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The Treasure House of the
Eye of the True Teaching
A Trainee’s Translation of
Great Master Dogen’s Spiritual Masterpiece

Rev. Hubert Nearman, O.B.C.,


Shasta Abbey Press

Mount Shasta, California
First Edition—2007
© 2007 Shasta Abbey

This work is offered for free distribution only.

You may print and distribute copies of this work
as long as no changes are made to the original.
Otherwise, all rights reserved.

Shasta Abbey
3724 Summit Drive
Mt. Shasta, California 96067-9102
(530) 926-4208

ISBN: 978-0-930066-27-7
Offered in memory of
Reverend Master Jiyu-Kennett
Considering the scope and length of this work and the demands, both
monastic and scholarly, that it puts on any translator, a reader may well wonder
what could possibly motivate anyone to take on such an enormous task. Whatever
may be the motives for other translators, mine has been quite simple. I had finished
translating the various texts that were included in Buddhist Writings on Meditation
and Daily Practice (Shasta Abbey Press, 1994) and asked Rev. Daizui
MacPhillamy, my editorial consultant at the time, whether Rev. Master Jiyu-
Kennett had anything else she wanted me to translate for her. He took my question
to her, and, he said, he was dumbfounded when, without a moment’s pause, she
replied “The Shōbōgenzō,” for such a monumental undertaking would obviously
take me many years to complete, not only because of its length but also because of
its reputed obscurity and even incomprehensibility. Simply because she was my
Master, I agreed to her request, knowing that I would never have taken on such a
task for any other reason. It has been my monastic offering to the Sangha over
some fourteen years. During that time I have had the great good fortune to live at
Shasta Abbey, a traditional Buddhist monastery where the life that Dōgen extolled
is practiced. I wish to express my deep gratitude for all the assistance my fellow
monks have given me, and in particular:
—Rev. Master Jiyu-Kennett, Abbess of Shasta Abbey when the initial
volume of the first eleven of Dōgen’s discourses was published. (This has been
reworked in light of the whole of the present book and is not simply a reprint.) She
can never be thanked enough for opening the Way of the Buddha, and of Dōgen, to
an immeasurable number of people;
—Rev. Daizui MacPhillamy, whose sharp intellect and broad experience in
the Dharma provided me with critical editing and consultation, but who sadly died
unexpectedly before he could work with me on the last half of the discourses;
—Rev. Ekō Little, successor to Rev. Master Jiyu-Kennett as Abbot of Shasta
Abbey, who has given me the unflagging support, encouragement, and assistance
needed to complete the work;
—Rev. Oswin Hollenbeck of the Eugene Buddhist Priory for help with the
introduction and who, together with Rev. Meikō Jones of Portland Buddhist Priory
and Rev. Chōsei Swann of Shasta Abbey, read and commented on a number of the
—Rev. Fidelia Dolan who not only transformed electronic information into
formats that could be made available to all, but also worked tirelessly as my
editorial consultant after Rev. Daizui passed on, and helped me find ways to
Shōbōgenzō: Acknowledgements v

convey Dōgen’s medieval Japanese and Chinese into hopefully comprehensible

—Rev. Meian Elbert, Rev. Shikō Rom, and Rev. Veronica Snedaker, who
brought the book to completion;
—and to all the monastics, known and unknown, who have kept the
Buddha’s Transmission of the living Dharma vibrant down the centuries.
May the merit of this work benefit all beings.

Title Page i
Copyright ii
Dedication iii
Acknowledgments iv
Translator’s General Introduction xiv

1. Bendōwa
A Discourse on Doing One’s Utmost in Practicing the Way
of the Buddha 1

2. Makahannya-haramitsu
On the Great Wisdom That Is Beyond Discriminatory Thought 25

3. Genjō Kōan
On the Spiritual Question as It Manifests Before Your Very Eyes 31

4. Ikka Myōju
On ‘The One Bright Pearl’ 36

5. Jūundō-shiki
On Conduct Appropriate for the Auxiliary Cloud Hall 42

6. Soku Shin Ze Butsu

On ‘Your Very Mind Is Buddha’ 46

7. Senjō
On Washing Yourself Clean 53

8. Keisei Sanshoku
On ‘The Rippling of a Valley Stream, the Contour of a Mountain’ 65

9. Shoaku Makusa
On ‘Refrain from All Evil Whatsoever’ 78

10. Raihai Tokuzui

On ‘Respectful Bowing Will Secure for You the Very Marrow
of the Way’ 89
Shōbōgenzō: Contents vii

11. Uji
On ‘Just for the Time Being, Just for a While, For the Whole
of Time is the Whole of Existence’ 106

12. Den’e
On the Transmission of the Kesa 119

13. Sansui Kyō

On the Spiritual Discourses of the Mountains and the Water 141

14. Busso
On the Buddhas and the Ancestors 156

15. Shisho
On the Record of Transmission 159

16. Hokke Ten Hokke

On ‘The Flowering of the Dharma Sets the Dharma’s
Flowering in Motion’ 172

17. Shin Fukatoku

On ‘The Mind Cannot Be Held Onto’ (Oral version) 188
Translator’s Addendum to Chapter 17 193

18. Shin Fukatoku

On ‘The Mind Cannot Be Grasped’ (Written version) 195

19. Kokyō
On the Ancient Mirror 209

20. Kankin
On Reading Scriptures 230

21. Busshō
On Buddha Nature 244
Translator’s Addendum to Chapter 21 279

22. Gyōbutsu Iigi

On the Everyday Behavior of a Buddha Doing His Practice 280
Shōbōgenzō: Contents viii

23. Bukkyō
On What the Buddha Taught 300

24. Jinzū
On the Marvelous Spiritual Abilities 314

25. Daigo
On the Great Realization 327

26. Zazen Shin

On Wanshi’s ‘Kindly Advice for Doing Seated Meditation’ 335

27. Butsu Kōjō Ji

On Experiencing That Which Is Above and Beyond Buddhahood 352

28. Immo
On That Which Comes Like This 364

29. Gyōji
On Ceaseless Practice 374

30. Kaiin Zammai

On ‘The Meditative State That Bears the Seal of the Ocean’ 435

31. Juki
On Predicting Buddhahood 445

32. Kannon
On Kannon, the Bodhisattva of Compassion 458
Translator’s Addendum to Chapter 32 466

33. Arakan
On Arhats 467

34. Hakujushi
On the Cypress Tree 474

35. Kōmyō
On the Brightness of the Light 482
Shōbōgenzō: Contents ix

36. Shinjin Gakudō

On Learning the Way Through Body and Mind 491

37. Muchū Setsumu

On a Vision Within a Vision and a Dream Within a Dream 501

38. Dōtoku
On Expressing What One Has Realized 510

39. Gabyō
On ‘A Picture of a Rice Cake’ 517

40. Zenki
On Functioning Fully 525

41. Sesshin Sesshō

On Expressing One’s True Nature by Expressing One’s Intent 528

42. Darani
On Invocations: What We Offer to the Buddhas and Ancestors 538

43. Tsuki
On the Moon as One’s Excellent Nature 545

44. Kūge
On the Flowering of the Unbounded 552

45. Kobusshin
On What the Mind of an Old Buddha Is 565

46. Bodaisatta Shishōbō

On the Four Exemplary Acts of a Bodhisattva 571

47. Kattō
On The Vines That Entangle: the Vines That Embrace 577

48. Sangai Yuishin

On ‘The Threefold World Is Simply Your Mind’ 585

49. Shohō Jissō

On the Real Form of All Thoughts and Things 593
Shōbōgenzō: Contents x

50. Bukkyō
On Buddhist Scriptures 609

51. Butsudō
On the Buddha’s Way 622

52. Mitsugo
On the Heart-to-Heart Language of Intimacy 641

53. Hosshō
On the True Nature of All Things 648

54. Mujō Seppō

On the Dharma That Nonsentient Beings Express 653

55. Semmen
On Washing Your Face 666

56. Zazengi
On the Model for Doing Meditation 681

57. Baika
On the Plum Blossom 683

58. Jippō
On the Whole Universe in All Ten Directions 696

59. Kembutsu
On Encountering Buddha 703

60. Henzan
On Seeking One’s Master Far and Wide 718

61. Ganzei
On the Eye of a Buddha 727

62. Kajō
On Everyday Life 734

63. Ryūgin
On the Roar of a Dragon 741
Shōbōgenzō: Contents xi

64. Shunjū
On Spring and Autumn: Warming Up and Cooling Down 746

65. Soshi Seirai I

On Why Our Ancestral Master Came from the West 755

66. Udonge
On the Udumbara Blossom 760

67. Hotsu Mujō Shin

On Giving Rise to the Unsurpassed Mind 765

68. Nyorai Zenshin

On the Universal Body of the Tathagata 774

69. Zammai-ō Zammai

On the Meditative State That Is the Lord of Meditative States 778

70. Sanjūshichihon Bodai Bumpō

On the Thirty-Seven Methods of Training for
Realizing Enlightenment 783

71. Tembōrin
On Turning the Wheel of the Dharma 807

72. Jishō Zammai

On the Meditative State of One’s True Nature 810

73. Daishugyō
On the Great Practice 823

74. Menju
On Conferring the Face-to-Face Transmission 834

75. Kokū
On the Unbounded 846

76. Hatsu’u
On a Monk’s Bowl 851
Shōbōgenzō: Contents xii

77. Ango
On the Summer Retreat 855

78. Tashintsū
On Reading the Minds and Hearts of Others 877

79. Ō Saku Sendaba

On ‘The King Requests Something from Sindh’ 889

80. Jikuin Mon

On Instructions for Monks in the Kitchen Hall 895

81. Shukke
On Leaving Home Life Behind 898

82. Shukke Kudoku

On the Spiritual Merits of Leaving Home Life Behind 904

83. Jukai
On Receiving the Precepts 930

84. Kesa Kudoku

On the Spiritual Merits of the Kesa 937

85. Hotsu Bodai Shin

On Giving Rise to the Enlightened Mind 969

86. Kuyō Shobutsu

On Making Venerative Offerings to Buddhas 980

87. Kie Buppōsō Hō

On Taking Refuge in the Treasures of Buddha,
Dharma, and Sangha 1005

88. Jinshin Inga

On the Absolute Certainty of Cause and Effect 1019

89. Sanji Gō
On Karmic Retribution in the Three Temporal Periods 1028
Shōbōgenzō: Contents xiii

90. Shime
On ‘The Four Horses’ 1044

91. Shizen Biku

On the Monk in the Fourth Meditative State 1050

92. Ippyakuhachi Hōmyōmon

On the One Hundred and Eight Gates to
What the Dharma Illumines 1072

93. Shōji
On Life and Death 1086

94. Dōshin
On the Mind’s Search for Truth 1088

95. Yui Butsu Yo Butsu

On ‘Each Buddha on His Own, Together with All Buddhas’ 1091

96. Hachi Dainingaku

On the Eight Realizations of a Great One 1100

Glossary 1106
Appendix of Names 1110
About the Translator 1118
The Shōbōgenzō
A Trainee’s Translation
of Great Master Dōgen’s Spiritual Masterpiece
Translator’s General Introduction
The Shōbōgenzō is the recognized spiritual masterpiece by the thirteenth-
century Japanese Sōtō Zen Master Eihei Dōgen. It is comprised of discourses that
he gave to his disciples, in person or in writing, at various times between 1231 and
his death twenty-two years later at age fifty-three.† These discourses cover a wide
range of topics pertinent to those in monastic life though often also relevant to
those training in lay life. He discusses matters of daily behavior and religious
ceremonial as well as issues involving the Master-disciple relationship. He also
explores the deeper meaning that informs the so-called Zen kōan stories, which
often puzzle readers by their seeming illogicality and contrary nature.
I have translated the title as The Treasure House of the Eye of the True
Teaching, though a fuller, more comprehensive rendering would be The Treasure
House for What the Spiritual Eye of Wise Discernment Perceives from the Vantage
Point of the True Teachings of Shakyamuni Buddha and His Heirs. The term
‘Teaching’ in the title is synonymous with the Buddhist use of the term ‘Dharma’,
which refers not only to what the historical Buddha taught to His disciples but also
to the Truth that flows from the Unborn and which all things give expression to
when they are functioning directly from their innate True Self. However, it does
not address what may be a scholar’s particular interest in producing a translation,
though it is obvious that translating anything from medieval Japanese and Chinese
requires special academic training: hence the subtitle “A Trainee’s Translation of
Great Master Dōgen’s Spiritual Masterpiece”. That is, it is intended primarily for
those who practice Zen Buddhism rather than those whose interest is purely
There are various ways in which Dogen’s discourses can be presented, each
having its particular advantages. The way I have chosen is simply to divide the
discourses into those that were completed before his death and those that were still

† The present translation is based primarily on Kawamura Kōdō’s edition of Dōgen’s complete
works Dōgen Zenji Zenshū (Tokyo: Shunjūsha, 1993), in consultation with the editions by
Tamaki Kōshirō, Dōgen Shū (Tokyo: Chikuma Shobō, 1969), by Ōkubo Dōshū, Kohon
Kōtei Shōbōgenzō (Tokyo: Chikuma Shobō, 1971), by Terada Tōru and Mizunoya Oko,
Dōgen (Tokyo: Iwanami Shoten, 1972), and by Masutani Fumio, Gendaigoshaku
Shōbōgenzō (Tokyo: Kadokawa Shoten, 1975).
Shōbōgenzō: Translator’s General Introduction xv

in draft form when he died, ordered where possible chronologically by the date
when the discourse was given.
The discourses were originally written out by hand, primarily by his chief
disciple and amanuensis, the Second Japanese Sōtō Zen Ancestor, Kōun Ejō. Most
of the discourses have a two-part postscript (printed in italics, usually at the end of
a discourse). The first half indicates who the recipients of the discourse were, along
with when and where it was presented. If this is signed, it will customarily be by
Dōgen. The second half supplies a short account of when and where the copy was
made. These copies are most often signed by Ejō, though three were signed by
Giun, one of Ejō’s Dharma-heirs who later became the fifth abbot of Dōgen’s
Eihei-ji Monastery.
The majority of the discourses focus on exploring the spiritual significance
of some topic drawn from Buddhist Scriptures or Chinese Chan (Zen) texts.
Dōgen’s commentaries on these texts are not lectures as would be understood in
academic circles, but are talks that arise from a Zen Master’s deepest
understanding of the spiritual meaning and relevance of his topic to Buddhist
training and practice. They come out of Dōgen’s mind of meditation and are being
presented to his monastic and lay disciples, who are presumably listening from
their mind of meditation.•
The discourses carry a strong flavor of the conversational and the personal,
and he enriches them with colorful Chinese and Zen phrases, as well as with
medieval Chinese and Japanese colloquialisms. When translated literally, many of
these metaphors and figures of speech may well have little meaning for English-
speaking readers. However, by the thirteenth century they would have been a
common way for a Buddhist Meditation Master to refer to That which is the True
Nature of all beings. The function of these metaphors is, to some extent, to
‘ground’ a Master’s disciples by providing them with a colorful and more easily
remembered image instead of some more abstract, ‘intellectual’ definition. They
point to the Great Matter for which one trains in Serene Reflection Meditation,
which is to awaken to one’s True Nature.•
Dōgen sometimes uses a manner of speaking that closely resembles a
dialogue. One specific instance occurs in ‘A Discourse on Doing One’s Utmost in
Practicing the Way of the Buddhas’ (Bendōwa), his earliest dated text in the
Shōbōgenzō. The major part of this particular discourse consists of an imaginary
dialogue between Dōgen and a potential disciple. While it takes the form of
someone asking questions and Dōgen giving answers, it is not a catechism. That is,
it is not a series of formal questions and answers. Rather, the questions arise from
an attitude of mind which has misgivings about the efficacy and worth of the type
Shōbōgenzō: Translator’s General Introduction xvi

of seated meditation that Dōgen advocates. Dōgen’s responses, by contrast, arise

from a place that lies beyond the intellective, duality-based mind and are aimed at
helping the questioner to recognize that duality and to let go of it. Hence, the
attitude of mind of both the questioner and the Master is as important as the
specific question being asked. For the translator, one challenge in rendering
Dōgen’s text is to convey to the reader the attitudes implied in the exchanges
between the two.
These interchanges between a Master and a potential or real disciple are not
speculative in nature, but invariably have the purpose of helping disciples find that
spiritual certainty which is the hallmark of a genuine kenshō, ‘the seeing of one’s
Original Face’, that is, the direct experiencing of one’s innate Buddha Nature. This
is not the same as having an intellectual understanding or intuition, since the
experience takes one beyond those functions associated with the so-called rational
mind, which are the foundation and authority for those who are not dedicated to
spiritual pursuits. Furthermore, the certainty arising from a kenshō is not
speculative in nature or the product of rational persuasion or a form of blind faith.
Dōgen’s teaching in the Shōbōgenzō is neither confined to nor limited by
conventional mental categories, which is why practitioners of Dōgen’s type of
meditation are admonished to be willing to be disturbed by the Truth, that is, to
have not only their intellectual preconceptions questioned but also to have their
reliance on solely what makes conventional, worldly sense called into question.
Despite the view of some that Dōgen is therefore ‘anti-intellect’, once the spiritual
certainty arises in those who are doing the training, the previous need to depend
solely on the ‘boxes’ fabricated by their intellect disappears. Or as several
Meditation Masters describe it, once we give up ‘the walls and fences’ that our
intellect constructs from the bits and pieces of experience, this dependency
disappears, and we metaphorically ‘drop off our body and mind’ but without
rejecting the intellect itself or denying its natural and useful functions.

