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Comparison of Clauses of BRC Food Issue 7 and ISO 22000:2005

ISO 22000 2005 Food safety management

BRC Global Standard Food Safety Issue 7
systems - Requirements for any organization in
the food chain
1 SENIOR MANAGEMENT COMMITMENT 5. Management Responsibility
1.1 Senior management commitment and 8.5.1 Continual improvement
continual improvement 5.1 Management Commitment
1.1.1 Policy
5.2 Food Safety Policy
1.1.2 Objectives
1.1.3 Management Review 5.8 Management review
1.1.4 Meeting Programmes Review of Issues 8.4.3 Analysis of results of verification activities
1.1.5 Human and Financial Resources 6.1 Provision of Resources
1.1.6 Site informed and reviews relevant new
5.6.1 External communication
5.4 Responsibility & Authority
6. Resource Management
1.2 Organisational structure, responsibilities and
6.1 Provision of Resources
management authority
6.2 Human Resources
6.2.2 Competence, Awareness and Training
7. Planning and Realisation of Safe Products
2 THE FOOD SAFETY PLAN – HACCP 7.1 General Planning and Realisation of Safe
2.1 The HACCP food safety team – Codex 7.3.2 Food safety team
Alimentarius Step 1 5.5 Food Safety Team Leader
2.2 Prerequisite programmes 7.2 Prerequisite Programmes:
7.3 Preliminary steps to enable hazard analysis
7.3.3 Product characteristics
2.3 Describe the product – Codex Alimentarius Raw materials, ingredients and product-
Step 2
contact materials Characteristics of end products
2.4 Identify intended use – Codex Alimentarius
7.3.4 Intended use
Step 3
2.5 Construct a process flow diagram – Codex 7.3.5 Flow diagrams, process steps and control
Alimentarius Step 4 measures
2.6 Verify flow diagram – Codex Alimentarius Step Flow diagrams
2.7 List all potential hazards associated with each
7.4 Hazard Analysis
process step, conduct a hazard analysis and
consider any measures to control identified Description of process steps and control
hazards – Codex Alimentarius Step 6, Principle 1
Document Comparison of Clauses of BRC Food Issue 7 and ISO 22000:2005
Revision 1 15th February 2016
Owned by: Tony C 1
Comparison of Clauses of BRC Food Issue 7 and ISO 22000:2005

7.4.2 Hazard identification and determination of

acceptable levels
7.4.3 Hazard assessment
2.8 Determine the critical control points (CCPs) –
7.6.2 Identification of critical control points (CCPs)
Codex Alimentarius Step 7, Principle 2
7.6.3 Determination of critical limits for critical
2.9 Establish critical limits for each CCP – Codex
control points
Alimentarius Step 8, Principle 3
8.2 Validation of control measure combinations
2.10 Establish a monitoring system for each CCP – 7.6.4 System for the monitoring of critical control
Codex Alimentarius Step 9, Principle 4 points
2.11 Establish a corrective action plan – Codex 7.6.5 Actions when monitoring results exceed
Alimentarius Step 10, Principle 5 critical limits
2.12 Establish verification procedures – Codex
7.8 Verification planning
Alimentarius Step 11, Principle 6
2.13 HACCP documentation and record keeping –
7.6 Establishing the HACCP plan
Codex Alimentarius Step 12, Principle 7
7.7 Updating of preliminary information and
documents specifying the PRPs and the HACCP
2.14 Review the HACCP plan
5.6.2 Internal communication
8.5.2 Updating the food safety management
7.4.4 Selection and assessment of control
Unique to ISO 22000
7.5 Establishing the operational prerequisite
Unique to ISO 22000
programmes (PRPs)
4 Food safety management system 4.1 General
4.2 Documentation requirements
3.1 Food safety and quality manual 5.3 FSQMS Planning
3.2 Documentation control 4.2.2 Document Control
3.3 Record completion and maintenance 4.2.3 Record Control
3.4 Internal audits 8.4.1 Internal audit
3.5 Supplier and raw material approval and 7.2.3 f) management of purchased materials,
performance monitoring supplies, disposals and handling of products
3.6 Specifications
7.10.1 Corrections
3.7 Corrective and preventive actions
7.10.2 Corrective actions
7.10 Control of nonconformity
3.8 Control of non-conforming product
7.10.3 Handling of potentially unsafe products
Document Comparison of Clauses of BRC Food Issue 7 and ISO 22000:2005
Revision 1 15th February 2016
Owned by: Tony C 2
Comparison of Clauses of BRC Food Issue 7 and ISO 22000:2005 Evaluation for release Disposition of nonconforming products
3.9 Traceability 7.9 Traceability system
3.10 Complaint handling 5.6.1 External communication
3.11 Management of incidents, product 5.7 Contingency preparedness and response
withdrawal and product recall 7.10.4 Withdrawals
3.12 Customer focus and communication 5.6.1 Communication
6.3 Infrastructure
6.4 Work environment
7.2.3 a) construction and lay-out of buildings and
4.1 External standards
associated utilities
4.2 Security
7.2.3 b) lay-out of premises, including workspace
and employee facilities
4.3 Layout, product flow and segregation
7.2.3 g) measures for the prevention of cross
4.4 Building fabric, raw material handling,
preparation, processing, packing and storage areas
7.2.3 c) supplies of air, water, energy and other
4.5 Utilities – water, ice, air and other gases
7.2.3 e) the suitability of equipment and its
4.6 Equipment
4.7 Maintenance
4.8 Staff facilities
4.9 Chemical and physical product contamination
control Raw material handling, preparation,
processing, packing and storage areas
4.10 Foreign-body detection and removal
4.11 Housekeeping and hygiene 7.2.3 h) cleaning and sanitizing
7.2.3 d) supporting services, including waste and
4.12 Waste/waste disposal
sewage disposal
4.13 Management of surplus food and products
for animal feed
4.14 Pest control 7.2.3 i) pest control
4.15 Storage facilities
4.16 Dispatch and transport
5.1 Product design/development
5.2 Product labelling
Document Comparison of Clauses of BRC Food Issue 7 and ISO 22000:2005
Revision 1 15th February 2016
Owned by: Tony C 3
Comparison of Clauses of BRC Food Issue 7 and ISO 22000:2005

5.3 Management of allergens

5.4 Product authenticity, claims and chain of
5.5 Product packaging
5.6 Product inspection and laboratory testing 8.4.2 Evaluation of individual verification results
5.7 Product release
6.1 Control of operations
6.2 Labelling and pack control
6.3 Quantity – weight, volume and number control
6.4 Calibration and control of measuring and
8.3 Control of monitoring and measuring
monitoring devices
7.1 Training: raw material handling, preparation,
6.2.2 Competence, awareness and training
processing, packing and storage areas
7.2 Personal hygiene: raw material handling,
7.2.3 j) personnel hygiene
preparation, processing, packing and storage areas
7.3 Medical screening
7.4 Protective clothing: employees or visitors to
production areas

Document Comparison of Clauses of BRC Food Issue 7 and ISO 22000:2005

Revision 1 15th February 2016
Owned by: Tony C 4

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