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Strength Prediction Model for Concrete





Ahsanul Kabir Md Monjurul Hasan

Bangladesh University of Engineering and Te… Dhaka University of Engineering & Technology


Md. Khasro Miah

Dhaka University of Engineering & Technology


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ACEE Int. J. on Civil and Environmental Engineering, Vol. 2, No. 1, Aug 2013

Strength Prediction Model for Concrete

Ahsanul Kabir1,Monjurul Hasan2, and Md. Khasro Miah3
Bangladesh University of Engg. & Tech. / Dept. of Civil Engineering, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Email: [email protected]
Z H Sikder University of Science & Tech. /Dept. of Civil Engineering, Shariatpur, Bangladesh
Email: [email protected]
Dhaka University of Engg. & Tech. /Dept. of Civil Engineering, Gazipur, Bangladesh
Email: [email protected]

Abstract—There are many parameters of concrete that tion of the bad concrete. An early decision in this respect is
influence its strength gaining characteristics. This study is a long felt matter [1].
an attempt to use the early compressive strength test result to Theoretically in order to model a system it is required to
estimate compressive strength at different ages. Potential understand the explicit mathematical input and output
utilization of the early day compressive strength result to
relationship precisely. Such explicit mathematical modeling
predict characteristic strength of normal weight concrete has
been investigated. A simple mathematical model capable of is difficult and is not readily tractable in poorly understood
predicting the compressive strength of concrete at any age is system. Most of the proposed prediction model is based on
proposed for both stone and local aggregate concrete. The the relationship between the concrete strength and its
basic model consists of a rational polynomial equation having constituent characteristics [2]. Different researchers tried to
only two coefficients. This study also proposes a simple reliable make choice of different variables taking into account different
relationship between the coefficient p (strength at infinite characteristics and proportioning of the concrete ingredients
time) with the strength values of concrete of a particular day. which influences the behavior of the concrete.
This relation greatly simplifies the concrete strength This paper is an attempt to use only the early strength
prediction model. The developed model is validated for
test result to predict the concrete strength at different ages
commonly used stone aggregate concrete and also for local
(brick) aggregate concrete. Data used in this study are collected instead of taking other factors into consideration. A
from some previous studies and recent experimental works. relationship of concrete strength with the age of concrete is
The analysis carried with the model using different data discussed and finally expressed with a simple mathematical
exhibit reliable prediction of concrete strength at different model. The model is established from studying the crushing
ages (7, 14, 28 days etc.) with excellent efficiency. strength test results of cylinders of normal weight concrete
[3] and further validated with test results done in different
Index Terms—concrete strength, local aggregate concrete, stone countries [4,5]. All the predicted results yield very good
aggregate concrete, strength prediction.
correlation with the actual.
Compressive strength of concrete has been considered
Strength gaining process of concrete is a multi-factor
as an index of quality control for many years. Quality of the
dependent complex process. There are numerous studies in
concrete is generally determined by the compressive strength
this regard. Even at present the researchers have shown keen
test of the concrete cylinder. When engineers design a con-
interest in it. Knowing concrete strength gain pattern enables
crete structure they basically rely on the characteristic
to predict the concrete characteristic strength at an early age
strength of the concrete. Characteristic strength of the con-
and gives an idea about the quality of the concrete
crete is usually designated as the strength of concrete sample
compliance with the design requirement.
that has been cured for 28 days. This is generally determined
Several improved techniques including empirical/
by the standard cylinder crushing tests of concrete. Most of
computational modeling with Artificial Neural Network,
the code for concrete design also recommends 28 days
Genetic Algorithm, Fuzzy Logic [6-8] etc. and statistical
strength to consider in design. In construction works 28 days
technique have been introduced to solve the problem of
is a considerable time to wait, while it is essential for quality
strength prediction at different ages. A number of research
assurance of concrete and cannot be avoided. So waiting at
efforts have concentrated on using linear regression model
least 28 days is mandatory for the confirmation of the quality
to improve the accuracy of prediction. Most popular linear
and the desired strength. An easy and reliable method for
regression equation (Eq. 1) which is often used in strength
estimating the final strength at an early age (as early as pos-
prediction, relates water-cement ratio (w/c) to strength of
sible) of concrete may enable one to know the quality of the
concrete and its probable weakness. It may help to decide concrete.
whether to continue the construction or manage the destruc (1)

