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C P Owen


Occlusion has been described as the most important subject in all the disciplines of
dentistry, and for good reason, because the way the teeth come together, and function
together, is as important to most of us now as it was to our ancestors, who lived on diets
much more difficult to cope with. When, as dentists, we are faced with the problem of
replacing occlusal surfaces, either by restorations in natural teeth, or replacement of some
or all of the teeth, then a thorough knowledge of the way teeth come together and function
together, is essential.

Occlusion has unfortunately also been described as one of the most confusing subjects in
all the disciplines of dentistry (mostly by each generation of dental students). Attempts to
understand occlusion have ranged from the mechanical, mathematical and geometrical
analysis of tooth contact and jaw movement, to the biological and functional analyses
based on the behaviour of natural dentitions under different environmental (mostly dietary)
conditions. All of these analyses have their place but they need to be brought together into
a unified concept, and this is rarely done. However, there are rational ways to study
occlusion, and studying occlusion in complete dentures is a good starting point, because of
the need to place an entire dentition within a system so that the edentulous patient can once
again function with the minimum of discomfort and the maximum possible efficiency.

Natural occlusion and artificial occlusion

Development of the occlusion
The evolution and development of the dentition and temporomandibular joint is a useful
study in that it gives us clues as to how our present dentition functions.

Mammals evolved from a group of “mammal-like reptiles” about 280 - 190 million years
ago. Reptiles cannot bring their upper and lower teeth together and cannot chew; their teeth
cannot move because they are ankylosed. But by the time the earliest known mammal had
evolved, these now had two sets of dentitions, and the upper and lower teeth could be
occluded. The development of a joint that could allow lateral movements, allowed the
newly evolved mammalian cheek teeth to come into a definite occlusal relationship. The
earliest known mammal had as precise a relationship between upper and lower molars as
nearly all known mammals, the upper molars lying just behind the equivalent lower

Diphyodonty (one replacement set, i.e. two dentitions) probably evolved as a result of the
increasing efficiency of the dentition created by the use and wear of teeth that would shear
against each other. On eruption, the (unworn) teeth do not fit accurately together and so
work inefficiently. There is no point in producing a succession of such inefficient
dentitions, as every newly erupted molar, because of its high unworn cusps, would have
disrupted the smoothly efficient shearing edges which are created by attrition (see Figures
1 and 2).

Figure 1: Early wear of teeth in a gorilla

Figure 2: Early wear of teeth in a human who lived about 10,000 years
ago. The wear has produced a sharp edge of enamel on the first
molar, which is very efficient for shearing and cutting of coarse
food, and the flatter occlusal surface allows for efficient
grinding. This person was a coastal-dweller, and lived on a
variety of foods, including fish and crustaceans. The other teeth
still have enamel occlusal surfaces.

A deciduous dentition also helps to solve the problem of providing a child with a most
effective masticatory apparatus appropriate to their needs at that time, and consistent with
the space available in the jaws. The potential functional weakness of a transition period is
minimised by the sequence of events: when the central incisors are lost, the deciduous
lateral incisors and canines can be used to incise food, whilst loss of the deciduous molars
does not prevent crushing and grinding because the first permanent molars are already in

The allied development of a gomphosis (periodontal ligament type attachment) allows the
position of each tooth to be adjusted after eruption, in response to forces produced during
chewing, so that it normally ends up in the most efficient position. This adjustment can
only take place within very narrow limits, so that it seems that environmental forces
provide a fine adjustment for the basic developmental controls that ensure that the jaws,
and the teeth within the jaws, develop in the correct relationship.

Features of natural occlusions

In the unworn dentition, which used to occur only soon after the teeth erupted and before
they were worn down by the diet, the pathways the teeth take are dependent on the cusps
and morphology of the occlusal surfaces of the teeth, as well as on the morphology of the
joints. In chewing, the lower teeth move across the uppers, passing through the intercuspal
position, usually without stopping. The intercuspal position is used during chewing,
swallowing, and during deliberate clenching of the teeth.

During function, the presence of unworn cusps usually results in a separation of the teeth
on one side, whilst the teeth contact on the other side of the arch. This is observed most
obviously during lateral movements but also occurs in protrusive movements when the
anterior teeth contact and the posteriors do not. These occlusal and articulating
relationships are those of what has become called “ideal occlusion” by those dentists who
have used mechanistic philosophies and explanations, based on observations of how things
are rather than on why things are. There are those, however, who realise that a biological
explanation should be sought for the way in which teeth come together and function under
different conditions. And it is the different conditions that have caused the problems.

Under the influence of an abrasive diet, the majority of natural dentitions display no
malocclusion, largely because of the wear that takes place. However, since the Industrial
Revolution and the refinement of foodstuffs and their preparation, human dentitions no
longer function as it appears they “should”. The requirement that teeth that are lost be
replaced has made the dental profession aware of the difficulties encountered in replacing
the complex morphology of an unworn tooth. That requirement made dentists look
minutely at the form of each tooth, and more especially at the form of its occluding surface
in order to make replacement teeth fit into, and function with, the remaining teeth. It is
from this perspective that the concept of “ideal occlusion” has arisen: but it really describes
how teeth relate to each other after they have erupted but before they have worn.

Although this lack of wear in the dentition can lead to misunderstandings as to its natural
function, the fact remains that we are faced with repairing and replacing teeth within such
an unnatural environment. Further, we are faced with complete dentitions that do not
function harmoniously in terms of the masticatory system as a whole (which includes
muscles and joints). It is, therefore, necessary to understand how unworn dentitions are
supposed to function, provided one does not lose sight of the fact that they were in fact
meant to wear. Hence concepts such as “protrusive occlusion” and “canine lift” may have
no real biological meaning. From the biological point of view there seems little
justification for building these concepts into a reconstructed dentition, especially when the
materials used are by their nature incapable of wear.

Artificial occlusions

When replacing natural teeth with artificial teeth, it is imperative that the replacements
function in harmony with the entire system of jaws, muscles and joints. When teeth are
lost, their surrounding bone resorbs, and an alveolar ridge of varying shape and size is left,
covered by mucosa of varying quality and thickness. When complete dentures are
constructed to fit onto this base of mucosa-covered bone, they remain static only when the
jaws remains static. All dentures move in function, and one of the prime aims in the
construction of complete dentures, is to ensure that this movement is reduced to the
minimum, and can be controlled by the patient to allow for optimal function. One of the
most important determinants of these inevitable denture movements, is the way the teeth
come together, and how they function together.

If, when the artificial teeth do contact, they do so in the same way as in the unworn natural
dentition, then it should be quite obvious that this is likely to induce unwanted movements
of the denture base. If only one side contacts, or even if only one pair of teeth contact (as is
often the case when canines are the only contact in lateral movements in some natural
dentitions) then this will produce a tipping of the denture bases which will be extremely
difficult if not impossible for the patient to control (Figure 3).

Figure 3: If, when the patient moves to the side during chewing, there are
only one or two tooth contacts, then the denture bases will tip
up and be very difficult to control. If they do not tip because the
ridges and/or the patient’s muscle control prevent this, they will
still move, but will create pain, discomfort, and ulceration.

But if the tooth contacts caused the denture bases to tip up until the teeth on the other side
met, they would then guide the bases into a more stable position with as many teeth
contacting as possible. It would therefore be entirely logical to try to achieve that situation
in the first place, to limit or prevent these tipping actions by ensuring that as many teeth
contact on both sides of the arch (and at the front and the back of each arch) during as
many different positions of the jaws during chewing. In other words, an occlusion that
balances both sides with each other, and the anterior part with the posterior part.

Interestingly, this “balanced occlusion” is precisely the situation that occurs in the
naturally worn natural dentition. But even in unworn natural dentitions, during chewing,
where there is an ever decreasing bolus between the teeth, it is possible to identify tooth
contacts on both sides of the arch. In addition, numerous studies on occlusal contacts have
shown that the position at which all the teeth come together – centric occlusion – is the
position most often used during mastication, and is the position at which masticatory forces
are greatest. Furthermore, the tooth contacts during swallowing seem to follow a similar
pattern to those occurring during mastication – in other words, a slide around, and then
into, centric occlusion.

