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WASHINGTON 25, D. C., 15 June 1943.
FM 1-25, Army Air Forces Field Manual, Air Defense, is
published for the information and guidance of all concerned.
[A. G. 300.7 (15 Jun 43).]
Chief of Staff.

Maior General,
T~e Adiutant General..J
R and Ii 1-7, 17, 18 (6); Bn 1 (8),2-7, 11, 17,18, 19 (5) i
IC 2-7,17,18,19 (2).
(For explanation of symbols see FM21-6J

Sll:CTION I. General. . ' Paragraph Page
Authority 1 1
Purpose and scope________________ 2 1
II. Mission.
General__________________________ 3 1
Respons)bility for active air de-
fense__________________________ 4 2
Responsibility for passive air de-
fense__________________________ 5'. 3
III. Organization for air defense.
Fighter command________________ 6 4
Antiaircraft artillery 7 6
Aircraft Warning Service_________ 8 8
An tiaircraft Artlllery Intelligence
~ervice------------------------ 9 9
IV. Tactical coordination.
G'eneral 10 9
Operations room 11 10
Controller .:.__ 12 10
Antiaircraft artlllery operations
offic:er 13 1l
Standing operating procedure_____ 14 11
Restrictions of fire_______________ 15 11"
V. Principles of employment.
General_________________________ 16 12 '
Fighter aviation 17 13
Antiaircraft artillery .. 18 14
Barrage balloons .. 19 15
Aircraft Warning Service_________ 20 15
Civilian defense__________________ 21 18

FM 1-25 ,

I '
\ ,/
(This manual supersedes FM 1-25, 24 December 1942.)

• 1. AUTHORITY.-a.AR 95-5 charges the Commanding Gen-
eral of the Army Air Forces wIth the provision, training, and
lllaintenance of all Army aviation means for the active air
defense of the continental United States, of oversea garrisons,
and of theaters of operations where located. The Command-
ing General, Army Air Forces, is also chargedwith'the devel-
Opment of tactics and technique for Army air defense opera:"
tion, including Aircraft Warning Service, fighter aviation,
and coordination with the Commanding General, Army ,
Ground Forces, in regard to the trainirig of' antiaircraft
artillery, searchlights, ~nd barrage balloons for employment
in air defense. , ' ~,
b. Responsible army field force commanders are charged
With making an air defense estimate and plan based on
the policies and methods of operation as determined by th'e
I Coman ding General of the Army Air Forces. " .
I. 2. PtmPOSEANDSCOPE.-The purpose of this manual is to
present a general statement of the organization for air de-
l fense.

Its scope is limited to those principles and statements

I that are of general interest, that are matters involving War
\ Department policy, and that may be included in a restricted

,. 3. GENERAL.-Airdefense includes all measures necessary i
to prevent, to interfere with, or to reduce th;e effectiveness
of hostile air action after hostile aircraft have left their own

airdromes or carriers. These i'measures include both active

and passive air defense measures.. \'/ I

a. Active air defense comprises all measures aimed to

destroy or threaten destruction of hostile aircraft and their
crews in the air.
b. Passive air defense includes all other measures taken to
minimize the effects of hostile air action.
c. The action of our own aviation in seeking out and de-'
stroying hostile airplanes on their bases, the bases them-
selves, essential aviation supplies, and airplane production
facilities. while not considered as an element of air defense as
defined herein. is a most important factor in our protection
against hostile air action. It should be recognized that no
pra.cticable scale of air de~ense can secure complete immunity
from the effects of hostile air action. .
manding General of the Army Air Forces is responsible for I
the determination of requirements of the Army Air Forces
air defense units with respect to personnel, materiel. facil-
ities. and the preparation of necessary plans for the devel-
opment. organization, equipment. training, tactical opera-
tion. supply. and maintenance thereof. including oversea
garrisons and task forces and the assignment of personnel
and materiel thereto. .He is also responsible for the deter-;
mination of tactical doctrine governing the employment of
fighter aircraft and Aircraft Warning Service instruments
in air He will collaborate with the Commanding'
General, Army Ground Forces, in the preparation of tactical
doctrine governing the employment in air defense of anti-
aircraft artillery, barrage balloons, and searchlights. \j
b. Theater of operations, base. department. defense. or
similar commanders are responsible for the installation and
operation of' the complete air defense organization within
their commands. This function is normally delegated to
the fighter commander through the air force commander
within an air defense area prescribed by the theater of opera-
tions or similar commander. Ground units of the field force~
outside of t~e air defense area are responsible jor providin~
local antiaircraft artillery protection through the fire 0;
assigned' or attached antiaircraft units.

