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04/26/15--08:13: The Greatest 0 0

Search Visual Triangle in TTTTA or Finding
Pythagoras and Fibonacci, again
Report adult content:

WD Gann proves the meaning of the words he writes in "The Tunnel Thru the
Air" with math and geometry (see HERE for a simple example of 'proof by
click to rate
math') often created by acrostic and telestic encoded words. Ambiguous
words, subjective language; inadequate to convey clear meaning. The two
Account: (login)
most meaningful such proofs, to me, are the Visual Triangle of which this post
is concerned and the Conceptual Triangle of Robert Gordon's 7 days
described in many other posts of that wording.

More Channels Here is what I characterize as the Greatest Visual Triangle (GVT) found on
pages 68 through 71 of TTTTA:


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(showing articles 21 to 40 of

04/26/15--08:13: _The Greatest


04/30/15--12:51: _The Greatest


05/24/15--08:08: _1776, 2001 and

05/30/15--08:33: _Reading notes

06/03/15--03:31: _123 Fenimore

06/18/15--10:23: _Road trip

06/21/15--15:48: _Day trip 2 of ?

1 of 48 03-06-2019, 13:02
Market Time and Price Townhall

06/25/15--13:24: _Road trip 3 of 4 -

Now the background. That triangle begins on page 68
07/04/15--08:49: _Road trip 4 of 4 -
with point A and having a center point on line 2693 of
... the book:
07/05/15--07:02: _GMT: The

07/06/15--10:07: _GMT:
Contemplating ...

07/13/15--17:42: _Confirming

aspects ...
07/15/15--04:45: _GMT/GGG: Why
1932 ...

07/15/15--07:23: _GMT: The circle,

07/18/15--06:09: _GGG: WD Gann's

Grav... The acrostic word "Tao" defines point A in the GVT and is
07/18/15--08:32: _WD Gann's 6th
defined by the first letter of the lines 2692, 2693 and
2694, line 2693, the center point for measurement
purposes. "Tao" had long intrigued me until I used an
07/19/15--15:51: _GGG: 3 right alternate meaning, 'path,' and connected it with two
triang... other words found on pages 69 and 71.
07/21/15--13:13: _Discern the
On page 71 and having a center point on line 2853 of the
book I found the word "WAR" in all caps:
07/29/15--17:46: _15^2, 144 and 82;

07/30/15--05:15: _GGG: Road trip 2

- ...
(showing articles 21 to 40 of

I will call that point C of the GVT.

I now have Point A, "Path" and Point C, "WAR" and I just

knew there had to be an acrostic or telestic word in
between…somewhere….that spelled "to." So, on a hunch,
I took the difference in center points. There are 160
lines between the center points of A and C so I'd have to
find "to" on about line (2693 + 160 X .5=) 2753….and,
yes, that is what I found:

2 of 48 03-06-2019, 13:02
Market Time and Price Townhall

I will say the black line that bisects the acrostic word "to"
defines points B on the right and D on the left. So now
we have points A, B and C of a perfect isosceles triangle
(the red triangle) and the comprising right triangles of
ADB and CDB formed by the black line DB. Take a
moment to reflect on the first illustration of the complete
triangle above.

Now let's do some Pythagorean math, especially

considering a subtext of this post is Pythagoras of
Samos. Count the letters on the two lines comprising the
acrostic word "to," specifically, lines 2772 and 2773.
Including spaces between words, two spaces between
sentences and one space for the period on line 2773 both
of those lines count 60:

You may begin to see where I am going. There are 160

vertical spaces to the isosceles triangle between points A
and C so there are 80 vertical spaces between A and D.
The comprising right triangles have, therefore, legs of

3 of 48 03-06-2019, 13:02
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60 and 80. For a person that understands the

Pythagoras' 3-4-5 triangle, you have 60, 80,
100….proportions of the triangle comprised of the
Pythagorean arithmetic progression:

Obviously, Mr. Gann designed a PERFECT Pythagorean

3-4-5 triangle (aka 'arithmetic progression triangle')
spanning pages 68 to 71. You can't 'see' it unless you do
the math.

I feel sure there is a Kepler or geometric progression

right triangle in TTTTA as well but have not pursued it as
yet. Hmmm, a Kepler triangle would have sides of 1,
sqrt(Phi) and Phi. Phi, Fibonacci aka Leonardo de Pisa.

We now know the sides of the isosceles triangle because

we solved the component right triangles. The isosceles
triangle is AC=160, AB=100 and BC=100. No, it's not a
Kepler right triangle, but Mr. de Pisa is in the midst of it.
After all, 160 is one of the earliest iterations of Phi in the
Fibonacci sequence; it is 8 divided by 5. And two sides
of 100. In math it spells "Fibonacci" to me. But maybe
I'm stretching it. Or might I find Mr. de Pisa in an
acrostic or telestic word? Yes I did…you'll find Mr. de Pisa
highlighted in blue in the insert above "WAR"….if you'd
been attentive:

There is so much in these four pages; there's the Jonas

triangle (see HERE) defined by the four instances of the
word, Jonas, the math of 3 days and 3 nights (3+3 and
3*3), the sixth prophecy of the 911 tragedy dependent
on 69 of that page 69…. Too much to cover in this,
already too long, post.

4 of 48 03-06-2019, 13:02
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It is entirely fitting that Mr. Gann crowned those

meaningful pages with one of the two most important
triangles, in my estimation, to be found in TTTTA. It
might be further meaningful for one to dwell on the plain
wording of those four pages given the effort and, one
would think, the commensurate emphasis that Mr. Gann
placed on those pages.

Can there be any doubt of the encoding of this triangle,

of the intent of the author?

Jim Ross

04/30/15--12:51: The Greatest 0 0

Conceptual Triangles in TTTTA or
Robert Gordon's Earth Cube

From the 2nd page of the Foreword to WD Gann's "The

Tunnel Thru the Air" - I call this "Robert Gordon's 7 days
challenge." Invert the above equivalence; If one solves
the mystery of RG's 7 days, then one will understand
why Jesus rose on the third day and rested on the
seventh [didn't God rest the seventh day, a meaningful
nuance perhaps] and man's last great enemy, Death, will
be overcome. Quite a challenge for Robert Gordon.

Background; the inscrutable and intentionally

misnumbered Chapter 39. The hero of WD Gann's
TTTTA, Robert Gordon, circumnavigates the earth in less
than a week (6 days and 5 hours according to a person
sitting on a park bench in NYC watching him depart and
return, but 5 days and 5 hours according to the number
of sunrises RG would have seen) after the final battle of
the Great War and destroys buildings of the great cities
of the enemies of the US. Including both end points
(NYC departure and NYC return), there were 22 stops
along the circumnavigation route as RG stopped,
destroyed buildings of enemies or conveyed appreciation
among allies. When one analyzes the "crow flies"
distance of his trip and then parse it into East/West miles
and North/South miles, you end up constructing 1) an

5 of 48 03-06-2019, 13:02
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isosceles triangle if measured at the latitude of NYC and

2) a right triangle if measured relative to the equator.
RG's 7 days is, on the surface, a study in Euclidian
geometry measured according to Cartesian coordinates
(a "system of DesCartean coordinates). The math is so
perfect as to defy one who might deny Mr.
Gann's conscious contrivance. Following is the math I
developed in posts beginning several months ago:

Robert Gordon's 7 day trip covered 33,543 (columns 'c',

red cell) miles as the 'crow flies' computed using both the
Haversine formula for spherical distance and according to
the many distance calculators available on the Internet.
Parsed by absolute direction and absolute miles, he
traveled 18,213 miles East/West and 18,495 North/South
(see the two green cells), again computed both by
Haversine and Internet calculators. With the E/W
distance so closely corresponding the N/S distance, we
have an approximate 18/18/33 conceptual isosceles
triangle….or a coincidence so saith the denier. [One
might note the distance around the earth at the latitude
of NYC is 18,842 according to the Haversine formula.]

Let's eliminate coincidence. RG's trip began and ended

at NYC (NYSE latitude 40.7069) so all of the N/S calcs
above were from latitude 40.7069. Thinking as an
Einsteinian relativist would (I think), time and space are
different at the equator relative to the 40th parallel. As
the earth turns, a person standing on the floor of the
NYSE is traveling at a speed of 785 MPH (18,842 miles /
24 hours) relative to a person standing exactly on the
equator who is traveling at a speed of 1,037 MPH (24901
miles / 24 hours). Obviously, the person at the equator
travels farther in 24 hours than the person at the 40th
parallel. There's a nuance there, I'm sure. We know
what happens when distances are computed at the both
parallel, so what happens if distance is measured at the
equator. So let's measure RG's N/S mileage relative to
the equator and we find it to be 47,117 miles (bottom of
column "Miles to Equator" in the above table). Not, in
itself, meaningful.

6 of 48 03-06-2019, 13:02
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Contrivance. On pages 400 and 401 found in the

inscrutable chapter, Mr. Gann gives us the numbers 100
and 60 which produce a ratio of 1.666. Nice number in
its own right. But just for fun, use 1.666 to reduce the
Equatorial distance of 47,117 to 28,271 miles….no
reason, just trying to find a use for those extraneous
numbers Mr. Gann gives us. Now we have E/W mileage
of 18,213 and N/S mileage of 28,271. Since E/W and
N/S are perpendicular relations, we have two sides of a
right triangle and the Pythagorean hypotenuse is
33,630. Recall the very first figure in RG's 7 days was
his 'crow flies' miles of 33,543. Mr. Gann contrived RG's
7 days to provide a Euclidian (3 dimension) and
Pythagorean right triangle.