A phrase was coined in the mid '60s to explain the movements of dentures that occurred
whatever the occlusal scheme used, which stated “enter bolus, exit balance”. The above
discussion though, has shown that “balancing” tooth contacts occur even in the natural
dentition; the contacts are the result of the great variety of jaw position that occurs around
centric occlusion. But in an artificial dentition, with denture bases only really being
controlled by muscle activities (albeit to varying degrees), it becomes imperative that
balancing contacts occur as soon as possible into, around, and out of centric occlusion, so
as to minimise any movement of the denture bases.

Normal masticatory function, though, represents only one aspect of the use of complete
dentures and artificial teeth. Centric occlusion is the most frequently used position during
mastication but also during swallowing, an action that occurs about 1500 times in 24 hours,
and so any slide into centric occlusion, the position adopted during swallowing, should be
balanced to minimise denture movement and undue forces being exerted on the base. Other
actions also take place, that can jeopardise even the most ideal arrangement of denture
bases and artificial teeth. For example, it has been shown that the total time the teeth are in
contact during masticatory activities in a 24-hour period is about 10 minutes; but non-
masticatory contacts in the same period can amount to 2-4 hours. If the manner in which
the denture teeth come together during these non-masticatory contacts is unstable, then the
dentures will move even more, and be even more difficult to control for the patient. These
movements will subject the underlying tissues – mucosa and bone – to unnecessary trauma.

The inevitable conclusion all the above evidence points to, is that the occlusal scheme for
complete dentures should be one in which there are as many contacts around the arch as
possible at all excursive movements away from, and back into, centric occlusion.


In an attempt to create some consistency of understanding of prosthodontic terms, the

American Academy of Prosthodontics has, over the years, produced a Glossary of
Prosthodontics Terms, published in the Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry. The seventh
edition, published in 1999, contains a variety of terms related to occlusion, and in some
cases several alternative definitions of the same terms. These definitions have arisen as a
result of various researchers over the years trying to gain a better understanding of jaw
movements and the way in which teeth come together. The definitions reflect the various
approaches to this understanding, from the mechanistic to the biological and bio-
functional. It is the latter approach – a bio-functional approach – which is most likely to
endure the current rigour of scientific inquiry, and the need for both understanding as well
as therapeutic interventions, to be based on sound evidence. Therefore, this section will
recommend the use of terminology which it is hoped will allow for a consistent
understanding of occlusion and complete dentures, and take into account the different
requirements and conditions of complete denture occlusion rather than natural dentition

The interpretations of the word occlusion in dentistry, seems to have influenced its earlier
non-dental meanings, as even a 1983 edition of Chambers 20th Century Dictionary
includes the following: “occlusion: v.i. to bite or close together (as the teeth); occlusion:
the bite or mode of meeting of the teeth”. The Glossary of Prosthodontic Terms defines
occlusion as “the static relationship between the incising or masticatory surfaces of the
maxillary or mandibular teeth or tooth analogues”. Centric occlusion is defined by the
Glossary of Prosthodontic Terms as “the occlusion of opposing teeth when the mandible is
in centric relation. This may or may not coincide with the maximum intercuspal position”.
Such a definition contains two other terms which then also need to be defined, which can
get quite confusing. For example, when one goes on to the term centric relation, there are
seven definitions of this. In an attempt to unpack and better define these terms, they have
been set out in Figure 4 on the following page.

It is useful to distinguish between occlusion and articulation because the former refers to a
static relationship, whereas the latter term refers to what has been called “occlusion in
motion”. The definitions in Figure 4 are taken from the seventh edition of the Glossary of
Prosthodontic Terms.

Figure 4: Recommended terminology on occlusion and articulation

Maximum intercuspation
Occlusion The complete intercuspation of the opposing
The static relationship between the teeth, independent of condylar position.
incising and masticatory surfaces of
the maxillary or mandibular teeth or
tooth analogues.
Centric relation
The most retruded physiological relation of the
mandible to the maxillae to and from which the
Centric occlusion individual can make collateral movements. It is a
The occlusion of opposing teeth condition that can exist at various degrees of jaw
when the mandible is in centric separation. It occurs around the terminal hinge
relation. This may or may not axis.
coincide with maximum

Terminal hinge axis: this term is now referred to as

the transverse horizontal axis
An imaginary line around which the mandible may
rotate within the sagittal plane.

The contact relationship between the occlusal
surfaces of the teeth during function.

Mutually protected articulation

An occlusal scheme in which the posterior Balanced articulation
teeth prevent excessive contact of the The bilateral, simultaneous, anterior and
anterior teeth in maximum intercuspation, posterior occlusal contact of teeth in
and the anterior teeth disengage the centric and eccentric positions.
posterior teeth in all mandibular excursive

Lingualised articulation
Does not appear in the Glossary:
Anterior protected articulation lingualised occlusion is defined as a
A form of mutually protected articulation form of denture occlusion which
in which the vertical and horizontal overlap articulates the maxillary lingual cusps
of the anterior teeth disengage the with the mandibular occlusal surfaces in
posterior teeth in all mandibular excursive centric working and non-working
movements. mandibular positions.

It can be seen from Figure 4 that the definitions attempt to cover both natural and artificial
dentitions, and therefore fall short of good working definitions for complete dentures. For
example, the different “articulations” described do not really give a sense of occlusion in
motion. Hence the following explanations and definitions are suggested for complete

Centric relation

When constructing complete dentures, there are only approximate guides available to
determine where to place the teeth; two of the most important of these are the vertical and
horizontal relationship of the mandible to the maxillae. The mandible, though, exhibits a
consistent movement vertically only when it undergoes pure rotation around a horizontal
axis, and this can be used to obtain a reproducible mandibular position at a determined
vertical dimension. At this occlusal height, the teeth are placed so that the most stable tooth
contacts occur in maximum intercuspation.

Therefore a definition of centric relation for complete denture construction needs to take
into account the ability of the mandible to obtain a consistent horizontal relationship at
which the teeth can occlude in a stable manner once the vertical height of occlusion has
been determined.

Definition: the most retruded physiological relation of the mandible to the maxillae
to and from which the individual can make lateral movements; the
position is clinically determined when the condyle-disc assemblies
articulate in the anterior-superior position against the articular
eminences; it is restricted to a reproducible rotary movement about the
transverse horizontal axis; it is the position at which maximum
intercuspation of the teeth can occur at the determined vertical
dimension of occlusion.

Transverse horizontal axis (terminal hinge axis)

Definition: an imaginary line around which the mandible can produce a vertical
hinge or rotary movement of approximately 25 mm.

Maximum intercuspation

This term better describes what in natural dentitions is centric occlusion, but for complete
dentures, it must include the horizontal and vertical relationships of the mandible to the
maxillae. The term can be a little misleading, though, as not all teeth used in complete
dentures necessarily have occlusal schemes that generate an interdigitation of cusps – an
“intercuspation”. However, all teeth, whether with shallow cusps or no cusps, do have a
“best fit” arrangement, and it is this that is required in order to produce a stable

Definition: the static relationships and contacts between the mandibular and
maxillary artificial teeth that produce a stable relationship between the
incisal and masticatory surfaces, when the mandible is in the centric
relation position at the desired vertical dimension of occlusion.


As mentioned previously, this term refers to all relationships of the teeth in any position
away from that of maximum intercuspation. In complete dentures, the objective is to
provide as many simultaneous contacts as possible, and different types of occlusal scheme
have been devised to achieve this, hence the different qualifying definitions of the term

Definition: the contact relationship of the teeth during function when not in the
position of maximum intercuspation.

Balanced articulation

Definition: the continuing contacts of as many mandibular and maxillary artificial

teeth as possible in all excursive movements away from, and into, the
position of maximum intercuspation.

This term can apply to any type of occlusal scheme, using cusped teeth or cuspless teeth, or
any combination of these. There seems little point in producing sub-definitions of balanced
occlusion, except where they describe specific occlusal schemes (e.g. lingualised
articulation/occlusion), and these will therefore be dealt with later.

The biomechanics of functional occlusal contacts

In order to understand how balanced articulation is achieved, the following discussions

will be based on the use of cusped artificial teeth; modifications of these arrangements will
be dealt with in later sections.

