica became hysterical, vomited blood and her body turned black. P therapy available are the removal of the primary source of the cancerous growth and then the residual cancer ce
of Angelica’s skin was also noted to be shredding by just rubbing cotton on it. Angelica was so restless she remov or metastasis should be treated with chemotherapy. Dr. Tamayo further explained that patients with osteosarco
those gadgets attached to her, saying "Ayaw ko na"; there were tears in her eyes and she kept turning her he have poor defense mechanism due to the cancer cells in the blood stream. In the case of Angelica, he h
Observing her daughter to be at the point of death, Lina asked for a doctor but the latter could not answer previously explained to her parents that after the surgical procedure, chemotherapy is imperative so that metasta
anymore.36 At this time, the attending physician was Dr. Marbella who was shaking his head saying that Angelic of these cancer cells will hopefully be addressed. He referred the patient to petitioner because he felt that petitio
platelets were down and respondents should pray for their daughter. Reynaldo claimed that he was introduced t is a competent oncologist. Considering that this type of cancer is very aggressive and will metastasize early, it
pediatrician who took over his daughter’s case, Dr. Abesamis who also told him to pray for his daughter. Angel cause the demise of the patient should there be no early intervention (in this case, the patient developed sep
continued to have difficulty in her breathing and blood was being suctioned from her stomach. A nurse was pos which caused her death). Cancer cells in the blood cannot be seen by the naked eye nor detected through bo
inside Angelica’s room to assist her breathing and at one point they had to revive Angelica by pumping her che scan. On cross-examination, Dr. Tamayo stated that of the more than 50 child patients who had osteogenic sarco
Thereafter, Reynaldo claimed that Angelica already experienced difficulty in urinating and her bowel consisted he had handled, he thought that probably all of them died within six months from amputation because he did not s
blood-like fluid. Angelica requested for an electric fan as she was in pain. Hospital staff attempted to take blo them anymore after follow-up; it is either they died or had seen another doctor.46
samples from Angelica but were unsuccessful because they could not even locate her vein. Angelica asked fo 3/12 4/12
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In dismissing the complaint, the trial court held that petitioner was not liable for damages as she observed the b would respond to the treatment. These are obviously dependent on too many known, unknown and immeasura
known procedures and employed her highest skill and knowledge in the administration of chemotherapy drugs variables, thus requiring that Angelica be, as she was, constantly and closely monitored during the treatme
Angelica but despite all efforts said patient died. It cited the testimony of Dr. Tamayo who testified that he conside Petitioner asserts that she did everything within her professional competence to attend to the medical needs
petitioner one of the most proficient in the treatment of cancer and that the patient in this case was afflicted wit Angelica.
very aggressive type of cancer necessitating chemotherapy as adjuvant treatment. Using the standard of negligen
laid down in Picart v. Smith,47 the trial court declared that petitioner has taken the necessary precaution against Citing numerous trainings, distinctions and achievements in her field and her current position as co-director
adverse effect of chemotherapy on the patient, adding that a wrong decision is not by itself negligen clinical affairs of the Medical Oncology, Department of Medicine of SLMC, petitioner contends that in the absence
any clear showing or proof, she cannot be charged with negligence in not informing the respondents all the s
Respondents were ordered to pay their unpaid hospital bill in the amount of ₱139,064.43.48
effects of chemotherapy or in the pre-treatment procedures done on Angelica.
Respondents appealed to the CA which, while concurring with the trial court’s finding that there was no negligen
As to the cause of death, petitioner insists that Angelica did not die of platelet depletion but of sepsis which i
committed by the petitioner in the administration of chemotherapy treatment to Angelica, found that petitioner as
complication of the cancer itself. Sepsis itself leads to bleeding and death. She explains that the response rate
attending physician failed to fully explain to the respondents all the known side effects of chemotherapy. T
chemotherapy of patients with osteosarcoma is high, so much so that survival rate is favorable to the patie
appellate court stressed that since the respondents have been told of only three side effects of chemotherapy, th
Petitioner then points to some probable consequences if Angelica had not undergone chemotherapy. Thus, with
readily consented thereto. Had petitioner made known to respondents those other side effects which grav
chemotherapy, other medicines and supportive treatment, the patient might have died the next day because
affected their child -- such as carpo-pedal spasm, sepsis, decrease in the blood platelet count, bleeding, infectio
massive infection, or the cancer cells might have spread to the brain and brought the patient into a coma, or into
and eventual death -- respondents could have decided differently or adopted a different course of action which co
lungs that the patient could have been hooked to a respirator, or into her kidneys that she would have to unde
have delayed or prevented the early death of their child.