Mr. Gann spent a LOT of time picking the cities he picked

for RG's travels to create an isosceles triangle AND a
right triangle that culminated at the end of RG's trip. I
cannot imagine running the numbers to do this without
an Internet web site or a calculator with advanced
functions to calculate the Haversine formula. That's what
he faced in writing TTTTA. There must be an important
lesson in RG's 7 days as promised by the Foreword.

You are now up to speed on what I had discovered many

weeks/months/days ago. But then I discovered
something more about two days ago and realized this
morning that it infers the cubic structure I've been
looking for. The isosceles and right triangles are in
planar geometry….X, Y and Z. But, if we dig deeper, the
sheer numbers may infer more than planar geometry.
Perhaps X, Y, Z and T?

We are dealing with a sphere and time according to the

rotation of that sphere. And we are dealing with two
triangles in planar geometry…angles as opposed to
curves. Of course, spherical trig distances by the Great
Circle method are determined by bisecting the globe with
a plane. But that's still the sphere and the plane. I'm
looking for the sphere and cube. I know the sphere is
the earth but where did Mr. Gann bury the cube in RG's 7
days? I expect he did, somewhere.

Let's do some math on the isosceles triangle. Make it a

perfect isosceles by averaging the 18,213 and 18495 to
gives you and average side length of 18,354. Like any
isosceles triangle, when you bisect the angle between the
equal sides, that bisector intersects the opposite line at
90 degrees and you have the right triangle…perfectly one
half of the isosceles triangle. On either side of our new
right triangle we have 18,354 and 9177 (half of 18,354).
And we use Pythagorus to calculate the hypotenuse at

7 of 48 03-06-2019, 13:02
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To recap above, the computed hypotenuse of 20,520

divided by the smallest side of 9,127 is 2.23607 which
happens to be the the diagonal of a 2X1
rectangle. If you square 2.23607 you get 5.0000 to as
many decimals as you want to expand your Excel
spreadsheet. [If you use the pre averagee numbers of
9106 and 18213, you get 5.0004398.] This isn't a
coincidence, IMO, any more than was the isosceles and
right triangles. It is contrived.

I realized the implication of the 2.236 this morning, April

30. I am not sure where this is going because a
rectangle is twice the cube I was expecting to find.
Relative to a sphere that has a circumference of 18,213
or even the circumference at the Earth's center of 24901,
this rectangle would seem to be far larger.

On the other hand, RG's Great Conceptual Triangle infers

an angular geometric solid. Four equal sized rectangles
stacked contiguously and aligned, after all, gives you the
4X4 cube and far bigger than a sphere with an 18,354
diameter. Still, its an intriguing thread. There's an
answer, and when I find it, I'll call it Robert Gordon's
"Earth Cube."

With, then, the East/West sphere of the earth calculating

time and the square of the North/South cube inferring
space (matter, price, etc.), perhaps we have the four
dimensional calculator we need to determine time and

Hmmm, and does not all this involve the square, the
circle and the triangle, the logo of Lambert-Gann? The
sphere and the cube? Where's the Einstein Essay
Contest Editor when you need him? But that's another
essay thread.


05/24/15--08:08: 1776, 2001 and 0 0

W.D. Gann's grave

Just a note I found interesting. In researching the grave of William Delbert

Ann, which, as many know, is located in the historic Green-Wood Cemetery in
Brooklyn, I found that a portion of the Cemetery was the site of the first battle
of the American Revolution fought after the its Declaration of Independence
on July 4, 1776:
8 of 48 03-06-2019, 13:02
Market Time and Price Townhall

In The Tunnel Thru the Air, Mr. Gann chooses August 30, 1932 as the
fictional date where the hero, Robert Gordon, convenes the 'Peace
Conference of the World' and declares the creation of the 'United Kingdom of
the World.'

On August 27, 1776 New York was, arguably, the site of the first battle of a
war resulting in the separation of the American Colony from its parent
(Britain). In contrast, on August 30, 1932, New York was the site of the
completion of a war and the consolidation of all countries of the world to form
a new country.

A war begins and a country is dissolved. A war ends and a country is

created. Contrived and fictional, of course. Perhaps a theme of opposites
similar to that found in the 6th Prophecy (see that series of essays)? Again,
cycle beginnings and endings as opposites?

Now perhaps the truth is stranger than fiction. It might be noted that the
Battle of Brooklyn began with General William Howe's landing British forces
on Long Island on August 22, 1776 and ended with the British having
captured the New York City on September 15, 1776 (see HERE).
If you calculate the time between September 15, 1776 and the attack on
New York's Twin Towers, you find that it is 82177 days or 224.99 years. If
you use the midpoint of the 24-day Battle or Tuesday September 3, 1776
then it would be 82,187 days or 225.02 years to the day the Towers were
destroyed…Tuesday September 11, 2001. [Correction made May 25]

Perhaps two cycles in the history of the United States each began on
September 3, 1776 and September 11, 2001?

Have an enjoyable, safe and reverent Memorial Day.


05/30/15--08:33: Reading notes 0 0


WD Gann's grave

He was buried in the Mason's section of Green-Wood Cemetery in Brooklyn

in plot 37747. If you check on a list of prime numbers, you find that 37747 is
the 3995th prime number if you assume 1 is not a prime number or the
3996th if you assume 1 is prime. You can easily compute there's about 12%
chance of a his securing a plot having a prime number as its denomination.
But the numbers comprising that number; if you add the 3 and 4 you have 4

But let's not stop there by any means. Let's take 3X7X7X4X7=4116. And
then let's take the four sevens or 7X7X7X7=2401. And 4116 / 2401
= 1.714286. Do you remember the essay on the Philosopher stone numbers
of John Dee and WD Gann of 252 and 432, respectively. 432 / 252
= 1.714286. And we know that the Biblical 12 and 7 divided equal 1.714286.

Oh, did I forget to mention, 1.714286 is the Egyptian royal cubit.

9 of 48 03-06-2019, 13:02
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Contrivance or coincidence?

Long ago on this Gann journey of mine, I gave up believing in coincidence.

Perhaps you might want to re read the essay "Did WD Gann predict the date
of his death."

Confirmation of Einstein prediction

You may recall that previous essays provided, in the writer's opinion, a
preponderance of evidence that Luo Clement was actually a ghost name of
WD Gann. You may further recall that essays tied Luo Clement to the
"Einstein Essay Editor" who, in 1920-21 published about 5 essays in
Scientific American concurrent with his judging the "Einstein Essay Contest,"
a contest whose benefactor was Eugene Higgins (relation to Frank Higgins,
doubtful but inconclusive). One of the Einstein Editor's choices of reading
regarding "Relativity" was Sir Arthur Stanley Eddington's (Cambridge)
celebrated "Space Time and Gravitation" Sir Arthur Stanley Eddington
(Cambridge). [As a side, the Einstein Editor commented on the prominent
omission of either a hypen or comma between the Space Time in the title as
perhaps having meaning one might ponder.]

On May 29, 1919, Sir Arthur Eddington traveled to the island of Principe to
observe the solar eclipse. Based upon those observations, Eddington was
able to confirm a major prediction of Einstein's work; that light was bent by
gravity (see HERE).

May 29, 1919 was 96 years ago. There's that 69 / 96 number again that was
so interestingly woven into Robert Gordon's birth date, his first business
address in New York City ….and the sixth prophecy of 9/11. That 9/11
occurred 69 years and 69 days after the fictional battle of New York / creation
of the United Kingdom of the World.

I discovered the May 29, 1919 date significance via the tenuous Luo Clement
/ Einstein Editor connection on May 29, 2015. Exactly 96 years between the

Geometric points of Force in Space and Bradley Cowan

Frequently dwelled upon quotes of Mr. Gann include his invoking an

unsourced quotation of Michael Faraday in which Mr. Faraday is alleged to
have said "There is nothing in the universe but mathematical points of force."
[I understand this Faraday quote has been found and documented recently.]

I find in Bradley Cowan's "Four-Dimensional Stock Market Structures and

Cycles" page 59 "Financial market unfold in price-time within the confines of
predetermined points of force."

Of course, Bradley Cowan is a student of Mr. Gann's work so its not so


It might be worth mentioning that one of the Einstein Editor's essays dwelled
on Michael Faraday's having provided free public lectures so that men,
unable to afford tuition to a school, could study higher mathematics and
physics. Similarly, the never named Einstein Editor taught physics in NYU's
night school. I have twice petitioned Scientific American to name the Einstein
Editor without success.

Some elegant statements contained in early chapters of Eddington's "Space

Time and Gravitation"

From the Prologue- time as the fourth dimension and math and geometry

10 of 48 03-06-2019, 13:02
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incomplete without it:

From the Prologue- Bertrand Russell commenting on the

fallacy of math derived from false axioms:

Perhaps then, math and geometry derived based on the

3 dimensions we "see" is false and, only upon including
the fourth dimension, T or time, can we create a correct
'geometry' of reality?

From Chapter 1 "The Fitzgearld Contraction", Rene

Descartes on suspending what is "known:"

From Chapter 2 "Relativity", Hermann Minkowski on

space and time and space time:

Note especially the date of 1908, the same year as many

believe Mr. Gann made his great discovery. This is also
the same year in which Luo Clement published "The
Ancient Science of Numbers."

Again from Chapter 2:

11 of 48 03-06-2019, 13:02
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"Length" and "duration"…space and time…denominated in

miles and hours. When I think of this paragraph, I think
about "Robert Gordon's 7 days" and how we aren't given
definitive times of his 20 stops during his trip. We can
only derive miles; as the crow flies, East/West miles and
North/South miles. Of course, we can derive net miles
since he left NYC and returned to that same place of
departure. And we can derive net time because we are
given the 7am departure from and 'almost' noon return
to the 'Mammouth Building' in NYC. But we can only
denominate miles in between. Can space and time be
denominated into a common measure….miles?