In the present work, when a common word is used having spiritual
significance, I have employed initial capitals to signal to the reader that word X is
not intended literally but is part of a code which Zen Masters have used to convey
spiritual meaning. Indeed, when people spiritually awaken, this is customarily
signaled by their expressing their understanding in some unique and personal way.
When the use of this code is ignored or overlooked by a translator, a kōan story
may well become totally unintelligible and give rise to the erroneous notion that
Shōbōgenzō: Translator’s General Introduction xvii

Zen promotes the indescribable. To avoid this, I have added some footnotes
intended to point out places where the code may not have been spotted by readers.
An example of this may occur in a dialogue in which a Master and his
disciple use the same words but with a totally different meaning. For example, a
Master and his disciple are having a discussion, and the Master tests his disciple’s
understanding of what his True Nature is by asking, “Do you get It?” with the
disciple answering, “No, I don’t get it.” The Master’s question is a spiritual one:
“Have you got to the heart of your spiritual question?” to which the disciple’s reply
reveals that he is still attached to conventional, worldly ways of thinking.

Elements of Style
In the present translations, four stylistic elements are used whose purpose
may not be immediately apparent:
First is the capitalizing of words that would not usually be proper nouns,
such as ‘Original Nature’, ‘the Self’, ‘the Truth’, ‘It’, ‘One’s Original Face’. Such
words refer either to one’s own Buddha Nature or to That which is the spiritual
source of one’s Buddha Nature. For instance, there is a difference between the term
‘good friend’ which refers to a Buddhist who has the ability to teach and train
others in Buddhism (usually synonymous with a Zen Master), and the term ‘Good
Friend’, which is another name for one’s Buddha Nature.
Second, a word that is underlined is to be understood as emphatic within the
context of the particular sentence in which it occurs. Were the text to be read aloud,
the underlined word would be given emphasis.
Third, Dōgen sometimes abruptly changes his topic within his talks.
Whereas many of these shifts are signaled by some introductory word, such as
‘further’ and ‘also’, which appears at the beginning of a new paragraph, in some
instances this is not the case. Thus it has seemed advisable to aid the reader by
inserting a plum blossom asterisk (G) between paragraphs where a sudden shift
might otherwise prove disconcerting.
Fourth, single quotation marks are often used in the sense of ‘so-called’,
‘what I (or someone else) would call’, or ‘the term’ or ‘the phrase’, in addition to
their customary use for marking a quote within a quote.

Special Terms
Dōgen often alludes to ‘training and practice’. This consistently refers
specifically to doing seated meditation, applying ‘the mind of meditation’ to all
one’s daily activities, and attempting to live in accord with the Precepts of
Mahayana Buddhism, that is, the Precepts as spelled out in Dōgen’s Text for a
Shōbōgenzō: Translator’s General Introduction xviii

Precepts Master’s Giving the Mahayana Precepts (Kyōjukaimon) and The

Scripture of Brahma’s Net (Bommō Kyō). Similarly, references to ‘studying’ denote
training under a Zen Master, and do not signify the undertaking of a scholastic
To render the Japanese word tennin (or ninden) I have used the phrase
‘ordinary people and those in lofty places’. Some translators render it as ‘gods and
men’. There is the danger that some readers may therefore assume that it means
‘immortals and mortals’. However, in a Buddhist context it refers to those who are
in the celestial and human realms among the six Realms of Existence, the four
others being those of beasts, those in a hellish state, those who are hungry ghosts,
and those who are asuras (heaven stormers). Those in the celestial and human
realms are potentially able to hear the name of Buddha and absorb the Dharma,
whereas those in the other four are so preoccupied with their suffering that it is
exceedingly difficult for them to believe that they can transcend their suffering
long enough to hear the Teaching and thereby free themselves from their spiritual
Dōgen often uses the terms Mahayana and Hinayana (translated as ‘the
Greater Course’ and ‘the Lesser Course’). A widely voiced view is that references
in Mahayana writings to those who follow a Lesser Course denote practitioners of
the Theravadan Buddhist tradition. The Theravadan tradition, however, was not
active in medieval Japan during Dōgen’s lifetime. Also, the Pali Canon upon which
the Theravadan tradition is grounded was known to Dōgen through Chinese
translations and was held in great esteem by him. Allusions in Dōgen’s writings to
‘those who follow the Lesser Course’ are clearly to persons whom trainees may
well encounter in their daily life. Thus it is likely that he is referring to shravakas
(those who merely seek to gain an intellectual understanding of Buddhism) or to
pratyekabuddhas (those who undertake some aspects of Buddhist practice but only
for their own personal benefit).

The Issue of Gender and Sex

This issue is sometimes raised in regard to translating medieval Chinese and
Japanese texts into English. It involves the attitude of Buddhism in general, and
Dōgen in particular, toward women in spiritual life. While it is true that in some
cultures during some periods negative social attitudes toward women have
unfortunately colored the practice of Buddhism, Dōgen’s view is unequivocal:
males and females are spiritual and monastic equals, for enlightenment knows no
such distinction as sex. The English language, however, has not yet developed a
universally accepted way to express what is gender neutral. When Dōgen refers to
Shōbōgenzō: Translator’s General Introduction xix

monks or laity in general or as ‘someone who’, it should be understood that he is

including both males and females, even though the English pronominal reference
is, for brevity’s sake, ‘he’, ‘him’, or ‘his’: I have used ‘she’, ‘her’, and ‘hers’ only
where the sex of the person is known to be female.

Two appendices have been added to the book. The first is a listing of the
Japanese names of the major figures in the various kōan stories along with their
Chinese equivalents. The second is a glossary of words and idiomatic phrases, such
as hossu and kōan, which need some explanation because they do not have an easy
equivalent in English.

On Kōan Stories
Dōgen makes wide use of stories from Zen kōan collections. Since these
stories may strike some readers as strange or incomprehensible, the following
observations may prove helpful.
Originally, the term ‘kōan’ meant ‘a public case’, and in Chinese Zen
referred to a notable, authenticated instance when a disciple came to realize his or
her True Nature. By Dōgen’s time, the term ‘kōan’ had become synonymous with
the spiritual question which epitomizes that which keeps disciples, as well as
anyone else, from directly experiencing what their Original Nature is. It is the
spiritual doubt that keeps someone ‘looking down’. The kōan stories, then, are
usually accounts of how a particular trainee’s doubt was resolved.
In these stories, the spiritual problem of a trainee often involves a habitual
acting counter to at least one of the ten major Mahayana Buddhist Precepts on
either a literal or a figurative level. That is, in some way the disciple will have
persisted in taking the life from someone or something, in taking things that are not
given, in giving in to covetous feelings, in saying that which is not so, in
trafficking in something that intoxicates or deludes, in putting oneself up and
others down, in insulting others, in giving in to anger or resentfulness, in being
stingy, or in acting in a disrespectful manner toward Buddha, Dharma, or Sangha.
When reading such dialogues, it is prudent to consider what the mental
attitude of the questioner is and not just what is being asked. This is important
because the question asked arises from a particular frame of mind. Determining
who is asking the question (and sometimes where and when) will help clarify what
this frame of mind is and, therefore, what is really being asked, since the answer
given will not be an absolute one, independent of the questioner, but one that
speaks to the questioner’s mental attitude and perspective. This is sometimes
Shōbōgenzō: Translator’s General Introduction xx

referred to in Zen writings as ‘two arrows meeting in mid-air’, one meaning of

which is that the questioner thinks he knows what the target, or goal, is and has
‘shot his arrow’ of discriminatory thought at that target only to have his ‘arrow’
deflected by the Master’s response so that, to mix metaphors, the disciple’s ‘train
of discriminatory thought’ is derailed. At the same time, the Master’s ‘arrow’ points
to a way for the disciple to go in his Buddhist training.
However, in some cases the roles are reversed: the Master asks the disciple a
question or ‘invites’ him to respond from a perspective beyond the discriminatory
mind. If the disciple has truly awakened, he will respond appropriately from the
mind of meditation and not from the discriminatory mind of duality. In such an
instance, the ‘two arrows meeting in mid-air’ is an expression for their oneness of
The stories may follow any of several different patterns or their combination.
Almost all will involve at least one of the following three patterns:
In the first, a disciple will ask the Master a question which arises from a
reliance on dualistic thinking to comprehend his own spiritual doubt. This
encounter with the Master will often occur in the context of a formal spiritual
examination ceremony, but this will not always be made explicit in the text. The
Master will then do or say something which cuts through the disciple’s confusion
and points him directly toward ‘seeing’ his Original Nature. What the Master does
or says arises from a source that transcends the dualistic, intellective mind: it is not
a philosophical, doctrinal, or ‘rational’ answer to the question. If the disciple is
‘ripe’—that is, spiritually ready to shift his perspective away from reliance on what
his intellect is doing so that he can realize That which transcends intellect—he has
an experience referred to by some such phrase as ‘realizing the Truth’ or
‘awakening to his True Nature’. In some kōan stories, the trigger for this
experience may not be directly supplied by the Master but by some other external
condition, such as seeing peach blossoms or hearing a piece of tile strike bamboo.
In the second, a Meditation Master initiates an exchange with a disciple who
is still in doubt, and tries through his conversation with the disciple to steer him
toward facing up to what his spiritual problem is. In such dialogues, the Master’s
questions may seem upon first reading to be casual ones. In kōan stories, when a
Master asks a question, he is not trying to engage the disciple in some social
interchange: his question will have a deeper purpose or meaning, which the
disciple may or may not pick up on. If the disciple fails to ‘get it’, the Master will
usually persist in his questioning until either the disciple has an awakening or until
the Master decides that the disciple is still not yet ‘ripe’ enough.
Shōbōgenzō: Translator’s General Introduction xxi

In the third pattern, a Master-disciple interchange occurs, but with a disciple

who has already awakened to the Truth. In such an instance, since what the disciple
is saying or doing no longer arises from the mind of duality, there will be some
clear indication of the Master’s approval.
In those cases where the disciple is still in doubt, one useful clue as to what
his spiritual problem is can be found in how the Master addresses the disciple. For
instance, in one story, a monk who is given to striving too hard is addressed as
‘Shibi the Austere Monk’. In another, a monk who has become entangled in
erudition through his academic pursuit of studying Scriptures is addressed by his
Master as ‘you who are a learned scholar of considerable intelligence’.
In identifying the disciple’s spiritual problem, it is helpful to determine what
the disciple’s attitude of mind is, and not to treat his questions or responses on a
purely informational level. Once the disciple’s spiritual problem has been
identified, how he responds to his Master will reflect that problem until he has an
awakening, at which time he may compose a poem which expresses the change in
perspective that has emerged.
Another aspect which may be difficult for the reader to fathom immediately
is the relevance of the Master’s actions in word or deed to what the disciple’s
problem is. Since such actions are not ‘pre-planned’ but reflect the on-the-spot
skillful means of the Master, it can only be said that whatever is done will arise
from the mind of meditation, will be free of any dualistic tendency, will not break
any of the Precepts, and will arise out of his compassion for the suffering of the
disciple. In one famous kōan story (Nansen’s cat), the roles are reversed:
Meditation Master Nansen puts himself in a spiritually unsupportable position by
trying to teach his monks to keep to the Precepts by seriously breaking one
himself, and it is his chief disciple who points this out to him.
Another topic that arises from the kōan stories deals with who the
participants are. The Master is easily identified. On the other hand, the one who
asks a question is often referred to simply as a monk. In such cases the person is
most likely a junior monk, one who has not yet been Transmitted and who is asking
his question at a ceremony called shōsan. This is the formal spiritual examination
ceremony which is customarily held twice a month in Zen monasteries during
which junior trainees ask a question that reflects their present spiritual state.
When the monk asking a question is specifically identified, this refers to a
senior monk, one who is already Transmitted or who will be Transmitted. These are
monks who will ultimately function as a Master, and often as the founder of a
temple or a lineage. Whether in the kōan story they have already been Transmitted
or are still juniors can only be determined by the nature of their question.
Shōbōgenzō: Translator’s General Introduction xxii

Applying the Principles

To see how the preceding principles apply to an actual kōan story, the
following one, taken from Dōgen’s Bendōwa, is given with my exegetical remarks
in square brackets. The kōan story itself is given in indented text:
Long ago, there was a monk in Meditation Master Hōgen’s
monastic community named Gensoku, who was a subordinate under
the Temple’s administrative director. Master Hōgen asked him,
“Director Gensoku, how long have you been in our community?”
[Although Gensoku is not the director, he is apparently acting as though he thought
he was, thus breaking a Precept by ‘putting himself up’. Hōgen’s question is not a
casual but a leading one, arising from his compassionate sensitivity to Gensoku’s
spiritual suffering from pride.]
Gensoku replied, “Why, I’ve been in the community for three
years now.”
[Gensoku tacitly acknowledges recognition of his importance as self-evident and
responds in a casual manner. Had he not been absorbed in his pride, he might have
responded, as would be expected not only from a novice but also from any
Chinese, by some such statement as “You flatter me by addressing me by too
exalted a title, considering that I have been training here for only three years now.”
Had he already had a kenshō, his response, though not predictable, would not be
impolite or disrespectful in tone but, on the other hand, would probably not be a
conventional, ‘socially correct’ one either.]
The Master asked, “As you are still a junior monk, why have
you never asked me about the Buddha Dharma?”
[Hōgen gently corrects Gensoku by now pointing out his actual position as a junior
monk. He then asks another leading question, which implies that Gensoku thinks
that he is above all other novices and does not need instruction.]
Gensoku replied, “I will not lie to Your Reverence. Previously, when I was
with Meditation Master Seihō, I fully reached the place of joyful ease in the
Buddha Dharma.”
[The delusion underlying Gensoku’s pride begins to emerge more clearly, for he
claims to have attained a spiritual state which he has not yet reached. This is what
Hōgen had probably surmised and which had led him to engage Gensoku in this
dialogue. Gensoku is now breaking the Precepts by saying that which is not so and
by having sold himself the wine of delusion.]
The Master said, “And what was said that gained you entry to
that place?”
[Hōgen now probes directly into the heart of Gensoku’s problem.]
Shōbōgenzō: Translator’s General Introduction xxiii

Gensoku said, “I once asked Seihō what the True Self of a

novice is, and Seihō replied, ‘Here comes the Hearth God looking for
fire.’ ”
[The nature of the question and the response suggest that this interchange had
occurred as part of a shōsan ceremony (referred to above) held before the
assembled monks, during which novices ask a Meditation Master a question which
presumably reflects their current spiritual understanding. Because at this point
Gensoku is still operating from the mind of duality, it is likely that the question
was asked from the intellect rather than from the heart. The significance of Seihō’s
response will be discussed later.]
Hōgen responded, “Nicely put by Seihō. But I’m afraid you
may not have understood it.”
[Gensoku had heard Master Seihō’s words but had not grasped their import. Hōgen
makes a complimentary remark about Seihō’s comment. Had Hōgen suspected that
Gensoku had already had a kenshō, it is unlikely that he would have done this, but
instead might have made some remark that on the surface looked as though he
were disparaging Seihō, such as “That old rascal! Is he still going around saying
such things?” but which Gensoku would see as being the way a Master may
acknowledge another Master whilst avoiding judgmentalism.]
Gensoku said, “A Hearth God is associated with fire, so I
understand it to mean that, just as fire is being used to seek for fire, so
the True Self is what is used to seek for the True Self.”
[Gensoku has worked out an intellectual interpretation of Seihō’s remark, and
therefore thinks that this type of understanding is what constitutes awakening to
one’s True Self. Gensoku’s error is in thinking that there are two True Selves: the
one that seeks and the one that is sought.]
The Master said, “Just as I suspected! You have not understood.
Were the Buddha Dharma like that, it is unlikely that It would have
continued on, being Transmitted down to the present day.”
[The Master now sets Gensoku straight as to where he is spiritually, in order to
shake up his proud complacency and break through his deluded view.]
Gensoku was so distressed at this that he left the monastery.
While on the road, he thought to himself, “In this country the Master
is known as a fine and learned monastic teacher and as a great
spiritual leader and guide for five hundred monks. Since he has chided
me for having gone wrong, he must undoubtedly have a point.” So, he
returned to his Master, respectfully bowed in apology, and said,
“What is the True Self of a novice?”
Shōbōgenzō: Translator’s General Introduction xxiv

