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Gujarat - Institute of Infrastructure Technology Research and Management

1. Display proficiency in C# by building stand-alone applications in the .NET framework using C#.
2. Create distributed data-driven applications using the .NET Framework, C#, SQL Server and
3. Create web-based distributed applications using C#, ASP.NET, SQL Server and ADO.NET
4. Utilize DirectX libraries in the .NET environment to implement 2D and 3D animations and game-
related graphic displays and audio.
5. Utilize XML in the .NET environment to create Web Service-based applications and components.

Gujarat - Ganpat University

1. Create “Hello World” application. That will display “Hello World” in the middle of the screen in
the red color with white background.
2. To understand Activity, Intent ƒ
a. Create sample application with login module.(Check username and password) ƒ
b. On successful login, go to next screen. And on failing login, alert user using Toast. ƒ
c. Also pass username to next screen.
3. Create login application where you will have to validate EmailID (UserName). Till the username
andpassword is not validated, login button should remain disabled.
4. Create and Login application as above. On successful login , open browser with any URL.
5. Create an application that will pass some number to the next screen , and on the next screen
that number of items should be display in the list.
6. Understand resource folders : ƒ
a. Create spinner with strings taken from resource folder(res >> value folder). ƒ
b. On changing spinner value, change image.
7. Understand Menu option. ƒ
a. Create an application that will change color of the screen, based on selected options
from the menu.
8. Create an application that will display toast(Message) on specific interval of time.
9. Create a background application that will open activity on specific time.
10. Create an application that will have spinner with list of animation names. On selecting animation
name, that animation should effect on the images displayed below.
11. Understanding of UI : ƒ
a. Create an UI such that, one screen have list of all the types of cars. ƒ
b. On selecting of any car name, next screen should show Car details like: name , launched
date ,company name, images(using gallery) if available, show different colors in which it
is available.
12. Understanding content providers and permissions: ƒ
a. Read phonebook contacts using content providers and display in list.
13. Read messages from the mobile and display it on the screen.
14. Create an application to call specific entered number by user in the EditText
15. Create an application that will create database with table of User credential.
16. Create an application to read file from asset folder and copy it in memory card.
17. Create an application that will play a media file from the memory card.
18. Create an application to make Insert , update , Delete and retrieve operation on the database.
19. Create an application to read file from the sdcard and display that file content to the screen.
20. Create an application to draw line on the screen as user drag his finger.
21. Create an application to send message between two emulators.
22. Create an application to take picture using native application.
23. Create an application to pick up any image from the native application gallery and display it on
the screen.
24. Create an application to open any URL inside the application and clicking on any link from that
URl should not open Native browser but that URL should open the same screen.