c. In addition to the air defense provided by fighter air-'

craft, antiaircraft artillery, barrage balloons, and other
Weapons manned by air defense troops, or the local antiair-
craft protection provided by ground force AAA troops, each
lnilitary agency must provide appropriate security measures
against hostile air action, including the employment of avail-
able fir~ power. " .
War or during a national emergency, responsibility for insti-
tuting air raid precautionary measures rests with the com-
lnancUng generals of the various defense commands. The
defense commander delegates certain responsibilities to com-
lnanding generals of service commands. The defense com-
lnander.delegates certain other responsibilities to fighter
cOmmanders through air force commanders. The defense
cOmmander and the various military authorities' to. whom he
delegates responsibilities with respect to passive air defense
are assisted by civilian agencies organized under the Office
of CiVilianDefense, which acts in an advisory capacity to such
agencies.. ,//".
b. Responsibilities of commanding generals of service co~-
lnands include, or may include, functions pertaining to-
U) Control of the civilian population in an emergen~Y: ..
(2) E,vacuation of civilians from designated areas. -
(3) Local protection of installations, utilities, or sensitive
:Points. . .
I' (4) Removal or detonation ot time bombs or other unex-
I ploded projectiles. .
, (5) The enforcement of m~asures for the control of
~ c. Pighter commands organize and operate the Aircraft
I'Warning Service, which is responsible for the collection and
4evaluation of information of hostile aircraft on which air
/aid warnings are based. This service i3 responsible, also,
Ifor decision as to which civilian warning districts shall be
\~arned as air raids develop, and for transmission of properly
j t1lned warnings to such warning districts. ,
, ,d. Prom the time air raid warnings are delivered at dis-
11trlctwarning centers, responsibility for their further dis-
rlllination and for the ncces~arY air raid precautions indi'-
cated by the general situation and specific warnings rests
with the agencies organized under the Office of Civilian
Defense and state and local defense councils.
e. The Office of Civilian Defense is charged by executive
order with the following duties pertaining to air defense:
. (1) Serve as the center for coordination of Federal civilian
air defense activities which involve relationships between the
Federal Government and State and local governments, terri-
tories, insular possessions, and the District of Columbia;
establish and maintain contact with State and local govern-
ments and their defense agencies; and facilitate relation-
ships between such units of government and the agencies of I
the Federal Government in respect to air defense problems. 1
(2) Assist State and local governments in the establish-l
ment of State and local defense councils or other agencies.
designed to coordinate civilian air defense activities. I
(3) With the assistance of the Board for Civilian Pro-
tection, study and plan air raid precaution measures, sponsor I
and carry out civil air defense programs, recruit and train'
civilian auxiliaries, and disseminate information concerning~
civil air. defense measures to appropriate officials of the'
Federal Government and State and local governments. t
j. For the execution and enforcement of those passive air 1
defense measures requiring interstate control, such as re.. l

striction of lighting and radio broadcasting, appropriate

agencies of the Federal and state Governments are em"
ployed. Orders for the initiation of restriction, and for their'
termination, are issued by designated officers at fighter
'command installations. '


.• 6. FIGHTER COMMAND.-A fighter command is the commanC
within an air force that is charged, among other duties, witt
the organization and conduct of active air defense withi!
the air defense area prescribed by the theater of operation:
or similar commander. Basically, fighter' commands ar
mobile units, with troops and equipment in their signa
service to operate an Aircraft Warning Service whether 0
not existing communication facilities are available, and wit
fighter aircraft to provide' an ~ctive air defense of an area or '
of a field force in any locality" Both in the defense of areas
and of fixed installations of field forces, antiaircraft artillery.
and barrage balloons may be assigned or attached to fighter
commanders by the theater of operations or similar com-
mander whenever communication facilities permit control
by the fighter command. .When a fighter command accom-,
Panies a field force to a theater of operations with little or no
available existing wire communication, the fighter command
signal service must be reinforced bY signal construction
troops. \ '
a.. Territorial division.-A fighter command is divided ter- .
ritorially into regions. The size and number of regions are
determined principally by the number and location of vital
installations, the amount of fighter aircraft, and the com-
munication network available. . ..
b. Air dejense wing.-The tactical organization charged
With air defense of a region is called an "air defense wing" if ,
fighter aircraft are assigned to' it. The air defense wing ,
commander is charged with the organization and conduct of
air defense measures within the region assigned to him. His
principal duties are to- " . ' .'
(I) Initiate action against all hostile aircraft which .fiy
Within his region.. . "
(2) Coordinate fighter aircraft and antiaircraft artillery
action within his region and/or between subordinate fighter "
control areas. '
i' (3). Control' antiaircraft artillery units within his region.
(4) Coordinate intelligence within his region.
I, c.'Air dejenseregion.-The tactical organization charged
With air defense of a region is called an "air defense region"
if no fighter aircraft are assigned to it. Basically, the organ-
ization may consist only of the personnel required to operate
the air defense region headquarters, the information center,
a,nd the Aircraft Warning Service. Thus, the responsibility
of an' air defense region commander may be'limited to pas- \.
sive air defense measures-principally the issuance of air
raid warnings. Antiaircraft artillery may be assigned to the
air defense region. In this event, the region AAA: com-
~ander will normally command the' region. His principal'