It is assumed that the teeth start by having cusp to fossa relationships that are similar to
those of natural teeth, and that they are set in maximum intercuspation to maintain these
relationships. This is fairly simple, because the teeth are manufactured to fit together
maintaining these cusp-fossa contacts. However, as soon as the mandible moves out of
centric relation position, other factors come into play.

Protrusive movements

There are two determinants of mandibular movement in any forward direction, the incisal
guidance angle and the sagittal condylar guidance angle.

The incisal guidance angle (IGA) is formed by the vertical overlap (overbite) between the
teeth (Figure 5). It is only dependent on the amount of horizontal overlap (overjet) to the
extent that there is no guidance until the teeth actually contact. In natural teeth, these
dimensions of overbite and overjet are determined by the positions of the teeth; in
complete dentures, they are determined by other factors, mainly aesthetics, phonetics, and
function. This means they can be controlled by the dentist, within the limitations of the
other factors that determine overall tooth position (mainly the imperative to place artificial
teeth in the positions occupied by the natural teeth in health).

Figure 5: The incisal guidance angle is formed by the amount of vertical

overlap or overbite between the teeth, when viewed in the
sagittal plane.

The sagittal condylar guidance angle (SCGA) (Figure 6) is not under the control of the
dentist at all, and is determined purely by the biomechanics of the joint itself. This is the
net result of the condyle-disc assembly passing forwards and downwards, under the
influence of the anterior slope of the glenoid fossa. In fact, the condyles do not traverse
along a straight-line path as in the diagrams given here, but take a very shaky zig-zagging
pathway, the net result of which can be represented by a straight line. The actual pathway
has a non-linear shape because of the nature of the joint itself – it is very slippery (about
five times more slippery than ice on ice) and yet the condyle has to resist any forces acting
at the teeth, in all positions it may occupy within the glenoid fossa.

Figure 6: The sagittal condylar guidance angle is

the average path taken by the condyle
during a forward movement from
centric relation position, when viewed
in the sagittal plane.

The form of the condyle and fossa means that any forward movement of the mandible is
also a downward movement: if record blocks are placed midway between the incisors and
condyles on a flat plane, they will separate if the mandible moves forwards (see Figure 7).
Similarly, if teeth are placed in place of flat record blocks, again on a flat plane, they will
also separate, unless they can be given cusps with inclines that may fit in with the
geometry of the path of movement of the mandible.

Figure 7: The so-called “Christensen phenomenon”, in which the mandibular path in

a forwards direction produces a downward displacement of the mandible.
This means that record blocks, for instance, set on a flat plane will separate
when the mandible moves forwards.

For example, consider Figure 8. The IGA has been given a value of 10° and the SCGA a
value of 30°. Teeth have been placed between, with very stylised cusps with angles of 20°
(see Figure 9).

Figure 8: The incisal guidance angle is

10° and the sagittal condylar
guidance angle is 30°. Teeth
have been placed on a plane, and
have 20° cusp angles, as
illustrated by the distal cusp of
the upper first molar

Figure 9: The cusp angle of these teeth is

20° when the teeth are
positioned upright against a
flat plane.

If now the mandible moves forwards, it will do so on an arc which will be steeper
posteriorly, as it is under the influence of the 30° condylar guidance angle, than anteriorly,
where it is under the influence of the smaller 10° incisal guidance angle (see Figure 10). As
the mandible moves forwards, at a point mid-way between the posterior and anterior
determinants of its pathway, the teeth will remain in contact, because they have 20° cusp
angles. However, anterior to this mid-point, and posterior to it, the teeth will separate,
because the cusp angles need to be closer to 10° anteriorly, and closer to 30° posteriorly
(note that the slopes of the cusps that remain in contact are the distal slopes of the uppers
and the mesial slopes of the lowers).

Figure 10: The mandible's path is an

arc which is steeper
posteriorly than anteriorly.
The only teeth that will
remain in contact are those
mid-way between the 30°
movement posteriorly and
the 10° movement
anteriorly, i.e. whose cusp
angles are 20° at the mid-
point of the arc (30+10=40;
half of 40=20).

So how do the cusp angles of the teeth change? They could of course be ground, but they
could also change by changing the axis of the tooth relative to the plane of occlusion. If the
tooth is tilted five degrees say, then the effective cusp angle will be 25° on one side and 15°
on the other, depending on the direction of the tilt (Figure 11).

Figure 11: The teeth are tipped five

degrees, making the
effective cusp angle of the
distal slopes 25°, and
reducing the mesial slopes to
15° (after Watt and McGregor,

This tilting of the teeth to correct the cusp angles can now be used to ensure that the teeth
remain in contact during a protrusive movement of the mandible. For example, suppose the
incisal and condylar guidance angles are such that it is necessary for the effective cusp
angles of the distal slopes of the upper cusps (and therefore of the mesial slopes of the
lowers also) to be 10° at the first premolars, and 30° at the second molars. If the teeth have

an actual cusp angle of 20°, then the premolars must be tilted to reduce that angle to 10° at
the first premolar, and the second molar must be tilted to increase that angle to 30°, as
shown in Figure 12.

Figure 12: The teeth are tilted to increase or decrease the effective cusp
angles to compensate for the arc of the path of the mandible in
protrusion (after Watt and McGregor 1976).

If all the cusp tips are connected, it will be found that they now no longer lie on a straight
plane, but on a curve: this curve will be in harmony with the arc of movement of the
mandible, as it will have compensated for that arc, determined by the incisal and condylar
guidance angles. This compensating curve will vary, therefore, according to any variation
in these determinants of the mandibular pathway, as illustrated in Figure 13.

Figure 13: The steepness of the compensating curve varies according to the
condylar guidance angle as the incisal guidance angle remains
the same. So with a 30° condylar guidance angle, the curve is
shallower (upper diagram) than that required for a 40° condylar
guidance angle (lower diagram).

Lateral movements

When the mandible moves sideways, the side to which it moves is called the working side,
and the opposite side of the arch, moving now towards the mid-line is the nonworking, or
balancing side.

Consider a movement of the mandible to the left. As in protrusion, this movement is also
not a flat one, but is under the influence of posterior and anterior determinants. The
anterior determinant in this case will be any vertical overlap at the corners of the arch, i.e.
at the canines. As with the incisal guidance angle, this canine guidance angle is under the
influence of the operator but subject to the similar constraints of aesthetics, arch form, etc.
The posterior determinant is, again, dependent on the anatomy of the joint, as the condyle-
disc assembly now comes under the influence of the angulation of the medial wall of the
glenoid fossa.

Precisely the same principles as followed for protrusive movements can be used to explain
the necessary changes in tooth morphology required to ensure tooth contact during lateral
mandibular movements. Figure 14 illustrates the problem: the medial condylar guidance
angle when viewed from the frontal plane (what used to be called the Bennett angle) is
taken to be 40° (for purposes of illustration) and the canine guidance angle, 10°. On the
nonworking side a stylised molar is shown with 20° cusp angles. Figure 15 shows which of
the slopes of the cusps are involved in order to maintain simultaneous contact on each side
of the arch when the mandible moves to the left.

Figure 14: Shows a medial condylar guidance

angle of 40°, a canine guidance
angle of 10° on the working side
and a tooth with 20° cusp angles
on the nonworking side.

Figure 15: When the mandible moves to

the left, the inclines marked W
must remain in contact on the
working side (WS) and the
inclines marked NW must
remain in contact on the
nonworking side (NWS), for
balanced articulation.

Consider now just the requirements of the nonworking side cusps, that they remain in
contact when the mandible moves to the left. These cusp angles are 20° but if this tooth is
placed mid-way between the condylar guidance angle and the canine guidance, then their
angle ought to be 25°. Once again, as in protrusion, this can be achieved by tilting the tooth
to provide an effective nonworking inclined cusp angle of 25° (Figure 16). If this is done
on both sides of the arch, and a line drawn through the cusp tips, another curve is created,
this time compensating for the arc of movement of the mandible in a lateral direction.

Figure 16: The nonworking inclines (NW) have been effectively increased
to 25° by tilting the teeth, thus generating a compensating curve
when viewed in the frontal plane.