Gujarat - Indus University

1. Write a Program in C# to Check whether a number is Palindrome or not.

2. Write a Program in C# to demonstrate Command line arguments Processing
3. Write a Program in C# to implement Stack operations
4. Write a program to demonstrate Operator overloading
5. Write a Program in C# to find the second largest element in array
6. Write a Program in C# to multiply to matrices using Rectangular arrays
7. Create a login page user control that allows the user to enter user id and password.
8. Creating and Using a menu Control In this exercise, you will create a menu selection control that
passes the selected item back to the calling page, in the URL query string. The control displays
information categories in a menu control. It gets the categories and populates the menu
dynamically from a data source. The first step involves creating the user control. Then you will
expose the properties of the user control and embed the control in a Web Forms page. You
finally view it in a Web browser.
9. Create an application with the use of Query String, Cookies and Hidden Fields.
10. Create an application to manage Cookies at client machine.
11. Design a Registration form Default.aspx page with fields Username, choose password, confirm
password, age, email id, contact number and a submit button. Display message “Successfully
Submitted” after Clicking Submit button i.e. after successful validation of registration page. Use:
a. Required Field Validator - for Username, Choose password, Age, Email Id fields.
b. CompareValidator - for Confirm password field.
c. RangeValidator - for Age field.
d. RegularExpressionValidator - for Email field.
e. CustomValidator - for contact number field.
12. Create an ASP.NET form that displays two advertisements alternately. When the user clicks on
one of the advertisements, he/she is redirected to “”, and the other
advertisement redirects the user to “”. The weightage of the amazon
advertisement is 50 and that of the other one is 40. The advertisement should be centered
horizontally and should cover 60% of the width of the screen. Its height should be 80 units. The
width of the border should be 5 units
13. Create an ASP.NET page using Wizard control and which has 3 steps. The idea here is if we click
on ‘My Websites’ link, it should show the list of web sites. When ‘My Schedule’ is clicked, a
calendar control should be seen and display the selected date, and when we click on ‘Upload
Photo’ link, provision to upload a photo should be given. Create a similar ASP.NET page with
Panel controls.
14. Develop a Web Application using C#.NET and ASP.NET for an E-Commerce firm. The master page
should consist of name of the firm, Logo and contact details. Also, it should provide hyperlinks
to Electronics, Baggages and Offers zone. These three pages should be designed as static pages.
The hyperlinks should navigate to these static pages in the form of Content Pages associated
with Master Page designed. The Electronics page should display the categories namely mobiles,
laptops and printers. Also display the vendor names for all the categories in DropDownList
controls. The Baggages page can have images of laptop bags, trolley bags and backpacks. In the
Offers zone page use AdRotator to display atleast 2 offer advertisements.
15. Create two themes: Summer and Monsoon. For each theme, add the CSS layout, which is
applied to the site automatically. Configure the application to use one of the themes and then
switch to the other to see the differences. Extend the above created themes by adding suitable
images and in created ASP.NET form add a Drop DownList control which contains the available
themes so a user can choose dynamically switch between the themes.
16. Create an application for performing CRUD operation with database.
17. Demonstrate the showcase data using grid view, details view and nested grid View.
18. Create an application for performing CRUD operation using LINQ.
19. Design a page with the use of RAZOR and ASPX design pattern for MVC.
20. Demonstrate application with the MVC and Linq architecture.
21. Create application to perform crud operation with the use of antiforgery method.
22. Create DQRS concept with the use of MVC and EDMX framework.

HP - Himachal Pradesh Technical University

1) Write a program to design a class for employee (detail of Employee) using C#.
2) Write a program to implement Hybrid inheritance using C#.
3) Write a program to implement operator overloading using C#.
4) Write a program for to design a calculator using exception handling in C# USING .NET
5) Installation and Configuration of the IDE
6) Database Programming Using ADO
7) Working With Common Controls
8) Design of a calculator.
9) Creating A web Page Using ASP
10) Designing & Generating Reports
11) Working With Multiple Document Interfaces (MDI)
12) Design of a web Browser.
13) File Handling – Reading/ Writing From/To Files
14) ActiveX Controls
15) Image Slideshow with Background Music.
16) Text to Speech Converter using C#
17) Library Management System using .Net framework.
18) Hotel Management System using C#
19) File Based Record Maintenance Application using C#

J & K - Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University

Experiment 1: Develop a Web Application for an educational institution. The master page should consist
of Institution Name, Logo and Address. Also, it should provide hyperlinks to Departments, Facilities
Available and Feedback. Each department page and facilities page should be designed as static pages.
The hyperlinks should navigate to these static pages in the form of Content Pages associated with
Master Page designed. The Feedback page should have fields to enter Name, Email and Message with
Submit and Cancel Buttons. Database should be created to store these three data.

Experiment 2: Develop a Web Application for a Bank. The BANK Database should consist of following
tables: tbl_Bank (BankID: int, BankName: string) tbl_Branch (BranchID: int, BankID: int, BranchName:
string) tbl_Account (AccountNo: int, BankID: int, BranchID: int, CustomerName: string, Address: string,
ContactNo: int, Balance: real) (Note: AccountNo and BankID together is a composite primary key). The
master page of this web application should contain hyperlinks to New Bank Entry, New Branch Entry (of
selected Bank), New Customer Entry (based on branch and bank) and Report Generation. The hyperlinks
should navigate to respective content pages. These content pages provide the fields for respective data
entry. The reports should be generated (display in grid) as below: Display all records of particular bank.
Display all records of a branch of particular bank. The balance should be displayed for the entered
account number (Bank and Branch are input through ComboBox controls and Account number is input
through TextBox).