,537478°--43--,-2 5
duties as air defertse region commander will be identical with
those listed above for the air'defense wing commander save
, for the coordination of fighter aircraft and antiaircraft artil-
lery action. He will not be charged with this responsibility
because, as an air defense region commander, he will have no
. fighter aircraft assigned to him.
d. Fighter control area.-(l) The territorial region of .an
air defense wing may be divided into fighter control areas.
The number of fighter control areas is determined by the!
size of the region, the number and location of objectives, and
the strategical location of fighter airdromes. The purpose
I of the fighter control area is to provide more efficient control'
of fighter aircraft in the air. Generally, the fighter control I
.area will include that territory which can be covered effec-l
tively by the control communication network provided. The
area cop.troller is responsible for the proper conduct of the'
air defense of his area, under the direction of the wing com) 4
mander, who also normally acts through his controller. HiS
principal duties are to- I.'
(a) Put into effect all orders received from the wing..
(b) Coordinate, direct, and control fighter aircraft in the

ai~.C).Coordinate operation of fighter aircraft and antiaiJ

craft artillery units within the fighter control area. ,
(2) _When antiaircraft artillery is employed for air defense
purposes within the fighter control area, in the absence of
fighter aviation, the area antiaircraft artillery commander~
normally commands the area. I ~

. e. Aircraft Warning Service.-Fighter commands organize

and operate the mobile and fixed elements of the Aircraft~
Warning Service. When fighter commands are moved out)
side of their continental United States areas of responsibility;
the fixed elements of the Aircraft Warning Service are as .
signed to the fiXed echelons of air forces and utilized for ai!
raid warning. '1
II 7. ANTIAIRCRAFT ARTILLEPY.-a.General.--:(l) All antiair-
craft units employed in air defense operations within the ail
defense area of a fighter command will be under the com;
mand of the fighter command. I
6 i

(2) Antiaircrajt units assigned or attached to ground units

of the field forces normally are not under the control of
fighter commands. Whenever practicable, however, these
units will establish liaison with adjacent antiaircraft units
under the command of the fighter command for the purpose
of_ '
(a) Receiving intelligence and identification information
on frjendly and enemy aerial activity.
(b) Receiving information relative to fire on "unseen
targets." ,\
(3) It is the responsibility of the gro~,mdforce commanders
that such liaison be established. \
b. Antiaircraft artillery command.-All antiaircraft artil-
lery units employed in air defense operations within the air
defense area of the fighter command will be o'rganized into
an antiaircraft artillery command.
(1) Fighter commander.-So far as antiaircraft artillery is,
concerned, the 'principal duties' of the fighter commander
(a) Command, through the anti~ircraft artillery com-'
lllander, of antiaircraft artillery units assigned or attached
to the fighter command. '
(b) The strategical disposition of the antiaircraft artillery.
This disposition is based on the decision of the theater of
operations or similar commander as to the priority of areas to
be defended (air defense plan>. ,.' .
. (c) Coordination of antiaircraft artillery and fighter ac-
tion between subordinate echelons of command (no;mally
accolllplished through the medium of directives' and stand-
ard operating procedure). '
(d) Control of all antiaircraft artillery units engaged in
! air defense operations within his area. I'

I (e) Coordination of intelligence throughout the elements

lOfthe air defense system over which he has control. '
, ',' (2) Antiaircraft artillery commander.-Th~ principal du-
tIes of the antiaircraft artillery commander are:
(a) Tactica,1 disposition of antiaircraft artillery units.
I (b) Training, administration, and supply of' antiaircraft
Iartillery units. ' '

, '(c) Responsibility for combat efficiency of antiaircraft
artillery units. 7
7-8 I

(d) To advise the fighter commander on matters affecting

the strategical disposition and operation .of antiaircraft
c. Lower echelons.-Antiaircraft artillery troops within the
,air defense wing (or region) and fi;;hter control area will
be organized into corresponding tactical commands to facil-
itate the control and conduct of operations.
The fighter command,
or each region if, so divided, organizes an Aircraft Warning
Service and a system of command and control communi-l
cations to- '
(1) Collect, evaluate, and display at an information center,
all early, long-range warning intelligence of enemy aircraft'
and information of our own aviation necessary for the em-l
ployment of fighter aircraft, antiaircraft artillery, and bar-
rage balloons.
(2) Selectively transmit to district warning centers (civil-
ian) and to military and naval forces, reports of the immi- ~
nence and end of possible enemy air action. ,
(3) Issue commands for the control of lighting and radio
emissions which may give aid to hostile aviation. 1
b. Because fighter aircraft require a higher order of time-
liness and accuracy of intelligence of hostile aircraft than~
the other using agencies, the fighter aircraft requirements
are taken as the objective of the Aircraft Warning Service:
The intelligence displayed on operations boards for fighter'
aircraft incidentallY meets the' early long-range watning
requirements of antiaircraft artillery, barrage, balloons,
troops designated for defense against parachutists and forces
landed from aircraft, and warnings to military and civiliaI
c. Within the continental United States, regions are di-
vided into filter areas determined by- .
(1) The centering arrangement of the commercial com:
munication used in the collection of information. l
(2) The size of the area Which may be shown on a suit:
'able scale for plotting and evaluating reports, and tellinl
or transmitting filtered intelligence to the operations boarl
at the region information center.