These examples have assumed that the condyle on the working side has no influence on the
mandibular movement, but unfortunately this is not so. Although it is often called the
“orbiting” condyle because its movement is predominantly one of rotation, it does in fact
move sideways, this time under the influence of the slope of the lateral wall of the glenoid
fossa. This lateral condylar guidance angle will therefore influence the inclinations of the
working side slopes of the cusps that must remain in contact. For purposes of illustration
the predominant cusps involved have been shown in Figure 17, again at a point mid-way
between the canine guidance and the condylar guidance. It is evident that the tilt of the
tooth will produce the desired nonworking incline angles, but is insufficient in itself to
produce the required working incline angles, given the angles shown. This clearly has
implications for the way in which teeth are set up and adjusted, to achieve a fully balanced

Figure 17: Although the nonworking inclines are in harmony by tilting the
tooth to make them 25°, the working inclines need to be
adjusted (ground) in order to reduce them to the required 10° to
compensate for the lateral condylar guidance angle of 10°. WS:
working side; NWS: nonworking side. (after Watt and McGregor

Technical aspects of balanced articulation using cusped teeth

The discussion thus far has assumed that the jaws are in a skeletal Class I relationship, and
that the tooth arch also conforms to this. Other jaw relationships will be dealt with later.

Cusped artificial teeth are manufactured with varying degrees of cuspal angles, usually
20°, 30°, or 33°. The choice for balanced articulation will of course depend on the
determinants already discussed, but it must be realised that some adjustment to the teeth
will be inevitable, over and above the positioning of the teeth for the creation of the
required effective cusp angles and the compensating curves.

Balanced articulation can be created for many if not for most complete denture cases by
using average values for the patient's condylar guidance, and using 20° cusped teeth.
Although some studies have shown average values for the condylar guidance to be 35° the
so-called “average-value” articulators are set to a value of 30° on each side for the sagittal
condylar guidance, and 15° for the medial condylar guidance angle.

Teeth can be set up on this type of articulator using the appropriate compensating curves,
and a balanced protrusive articulation will be obtained, as well as an almost balanced
lateral movement articulation. The lateral articulation cannot compensate for the working
side movements fully: nevertheless, without any physical alterations to the teeth, a
remarkable degree of balance can be obtained.

It is recommended that no physical alterations be made at this stage, for two main reasons.
First, and most obvious, not all patients conform to the average values of the articulator
and so inevitably there will need to be further alterations made and this can only be tested
in the mouth. Second, even if there appears to be a close correlation between the set-up on
the articulator and that which is observed in the mouth (i.e. the patient’s condylar guidance
angles are not too different from those of the set-up), there will inevitably be some post-
processing changes to the positions of the teeth. For this reason, once the dentures have
been processed, they will be re-mounted on the articulator, and now physical alterations
can be made to cusp angles, slopes, etc., to compensate for processing errors, and also to
achieve a fully balanced articulation.

Clinical aspects of balanced articulation using cusped teeth

As stated above, when setting teeth to average values, there will inevitably be a
discrepancy when the articulation is viewed in the mouth. At this stage, a decision must be
made as to the degree of discrepancy and its clinical importance.

Clearly the first consideration will be the horizontal and vertical jaw relationships, so that
there is maximum intercuspation at a reproducible horizontal position (centric relation) and
at the desired occlusal vertical dimension. Then when the patient is guided into excursive
movements, the quality of the tooth contacts must be compared to those obtained on the
articulator. If there are very obvious discrepancies, then these are most likely to be due to a
discrepancy between the patient's condylar guidance angles and those of the articulator. In
the clinical setting, a decision must then be made to either accept this, and try to adjust the
articulation after the dentures have been processed (i.e. using the mouth as the better
articulator), or whether the adjustments required will be too great, and the morphology of
the teeth will require far too much adjustment. In this latter case, and ideally for all cases
where there is an obvious discrepancy between the patient and the articulator, it is
preferable to use a semi-adjustable articulator – one that will enable the clinician to relate
the maxillae to the mandibular axis, and that will allow for the condylar guidance angles to
be adjusted to mimic those of the patient as closely as is practical.

Correcting occlusal errors in balanced articulation using cusped teeth

Once the dentures have been processed, and replaced on the articulator, then the final
adjustments can be made to ensure that functional contacts exist during all excursive
movements away from maximum intercuspation. Maximum intercuspation is adjusted for
first, as this is the most frequent position and must be the most stable, and then lateral and
protrusive movements are adjusted. The teeth cannot of course be moved, and so it is
important to be aware of the consequences of any tooth adjustments made. This requires an
awareness of which aspects of each cusp of each tooth are involved in which functional
movements. The most obvious example of this, is the relationship of the cusps and fossae
in maximum intercuspation. Figure 18 illustrates teeth with stylised cusps, to show the
different slopes of these cusps, in a frontal plane. The cusps intimately involved in this

contact are clearly the upper palatal cusps and lower buccal cusps, contacting the central
fossae of their opposing teeth.

Figure 18: Position of maximum

intercuspation showing
cusp/fossa relationship
of the upper palatal and
lower buccal cusps with
the central fossae of the
opposing teeth. B: buccal

When the mandible moves to the left as shown in Figure 19, the aim is, as shown, to
maintain contact between the nonworking side slopes of the cusps as well as the working
side slopes. In each case, upper palatal and lower buccal cusps are involved and if these
cusps were to be adjusted and shortened as a result, then when the mandible returns to
centric relation position, there will no longer be contact between these cusps and their
opposing fossae. This then, illustrates the point that when correcting for occlusal errors,
other errors must not be introduced.

Figure 19: Functional contacts

between working
side (WS) and
nonworking side
(NWS) cusp slopes
when the mandible
moves to the left. B:
buccal side.

Correcting for maximum intercuspation

Discrepancies in the static relationship between the teeth in maximum intercuspation are
usually due to minor processing errors and corrections must be made to those teeth causing
any interference and preventing the achievement of maximum intercuspation for all
posterior teeth. There are four types of correction required, one due to a discrepancy in the
mesio-distal relationship of the teeth, and the others due to discrepancies in the bucco-
lingual relationships.

1. Mesio-distal discrepancy: discrepancies in mesio-distal relationships in maximum

intercuspation (as opposed to protrusive interferences) will usually be due to interferences
between the mesial slopes of the upper cusps and the distal slopes of the lower cusps. The
teeth are adjusted by grinding the appropriate slopes of the cusps involved (Figure 20).

Figure 20: Errors in the mesio-distal relationship between

the teeth are corrected by grinding the shaded
areas: mesial slopes of the uppers and distal
slopes of the lowers. M: mesial; D: distal.

Mesio-distal discrepancies are also observed dynamically in the mouth, when there is a
slide from centric relation position into maximum intercuspation. This results from an
incorrect jaw relationship record and will be dealt with later.

2. Cusps appear to be too long: if the interference is because some cusps appear to be the
only ones contacting, it appears as if they are too long (Figure 21). The cusps involved are
the supporting cusps, so the opposing fossae are deepened until an appropriate cusp-fossa
relationship is obtained.

Figure 21: Cusps appear to be too long: grind

the opposing fossae, not the cusps
themselves. B: buccal; P: palatal;
L: lingual.

3. Insufficient overjet: the posterior teeth may appear to have insufficient overjet in some
places, with the upper and lower teeth seeming to be contacting end-to-end (Figure 22).
The interfering slopes must be adjusted, because the effect desired is that of “moving” the
cusps into the correct relationship. Hence the buccal cusps effectively are moved inwards,
and the palatal and lingual cusps moved outwards, so that the cusp tips contact the central
fossae. In the process, the central fossae are widened and the cusps appear to become

Figure 22: The teeth appear to be

placed end-to-end:
grind the inclines to
move the upper cusps
buccally and lower
cusps lingually. B:
buccal; P: palatal; L:

4. Overjet too large: the last type of discrepancy in maximum intercuspation is when there
now appears to be too great an overjet, with the uppers appearing to be too far buccal to the
lowers (Figure 23). Once again, the length of the cusps must not be reduced, so now the
inclines are adjusted to effectively move the upper cusps inwards and the lower cusps
outwards. The result is again similar, of widening the central fossae and narrowing the
offending cusps.