Karnataka - Bangalore North University

Application any one of the following or similar application using .NET framework
1. Inventory Control Retail Shop Management
2. Employee Information System
3. Personal Assistant Program
4. Students’ Information System
5. Ticket Reservation System
6. Hotel Management System
7. Hospital Management System

Maharashtra - Sanjay Ghodawat University

Window based:
1. Language Introduction (Includes console based application, creation of dll, running a program
without IDE) calling a method from another program.
2. OOPS concepts in C#-Class, Implementation Inheritance, Extension methods (Use Any
3. Develop DLL file and use it in application program. (Use Any application)
4. Implementation of Interface Inheritance (Use Any Application).
5. Implementation of Multidimensional & Jagged array (Use Any application).
6. Use of properties in any application.
7. Implementation of Operator overloading (Any application).
8. String manipulation using String & String builder(Any application)
9. Develop program to use Regex.Matches method and Regular Expression pattern matching.
10. Design a Windows Form based application for different controls.(Any application)
11. Design a Windows Form based MDI application with different controls.(Any application)
12. Design a Windows Form based application for field validation.(Any application)
13. Design a any Windows Form based application with Database connectivity with all field
validation. (Any application)
14. Develop a Windows Form application that performs SELECT, INSERT, UPDAE & DELETE queries
and also displays the List of Books available in a Library System by fetching the details from a
database. The C# application must also contain the filter capability.
15. Implement console based networking application to obtain information of network & detect
changes in network.
16. Design a Windows form application to down load file & process it using stream.
1. Create registration form using different server controls
2. Accepting and validating user entered data in registration form using ASP.NET
3. Write a program to manage session in ASP.Net
4. Reading and writing HTML contents with JQuery
5. Write a sample application to demonstrate AJAX
6. Display database contents from SQL server or Oracle database using SQL Command class from
7. Display parameterized data using SQLDataReader and GridView in ASP.NET
8. Database access using DataSet in ASP.NET

Maharashtra - Shivaji University

1. Accepting and validating user entered data using ASP.NET.
2. Create a Web Application which detect capabilities of Browser and handle Page and Application
level error.
3. Accepting and validating book catalog information using validating controls.
4. Create a Web Application which implement authentication and authorization features
(Membership class).
5. Display database contents from SQL server or Oracle database using SQL Command class from
6. Display parameterized data using SQL DataReader and GridView in ASP.NET.
7. Database access using DataSet in ASP.NET.
8. Displaying data using DataView in ASP.NET.
9. Create a setup web application for deployment of ASP.NET application.

Panjab - Guru Kashi University

1. Consol based Programming.

2. Introducing form oriented programming.
3. Implement the concept of Classes and Objects
4. Implement the concept of Inheritance and Polymorphism
5. Implement the concept of Interfaces
6. Implement the concept of Operator Overloading
7. Implement the concept of Delegates and Events
8. Implement the concept of Managing Console I/O Operations
9. Implement the concept of Managing Errors 'and Exceptions.

Rajasthan - Poornima University

1. Create a web application in ASP.NET using three different controls to the ASP.NET page for
reserving rooms in hotel. The three controls are a button control, a label control, and a drop-
down list control.
2. Create an application for Accessing a SQL Database by Using ADO.NET by connecting to the SQL
Server database and call a stored procedure. You then display the data in a Repeater control.
3. Develop a web application to read the details of the selected country stored in XML database
and display back to the user using Web controls.
4. Develop a web application to read an XML document containing subject, mark scored, year of
passing into a Dataset.
Tamilnadu - Bharath Institute of Higher Education and Research, Chennai

1. Display proficiency in C# by building stand-alone applications in the .NET framework using C#.
2. Create distributed data-driven applications using the .NET Framework, C#, SQL Server and
3. Create web-based distributed applications using C#, ASP.NET, SQL Server and ADO.NET
4. Utilize DirectX libraries in the .NET environment to implement 2D and 3D animations and game-
related graphic displays and audio.
5. Utilize XML in the .NET environment to create Web Service-based applications and components.