(3) Economy of operation and avoidance of undue inter-

ference with the normal use of commercial communication.
(4) Decentralization of operations for security and fiexi-
d. Filter areas within the continental United states are
diVided into air raid warning districts determined by collab-
oration of fighter commands with civilian defense agencies.
The air raid warning district is the basic territorial division
Within which the precautionary measures called for by air '
raid warning messages are applied.
e. Provision is made for alternate and emergency operation
of command posts, information centers, and separate filter
centers in the event continued operation of primary installa-
tions becomes impracticable .
antiaircraft artillery organizes an Antiaircraft Artillery In-
telligence Service (AAAIS) and a system of command and
control communications to-
(1) Collect, evaluate, and display in an AAA operations
room the accurate, timely, close-in intelligence on enemy
aircraft and information on our own aviation necessary for
,Controlling the operations of fighter aircraft, antiaircr~ft
artillery, searchlights, and barrage balloons. .'
I (2) Selectively transmit to antiaircraft artillery, search-
,lights, and barrage balloons necessary control instructions~
,AAAIS information used in the control of fighter aircraft is.
transmitted over separate control communications.
~. b. The AAAIS is essential in controlling the fighter-search':'
Ight team for defense against air attack at night.
, c. The AAAIS receives early warning information from
the Aircraft Warning Service, and transmits to the Aircraft
\Varning Service close-hi information. '

'tj re Covered in FM 4-106.

d. The details of organization and operation of the AAAIS

~ ..

1. 10. GENERAL.-The fighter commander
trd.inating the action of fight~r aircraft
is charged with co-.

rtl!lery so as to exploit to :he maximum the capabilities

and antiaircraft
of each in an air defense area. This includes responsibility
for coordination of air defense planning and such control of
operations as may be necessary to effect successful joint
operation. Control is exercised generally through the issue
of directives and standing operating procedures, and,,in
specific instances, by-
a. Restriction of fire of antiaircraft weapons.
b. Restriction of searchlight operation.
c. Restriction of operation of barrage balloons.
d. Ordering special illumination.
e. Ordering of special fires.
• 11. OPERATIONS ROOM.-As used in air defense terminolOgy,~
the operations room is the control center for air defense
cperations in the area to which it pertains. ,~
.. a. Fighter command, wing, or control area' operations 4
, ,room.-This room is the focal point of air defense intelli- 4
gence and contains the operations board upon which the
intelligence is displayed. Based on the situation as shown ~
on the operations board, decisions are made by the con)1
troller as to operation of the various air defense components
in his area.' . ~
b. Antiaircraft artillery opera.tions room.-The personnel
, and equipment necessary for coordination of antiaircraf~
artillery operations within the wing and/or fighter contr01
area. It is in this room that the AAAIS information is dis~
.played, and from which is exercised such direct control of
antiaircraft artillery operations as is necessary. It is fron1
'here that control and coordination of the fighter-searchlighl
I team is conducted. This room may be in a room of its own
I - whenever possible,. however, this room should be combinel
'. with the fighter operations room, either the fighter contro
area operations room or the wing operations room, which
/ ever is, more feasible. 'j

• 12. CONTROLLER.-The controller is the air force officer o

duty in the operations room, who is the direct representativ
of the fighter or wing commander. During his tour of dut:
he assumes full responsibility for air defense operations i
his area, makes decisions and acts in the name of his con
manding officer.



antiaircraft artillery officer on duty in the antiaircraft artil-
lery operations room, who is the representative of the anti-
aircraft' artillery commander in the area concerned. His
Principal duties are:
a. The transmission of control instructions from the con-.
troller to antiaircraft artillery units concerned.
b. To be cognizant of the location and status of all anti-
aircraft artillery units in his area. This includes antiair-
craft units in harbor defenses and under the control of other
forces, such as Navy, Coast Guard, and Merchant Marine.
c. To inform antiaircraft artillery units in his area of all
aerial activity, friendly and enemy, in and in the vicinity
of that area.
d., To supervise the operations of antiaircraft artillery
Personnel in the AAA operations room.
e.To take such action as may be necessary to assure the
fun participation of antiaircraft artillery in any. given \
f. T~ keep the antiaircraft artillery liaison officer in the
Wing operations room informed of location, status, and
action taken by antiaircraft artillery units in the area.
Y. To act as adviser to the controller on antiaircraft
artillery matters. .: .

I- 14. STANDINGOPERATING PROCEDURE.--a.It is essential f~r.

C01ll1llanders concerned to issue clear, concise operating in- •

Istructions for the benefit of every individual empowered to '

~.ontrol antiaircraft artillery, to open fire, to initiate search-
lIght action, or to operate barrage balloons. l .

b b. The normal channel for control instructions is fighter

b01ll1lland-air defense wing-fighter. control area-antiair-
i raft artillery operations officer-units concerned. In most
~nstances, control instructions, other than those contained in
~~andingoperating procedure, will originate In the fighter
~ontrol area. . .