Figure 23: Upper teeth are too far

buccal: grind the inclines to
move the upper palatal cusp
palatally and the lower
buccal cusp buccally. B:
buccal; P: palatal; L: lingual.

Correcting for lateral excursive movements

When the mandible moves laterally, the aim is to have contact on all working side as well
as nonworking side cusp slopes.

1. Working side interferences: working side interferences can either be due to the buccal
cusps contacting, or the lingual and palatal cusps contacting, or both, thus preventing any
contacts on the nonworking side. Figure 24 shows an interference between the buccal
cusps: the lower buccal cusp is a supporting cusp and so should be avoided: the adjustment
is made on the upper buccal cusp, from the central fossa to the cusp tip. If this cusp is
shortened in the process, it will not affect the maximum intercuspation or any other
movement. If the upper palatal and lower lingual cusps are causing the interference (Figure
25), then again the non-supporting cusp should be adjusted, i.e. the lower lingual cusp.

Figure 24: Working-side buccal cusps are preventing contact of any other
cusps: grind the incline of the upper buccal cusp from central
fossa to cusp tip, not the lower buccal cusp, which is a
supporting cusp. B: buccal side; WS: working side; NWS:
nonworking side.

Figure 25: Working side palatal and lingual cusps are causing an
interference: grind the inclines of the lower lingual cusp from
central fossa to cusp tip not the upper palatal cusp, which is a
supporting cusp. B: buccal side; WS: working side; NWS:
nonworking side.

2. Nonworking side interferences: nonworking side interferences occur between the upper
palatal cusp inclines and the inclines of the lower buccal cusps (Figure 26). The problem
here, is that both these cusps are supporting cusps, and so great care must be taken to
preserve as much of the cusp as possible. Therefore those parts of the inclines causing the
interference are adjusted, and their relationship in maximum intercuspation constantly
checked whilst doing so. If it appears that cusp heights must be changed, it is preferable to
preserve the upper palatal cusp, and rather adjust the lower.

Figure 26: Nonworking side interferences are between inclines of

supporting cusps: adjust only those parts of the inclines that
contact, preserving the cusps as much as possible, especially the
upper palatal cusp. B: buccal side; WS: working side; NWS:
nonworking side.

Correcting for protrusive movements

1. Anterior interference: interferences caused at the incisors are either because the incisors
have too great an overbite, or there is insufficient compensating curvature to the occlusal
plane. Clearly either the upper or lower incisal edges must be adjusted. This usually means
the lowers, because presumably the clinician has gone to great lengths to ensure the correct
level of the upper incisal edges, for aesthetics and phonetics. Hence the inciso-labial
surfaces of the lowers are adjusted (Figure 27).

Figure 27: Incisal interferences are adjusted by preferably grinding the

lower incisors. Posterior interferences are adjusted by grinding
the distal slopes of the upper cusps and the mesial slopes of the
lower cusps.

If the problem is due to too shallow a compensating curve, then a decision must be made as
to whether this can be corrected by altering cusp angles, or whether to abandon the existing
set-up and remount and re-process new teeth with a steeper compensating curve and
correct effective cusp angles. If the teeth can be adjusted, then the adjustments required are
the same as for a posterior interference to protrusive movements.

2. Posterior interference: posterior interferences to protrusive either cause no contact at the

anteriors, or only a few contacts posteriorly (Figure 27). In either case, the offending
cuspal inclines must be adjusted: these will be the distal inclines of the upper cusps, thus
effectively moving the cusps mesially, and the mesial inclines of the lower cusps, thus
effectively moving them distally.


The correction of occlusal errors can be summarised as in the box below (Figure 28). It is
important to understand the consequences of any action that alters the occlusal shape of a
tooth before adjusting that tooth, so that previous contacts in other positions are not lost.
So the process is one of first adjusting for maximum intercuspation and then, whilst
adjusting for the excursive movements, continually re-checking that maximum
intercuspation has not been lost, nor any other contacts in other excursive movements. The
results will be an increasingly stable articulation in all reasonable positions of the

Figure 28: Summary of corrections required after processing (or remounting) the dentures (some of the
centric summary refers to text following)


mesio-distal discrepancy (either static, or caused by a slide from centric relation into
maximum intercuspation):
Sif discrepancy less than width of a cusp: move mesial inclines of upper buccal cusps
distally and distal inclines of lower cusps
Sif discrepancy greater than width of a cusp: remount with a check-bite record
Sif discrepancy too great to correct by grinding: remove posterior teeth, re-take jaw
registration, remount and process new teeth
in correct positions.
Teeth too long: deepen opposing fossae
Teeth too end to end: grind inclines to move upper cusps buccally and lower cusps lingually
effect: central fossae made broader
upper palatal and lower buccal cusps made narrower
Uppers too far buccal: grind inclines to move upper palatal cusp palatally and lower buccal
cusp buccally
effect: central fossae made broader
upper palatal and lower buccal cusps made narrower

Working side: change the incline extending from the central fossa to the upper buccal
cusp tip and/or the lower lingual cusp
Nonworking side: reduce the incline on the part of the cusps causing interference: the upper
palatal cusp inclines and/or the lower buccal cusp inclines
preserve as much as possible of each interfering cusp, especially the
upper palatal cusp

Anteriors: grind inciso-labial surface of lowers in preference to inciso-palatal surface of
Posteriors: move distal inclines of upper cusps mesially and mesial inclines of lower cusps

Correcting occlusal errors clinically

The last sentence before the box above should really have finished: “in all positions of the
articulator”, for the procedures described have assumed that the articulator is an exact
reproduction of the mouth. Clearly this is not the case, and so these procedures need to be
repeated, once the dentures are placed in the mouth and all other necessary corrections to
the bases have been made.

The first thing to check for will be whether maximum intercuspation coincides with centric
relation position, and whether the vertical dimension of occlusion is unchanged. If this
latter is practically unchanged and there appear to be only small discrepancies in maximum
intercuspation, then these can be adjusted following the same rules as for correcting
occlusal errors on the articulator. However, if it is found that there is a large change in the
vertical dimension of occlusion, producing an open bite of more than 3 mm, then any
adjustments to the teeth to correct this, are going to result in a complete re-shaping of the
occlusal surfaces and almost certainly a complete loss of the cuspal anatomy of the teeth.
The only recourse is to remove the posterior teeth, re-take the jaw registration, remount on
the articulator, and set and process new posterior teeth to the correct occlusal vertical

If the occlusal vertical dimension is correct, then any discrepancy between maximum
intercuspation and centric relation position must be corrected. When there is a discrepancy
between centric relation and maximum intercuspation the clinician must first consider the
size of the error: if it is as a result of an incorrect recording of the centric relation position,
then if the discrepancy is no more than the width of a cusp, the dentures must be re-
mounted on the articulator using a new jaw relationship record (a “check bite”) and the
occlusion corrected on the articulator. If the discrepancy is too great to be adjusted in this
way (i.e. more than the width of a cusp), then the posterior teeth must be removed, a new
jaw registration record made, the dentures must be remounted, and new teeth processed
onto the base.

If the occlusal vertical dimension is correct, and the discrepancy between maximum
intercuspation and centric relation position is small, then this will be due to a slide along
the mesial slopes of the upper cusps and the distal slopes of the lowers, which can be
adjusted in the same manner as described for static mesio-distal relationship errors.

Once maximum intercuspation has been established and made coincident with centric
relation, then the excursive movements are adjusted. It is important, though, to keep
returning to maximum intercuspation, and especially to ensure a smooth transition between
maximum intercuspation and positions in protrusion. This is because even though
maximum intercuspation is made coincident with centric relation position, the evidence is
that patients actually function a little anterior to this, so it is important that this area of 1-2
mm anterior to centric relation also provides for stable intercuspation.

Practical considerations

The above descriptions of the correction of occlusal errors have made no mention of how
these contacting interferences are detected. On the articulator, thin articulating paper is
used, and different types of error can be detected and adjusted at the same time. For
example, once maximum intercuspation has been established, these contacts can be left as
a mark on the teeth in one colour, and then excursive contacts can be marked in a different
colour; or three different colours could be used, for example red for maximum

intercuspation, blue for working side interferences and green for nonworking side
interferences. All these contacts can be detected accurately because the bases are firmly
attached to a firm plaster model on the articulator.

