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First Periodic Test

S. Y. 2015-2016

Name:_____________________________________Yr & Sec. __________ Score:_______

I Read the poem and answer the questions that follow. Write only the
letter of your answer in your answer sheet.

El Train

1 Riding on the “El train” is lots of fun.

2 It goes up above the streets
3 And way down underground
4 It sure does make a lot of noise
5 It throws electric sparks
6 People push and crowd all in
7 It says “Screeeeeeeeeeeeech”
8 When it stops.

1. What line says what the poem is about?

a. Line 1 b. line 2 c. Line 3 d. line 4
2. Which two lines describe how the train moves?
a. 1 & 2 b. 2 & 3 c. 3 & 4 d. 4 & 5
3. How many quatrain is formed in the poem?
a. 2 b. 3 c. 4 d. 5
4. What rhyme scheme is obvious in the poem?
a. A-D rhyme b. AB- CD rhyme c. AC- BD rhyme d. Free Verse
5. The speaker in the poem is possibly a /an a. passerby b. old man
c. a tired worker d. a curious young boy
6. Pick out only one compound word in the poem.
a. electric e. riding c. streets d. underground.
7.What echoic word do you find in the poem?
a. goes up b. goes down c. screech d. sparks
8. Line 4 appeals to the sense of ____________.
a. Touch b. hearing c. sight d. taste
9. The poem uses ___________________
a. metaphor b. simile c. onomatopoeia d.
10. To what carnival ride would you compare “El train”?
a. Carousel b. roller coaster c. bump cars d. fairy’s wheel
11. “Throws” in line 5 means ___________
a. Produces b. gives c. vomits d. pour
12.El train is powered by a. gasoline b. batteries c. electricity d. water

II. Multiple Choices: Read each statement and choose the word that
best completes it. Write only the letter of your answer.
13. It represents human experience in various forms in an interrelated
series. a. essay b. literature c. prose b. short story
14. Records of words which make up the language.
a. almanac b. alphabet c. dictionary d. encyclopedia
15. Words having nearly the same meaning .
a. antonyms b. homonyms c. definition d. synonym
16. Words that are opposite in meaning are
a. antonyms b. homonyms c. definition d. synonyms
17. The art of literature of play is
a. drama b. legend c. parable d. poetry
18. A type of literature written in ordinary form of language in non-
metrical rhythm is.
a. fiction b. non- fiction c. poetry d. prose
19. It is an imaginative recreation and reconstruction of life.
a. fiction b. literature c. non- fiction d. poetry
20. A person or inanimate who appears in a work of fiction is called
a. character b. persona c. plot d. setting
21. A short tale that contains a moral whose characters are often animal
having human attribute is.
a. fable b. folktale c. legend d. parable
22. A short fictional narrative that can be read in one sitting is
a. legend b. novel c. novelette d. short story
23. A short tale that use people to illustrate man’s relation with God.
a. fable b. fairy tale c. legend d. parable
24. A tale made up of long ago which tells the origin of nature is
A. epic b. fairy tale c. legend d. parable
25. A record of day- to- day account of a person’s experiences and
a. biography b. diary c. fantastic story d. fairy tale
26. A book that tells about a person’s life is
a. autobiography b. biography c. diary d. letter
27. The angles from which the author tells the story is called
a. climax b. denouement c. introduction d. point of view
28. “Biag Ni Lam Ang is an example of
a. drama b. epic c. fairy tale d. myth
29. Narrative poetry is a story telling poetry, while _______ play in poetry.
a. ballad b. dramatic c. lyric d.ode
30. It includes the organization of its structure and its language.
a. content b. form c. language d. style
31. It means the enduring quality of a literary piece. It is
contemporaneous, the time it was written to the time it would be ended
by future generations.
a. nobility of thoughts b. timelessness c. universality d. versatility
32. It is structured in terms of plot. It is witnessed therefore; its
structural base is event, the building block of the plot.
a. essay b. drama c. poetry d. verse
33. __________________ is often defined as putting into your own words
text that are originally from the author.
a. gist b. kernel sentence c. paraphrasing d. summarizing
Choose the right word that best completes the sentence. . Write
only the correct answer in your answer sheet.
34. Lara made ________ a white dress for the party.
a. Herself b. himself c. itself d. themselves
35.Rudismo promised ______ a reward for working so hard.
a. Hisself b. himself c. itself d. themselves
36.The queen _______ is coming to launch the festival.
a. Herself b. myself c. ourselves d. themselves
IV. Write the Sentence Pattern of the following; A. S-LV-C B. S-IV C.
S-TV-DO. Write only the letter of your answer.
37. My waterloo is geometry.
38.They corrected my mistakes.
39.The queen of the evening is Linda.
40.People need one another to be able to live.
41.The dam produced electricity for the whole valley.
42. Mrs. Vista grimaced upon seeing the untidy hall.
V. Directions: Study the letter then fill in the blanks with
information needed based on the Letter of Inquiry Write your
answer in your answer sheet.:

October 15, 2007

Catherine T. Noche
13103 Broadbay Lane
Pearland, Texas 77584

Ronald F. Noble
3006 Tipton Way
Abingolon, Maryland 2212009

To Whom It May Concern:

With reference to your advertisement in yesterday‘s Houston Chronicle,
could you please send me a copy of your latest catalogue. I would like also to
know if it is possible to make purchases online.

Yours faithfully,
John B. Reveria

43. Salutation: _______________________________

44. Signature: _______________________________
Inside address:
47. _________________________
48. Date the letter was made: ____________________
49. Purpose of the sender: ______________________
Style of the Letter: Block Style
50. Sender of the Letter: ________________________

Prepared by: Checked & Approved:


Teacher III Head Teacher III
First Periodic Test
S. Y. 2015- 2016

Name:_____________________________________Yr & Sec. __________ Score:_______

Part I. Special Terms.

Directions: Match each term in Column B with the most appropriate
description in Column A.

Column A Column B

_____1. Mood a. stories about gods and goddesses passed from

_____2. Tone one generation to another
_____3. Opinion b. the manner in which information is passed from
_____4. Argument one generation to another in the absence of
_____5. Oral Tradition writing
_____6. Myth c. feeling created in a reader by literary work
_____7. Theme d. a core idea or focus of a written work
e. refers to the attitude of the writer towards his
f. central idea of a work of literature
g. contains the body evidence used to support a
point of view

h. type of derivative work, a transfer of written

work, in whole or in part, to a feature film

Part II. Reading and Literature: for Items 8 to 13

Directions: Read each of the following short passages carefully and
copy the letter of the word or phrase that best complete each
numbered item.

Exploring the Sea of Goodness

1. Do you believe that a sea of goodness is possible in this

world?2. I always believe it is possible. 3. Doing something
good, no matter what the consequences will always make me
contented and secure.
42. There are a lot of ways I can do such, especially in doing
something “good” for others. 5. The steps are easy but
zealousness, humility and consistency are the subtle ways. Here
are the simple ones.
6.The first one is I imagine that I am in the place of the other
person I’ll do good to. 7. Next, I’ll imagine how she’ll feel and
react. 8. That way, I’ll think doing good to significant others will
make me at least a better person. 0. That will make me be
greatful that I have done something good. 10. With this simple
but notable ways I can prove to myself, to others and to God
that I can explore the sea of goodness in this ever changing
world. 11. How about you, you can explore it also? 12. I bet you

8. The main point of the article is best expressed in sentence no. ___________
a. 3 b. 4 c. 10 d. 12
9. Exploring the sea of goodness, means you are practicing ______________.
a. Conscientiousness b. humility c. righteousness d. sympathy
10. The world subtle in sentence 5 means ______________.
a. Clear b. practical c. refined d. strained
11. The kind of evidence used by the writer to support her stand is through
a. Anecdotes b. examples c. statistics d. video
12. The generalization of statement about life or human experience the passage
make is to _______. A. bring out the vest in you c. struggle against the odds
b. stand up for one’s belief d. take strength to bear up
the odds
for nos. 13 to 17
1.) The best way to overcome a disability is to face it head- on and not
to let it prevent you from achieving great things. 2.) This is the
lesson I draw from the lives of two people whom I admire- the
musician Stevie Wonder and the track- and filed star Jackie –
Joyner- Kersee. 3.) I respect them for their courage and strength in
overcoming obstacles. 4.) Both are African American with
disabilities who defied obstacles in order to be successful in their
fields. 5.) They taught me never to give up no matter how
intimidating the obstacles I face in life.