Corresponding Author: Dr. Ahsanul Kabir, Department of Civil Where f = compressive strength of concrete; b0, b1 are
Engineering, BUET, Dhaka 1000, Bangladesh coefficients. The origin of the above equation is Abram’s
© 2013 ACEE 14
DOI: 01.IJCEE.2.1.1002
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ACEE Int. J. on Civil and Environmental Engineering, Vol. 2, No. 1, Aug 2013

Law [9] which inspires to develop multivariable linear study is required to determine and justify the interactions
regression equation as follows: among various characteristics. Data used in the current
program are collected from the literature and fresh experimental
(2) works done in the laboratory. Different data sources increase
the versatility of the work and strengthen validity of the
Where, X1, X2, X3,……,Xn are variable which can be formulation.
replaced by the factors that influences the concrete behavior Total four groups of data from different sources are used
like water-cement ratio (w/c), quantity of cement (C), quantity in this program. Among them two are collected from the
of coarse aggregate (CA) quantity of fine aggregate (FA) etc. previous work and rest two are collected from recent
in the concrete mix. experimental works undertaken in the laboratories of
In a recent study [5], multivariable power equation was Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology
chosen as an effective model for prediction of strength of (BUET) and Dhaka University of Engineering and Technology
different ages of concrete. The general format of the equation (DUET), Bangladesh. Different sources of data are classified
is given below (Eq.3): into groups for ease of presentation. The data groups are
named as Group 1 through Group 4. Total 56 sets of data are
(3) available in Group 1 which is imported from a previous study
by Garg [3]. This Group data are basically used for analyzing
In the above equation compressive strength of a particular the concrete strength gaining behavior and development of
day (Y or fage) is considered as the dependent variable on the the initial model. The 2nd group of data (Group 2) is collected
variables which has significant correlation with the strength from the experiments done in the Concrete Laboratory of
like the water-cement ratio (w/c), cement (C), water (W), sand BUET by Hasan[2]. This Group 2 data are used for the
(FA), aggregate (CA) content, density of concrete (ρ) and validation of the primary model. Total 23 sets of data are
the above Equation becomes: available in this Group.
(4) To authenticate the developed model and also for the
extension of the proposed idea, two more groups of data are
The values of a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5 and a6 are determined from used. The Group-3 data is collected from a previously
regression analysis of the statistical data and it is possible to published work of Zain et al [5] containing 18 sets of data.
predict the strength of concrete for a particular age directly. Three of the four groups (Group-1 to Group-3) of data
Most of the models discussed above consider different summarized in Table I are for stone aggregate normal strength
index properties of concrete which influence the strength concrete made with ordinary Portland cement (OPC) and with
gaining behavior. This study is an exception because it shows
no admixture or additives.
the importance of using only the strength test result of a
The last group (Group-4) included are test results of
particular day as an alternative of using the other index
concrete made with local aggregates (brick chips). These are
relatively light weight coarse aggregates (crushed brick chips)
widely used in concrete construction in Bangladesh. The
last column of the Table I, shows the summary of these brick
Modeling a problem is basically nothing but to find out aggregate (Group-4) concrete property data. Only the general
the relations between different parameters. For this reason, a constituents of concrete [Cement(C), Coarse-Aggregate (CA),
very large number of experimental results or practical case

Name Unit Range Range Range Range

(Group-1) (Group-2) (Group-3) (Group-4)
Coarse aggregate (CA) (kg/m3) 985-1078 1042-1124 914-1300 735-770
Fine aggregate (FA) (kg/m3) 665-826 630-826 457-650 610-640
Cement (C) (kg/m ) 356-475 312-448 305-517 300-375
Water (W) (kg/m3) 185,190 177-255 147-320 135-205
Fineness modulus (FM) of 2.4, 2.6 2.56 2.82 2.43
fine aggregate
W/C ratio 0.40-0.52 0.40-0.76 0.45-0.70 0.45-0.55
CA type (mm) Stone Stone Stone Local Brick
3 day test strength MPa - 5.29-23.61 12.3-26.1 -
7 day test strength MPa 13.84-27.82 8.61-31.86 14.6-44 8.87-20.35
14 day test strength MPa 17.8-37.6 - - 12.38-23.5
28 day test strength MPa 19.53-39.37 12.37-39.06 23.8-44 13.97-29.99

© 2013 ACEE 15
DOI: 01.IJCEE.2.1.1002
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ACEE Int. J. on Civil and Environmental Engineering, Vol. 2, No. 1, Aug 2013