In the mouth the situation is a little different. Now the denture bases sit on unstable
foundations, and occlusal interferences are likely to cause movements of the bases. That is
why they must be corrected of course, but the same movements will also affect the
detection of those interferences. If the patient is asked to tap up and down in centric
relation position, and there happens to be a slide into maximum intercuspation, the
interferences causing that slide may move the denture bases, so that the bases slide to end
up in maximum intercuspation. If articulating paper is placed between the bases, the paper
would only record the end position of that slide – i.e. maximum intercuspation – and not
necessarily the movement into it. The interferences may not then be detected, and the
patient will have an unstable occlusion, which will create great discomfort. Therefore great
care must be taken when using articulating paper in the mouth, and if there is any doubt as
to its efficacy in a given situation, alternative materials must be used. One of the most
effective of these is Kerr’s ivory disclosing wax. This can be placed, molten, onto the
occlusal surfaces of the lower teeth, and when inserted into the mouth provides no
resistance to closure: the denture bases can be held firmly to detect the very first tooth
contacts. When one is sure thereafter that there are no sliding interferences to maximum
intercuspation, then articulating paper can be used for the remainder of the occlusal

The retrognathic mandible

The occlusal scheme thus far described has been that of a fully balanced articulation using
cusped teeth, with the assumption that there is a normal horizontal relationship between the
mandible and the maxillae. Consideration now needs to be given to those situations where
a considerable discrepancy in the horizontal jaw relationship exists. This section will deal
with the retrognathic situation, and the next section, with the prognathic situation.

The term most dentists are familiar with in describing these cases, relates to a classification
by Angle, of the horizontal relationships of the first molar teeth, which in this case defines
a skeletal Class II; most will also be familiar with the two further subdivisions according to
the incisal relationships. However, this classification is not necessarily an indication of
other skeletal relationships that may affect the problem of having to replace an entire
dentition. It is preferable, therefore, to consider a classification of retrognathism which
takes into account the problems likely to be encountered prosthodontically. To this end, the
skeletal Class II situation can be divided into two broad categories, based on the Frankfort-
Mandibular plane angle (FMA). This angle varies according to the relationship of the
amount of vertical to posterior growth. The two categories are best illustrated by the two
extremes (see Figure 29). A high FMA develops when the anterior components of vertical
growth exceed those of condylar growth, and the average FMA is greater than about 26 .
The characteristics will be revealed as (Figure 29B):

— an anterior face height greater than the posterior face height, with a convex profile
— a steep occlusal plane
— a high smile line with a short upper lip
— a high vaulted palate and narrow maxillae
— a lip seal that is often difficult to obtain without considerable mentalis activity

Figure 29: A: a normal Frankfort-Mandibular plane angle (FMA) of about 26 . B: a high

FMA case. C: a low FMA situation (after Di Pietro and Moergeli, 1976)

The skeletal Class II situation with a low FMA on the other hand, displays opposing
characteristics (Figure 29C):

— a hardly discernible discrepancy between anterior and posterior face heights, and less
of a convex profile
— a flat occlusal plane
— a long upper lip and low smile line
— a broad flat palate and a wide maxillary arch

The prosthodontic problem

When constructing complete dentures for skeletal Class II patients, a variety of problems
arise, because of both the static and functional relationships between upper and lower jaws.

Anteriorly, it is still necessary to replace teeth in the same position as they once occupied,
but there can be some allowance for a reduction in overbite, usually by setting the upper
teeth a little higher, but in the same antero-posterior relationship. This improves the
aesthetics but maintains any overjet, as the lowers must also be set in the same antero-
posterior relationship as the natural teeth.

Posteriorly, the different sizes of the arches means that the lower arch appears much
shorter than the upper, and there is a narrowing of the arch in the premolar region, because
a narrow segment of the lower arch must articulate with a wider part of the upper (see
Figure 30).

Figure 30: When the upper and lower

edentulous arches are
superimposed in skeletal Class II
cases, it can be seen that a narrow
segment of the lower arch must
articulate with a wider part of the
upper (after Curtis et al, 1988).

Condylar guidance angles also seem to vary with the FMA, being steeper in the high FMA
group, with a steep occlusal plane, and this too must be taken into account when setting
cusped artificial teeth.

The ridge relationships differ between the high FMA group and the low FMA group. In the
low FMA group the edentulous ridges will nearly always be parallel, but in the high FMA
group the ridges diverge considerably, and whilst it may be possible to reduce the occlusal
vertical dimension to improve this divergence, the ridges will never be parallel to each
other. It is important to be aware of this, because after recording the jaw relationship, it
may well appear erroneous when the articulated models are viewed.

Functionally, skeletal Class II individuals have an extensive range of motion of the

mandible. High FMA cases generally function in a range of positions anterior to centric
relation position. They function closest to centric relation position when chewing food
requiring more force, but function forwards of this position at rest (to help lip closure and
to improve appearance), and when speaking. These variable positions make its difficult to
carry out an accurate and consistent jaw registration procedure. More importantly, the
occlusal scheme and articulation must provide for these rather extensive ranges of motion.
Low FMA cases on the other hand, often have deep overbites with minimal overjet, and
the mandible rotates considerably to clear the overbite before it can translate forwards.
However, the flatter occlusal plane usually means that lateral excursive movements can be
carried out more easily, provided that the overbite, especially at the canines, is not too
great. A further problem with these cases, is that the upper arch is often much wider than
the lower.

Possible solutions

Anterior tooth placement: in high FMA cases it is likely that the original incisor
relationship was that of an Angle’s Class II division 1 situation, with an increased overbite
and often a considerably increased overjet. As stated above, the final solution will be to
reduce the overbite by setting the upper anteriors a little higher; the solution is not to set
them back into a Class I relationship as this will cause aesthetic problems by “collapsing”
the upper lip and, more importantly, functional problems by limiting the forward
movement of the mandible. By definition, a fully balanced articulation means contact at all
places in the arch in all positions, and so if this is to be maintained, a solution must be

found in cases where the overjet is quite large. If the overjet is not too great, then it can be
accepted that at centric relation position there will be no contact on the lower incisors, but
these will contact the uppers on forward movements of the mandible. However, in cases
where the overjet is so great that functional forward movements still do not bring the
incisors together, then contact can be created on the palate of the denture. This can be
shaped so that the lower incisors maintain contact in protrusion (Figure 31).

Figure 31: When the overjet is so great that incisor contact is impossible, then contact can
be made with the palate, which is adjusted to harmonise with the cuspal
guidance in protrusive (after Watt and McGregor 1976).

In low FMA cases, anterior tooth positioning becomes slightly more of a compromise
when compared to the original tooth positions, the classic appearance of which is that of
the Angle’s Class II division 2 case. Clearly if the overbite and minimal overjet of these
cases is reproduced in an artificial tooth set-up, the patient could be locked into an
impossible situation. So there needs to be some re-positioning of the teeth to reduce the
overbite as much as possible without overly compromising aesthetics. If aesthetic demands
are such that an overbite must be retained, then it might have to be accepted that there will
be little or no protrusive balance, and in fact these patients do cope with this and seem to
use lateral excursive movements a lot more. This in turn means that there must be very
good lateral balanced articulation, and so the canines in particular should be set a little
higher in order to produce canine guidance angles that allow for this lateral balance.

Posterior tooth placement: skeletal Class II cases have, as stated, discrepancies in both the
antero-posterior and medio-lateral size and position of the arches. The antero-posterior
discrepancy can normally be solved by leaving out either a premolar or the second molar
from the lower arch. In addition, an extra premolar can be placed distal to the upper second
molar. The medio-lateral discrepancy is more difficult to cope with, and requires a
narrowing of the arch form at the premolars. If necessary, in order to keep the artificial
teeth within the neutral zone, a cross-bite situation may arise in which the mandibular teeth
are placed buccal, not lingual to, the maxillary teeth. If cusped teeth are being used, this
requires a slight modification to the anatomy in order to obtain the correct effective cusp

The type of occlusal scheme and articulation needs to be appropriate to the different Class
II types of high and low FMA cases. In the high FMA situation, it is important that balance
be obtained in the variety of positions used anterior to centric relation. When using cusped
teeth, this can be quite difficult if there is a large overjet that is greater than the width of
the cusps of the posterior teeth; complicating the situation is the need for fairly steep
effective cusp angles, as these cases can tend to have steep occlusal planes and high
sagittal condylar guidance angles. If cusped teeth are used in this situation, then emphasis

must be placed on providing the best possible contact at all reasonable positions anterior to
centric relation. It would also seem sensible to use an articulator that better reproduces the
patient's condylar guidance angles, and teeth with steep cusp angles.