And what about an observer of Robert Gordon's trip from

a position on the Sun; how many times would he see the
'moving' RG appear from behind the Earth and how many
times would he see the stationary 'Mammouth Building'
appear from behind the Earth during those seven days.
Was RG time the same as Mammouth Building time or
was motion an intervening element?

Just some thoughts,


06/03/15--03:31: 123 Fenimore 0 0

Street, Brooklyn

Planning a visit to Rhode Island, I have investigated a trip to New York for a
small sight seeing excursion. Of course, WTC 1, NYSE (they no longer have
tours), Green-Wood Cemetery (Gann's grave and others), Fox & Friends
Sunday… The best I could come up with by reading 'experts' was that Gann
lived on Fenimore Street in Brooklyn. Even his grandson's tribute was limited
to Fenimore Street without a street number.

Perhaps 123 Fenimore Street, Brooklyn:

12 of 48 03-06-2019, 13:02
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It is hard to visualize the character of this street as it

might have existed in the 1920s. It appears this location
is just outside the Brooklyn Historic District.

Hmmm, 1+2+3=6 and 1X2X3=6. Also, (3^2)^1=9

which, concatenate with the 6 product or sum gives us
the 69 or 96 representing the opposites that are richly
found in the 4th prophecy of the 9/11 tragedy.

The 123 in the article might visually appear to be 128

and I do find another wedding announcement that
showed "128 Penimore." 128 Fenimore is a multistory
apartment building (construction date unknown at
present). I think 123 Fenimore is correct but I have not
traced property records.

Hope this helps someone in their research,


13 of 48 03-06-2019, 13:02
Market Time and Price Townhall

06/18/15--10:23: Road trip 0 0

My wife and I are ready for a trip to Newport, RI to visit our daughter and son-
in-law (attending U.S. War College), leaving Friday June 19. I'm planning a
solo visit to NYC on Sunday and am listing the things I want to do. Of course,
the primary visit given my passion for the subject, is WD Gann's grave which
will be the last of the NYC sites for the day.

If first occurred to me that, strangely, Sunday June 21 is the summer solstice.

Coincidence. I didn't plan that. I will make sure I have a newspaper to show
the date in pictures that I intend to take.

Then it occurred to me that Mr. Gann was born in June 1878. Nope, he was
born on June 6, 1878, not June 21, 1878 (I kinda knew that was the case but
wasn't quite sure). Wait a minute, what of significance might have occurred
in The Tunnel Thru the Air in June. How about Sunday June 19, 1927?

Robert Gordon's great discovery of a time factor occurred

88 years and 2 days before the day I will be paying
tribute and on the same day of week- the 7th day. I
didn't plan that.

In planning other visits, my second stop will be 42nd and

Broadway, site of the fictional "110-story""Mammouth
Building," also known as "The Cedar."

Then I'll visit the WTC Memorial, WTC 1 and the site of
the destroyed 110-story Twin Towers. Of course I'll visit
St Paul's Chapel to reflect on Rabi Cahn's thesis of Isiah
9:11; the bricks have fallen and the cedar has been
uprooted. And reflect on the number of times I found
the word "cedar" in TTTTA.

My third target is 82 Wall Street, site of Mr. Gann's

offices. In researching the building, I find that it was
built in 1902, is 12 stories…. interesting number 12. And
1+9+0+2= 12. Didn't Mr. Gann like the number 12?
Presently it seems, Suite 400 is available for lease with
5632 square feet.

Wow, 82 Wall Street… 82 as in page 82 of TTTTA. Where

Mr. Gann makes the, apparently misplaced reference to
the 266th Pope and the remarkable events then to occur.
Where he immediately thereafter predicted, on that
page, the period of the depression and WWII. Surely…..

14 of 48 03-06-2019, 13:02
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My last target of the day for NYC will be Green-Wood

Cemetery and plot 37747 (a notable prime number),
which, itself, symbolizes the Mr. Gann's philosopher stone
number 432 (the number of pages in TTTTA) and John
Dee (the person most cited in the telestic coding of
TTTTA) philosopher stone number 252 (Monas
Hierogliphica). Remember my essay "Gann's
Grave"regarding the composition of the number 37747:

Perform reductions and the smallest ratios of those

numbers are 12 and 7. Surely, I will reflect on Psalm
12:7 and the preservation of knowledge among the

I didn't provide the first target of the day because it is

irrelevant. But, if you're early to rise, you might flip to
Fox and Friends Sunday and look for a 64 year-old in a T
shirt, sporting a Newport RI hat (to protect the camera's
from baldness glare) and, possibly holding a "Will Work
For Autographs" or something similarly stupid.

My last stop for this longest day of the year will be the
Newport Tower which, like many very old structures,
cannot be authentically sourced. As I recall, the Tower
has been carbon dated in the mid/early 1600s. The
curator of the Newport Tower, Jim Egan, maintains that it
could only have been designed by John Dee because only
he, in the 1600s, had the knowledge to design such an
astronomic calculator.

I'm very excited about seeing my daughter and son and

the one chance I'll have to pursue this obsession.


06/21/15--15:48: Day trip 2 of ? 0 0

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6/21/2015. This has been the most stunning day of my research life. I am
posting this today only to preserve it as this date. I will create the post after
we return from our visit with our daughter and son in law...perhaps


06/25/15--13:24: Road trip 3 of 4 - 0 0

WD Gann's Memorial Triangle

Standing directly behind WD and Sadie Gann's grave stone at about noon on
the Sumer solstice and looking, conceptually, across the river at One World
Trade Center, I "knew" there would be greater mathematic reality hidden in
the Cartesian coordinates of the real and fictional sites about which Mr. Gann
wrote. I had immediately noticed that the face of the grave stone was
'square' with 1WTC and, therefore, with lower Manhattan; not simply square
with the Island of Manhattan. It was square with the most notable marks of
Manhattan; 1WTC and the Empire State Building. And though I did not then
realize it, it was NOT generally square with the whole of Manhattan or
midtown. AND, after walking around a bit, I saw that the Statue of Liberty to
the left of the line of sight of the WTC. In theory, the Mammouth Building at
42nd and Broadway south would have been to the right of the line of sight of

As I wrote on my note pad (shamefully and irreverently perched on the stone)

the Cartesian coordinate of the stone based on my iPhone, the thought of
that greater geometric reality dawned on me and I took a picture to
monument that moment:

Such a humble grave stone for a Freemason of the

highest level of achievement (32 degree, some believe
33); but perhaps not inconsistent with the craft as well.
Or, just perhaps, he constructed a hidden memorial
geometry that only the dedicated and worthy…or err, the
obsessive and without a life…might uncover.

An obsessive, I pondered that questioned for two days

16 of 48 03-06-2019, 13:02
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and then decided, yes he would. And on the morning of

the date of June 23, 2015 I used an iPhone and that
same pad of paper to run some calcs. I found two
meaningful figures, one of which will be revealed in this
post and one in a subsequent post. I ran the calcs
beginning at near exactly 7am on June 23rd as the bell
of the Trinity Church sounded 7 chimes and completed
the work and hour later…this time, 8 chimes of Trinity. I
was sitting in front of the Newport Tower in Newport RI.
The view in the foreground is the Newport Tower, argued
to have been built by Elizabethan court scientist, John
Dee, whose name is coded in TTTTA some 45 times. The
steeple in the background is that of Channing Memorial

Yes he did. I submit three meaningful points to Mr. Gann

were 1) his final resting place, 2) the Statue of Liberty
and 3) the Mammouth Building (which he intentionally
misspelled in the Tunnel Thru the Air). Those points are
so enumerated as such on the following map:

Perhaps you recognize the apparent right triangle?

Indeed it is. Using the coordinates to compute distances
via the Haversine formula you will find that the angle at
the Statue of Liberty point 2 is 89.99 degrees. The
details of the calculation may be derived from the
information HERE. At the bottom of that spreadsheet are
5 links. The last 3 are satellite photos of the exact
placement of each of the three points. Also note the
other angles of the right triangle are 33 degrees and 57

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degrees. Hmmm, weren't there two mysterious sets of 3

dots on the face of Mr. Gann's stone? 33?

33 and 57 degrees, make that exactly 33.25 and 56.75

degrees. 56.75 / 33.25 = 1.706767. Recall the
philosopher stone numbers of WDG and John Dee, 432
and 252, respectively. 432 / 252 = 1.714286. Those
same numbers reduce to 12 / 7, numbers of Biblical
renown. And remember the extrapolation of the plot
number 37747. Multiply the components of 3*7*7*4*7=
4116. Now, add the non 7 numbers in 37747 and you
get four 7s. Then multiply those four 7s to get
7*7*7*7=2401. And 4116 / 2401 equals, you guessed
it, 1.714286. The quotient of the angles of 1.706767 is
rather close to the philosopher stone quotient of
1.714286. And the philosopher stone quotient is also the
Egyptian Royal Cubit of 1.714286. Interesting

The presentation of Gann's Memorial Triangle seems

easily conclusive that Mr. Gann created a work of
geometric art. But it is only idle art on the surface.
There is far far deeper meaning. The triangle seems to
present a Euclidian triangle (a triangle in planar space)
but that is not reality. The reality is that the distances
are computed via spherical trigonometry; the Haversine
formula…great circle methodology. The reality is that
Euclidian geometry is not reality but a simplification of
space reality. Gann knew this, in my opinion, and he is
introducing us to that reality. He knew far far more
about non Euclidian geometry and Einsteinian physics
than anyone has ever identified. I hope to provide an
attractive case to that end in the several posts going
forward. It will take a lot of time to make that case.
Many posts, and many errors along the way.

