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Ancient Philippine Creation Myth:Malakas and Maganda

When the world first began there was no land; there was only the Sea and the Sky, and between them
flew a huge, beautiful Kite (a bird similar to a hawk). One day, the bird, which had nowhere to land and
rest, grew tired of flying about, and in
frustration stirred up the Sky in a quarrel
against the Sea. The Sky threw rain,
thunder, and lightning that reached the Sea,
who in turn rose up and hurled waves and
hurricanes that reached the Sky.In order to
restrain its fury, the Sky showered a
multitude of massive boulders down upon
the Sea, which became the islands that
formed the Philippines. These islands
prevented the waters from rising any more -
instead causing them to flow back and forth,
and thereby creating the tides. Afterwards, the Sky then ordered the Kite to light on one of the newly-
formed islands to build her nest, and to leave the Sea and the Sky in peace.
Now at this same time the Land Breeze and the Sea Breeze were married, and they had a child which
they named Bamboo. One day, when Bamboo was floating against the sea, it struck the feet of the Kite.
Shocked, hurt, and angered that anything should strike it, the bird furiously pecked at the bamboo until
it split in half. Out of one section came a golden-bronze colored man, named Malakas (Strong One) and
from the other half came a similarly hued woman, named Maganda (Beautiful One). The earthquake
then called on all the birds of the sky and the fish of the sea to see what should be done with these two,
and the animals decided that they should marry each other. Together, Malakas and Maganda had many
children, and from them eventually came all the different races of people. After a while the parents
grew very tired of having so many idle and useless children around. They wished to be rid of them, but
they knew of no other place to send them off to. Time went on and the children became even more
numerous that the parents could no longer enjoy any peace. One day, in an act of pure irritation and
desperation, Malakas seized a stick and began beating them on all sides. This so frightened the children
that they all fled in different directions; seeking some place to hide both within and outside the house.
Some of the children ran into hidden rooms in the house, several concealed themselves within the
actual walls, while others hid in the fireplace. Some ran outside and the rest fled out to the sea.
Now it happened that those who went into the hidden rooms of the house later became the chiefs of
the islands (Maharlikas); and those who concealed themselves in the walls became slaves (Alipins).
Those who hid in the fireplace became the Negritos and the Aetas; and those who ran outside turned
into free men (Timawas). As for those who fled to the Sea; they were gone many years, and when their
children eventually came back, they had become the white foreigners.

Because the Philippines has so many islands and is inhabited by different ethnic groups, Philippine mythology and
superstitions are very diverse. Even the story of Malakas and Maganda vary from region to region, but specific
elements of the story remain the same: there is a huge bird that splits a giant bamboo, and Malakas and Maganda
emerge from the halves. The names Malakas and Maganda also denote a deeper meaning and truth about Pilipino
culture. Pilipinos consider women to be maganda - beautiful, sweet, and soft; while men as malakas - a strong and
sturdy being to whom the family can depend on at all times. The final part about the children who fled out to the
sea and eventually came back as “white foreigners” seems to have been added to the original version that had
been handed down orally over the years from generation to generation.

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