Fine-Aggregate (FA) and Water (W)] are considered to [2, 11]. Thus,
influence the concrete compressive strength. Different mix
proportions of the ingredients and different w/c ratio are used (7)
to study the variations.
Where, = Strength of concrete at Dth day and a, b, c, d and
IV. MATHEMATICAL MODEL e are the coefficients. The values of these five coefficients
Clear understanding of the unambiguous input output will differ for the strength test result of different days [10, 11]
relationship is a prerequisite to express a function theoretically and may be obtained from regression analysis of sufficient
in the form of a mathematical model. It is quite impossible to available data for strength values of a particular day’s test.
model a system without precise knowledge over the behavior Now, if the strength of a particular day (7th or 14th day) is
of the system. That’s why adequate number of practical and known then Eqs. 7 and 5 along with the determined
experimental results is necessary in order to explore the coefficients (a, b, c, d, and e), can be used to compute the
behavior of the system. This study is concentrated to make values of p and q for that particular concrete. Eventually,
the concrete strength predictable from result of an early day’s this can be used to evaluate concrete strength at different
test. As several days of test results are available for the Group ages from Eq. 5.
1 data, these are carefully used to establish the concrete A. Revised Model
strength gaining nature with ages [10]. Though the above model (Eq. 5 & 7) has the potential to
A. The Initial Model predict concrete strength for different days, it has 5
Strength versus age (day) curve is plotted for every single coefficients of its own (Eq. 7) which need to be determined
data set of Group 1. Investigation shows that all the concrete for a particular type of concrete. Also, so many constants are
strength maintains a correlation with its age according to the difficult to handle on regular basis. Reducing the constants
can increase the adaptability of the proposed model. So, the
following simple equation:
available results are further analyzed and it is observed that
(5) the value of p can be more simply related with concrete
strength using a power equation. This can be expressed as
stated below (Eq. 8). It simplifies the problem of prediction
Where, = Strength of the concrete at Dth day (D = significantly.
number of days i.e., 1, 2, 3...7…etc.); p and q are constants for
each curve but different for different data set (curve). This (8)
fundamental relationship is developed based on Group-1 data.
It may be mentioned that this equation (Eq. 5) is similar to the Where, = Strength of the concrete at Dth day and m and r
equation (Eq. 6) proposed by ACI committee (ACI 209-71) are the coefficients.
[12] for predicting compressive strength of concrete at any Studying the available Group-1 and Group-2 test data,
day based on 28 days strength. these coefficients (m and r) are determined from best fit
equation. It has been found that the value of r remains
(6) unchanged but the m value differs for strength test results of
different days. With slight rounding the value of r is taken as
0.80; this and the values of m for different day’s strength
Here, a and b are constants and = 28-day cylinder results are given in the Table II along with the corresponding
crushing strength and t is the time in days. equation that result.
However, for this study Eq. 5 is the basic equation to Plots of Eq. 8 for different days of strength results are
express the strength of concrete as a function of its age where shown in Fig. 1. The values of m are taken from Table II and
p and q are two constants. It is observed that the strength r = 0.80 for every case. Thus, the corresponding p values can
gaining pattern is regulated by the values of the two be obtained by putting known 3 days, 7 days or 14 days
constants p and q. To utilize the derived equation (Eq. 5), the concrete strength values in Eq. 8 in appropriate form as given
values of these two constants (p and q) are to be determined in Table II or Fig. 1. Then, q is computed from Eq. 5 using 3, 7
for each individual case. It may be mentioned that the constant or 14 days strength value and the p-value obtained in the last
q has the unit of day and p has the unit of stress to be step. Finally, the determined q and p-value may be used to
consistent with the expression. find the strength of concrete at any days.
Simplest way to determine the values of p and q is to use
the strength test result of two different days and thus solve V. PERFORMANCE E VALUATION
the simultaneous equations. However, a different approach
is possible using a particular day’s compressive strength The acceptance of any model is basically dependent on
test result to find the values of p and q [10]. From regression its performance. There are different procedures of measuring
analysis, it is observed that values of p can be expressed as that. Use of statistical parameters is a popular method of
performance analysis, which is some system of comparison
a function of q and which is a polynomial surface equation

© 2013 ACEE 16
DOI: 01.IJCEE.2.1.1002
Full Paper
ACEE Int. J. on Civil and Environmental Engineering, Vol. 2, No. 1, Aug 2013

Concrete age, Formulated Group 1 to Group 3 data are all concrete cylinder strength
D (day) Value of m Value of r Equation test results of stone aggregate concrete made with ordinary
Portland cement. Group 1 and 2 results are utilised to develop
both the initial and revised models for predicting concrete
3 3.8 0.80 p = 3.8(fc,3 )0.80
strength from single day’s test. The prediction capability of
these models for all the available data sets of these two
7 3.0 0.80 p = 3.0(fc,7 )0.80 groups has been compared in two previous works [10, 11].
Here, only the performance summary of prediction using
revised model is listed in the Table III. For Group 1, prediction
14 2.5 0.80 p = 2.5(fc,14 )0.80
of 14 and 28 days strength is compared based on 7 days
result and again prediction of 7 and 28 days stregnth are
compared based on 14 days result. The comparison basis for
Group 2 data are 3 and 7 days instead of 7 and 14.