But, for now, let's put to rest the idea that WD and Sadie
H. Gann are memorialized by a 'plain' memorial stone.
I'm not aware of any that sport a memorial with a
perimeter spanning 16 miles of some of the richest and
most historic real estate in America, if not the world.

One last note. The Mammouth Building (42nd and

Broadway) is within 1/2 degree of being perfectly due
north of point 1, plot 37747.

Jim Ross

07/04/15--08:49: Road trip 4 of 4 - 0 0

WD Gann's Magnus Opus; A Trilogy of
Research Threads

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From "Creative Evolution" by Henri Bergson as translated

by Arthur Mitchell, 1922.

I undertook the road trip knowing I would find something

more than the earthly remains of WD Gann. I knew
there would be some greater meaning he left behind.

As I stood behind Mr. Gann's gravestone and aligned it

with where I knew the financial district of Manhattan lay,
hidden behind the great tree, I realized the Statue of
Liberty was to the left of the line of sight and the
Midtown area (where the Mammouth Building was
located) would, therefore be right. At that moment I
knew there would be a geometry somehow created that
would have meaning. I was not prepared to discover
there are three divergent threads for research that,
ultimately I believe, will converge once they've run their

WD Gann's Memorial Triangle; properties

reminiscent to the Great Pyramid

On page 398 of Tunnel Thru the Air, Robert Gordon visits

the "Pyramids" (spelling capitalized) and, unlike other
building and monuments, declines to destroy them; he
believes they were placed there for a divine purpose.
And so it seems, Mr. Gann has created a conceptual
right triangle with points of his gravestone, the Statue of
Liberty and the Mammouth Building (42nd and
Broadway). But this triangle has mathematic/physics,
prophetic and symbolic properties which extend its
meaning beyond its simple existence. After hours of
fitting the triangle more closely to what I believe was Mr.
Gann's intention, I find it to be the following 3 Cartesian
coordinates, 3 side lengths and 3 angles:

The sides appear to form Phi proportions and the non

square angles appear to form a Pi proportion. The Great
Pyramid of Giza demonstrates these proportions and, it

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has been recently offered, provides the exponent e.

A picture in Google Earth gives you the following:

About the coordinates. I have chosen them to provide a

90 degree angle at point 2, the Statue of Liberty. It is
subjective, but within limits. One could locate either
point 2 or 3 in a large area. Point 2, anywhere on the
island, point 3, any corner of 42nd and Broadway. The
resultant angle at point 2 would become roughly 88
degrees to 92 degrees. The guidance I used was first, to
optimize as close to 90 degrees at point 2 as possible.
And second, was the Conde Nast Building at the
southeast corner of 42nd and Broadway.

Though the Conde Nast Building was not completed until

January 2000 and Mr. Gann could not have "known"
about it, its attributes are far too stunning. It is the 12th
tallest building in New York City based on its 48 floors.
Located at 4 Times Square, you might first note that 48
floors divided by 12th tallest is 4, as in 4 Times Square.
When you add the mast taking it to 1143 feet, its the
4th tallest structure in NYC. But it gets better. What is
located on the Northwest corner of that building? It is
the NASDAQ market whose screen stands 7 stories tall:

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But the most striking aspect of the Conde Nast Building

is seen from an aerial view:

I call it the "Conde Nast Cubes". The beginning Gann

student will see the 45 degree angles (green arrows)
and, by virtue of its translucence, the further bisecting
angle (red arrow). The Bradley Cowan student will be
struck by the cube and, further, its replication in four
partial cubes (black arrows).

No, Conde Nast is not 110 stories, as was the

Mammouth, but it marks a points of the Memorial
Triangle which will, geometrically I believe, demonstrate
to us where the 110-story would stand. And that same
triangle will demonstrate, I believe, when the real 110-
story would fall. [One might want to consider the
intentionally incorrect spelling of the word "Mammouth"
and a similarly incorrect spelling derived from the words
Conde Mast….C mastedon, perhaps?]

It is four dimensional physics. Space and time are

inverse. Its the "Lorentz-FitzGearld Contraction" later
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explained by Einstein with his theory of special relativity.

The Gann Memorial Triangle displays not just spacial
properties demonstrating Phi and Pi, it also
demonstrates, as I conceptualize, time properties that
are inverse to those spacial properties. Space and time.

[An excellent reflection on FitzGearld and Lorentz is Sir

Arthur Eddington's "Space Time and Gravitation" (note
Space Time, alarmingly, does not contain either a comma
or hyphen) chapters 1 and 2. It was written in 1920 and
Eddington was the most notable and one of the earliest
scientists to translate and detail Einstein's work in
English and near laymen terms. He also proved
Einstein's contention that light would be 'bent' by
gravitation through his eclipse studies.]

This is the first research thread that is far further along

in my thinking than the latter two.

WD Gann's Posse

I first read the stimulating thought that WDG's

gravestone was oriented to overlook the Financial District
of NYC fin any of Olga Morales and was asked by a friend
to verify that observation. Though obscured by a great
tree, the gravestone is so oriented in my opinion. But
there are other grave stones so oriented; including
WDG's there are exactly 12 gravestones so oriented and
conspicuously so.

The intended map of section 129 of Green-Wood

Cemetery shows lot 37747 (WDG's lot) as the fifth of 12
lots that are configured parallel to the previous row as

You see above 12 arrows. From the left there are 4

orange, then the fifth one which is white and is lot 37747
(WDG's lot) then 5 more which are green. Conceptually
according to the map, they should all be oriented
similarly to the rows to which they appear to be parallel.
They are not.

Rather, the first 7 lots left to right (6 orange arrows and

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1 white arrow) are NOT parallel to the previous rows.

The face of these gravestones all face the same way as
Mr. Gann's which I found to be facing lower Manhattan
and the Financial District. Those 7 stones visibly form a
row or line and all the stones are flush with that line.
The remaining 5 stones (green arrows) face the
Financial District squarely but are not remotely arranged
as depicted. Here's the arial arrangement:

The same color arrows have been used above. The

orange and white arrows are on a straight line that is
NOT parallel to the lines of stones below them and the
orange arrow stones face the same direction as the white
arrow stone (WDG's). Three of the green arrow stones
can be used to define a diamond with the white arrow
stones… a perfect direction towards the Financial District.
You can see this diamond (I refer to it as Gann's
Diamond) in the following picture I took on the summer

The picture is not entirely square, but if you look at the

aerial depiction of those 4 stones, you see they form a
diamond that squares to the line of sight to the Financial

Similarly, the five green arrow stones combined with the

one white arrow stone form a cross. I'll leave that
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configuration for discussion as this second thread


These twelve stones constitute what I identify as Mr.

Gann's Posse; a group of people with whom he had an
association that allowed him to conceive this smaller
geometry. Like the Memorial Triangle, I believe there are
geometric properties associated with the 12 stones that
constitute important knowledge.

An interesting question is whether the 12 might have a

13th under the tree (a 13th tribe). I recall a stone cross
below the limbs of the great tree at the top of the picture
but do not recall if it is square to the Financial District
and do not find it identified on the section 129 "plan"
(first picture above).

The Men Comprising WD Gann's Posse

Obviously, the 12 stones are 12 men. I was not down

this road of thought when I visited Mr. Gann's grave on
June 21, 2015 and did not take pictures of the other 11
stones. I do not know who those men were but, again, I
expect to find that were Mason Brothers and, likely, close
associates of Mr. Gann…very close.

Mr. Gann did a lot in his time. He used nom de plume's

to obscure the breadth of his work or for other reasons.
A compelling case has been made that Orolo
advertisements were a Gann disguise. I have made what
is, in my opinion, a compelling case that Luo Clement
was actually WD Gann and haven't received any evidence
to the contrary. Books of Luo Clement (The Ancient
Science of Numbers), Thomas Troward (Bible Prophecy)
and a host of Thesophists are found published by an
obscure publisher, Roger Brothers. It would seem the
very few books published by Roger Brothers might be the
real "Gann reading list" if there was one; the subject
matters are consistent. The Einstein Editor, who I
tenuously linked from Luo Clement never published book
on advance vibration, and who published 5 articles in
Scientific American in the1920 Einstein Essay Contest
underwritten by Eugene Higgins…a Gann pen name? The
Einstein Editor said that he taught night school at NYU as
Michael Faraday taught in public so that those unable to
afford such an education in physics could learn.

But are these actually non de plume's or are they

associates of Mr. Gann acting in concert with him or at
his direction or coordination? Perhaps we find one was a
publisher. Perhaps one was an NYU professor…. Does
geometry and physics play a role in personal relations
and personal development?


These last two areas of the 'trilogy' of further research

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require that I make another trip to Mr. Gann's grave to

document the gravestone arrangement and the 11
persons other than Mr. Gann interred there.

Have a wonderful and safe fourth of July.

Jim Ross

07/05/15--07:02: GMT: The 0 0

"Curvature of time"

[A note going forward. Posts referencing the "Magnus Opus Trilogy" will be
preceded by "GMT" denoting "Mr. Gann's Memorial Triangle,""GGG" denoting
"Mr. Gann's Gravestone Geometry," and "GPS" denoting "Mr. Gann's
Philosophical Synthesis." The first of these themes is relatively advanced in
my research and thinking and the latter two are meanings which may or may
not emerge as research and pondering may occur.]