Tamilnadu - Dr. M.G.R. Educational and Research Institute

1. Implementation of Operator Overloading
a. Complex Number
b. Matrix
c. Time(+.-)
2. Implementation of Multiple Inheritance
a. Employee
b. Area of an Object
3. Implementing Multithreading
1. Super Market
2. Hotell Management System
Major Project
1. Online Railway reservation system
2. Simulator software for parallel processing operation
3. Payroll processing application
4. Inventory system
5. Simulator software for compiler operation
6. Automating the Banking process
7. Software for game
8. Library management system
9. Text editor
10. Create a dictionary
11. Telephone directory
12. Create an E- Book of your choice.

Tamilnadu - VEL’S Institute of Science Technology & Advanced Studies (VISTAS)

1. Display proficiency in C# by building stand-alone applications in the .NET framework using C#.
2. Understand object oriented features such as classes, inheritance, interfaces and polymorphism
3. Design, document, code and test small Windows based applications.
4. Build and analyze WEB based applications using ASP.NET
5. Create distributed data-driven applications using the .NET Framework, C#, and ADO.NET
6. Use the Visual Studio IDE to create and debug application and class library solutions and
7. Validate user input in a Windows Forms application
8. To Manage IIS configuration and Services
9. Add code to form and control event procedures in a Windows Forms application
10. Understand the concept of assemblies and reflection

Tamilnadu - Vinayaka Mission’s Research Foundation

1. Classes and Objects using out, ref and params

2. Student Information System using Properties
3. Banking Application using Inheritance
4. Library Management using Predefined Interfaces
5. Students Admission using User defined Interfaces
6. Solving Postfix Expressions using Stack
7. Solving Complex Numbers using Operator Overloading
8. Matrix Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division using Delegates
9. User Subscription for News Events using Events
10. Calculator using Windows Application
11. Advanced Windows Controls

Telangana - Kakatiya University

1. Program to demonstrate Command Line arguments processing.

2. Program to demonstrate Boxing and UnBoxing.
3. Program to implement Stack operations.
4. Program to demonstrate Operator Overloading.
5. Program to multiply to matrices using Rectangular arrays.
6. Program to find the sum of all the elements present in a jagged array of 3 inner arrays.
7. Program to demonstrate Creating, Managing and Destroying Threads using Multithreading
8. Program to demonstrate error handling using Try, Catch and Finally blocks.
9. Program to demonstrate use of Virtual and Override key words.
10. Program to implement Linked List using the existing collections namespace.
11. Program to demonstrate abstract class and abstract methods.
12. Program to build a class which implements an interface which already exists.
13. Program to illustrate the use of different Properties.
14. Program to demonstrate arrays of interface types.
15. Develop C# Windows Application to design a Mini Calculator.
16. Develop C# Windows Application to design a New Form with Panel, PictureBox, ProgressBar and
Timer Controls.
17. Develop C# Windows Application for Customer screen which takes Customer name, Country,
Gender, Hobby and Status.
18. Preview screen that will display data entered in to the Customer data entry screen.
19. Develop C# Windows Application to work with Multiple Forms, Setting Startup Form, Adding
Controls and Setting Properties at Design time and Run time.
20. Develop C# Windows Application to design a New Form with Button, Label, TextBox and ListBox,
CheckBox, RadioButton and GroupBox Controls.
21. Develop C# Windows Application to design a New Form with Menu items at design time and run
time along with OpenFileDialog, SaveFileDialog, FontDialog and ColorDialog Controls. To
implement Notepad Application.
22. Develop C# Windows Application to design Navigational Menus which will help to Navigate
Entry Screen and Display Screen using MDI.
23. Develop C# Windows Application to create a New Data Connection using ADO.NET and to Access
Data using Data BindingNavigator control.
24. Develop C# Windows Application to Select, Insert, Update and Delete a Record from an
Employee Table using ADO.NET Components and display data using DataGridView Control.
25. Develop C# Windows Application using Simple Data Binding and Complex Data Binding and with
advanced Data Binding using Windows Presentation Foundation.
26. Develop C# Windows Application to Access Data Using OleDb DataReader.
27. Develop C# Windows Application to Access Data Using OleDb DataAdapter and DataSet.
28. Connecting to SQL Server, getting data and getting acquainted with ADO.NET components, like
connection, command and DataAdapter using ASP.NET
29. Inserting, Deleting and Updating Data from the User Interface to SQL Server.
30. Reading and Writing XML Documents with XML Text Reader/Writer Class.
31. Write a Program in ASP that has a form taking the user’s name as input. Store this name in a
permanent cookie & whenever the page is opened again, then value of the name field should be
attached with the cookie’s content.
32. Use ad-rotator to change advertisements on client side request.
33. Create a Session dictionary using object tag. In session-on start add keys for Time, UserAgent,
RemoteIP & add appropriate values. Create a simple page to display the values.
34. Implement Session tracking using user authentication.
35. Write a Program to delete all cookies of your web site that has created on the client’s computer.