Data Group-1
' ' '
Base Strength (fc,D ) fc,7 (D=7) fc,14 (D=14)
' ' ' ' '
Predicted Strength (fc,D ) fc,14 fc,28 fc,7 fc,28
(D=14) (D=28) (D=7) (D=28)
RMSE 2.33 2.79 2.15 2.70
MAE 1.90 2.42 1.72 2.21
EF (%) 92.8 91.6 91.9 92.4
Avg. Pi/Ai 1.00 0.99 1.01 0.99
Min Pi/Ai 0.83 0.80 0.80 0.80
Max Pi/Ai 1.22 1.22 1.20 1.20

Data Group-2
Figure 1.Variation of p with the strength of the concrete
' ' '
Base Strength (fc,D ) fc,3 (D=3) fc,7 (D=7)
of output results obtained from the model with actual field or
laboratory results. The performance of the proposed '
Predicted Strength (fc,D ) '
fc,7 '
fc,28 '
fc,3 '
equations are evaluated by three popular statistical (D=7) (D=28) (D=3) (D=28)
parameters like, mean absolute error (MAE), root mean square RMSE 2.00 2.52 1.51 2.18
error (RMSE) and normal efficiency (EF); their expressions MAE 2.00 2.00 1.00 2.00
are given below. EF (%) 91.20 91.9 90.2 92.0
Avg. Pi/Ai 0.98 0.97 0.99 1.04
(9) Min Pi/Ai 0.80 0.84 0.79 0.81
Max Pi/Ai 1.20 1.15 1.23 1.15

Group-3 data are taken from works of Zain et al. [5] in oder
(10) to validate the above model and check its efficiency. These
data are chosen because they belong to same category of
concrete (stone aggregate normal weight concrete) as that of
the model. However these test were carried in a different
country with different source of aggregates. One to one
(11) prediction results of this group is given in Table IV and overall
performance effectiveness is summarised in Table V.

Here, Ai = Actual value; Pi = Predicted value; n = number B. Test with Local Aggregate
of data (1, 2, 3 …). In Bangladesh brick chips are very popular locally used
In total 124 data sets are used in this study. Among them concrete ingredients for construction purpose. Concrete made
79 sets of data are used for modeling the problem and rest are with brick chips are called local aggregate concrete. This
used for performance evaluation. Group 1 and 2 data are type of concrete has the same pattern of strength gaining
primarily used for development of the model and others are charecteristics when made with OPC. It is presumed that the
used for the performance test. developed model should be equally effective for this local
aggregate concrete. To check this criteria the developed
model is further used to evalute the concrete strength of
© 2013 ACEE 17
DOI: 01.IJCEE.2.1.1002
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ACEE Int. J. on Civil and Environmental Engineering, Vol. 2, No. 1, Aug 2013