What an interesting quote is found on page 76-77 of "The Tunnel Thru the

"Curve of the future," I seemed to recall the phrase

"curvature of time." [There is great meaning to the
sentences after the above but they will not be discussed
here.] But when I searched TTTTA for the latter, I came
up empty. Ditto when I did a WWW search. But I did
discover that there seems to be a meaning in physics for
identified "curvature of time." Well, I did find that exact
term on a physics forum but when I delved further into
it, it appeared the accepted terminology was the "curve
of spacetime [no hyphen]." We are talking about
Einstein's 1915 "General Relativity" about which Sir
Arthur Eddington was the acclaimed interpreter who
wrote "Space Time and Gravity" [no hyphen or comma]
in 1920 and to whom I was pointed by a date found in
Luo Clement's "Ancient Science of Numbers" and an
essay found in Scientific American by the never named
and still anonymous Einstein Essay Contest Editor.

The nature of spacetime, viewed by a finite mathematics

'expert' (err, an accountant, me) is that would be the
curve of the gravity well created by, well, gravity.
"Future" or spacetime (past and present, I'd expect are
places in spacetime along with future) is a function of the
curve of the gravity well. Time is defined by that gravity
well…. Predicting the future then, is a matter of the
gravity well and its mathematic properties. I'll leave it at
that. Physicists and metaphysicists, please be gentle
with me and see the bigger picture.

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I have alluded to Mr. Gann's Memorial Triangle, having

been shown to display distinct mathematic and geometric
properties of note (right triangle, derivation of phi and
pi), evidences notable properties of time; that space and
time appear interrelated in the GMT. Using the three
Cartesian coordinates identified in the GMT in the
previous post, consider the time properties of the GMT:

Why yes, there appears to be a mathematic progression

inherent in the GMT. Mr. Gann deceased 23 years after
the fictional Great War ended in 1932 (and the stock
market bottomed). At twice that 23-year interval or 46
years, the Great War ended 46 years after the Statue of
Liberty was dedicated. And completing the triangle, 69
years after the Statue of Liberty was dedicated, Mr. Gann
deceased. There indeed appears to be mathematic
properties of the GMT. [Hmm, if 23 is 1, then 46 is 2 and
69 is 3. That sounds a lot like Mr. Gann's street address
of 123 Fenimore. Nah, that's silly.]

There's more. The space properties identified in the

previous post (the miles between points 1-2, 2-3 and
3-1) and the time properties above appear to be
related…inversely related:

The smallest space interval and the longest time interval

are associated with the same leg. The longest space
interval and shortest time interval are related. Space
and time are inverse? Sounds a lot like the same
outcome of what's known as the "FitzGearld
Contraction." [Chapter 1 of Sir Arthur Eddington's "Space
Time and Gravitation.]

So, the question becomes, what factor or formula unifies

space and time…for practical purposes? Some master
factor…. is this the inscrutable process of "squaring?"

Perhaps the unnamed Einstein Editor gives (gave) us a

hint, but enough for now.

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Jim Ross

07/06/15--10:07: GMT: 0 0
Contemplating Mr. Gann's Memorial
Triangle, Time and the 6th Prophecy of the WTC tragedy

For those who did not read the 6th Prophecy, I propose Mr. Gann prophesied
in The Tunnel Thru the Air to within 1 minute of Muhammad Ata departing
Logan Airport and the falling of the South Tower to less than 20 minutes. I
believe Mr. Gann's Memorial Triangle provides the same projection to within a
resolution of 1 year.

Interestingly, Mr. Gann's gravestone provides only years 1878-1955 but

without the month or day. Perhaps that's a first hint that the memorial triangle
is only to a resolution of 1 year. Taking that lead we have point 2 of the
triangle being the year in which the Statue of Liberty was dedicated, namely
1886, and point 3, the end of the Great War in 1932 symbolized by the
Mammouth Building (or Conde Nast "C Mastedon" Building).

Now the point 4, the Twin Towers, the World Trade Center in 2001. Here's an
aerial picture of the GMT in red vectors and each point of the GMT connected
to the WTC in yellow vectors:

Of course, the WTC is the convergence of the yellow


Visualize in 3 dimensions what you see in the flat 2

dimension picture above; a tetrahedron perhaps? Might
it be a "regular tetrahedron" but for our position as the
viewer? Remember your perspective drawing course if
you had the opportunity.

Now compute the time distances from each point of the

GMT to the WTC:

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Care to consider whether these lengths in time are

inverse to the lengths of distance of each leg? I won't go
through the figures as in the previous post but I think it's
obvious they are. 2 to 4 is the shortest in distance but
longest in time. 1 to 4 is the longest in distance but
shortest in time.

I believe there is much much more to the mathematics of

this tetrahedron, the component triangles and how they
may rotate into the next generation of projection.
Perhaps a 'wheel within a wheel' effect might be found?

But for the moment you might wish to consider that two
tetrahedra placed together with a common face form a
trigonal pyramid. See page 74 of Bradley Cowan's "Four
Dimensional Stock Market Structure and Cycles" for an
illustration. Ponder that. Is the GMT half the reflection
of the same shape as the Great Pyramid?

And the triangulation in time of points 1, 2 and 3 to point

4? Further evidence that Mr. Gann saw the WTC tragedy
at least 74 years in advance (TTTTA was published in
1927 and WTC happened in 2001)?

I no longer believe in coincidence.

Jim Ross

07/13/15--17:42: Confirming aspects 0 0

of Mr. Gann's Modus Operandi - 82

Some time ago, I traced several indications that WD Gann wrote or was in
some way responsible for the writing and publication of "The Ancient Science
of Numbers" under the pen name of Luo Clement. I believe the evidence is
a preponderance, but that's me. Interestingly, "Ancient Science" was
published by the similarly curious Roger Brothers, Publishers of 82 Duane
Street. In total, that I can find that is, there are less than 15 books (a
recollection of my searching exercise) ever published by that publisher.

Following the thread, I found that a then forthcoming book on "Numerical

Vibrations" was announced on the 4th page of "The Ancient Science of
Numbers" and advanced orders were being taken. "Numerical Vibration" was
never published, or, at least, that I can find. In searching and searching I
found only one notice in a publication of books wanted which was dated
September 22, 1920. From 1908 to 1920, the Internet gives only one citation
of any mention of "Numerical Vibrations" and it was a request to purchase the
book, a book for which publication is not noticed anywhere that the Internet

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can find.

So, on that slimmest of a clue I found a series of articles in Scientific

American published by an author who was the judge in a contest; he was
named the "Einstein Essay Contest Editor." The Einstein Editor remained
anonymous to this day. I purchased a subscription to Scientific American to
read those 5 articles by the Einstein Editor and to pose the question of who
was that person. Not surprisingly, they took my question, referred it to the
"appropriate department" and I have not heard from them again. The
Einstein Editor says that, similar to Michael Faraday who taught public
seminars so that men without the means might understand physics, so the
Einstein Editor taught night school in physics at NYU. Similarly, I have not
been able to identify the Einstein Editor on that faculty in 1920.

The 5 articles are rich in physics and the Einstein Editor, of his own device,
posits the theory that a system of Cartesian Coordinates and Euclidian
geometry could provide a spacetime solution that otherwise the Einsteinian
theories of fourth dimensional spacetime labor to provide. Hmmmm.

So there, I'm out on the proverbial weak limb. What might confirm that Mr.
Gann planted another date clue that would lead to some aspect of the
mathematics and science that underpinned his methods? And, having read
and re read those articles, they fall in line with the other clues he's left; the
cameo of Dr. Descartes in 'The Tunnel Thru the Air," Robert Gordon's 7 days
being a study in Cartesian coordinates, time and the Pythagorean/Euclian
solution thereby represented… many others. The Einstein Editor is Mr.
Gann or a member of his "posse" as I've also previously offered.

So, is there anything that might support the limb on which I'm perched?
Modus operandi.

On that striking page 82 of "The Tunnel Thru the Air," we find Mr. Gann
ruminating about an article that appears in the "New York American" on
January 29, 1922. It introduces the prophecies of St Malachy and notices the
"remarkable events" that will occur following the election of the 266th Pope.
Interesting that Mr. Gann would consider the events in the age of the 266th
Pope in 1927 when he darn well knew the 266th Pope would not be elected
for nearly 100 years. In fact, Pope Francis is popularly considered the 266th
Pope and he was elected less than 2 years ago. Page 82 was, somehow, a
clue for our age. But I'm off topic.

Interesting. Let's Google that date, for New York (leaving off the American)
and Malachy. Lo and behold what pops up, page 8E (the 8th page of section
E) of the Brooklyn Daily Eagle and the prophecies of St Malachy. Didn't
WDG live in Brooklyn-yes he did. It is continued from page 2. 8 and 2. As in
page 82 of TTTTA. As in 82 Duane Street, the location of the Roger
Brothers. The location of WDG's last office at 82 Wall Street. You can find
what I found right HERE. Malachy is found in the 3rd paragraph under the
subheading "His Answer to the Jews." It's interesting to read the remainder of
that article.

But it doesn't stop there. When I tried to back up to read the entire article, I
had to Google "The Brooklyn Daily Eagle" January 29, 1922 and what did I

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And what is the last two words of the first Google result?
Page 82.

How many pages are in the January 29, 1922 issue of

The Brooklyn Daily Eagle? Well, this is what the scanner
counts. It counts 81 pages and you can see the screen
capture of page 2E below. Notice that page 2E is the
64th page out of 81 pages.