dialysis. Indeed, respondents could have spent as much because of these complications. The patient would ha
The CA thus declared: been deprived of the chance to survive the ailment, of any hope for life and her "quality of life" surely compromis
Since she had not been shown to be at fault, petitioner maintains that the CA erred in holding her liable for
Plaintiffs-appellants’ child was suffering from a malignant disease. The attending physician recommended that s damages suffered by the respondents.50
undergo chemotherapy treatment after surgery in order to increase her chances of survival. Appellants consented
the chemotherapy treatment because they believed in Dr. Rubi Li’s representation that the deceased would hav The issue to be resolved is whether the petitioner can be held liable for failure to fully disclose serious side effects
strong chance of survival after chemotherapy and also because of the representation of appellee Dr. Rubi Li t the parents of the child patient who died while undergoing chemotherapy, despite the absence of finding t
there were only three possible side-effects of the treatment. However, all sorts of painful side-effects resulted fr petitioner was negligent in administering the said treatment.
the treatment including the premature death of Angelica. The appellants were clearly and totally unaware of the
other side-effects which manifested only during the chemotherapy treatment. This was shown by the fact that ev The petition is meritorious.
time a problem would take place regarding Angelica’s condition (like an unexpected side-effect manifesting itse
The type of lawsuit which has been called medical malpractice or, more appropriately, medical negligence, is t
they would immediately seek explanation from Dr. Rubi Li. Surely, those unexpected side-effects culminating in
type of claim which a victim has available to him or her to redress a wrong committed by a medical professio
loss of a love[d] one caused the appellants so much trouble, pain and suffering.
which has caused bodily harm. In order to successfully pursue such a claim, a patient must prove that a health c
On this point therefore, [w]e find defendant-appellee Dr. Rubi Li negligent which would entitle plaintiffs-appellants provider, in most cases a physician, either failed to do something which a reasonably prudent health care provi
their claim for damages. would have done, or that he or she did something that a reasonably prudent provider would not have done; and t
that failure or action caused injury to the patient.51
This Court has recognized that medical negligence cases are best proved by opinions of expert witnesses belong
WHEREFORE, the instant appeal is hereby GRANTED. Accordingly, the assailed decision is hereby modified to in the same general neighborhood and in the same general line of practice as defendant physician or surgeon. T
extent that defendant-appellee Dr. Rubi Li is ordered to pay the plaintiffs-appellants the following amounts: deference of courts to the expert opinion of qualified physicians stems from the former’s realization that the la
possess unusual technical skills which laymen in most instances are incapable of intelligently evaluating, hence
1. Actual damages of P139,064.43, plus P9,828.00 for funeral expenses; indispensability of expert testimonies.52
2. Moral damages of P200,000.00; In this case, both the trial and appellate courts concurred in finding that the alleged negligence of petitioner in
administration of chemotherapy drugs to respondents’ child was not proven considering that Drs. Vergara a
3. Exemplary damages of P50,000.00; Balmaceda, not being oncologists or cancer specialists, were not qualified to give expert opinion as to whet
petitioner’s lack of skill, knowledge and professional competence in failing to observe the standard of care in her l
4. Attorney’s fee of P30,000.00.
of practice was the proximate cause of the patient’s death. Furthermore, respondents’ case was not at all helped
the non-production of medical records by the hospital (only the biopsy result and medical bills were submitted to
SO ORDERED.49 (Emphasis supplied.)
court). Nevertheless, the CA found petitioner liable for her failure to inform the respondents on all possible s
Petitioner filed a motion for partial reconsideration which the appellate court denied. effects of chemotherapy before securing their consent to the said treatment.