Mix Actual Strength, Ai Predicted Strength, Pi (fc,D )
' ' '
no. (fc,D ) ' ' Mix Actual Strength, Ai (fc,D ) Predicted Strength, Pi (fc,D )
Using fc,3 value Using fc,7 value
no. '
Using fc,7 value
' ' ' ' ' ' '
fc,3 fc,7 fc,28 fc,7 fc,28 fc,3 fc,28
' ' ' ' ' ' '
fc,7 fc,14 fc,21 fc,28 fc,14 fc,21 fc,28
1 17.9 24.5 34.0 25.71 34.06 16.44 33.84
2 17.4 22.5 32.5 25.04 33.26 14.95 31.43 1 10.6 13.9 16.2 17.6 13.9 15.4 16.3
3 16.3 21.6 32.5 23.58 31.48 14.29 30.33 2 11.7 13.7 14.7 17.0 15.1 16.7 17.7
4 16.1 21.5 32.3 23.31 31.16 14.22 30.21 3 12.9 16.8 19.3 22.0 16.6 18.3 19.3
5 15.0 21.1 30.5 21.83 29.35 13.92 29.72 4 13.1 15.7 18.4 20.3 16.8 18.5 19.5
6 14.6 20.4 30.3 21.29 28.69 13.41 28.86 5 13.6 16.4 18.9 21.1 17.4 19.2 20.2
7 14.1 20.3 29.2 20.62 27.86 13.34 28.73 6 14.1 20.3 22.0 23.9 18.0 19.8 20.8
8 14.1 20.0 28.9 20.62 27.86 13.12 28.36 7 14.7 19.9 23.7 24.4 18.8 20.7 21.7
9 13.9 18.5 27.7 20.35 27.53 12.04 26.50 8 15.0 19.1 21.8 23.3 19.1 21.0 22.1
10 13.7 17.6 25.9 20.08 27.20 11.39 25.37 9 16.3 18.7 19.5 21.2 20.6 22.6 23.7
11 13.2 17.3 24.5 19.40 26.36 11.18 25.00 10 20.4 23.5 28.8 29.7 25.3 27.5 28.7
12 12.3 14.6 23.8 18.17 24.83 9.28 21.55
13 26.1 31.0 44.0 36.39 46.75 21.38 41.51
14 23.0 29.9 39.4 32.39 42.05 20.53 40.23 Data Group-4
15 21.4 28.3 37.5 30.31 39.58 19.30 38.35 ' '
Used Strength (fc,D ) fc,7 (D=7)
16 19.6 26.7 36.1 27.95 36.76 18.09 36.46 ' ' ' '
Predicted Strength (fc,D ) fc,14 fc,28 fc,28
17 19.5 25.8 35.2 27.82 36.60 17.41 35.39
(D=14) (D=28) (D=28)
18 18.4 25.7 34.6 26.37 34.86 17.33 35.28
RMSE 1.19 1.50 1.81
EF (%) 94.5 93.5 93.3
Data Group-3 Avg. Pi/Ai 1.02 0.99 0.96
Used Strength '
fc,3 (D=3) '
fc,7 (D=7) Min Pi/Ai 0.89 0.87 0.83
' Max Pi/Ai 1.11 1.16 1.12
(fc,D )
' ' ' '
Predicted fc,7 fc,28 fc,3 fc,28
Strength (fc,D ) (D=7) (D=28) (D=3) (D=28) The performance measuring statistical parameters like
RMSE 2.22 1.44 2.14 1.26 Root Mean Square Error, Mean Average Error, percent
MAE 2.00 1.00 2.00 1.00 Efficiency and ratio of prediction to actual values [RMSE,
EF (%) 93 96.9 88.5 96.7 MAE, EF (%), and Pi/Ai] are used to check the efficiency of
Avg. Pi/Ai 1.09 1.01 0.89 0.98 the proposed model for every group of data sets. Average
Min Pi/Ai 1.02 0.95 0.75 0.93 values of these parameters are plotted in Fig. 2 and Fig. 3 for
Max Pi/Ai 1.24 1.08 0.95 1.02 different groups. Fig. 2 shows that the RMSE value varies
from 2.49 to 1.50 and the MAE ranges from 2.06 to 1.23. For
different ages for the local aggregate concrete. Data used for
both these parameters, minimum value occurs for local brick
the test purpose are named Group-4. Some ten results from
aggregate concrete. Fig. 3 shows variation of efficiency of
total 27 tests are compared inTable VI. Finally, the overall
prediction for different groups of data. It varies from 93.78 to
prediction performance for local aggregate concrete is
91.33% which is within a narrow band. From overall
sumarrised in the Table VII.
observation, it may be concluded that all the performance
measuring parameters are within acceptable range.
A new model for prediction of compressive strength from
an early day test result is presented. The proposed model
makes use of the strength gaining characteristics of normal
weight concrete as its base. Two groups of test data are used
to develop the model while its performance is checked with
four groups of test results. Concrete made with two different
types aggregates viz. stone aggregate and local (brick chips)
aggregates are included within the four groups considered.
For analysis and model purpose stone aggregate concrete
data are used (Group-1 & Group-2). Each data set, which
corresponds to a particular concrete consists strength results
at different ages. Performance evaluation is done with different Figure 2.Variation of RMSE & MAE value for different groups
data groups and the prediction is made for a particular day
for which the test results are available.
© 2013 ACEE 18
DOI: 01.IJCEE.2.1.1002
Full Paper
ACEE Int. J. on Civil and Environmental Engineering, Vol. 2, No. 1, Aug 2013

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© 2013 ACEE 19
DOI: 01.IJCEE.2.1.1002

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