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Electromagnetic Waves and their Properties

I. Five transparent plastic containers below were filled with different water
colors of paint. The volume each is 50 ml. The temperature of the water is
20 C. They are all then placed in the sunlight for 15 minutes. The
temperature is then retaken for each container.

Clear White Black Red Yellow

Answer the following question based on the experiment above.

(a) In the space below, arrange the containers in order from the warmest to the coolest based on
your understanding of the interaction of sunlight and the containers. Write the name of the color
in the blanks.
(a) (Warmest) Black, Red, Yellow, Clear, White (Coolest)
(b) Black container absorbed all colors of the visible spectrum
ROYGBIV. No colors were reflected or transmitted from it. The
light caused the atoms to move more rapidly, thus increasing the
average kinetic energy of the particles.
The Red container was the second warmest because it reflected
only one wavelength of light(red) and absorbed the six other
colors (OYGBIV). With 14% fewer waves of light to interact with
the water molecules, its temperature did not rise as much as the
black container.
The Yellow container was third because it reflects red and green
wavelengths and absorbs only 4 colors (OBIV). It has 28% fewer
waves of light interacting with the water molecules, its
temperature did not rise as much as the red container.
The Clear container allowed the light to pass through or be
transmitted. No wavelengths were reflected or absorbed, but the
light did interact with the water as it passed through causing the
temperature to rise slightly.
The White container reflected all of the wavelengths of light and
allowed none to be transmitted or absorbed. It was the coolest or
had the lowest temperature of all the containers.
Electromagnetic Waves and their Properties

II. When light passes through air into glass, its angle of refraction is
a. less than its angle of incidence.
b. the same as its angle of incidence.
c. more than its angle of incidence.
d. can be more or less than its angle of incidence.

III. The fact that you can get sunburned while submerged in water is evidence that
a. absorbs infrared light.
b. transmits infrared light.
c. absorbs ultraviolet light.
d. transmits ultraviolet light.

IV. If a light signal and a radio signal were transmitted simultaneously from a nearby
star, the first signal to reach the Earth would be
a. the radio signal.
b. the light signal.
c. neither: they would reach Earth at the same time.

V. All of the waves listed below are a part of the electromagnetic spectrum except
a. sound waves. b. X rays. c. gamma rays. d. light waves. e. radio waves.

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