In the low FMA situation, where an overbite is retained, then the emphasis is on producing
excellent lateral balanced articulation. As stated above, the canine guidance angle is critical
in that it needs to be shallow enough to allow for shallower cusped teeth to be used
posteriorly, to try to reduce the compensating curves required for balanced lateral

A further complication arises in those cases where the upper arch is much wider than the
lower. In these cases, the lower teeth are first set in their most appropriate positions
relative to the lower arch. The uppers are then set in their most appropriate positions for
aesthetics. If then it is found that the uppers and lowers don’t meet, a further line of teeth
can be placed palatal to the uppers, or the base can be waxed to the lowers and replaced
with tooth-coloured resin (Figure 32).

Figure 32: A: posterior teeth have been arranged to occlude with the lowers, which are
placed in the correct position relative to the lower arch – the result will clearly
be a poor appearance. B: tooth veneers have been placed buccal to the
occluding teeth, purely for aesthetic purposes. This could also have been done
the other way round, by placing the teeth in the correct aesthetic positions first,
and then adding occluding surfaces (after Curtis et al 1988a).

Thus skeletal Class II cases provide some challenges to the concepts of balanced
articulation when using cusped teeth. However, there are alternative schemes which can be
used which can produce the same and in some cases better results, such as lingualised
articulation. This will be dealt with in a later section.

The prognathic mandible


The Angle classification related to this situation is that of the Class III, where the mandible
is now in advance of the maxillae. Characteristically the incisor relations in the natural
teeth are either in edge-to-edge relationship or display a reverse overjet (where the lower
anteriors are in advance of the upper anteriors).

The prosthodontic problem

Once again there are both static and functional problems when constructing complete
dentures for these patients, as there is likely to be a discrepancy in arch size and position
between the upper and the lower arches. Anteriorly, the requirement, as always, remains to
place the artificial teeth in the positions occupied by the natural teeth; but if this means
reproducing a reverse overjet, this is often unacceptable to the patient.

Posteriorly, the main problem is the discrepancy in arch size, whereby the lower arch is
considerably narrower than the upper. The edentulous lower ridge is in any case wider than
that of the upper because of normal bone resorption patterns, but if it had started out wider
in the natural dentition, then it can appear excessively exaggerated in the edentulous

Functionally, skeletal Class III cases sometimes display an anterior slide into maximum
intercuspation as a result of first contacting the anteriors before the posteriors meet. If this
slide persists in the edentulous state, registering the jaw relationship becomes quite
difficult, as does determining the most appropriate occlusal vertical dimension.

Possible solutions

Anterior tooth placement: if the patient finds the re-creation of a reverse overjet
unacceptable, then the only compromise that could be considered is to place the upper
anteriors closer towards the residual ridge into an edge-to-edge relationship with the
lowers. At no time should a normal Class I arrangement be considered, even if the teeth
were originally edge-to-edge: this relationship should be reproduced. In all cases, though,
the angle of the incisal edges should be in harmony with the antero-posterior compensating

Posterior tooth placement: if the upper arch is inside the lower arch, then placing the teeth
in a normal relationship will mean either extending the upper posteriors far buccally or the
lowers far lingually, or both. Clearly this is impractical, and will create more problems
than such a solution might cure. So maintaining the artificial teeth within the neutral zone
in this case, means that it is necessary to set the teeth in a cross-bite arrangement.

There are several possible alternatives. First, normal cusped teeth can be set with a reverse
overjet and the cuspal inclines adjusted to allow for excursive movements. This means that
the supporting cusps are now reversed – almost as if the whole case is upside down. This is
not as simple as it sounds, because the manufacturers never intended the teeth to work this
way around, and so it often requires quite considerable modification to the teeth.

Second, to aid in correct interdigitation the teeth are in fact set upside down: the first
quadrant teeth are swapped with the third quadrant and the second with the fourth. The
only compromise this entails is in the appearance of the premolars – lower premolars do
not look as pleasing as their upper counterparts when placed in that position. This can be
overcome by using a slightly larger tooth mould for the lowers (which are now the uppers).

A third solution is to use cuspless teeth, and rely only on the compensating curves to
achieve bilateral and antero-posterior balance. This is the easiest solution to set up,
especially in a static relationship, but the least satisfactory if the patient has, or expects to
perform, a range of mandibular movement which would require a fully balanced

Finally, a modification of the lingualised articulation scheme can be used: this is dealt with
in the following section.

Lingualised articulation


As is hopefully apparent by now, the use of cusped teeth for fully balanced articulation is
the ideal occlusal scheme for complete dentures. However, it may also be apparent that it
can often be quite time-consuming to achieve, and that there are adverse consequences for
not achieving full balance with cusped teeth.

Fortunately this has prompted the search for alternative schemes, and there has been a
revival of interest of late in a scheme first advocated, believe it or not, in the 1920s and
again in the 1940s and 1950s. This scheme involves the use of cusped upper teeth with
usually 30 or 33 cuspal angles, modified to ensure that the buccal cusps take no part in
the articulation. The lower teeth used are either 20 or 0 teeth, modified so that their
occlusal surfaces are in harmony with the angles of the upper palatal cusps, as well as the
paths traced as the mandible moves in excursive movements.

It is termed lingualised articulation because of the semantic phraseology of American

English, in which the inner cusps of maxillary and mandibular teeth are termed the lingual
cusps. British English, on the other hand, refers to the inner maxillary cusps as palatal
cusps, for obvious reasons. But as this occlusal scheme was first suggested by Americans,
the termed lingualised has remained, with a British alternative being suggested, rather
clumsily, as palatal cusp contact occlusion or, more strictly, articulation. In the interest of
compromise and clarity, the term lingualised articulation will be used here to describe the
scheme, but the upper palatal cusps will be named as such.

Normal jaw relationships

This section will describe the normal arrangement of the teeth for lingualised articulation,
and the following section will discuss the modifications required for different jaw

There is no difference between the initial placement of the teeth using this scheme, from
those already described: anterior teeth are still placed for aesthetic and phonetic
considerations, and all teeth are placed within the neutral zone and in the positions

occupied by the natural teeth. The only exception is a very slight mesio-distal adjustment
of the lower posterior teeth, so that the upper palatal cusps contact the fossae of the lowers,
and will not contact any lower marginal ridges.

Similarly, there will be no difference in the determinants of the articulation: the incisal and
canine guidance angles, and the condylar guidance angles. Hence the distinguishing
characteristic of this articulation will be the manner in which the compensating curves are
established, and the cuspal guidance inclines to achieve excursive balance.

Lingualised articulation attempts – and largely succeeds – to have the best of all possible
worlds: it is a cusped occlusion in the sense that the upper palatal cusps are used to
penetrate the food and the buccal cusps are retained for aesthetics; and it is a balanced
cusped articulation, as the same cusps are used for crushing and grinding the food against a
lower occlusal surface in much the same manner as a pestle and mortar. Only the upper
palatal cusps are used, and that is why the lower teeth are modified into an occlusal table,
each of which possesses the appropriate inclines to compensate for the mandibular
pathways, so that they collectively generate the appropriate compensating curves. This
means that the buccal cusps of the upper teeth and the cusps of the lowers take no part in
the articulation (Figures 33 and 34).

Figure 33: Centric occlusion in a lingualised articulation. The upper palatal cusps contact the
central fossae of their opposing mandibular teeth, and the buccal cusps have been
adjusted to just raise them sufficiently so that they do not take part in the

Figure 34: Frontal view of a section

through the molars, showing the
contact relationship of the upper
palatal cusp and the lower
occlusal surface and central
fossa in centric occlusion. B:
buccal side.