~ni~ .commander in immediate
The antiaircraft artillery fire
command is responsible for
emng and ceasing fire, ~el is the individual responsible
for determining' when friendly aviation is unnecessarily en-
dangered by the fire of his unit.
b. The normal firing status of antiaircraft artillery will be
that of "Release to open fire under instructions contained in
local standing operating procedure" until specifically re-
'. stricted by the controller.' '
c. The normal status of searchlights will be that of "Re-
lease to operate under instructions contained in local stand-
ing operating procedure" until specifically restricted by the.
d. Barrage balloons will normally be fiown at ruling oper-
ating height.
. . e. Restrictions by fighter controllers will be imposed on the\'
. minimum number of antiaircraft artillery units consistent,:
with the accomplishment of the desired aim. This restric-
tion will be imposed for a specific purpose and for a definitel
period of time. However, information of the approach of:
friendly and enemy aviation to areas defended by antiair :
craft ar~illery will be transmitted to these units at all times.

• 16. GENERAL.-a. Fighter aircraft, antiaircraft artiller
searchlights, and barrage balloons are employed to provid~
a coordinated and complementary active air defense. At
are served Aircraft Warning Service WhiCh.places befo.~
the fighter commanders timely and usable intelligence
: hostile aircraft and information of friendly aircraft. Tb
same intelligence and information are used to inform ci
and other militarY and naval establishments of the air situa
tion, and as the b~sis for orders for the restriction of sud
lighting and radio emissions as may aid the enemy in a give

\ situation. .
b. A st~ategic air defense area includes the territory e
bracing all the objectives of a probable hostile air campai~
and for which a coordinated, integrated, and self-containe
air defense plan and organization must be provided. Tl
I, hostile air campaign may cover more than one strategic' ~
defense area. It is contemplated that active air defen

U ',I

forces will be shifted as indicated by the strategic air

• 17. FIGHTER AVIATION.--a. Fighter aircraft may b~ employed
in general or local defense. In a general defense, the fighter
aircraft are disposed on airdromes over a broad front so as
to be able to meet hostile aviation approaching to attack any
of a large number of objectives. In 'a local defense, the
fighter aircraft are disposed on airdromes to meet hostile
aViation approaching to attack one objective or a group of
objectives included within a small area. When the enemy
has a choice of objectives extending over a wide area, the
general defense is indicated. 'When the situation is such
that the enemy aviation will direct its efforts toward a small
area, a local defense of that area is indicated. -
b. A fighter commander is prepared to organize and con-
duct a general air defense of an air space of any s~e within,
the capacity of the fighter aircraft and Aircraft Warning
SerViceforces available to him. The size of an air space that
can be defended by a, given fighter force is a function of the
,:methodof fighter operation. The three methods of fighter
0perattonin air defense are gr,ound alert, air alert, and search
r- c. The ground alert method involves the retention of the
~efending fighter force on the ground, on an alert statul?,
I ntH information is received of the approach of enemy air-.
~aft. A considerable outward extension of the Aircraft.
~, arning Service is a prerequisite to the use of, the gro,:nd
J.ert-lnethod. This method is by far the most economlCal
t n force, as the fighter aircraft do not fiy until an enemy is
ctually located. '
d. The air alert method involves the maintenance of a
ghter unit in the air, in a restricted locality, at all times
'lluring which the enemy may approach. Upon receipt of
;nfo:mation of the, approach of an enemy, the fighter un~t.
n flIght proceeds outward to intercept the en~my. The aIr
, lert lnethod requires the continual maintenance of fighter
~ircraft in fiight, and is considerably more expensive in force

hanthe ground alert method. The air elert method is re-
orted to only when the outer limit to which \ the ,Aircraft
arnlng Service can be exten::d will not permit the emp!oy-
ment of the ground alert method. An Aircraft Warning
Service, even though

limited, is a prerequisite to the employ ..I(\(
ment of the aIr alert method. I
e. Th~ search patrol method is used in the absence of aIlI
effective Aircraft' Warning Service, and involves continuat(
search for the enemy by fighter aircraft in flight. Thi$c
method possesses all of the disadvantages of the air alertll
, method and, in addition, requires continual search of the1
vast air space through which the enemy may approacb~
The search patrol method is so costly in force as to be pr01
hibitive in the general case. It is resorted to only in excep~
tional circumstances when a,ir superiority is required in +
limited area for a limited time and a suitable Aircraft Warn'i:
ing Service cannot be made available. t
• 18. ANTIAIRCRAFT ARTILLERY.-a. Antiaircraft artillery pos'
sesses strategic mobility, and tactical mobility in the sensf
that it may be moved from one position or area to anothe
within a short period of time. It .has' certain limitation!
It cannot be expected to be available in sufficient quantitf
to provide an all around defense of all areas and establisb'
ments liable to air attack. Moreover, the operating altitudt
of hostile bombing airplanes often exceeds the effective alti!
tude of antiaircraft artillery fire. Antiaircraft
used to provide a local defense of relatively small areas.
is ready for action on very short notice under all conditio
of visibility. Antiaircraft fire is difficult for enemy aviatio
to neutralize and forces hostile bombers to make their aU
tacks at high altitudes. The lighter antiaircraft weapoJ
(automatic weapons) make hostile attacks at low altitud~
very difficult and costly and are particularly effective in pre
venting strafing of airdromes. Antiaircraft artillery pr~
tection for airdromes is of the greatest importance. 1
b. Antiaircraft artillery should be assigned to the defen,
of important objectives which, under a 'given situation, a,l
most liable to hostile air attack, and whose geographic!
position reduces the effectiveness of fighter aircraft defenS
When the objective is such that precision bombing is requirl
for effective enemy air action, antiaircraft artillery is p~
ticularly effective. Examples of this type of Objective,