From: Overcome an Obstacle to succeed

by: Eddie Harris

13. The word fought is a/ an ___________ of the word “defied” in sentence no. 4.
a. connotation b. denotation c. opposite d. symbol
14. This passage would most probably interest a/ an ___________.
a. adolescent b. adult c. child d. old man
15. To support his claim, the writer uses ____________.
a. facts b. opinion c. reason d. both a and b
16. An effective persuasive technique used by the author to emphasize his point
is through appealing to _____________. A. emotion c. reason
b. moral d. both a & b.
17. The passage is most probably a part of a/ an _____________.
a. anecdote b. autobiography c. letter d. persuasive essay

For Nos. 18 to 20

“When the world looks hopeless,

And life is not fair,
Throw back your shoulders
And do not despair
18. The expression, to throw back your shoulders means _________________.
a. exercise your shoulders c. ignore your problems
b. forget your responsibilities d. show your feelings
19. The passage appeals more to the sense of __________________.
a. feeling b. sight c. sound d. taste
20. Most probably, the writer’s purpose in this passage is to _____________.
a. express a feeling b. give an advice c. reveal the truth d. win other’s approval

For items 20 to 24

If you have endured a great despair,

Then you did it alone
Getting a transfusion from a fire,
Picking the scabs off your heart
Then wringing it out like a sock.
- From Courage by: Ann Sexton
21. The feeling that the writer intends us to have toward life is______________.
a. contentment b. courage c. fear d. hopelessness
22. The word in the poem that gives hint to the mood it evokes is ____________.
a. aspired b. sail c. sink d. succeed
23. The figures of speech used in the poem is ____________.
a. alliteration b. metaphor c. personification d. simile
24. The last two lines of the poem express _____________.
a. arrogance b. courage c. optimism d. warning
Logical organization:
Arrange the following sentence to form a coherent paragraph.
______25. A Let’s us help from the other students to repair the existing damage.
______26. B. Encourage all to maintain cleanliness and beauty of our surroundings.
______27. C. We can restore the beauty of this wall.
______28. D. First’ let’s raise fund for the repair.
From the stories Daedalus and Icarus, The Gorgon’s Head, Orpheus and
Read each statement. Determine if it says right, or not. Write only A if it is
Right , B if it is not.
______29. Daedalus is a famous architect and inventor.
______30. Daedalus created King Minos a maze so complex that nobody could
escape it.
______31. To keep Daedalus from revealing the secrets of the maze, Minos
imprisoned him and his son, Icarus.
______32. Icarus flew too close to the sun.
______33. Icarus drowned in the sea.
______34. King Minos wanted to kill the minotaur.
______35. Icarus design his own wings.
______36. The wings were made of chicken feathers.
______37. A Gorgon is a monster
______38.Perseus is a hero.
______39. Perseus could be successful in killing Medusa without the help of the
______40. None may look upon the Gorgon and live. The sight of them turns men
into stone.
______41. Andromeda was killed by a monster.
______42.Orpheus was great painter.
______43.Cerbecus is a fierce three- headed dog who guarded the gates of Hades
______44.Orpheus and Eurydice succeed in their way out to the underworld and
continued their love on earth.
______45.Arachne was a famous maiden in Greece because of her skill at weaving.

Essay Writing: (5 pts.)

Write a paragraph, at least 5 sentences, convincing the public/ consumer to buy

your product (ex. Latest gadget).

Prepared by: Checked & Approved:


Teacher III Head Teacher III
Second Periodic Test
S. Y. 2015- 2016

Name:_____________________________________Yr & Sec. __________ Score:_______

Part I. World Epic/ Other Literature:

Directions: Choose from the pool of words what is being referred to in each
statements. Write only the letter of your choice in the corresponding number.
a. Illiad f. Lord Randall
b. Aenid g. The Decameron
c. Beowulf h. Nebelungenlied
d. Odyssey i. The Song of Roland
e. Gilgamesh j. The Devine Comedy
k. The Cunterburg Tales

_____ 1. It consists of 39 parts called adventure. It tells the story of Siegried and
how he helps King Gunther win his pride.
_____ 2. An story depicted the struggle of Christian Knights of France under
Charlemaigne against the moor or Mahammed Ale.
_____ 3. Two families are claiming the kingdom. Includes the play “Shakuntala”.
_____ 4. Consist of 29 books covering the last 49 days of the tenth year of The
Trojan War.
_____ 5. Also by Homer. Consists of 24 books represented by the ten- year struggle
of Odyssius to reach and save his own kingdom Ithaca after the fall of Troy.
_____ 6. The story tells of how Aeneas is able to found the City of Rome.
_____ 7. A 24- day tablets written in cuneiform writing, the search for morality.
_____ 8. The oldest epic in England about the heroic deeds of Beowulf who helps
save the kingdom of Heorot.
_____ 9. The epic with three parts, Inferno, Purgatorio, and Paradiso. The great
purpose in the epic is the salvation of the soul.
_____ 10. It is a collection of tales told by ten young people escaping the Black
Death from the City of Florence.