In excursive movements, the lower occlusal surfaces are adjusted so that contact with the
upper palatal cusp is retained at all times. This is done antero-posteriorly to allow for
protrusive balance, and for both the inner and outer slopes which effectively become the
working and non-working slopes for lateral balance (see Figures 35 to 40).

Figure 35: Protrusive position using lingualised occlusion

Figure 36: Schematic representation of centric position using lingualised occlusion.

Compare with Figure 13. Note that the compensating curve is generated in the
same manner, but using only the upper palatal cusps, and the occlusal table of
the lowers.

Figure 37: Tooth contacts when mandible moves to the left. Compare with Figures 15 and 19.

Figure 38: As the mandible moves to the left (solid arrow), the upper palatal cusps slide up
the buccal inclines of the lower occlusal surface, in the direction of the shaded
arrows. These are therefore the nonworking side contacts.

Figure 39: As the mandible moves to the right (solid arrow), the upper palatal cusps slide
up the lingual inclines of the lower occlusal surfaces, in the direction of the
shaded arrows. These are therefore the working side contacts (the nonworking
side contacts are still shown as the arrows from Figure 38).

Figure 40: The contact areas are shown for all excursive contacts, including protrusive:
each occlusal surface effectively creates the required compensating slopes for
the pathways of the upper palatal cusps. P: protrusive; WS: working side; NWS:
nonworking side.

Retrognathic jaw relationships

The prosthodontic problems of skeletal Class II individuals have been detailed in the
previous section, and the solutions are similar when it comes to tooth placement for coping
with both the antero-posterior and medio-lateral arch form discrepancies (Figure 41).
Figure 41: A skeletal Class II centric set-up: a lower premolar has been left out to

compensate for the antero-posterior arch discrepancy.

High FMA cases with large overjets and steep sagittal condylar guidance angles will
require quite steep compensating curves in the lower occlusal forms to maintain balance
with a lingualised articulation. For this reason some clinicians still prefer to use cusped
teeth, but in fact in most cases, the lingualised concept provides a more effective solution.
As has been stated, the problem is that the patient functions in a variety of positions
anterior to centric relation position, and providing for protrusive balance is very difficult
with cusped teeth. With a lingualised concept, however, the occlusal tables of each tooth
can be successively recruited to maintain contact during protrusion, and a long antero-
posterior area of contact can be obtained. This is done by placing the lower teeth on an
appropriate compensating curve and then adjusting the occlusal tables for all protrusive

Prognathic jaw relationships

The main problem with posterior tooth placement in these cases, is that of a medio-lateral
arch discrepancy and the need for a cross-bite arrangement. In this case, the lingualised
concept becomes a “buccalised” one: the upper buccal cusps are now adjusted to contact
the lower occlusal surfaces, and the upper palatal cusps are ground so as not to take part in
the articulation (Figure 42).

Figure 42: In a cross-bite situation, the

adjustments to the lower
occlusal surfaces are the same,
but it is the upper buccal cusps
that now provide the
articulation, not the palatal

Practical considerations

When setting and adjusting the teeth for lingualised articulation, several factors must be
taken into account, that make the procedures different from those used for a cusped and
balanced articulation.

A study comparing patient responses to a lingualised scheme using 30 upper posteriors to

a monoplane scheme, found that a statistically significant number of patients (67%)
preferred the lingualised scheme, mostly because they “chewed better”. It would seem that
30 or 33 cusp angle teeth enhanced the effective “pestle” effect of the scheme.

The lower posterior tooth form most often recommended is either a 20 or 0 cusp angle.
The choice usually depends on the anatomical form of the occlusal surface, and this varies
from manufacturer to manufacturer. Whatever type is chosen, the occlusal surface will
need to be re-shaped (Figure 43).

Figure 43: The original occlusal

surface of the lower teeth
(shown as dotted lines)
will need to be re-shaped
to conform to the slope of
the upper palatal cusp and
to the mandibular
pathways. A: 20° lower
tooth; B: 0° lower tooth.

This process obviously results in a deepening of the central fossa of the lower teeth, and
therefore can affect the vertical dimension of occlusion. This must be taken into account,
and the articulator adjusted accordingly: it is sensible to open the articulator 1 or 2 mm and
then to re-shape the occlusal surfaces for centric occlusion. Thereafter the centric stops are
maintained, and the occlusal surfaces are then adjusted for all excursive movements. It is
convenient to use different coloured articulating paper for the centric stops and for
excursive movements. All adjustments are made to the lowers, so it is important not to lose
the centric contacts when adjusting for lateral excursive inclines and for protrusion.

Clinical considerations

After re-mounting the processed dentures, the occlusion is again refined on the articulator,
before being tested in the mouth. Once again the procedures followed are the same as
already described for cusped balanced articulation. The only difference is that lingualised
articulation is very much easier to adjust for, when correcting any processing errors, or
when adjusting for special situations such as steep condylar guidance angles, as only the
lower teeth require adjustment.

Clearly, this scheme lends itself to the use of both average-value and semi-adjustable
articulators; and again, as for cusped articulation, a semi-adjustable articulator will make
the entire process more controlled and very much easier. It is for this reason that this
occlusal scheme also lends itself to a variation which is very useful for clinical situations
where it is necessary to ensure a reduced rate of wear on the teeth. This is achieved by
using porcelain upper teeth and amalgam stops in the lowers (or, if money is no object,
gold occlusal surfaces on the lowers). Porcelain teeth can be used because the palatal cusps
are never ground and so retain their glaze: when these occlude onto a polished metal

surface of the lowers, far less wear will be encountered than acrylic on acrylic, or porcelain
(even unglazed) on acrylic. The procedure has been advocated for use in a semi-adjustable
articulator, by making individual amalgam stops in each tooth, or by making an amalgam
“channel” which extends from first premolar to second molar. The movements of the
articulator are used to generate the centric stops and the excursive inclines, which are then
refined in the mouth.

An alternative method and, in the author's opinion, a more logical one given the limitations
of articulators, is to generate these amalgam stops in the mouth, in the same way in which
this is done for single dentures. After the patient has successfully worn the denture for a
week or two, with no further adjustments being required, then every alternate lower
posterior tooth on one side is prepared to receive an amalgam. This is carved to be more
less flat, and the denture returned to the mouth, where the patient makes the required
movements to generate the centric stops and the excursive inclines, using the un-prepared
teeth to maintain the guidance. Then the other teeth on that side are prepared and filled and
the procedure repeated, and then again for the other side of the arch. After each insertion,
the excess amalgam is removed and the edges smoothed, but the contact areas are left
untouched. One week later the patient returns, the occlusion is checked and the amalgams
are then carefully polished.

The same procedure can be carried out using acrylic upper teeth rather than porcelain,
which will also reduce the rate of wear but probably not as much: there are no data
available as yet to determine the relative rates of wear of unglazed artificial porcelain teeth
against amalgam (or gold) versus artificial acrylic teeth against amalgam (or gold).

Advantages and disadvantages of lingualised articulation

This concept has been called “an occlusion for all reasons” and rightly so. There is hardly a
clinical situation where it is not applicable and the adjustments, especially at the chairside,
are considerably easier to make than with a fully balanced articulation using cusped teeth,
for only the lower teeth need to be adjusted. In fact, this occlusal scheme is now frequently
used in fixed implant prostheses.

One disadvantage is when there may be an aesthetic imperative to provide well-defined

buccal cusps in such a way that they must be involved in the articulation. But even then,
they need only be adjusted for working-side contacts with the outer slopes of the lower
buccal cusps; alternatively, the lower buccal cusps, not necessary for aesthetic reasons, can
be bevelled in such a way that their outer slopes are removed from working-side contact. A
further disadvantage might be from an educational point of view: if dental schools only
teach lingualised articulation, it may detract from a student's full understanding of
occlusion and all its implications and varieties, not only in complete dentures. It is, in the
author's opinion, far easier to understand, apply and use lingualised articulation once the
principles of fully balanced cusped articulation have been mastered.

In summary, then, lingualised articulation is recommended for the majority of cases where
it can easily solve most difficulties, provided the principles of balanced articulation are
strictly adhered to.


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