[Leaving the monastery when asked to confront one’s spiritual problem ‘head on’
is not an uncommon occurrence in kōan stories. Similarly, the turning about in
one’s heart by recognizing that it is oneself who may be wrong is a crucial moment
in the life of a trainee. Here it marks Gensoku’s letting go of his pride, so that he
now returns with the appropriate attitude of mind for asking his spiritual question,
which now arises from his heart-felt need to know the truth, and without any
The Master replied, “Here comes the Hearth God looking for
The Fire.” Upon hearing these words, Gensoku awoke fully to the
Buddha Dharma.
[What a Meditation Master says or does at a formal spiritual examination
ceremony in response to a spiritual question is often multilayered in meaning and
application. Since it is not intellectually contrived but arises from the Master’s
spiritual depths, it may in some way speak not only to the questioner but also to
others who are present.]
[In Master Seihō’s original remark to Gensoku several layers of meaning
were occurring simultaneously. On one level, he was inviting Gensoku to give up
his attitude of self-importance and ‘play’ with him; hence, the form in which the
response was given: it forms a first line for a couplet and would have been spoken
in the equivalent of English doggerel, the translated version read to the rhythmic
pattern of dum-dum-di-dum-dum dum-di-dum-di-dum. If Gensoku were open
enough, he would have come up with a second line, such as ‘Burning up his false
self upon the funeral pyre’.]
[On another level, Master Seihō was pointing Gensoku toward his spiritual
problem. A ‘Hearth God’ is the title given to the temple boy whose task it is to
light the monastery lamps. Thus, Seihō was saying in effect, “You are acting like a
temple boy, not like a monk, and are seeking for that which you already have—in
your case, the spiritual flame of your training.”]
[Hōgen uses the same words and intonation as Seihō did, but context brings
out a third level of meaning, which Gensoku now hears, “Here comes the one most
innocent of heart whose practice lights the way for all of us, truly seeking That
which is the True Light (The Fire).” Gensoku, upon hearing this, realized that this
is what he has been truly seeking—not social position or erudition—and awoke to
the Truth where the distinction of self and other completely drops away.]
[In the original Chinese text, as given by Dōgen, the words used by Seihō
and Hōgen are the same, but the context indicates that there has been a shift in
meaning from how Gensoku interpreted these words when spoken by Seihō and
what they implied to him when reiterated by Hōgen. To convey that difference in
Shōbōgenzō: Translator’s General Introduction xxv

meaning in English, the two quotes are translated in a slightly, but significantly,
different way. In other kōan stories where the same phrase is used in two different
contexts, the translation will also attempt to convey the shift in meaning, rather
than leave it to the reader to puzzle out from a mere repetition what that shift may
be. While footnotes have occasionally been supplied to help readers over such
difficult points in a kōan story, the translator has not attempted to supply full
explanations of these stories, trusting that the preceding guidelines, plus the
footnotes, will be sufficient.]
A Discourse on Doing One’s Utmost
in Practicing the Way of the Buddhas

Translator’s Introduction: Bendōwa, the earliest dated work in the Shōbōgenzō, begins with a
long introductory section which places seated meditation (zazen) within the context of what has
been transmitted through the ages as the practice of Buddhism, as well as giving Dōgen’s reasons
for writing the present discourse. This is followed by an imaginary dialogue between a disciple
and Dōgen as Master, which forms the core of the discourse. While this discourse superficially
resembles a catechism in that the disciple asks questions to which Dōgen supplies answers, the
nature of the questions and the attitude of the questioner imply that more is transpiring.
Essentially, the imaginary disciple, filled with mistrust, raises various objections to the method
of serene reflection meditation which Dōgen was engaged in introducing into Japan, and presents
concerns that Dōgen’s actual disciples were probably encountering from others or might even be
holding in their own minds. The obvious expressions of doubt which the questions voice are
bypassed by Dōgen, who replies from the mind of meditation, and thereby keeps to the task of
clarifying the misunderstanding that lies at the heart of the questioner’s doubt. Although Dōgen’s
writing style in this work, particularly in his introductory section, is clearly literary, he often
intersperses this more formal manner of communication with conversational expressions and
colorful figures of speech, which lend a compassionate warmth and gentle humor to his

All Buddhas, without exception, confirm Their having realized the state of
enlightenment by demonstrating Their ability to directly Transmit the wondrous
Dharma. 1 As embodiments of the Truth, They have employed an unsurpassed,
inconceivably marvelous method which functions effortlessly. It is simply this
method that Buddhas impart to Buddhas, without deviation or distortion, and Their
meditative state of delight in the Truth is its standard and measure. As They take
pleasure wherever They go to spiritually aid others while in such a state, They treat
this method of Theirs—namely, the practice of seated meditation—as the proper
and most straightforward Gate for entering the Way.
People are already abundantly endowed with the Dharma in every part of
their being, but until they do the training, It will not emerge. And unless they

1. A reference to the direct, Face-to-Face Transmission between Master and disciple, in

contrast to the transmission of Dharma through lectures or Scriptural writings.

Shōbōgenzō: On Doing One’s Utmost in Practicing the Way of the Buddhas 2

personally confirm It for themselves, there is no way for them to realize what It is.
But when they give It out to others, It keeps filling their hands to overflowing for,
indeed, It makes no distinction between ‘for the one’ and ‘for the many’. When
they give voice to It, It flows forth from their mouths like a tide, limitless in Its
breadth and depth. All Buddhas continually dwell within this state, with None
holding onto any of Their thoughts or perceptions, regardless of whatever may
arise, whereas the great mass of sentient beings perpetually make use of what is
within this state, but without their being fully awake to any situation.
As I would now explain it, diligently practicing the Way means letting all
things be what they are in their Self-nature, as you put your essential oneness into
operation by following the road away from discriminatory and dualistic thinking.
When you have abandoned that type of thinking and have thus passed beyond its
barriers, you will cease to be affected by its explanations, which, like the nodes in
bamboo, block free passage, or by its theories, which are as convoluted as the
knots in a piece of pine wood.
In my own case, shortly after I gave rise to the intention to seek for the
Dharma, I went searching everywhere throughout our country for a knowledgeable
spiritual teacher until I chanced to meet Master Myōzen of Kennin-ji Temple. The
autumn frosts and the spring blossoms quickly passed each other for nine cycles, as
I absorbed from him a bit about the Rinzai tradition. As chief disciple of the
Ancestral Master Eisai, Master Myōzen alone was correctly Transmitting the
unsurpassed Dharma of the Buddha: among his Japanese contemporaries there was
definitely no one who was his equal. I next turned towards the land of the great
Sung dynasty to seek out spiritual teachers on both sides of the Ts’ien-t’an River in
Chekiang Province and to learn about our tradition as propounded through its Five
Gates. 2 Ultimately I encountered Meditation Master Nyojō on Mount Tendō, and
the Great Matter * which I had spent my life seeking to understand was resolved
with him.
After that, at the beginning of the Chinese Sho-ting era (1228), I returned to
my native land with the intention of spreading the Dharma and rescuing sentient
beings. It seemed as if I were shouldering a heavy load, so I decided to bide my
time until I could vigorously promote the spread of ‘letting go of the
discriminatory mind’. As a result, I drifted the while like a cloud, finding lodging

2. An allusion to the five Chinese Zen Buddhist traditions in existence at the time. Dōgen will
identify them later in this discourse.
* See Glossary.
Shōbōgenzō: On Doing One’s Utmost in Practicing the Way of the Buddhas 3

as a floating reed does, ready to learn from the customs and habits of those Clear-
minded Ones of the past.
However, it occurred to me that there might be some who, by their very
nature, were genuinely seeking to study the Way with no regard for fame and gain,
as they tried to treat mindfulness as their prime goal, but perhaps they were
unfortunately being led astray by some false teacher so that the correct
understanding of the Truth was needlessly being kept from them. As a result, they
may have fruitlessly let themselves become stupefied with self-satisfaction, having
been too long immersed in the realms of self-delusion. And so, I wondered how the
true seed of spiritual wisdom could sprout and grow in them so that they would
have the chance to realize the Truth. Though I was still such a poor monk in the
Way, since I was now devoted to letting myself drift like a cloud and float like a
reed, on what mountain or by what river could they seek me out? Because of my
feelings of pity for these persons, I have undertaken here to write down what I saw
and learned of the customs and practices in Chinese Zen monasteries, as well as to
preserve the Transmission of what my spiritual teacher understood to be the most
profound Purpose, and thereby to propagate the true Dharma of Buddhism. I trust
that what follows is the genuine inner meaning of this.
As my Master put it, the honored Great Master Shakyamuni, whilst with His
assembly on India’s Divine Vulture Peak, imparted to Makakashō this Dharma,
which Ancestor after Ancestor then correctly Transmitted down to the Venerable
Bodhidharma. This Venerable One proceeded on his own to China where he
imparted the Dharma to Great Master Eka. This was the first time that the
Transmission of the Buddha Dharma had come to the Eastern lands. It ultimately
reached the Sixth Chinese Ancestor, Meditation Master Daikan Enō, by being
directly Transmitted in this manner. The genuine Dharma of the Buddha then
flowed out through the land of the Han, Its main purpose being revealed without
entanglement in sectarian or scholastic concerns. In time, the Sixth Ancestor had
two spiritual followers: Nangaku Ejō and Seigen Gyōshi. Since they both had the
Buddha seal * Transmitted to them, they were, alike, spiritual leaders for human
and celestial beings. With the spreading out of those two branches, the Five
Instructional Gates opened up. These are, namely, the Hōgen, Igyō, Sōtō, Ummon,
and Rinzai traditions. In present-day Sung China, only the Rinzai tradition is
widespread throughout the country. Even though these five monastic families
differ, they are still the One Seal of the Buddha Mind.
Also, ever since the latter part of the Han dynasty (ca. 3rd century C.E.), all
sorts of instructional books were leaving their mark in China; although they
pervaded the whole country, which ones were preferable had not yet been
Shōbōgenzō: On Doing One’s Utmost in Practicing the Way of the Buddhas 4

established. After the Ancestral Master Bodhidharma came from the West, he
immediately cut off at their roots those tangled vines of verbalized confusion and
let the genuine, pure Buddha Dharma spread abroad. I earnestly pray that the same
may happen in our country.
As my Master also said, all the Buddhas, as well as all the Ancestors, have
kept to the Buddha Dharma as Their dwelling place. One and All have not only sat
upright in Their meditative state of delight in the Truth, but They have also put the
Precepts into practice, and thus They have taken this combination as the precise
and certain way for awakening to the Truth. Those in India and China who have
experienced an awakening have likewise conformed to this approach. This is based
on Master directly passing on to disciple, in private, this wondrous method, and the
latter preserving its genuine inner meaning.
When we speak of the correct Transmission in our tradition, the
straightforward Buddha Teaching of direct Transmission is ‘the best of the best’.
From the very moment when a disciple comes to meet face-to-face with the one
who is to be his spiritual friend and knowing teacher, there is no need to have the
disciple offer incense, make prostrations, chant the names of the Buddhas, do
ascetic practices and penances, or recite Scriptures: the Master just has the disciple
do pure meditation until he lets his body and mind drop off.
Even though it may be merely for a moment, when someone, whilst sitting
upright in meditation, puts the mark of the Buddha seal upon his three types of
volitional actions—namely, those of body, speech and thought—the whole physical
universe and everything in it becomes and is the Buddha seal; all of space,
throughout, becomes and is enlightenment. As a result, all Buddhas, as
embodiments of Truth, experience a compounding of Their delight in the Dharma
of Their own Original Nature, and the awesome splendor of Their realization of the
Way is refreshed for Them. In addition, all sentient beings everywhere throughout
the physical universe—and in whichever of the six worlds* of existence they may
be, including the three lower ones—are, in that instant, bright and pure in body and
mind, as they confirm the Foundation of their great liberation and reveal their
Original Face. At that moment, all things realize what confirmation of the Truth
really is. Everything, all together, employs its body as a Buddha does, quickly
leaping in one bound beyond the limits of any ‘correct’ understanding to sit erect
like the Lord Buddha beneath His Bodhi tree. In an instant, everything turns the
unparalleled Great Wheel of the Dharma as It opens up and gives expression to the
profound Wisdom that is of the Ultimate, of the Uncreated.
Moreover, these equally fully-enlightened Ones turn back to the six worlds
of existence in order to personally travel the path of giving help in unseen ways.
Shōbōgenzō: On Doing One’s Utmost in Practicing the Way of the Buddhas 5

Consequently, those who sit in meditation will, beyond doubt, drop off body and
mind, and cut themselves free from their previous confused and defiling thoughts
and opinions in order to personally realize what the innate Dharma of the Buddha
is. That is, in each training ground of every Buddha as the embodiment of Truth,
the work of Buddhas finds expression and is put into practice down to the smallest
detail, as They create for others far and wide the circumstances that help them go
beyond the notion of ‘being a Buddha’, through Their vigorous promotion of the
Teaching that one goes on, always becoming Buddha. At this very moment, the
lands of the earth with their trees and grasses, as well as the walls and fences with
their tiles and stones, are all seen to be performing the work of Buddhas. As a
consequence, all who make profitable spiritual use of whatever storms and floods
may arise will be receiving guidance and assistance in unseen ways from the
profound and inscrutable instructions of Buddhas, and they will give expression to
their innate Understanding, which is ever intimate with the Truth. 3 Because
persons who accept and make profitable spiritual use of such floods and firestorms
all gladly receive from the Buddhas instruction and guidance on their innate
Understanding, those who reside with such persons and are spiritually conversant
with them, in turn, mutually provide each other with the unbounded, endless
virtues of Buddhas and cause the unceasing, wondrous, immeasurable Dharma of
Buddhas to roll forth far and wide until It spreads throughout the whole universe,
both within and without. However, these persons of whom I speak are not kept in
the dark by being wedded to their senses, for they straightaway realize the Truth by
not fabricating anything within the hush of their meditation. If, as ordinary people
believe, spiritual practice and personal realization are two different sorts of things,
then each could be seen and recognized separately from the other. Should someone
become all involved with his sensory perceptions and intellectual understanding,
he will not be in ‘the realm of enlightenment’ because the realm of enlightenment
is beyond the reach of delusory, discriminatory thinking.
Furthermore, even though, amidst the stillness of meditation, someone
experiences—not only subjectively within heart and mind, but also objectively
within outer conditions—an ‘entering into realization’ and a ‘going beyond
awakening to Truth’, because he is in the realm of delight in the Truth, he does not
disturb a single dust mote or shatter the aspect of ‘oneness with all things’.
Simultaneously, the far-reaching works of a Buddha create a Buddha’s profound

3. ‘Storms and floods’ refer to whatever befalls us physically, psychologically, or spiritually

which threatens to ‘blow us over’ or overwhelm us. Yet, as Dōgen comments, even these
seemingly negative and destructive occurrences can have spiritual benefits when examined
from the mind of meditation.
Shōbōgenzō: On Doing One’s Utmost in Practicing the Way of the Buddhas 6

and wondrous instructions and guidance. At no time does the vegetation or the
earth from which it springs—which are the very places that this instructional path
reaches—cease to send forth great luminosity as they give expression to the
profoundly subtle Dharma. Both ‘vegetation’ and ‘walls’ clearly and effectively let
the Dharma be known in the world for the sake of all forms of sentient beings, be
they of ordinary minds or of awakened ones. 4 All forms of sentient beings,
awakened or not, are ever giving expression to It for the sake of ‘vegetation’ and
‘walls’. In the realm where one’s own awakening awakens others, from the very
moment that you are provided with personal certainty, there is no hanging onto it,
and, once your personal certainty begins to function, you must see to it that it never
ceases. 5
This is why even the meditating of just one person at one time harmonizes
with, and is at one with, all forms of being, as it tranquilly permeates all times.
Thus, within the inexhaustible phenomenal world, across past, present, and future,
the meditator does the unending work of instructing and guiding others in the Way
of Buddhas. It is the same practice, in no way different for all, just as it is the same
realization and personal certifying by all. Not only is it the practice of simply
sitting: it is ‘striking unbounded space and hearing It reverberate’, which is Its
continuous, wonderful voice before and after the mallet has struck the bell. But do
not limit the matter to this! Everyone has his own Original Face, as well as his own
training and practice to do, all of which are beyond the fathoming of human
speculations. You must realize that even if all the Buddhas, who are as
immeasurable as the sands of the Ganges, were to exercise Their spiritual strengths
and attempt to gauge the meditation of a single person by means of Their
awakened Buddha Wisdom, They would be unable to reach its boundaries, try as
They might to fathom them.

