Blessing of An Advent Wreath

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BLESSING OF AN ADVENT WREATH - That this wreath may constantly

remind us to prepare for the coming

of Christ, we pray to the Lord.(R)
Opening Song: - That the Christmas season may fill us
O Come, O Come, Emmanuel with peace and joy as we strive to
follow the example of Jesus, we pray
O Come, O Come, Emmanuel to the Lord.(R)
And ransom captive Israel,
That mourns in lonely exile here Leader: At the Savior’s command and
Until the Son of God appear formed by Divine teaching we dare to say:
Refrain: Our Father…
Rejoice, Rejoice, O Israel
To thee shall come Emmanuel 4. Prayer of Blessings: The first candle is
Introductory Rites: Leader: Lord God, your church joyfully
In the name of the Father, and of the awaits the coming of its Savior, Who
Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen enlightens our hearts and dispels the
May God who enlightens every heart, darkness of ignorance and sin. Pour forth
be with you. your blessings upon us as we light the
And with your Spirit candles of this wreath; may their light
Let us praise God, who enlightens every reflect the splendor of Christ, who is Lord,
heart, be with you. forever and ever.
2. Reading of the Word of God:
Isaiah 9: 1-2, 5-6 5. Concluding Rite:
Leader: (blesses all present)
3. Intercessions: May Almighty God bless you all, the
Response: Come, Lord Jesus! Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

Leader: Christ came to bring us salvation Amen

and has promised to come again. Let us
pray that we may be always ready to Closing Song:
welcome him. (R) O Come, thou wisdom from on high,
- That the keeping of Advent may open And order all things far and nigh;
our hearts to God’s love, we pray to To us the path of knowledge show,
the Lord.(R) And teach us in her ways to go.
- That the light of Christ may penetrate Refrain:
the darkness of sin, we pray to the Rejoice, Rejoice, O Israel
Lord. (R) To thee shall come Emmanuel
FIRST WEEK OF ADVENT: EXPECTATION by being ready to love You in the persons
next to us.

B. HYMN : O Come, O Come Emmanuel

(the first candle is lighted by the student)

O Come, O Come, Emmanuel

Sign of the Cross: And ransom captive Israel,
That mourns in lonely exile here
I INTRODUCTION : (by a Sister) Until the Son of God appear
The Wreath is in a circle because a Refrain:
circle has no beginning and no end. This Rejoice, Rejoice, O Israel
tells us that God is eternal like circle. He has To thee shall come Emmanuel
no beginning and no end. It reminds us that
He keeps loving us and that we should love C. Reading: Mt. 8:5-11 (by a student)
We already said that there are four D. Prayer: (by a Teacher)
candles because there are four weeks Jesus, we are preparing our school for
before Jesus will be born. Three of the Christmas. We have hung some decorations
candles are violet. The color violet and we are very excited about Your coming
represents sorrow. The pink or rose candle birthday. But we are not yet completely
means joy or happiness that Jesus will be ready to receive You in our school. Help us
coming to us again at Christmas. When we to be more loving and kind so that we can
light the candles, this stands for Jesus being give You a warm welcome in our hearts.
light of the world. We will use our wreath And, Jesus, thank You for loving us.
everyday to help bring us closer to God and
to make us more loving children of God. E. Intercession (by the students)
Response: Come, Lord Jesus!
- Christ the Lord, Son of the living God,
A. Opening Prayer: (by a Sister) Light from light, lead us into the light
Dear Father, we are gathered here in and reveal His holiness. With
the name of Jesus, Your Son. And so we confidence, let us make our
believe that You are here with us also. We prayer.(R)
ask You to bless our wreath which reminds - Light that never fades, dispel the
us that Your love for us goes on and on, mists about us awaken our faith from
without end. Help us to prepare our hearts sleep.(R)
to celebrate His coming on Christmas day. - Guard us from all harm today, may
As we light the candles, help us to Your glory fill us with joy. (R)
remember that Christ is the only light that - Give us unfailing gentleness at all
can melt away the darkness in the world. times towards everyone we meet.(R)
Please help us to keep His light in our hearts
- Come to create a new earth for us-
where there will justice and peace.(R)

Glory be to the Father…

III Concluding Prayer:

May the light of Christ lead you to the

joy of the Kingdom now and forever.


Closing Song:
O Come, thou wisdom from on high,
And order all things far and nigh;
To us the path of knowledge show,
And teach us in her ways to go.
Rejoice, Rejoice, O Israel
To thee shall come Emmanuel

Sign of the Cross:

In the name of the Father and of the
Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen

Prepared by:

Campus Ministry Office 2016

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