Hmmm, interesting harmonics to 64. But odd that a

newspaper has 81 pages or the square of 9. How does a
newspaper have 81 pages? There isn't a blank cover
page or rear page. I'll forego flipping through the paper
for a missed scanned page…there must be an 82nd
page. Mustn't there?

I take away two things; 82 is an important number,

either as a part of the geometry or as a reference to
important meaning. [I have discovered the square of 82
in WD Gann's Memorial Triangle along with 120 and 144
and will publish those findings in a forthcoming essay.]

And I take away something else. It may be Mr. Gann's

modus operandi includes using a far fetched date to link
to a distant but complimentary discussion of similar

So, is it so far fetched that the never published

"Numerical Vibrations" links to a single notice some 12
years later and that date leaps to the work of the
Einstein Editor?

Long ago I ceased believing in coincidence.


30 of 48 03-06-2019, 13:02
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07/15/15--04:45: GMT/GGG: Why 0 0

1932 Mr. Gann?

The critical battles of "The Tunnel Thru the Air" occur in 1932; the battles of
Boston, New York and Washington. And the inauguration of the "United
Kingdom" occurs then as well. 1932 is one of three key points on the WD
Gann Memorial Triangle which forms significant mathematic time and space
properties…. Why 1932?

Would it have something to do the the birth of the nation? The first
'organized' battle of the Revolution occurred in New York and the history of
Green-Wood Cemetery (where Mr. Gann is buried) indicates the first skirmish
of the battle likely occurred on that property in 1776. From 1776 to 1932
would be an inconvenient 156 years. Set aside the Declaration of
Independence for the same reason.

How about the surrender of Cornwallis in 1781, 151 years and in Yorktown,
not New York. Or the inauguration of George Washington at Federal Hall in
1789, 143 years. New York makes sense but 143 years.

The date of the ratification of the Constitution of the United States, June 21
1788. The Constitution was created about September 17, 1787 but the
ratification was, it would seem Mr. Gann is indicating, is the birth of the United
States. That was 144 years from the date of great fictional battles of TTTTA
and the creation of the United Kingdom of the World. 144 or the square of
12, a favored number in Mr. Gann's cosmology and a notable Fibonacci
number. To boot, the Congress of the Confederation was then sitting in New
York at Federal Hall on Wall Street; the financial district of Manhattan. The
beginning of the Nation in 1788 in New York and the fictional end of the
Nation (and birth of the United Kingdom) 144 years later in 1932. A 144-year
grand national cycle; fictional of course.

Page 55 and repeated on page 73 (summing to 128 or a lower c on the

diatonic scale), Ezekiel 21:30:

[A nuance worthy of notation. There are 9 unnumbered

pages preceding the first numbered page of TTTTA. Page
73 plus 9 unnumbered pages sums to '82', the subject of
the preceding post and what will be demonstrated to be
a key to the spacial properties of the WD Gann Memorial

The place and time of nativity of the United States; June

21, 1788, Federal Hall of Lower Manhattan. [I am sure
there are vested researchers and historians who have
found otherwise and will disagree with a lowly finite math
mathematician. I will tie in the math of the WD Gann
Memorial Triangle by a later post to provide additional
support, such as it may be considered or denied.]

I am shaken to consider that the group of 12

gravestones, high on a hill of Green-Wood Cemetery,
facing Lower Manhattan that I have styled as "Mr. Gann's

31 of 48 03-06-2019, 13:02
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Posse" are, in reality, a jury.

Jim Ross

07/15/15--07:23: GMT: The circle, 0 0

triangle and square in WD Gann's
Memorial Triangle

Mr. Gann found, and used his gravestone to identify, his Memorial Triangle as
previously described and as shown as follows:

Within a half degree of a right triangle with stunning

mathematic/geometric/chronologic properties on which I
have only just begun to describe. I believe, once fully
explored, it will mirror and may rival or exceed the
instructions of the Great Pyramid.

Recall the circle, square and triangle, a hallmark of Mr.

Gann's teachings. Consider if the following artifacts
within the GMT were given my Mr. Gann to whet our
thirst for further exploration.

The Circle. Point 2 on the GMT is the Statue of Liberty.

An overhead picture displays the near circle:

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Of course, we can see the square and the triangle all

within the black outlined 11 point figure. You might also
note the elliptical shape of the island, of which the
perfect circle is a theoretic and impossible subset. Much
of this island is reflective of sacred geometry but I'll
bypass those thoughts.

The Triangle. Point 1 is the WD Gann Gravestone

Geometry ("GGG") which is formed by the 12
gravestones previously discussed that are perceptibly
pointing (as best a person on the ground standing behind
Mr. Gann's gravestone can discern) towards Lower
Manhattan. Four of those 12 gravestones form a
diamond that, again perceptibly, points towards Lower
Manhattan. And half the diamond shape is a triangle:

Mr. Gann's gravestone is number 5 of the back row of 7.

[Interesting, 5 and 7, consecutive prime numbers giving
you 7/5=1.4 or a crude estimate of the square root of 2
and the diagonal of a 1X1 square.] If you take the
stones 5, 8, 9 and 11 you have the diamond of which I
spoke, that points to Lower Manhattan. The yellow line
in Google Earth perfectly points to the North Pool of the
WTC Memorial. The left and right red lines point to the
Statue of Liberty (point 2) and Times Square (point 3).
Two halves of the diamond or stones 5, 8 and 9 and 8, 9
and 11 give you two triangles. I am planning another
visit to Mr. Gann's "courtyard" next month to take exact
measurements of the distance between these stones to
determine if they create exact isosceles triangles. [Lest I
forget, add the numbers of the diamond; 33. And recall
that I pointed out in a previous post that the face of Mr.
Gann's gravestone have two lines each curiously
containing 3 dots; 33.]

The Square. All of which leads to point 3 of the GMT,

Times Square. This is the most dramatic of this
demonstration as I will explain in the last sentence of this
post. Point 3 is the corner of the square of the Conde
Nast Building located at 4 Times Square. 4 Times
Square, four points of the square and how fitting that the
CN Building sports a cube at its top:

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Sure, any architect appreciates the square and the cube.

Not so surprising a building might sport such a figure,
sport the address of 4 Times Square (particularly on
Times Square) or make it 48 stories or 4X12. But this is
pretty 'in your face' is it not?


And there you have it, the WD Gann Memorial Triangle

with the greater symbolic geometric meaning of the
circle, triangle and square.

But that's not what keeps me up at night, adding and

subtracting years, computing ratios of time and distance
as I try vainly to sleep. What makes sleep impossible is
when such as the next thought dawns on me.

Mr. Gann knew the circular geometric configuration of the

Staute of Liberty Island. And he unquestionably, in my
mind according to the evidence I've offered, contrived
the triangular geometry of his posse's (or the "jury's")
gravestones. Those aren't what keeps me up at night.
What keeps me up at night is…

...did he or how did he know the Conde Nast

Building, dedicated in 2000,
would prominently enshrine the square?

Jim Ross

07/18/15--06:09: GGG: WD Gann's 0 0

Gravestone Geometry - the diamond

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Henri Bergson, "Creative Evolution", 1911

As I stood behind Mr. Gann's gravestone on June 21,

2015, I was aware of several geographic realities around
me and I instinctively perceived others. I knew that the
great tree some 40 or so feet in front of me totally
blocked a view of Lower Manhattan, most recognized by
One World Trade Center, and a view to my left of the
Statue of Liberty. I knew these things for having walked
past the great tree and having move back and forth to
see these artifacts without obstruction by other lesser
trees. Here's the picture of that view on June 21:

But I instinctively perceived something else; a geometry

which I've before mentioned, known to me out of
instinct ….not out of my knowledge of reality (as I had
known the location of One World Trade Center). I
perceived a geometry that the some number of stones to
the left and right of me and in front of me were also
aligned with Mr. Gann's stone and Lower Manhattan. The
Wood-Green Cemetery map showed them aligned with
the laid out alignment of the hill and all the contiguous
rows of graves (see it HERE). But that was not the case.
There was some number of stones aligned perceptibly
different, at some places, almost distastefully so. But
there wasn't anything I could, that day, do on the ground
with such an ill formed notion. I couldn't, from the
ground, 'see' the arrangement of many stones placed
over a distance spanning maybe 100 yards. It was not
until I later looked at the pictures I took that day and the
Google Earth overhead views that the geometry I
imagined that day was confirmed.

The above picture shows the view of that day that had
the strongest hint of a geometry; I call it WD Gann's

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Diamond. In the foreground and closest is Mr. Gann's

stone (white arrow), mid view of the far left and right are
two aligned stones with a stone further down the slope
between the two mid stones. You can see the trunk of
the great tree between the two left most arrows. Was it
a diamond or two conjoined triangles? Of course it was:

On the above you can see the diamond in red, subdivided

width-wise by a red vector that creates two roughly
equal equilateral triangles and subdivided length-wise by
a yellow vector creating two elongated equilateral
triangles or four right triangles. It might not escape
notice that the four stones, enumerated as 5, 8, 9 and
11, add to 33. On the face of Mr. Gann's gravestone
there are two rows of 3 dots…33.

You'll also notice that the entire diamond shape points to

Lower Manhattan judging from the alignment square to
Mr. Gann's stone which was aligned to Lower Manhattan.
And you'll notice that the stones 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7
form a line that is facing the same direction as Mr.

How close is the diamond to two equilateral triangles?