You have now heard just how great and vast the virtues and spiritual merits
of this seated meditation are. However, someone who is befuddled by doubts may

4. Here, ‘vegetation’ refers to all things (physical or non-physical) that are organic or growing,
and ‘walls’ to all things that are inorganic or fabricated.
5. The ‘personal certainty’ of which Dōgen speaks should not be confused with any rigid and
intractable ‘certitude’ that may arise from intellectual speculation, insistence on ‘logical
necessity’, religious dogma, personal delusion, etc. Unlike Dōgen’s personal certainty,
which arises from direct, honest, and self-less spiritual experience, such rigid ‘certitude’ is
the hallmark of the realm where one’s deluded thinking attempts to coerce others into
accepting that which is deluded.
Shōbōgenzō: On Doing One’s Utmost in Practicing the Way of the Buddhas 7

ask, “Since there are many gates into the Buddha’s Teachings, why bother to do
just seated meditation?”
I would point out in response, “Because it is the proper and most
straightforward entryway into what the Buddha taught.”
He may then ask, “Why is this the one and only proper and straightforward
I would then point out, “Undoubtedly, the Venerable Great Master
Shakyamuni Transmitted it directly as the most excellent method for realizing the
Way, and Those who embody the Truth in the three temporal worlds, alike, have
realized, do realize, and will realize the Way by doing seated meditation.
Therefore, They pass it on generation after generation as the proper and most
straightforward gate to the Dharma. Not only that, the Indian and Chinese
Ancestors all realized the Way by doing seated meditation, which is why I have
now indicated it to be the proper gate for those in both human and celestial
He may then ask, “Since this depends on someone’s receiving the correct
Transmission, or on his inquiring into the evidence left by the Ancestors, truly
these are beyond the reach of ordinary people like me. However, reading Scriptures
and reciting the names of the Buddhas, by themselves, can certainly be the cause
for one’s spiritually awakening. I fail to see the point in merely sitting idly and
doing nothing, so how can such a method be relied on for achieving a spiritual
I would point out, “That you should now regard the deep meditative state of
all the Buddhas and the peerless Great Dharma to be a pointless ‘sitting idly and
doing nothing’ makes you one who is slandering the Greater Course.* Your
delusion is as profound as one who says, ‘There is no water,’ whilst he is sinking
down in a vast sea. Thankfully, all the Buddhas are already sitting sedately in the
meditative state that is the consummate delight in the Truth. Is this not creating
vast spiritual merits? Alas, your Eye is not yet open and your mind is still in a
stupor, as though you were drunk.
“True, the realm of Buddhas is marvelous and beyond the power of the
intellect to comprehend, to say nothing of what one who is lacking in faith and
scant in spiritual understanding can grasp! Only the one whose readiness for
genuine faith is great is able to easily enter the Way. He whose faith is nil, even
though he is given teaching, finds it hard to accept. On the Divine Vulture Peak,
there were those whom Shakyamuni said might depart if they so wished whilst He
was giving voice to the Dharma. Broadly speaking, if genuine faith arises in your
heart, you will need to train and practice, as well as seek out a Master to study
Shōbōgenzō: On Doing One’s Utmost in Practicing the Way of the Buddhas 8

with. Otherwise, this faith of yours will fade away before long and, sad to say, the
Dharma from the past will cease to enrich you.
“Furthermore, I am not certain whether you really know what the virtue is in
performing such services as reciting Scriptures and chanting the names of the
Buddhas. Merely to move your tongue about and let your voice roll forth, thinking
that this will have the merit and virtue of the work of a Buddha, is utterly pitiful.
Compared to a Buddha’s Dharma, it is far afield and will take you ever farther in
the wrong direction.
“In addition, ‘to open a Scriptural text’ means that you clarify for yourself
what the Buddha taught as the principles for training and practice in both the
‘sudden approach’ and the ‘gradual approach’. 6 When you do your training and
practice as He taught, without doubt it will help you realize spiritual certainty.
Compared with the merit of actually realizing enlightenment now, expending
mental effort in pondering upon matters is nothing. Foolishly using your mouth to
repeatedly chant something thousands upon thousands of times in an attempt to
arrive at the Way of Buddhas is like believing you can reach the south by driving
your cart northward. It is also like someone trying to put a square peg in a round
hole. Someone who reads passages in religious works while remaining in the dark
about the path of spiritual training is someone who would pay a visit to a doctor
and leave behind what the doctor has prescribed. What is to be gained from that?
Keeping sound flowing incessantly from the mouth is like the springtime day-and-
night croaking of a frog in a rice paddy: ultimately, this too produces no benefit.
How much more does this apply to those who are deeply committed to their
delusions and go wandering off after fame and gain. Such things are difficult to
abandon since the inclination of such persons towards success and greed goes deep
indeed! Since people of this sort existed in the past, it is certainly likely that they
exist in the world today, so very sad to say!
“What you must grasp is that when a trainee who has committed both heart
and mind to personally confirming the Truth is in accord with a Master in our
tradition—that is, with one who has realized the Way and is clear-minded—on how
to practice, and has received Transmission of the wonderful Dharma of the Seven
Buddhas,* the true meaning and purpose of this Dharma comes forth and will be
preserved. This is beyond what Scriptural scholars who study only the words know

6. The sudden and gradual ‘approaches’ are not the same as sudden versus gradual
enlightenment. The ‘sudden approach’ is the awakening to Truth through the practice of
serene reflection meditation, which is the letting go of everything and sitting in pure faith
and trust in the Eternal. With the ‘gradual approach’, the trainee works to cleanse his karma
and clarify matters by application of the Precepts to all his actions.
Shōbōgenzō: On Doing One’s Utmost in Practicing the Way of the Buddhas 9

about. So, quit your doubts and delusions, and do your utmost to practice the Way
by doing seated meditation in accordance with a genuine Master’s instructions, so
that you may realize for yourself the meditative state of all the Buddhas, which is
Their delight in the Truth.”
He may then ask, “Both the Tendai tradition, which is based on the Lotus
Scripture, and the Kegon tradition, which is based on the Avatamsaka Scripture, as
they have been transmitted to our country, are considered to be the fundamental
traditions in Mahayana* Buddhism, to say nothing of traditions such as that of
Shingon, which was personally transmitted to Kongosatta by the Tathagata
Vairochana* and has been passed generation after generation from Master to
disciple in an orderly manner. The main thrust of what these traditions talk about is
that ‘Our very mind is Buddha’ and that ‘This mind of ours creates Buddhahood’,
and they set forth the correct perception of the Five Dhyāni Buddhas, 7 which is
realized in a single sitting without spending many eons in training. Surely, these
should be considered the most sublime of the Buddha’s Teachings. So, what is so
superior about the training and practice which you are going on about, that you
disregard those Teachings in pursuit of your own method alone?”
I would point out, “You should understand that within the Buddha’s family
there is no arguing over ‘superior’ or ‘inferior’ Teachings, and no singling out of
some Dharma as being more shallow or profound. You should simply try to
recognize the genuine from the false in training and practice. Some, attracted by a
natural setting of mountains and water with its plants and flowers, have flowed
from there into the Way of Buddhas. Others, whilst gathering up in their hands the
soil with its sand and pebbles, have preserved the Buddha seal. How much more
are the myriad images which fill the universe surpassed by the far-reaching words
of a Buddha—which are all the more rich!—and the turning of the Great Wheel of
the Dharma is contained within each single dust mote. This is why a phrase like
‘Your very mind is Buddha Itself ’ is as the moon within water, and why the import
of ‘Sitting in meditation is itself becoming Buddha’ is as a reflection in a mirror.
Do not get tangled up or taken in by a clever use of words. In order that you may
now push on in your training to realize enlightenment in an instant, I show you the
marvelous path which the Buddhas and Ancestors have directly Transmitted, and I
do this that you may become a genuine follower of the Way.

7. The ‘Five Dhyāni Buddhas’ are the five Great Buddhas of Wisdom, each of whom
represents a particular aspect of the Cosmic Buddha. These Buddhas are: Vairochana, the
Eternal Buddha; Akshobya, the Immovable Buddha; Ratnasambhava, the Jewel-Born
Buddha; Amitabha, the Buddha of Immeasurable Light; and Amoghasiddhi, the Fearless
Shōbōgenzō: On Doing One’s Utmost in Practicing the Way of the Buddhas 10

“Furthermore, the Transmitting of the Buddha Dharma must be done by a

Master of our tradition whose personal awakening has been certified. Scholars who
go about counting up words are not adequate to serve as teachers and guides: they
would be like the blind trying to lead the blind. All who are now within our
tradition’s Gate, where the proper Transmission of the Buddhas and Ancestors is
done, esteem and revere the expert guide whose realization of the Way has been
attested to, and place their trust in him as an upholder of the Buddha Dharma.
Because of this, when non-human beings—both visible and invisible—come to
him to take refuge, or when arhats,* though already enjoying the fruits of realizing
enlightenment, come to ask him about the Dharma, this Master never fails to give
them a helping hand in clarifying what lies at the bottom of their hearts. As this is
something unheard of in the gateways offered by other religions, disciples of the
Buddha should just study the Buddha Dharma.
“Also, you should keep in mind that even though, from the first, we are in no
way lacking in unsurpassed enlightenment and ever have it available to us for our
delight and use, we cannot believe this, and so we become habituated to needlessly
giving rise to discriminatory thoughts and personal opinions, chasing after these as
if they were something real and, stumbling, we sadly fall off the Great Path. By our
relying on these thoughts and opinions, many and varied are the illusory ‘flowers
in the sky’ that we create. Do not immerse yourself in or get stuck on pondering
over the twelvefold stages of Dependent Origination or the twenty-five types of
existence within the worlds of desire, form, and beyond form, or speculating on the
Three Vehicles or the Five Vehicles, or on whether Buddha has existence or not. By
following thoughts and opinions like these, you will be unable to consider the
correct pathway for training in and practicing the Buddha Dharma. Even so, when,
at this very moment, in compliance with the Buddha seal, you let go of everything
and earnestly sit in meditation, you will go beyond the boundaries set by any
concern that you may have had over being deluded or enlightened. Uninvolved
with whether the path is mundane or sanctified, you will at once be strolling about
in realms beyond ordinary thinking, as you delight in the Great Enlightenment.
How can those who are caught in the nets and snares of words possibly be equal to
such a one as this?”
He may then ask, “Among the three traditional ways of spiritual learning,
there is the study of meditative concentration, and among the six bodhisattvic
practices, there is the perfecting of meditation. Because both of these have been
studied by all bodhisattvas* from the moment their hearts first opened to a desire to
realize enlightenment, they have been part of training and practice for everyone,
bright or dull, without exception. This seated meditation that you are now talking
Shōbōgenzō: On Doing One’s Utmost in Practicing the Way of the Buddhas 11

about can possibly be included as one form of them, but what leads you to contend
that all the genuine Teachings of the Tathagata are brought together within it?”
I would point out, “This question of yours has come about because this
peerless Great Teaching of the Tathagata, which is the Treasure House of the Eye
of the True Teaching on the One Great Matter for which we train, has been given
the name of ‘the Zen School’. 8 However, you must realize that this name first arose
in China and then spread eastwards; it was unknown in India. It began while Great
Master Bodhidharma was spending nine years ‘facing the wall’ at Shōrin-ji Temple
on Mount Sūzan. Neither monks nor laity had yet learned of the Buddha’s True
Dharma, so they called him the Brahman who makes seated meditation (zazen) his
main focus. Later, all his descendants over the generations continually devoted
themselves to seated meditation. Lay people, baffled when they saw this, did not
understand what was actually going on, and spoke of it in general as ‘the Zazen
(Seated Meditation) School’. Nowadays, the za is dropped, and it is referred to
simply as ‘the Zen School’. But its heart and spirit is made clear through the vast
sayings of the Ancestors. It is not something to be compared or grouped with the
contemplative concentration or the meditation alluded to in the Six Bodhisattva
Practices or the Three Ways of Learning.
“That this Buddha Dharma has been authentically Transmitted from Master
to disciple has not been a secret to any generation. Long ago, at the assembly on
the Divine Vulture Peak, it was only to the Venerable Makakashō that the Tathagata
entrusted this Dharma—which is the Treasure House of the Eye of the True
Teaching and the Wondrous Heart of Nirvana—as His peerless Great Teaching. As
this ceremony was personally witnessed by the host of celestial beings who are at
present residing in heavenly worlds, it is not something that one need mistrust.
Since Buddha Dharma, in general, is something that the host of celestial beings
ever and ever looks after and protects, the merit of their actions has still not died
away. Beyond doubt, you should recognize that this practice is the complete and
whole Way of the Buddha Dharma: there is nothing to compare it to.”

8. Zenshū, rendered here as ‘the Zen School’, has a significance in Dōgen’s text that is not
apparent in translation. Rendering shū as ‘school’ may be somewhat misleading if it
suggests to the reader something academic or philosophical. On the other hand, to use the
term ‘sect’ might invite associations with Christian sectarianism. In some other places, I
have used the word ‘tradition’ in order to avoid either misunderstanding. However, Dōgen
specifically reveals a few sentences further along that he understands the word to be
synonymous with mune, ‘the main point or focus’; that is, zenshū refers to those who make
zen (meditation) the focus of their training, just as those of the Kegonshū make the Kegon
Sutra (Avatamsaka Scripture) the focus of their training.
Shōbōgenzō: On Doing One’s Utmost in Practicing the Way of the Buddhas 12

He may then ask, “Of the four manners of bodily carriage in the Buddha’s
family—namely, standing, walking, sitting, and reclining—why is it that you lay
the full burden of practice merely on sitting, and talk of attaining certainty and
entering Buddhahood by promoting meditative contemplation?”
I would point out, “The ways in which all the Buddhas from the ages past,
one after the other, trained and practiced, and by which They arrived at certainty
and entered Buddhahood, are impossible to know in full detail. If you are asking
what the authority for this is, you should understand that what Those in the family
of Buddhas made use of is the authority. You need not seek for an authority beyond
this. To put it simply, in praise of the practice, Ancestors and Masters have said that
seated meditation is the gateway to ease and joy. From this we can surmise that,
among the four manners of bodily carriage, it is the easiest and most joyful. And
even further, it has not been the way of practice for just one or two Buddhas: this
has been the way for all Buddhas and all Ancestors.”
He may then ask, “Granted that someone who has not yet clearly understood
what Buddha Dharma is may possibly secure certainty by diligently doing seated
meditation. But what about those who are already clear as to what the Buddha’s
True Teaching is? What could they possibly expect from doing seated meditation?”
I would point out, “Since it is said that we should not discuss our dreams in
front of those who are befuddled, or uselessly put oars into the hands of a
woodcutter, 9 I am disinclined to answer your question directly. Still there is some
teaching that I can give you.
“Now then, to think that practice and realization are separate from each other
is a non-Buddhist view, or a misunderstanding of the Way. In Buddhism, practice
and realization are completely one and the same. Because it is a practice based on
being spiritually awake at this very moment, the diligent training which springs
forth from our initial resolve to seek the Way is, in itself, the whole of one’s innate
certainty. For this reason, we teach that you should not hold in mind any

9. Dōgen’s first analogy derives from the Chinese saying, “Do not share your dreams with a
fool,” but has been modified to refer here to discussing experiences which are as yet beyond
the questioner’s present level of direct understanding. The second analogy makes this more
explicit: one does not discuss such matters because it is like giving tools to someone who
cannot make use of them. Further, a ‘woodcutter’ is a Zen term applied to a monk who has
not yet had a kenshō (that is, the experiencing of his own Buddha Nature) and is still
working on cutting his karmic tendencies off at the roots, whereas ‘oars’ is an allusion to the
tools needed by one who has awakened to his True Nature to help him ferry others to the
Other Shore.
Shōbōgenzō: On Doing One’s Utmost in Practicing the Way of the Buddhas 13

expectation of being enlightened as something outside of, or apart from, practice,

since this practice directly points you towards your own original, innate certainty.
“Since this certainty is a spiritually awakened one that already exists within
the practice, your certainty will know no limits: since the practice already exists
within spiritually awakened certainty, your practice will know no beginning. This
is why the Tathagata Shakyamuni and the Venerable Makakashō were both
governed by Their practice, which was based on being spiritually awake. Great
Master Bodhidharma and the exalted Ancestor Daikan Enō, likewise, were ‘hauled
and tumbled about’ by their practice based on being spiritually awake. Such are the
signs of one who resides in, and keeps to, the Buddha Dharma.
“A practice that is not separate from being spiritually awake already exists. It
is our good fortune to have had this wondrous practice Transmitted to us
individually, and to diligently pursue it with the attitude of mind which first
awakened in us the desire to seek the Truth is, in itself, to arrive at that original,
spiritually awakened state which is our innate, ‘uncreated’ Foundation. Be aware
that the Buddhas and Ancestors repeatedly taught that we must not be slack in our
training and practice, so that we do not stain or tarnish our innate enlightenment,
which is inseparable from our practice. If you let go of any thought of ‘I am doing
a marvelous practice,’ your innate enlightenment will fill your hands to
overflowing. If you purge yourself of any thought of ‘being enlightened’, this
wondrous practice will operate throughout your whole being.
“Further, when I was in the land of the great Sung dynasty, what I saw with
my own eyes, in all the Zen monasteries everywhere, was a Meditation Hall with
anywhere from five or six hundred to one or two thousand monks peacefully
continuing to do seated meditation day and night. When I asked those Masters of
our tradition—namely, those who had had the Buddha Mind seal Transmitted to
them and were serving as Abbots of these monasteries—what Buddhism is in sum
and substance, I was instructed that it was the principle that ‘Training and being
spiritually awake are not two separate things.’ Therefore, not only for the sake of
those trainees within the gates of our temple, but also for those who, distinguished
by their seeking for the Dharma, yearn for the Truth within the Buddha’s
Teachings, I have followed the path of the skillful teachers of our tradition. And in
accordance with what these Buddhas and Ancestors have taught, I have put forth
that one must diligently practice the Way by doing seated meditation. I have done
so without distinguishing between those with the attitudes of a novice or of a
senior, and without concerning myself with whether those being instructed are
ordinary people or saintly ones.
Shōbōgenzō: On Doing One’s Utmost in Practicing the Way of the Buddhas 14