Part I- B. Read carefully each item and follow directions as indicated. Write the
letter of the most appropriate answer on your answer sheet.
11-12. Identify which statements are the best examples of unsupported
generalization and exaggeration.
a. The sun rises in the East and sets in the West.
b. Differences in principles foretell a chaotic relationship.
c. A family is an entity in which no one should be left behind.
d. She cried a bucketful of tears when her pet dog passed away.
13-14. What are the two sides in the Oxford- Oregon debate?
a. Affirmative b. Proposition c. Negative c. Rebuttal
15- 16. The two aims of a debate program are ___________________________.
a. To enhance students’ writing skills
b. To enhance students’ locational skills.
c. To enhance the students’ intellectual skills.
d. To enhance students’ social and communicative skills.
17. This type of speech persuades others through logical reasoning and analysis.
a. Roast Speech c. Argumentative Speech
b. Impromptu Speech d. Extemporaneous Speech
18. An element of news which tells that value of news depreciates distance .
a. Consequence b. Emotion c.Immediacy d. Proximity
19.It is a technique used in narration to present events in the order in which they
occur. A. Chronology b. Flashback c. Juxtaposition d.
20. An elements of drama which is a series of situations were characters move and
tell a definite story.
a. Character b. Dialogue c. Plot d. Setting
21. What early form of drama producing a dramatic episode by means of
movement of the body gestures and facial expression and voice of the participants
were never heard. A. Pantomime b. Puppets c. Shadow d. Stunt
22. Illiad and Odyssey is an epic of _____________.
a. Greek b. Indian c. Persian d. Roman
23. A short narrative poem which could be sung is
a. Ballad b. Ellegy c. Epic d. Sonnet
25. It refers to a composition intended to portray life or character or tell a story
usually involving conflicts and emotions through actions and dialogue.
a. Creative Fictionb.Dramatic monologue c. Prose Drama d. Prose fiction
26. It is an original brief dramatic production which is purely for pleasure.
a. Picture posing b. Puppets c. Reading Chorous c. Stunt
27. An early form of drama, dramatizing by means of using inanimate actors
which the group has created in different form. (Choices on Item #26.)
28. It employs suspense, crime, investigation, and logical thinking.
a. Creative non- fiction c. Humorous stories
b. Detective stories d. Science fiction
29. This is a story which tells of the deeds of the great “Lord”
a. The Devine Comedy b. The El Cid c. The Odessey d. The Shanamah
30. It is a type of novel which setting a period of history and that attempts to
convey the spirit, manners and social conditions of a past age with realistic detail
and fidelity to historical facts.
a. Historical Novel b. Gothic Novel c.Novel of History c.Roman a Clef
31. Which of the following group id a prose fiction?
a. Flash Fiction, Novels, Short Stories c. Epic,Novels, Science Fiction
b. Epic, Flash fiction, Lyric, d. Flash fiction, Short Stories, Roman Clef
32. The genre of dramatic literature that deals with light or amusing with the
serious and profound in a light, familiar, or satirical manner.
a. Allegory b.Bildungsroman c. Comedy d. Farce
Part I-C. Read the gist of the story, “The Diamond Necklace” and complete the
diagram that follows Write only the letter of your answer.

a. The Necklace
b. By:Guy De Maupassant

c. The couple recived an invitation for a ball.

d. Madam Loisel has nothing and she wanted to be the most beautiful woman
in a ball.
e. They borrowed a diamond necklace to their fried, Madam Forestier.
f. Madam Loisel had a good time in the party.
g. When they home, she realized that the diamond necklace was lost.
h. They had to work hard to pay the replacement exactly the same of the
diamond necklace they borrowed.
i. But in the end, after many years of sacrifices because of the repayments,
Madam Forestier told her that the Necklace was only a “fake”

33. Title of the story:_______________

34- 35. Characters__________________
36. Opening: _______________________
37. Problem: _______________________
38. Dramatic tension: ______________
39. Surprise and twist: _____________
Part II. for Items No. 40-50. Arrange the following steps for a dramatic
a. Editing the play
b. Dramatizing
c. Planning the action of the play
d. Tapping characters
e. Preparing the script of the play
f. Setting the stage
g. Evaluating the drama
h. Creating committee
i. Selecting and learning the story
j. Final dramatization
Prepared by: Checked & Approved:


Teacher III Head Teacher III

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