Lucknow - Lucknow University

1. A program of binary operator Over loading

2. A program using delegation in which addition and subtraction of two integer value possible
3. A program-using Interface.
4. A program to display the caption, height of command button into label.
5. A window program for list box give the facility for adding, removing and clearing the list with
conformation and store the deleted file in another list box.
6. Creating a window form through which user can enter details of employee: empid, empname,
basic salary, sex, date of birth, date of joining, Designation, total income, total deduction and
gross salary will be calculated automatically.
7. Also in above program all details of employee will be appear in Grid and depending upon
selection particular actual record will be appear in form.
8. Create an ASP.Net web page using different validation controls.
9. Create an ASP.Net Web page that lists the customer from customers database table in a
sortable Data Grid with paging option. The Data Grid should display three columns, one for the
customers’ ids, one for the customer’s names and one for the customer’ phone numbers. The
user should be able to sort the Data Grid by customer ID.
10. Create simple web service.

Lucknow - Babu Banarasi Das University

1. Implementation of Decision Making and Branching Statements on Console Applications.
2. Implementation Iterative Statements on Console Applications.
3. Implementation of Enum on console Applications.
4. Implementation of Arrays on Console Applications.
5. Implementation of ArrayList on Console Applications.
6. Implementation of Strings on Console Applications.
7. Implementation of Inheritance and Polymorphism on Console Applications.
8. Implementation of Interfaces on Console Applications.
1. 9. Construct the C# console application to implement the Operator Overloading.
9. Implementation of Delegates and Events on Console Applications.
1. Implementation of Server Side Controls in
2. Implementation of Database Connectivity in asp.Net
3. Implementation of various Data Rendering Controls in asp.Net.
4. Implementation of Web Services in asp.Net Applications.
5. Implementation of Remoting in asp.Net Applications.
6. Implementation of private assemblies in .NET Applications.
7. Implementation of shared assemblies in .NET Applications.

UP - Harcourt Butler Technical University

1. Hotel Automation System
2. Book Shop Automation Software
3. Word processing Software
4. Software Component Cataloguing Software
5. Payroll System
6. Banking System
7. Purchase Order System
8. Library Management System
9. Railway Reservation System
10. Bill Tracking System
11. University Admission System
12. Estate Management System.

Uttarakhand - Gurukul Kangri Vishwavidyalaya

1. Write a program to Add Control in c#.

2. Write a program to implement arrays in c#.
3. Write a program to implement Multiple Document Interface in c#.
4. Write a program to create an application using Controls at run time.
5. Write a program to create a simple ASP Page.
6. Write an application in using standard controls.
7. Write a program to Create Distributed Web Applications.
8. Write a program to retrieve the data from the database in
9. Write a program for writing a Custom Control
10. Write a program to create a database application in

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