“Surely you have heard what Masters have said: ‘It is not that practice and
enlightenment do not exist. It is just that they cannot be taken hold of and defiled,’
and ‘The one who clearly sees what the Way is, is the one who practices the Way.’
Understand that you must do your training and practice amidst the realizing of the
He may then ask, “What about those Japanese teachers of earlier generations
who spread Scriptural teachings throughout our country? At the time when they
crossed over to China during the T’ang dynasty and brought the Dharma back with
them, why did they ignore this principle of seated meditation and just pass on
Scriptural teachings?”
I would point out, “The reason why those human teachers of the past did not
pass on this Teaching was that the time was not yet ripe for It.”
He may then ask, “Did the teachers of those earlier times understand this
I would point out, “Had they understood It, they would have communicated
He may then respond, “There are some who say:
Do not grieve over birth and death, since there is an extremely
quick method for freeing yourself from them, namely, by
understanding the principle that it is the innate nature of one’s mind to
be ever-abiding, to persist without change. This means that, because
this physical body has been born, it will inevitably come to perish, but
even so, this innate nature of the mind will never perish. When
someone fully comprehends that the innate nature of his mind—which
is never swept away by birth and death—is in his body, he sees it to be
his true and genuine nature. Thus, his body is but a temporary form,
being born here and dying there, ever subject to change, whilst his
mind is ever-abiding, so there is no reason to expect it to vary over
past, present, and future. To understand the matter in this way is what
is meant by being free from birth and death. For the one who
understands this principle, his future births and deaths will come to an
end, so that when his body expires, he will enter the ocean of real
existence. When he flows into this ocean of being, he will
undoubtedly possess wonderful virtues, just as all the Buddhas and
Tathagatas have done. Even though he may realize this in his present
life, he will not be exactly the same as those Holy Ones, since he has a
bodily existence which was brought about through deluded actions in
past lives. The person who does not yet understand this principle will
Shōbōgenzō: On Doing One’s Utmost in Practicing the Way of the Buddhas 15

be ever spun about through successive births and deaths. Therefore,

we should just make haste and fully comprehend the principle of the
innate nature of the mind being ever-abiding and persisting without
change. To pass one’s life just sitting around idly, what can be gained
by that?
Such a statement as this truly corresponds to the Way of all the Buddhas and all the
Ancestors, don’t you think?”
I would point out, “The view that you have just expressed is in no way
Buddhism, but rather the non-Buddhist view of the Shrenikans. 10 This erroneous
view of theirs may be stated as follows:
In our bodies there is a soul-like intelligence. When this
intelligence, or intellect, encounters conditions, it makes distinctions
between good and bad as well as discriminating right from wrong. It is
conscious of what is painful or itches from desire, and is awake to
what is hard to bear or easy. All such responses are within the capacity
of this intelligence. However, when this body of ours perishes, this
soul-like nature sloughs it off and is reborn somewhere else. As a
result, even though it appears to perish in the here and now, it will
have its rebirth in another place, never perishing, but always abiding
“So this erroneous view goes. Be that as it may, your modeling yourself
upon this view and regarding it as the Buddha’s Teaching is more foolish than
clutching onto a roof tile or a pebble in the belief that it is gold or some precious
jewel. The shamefulness of such befuddled ignorance and delusion beggars
comparison. National Teacher Echū in Great Sung China has strongly warned us
about such a view. For you to now equate the wondrous Dharma of all the Buddhas
with the mistaken notion that your mind will abide whilst your physical features
perish, and to imagine that the very thing which gives rise to the cause of birth and
death has freed you from birth and death—is this not being foolish? And how
deeply pitiable! Be aware that this is the mistaken view of one who is outside the
Way, and do not lend an ear to it.
“Because I now feel even greater pity for you, I cannot leave the matter here,
but will try to rescue you from your erroneous view. You should understand that, in

10. The Shrenikans were a group of non-Buddhists who are thought to have followed the
teachings of Shrenika, a contemporary of Shakyamuni Buddha. On occasion, they used
terms similar to those in Buddhism, but with different meanings.
Shōbōgenzō: On Doing One’s Utmost in Practicing the Way of the Buddhas 16

Buddhism, we have always spoken not only of body and mind as being
inseparable, but also of the nature of something and the form it takes as not being
two different things. As this Teaching was likewise well known in both India and
China, we dare not deviate from It. Even more, in Buddhist instruction that speaks
of what is persistent, all things are said to have persistence without their ever being
separated into categories of ‘body’ and ‘mind’. 11 In instruction that talks about
cessation, all things are said to be subject to cessation without differentiating
whether they are of some particular nature or have some particular form. So why
do you risk contradicting the correct principle by saying that the body ceases whilst
the mind permanently abides? Not only that, you must fully understand that ‘birth
and death’ is nirvana: there has never been any talk of a nirvana outside of birth
and death. Moreover, even though you may erroneously reckon that there is a
Buddha Wisdom that is separate from birth and death because you have worked it
out that the mind permanently abides apart from the body, this ‘mind’ of yours—
which understands, and works matters out, and perceives things, and knows what
they are—is still something that arises and disappears, and is in no way ‘ever-
abiding’. Surely, this ‘mind’ of yours is something completely transitory!
“You will see, if you give it a taste, that the principle of the oneness of body
and mind is something constantly being talked about in Buddhism. So, how does
the mind, on its own, apart from the body, keep from arising and disappearing as
this body of yours arises and perishes? Furthermore, were they inseparable at one
time and not inseparable at another, then what the Buddha said would, naturally, be
false and deceiving.
“In addition, should you suddenly get the notion that eradicating birth and
death is what the Dharma is really about, it would lead you to sullying the Precept
against despising the Buddha Dharma. Do watch out for this!
“You must also understand that what is spoken of in the Buddha’s Teachings
as ‘the Gate to the Teaching on the vast characteristics common to the nature of all
minds’ takes in the whole universe, without dividing it into innate natures and their
forms or ever referring to things as ‘coming into existence’ or ‘perishing’. Nothing,
up to and including realizing enlightenment and nirvana, is excluded from the
innate nature of your mind. Each and every thing throughout the whole of the
universe is simply ‘the One Mind’ from which nothing whatsoever is excluded. All

11. Dōgen makes a distinction between the Buddhist concept of persistence and the Shrenikan
concept of abiding. With the former, all phenomena, physical and non-physical, arise and
continue on (‘persist’) for an unspecified period before disintegrating and disappearing,
whereas with the latter, the mind is thought to remain (‘abide’) unchanged and unchanging
Shōbōgenzō: On Doing One’s Utmost in Practicing the Way of the Buddhas 17

Gates to the Teaching are equally of this One Mind. To assert that there are no
differences whatsoever is the way the Buddhist family understands the nature of
Mind. So, within this one all-inclusive Dharma, how can you separate body from
mind or split ‘birth and death’ off from ‘nirvana’? You are already a disciple of the
Buddha, so do not give ear to the clatter of a lunatic’s tongue as he utters views that
are off the True Track.”
He may then ask, “Do those who devotedly do seated meditation have to
stringently observe the Precepts and monastic rules?”
I would point out, “Keeping to the Precepts and leading a pure life are
standard customs in the Zen tradition and are the habitual conduct of the Buddhas
and Ancestors. However, for those who have not yet formally taken the Precepts, or
who have broken them, we cannot say that their seated meditation is without value
or merit.”
He may then ask, “Surely, someone who is endeavoring to do seated
meditation can also do practices like the Shingon mantra chanting or like the
Tendai form of introspection, wherein you try to stop thinking evil thoughts and
contemplate what Truth is. Right?”
I would point out, “When I was in China, I asked Masters of our tradition
about the genuine keys to successful training. None of them said that they had
heard of any of our Ancestors to whom the Buddha seal had been properly
Transmitted—either in India and China, now or in the past—ever having done
practices such as those two. Truly, if you do not make the One Matter for which
you train the thing that you focus on, you will never make it to the Unique
He may then ask, “Can this practice be done by men and women in lay life,
or is it only suitable for monks?”
I would point out, “The Ancestors have said in their Teaching, ‘When it
comes to realizing the Buddha Dharma, make no distinction between male and
female, or between the exalted and the lowly.’ ”
He may then ask, “By leaving home life behind, monks are quickly
separated from all their various ties so that they have no impediments to diligently
practicing seated meditation. But how can those of us involved in the daily
pressures of lay life turn to doing training and practice so that we may realize the
Way of the Buddhas, which is unconcerned with worldly affairs?”
I would point out, “The Buddhas and Ancestors, out of Their overflowing
sympathy, have opened the great, wide Gates of Their compassion. They have done
this so that They might help all sentient beings realize the Truth and enter the Way.
Who amongst those in the worlds of either the mundane or the saintly could
Shōbōgenzō: On Doing One’s Utmost in Practicing the Way of the Buddhas 18

possibly be excluded from entering? Because of this, should you seek examples
from the past up to the present, authenticated instances of it are many indeed.
“For instance, the T’ang Chinese emperors T’ai-tsung and Shun-tsung were
deeply involved with myriad matters of state, yet by diligently practicing seated
meditation, they succeeded in traversing the Great Way of the Buddhas and
Ancestors. The ministers Li and Fang, while councilors, served as right-hand men
to their emperor, yet by diligently doing their seated meditation, they also realized
the Truth and entered the Great Way of the Buddhas and Ancestors. It simply
depends on whether you have the determination or not: it has nothing to do with
being a householder or a monk. In addition, those who can deeply discern the
difference between what is excellent and what is mediocre will naturally give rise
to faith and trust. How much more evident it is that those who regard worldly
affairs as an impediment to the Buddha Dharma are only inferring that Buddha
Dharma does not exist within the mundane world, and they do so because they
have not yet recognized that, within Buddha Dharma, there are no ‘worldly ways’.
“More recently, there was a minister in Great Sung China named Councilor
Feng. He was a high official who was extremely mature in the Way of the
Ancestors. Later, he composed a poem about himself:
When free from official duties,
I am fond of doing my meditation.
Rarely do I ever lie down
or go sleep in my bed.
Though I bear the semblance
of a minister of state,
‘The old Buddhist monk’ is what they call me
from sea to sea.
This poem is saying that, even though he had a position that left him little free time
from his duties, his determination towards the path of the Buddhas was so deep
that he realized the Way. With him in mind, we should reflect upon ourselves and
see how our present condition looks in the mirror of his former times. In Great
Sung China, I never heard it said that present-day rulers and their ministers, gentry
and commoners, men and women, had not fixed their hearts on the Way of the
Ancestors. Both those in the military and those in civil service were intent on
seeking training in meditation and studying the Way. Among those who were
intent, many undoubtedly illumined That which is the Foundation of their hearts
and minds. This should let you know that worldly duties do not, in and of
themselves, impede the Buddha Dharma.
Shōbōgenzō: On Doing One’s Utmost in Practicing the Way of the Buddhas 19

“If the authentic Buddha Dharma spreads throughout a country, all the
Buddhas and all the celestial beings will continually offer Their protection and, as
a result, the ruler will transform his nation into a peaceful one. Since it is the wise
and saintly who bring about peacefulness, the Buddha Dharma becomes ever
“Furthermore, when the Venerable Shakyamuni was in the world, even those
who were perverse in their actions or twisted in their views found the Way. In the
assemblies of Ancestors and Masters, both the ‘young hunters’ and the ‘old
woodcutters’ alike experienced a spiritual awakening. 12 So it is certainly possible
for people other than these! Simply seek out the instructive path of a genuine
He may then ask, “If I decide to do this practice, can I realize the Truth even
in this present-day world, which is in the final, degenerate stage of the Buddha’s
I would point out, “Although those who devote themselves to the study of
Scriptures make a big thing out of various terms and aspects, in the genuine
Teachings of the Greater Course no distinction is made about a true, a superficial,
or a final period of the Dharma, and it is said that everyone will realize the Way if
they do the training. Not only that, with this Genuine Dharma that is directly
Transmitted, once you have entered the practice and left your ‘self ’ behind, you
will likewise enjoy making use of the wondrous treasures within yourself. Whether
or not someone has personally realized the Truth is something that those who have
done the training will naturally know, just as those who drink water discern
whether it is cool or warm.”
He may then ask, “There are some who say that, according to the Buddha
Dharma, if I fully comprehend the import of ‘Our very mind is Buddha,’ then, even
though I do not chant the Scriptures or physically put the Buddha’s Way into
practice, I do not lack for Buddha Dharma. Simply knowing that the Buddha
Dharma has always existed within me is what the whole of realizing the Way
comes down to. Apart from this, there is no need to turn to others to seek anything.
So why should I become all involved in diligently practicing seated meditation?”
I would point out, “This statement of yours is hopelessly unreliable. If the

12. The ‘young hunters’ is an allusion to those new to training who, having given rise to the
intention of realizing Buddhahood, are eagerly seeking it. The ‘old woodcutters’ are those
who have been long in training, but who remain preoccupied with cutting the roots of their
past karmic tendencies. These two types are hindering themselves from awakening, the
former by overzealousness, and the latter by clinging to a notion of “I still have so very far
to go in training.”
Shōbōgenzō: On Doing One’s Utmost in Practicing the Way of the Buddhas 20

matter were as you have put it, then anyone with a conscious mind could explain
the principle of the Buddha Dharma without having to realize anything.
“You must understand that Buddha Dharma is to be investigated without
holding onto any notion of ‘self ’ or ‘other’. If knowing that ‘You yourself are
Buddha’ were what realization of the Way is, the Venerable Shakyamuni, in the
long past, would not have gone to all the trouble He did to try and help others
realize the Way.
“Let me take a moment to substantiate this with a wonderful case concerning
an ancient one of great virtue:
Long ago, there was a monk in Meditation Master Hōgen’s
monastic community named Gensoku who was a subordinate under
the Temple’s administrative director. Master Hōgen asked him,
“Director Gensoku, how long have you been in our community?”
Gensoku replied, “Why, I’ve been in the community for three
years now.”
The Master asked, “As you are still a junior monk, why have
you never asked me about the Buddha Dharma?”
Gensoku replied, “I will not lie to Your Reverence. Previously,
when I was with Meditation Master Seihō, I fully reached the place of
joyful ease in the Buddha Dharma.”
The Master said, “And what was said that gained you entry to
this place?”
Gensoku said, “I once asked Seihō what the True Self of a
novice is, and Seihō replied, ‘Here comes the Hearth God looking for
fire.’” 13
Hōgen responded, “Nicely put. But I’m afraid you may not
have understood it.”
Gensoku said, “A Hearth God is associated with fire, so I
understand it to mean that, just as fire is being used to seek for fire, so
the True Self is what is used to seek for the True Self.”
The Master said, “Just as I suspected! You have not understood.
If this is what the Buddha Dharma was like, it is unlikely that It would
have continued on, being Transmitted down to the present day.”

13. The Hearth God was a nickname for the temple boy who attended to lighting the lamps.
Temple boys, who ranged in age from seven to fifteen, had not yet taken the Precepts and
were not monks. The relevance of this reference is discussed in the Translator’s General
Shōbōgenzō: On Doing One’s Utmost in Practicing the Way of the Buddhas 21

Gensoku was so distressed at this that he left the monastery.