, I

CIUdeairdromes. naval establishments, power plantst' espe-

Cially important bridges, and other vital point objectives .
• 19. BARRAGE BALLOONS.-a.Barrage balloons deny the use
of air space to enemy aviation through physical obstruction
and through psychological effect when their presence is
known. Whenever employed, they deny use of the air space
frolll the ground to the operating height of the balloon.
!'heir principal advantage is that. flying, they cannot be
s.urprised by a SUdden, unannounced raid. Their principal
lllllitations are their vulnerability to hostile aerial fire and
~lectric storms and their inability to fly in high winds. Their
~lllPloyment should be limited to areas where they will not
~eriously interfere with the essential operations of friendly
I b~ In ~eneral. barrage balloons should be employed fOr'the
~ay and night defense of limited area objectives, which by
~irt.ue of their location' near the frontier or shore line, are'
rXPosedto sudden attack. .
~ 20. A1RCR~FT WA~NING SERVICE.-a.Visuat audio, and in-
~trumental means are used to observe the location of both
~ostile and friendly aircraft. Reports of these observations
1re transmitted by telephone, radio, and other means to fil~er'
'renters Where the reports are plotted and evaluated. Frc~
the one or more filter centers of a region the resulting in-.,
{lligex:ce is at once told by telephone or other means to,t~e .
~pe, ratIons board of the region or fighter command. where It
~ diSPlayed in a manner adapted to the needs of the coro-
I and and control system. Every effort is made to have the
lfltelligence appear on the o}!lerationsboard with the shortest
)!OSSibledelay between observation and final plotting.
b. The ground observer system consists of observation I

~sts strategically located an,d manned by civilian observers

:la in some instances by personnel from existing military and
:~aval establishments. In active operation, ,each post is
, anned continuously 24 hours a day by two or more observers
er,ating in shifts. Observers note, on a prescribed "flash
k ~ssage" form, certain information with res~ect .to air~lanes
en or heard and telephone this informatIOn ImmedIately
filter centers. The time required for observers to move

f . -. \ 15
\ .
from the point of observation to the telephone ;"ay greaU
reduce the value of reports. Hence existing subscriber tele:
phones are. used only when they are located at points froxt
which watch for aircraft can be effectively maintained anl
where they may be reached by the observer within 15 secondS
When these factors are not present, extension telephone!
are provided at Government expense. The enormous cos!
of installation precludes the use of direct telephone connec~
.tion between observers and plotters at filter centers excep'
in particularlY vital and suitable locations. Toll message!
are used, and the telephone operating personnel is instructel
and trained in routing and expediting establishment of cil
cuits for Aircraft Warning Service flash messages. Whit!
one observer is noting the data to be included in the flasf
message, the other establishes telephone connection with tb;
appropriate plotter at the filter center. .1
c. Instrumental means of observing aircraft are emplOye
to-' '.. ~
(1) Extend detection ~nd observation beyond frontiers ~Il
into enemy territory. This extension is usually, but nO
always, sufficient to permit the employment of fighter aVH
tion on ground alert. .~
(2) Track aircraft to amplify or replace visual and audl
observation in the area of fighter interception or to per~
adequate air raid warnings to military, civil, or industril
establishments. 1
d. The importance of observer posts varies greatly wi~
their location in respect to the objectives to be defended a~
. the probable direction of approach of hostile aircraft .. No
mally the enemy may be expected to approach in the dire1
tion least. favorable: to ground observation. All directioJ
of approach, however, should be defended. Without a pO
\ itive means of observation seaward or beyond a land frontlE
the most favorable approach will be normally via such froi
. tiers. Objectives on the coast or frontier may receive host!
air attack before any ground observers see or hear the attad
'. \lng aircraft. Defending fighter aviation should engage ~
enemy in suftlcient time to permit a minimum of 6 mind
of combat before the enemy reaches his objective. Wb
desirable, this is not always practicable. Instrumental mea


of aircraft d~tection will give initial warning of the approach

of hostile aircraft on which orders for the take-off of fighter
aircraft may be issued; the same or other instrumental means
:maygive subsequent information of the enemy, thus enabling
interceptions to be J;I1adewithout the use of ground observers.
'When the density of enemy air attacks passes the capacity
of instrumental reporting means, or in the absence of such
:means,it is particularly desirable to have an efficient ground
observer system covering the area over which fighter inter:'
. Ceptions are made, and an additional outward area of about \
10 :minutes of enemy flying time. The area to be covered
by ground observers should include all territory within the
area of fighter interception and within 120 miles of areas
and establishments which may be subject to hostile air attack.-
This will also provide ample warning and information for
antiaircraft artillery and barrage balloons. At night, ground
observers' reports will seldom be accurate enough 'to permit
interception of the enemy by fighter aviation. I