Lots of difficulty in measurement in finding that answer.
The stones are on a downward sloping hill and, since
this is the surface of the spherical earth, its spherical
trigonometry, not Euclidian geometry. Not only that,
stone orientations change over the 60 years since
placement (Mr. Gann's was placed in 1955). And finally,
I, nor anyone else in 60 years to my knowledge, have
not taken measurements at the site. Google Earth will
need to be used to make those measurements and an
assumption of where to place the 'placemark' on each
stone will have to be made. Those limitations noted and
assumptions made, the above red diamond are the exact
placements I made to derive the following table of

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One assumption I made was to place the place mark at

the edge of the top of each stone (the border between
the white top and the shadow of the stone which is card).
That makes lines 5-8 and 5-9 longer than 8-11 and 9-11
but about half the depth of stones 8 and 9 (stones are
about 8" deep). That allowance taken, the four sides of
the diamond are pretty darn close to equal. I suspect
the Haversine calculation shows the typical error and
prefer Google because Google likely uses the more
accurate interative process of calculating spherical
distance. Using the later, the average of those 4 distance
are 159.75 inches….say 160 inches per side was Mr.
Gann's intent.

Let's settle of 3 values, then; the sides are 159.75 inches

rounded to 160 inches, the horizontal red vector is 126
inches and the yellow vector is 300 inches. What can we
derive from this chimp work?
Obviously and given the error in placement of the place
marks on stones 8 and 9 we have conjoined and
substantially equal equilateral triangles. That was Mr.
Gann's intent IMO,
Consider the math of the vectors; (160/126)^2 =
approximately Phi, and
The yellow bisecting vector, indisputably, points to Lower

There are other insights the diamond provides, but on

the third point, that yellow vector. The vector formed by
stones 5 and 11 give us a far more accurate bearing than
saying "Mr. Gann's stone is square to Lower
Manhattan." Those stones are, out of recollection, maybe
40 feet apart. It should be easy to get a reasonably
accurate Cartesian bearing formed by the center point of
those stones. And that bearing will point to Lower
Manhattan. Possibly it will point, with reasonable
accuracy, to One World Trade Center, or, perhaps, Federal
Hall where on April 30, 1789 George Washington gave
the first inaugural address to the nation, or, perhaps, the
location of the NYSE….. Or perhaps, the inaccuracy of
the yellow vector may allow arguable inclusion of all of
the above.

What is inescapable, in my opinion, is that the diamond

proves the WD Gann Gravestone Geometry (GGG) exists
and leads to further exploration using all of the 12
similarly oriented stones numerated in the first of the
above inserts. Instinct will allow one to "see" a simple
cross in addition to the diamond. One can "see" three
large right triangles (a subject of a future post). Using
the 3 rows of stones ( rows of 7 stones, 3 stones and 2
stones), I can easily visualize 55 triangles within and
including those 3 right triangles. Anyone care to bet,
that, once examination is complete, there aren't
82 triangles in total…..triangles within triangles?

And then there is one further extension of the triangles

within triangles; time. Every stone has dates on them.
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Unfortunately, I did not take photos of the 12 stones,

then not realizing research importance. Each triangle
has not only space dimensions, but time dimensions just
as did WD Gann's Memorial Triangle (a preceding essay).
With, however, dozens (if not exactly 82) large, small
and smaller triangles, perhaps concurrent time and space
cycles can be derived. Cycles within cycles.

I have to make another trip with far more refined

objectives…. and an instinctive open mindedness.

Jim Ross

07/18/15--08:32: WD Gann's 6th 0 0

Prophecy and 120 Liberty Street

Before the June 21, 2015 trip to New York City, a friend informed me that Mr.
Gann had an earlier office (earlier than 82 Wall Street) at 120 Liberty Street.
In the excitement of visiting my priority 1 sites and getting to Green-Wood
Cemetery which was my top goal, I did not seek out that address. A big

First, it is within walking distance of the South Pool of the 9/11 Memorial.
Second, I got lost on those streets and probably walked right past it when
trying to find the parking lot that housed my car:

What a coincidence….so close to 9/11 considering the

substance of the 6th prophecy I have documented.

But this one really struck me. Who is the present

occupant of 120 Liberty Street?

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Can't make it up. The 9/11 Tribute Center. Visit it HERE.

Instinctively, I look at the map above and wonder "Is

there a right 'spacetime' triangle comprised of St Pauls
Chapel, the 9/11 Memorial and the Tribute Center?" Did
Mr. Gann vacate 120 Tribute Center to create a date
necessary for such a 'spacetime' triangle?

Jim Ross

07/19/15--15:51: GGG: 3 right 0 0

triangles formed out of gravestones…
who'd thunk it? The "Triple Triangle?"

Let's see, 12 and only 12 gravestones all facing Lower Manhattan (and the
WTC Memorial by the way). Just 12 slap happy Masons wanting to play a
joke on those who seriously follow WD Gann. I really don't think so. Twelve
persons of great knowledge, discipline and diligence that wanted to preserve
and then reveal knowledge to those who would seek it.

I revealed the Gravestone Diamond first because I instinctively sensed its

existence when I stood behind Mr. Gann's stone on June 21, 2015.

And because it points to the place of the birth of the nation; Federal Hall
where the Congress of the Confederation was seated in 1988 when the
Constitution was ratified. Ground Zero for this Nation. You can place two of
Mr. Gann's offices very near that same line; 82 Wall Street and 120 Liberty

And because the Diamond points to the World Trade Center, which, some
might argue, would be the "Harbinger" of an end to the nation as founded.
Judgment in the place and according to the time of one's nativity. Perhaps a

Do the 12 occupants of those plots on the side of a hill in Green-Wood

Cemetery constitute a jury or observer's of fact? Let the math and geometry
speak for itself. Then let your imagination consider. As Lord Bacon said and
I paraphrase, "We read not to argue, but to consider."

My first realization following that of the Diamond concerning the 12

gravestones was set of 3 right triangles created by stones 1, 5, 11 and 7:

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A grand triangle formed by stones 1, 11 and 7 and lesser

triangles formed by stones 1, 5 and 11 and 5, 11 and 7.
How close might they be to right triangles? Pretty close:

Obviously, there are measurement problems previously

noted. As well, I am using Euclidian geometry to
evaluate distances measured by a spherical or non
Euclidian system of geometry (Google or the Haversine
formula)…should be minor but acknowledged. And still
further, gravestones are heavy and might be expected to
settle over the, at least, 60 years they have been in

So it seems incredible to me that the triangles are yet as

perfect as they appear. The right angles, at an average
of 91.2 degrees, are true to nearly one degree. Great
effort and diligence must have been applied by not only
the Masons entrusted with carrying out the arrangement
instructions but the workers who placed the monuments
as well. Just my opinion. If I find that Mr. Gann's stone
was the last placed, then I expect he supervised the
project over many years, leaving only the final

There is a further gem among these three; it is the

component angles of triangle 1-5-11. I expect the intent
of that triangle is the perfect Pythagorean 3-4-5 triangle
(an arithmetic progression of the sides) having angles of
90, 53 and 37 degrees. Not only does it impart Masonic
meaning (in my non Masonic understanding)….but it is
the "R.C." signifying the Rosicrucian. The sign of the
Rosicrucian may well be the rose placed on Mr. Gann's
gravestone at both the upper right and left corners (see
them HERE and HERE).

But let's cross the 't' on the Rosicrucian thread. As Lord

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Francis Bacon allegedly inserted the rose on page 57 of

certain of Shakespeare's works to confirm not only his
authorship thereof but his Rosicrucian alliance, so Mr.
Gann placed a rose on page 37 of "The Tunnel Thru the
Air." Recall on the inscrutable page 37 of "The Tunnel
Thru the Air" we find the "Rose of Charity". I have
previously discussed this at length HERE. It is said that
Rosicrucians believed they could predict the future.

The Triple Triangle… I have every anticipation that Mr.

Gann gave us the "Triple Triangle" in TTTTA on page in
1927 full well knowing that it would be complete with
the placement of the last gravestone, probably his in
1955 (I'm guessing his was the last but haven't that
information as yet). And knowing, as well, that I would
identify it 88 years later in 2015 (the 7th Prophecy of
WD Gann). Remember the triple triangle:

I believe this may be the Triple Triangle spoken of in

TTTTA. But that's me. Many other interesting and
plausible meanings have been and/or will be proposed.

I am convinced there are many many more secrets in the

WD Gann Memorial Triangle (GMT), the WD Gann
Gravestone Geometry (GGG) and WD Gann's
Philosophical Synthesis. Secrets that Mr. Gann and,
perhaps, 11 other Masons took to the grave and
enshrined in their gravestones with the intention of
preserving the knowledge entrusted them and,
ultimately, having it discovered. I don't know what that
knowledge is…as yet and maybe never will. But I wonder
if man is any more ready for it now than in 1927.

Jim Ross

07/21/15--13:13: Discern the 0 0

beginning, 82 Wall Street, or,
perhaps, an ending

120 Liberty Street was an early office of WD Gann as I have read, the
address used to publish the OROLO advertisements. I understand this was
about 1909. Today it is about as close to the location of the South Pool of the
WTC Memorial as one can get. See a discussion and pictures HERE. It was
notable, no it was concerning to me that his earlier office, which still stands
and is the location of a 9/11 memorial organization, stood near contiguous
with the WTC. Coincidence no doubt. I could accept that. Curious that Mr.
Gann's earliest office (I think it is but have not researched) would so happen

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to be located so near the 2001 event that Rabi Jonathan Cahn would theorize
is the first warning or "The Harbiner" of God's removal of grace from one of
two countries organized "under God." The other being, of course, Israel
before Christ.