While on the road, he thought to himself, “In this country, the Master
is known as a fine and learned monastic teacher and as a great
spiritual leader and guide for five hundred monks. Since he has chided
me for having gone wrong, he must undoubtedly have a point.” So, he
returned to his Master, respectfully bowed in apology, and said, “What
is the True Self of a novice?”
The Master replied, “Here comes the Hearth God looking for
The Fire.” Upon hearing these words, Gensoku awoke fully to the
Buddha Dharma.
“It is quite clear from this that an intellectual understanding of ‘One’s very
Self is Buddha’ is insufficient grounds for saying that you have understood the
Buddha Dharma. If an intellectual understanding of ‘One’s very Self is Buddha’
were what Buddha Dharma is, the Master, based on what had previously been said,
would not have had to offer guidance or admonish his disciple in the manner that
he did. From the moment you meet a good spiritual friend, undoubtedly you should
straightaway inquire into the procedures and principles of training and practice, as
well as unswervingly do your utmost to practice seated meditation and keep to the
Way, without ever letting your mind be content with any partial understanding. The
wonderful technique of the Buddha Dharma will then not prove fruitless.”
He may then ask, “I have heard that in India and China in the present day, as
well as in the past, there have been those who have awakened to the Way by
hearing the sound of bamboo being struck, and others who, upon seeing the color
of a flower, have clarified what their mind is, to say nothing of Great Master
Shakyamuni who realized the Way upon seeing the morning star, or the Venerable
Ananda who, upon the occasion of the debater’s flagpole toppling, became clear as
to what Dharma is. In addition, from the time of the Sixth Chinese Ancestor on,
there have been many within the five families of our tradition who have clarified
what the foundation of mind is through encountering a single word or half a verse
of Scripture. Surely, not all these were people who were always diligently
practicing the Way by just doing seated meditation, were they?”
I would point out, “What you need to know is that neither of those particular
persons—the one who, upon seeing a color, clarified what Mind is and the one who
was awakened to the Way by a resonating sound—spent time in speculation and
critical assessment whilst diligently practicing the Way, nor did they create a
second ‘person’—be it a ‘self ’ or an ‘other’—while they were directly engaged in
that practice.”
Shōbōgenzō: On Doing One’s Utmost in Practicing the Way of the Buddhas 22

He may then ask, “People in India and China have always been basically
honest and straightforward. Because both countries have been centers of culture,
their people, once instructed in the Buddha Dharma, have succeeded in entering the
Way ever so quickly. Our country, from ancient times, has been extremely short on
benevolence and wise discernment, so that it has been hard for us to accumulate
genuine spiritual seeds. Because we have been a land of savage barbarians, such
seeds are, alas, not to be seen. Furthermore, the monks in our country are inferior
even to the householders in those great nations. Our people are foolish, narrow-
minded, and petty. They cling tightly to transitory successes and delight in surface
virtues. Will such a people, even if they do sit in meditation, succeed in quickly
realizing the Buddha Dharma?”
I would point out, “As you say, people in our country are not yet universally
benevolent and wise in their discernings, and are also given to laziness and
prejudice. Were they given the Dharma straight on, Its Sweet Dew would turn sour
and become a poison to them. A taste for fame and gain comes easily, whilst
delusion and grasping are hard to let go of. Even so, it does not necessarily require
the worldly wisdom of either the mundane or the saintly for people to recognize
and enter the Buddha Dharma so that they may serve as a ferry to carry others
beyond the mundane. While the Buddha was in the world, a certain man came to
experience all four fruits leading to arhathood when he was hit in the head with a
handball. And a certain woman came to understand what the Great Way is due to
her playfully dressing up in a monk’s kesa* in a previous life. These frivolous and
dense persons were both like foolish and confused animals. Nevertheless, when
their genuine faith and trust rescued them, they were provided with a path which
led them out of their delusions. Also, upon seeing an ignorant old monk dumbly
sitting, a faithful lay woman who had brought him food opened up and was
awakened. Her experience did not depend on ‘enlightened wisdom’ or on Scripture,
nor did she rely on words or explanations: she was rescued simply by her genuine
faith and trust.
“Also, Shakyamuni’s instructions have been spreading through the three
thousand worlds for something like two thousand years. The countries within these
worlds are of all kinds and are not necessarily lands of benevolence and wisdom,
nor are their people necessarily always astute or intellectually brilliant! Even so,
the true Dharma of the Tathagata has always possessed a marvelous, unimaginably
great, meritorious strength so that, when the time is ripe, It spreads throughout
those lands. When people duly train and practice with genuine faith and trust—be
they bright or dull—all alike will realize the Way. Do not give way to thoughts that
our country is not a land of benevolence and wise discernment, and that its people
Shōbōgenzō: On Doing One’s Utmost in Practicing the Way of the Buddhas 23

are too foolish or stupid to be able to understand what Buddha Dharma is.
Moreover, the people are all well endowed with the genuine seed of spiritual
Wisdom. Simply, it is rare for them to be in exact harmony with It, and, as a result,
they do not yet completely accept and enjoy It.”

The preceding exchange of questions and responses may prove confusing
due to my shifting back and forth between the perspectives of guest and host. 14 To
some extent, I may have made illusory flowers appear in an empty sky. Be that as it
may, since our tradition’s principle of diligent practice of the Way by doing seated
meditation has not yet been brought into this country, how sad for those with
spiritual intentions! It is for this reason that I have brought together a bit of what I
saw and heard whilst in China, contenting myself with setting down the genuine
keys of clear-eyed Masters, so that those desirous of training in the practice can
learn about them. Apart from this, I do not have sufficient time, at present, to set
down the rules and regulations of Zen monasteries, or the rankings, standards, and
ceremonies for temples. Besides, such a task must not be done in haste.
Even though our country lies east of the Dragon Sea separating it from
China, which lies far beyond the clouds and mist, around the time of the Japanese
emperors Kimmei and Yōmei in the sixth century, the Buddha’s Teachings from the
western lands gradually moved eastwards, to the good fortune of our people.
However, Their terms and subtleties, as well as the ritual formalities associated
with Them, have often become entangled, so that doubts of how to do the practice
have weighed heavily. But now, if you make your tattered robe and your patched-
up alms bowl your lifetime career, setting up a thatched hut near to where the white
rock protrudes from the moss-covered cliffs, whilst sitting upright and polishing
your training, in a twinkling you will be one who ‘goes beyond being Buddha’, and
you will quickly bring to a conclusion the Great Matter for which you have trained
and studied your whole life. 15 These are precisely the friendly admonitions of

14. That is, between the attitude of a questioning disciple and of a responding Master.
15. In this sentence, the description of a trainee is not simply an idyllic portrait of a hermit-
monk but also gives a concise metaphoric description of how someone is to train, employing
traditional Chinese Zen Buddhist imagery. The robe, or kesa, is associated here with the
Precepts; its tatters arise from one’s breakage of those Precepts, and its repair results from
one’s true resolve to do better. The alms bowl suggests one’s willingness to train by being
all-accepting; its patches are the signs of one’s attempt to repair ‘leaks’ in that willingness.
Despite the less than ‘perfect’ condition of these two aspects of training, the trainee is still
willing to continue on, while recognizing that there are still things he needs to do and that he
Shōbōgenzō: On Doing One’s Utmost in Practicing the Way of the Buddhas 24

Master Kodon of Dragon’s Fang Mountain and the legacy in how to train
bequeathed by Makakashō on Cock’s Foot Mountain. As to the procedures for
doing seated meditation, you should follow what is in my Rules for Meditation, 16
which I compiled during the recent Kanroku period (1225-1227).
Although one should have a ruler’s permission before spreading Buddhism
throughout a country, if we think once again of the legacy from the Divine Vulture
Peak, then all the rulers, lords, ministers, and generals who have appeared in the
hundreds of thousands of millions of lands are persons who had graciously
accepted the Buddha’s decrees, and now, due to their past lives, live on without
losing sight of their cherished desire to protect the Buddha Dharma. Those regions
in which spiritual help is spread, wherever they may be, need not be strictly
Buddhist countries. Therefore, in letting the Way of the Buddhas and Ancestors
flow forth, you need not necessarily wait for all conditions to be perfect. Just think
of today as the day to begin!
Thus, I leave what I have assembled here for those who are concentrating
upon their desire for the Buddha’s Teachings, as well as for any within the genuine
stream of students who, in search of the Way, drift as a cloud and lodge as a
floating reed.

Written down on the mid-autumn day in the third year of the Kanki era (September 12, 1231) by
me, the mendicant monk Dōgen, who went to Sung China that I might receive and bring
back the Transmission of the Dharma.

need not be ‘perfect’ in order to keep going onwards. The hut often refers to one’s ‘place of
training’—namely, one’s body and mind—which is kept ‘thatched’ so that the trainee
protects himself from the karmic and emotional storms that may assail him either physically
‘outside himself ’ or mentally ‘within himself ’ . While his seat is within the mundane world
with all its surrounding growth, he chooses to sit before the white rock, Bodhidharma’s
‘wall’, which is not only a physical place of meditation, but a mental one as well. If he then
sits upright—doing his meditation, acknowledging the tatters he has made of the Precepts
and the leaks from his lapses in being all-accepting, and attempting to repair them—he will
quickly be able to let go of any thoughts of arriving at Buddhahood and will resolve his
spiritual question.
16. Fukan Zazengi. A translation of this work by Rev. Master P.T.N.H. Jiyu-Kennett appears in
Serene Reflection Meditation, 6th ed. revised (Mount Shasta, California: Shasta Abbey
Press, 1996), pp. 1-3.
On the Great Wisdom
That Is Beyond Discriminatory Thought

Translator’s Introduction: Makahannya-haramitsu, the earliest dated Dharma talk in the

Shōbōgenzō, was given by Dōgen to his monks in his renovated monastery, which he had
renamed Kannondōri. The discourse consists largely of paraphrases from the Scripture Which Is
the Heart of the Prajñāpāramitā, also called the Heart Scripture (J. Hannya Shin Gyō), and
lengthy quotations from the Larger Scripture on Spiritual Wisdom (J. Dai Hannya Gyō), plus a
poem by his Chinese Master Tendō Nyojō, to all of which he has added comments.
There is an allusion in the discourse that may not be as obvious in the translation as it is in
the original. In passages from the Larger Scripture on Spiritual Wisdom, the questioner is
identified as Tentaishaku, ‘the Lord of the Heavens’, a common epithet for Indra. Thus, at first
glance, the ensuing dialogue would appear to be between a divine personage from the Hindu
pantheon and Subhuti, one of the Buddha’s chief disciples who was known for his understanding
of the Buddha’s Teachings on the Immaculacy of Emptiness. However, in the original text the
reader is given a subtle hint as to the questioner’s real identity when Subhuti addresses him as
Kaushika (‘He Whose Eyes Look Askance at Things’), an epithet applied to Indra when taking
human form. In other words, the questioner is a human who, from haughtiness, considers himself
the equal of the Lord of the Heavens, as he looks askance at the Buddha’s Teachings.

When Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva * was at one with the

deepest Wisdom of the Heart which is beyond discriminatory thought,
He saw with utmost clarity that the five skandhas which comprise
one’s whole being were as space.
The five skandhas are our physical form, our sensory perceptions, our
mental conceptions and ideas, our volition, and our consciousness: they are a
fivefold manifestation of Wisdom. ‘To see with utmost clarity’ is what is meant by
Wisdom. To clarify what the meaning and import of this is, He said, “Our physical
form is as pure and unbounded as space,” and “The Unbounded is what our
physical form is.” Our physical forms are forms: the Unbounded is what is
unbounded. The former are ‘the hundreds of individual sproutings’: 1 the Latter is
the multiplicity of form.

* See Glossary.
1. ‘The hundreds of individual sproutings’, an expression often used by Dōgen, refers to the

Shōbōgenzō: On the Great Wisdom That Is Beyond Discriminatory Thought 26

When the Wisdom Beyond Discriminatory Thought manifests in twelvefold

form, It is the twelve sensory fields—that is, the six sensory faculties along with
what they perceive to be the properties of all thoughts and things. And this Wisdom
has an eighteenfold manifestation, comprised of the six sensory faculties of eyes,
ears, nose, tongue, tactile body, and mind plus their six perceived properties,
respectively, color, sound, odor, taste, feel, and mental contents, along with the six
forms of consciousness associated with eyes, ears, nose, tongue, tactile body, and
mind. And this Wisdom has a fourfold manifestation: the arising of suffering, its
cause, its ultimate extinguishing, and the method whereby it is extinguished. And
this Wisdom has a sixfold manifestation, consisting of almsgiving, keeping to the
Pure Precepts, practicing patience, making diligent effort, doing serene reflection
meditation, and applying wise discernment. And the Wisdom Beyond
Discriminatory Thought has a singular expression, which is constantly manifesting
before our very eyes here and now: It is total and absolute enlightenment. And the
Wisdom Beyond Discriminatory Thought has a threefold manifestation as past,
present, and future. And this Wisdom has a sixfold manifestation as earth, water,
fire, wind, space, and consciousness. And this Wisdom has a fourfold
manifestation which occurs in daily life as moving, standing, sitting, and reclining.
There was once a mendicant monk in the assembly of the
Tathagata Shakyamuni who was thinking to himself, “I bow in deepest
respect to the profound Wisdom Beyond Discriminatory Thought. And
well I should, for even though within this Wisdom there is nothing
that gets born or becomes extinct, nevertheless You have been able to
establish that by following the Precepts, our physical skandha will be
beyond dualistic morality; that by meditative contemplation, our
sensory skandha will be tranquil and freed from all false ideas; that by
practicing wise discernment, our consciousness skandha will be wise
in what it sees; that by practicing non-attachment, our volitional
skandha will be fully liberated from defiling passions; and that by
practicing all-acceptance, our thought skandha will have complete
comprehension of this liberated state. You have also been able to
establish that the fruits of entering the stream of training, the fruits of
returning but once more to the world of desire, the fruits of not
returning to that world, and the fruits of arhathood* truly exist. You
have been able to establish that there is the enlightenment solely
realized by oneself, as well as the supreme awakening wherein all

manifold forms that arise or ‘sprout up’ because of a set of conditions, persist for a while,
then disappear when the conditions that brought them about change.
Shōbōgenzō: On the Great Wisdom That Is Beyond Discriminatory Thought 27

things are viewed alike as enlightened. 2 You have been able to

establish that there are the Treasures of Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha,
as well as to establish that there is a turning of the Wheel of the
Dharma and a ferrying of all manner of sentient beings to the Other
The Buddha, aware of these thoughts, addressed the monk, saying,
“It is just as you have been thinking, just as you have thought: the
profound Wisdom Beyond Discriminatory Thought is subtle and difficult
for the intellect to fathom.”
In regard to the private thoughts of this monk, whenever someone bows down
in respect to all things, the wisdom that prompted this monk to say, “even though
there is no being born or becoming extinct, nevertheless…,” expresses a ‘bowing
down in respect’. When there is this moment of ‘being duly respectful’, the
wisdom of what the Buddha was able to establish in this connection is right before
your very eyes and encompasses everything the monk had in mind, from the
practicing of Precepts, meditation, and wise discernment up through the ferrying of
sentient beings to the Other Shore. It is this that we mean when we speak of ‘Mu’. 3
What this expedient term ‘Mu’ refers to can be realized through the practices just
outlined, for this ‘Mu’ is the profound, subtle, and inscrutable Wisdom Beyond
Discriminatory Thought.
Someone present, a veritable Indra, Lord of the Heavens, asked
the Buddha’s long-standing senior disciple Subhuti, “O great virtuous
one, if some bodhisattva or mahasattva* were desirous of studying this
‘Profound Wisdom That is Beyond Discriminatory Thought’, just how,
precisely, should he go about studying such a thing?”
Subhuti replied, “O you who look with doubting eyes, if a
bodhisattva or mahasattva is desirous of learning about the Profound
Wisdom Beyond Discriminatory Thought, he should study It with a mind
as completely open as open space, with no preconceptions to hamper
Thus, ‘learning what Wisdom is’ means ‘to be free of preconceptions’: ‘being free
of preconceptions’ is what ‘studying Wisdom’ is.

