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Clinical Dementia Rating Scoring:

See procedures manual for

SCREENING VISIT scoring instructions

Subject Number Subject Initials Examiner Initials Examination Date Sum of Boxes
M C– – Global CDR .

Instructions: Score only as decline from previous usual level due to cognitive loss, not impairment due to other factors.
Health Questionable Dementia Mild Dementia Moderate Dementia Severe Dementia
Score CDR 0 CDR 0.5 CDR1 CDR 2 CDR 3
Memory No memory loss or slight Consistent slight forgetfulness; Moderate memory loss; more Severe memory loss; only Severe memory loss, only
inconsistent forgetfulness partial recollection of events; marked for recent events; highly learned material fragments remain
“benign” forgetfulness defect interferes with everyday retained; new material rapidly
activities lost

Orientation Fully oriented Fully oriented except for Moderate difficulty with time Severe difficulty with time Oriented to person only
slight difficulty with time relationships; oriented for relationships; usually disori-
relationships place at examination; may ented in time; often to place
have geographic disorienta-
tion elsewhere
Judgment and Solves everyday problems and Slight impairment in solving Moderate difficulty in handling Severely impaired in handling Unable to make judgments or
Problem Solving business and financial affairs problems, similarities, problems, similarities, dif- problems, similarities, dif- solve problems
well; judgment good in rela- differences ferences; social judgment ferences; social judgment
tion to past performance usually maintained usually impaired

Community Independent function at Slight impairment in these Unable to function indepen- No pretense of independent function outside home
Affairs usual level in job, shopping, activities dently at these activities
volunteer and social groups though may still be engaged Appears well enough to be Appears too ill to be taken to
in some; appears normal to taken to functions outside a functions outside a family
casual inspection family home home
Home and Life at home, hobbies, Life at home, hobbies, Mild but definite impairment Only simple chores preserved; No significant function
Hobbies intellectual interests well intellectual interests slightly of function at home; more very restricted interests, in home
maintained impaired difficult chores abandoned; poorly maintained
more complicated hobbies
and interests abandoned
Personal Care Needs prompting Requires assistance in Requires much help with
dressing, hygiene, keeping of personal care; frequent
Fully capable of self care personal effects incontinence

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