e. In order that air raid warnings and "all clear" warnings

:maybe received in time to take all possible passive air defense
precautions and still result in a minimum of interference
With the normal life of communities and with industrial pro-
duction, the Aircraft Warning Service should track hostile
airplanes, throughout their flight over friendly territory, to
furnish the intelligence for such selective warnings to district
Warning centers. A satisfactory interval between the ,issu-.
1 a?ce of warnings and the possible time of air attack on a
t.,glVenlocal civil defen.searea will vary with the importance of
a the area and its efficiency in disseminating air raid alarms
t nd .instituting passive defense measures. In general, for
JPasslvedefense measures, 12 minutes are allowed for advance
I~Warning of the imminence of hostile air attack. The'infor-
~:mati.onrequired by ftghter aviation to effect interception of
toSt!le aircraft during daylight is sufficient to provide air
:1aaid Warnings to civil district warning centers ,and to military
~~nd naval establishments., . .
~ .J. 'When the density of enemy air operatIons at mght 1s.
ta°W, the ground observer system is of some value to fighter
1Ie Viation, b~tWithout additional. instrumental ai~s, the p~r-
ent:ge of mterceptlons will ;: very loW. The mformatlOn
obtainable by ground observers in periods of low visibility
and at night will meet the requirements for air raid warnings
to local civil defense areas and ground troops.
g. The details of the organization and operation of the
Aircraft Warning Service are. covered in FM 11-25. I
• 21. CIVILIANDEFENsE.-a. No practicable scale of active l
air defense can prevent hostile aircraft from delivering some
of their fire on cities, public utilities, manufacturing estab"':
lishments,and other nonmilitary targets. Warning districts
are determined by the collaboration of the Office of Civilian. l
Defense, local civil defense councils, and representatives of
fighter commands. The dissemination of air raid warningS'
from the district warning centers established in each warn .. j
ing district, and the air raid precautions taken by civilianS
and civil establishments are responsiblities of cities, counties,.I
and states, under the supervision and direction of the BoardS
of Civil Protection.' .
b. The plan for the dissemination of air raid warnings tC
civilians is covered in Air Raid Warning System, septembel
1941, No. 11, issued by the United States Office of Civilia~
Defense. Details of the operation of the system originatin~
and transmitting civil air raid warnings from informatio~
and filter centers to district warning centers are covered i
FM 11-25.

FM 1-25',

C 1,

'.'.' .


. ' .,"



NO.1, , ,WASHINGTON ,25, D.C., 17 Febl'Wll71945
, "",,' '.,' \
- FM 1-25, 15 June 1948, lsehanged As folloWs: ,
, 8eded) .~. General.---:All mlli tary echelons are respoBSible for '
Instituting passive air defense measures as dictated by the
situation and instructions from higher headqUarters. Passive
air defense measures normallyt&ken by all military echelons
Ine!ude concealment, use of coYer, d1spersion,control of llgbts, ,
and local warning syste~s. (See FM 100-5.): ' ~ ,,' ..',.
, 11. In the zone of the in.terior.-Defense, base, , department,
and simllar commanders are 'responsible for passive al,r de- i

tense within their respective areas. Such. commanders ',may

delegate certain p&.ssiye air defense functions to. serTiee or :
similar' commanders, except for the employment of smoke. ' ,
c. In theaters' of operatwn,.-(l) Theater eommamlersare',' ,
l'eSpOnsible for passive air defense measures withiB theaters.
otoperatlons., '" ,','" ,". " '"
'(2) The theater 'comm~der ~ormani delegates passive air.
defense functions to the communications 'Zone•eomm&nderfor .
areas and installations within the communicatloWl ~ except, '
for the employment of smoke. The communieations.-ne eom-' i'