2. A reference to Shakyamuni’s awakening on His own, without the aid of a master, and His
realizing as part of that enlightenment experience that all things are simultaneously
enlightened just as they are.
3. ‘Mu’ is the Japanese reading of the Chinese character that is sometimes used in Zen texts to
represent That which ‘is beyond’ the ability of any words or descriptions to encompass.
Shōbōgenzō: On the Great Wisdom That Is Beyond Discriminatory Thought 28

This Indra Lord of the Heavens then addressed the Buddha,

saying, “World-honored One, if virtuous men and women were to
receive this teaching on Your purported ‘Wisdom That is Beyond
Discriminatory Thought’, hold to it, and recite it to others chapter and
verse, were they to explore its implications and then lecture upon it to
others, what could they possibly do to defend it from critical attack? All I
am really asking, O World-honored One, is that You, out of Your
compassion, give us instruction.”
This time, the Buddha’s senior monk Subhuti responded to this
lordly Indra by saying, “O you with the doubting eyes, do you see any
way in which this Teaching can be defended?”
The lordly one replied, “No, O great virtuous one, I do not see any
way in which this teaching can be defended.”
Subhuti then said, “O you with the doubting eyes, if virtuous men
and women explain the matter as the Buddha has, the profound Wisdom
Beyond Discriminatory Thought will, in fact, be Its own defense. If
virtuous men and women put forth the matter in this way, they will never
be far from the profound Wisdom Beyond Discriminatory Thought. You
need to understand that, as long as any being—human or non-human—
seeks to be told what It means while acting from a desire to do harm or
mischief, that being will ultimately not be able to realize It. O you with
the doubting eyes, if your motive is to defend and protect It, you should
act in accordance with what has been said here. All bodhisattvas and the
Deepest Wisdom That is Beyond Discriminatory Thought are in no way
different from the desire to defend and protect That which is like the
clear and empty sky.”
Understand that to receive this Teaching, keep to It, accurately recite It to others,
and explore Its implications is precisely what ‘defending and protecting Wisdom’
means. To desire to defend and protect It means that you receive the Teaching,
keep to It, accurately recite It to others, and so forth.
My former Master, a Buddha of old, once said in verse:
My whole being is like the mouth of a bell suspended in
empty space:
It does not ask whether the wind blows east or west,
north or south.
Impartial to all, it sounds the Wisdom for the sake of
“Bong bong bong,” says the wind bell, “bong bong
Shōbōgenzō: On the Great Wisdom That Is Beyond Discriminatory Thought 29

This is the sounding of Wisdom, which is the right Transmission of Buddhas and
Ancestors. His whole being is this Wisdom, the whole of others is this Wisdom, the
whole of oneself is this Wisdom, the whole of east and west, north and south is this
Shakyamuni Buddha then said, “Shariputra, 4 when it comes to the
matter of the Wisdom Beyond Discriminatory Thought, all sentient
beings, of whatever sort they may be, are to be offered spiritual
provisions and respectfully bowed to, each treated as a place where a
Buddha dwells. Your exploration of the Wisdom Beyond Discriminatory
Thought should be done as though you were making spiritual offerings
and respectfully bowing to the Buddha as the Awakened and Revered
“And why so? Because the Wisdom Beyond Discriminatory
Thought is not something different from the Buddha as the Awakened
and Revered One, nor is the Buddha as the Awakened and Revered One
something different from what the Wisdom Beyond Discriminatory
Thought is. The Wisdom Beyond Discriminatory Thought is, in fact, the
Buddha as the Awakened and Revered One, just as the Buddha as the
Awakened and Revered One is, in fact, the Wisdom Beyond
Discriminatory Thought.
“And how so? Because, Shariputra, all Tathagatas as arhats and
Fully Awakened Ones have, without exception, been able to appear in
the world by virtue of the Wisdom Beyond Discriminatory Thought. And
because, Shariputra, all bodhisattvas, mahasattvas, pratyekabuddhas*,
arhats, non-returners, once-returners, and stream-enterers have, without
exception, been able to appear in the world by virtue of the Wisdom
Beyond Discriminatory Thought. 5 And because, Shariputra, in all the
worlds, the ten ways of doing good, the four meditations leading to
heavenly states, the four meditative states beyond the world of form, and
the five wondrous faculties have, without exception, been able to appear
in the world by virtue of the Wisdom Beyond Discriminatory Thought.”
Thus it is that the Buddha as the Awakened and Revered One is the Wisdom
Beyond Discriminatory Thought: the Wisdom Beyond Discriminatory Thought is

4. Shariputra was one of the chief disciples of the Buddha. He was renowned for his spiritual
5. These four terms, from arhat through stream-enterers, are the ‘four stages of arhathood’ and
are explained briefly in the Glossary.
Shōbōgenzō: On the Great Wisdom That Is Beyond Discriminatory Thought 30

all the various thoughts and things. All these various things are as empty space:
they are neither born nor do they wholly die, they are not stained nor yet
immaculate, increasing not, decreasing not. When this Wisdom Beyond
Discriminatory Thought is manifesting before our very eyes, It is the Buddha as the
Awakened and Revered One manifesting before our very eyes. Inquire into this;
keep it in mind. To make offerings and bow respectfully is, indeed, to look with
reverence to, trust in, and faithfully follow the Buddha as the Awakened and
Revered One: to look with reverence to, trust in, and faithfully follow Him is to be
the Buddha as the Awakened and Revered One.

This was delivered to the monastic assembly at Kannondōri during the summer retreat in the first
year of the Tempuku era (1233).

On the twenty-first day of the third lunar month in the second year of the Kangen era (April 29,
1244), this was copied out by Ejō, while in the chief disciple’s quarters at Kippō-ji
Temple in Echizen Province.
On the Spiritual Question
as It Manifests Before Your Very Eyes
(Genjō Kōan)

Translator’s Introduction: Genjō Kōan, composed by Dōgen for a lay disciple, resembles in
form and style a type of essay popular in medieval Japan. Highly evocative, often seemingly
ambiguous, rich with imagery, resonant in tone, heavily endowed with phrases and sentences
based on Chinese syntax, this discourse is akin to a prose poem. In content, however, it is clearly
Buddhist in intent. That is, the focus is not on intellectual constructs and logical progressions of
thought, but on lived experiences and what our relationship is to them. For instance, his remarks
about time are not intended to be studied as if they were part of some philosophical or scientific
discourse, but to be viewed as a way of talking about how we experience time while we train
upon the path to Buddhahood. This can be seen, for instance, in the opening paragraph of
Dōgen’s discourse, where the first sentence refers to the span of time which a trainee perceives
as a period of ‘undergoing training’, and the second to the span during which this trainee
experiences his ‘being enlightened’.

In that period of time when Buddhas give voice to the Teachings on

existence in all its variety, there is talk of ‘delusion and enlightenment’, of
‘practice and training’, of ‘birth’, of ‘death’, of ‘Buddhas’, of ‘ordinary beings’. In
that period of time when it is no longer relevant to speak of an ‘I’ along with its
‘whole universe’, there is no delusion or enlightenment, no Buddhas or ordinary
beings, no being born, no extinction. 1
Because the path to Buddhahood naturally springs forth from a feeling that
there is ‘too much’ of one thing or ‘not enough’ of another, there is ‘birth and

1. This opening paragraph is an allusion to the two ‘states’ of ‘being engaged with doing one’s
training’ and ‘experiencing the realization of Truth’. While someone is consciously engaged
in the former, talk employing terms which the intellect can grasp is common and helpful, but
when someone is living in the direct experience of one’s True Nature, all such terms lose
their relevance. Dōgen’s statement here and in later, similar passages may suggest that when
someone realizes enlightenment, training stops. He clarifies the error of such an
interpretation in Discourse 11: On ‘Just for the Time Being, Just for a While, for the Whole
of Time is the Whole of Existence’ (Uji). Prior to delivering the present talk, he had already
taken up the question of the relationship between training and enlightenment with his monks
in his work, “Rules for Meditation” (Fukan Zazengi), written in 1233.

Shōbōgenzō: On The Spiritual Question as It Manifests Before Your Very Eyes 32

extinction’, there is ‘delusion and enlightenment’, there are ‘ordinary beings and
Buddhas’. Yet, even though this is the way things are, still, we feel regret at a
blossom’s falling and we loathe seeing the weeds envelop everything.
To undertake enlightening the whole universe through one’s training while
carrying the burden of a self is a delusion: to enlighten oneself through training
while urging all things onward is an awakening from delusion. To have a great
awakening to one’s delusion is to be as all Buddhas are: to be greatly deluded
within one’s enlightenment is to be as ordinary people are. Moreover, there are
those folks who realize enlightenment on top of their enlightenment: there are
those folks who are deluded within their delusion.
When Buddhas are truly Buddhas, They need not perceive that They
Themselves are Buddha. Even so, having awakened to Their Buddha Nature, They
will carry along with Themselves Their confirmation of Their Buddha Nature.
Since we are provided with both a body and a mind, we grasp onto the
physical forms we see: since we are provided with both a body and a mind, we
cling to the sounds we hear. As a consequence, we make ourselves inseparable
from all things, yet we are not like some shadowy figure ‘lodging’ in a mirror or
like the moon in water. 2 Whenever we witness what is on the one side, its opposite
side will be in darkness. 3
To learn what the path to Buddhahood is, is to learn what the True Self is. To
learn what the True Self is, is to forget about the self. To forget about the self is to
become one with the whole universe. To become one with the whole universe is to
be shed of ‘my body and mind’ and ‘their bodies and minds’. The traces from this
experience of awakening to one’s enlightenment will quiet down and cease to show
themselves, but it takes quite some time for all outer signs of being awake to
When someone first begins to search for the Dharma, he is very far from the
realm of the Dharma: once he has had the Dharma passed on to him, he will
quickly become one who abides in his Original State. 4

2. Here, Dōgen uses the image of ‘the moon in water’ to refer to something that is only a
reflection of the actual object; the phrase is not used in the sense of the common Buddhist
metaphor for the Buddha Nature reflected in all things.
3. That is, when we are still clinging to things, we do not see the duality inherent within our
own thinking and thus we perceive only one side of the duality.
4. Dōgen’s point is that not knowing the Dharma impedes one’s arriving at Truth. That is, the
passing on of the Dharma helps the trainee to realize his Original State, but it does not
necessarily cause him to realize It simply upon hearing the Teachings.
Shōbōgenzō: On The Spiritual Question as It Manifests Before Your Very Eyes 33

When someone riding in a boat turns his gaze towards the shore, he
misjudges the shore to be moving: when he fixes his eye firmly upon the boat, he
will recognize that the boat is plowing on. Likewise, should you let your mind and
body run riot, going along with what you perceive the world to be, you will make
the mistake of thinking that you have a permanently abiding self-nature within
your body and mind. If you commit yourself fully to traveling the Way and you
then return to that Place within, the reason why there is no personal ‘self ’ within
the whole universe will become clear.
A stick of firewood, once reduced to ashes, cannot once again revert to being
a stick of firewood. Nevertheless, you should not hold onto the opinion that the
ashes are the future of that which the stick was the past. What you need to
understand is that, when firewood is persisting in the physical state of being
firewood, there will be a before and there will be an after. Although there is a
before and an after, there is a now which is cut off from ‘before’ and ‘after’. While
ashes persist in the physical state of being ashes, they will have their ‘after’ and
their ‘before’.
After a stick of firewood has turned to ashes, just as it does not once again
become firewood, so after someone dies, he does not come back to life again. Even
so, as was the customary way the Buddha taught, we do not speak of life becoming
death, which is why He spoke of things ‘not arising’. The Buddha also passed on
through His turning of the Wheel of the Dharma that death does not become life,
which is why He spoke of things ‘not perishing’. Life is the situation at one time,
and death is the situation at another. For example, it is like winter and spring: do
not imagine that winter ‘becomes’ spring, or speak of spring ‘becoming’ summer.
When someone has spiritually awakened, he resembles the moon’s ‘residing’
in water: the moon does not get wet nor is the water shattered. Although the moon
is a great, broad light, it lodges in the tiniest bit of water. The moon at its fullest, as
well as the whole of the heavens, lodges within the dewdrop poised on a blade of
grass, just as it lodges in any single bit of water. Spiritual awakening does not tear
a person asunder; thus, it is like the moon’s not making a dent in the water. A
person no more impedes his spiritual awakening than a dewdrop impedes the moon
in the heavens. The deeper the reflection, the higher the light: how long the period
of your spiritual awakening will last depends on how large your drop of water is
and how full your moon is seen to be.
When the Truth has not yet completely filled someone’s body and mind, he
is apt to think that his knowledge of the Dharma is already sufficient. When the
Truth sufficiently fills his body and mind, he feels sure that some aspect is still
lacking. By way of analogy, when you go out in a boat to the middle of the ocean,
beyond the sight of any land or mountain, and look around you, all you see is the
Shōbōgenzō: On The Spiritual Question as It Manifests Before Your Very Eyes 34

vast encircling water. Or, as another might put it, there is nothing to be seen. Be
that as it may, this great Ocean is not a vast circle, and how we perceive It does not
depend on what direction we look in. It is simply that we cannot exhaust what the
rest of this Ocean’s nature is, though some have likened it to a dragon’s splendid
palace or its jeweled necklace. Although this Ocean extends as far as our eye can
see, after a while It will seem to be simply ‘a vast encircling’—indeed, even the
whole universe will seem to be just the same.
Whether we are caught up in the dust of the world or have removed
ourselves from it, we are involved with many doings, yet we only realize what our
eyes can see through practicing meditation and studying the Way, for we are
limited by what we can see and comprehend at the present moment. Taking our
spiritual tradition’s viewpoint of the universe as your model, you will realize that,
apart from appearing angular or round, the remaining attributes of the ocean and
the mountains are vast and limitless, and that the world exists on all sides of us.
But it is not only as if It were just on all sides. You must realize that It is what is
beneath your very feet and within every drop of water.
A fish in the ocean, wherever it swims, finds the water limitless; a bird in the
sky, wherever it flies, finds the air unbounded. Nevertheless, fish and birds, from
the very beginning, have always been one, respectively, with the water and the sky.
To put it simply, when their need is great, their use is great; when their need is
small, their use is small. Acting in this manner, they never fail to make the fullest
use of their environs at all times, nor do they ever reject what they may find there.
Even so, if a bird is pulled out of the air, in short order it will perish; if a fish is
pulled out of the water, it will quickly die. You must have realized by now that ‘the
water’ signifies ‘life’, just as ‘the sky’ signifies ‘life’. ‘A bird’ refers to ‘a life’, just
as ‘a fish’ refers to ‘a life’. ‘Being alive’ should be taken to mean ‘the bird’, as well
as ‘the fish’. Moreover, this should be taken one step further, since the situation is
no different for spiritual practice and realization, or with the flow of life and the
life in that flow. Nevertheless, after someone has thoroughly explored what ‘water’
is and what ‘sky’ is, if ‘the bird’ or ‘the fish’ should remain so that they stand in
contrast to ‘water’ or ‘sky’, then he will not find his way in either Ocean or in
Space: he will not arrive at the Place.
When you arrive at this Place, you will have been spiritually questioning
what is before your very eyes by traveling the Way of the Buddhas and Ancestors.
When you locate the path you have been following, you will discover that it is the
spiritual question that has been before your very eyes as you have traveled the
Way. This path and this Place are neither large nor small, neither ‘self ’ nor ‘other’,
nor something from the past, nor something revealed in the now: It is just as It is.
Thus, when someone spiritually practices and realizes the Way of the Buddhas, it is
Shōbōgenzō: On The Spiritual Question as It Manifests Before Your Very Eyes 35

a matter of his having received some Teaching and penetrated into that Teaching, a
matter of his having received some sentence of instruction and put into practice
what that sentence says. Here is where the Place is. Accordingly, as we penetrate
deeper and deeper into the Way, our spiritual surroundings, which we should have
known, we clearly do not know, but because we are living together with our ever-
deepening investigation of Buddha Dharma and training with It, we have what we
To be sure, having once realized the Place, you must not analyze It in order
to understand It through discriminatory thought and, thereby, reduce It to fit your
own opinions. When you have bored through to certainty, It all at once manifests
before your very eyes, yet That which is the most intimate will not necessarily take
some visible form. ‘Manifesting before your very eyes’ may or may not have a
literal meaning.
Meditation Master Mayoku Hōtetsu, one summer day, sat
fanning himself when a monk came up to him and said, “It is said that
the nature of the wind always abides and that there is no place where
it does not circulate, so why does my reverend monk fan himself ?”
The Master replied, “You are merely aware that the Nature of
the Wind always abides, but you have not yet grasped the principle
that there is no place where It is not present and active.”
When the monk then asked, “What is this underlying principle
of Its being universally present?” the Master simply continued to fan
himself. The monk respectfully bowed to the Master.
Unequivocal and genuine experiences of the Buddha’s Dharma, which is the living
Path of the genuine Transmission, are just like this. Since It always abides, the
Master did not need to use a fan; yet, even when it is not used, the Sound of the
Wind—that is, the voicing of the Dharma—can be heard. Not to know That which
is ever-abiding is not to know the Nature of the Wind. Because the Nature of the
Wind is always abiding, the winds of training for our Buddhist family bring about
the manifesting before one’s very eyes of That which is the True Gold of the Great
Earth, and bring to maturity the nourishing waters of the Greatest River.

This was written around mid-autumn—that is, the fifteenth day of the eighth lunar month—in the
first year of the Tempuku era (September 20, 1233), and given to my lay disciple Yanagi
Kōshū of Kyūshū.