Hence, this petition. The doctrine of informed consent within the context of physician-patient relationships goes far back into Eng
common law. As early as 1767, doctors were charged with the tort of "battery" (i.e., an unauthorized physical cont
Petitioner assails the CA in finding her guilty of negligence in not explaining to the respondents all the possible s with a patient) if they had not gained the consent of their patients prior to performing a surgery or procedure. In
effects of the chemotherapy on their child, and in holding her liable for actual, moral and exemplary damages a United States, the seminal case was Schoendorff v. Society of New York Hospital53 which involved unwan
attorney’s fees. Petitioner emphasized that she was not negligent in the pre-chemotherapy procedures and in treatment performed by a doctor. Justice Benjamin Cardozo’s oft-quoted opinion upheld the basic right of a pati
administration of chemotherapy treatment to Angelica. to give consent to any medical procedure or treatment: "Every human being of adult years and sound mind ha
right to determine what shall be done with his own body; and a surgeon who performs an operation without
On her supposed non-disclosure of all possible side effects of chemotherapy, including death, petitioner argues t patient’s consent, commits an assault, for which he is liable in damages."54 From a purely ethical norm, inform
it was foolhardy to imagine her to be all-knowing/omnipotent. While the theoretical side effects of chemothera consent evolved into a general principle of law that a physician has a duty to disclose what a reasonably prud
were explained by her to the respondents, as these should be known to a competent doctor, petitioner can physician in the medical community in the exercise of reasonable care would disclose to his patient as to whate
possibly predict how a particular patient’s genetic make-up, state of mind, general health and body constitut grave risks of injury might be incurred from a proposed course of treatment, so that a patient, exercising ordin 5/12 6/12
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care for his own welfare, and faced with a choice of undergoing the proposed treatment, or alternative treatment As a physician, petitioner can reasonably expect the respondents to have considered the variables in
none at all, may intelligently exercise his judgment by reasonably balancing the probable risks against the proba recommended treatment for their daughter afflicted with a life-threatening illness. On the other hand, it is difficul
benefits.55 give credence to respondents’ claim that petitioner told them of 95% chance of recovery for their daughter, as it w
unlikely for doctors like petitioner who were dealing with grave conditions such as cancer to have falsely assu
Subsequently, in Canterbury v. Spence56 the court observed that the duty to disclose should not be limited patients of chemotherapy’s success rate. Besides, informed consent laws in other countries generally require onl
medical usage as to arrogate the decision on revelation to the physician alone. Thus, respect for the patient’s ri reasonable explanation of potential harms, so specific disclosures such as statistical data, may not be lega
of self-determination on particular therapy demands a standard set by law for physicians rather than one wh necessary.65
physicians may or may not impose upon themselves.57 The scope of disclosure is premised on the fact that patie
ordinarily are persons unlearned in the medical sciences. Proficiency in diagnosis and therapy is not the The element of ethical duty to disclose material risks in the proposed medical treatment cannot thus be reduced
measure of a physician’s responsibility. It is also his duty to warn of the dangers lurking in the proposed treatm one simplistic formula applicable in all instances. Further, in a medical malpractice action based on lack of inform
and to impart information which the patient has every right to expect. Indeed, the patient’s reliance upon consent, "the plaintiff must prove both the duty and the breach of that duty through expert testimony.66 Such exp
physician is a trust of the kind which traditionally has exacted obligations beyond those associated with armslen testimony must show the customary standard of care of physicians in the same practice as that of the defend
transactions.58 The physician is not expected to give the patient a short medical education, the disclosure rule o doctor.67
requires of him a reasonable explanation, which means generally informing the patient in nontechnical terms as
what is at stake; the therapy alternatives open to him, the goals expectably to be achieved, and the risks that m In this case, the testimony of Dr. Balmaceda who is not an oncologist but a Medical Specialist of the DO
Operational and Management Services charged with receiving complaints against hospitals, does not qualify
ensue from particular treatment or no treatment.59 As to the issue of demonstrating what risks are conside
expert testimony to establish the standard of care in obtaining consent for chemotherapy treatment. In the absen
material necessitating disclosure, it was held that experts are unnecessary to a showing of the materiality of a risk
of expert testimony in this regard, the Court feels hesitant in defining the scope of mandatory disclosure in cases
a patient’s decision on treatment, or to the reasonably, expectable effect of risk disclosure on the decision. Su
malpractice based on lack of informed consent, much less set a standard of disclosure that, even in fore
unrevealed risk that should have been made known must further materialize, for otherwise the omission, howe
jurisdictions, has been noted to be an evolving one.