mander may, in turn, delegate, certain functions' to base, inter-

~ediate, and advance section commanders. .' " ", ' "
,(8) The'theater commander- normally d~legates passive air '
defense functions to army (or army group) comm8.Ddet'8 and
air force commanders for ,areas and installations under their
COntrol Within the combat zone. Normally only such measores
as are' referred to in a above are instituted in tbe combat zOne.
d., Civilian assistance.-Commanders' responsible for passive'
air defense,' and the military authorities to whom they delegate "
certain . functions, 'may be .assisted by civilian air. defense '
agencies: ',.. "
.loo 801~Feb. 8227040--45 ' I
• '. AllMY AI~ FoRcEs, Frew ~ANUAL ., I
, (1) Within the continental United States and its territories ..
ur insular possessions, such civilian agencies include the OIDce
of CivlUan Defense,. the Civil Aeronautics Adm.inistr.ation, Q.nd ..
other appropriate agencies of the government. '~
(2) Within occupied territory, similar civilian agencies may~
be organized under the military government of the OCCUPYiO
. forces or the na.tional government '.Of the occupied territory,.'
as determined by the theater (or similar) commander.'
e•. Ooordmation .with active air defen8e.-Each responsibleJ
. commander will ~oordinate passive air defense measures witb~
the appropriate commander charged with the organIzation andj
I operation 'of the active air defense of the area concerned. Air'
raid warnings are delivered by. appropriate active air defen~
- agencies to ~e designated passive air defense receiving agenCY
Responsibility for furthe~ dissemination Rnd for the executioD~
otthe necessary air raid precautions rests .with the mllitaf1 l
commander or civil organization' charged with the execution
of passive air defense functions. '.' . :1
f. Pa88i1ie ai-r defen8e mea8wre'.-Passiv~ air defense meas:
ures (other than those in a above) whi,eh may be necessary
include-.: . ~
.. (1) Protection and control of the civilian population in
emergencies.' ,
(2) Evacuationo.f clvlUans from designated areas.
(3) Emergency repair of vital installations, such as roads,
sewers, communications, electric power, and other utilities.
(4) Fire prevention and protection.
(5) Bomb disposal.' .
(6) Protection against chemical warfare.
(7) . Camouflage of Vital manufacturing, utility, and'slmllal
establishIDen ts. . . .. . ~
(8) Control of lighting and radio emissions, With particulal
attention to their usefulness as navigational aids to hostW
aircraft.' -]
(9) First aid, ambulance service, and provision for emer
gene,- h~pitalization of both military personnel and civilians
(10) "Establishment of !lI\ssive air defense cont'rol center:
for the receipt of air raid warnings, and receipt and dispatc1
of messages, and 'coordination of' emergency serVices.' , 'i
.' I j
2 AG030il


I. u. Passive' ai'r d'efensels a' command funetloii and all mm-,'

tary perso~mel must be fa~iliar with the local passive air de-
rense plan .. ".Unit. commanders' are responsible' for' normal
eecurlty measures but further passive air. defense' measures
~ay be'required when unitS are bivouacked or quartered In or.
ear populated places of vital installations. Specialized type
b!nlts such' asenglneer, milltarypollce, ordnance, 'chemical,
he passive tlon,
air defense unlts.when'
plan, and, utllizedtO.
required, "may ImPlem..e.nt'
be utlUzed
o augment civilian services provided this does not interfere
Ith, military operations. . .... . . . ' ',. .
h. Although the use of smoke is classitled as a passive air
measure,. Its uncontrolled employment seriously atreets'

. e capabili.tieS.O.f th.eelemen.t8 of the active.. air defen.,se, par- ..
CUlarly antiaircraft arUllel")'. For this reason, plans for use
t slOOkeas air defense measure must be carefully coordinated
Ith and controlled by the active air. defense commander of the.
r.ea in "'hlch thiS use of smoke Is contemplated.

[.AG300.7(25~aD4CS)J I \,



J. A. ULIO Chief of Staff'
MajorOenera.Z' . I
. The Adjutant GeneraZ

S!IUB"Q'TION : . _. ' , ..

AAF (10); AGF (10); ASF (2); T of Opns (2); Arm &
Bv.'Bd (2): Def Comd (2); Tech Bv. (2); SvC (10);.
lID (2) ; PC&S (1) ;' Gen & Sp Sv Sch (50) ; USMA (2);
ROT<;J' (1): A (10): CHQ (10); D (2) except D 1, 2,
4, 7, 17, 44 (6) ; B 2-7, 18,44 (6); R 2-7, 17, 18, 44 (6);
SBn 2-7,17, 18, 44 (6),19 (5) ;Bn 2-7,11,17-19,44 (5) :
AI' (6) ;W (6) ; G (6); S (8) .. TjO &E; 2-22 (2);
. ....2-27 (2.); 2-28 (2);.3-457 .(2); 4-37. (2); 5-47 /(2).;
5-417 (2) ; 5-447 (2) ; 5-467 (2) ; 5-500, Engr Sv' Co (2) ;
) . '. 5-800-2 (2);7-82. , (2); 7-31 (2); 7-52 (2); 7-57 (2);
t I

8011> - :". . . , • .3 -. .,' " •

8-37 (2); 8-450 (2); 8-450 (RS) (2); ~257 (2); J
9-417 (2); 10-327 (2); 10-467 (2); 10-017 (2); 11- oj
217 (2); 11-247 (2); 11-257 (2); 11-261 (2); 11-267S :
(2) ; 11-287 (2) ; 11-400,Sig AW Co (2); 11-450-:1 (2) ; ,j
" 11-460-18 (2); 11-4118 (2); 11-5:.7 (2); i9-217 (2); 'j
44--10-1 (2) ; 44-12 (2) ; #-16 (2) ; 44-17 (2) ; 44-26 (2) ; J

. 44-27 (2); 44-16 (2).; 44-11 (2); 44-116 (2); 44-117 ~

. (2) ; 44-126 (2); 44-121 (2); ~136 (2); 44-138 (2); l
" 44-217 (2) ; 44-216 (2) ; 44-271 (2); 44-218 (2) ; 44-32fl
(2) ; 44.-327 (2) .
For explanation of symbols, see FM 21-6.. .

I. S. IOVlR ... 1IT PRitt ..... OPPrCI.It.1 .

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