Later in his career Mr. Gann's office was located at 82 Wall Street which I
visited on June 21, 2015 and took this picture:

Just to the right, I parked at a group of traffic posts on

either side that narrowed Wall Street to a very large
intersection. I've later determined that intersection to be
Wall and Water Streets and the corner building
containing 82 Wall Street is the northwest corner of the
intersection. This is a picture of that exact intersection
at which I parked that can be displayed by and attends
the Google Map:

You can match the two above pictures on the AT&T ad in

the window to the right of the doors to 82 Wall Street.
The big intersection I failed to remember is Wall Street
and Water Street:

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To put a finer point on it, 82 Wall Street IS the building

on the northwest corner of Wall Street and Waters
Street. And what, in history, had a notable beginning at
that location? Perhaps the organized public stock
market, the NYSE? Read the pre Buttonwood history of
the earliest trading of securities in the first years of the
Nation located HERE and consider the following painting
of that intersection in that article:

Not a historian, I have to rely on Wikipedia that tells me

the first recognizable trading in the infant Nation's
history occurred at the Merchant's Coffee House on the
southeast corner of Wall Street and Water. However,
with the creation of the Buttonwood Agreement on May
17, 1792, the parties determined the first permanent
location of trading would be the building on the
northwest corner of Wall Street and Water. I believe that
is the building I photographed on June 21, 2015, the
morning of the 2015 summer solstice. With Buttonwood,
Wikipedia declares "..a new organisation of tradespeople"
was born.

WD Gann's last offices and first offices (to the best of my

knowledge) were located at ground zero of the New York
Stock Exchange and ground zero, quite literally, of the
monument of the, alleged / therorized, first warning of
calamity. The 'coincidence' noted in the first paragraph
is, seemingly, double downed.

Now consider what we know of Mr. Gann's methods of

identifying "Future Trends." We must get the "beginning"
right. From "The Tunnel thru the Air" pages 78 and 176,

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Did he correctly 'discern?' I'll avoid further tempting

reflection in this long post. And well I should forebear, I
really don't know what to think as yet.

Jim Ross

07/29/15--17:46: 15^2, 144 and 82; 0 0

1776 and 2001

The Battle of Brooklyn occurred on August 27, 1776 and is popularly

considered the first organized battle of the Revolutionary War. Interestingly,
one of the many skirmishes comprising the Battle of Brooklyn occurred on a
hill in Green-Wood Cemetery within maybe 150 yards of Mr. Gann's
gravestone (as best I recollect finding the monument to the battle relative to
where I found Mr. Gann's gravestone).

The WTC tragedy occurred on September 11, 2001 as we know. That is

82,194 days after the Battle of Brooklyn. 82 units of 1000 and change. In
terms of years, 82,194 days / 365.24 days per year is 225.041069 years. 225
completed years had transpired between the events, plus 15 days. The WTC
attack occurred, then, 15 days into the 226th year after the Battle of Brooklyn.

Now consider. 15^2 is 225 years. Interesting, a square. But you can break
down each of the two 15s into components of 5 and 3:

Recall 53 is one of the 3 angles of the 3-4-5 Pythagorean

right triangle AND it is, along with the number 37, a
primary signature number of the Rosicrucian.

Consider further, 9/11 occurred after the completion of

225 years and in the early days of the 226th year. And
226 can be comprised of numbers near and dear to the
mystery of WD Gann; 144 and 82. Anyone who studies
Mr. Gann understands the square of 12 or 144. As I've
documented, Mr. Gann's rationale for having chosen 1932
as the end of the fictional Great War in "The Tunnel Thru
the Air"may have been that is was the 144th year
following the founding of the Nation…the ratification of
the Constitution. And from 1932 to September 11, 2001
was 69 years and 69 days as Mr. Gann predicted and as I
have documented in posts referring to the 6th Prophecy
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of WD Gann.

The second component of 226 years is the number 82

which I exhaustedly documented as a key number in Mr.
Gann's cosmology in a previous post found HERE. Dwell
on the gravity of page 82 of TTTTA or Mr. Gann's address
in New York, 82 Wall Street….

Together, 144 and 82, we have the 226th year….2001.

The numbers 144 and 82 seem to have an intimate

connection. You can write 144 as 12*12 or as 4*3*4*3.
And you can write 82 as 41*2. Visually, we can look at
the two numbers forming aspect of the number 43:

144 comprised of two repetitions of 43. And the

components of 82 add to 43. And all those 43s each
individually sum to 7.

The Battle of Brooklyn was the first battle of a war

initiated by America. And 226 years later, the first
recognized attack by an enemy (Bin Laden had
previously declared war on the US and attacked, but the
US did not recognize those events as the beginning of a
war) occurred at the World Trade Center. That attack
was finally recognized as the beginning of a war.

Like the 6th Prophecy, we have opposites. In 1776

America attacked what was perceived an invader and
tyrant…. in 2001 America was attacked. Discordantly
relative to the lesson of the 6th Prophecy, America lost
both battles.

Don't know what this all means but some numbers I

don't want to forget…especially in light of the dates
inherent in WD Gann's Memorial Triangle (see HERE).

Jim Ross

07/30/15--05:15: GGG: Road trip 2 - 0 0

Need to "know"

In a previous post, the WD Gann's Gravestone Geometry ("GGG") was

identified based on the Google Earth overhead view of Mr. Gann's grave and
11 other closely positioned gravestones (see HERE). Later, I identified in the
arrangement of those stones a diamond that points to Lower Manhattan
(HERE) and a 'triple triangle' (HERE) and speculated that there are a
multitude of smaller triangles that may be formed by any 3 of the gravestones
which might function as a clock of sorts. Of magnificent sorts; a clock that
relates, simultaneously, computes both time and space. Recall the largest
triangles, the 'triple triangle:'

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[For those in Rio Linda, who might ask, what does this
have to do with stock markets. I remember the
incredible ignorance of a supposed Gann expert who
asked "I've read Chapter 39, errr 34, or Robert Gordon's
7 Days dozens of times and it has no relevance because
there aren't any dollar signs in it. So it can't relate to a
stock chart." Duh, price is merely a symbolic proxy for
space. The math, one would expect, is the same.
"Squaring" would provide the synthesis. Otherwise, Mr.
Gann will have lied when he declared in the Foreword to
"The Tunnel Thru the Air" that, for a man who
understands Robert Gordon's 7 Days, "The future is an
open book."]

So it was early on a fait accompli that I'd be returning to

Green-Wood Cemetery to identify the other 11
gravestones and related dates. How else would I be able
to relate time to the many triangles formed of the
gravestones. But there's something else that is far
larger, in my opinion, than identifying time and space
triangles. Oh really? What might that be?

It will be for me, to find or deny a 'seal' to my often

speculated theme that Mr. Gann presented Rabi Jonathan
Cahn's "The Harbinger" or Isaiah 9:10 theses some 72
years earlier before Rabi Cahn….some 64 years before
the occurrence of the "first warning" of the World Trade
Center attack.

The 'seal' of Rabi Cahn's thesis, for me, is the nature of

what I have referred to as "The Great Tree" that obscures
the view of the 12 gravestones from "seeing" Lower
Manhattan from their view on the hill. You can see that
Great Tree above the top tip of the above triangle (see
the first illustration above). As I recall, it is a vast old
tree that droops limbs 10, 15, 20 feet in each direction
(….it's really hard to know because when I first visited,
my attention was not on the tree). Now that I reflect, it
was big, not so much tall as wide in my vague

Rabi Cahn's thesis is that the WTC attack was the first
Biblical warning of the removal of grace from the second
of two countries founded under God, that three times

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since WTC, officials speaking for the US declared the

country's independence of the need for grace, that the
'stones' of the WTC have fallen and the fig has been
unrooted, that the country will rebuild better than before
and the fig will be replaced by a cedar. All are hallmarks
of Isaiah 9. As was warned of and befell on Israel B. C.
according to Isaiah 9, so we'd infer would be the fate
prescribed the U.S. The lands of Israel were taken from
the Israelites and they wandered. How might that
happen to the U.S.? I have an idea.

And in TTTTA, we find in Robert Gordon's 7 Days, Robert

destroying all the great buildings of the enemies (the
stones have fallen). And we find the 110-story
Mammouth Building as also prominently known as "the
Cedar." The Cedar, the replanting of the uprooted
sycamore. We find 7 references to the cedar in TTTTA,
the seventh of which appears on page 369. The
sycamore of St Paul's Chapel comes to mind as well,
uprooted and replanted with a cedar.

It is hard for me to ignore the correspondence….and the


So what species is the great tree? Is it the sycamore?


And from Wikipedia, something of interest:

68 Wall Street…. Mr. Gann's offices were 82 Wall Street.

Robert Gordon's office was 69 Wall Street.

I believe I will find that it is. If so, I do not read the

implication as good. I hope I am wrong. I "know" that I
am right.

I'm planning my trip for Sunday, August 2. Instinctively

I search for that date in TTTTA and I find on page 219:

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A quick calc of 2015 minus 1923…..82 years. No, 92

years. Whew.

Still, I need to "know," is the Great Tree the sycamore?

Jim Ross

[Memo for anyone interested. I will start the 7 hour trip

at about 3am with a targeted arrival at between 10am
and noon. I expect to be there at least a couple hours
taking measurements and pictures. If anyone is
interested in meeting me at Mr. Gann's gravestone, the
coordinates are 40'39"29.21N, 73'59"16.55W. If using
an iPhone, the compass measures only to the second and
not to the decimals. That will get you to within about 20
yards of the stone. That being the case, find the Great
Tree and walk up the hill from it. I expect, however, to
be alone in my endeavor.]

older | 1 | (Page 2) | 3 | 4 | .... | 21 | newer


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