unpardonable, is without legal consequence. And, as in malpractice actions generally, there must be a cau
relationship between the physician’s failure to divulge and damage to the patient.60 As society has grappled with the juxtaposition between personal autonomy and the medical profession's intrin
impetus to cure, the law defining "adequate" disclosure has undergone a dynamic evolution. A standard on
Reiterating the foregoing considerations, Cobbs v. Grant61 deemed it as integral part of physician’s ove guided solely by the ruminations of physicians is now dependent on what a reasonable person in the patie
obligation to patient, the duty of reasonable disclosure of available choices with respect to proposed therapy and position regards as significant. This change in perspective is especially important as medical breakthroughs mo
dangers inherently and potentially involved in each. However, the physician is not obliged to discuss relatively mi practitioners to the cutting edge of technology, ever encountering new and heretofore unimagined treatments
risks inherent in common procedures when it is common knowledge that such risks inherent in procedure of v currently incurable diseases or ailments. An adaptable standard is needed to account for this constant progressi
low incidence. Cited as exceptions to the rule that the patient should not be denied the opportunity to weigh the ris Reasonableness analyses permeate our legal system for the very reason that they are determined by social norm
of surgery or treatment are emergency cases where it is evident he cannot evaluate data, and where the patient i expanding and contracting with the ebb and flow of societal evolution.
child or incompetent.62 The court thus concluded that the patient’s right of self-decision can only be effectiv
exercised if the patient possesses adequate information to enable him in making an intelligent choice. The scope As we progress toward the twenty-first century, we now realize that the legal standard of disclosure is not subjec
the physician’s communications to the patient, then must be measured by the patient’s need, and that need construction as a categorical imperative. Whatever formulae or processes we adopt are only useful as
whatever information is material to the decision. The test therefore for determining whether a potential peril must foundational starting point; the particular quality or quantity of disclosure will remain inextricably bound by the fa
divulged is its materiality to the patient’s decision.63 of each case. Nevertheless, juries that ultimately determine whether a physician properly informed a patient
inevitably guided by what they perceive as the common expectation of the medical consumer—"a reasona
Cobbs v. Grant further reiterated the pronouncement in Canterbury v. Spence that for liability of the physician person in the patient’s position when deciding to accept or reject a recommended medical procedure."68 (Empha
failure to inform patient, there must be causal relationship between physician’s failure to inform and the injury supplied.)
patient and such connection arises only if it is established that, had revelation been made, consent to treatm
would not have been given. WHEREFORE, the petition for review on certiorari is GRANTED. The Decision dated June 15, 2004 and
Resolution dated September 1, 2004 of the Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. CV No. 58013 are SET ASIDE.
There are four essential elements a plaintiff must prove in a malpractice action based upon the doctrine of inform
consent: "(1) the physician had a duty to disclose material risks; (2) he failed to disclose or inadequately disclos The Decision dated September 5, 1997 of the Regional Trial Court of Legazpi City, Branch 8, in Civil Case No. 89
those risks; (3) as a direct and proximate result of the failure to disclose, the patient consented to treatment s is REINSTATED and UPHELD.
otherwise would not have consented to; and (4) plaintiff was injured by the proposed treatment." The gravamen
an informed consent case requires the plaintiff to "point to significant undisclosed information relating to No costs.
treatment which would have altered her decision to undergo it.64 SO ORDERED.
Examining the evidence on record, we hold that there was adequate disclosure of material risks inherent in MARTIN S. VILLARAMA, JR.
chemotherapy procedure performed with the consent of Angelica’s parents. Respondents could not have be Associate Justice
unaware in the course of initial treatment and amputation of Angelica’s lower extremity, that her immune system w
already weak on account of the malignant tumor in her knee. When petitioner informed the respondents beforeha WE CONCUR:
of the side effects of chemotherapy which includes lowered counts of white and red blood cells, decrease in blo
platelets, possible kidney or heart damage and skin darkening, there is reasonable expectation on the part of RENATO C. CORONA
doctor that the respondents understood very well that the severity of these side effects will not be the same for Chief Justice
patients undergoing the procedure. In other words, by the nature of the disease itself, each patient’s reaction to
chemical agents even with pre-treatment laboratory tests cannot be precisely determined by the physician. T
death can possibly result from complications of the treatment or the underlying cancer itself, immediately ANTONIO T. CARPIO CONCHITA CARPIO MORALES
sometime after the administration of chemotherapy drugs, is a risk that cannot be ruled out, as with most ot Associate Justice Associate Justice
major medical procedures, but such conclusion can be reasonably drawn from the general side effects
chemotherapy already disclosed. PRESBITERO J. VELASCO, JR. ANTONIO EDUARDO B. NACHURA 7/12 8/12

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