Included in 1252.
On ‘The One Bright Pearl’
(Ikka Myōju)

Translator’s Introduction: Ikka Myōju follows a form that Dōgen later uses in many of his
discourses of the Shōbōgenzō. Namely, he relates, often in his own words, one of the classic
kōan stories found in Chinese Zen literature. During the telling, he inserts his own commentary
to clarify or underscore points which are relevant to monastic training and perspectives.

In this world of ours, there once was a Great Master named Sōitsu, who
lived in the monastery on Gensha Mountain in Fukien Province, in the great
kingdom of China. His religious name was Shibi and his family name was Sha.
While still in lay life, he was fond of fishing and would sail his boat out on the
Nant’ai River, as was the habit with all sorts of fishermen. However, he had not the
slightest hint that the Golden Fish would, of Its own accord, leap up into his boat,
without Its even being hooked.
Near the beginning of the Chinese Kan-t’ong era of the T’ang dynasty (ca.
865), he suddenly aspired to leave the dust of secular life behind him; so, in his
thirtieth year, he abandoned his boat so as to dwell on a mountain. 1 Having
awakened to the ceaseless fluctuations of the floating world, he had come to
recognize the great worth of the Buddha’s Way. In time, he went to Seppō
Mountain to seek spiritual instruction under Great Master Seppō Shinkaku and to
practice the Way day and night.
One day, with his travel bag upon his back, he set out from the mountain top,
intending to deepen his practice by studying with other Masters elsewhere. Just as
he was climbing down, he stubbed his toe on a rock, and it began to bleed and
smart terribly. Suddenly he had a deep realization.
Thereupon, he said, “This body has no independent existence,
so where is the pain coming from?” He then returned to Seppō and
told him what had happened.
Seppō asked him, “Is this Shibi the Austere Monk?”

1. ‘To dwell on a mountain’ is a common Buddhist metaphor for entering monastic life and
doing one’s meditation as part of that life. ‘Abandoning his boat’ refers not only to Shibi’s
giving up his attachment to a beloved object in his lay life but also to his giving up his
simply drifting along on the river of life.

Shōbōgenzō: On ‘The One Bright Pearl’ 37

Shibi responded, “I have never dared to deceive anyone about

Delighted by this response, Seppō said, “Who could fail to
cherish this response? Who could have expressed the Matter * more
On another occasion, Seppō called out to him, “O Shibi, my
austere monk, why haven’t you gone out on a pilgrimage to seek a
Master to train with?”
When Shibi answered, “Bodhidharma did not come east to
China for that, nor did the Second Ancestor go west to India for that!”
Seppō highly praised what he had said.
Shibi had been devoted to fishing for so much of his life that he had never
set eyes on the voluminous body of Buddhist Scriptures and spiritual writings,
even in his dreams. Nevertheless, when he put the depth of his resolve to realize
the Truth above all else, a spirit of determination emerged, which surpassed that of
the other monks around him. Seppō realized that Shibi excelled all others within
the assembly and praised him as towering above Seppō’s other disciples.
For his robe, Shibi used a coarse hemp cloth, and, since he had no other
change of clothing, it was filled with hundreds of patches. Against his skin, he
wore an undergarment made from paper, and for a lining between the two, he used
mugwort leaves kneaded until they were pliant. Apart from working under Seppō,
he did not seek out any other Master to train with. Even though he kept to just one
Master, he certainly found within himself the spiritual strength to become the heir
to his Master’s Dharma. 2
In time, he realized the Way and, afterwards, in pointing It out to people, he
would say, “The whole universe throughout all its ten directions is the One Bright

One time a monk inquired of him, “Reverend Monk, I have
heard you say that the whole universe throughout all its ten directions
is one bright pearl. How am I, as a trainee, to understand the meaning
of this?”

* See Glossary.
2. Since making pilgrimages to spiritually call on other Zen Masters was still a widespread
tradition among Chinese Zen trainees of his day, Dōgen is pointing out that this is not an
essential practice, and that what is truly essential is for each trainee to find within himself
the spiritual strength to be a Dharma heir of their Master.
Shōbōgenzō: On ‘The One Bright Pearl’ 38

Shibi answered, “Since the whole universe throughout all its ten
directions is the One Bright Pearl, what use is there in trying to
understand this with the intellect?”
However, the next day the Master asked this monk, “The whole
universe throughout all its ten directions is the One Bright Pearl, so
what do you think this means?”
The monk responded, “Since the whole universe throughout all
its ten directions is the one bright pearl, what use is there in my trying
to understand this with my intellect?”
Shibi replied, “It is indeed clear to me that, even though you are
blindly looking into the demon’s cave within the pitch black
mountains of ignorance, you are doing your training.”
Shibi was the first to voice the statement, “The whole universe throughout
all its ten directions is the One Bright Pearl.” Its basic idea is that the whole
universe throughout all its ten directions is not to be thought of as vast and grand
or minute and insignificant, nor as made up of angles and curves, nor as the center
or core of something else, nor does it act like some lively fish darting about in a sea
of space or like dewdrops brightly whirling in the wind. Moreover, because it is not
something that was born and will die, not something that is coming or going, it is
being born and dying, coming and going all the time. Because of its being just
what it is, it is from here that the days of yore have forever departed and from here
that the present arises. By thoroughly doing one’s training, who will say, once he
has looked deeply, that the universe is just something fluttering about. Or who will
say, once he has fully investigated the matter, that the universe is merely a
motionless thing?
In speaking of ‘throughout all its ten directions’, Shibi was referring to our
ceaselessly creating a ‘self ’ by chasing after things or creating ‘things’ through our
pursuit of a self. In response to a disciple’s statement, “When we give rise to
delusory feelings, we alienate ourselves from Wisdom,” Shibi affirmed that there
was such a separation by a turn of his head or a change of expression on his face.
This was his hitting the nail on the head through word or gesture; it was the trainee
presenting his understanding and the Master agreeing with it. Because we create
‘things’ through the pursuit of a self, the universe is ever restless throughout all its
ten directions, unceasing in its arising, but since this causal principle is one that
exists prior to the arising of anything, its operation is beyond our intellect to
This ‘One Pearl’ is still not Its name, but It can be expressed so, and this has
come to be regarded as Its name. The ‘One Pearl’ is what refers directly to That
which is beyond the measurement of years, for in Its extending endlessly over the
Shōbōgenzō: On ‘The One Bright Pearl’ 39

past, It also extends over the present and into the future. Even though we have a
body and mind at this very moment, they are the Bright Pearl. They are not some
vegetation sprouting up here or there, nor are they ‘mountains and rivers that arise
from a duality like that of Heaven and Earth’. They are the Bright Pearl.
By his question, “How am I, as a trainee, to understand the meaning of
this?” the monk seems to be operating from his delusory karmic * consciousness,
yet, as a manifestation of the functioning of That Which Is Reality, this
consciousness is the Absolute Principle of Reality. Further, you need a foot of
water to make a one-foot wave rise up, which is to say that a ten-foot high pearl
will give off a ten-foot high light.
Shibi’s way of stating this was to say, “Since the whole universe throughout
all its ten directions is the One Bright Pearl, what use is there in trying to
understand this with the intellect?” This saying is the way of speaking which
Buddhas inherit from Buddhas, Ancestors inherit from Ancestors, and Shibi
inherited from Shibi. Even if you were to try to evade being Their heir to this way
of speaking, there is ultimately no place where you can go to completely evade It.
Even were you able to evade the obvious for a while, sooner or later there will be
some remark that will occasion Its manifesting before your very eyes.
However, the next day the Master asked this monk, “The whole
universe throughout all its ten directions is the One Bright Pearl, so
what do you think this means?”
On the previous day Shibi had given voice to the Dharma of Certainty; now he was
giving voice to the Dharma of Uncertainty. By voicing the Dharma of Uncertainty
on this day, he was saying just the reverse of what he had said the previous day, as
he smiled and nodded his head approvingly.
The monk, parroting Shibi, responded, “Since the whole
universe throughout all its ten directions is the one bright pearl, what
use is there in my trying to understand this with my intellect?”
One could say that the monk was riding the robber’s own horse in pursuit of the
robber. Shibi has taken a completely different approach, whereby the Old Buddha
explains the Matter for you. Just turn your light around and return to That which
shines within, for how much use is there in trying to understand This through the
intellect? When someone gives voice to It, it will be a matter of ‘seven sweet
dumplings and five savory dumplings’; 3 even so, it will be instructive guidance

3. Sweet dumplings are associated with Southern Chinese cuisine, and savory ones with the
cuisine of the Northern Chinese. Like many other references to food in Zen texts,
‘dumplings’ serves as a metaphor for the Dharma, which spiritually nourishes the trainee.
Shōbōgenzō: On ‘The One Bright Pearl’ 40

that is ‘south of the Hsiang River and north of the Liu’, that is, two different ways
of designating the same area.
Shibi said, “It is certainly clear to me that, even though you are
blindly looking into the demon’s cave within the pitch black
mountains of ignorance, you are doing your training.”
You must realize that the faces of the sun and the moon have never yet at any time
changed places. The face of the sun always rises as the sun’s face; the face of the
moon always rises as the moon’s face. Therefore, even if we say that the season
right now is mid-summer, we should not say that it is our Original Nature that is
sweltering. This is why this Bright Pearl exists not only without a beginning but
also without an end. It is ‘One Bright Pearl as the whole universe throughout all its
ten directions’: It is not said to be two or three. Your whole being is your pair of
eyes of the True Dharma; your whole being is the embodiment of Truth; your
whole being is a single line of Scripture; your whole being is luminosity; your
whole being is your whole heart and mind. When your whole being exists, your
whole being has no impediments: it is perfect in its completeness and is ever-
turning, like the rumbling on of cart wheels. Because the merit of the One Bright
Pearl takes some ‘visible’ form like those stated above, Avalokiteshvara* and
Maitreya* exist right now, seeing Its forms and hearing Its sounds. And there are
old Buddhas and there will be new Buddhas who manifest in bodily form in order
to give voice to the Dharma.
When the time is right, you will find the Dharma enfolded in empty space or
enfolded within the lining of that which clothes you; or you will find It stored in
the folds of the dragon’s chin or stored in the folds of the king’s headdress, and all
are the One Bright Pearl that is the universe throughout all the ten directions.
Keeping It enfolded beneath your robes is proper deportment: do not talk about
displaying It on the outside. Enfolding It in your headdress or underneath your chin
is proper deportment: do not imitate those who would playfully display It upon
their headdresses or around their necks. Whenever you are drunk on delusion, there
will be a Close Friend who will present you with this Jewel, and you must, without
fail, present this Jewel to your Close Friend. Come a time when you take to
hanging the Jewel around your own neck, you are, beyond doubt, drunk with
delusion. Because this is the way things are, the world in its entirety is the One
Bright Pearl.

Dōgen’s point is that even though the flavor and size of the servings of Dharma may differ
among Buddhists because of such things as local customs and habits, the Dharma Itself is
fundamentally the same in Its capacity to sustain those who ingest It.
Shōbōgenzō: On ‘The One Bright Pearl’ 41

This is why, even though it seems that, on the surface, things are either
fluctuating or still, everything is the Bright Pearl. To know that this is precisely
how the Jewel is, is what the Bright Pearl is. In this manner we can perceive the
sounds and forms of the Bright Pearl. Because this is the way things can be, even
though you may be uncertain about whether or not something is the Bright Pearl,
you should have no doubt about whether or not there is the Jewel. Whether you
actively pursue your doubts, cling to them, or let them go, they are simply
momentary observations of little significance, fleeting images of small weight.
Do we not cherish the Bright Pearl with Its infinite variety of shades and
hues like this? Its multifaceted, brilliantly hued sparkling is the merit of the
universe throughout all its ten quarters; who can take this from you by force? After
all, there is no one in any of the market places of this world who throws away a
roof tile, so do not worry about which of the six worlds* of existence you will fall
into due to causality. 4 Never hidden, It is, from the first, synonymous with always
doing one’s training, and doing it consistently as well as thoroughly. The Bright
Pearl is your Original Face: the Bright Pearl is your very Eye in all Its brightness.
Nevertheless, neither you nor I know precisely what this Bright Pearl is and
precisely what It is not, but hundreds of notions and opinions about this subject all
too obviously have become associated with ‘food for thought’. Now, through
Shibi’s voicing of the Dharma, we have learned and had clarified for us the point
that what appears as our body and mind is, and always has been, the Bright Pearl.
Hence, the conscious mind is not what we are, so who is it that arises and passes
away? Why worry yourself over whether or not something is the Bright Pearl?
Even if you are perplexed as you grope along, do not think that this is not the
Bright Pearl. Since there is no action or thought that can be generated that is not of
the Bright Pearl, even your going back and forth, in and out of the demon’s cave
within the black mountains is nothing other than the One Bright Pearl.

This was delivered to the monks at Kannondōri in Kōshōhōrin-ji Temple, Uji Prefecture,
Yamashiro Province, on the eighteenth day of the fourth lunar month in the fourth year of
the Katei era (June 2, 1238).

It was transcribed by me, while in my quarters in Kippō-ji Temple, Shibi Manor, Yoshida County,
Echizen Province, on the twenty-third day of the seventh lunar month in the first year of
the Kangen era (August 10, 1243).
The monk Ejō,
Abbot’s Assistant

4. That is, just as those in the marketplace can recognize the value of a mere roof tile, so even
someone’s being reborn in some hell, for instance, will have its spiritual value.
On Conduct Appropriate
for the Auxiliary Cloud Hall

Translator’s Introduction: In this discourse, Dōgen presents an outline of how trainees should
behave in the auxiliary Meditation Hall, which was annexed to the main Monks’ Hall. This
newly built hall would have been used primarily by novice monks. The tone of the original is
somewhat informal, for the text was written not in Chinese, which was the customary language
used for setting down monastic regulations, but in colloquial Japanese. In the discourse, Dōgen
is not putting forth a series of impersonal, formalized rules and regulations so much as giving
helpful instructions to those new to the etiquette of Buddhist monastic life, particularly as it
would have been carried out in the Chinese monastery where Dōgen had trained. Some points
which may strike a present-day reader as obvious were apparently not so obvious for Zen
trainees in Dōgen’s day.

Those who earnestly desire to seek the Way and to cast off fame and gain
may enter: those who are aimless and lack sincerity should not. Should you have
entered for the wrong reasons, once you have determined that you have made a
mistake, you should depart. Understand that when the desire to seek the Way arises
in your heart, you are someone who has, then and there, discarded fame and gain.
In the billions of worlds that comprise the universe, it is quite rare to be affiliated
with the rightful heirs of the Buddha. Even though our country, from ancient times
until now, has treated this connection with Buddhism as something fundamental to
it and has been keenly concerned for what the future may hold, what is right now
before you should be what you focus on.
The community in the Hall should be in accord with one another, like milk
mixing with water, and should encourage each other in practicing the Way. Though
we are now, for a short while, as guest and host, 1 later we will forever be Ancestors
of the Buddha. Because this is so, do not lose sight of your sincere belief that each
and every one of you has encountered something which is hard to encounter, and
practices something which is difficult to practice. This is called the true heart of the
Buddha’s Teachings: without doubt you will become a Buddha; you will become

1. ‘Guest’ refers to a Meditation Hall trainee and ‘host’ to the monk responsible for
overseeing his or her training.

Shōbōgenzō: On Conduct Appropriate for the Auxiliary Cloud Hall 43

an Ancestor. You have already left your home and departed from your native
village. You have asked to be as clouds: you have asked to be as water. In aiding
yourself, you aid the Way. And, as a consequence, the gratitude this community has
for you surpasses even that which we have for our parents. Father and mother are
your intimates for only a short while within the passage of birth and death: this
community will be together with you on the Buddha’s Path at all times.
You should not become fond of going outside the monastery. Once a month,
for instance, is tolerable for something essential. Those of old lived on remote
mountains and trained in isolated forests; not only was their involvement with
worldly affairs rare, they also severed all their other worldly ties. You should train
yourself in an attitude which conceals Its light and covers Its traces, for now is the
time to train as though your hair were on fire. Were you to waste this time by
surrounding yourself with worldly entanglements, how lamentable that would be!
Alas, the impermanent cannot be relied on, for who knows on what blade of
roadside grass our dew-like life will fall?
Whilst in the Hall, you should not read books, even though it may be a book
on meditation, nor should you bring in personal correspondence. Since it is a
Meditation Hall, you should pursue the Truth through diligently practicing the Way
and relegate to the well-lit Monks’ Common Room the illumining of your mind
through study of the ancient writings on the Teachings. Do not waste even a
moment, for you should devote yourself exclusively to your training.
You should keep the monk in charge of the Meditation Hall informed of
what you are up to, day and night. Do not indulge in diversions as it pleases you to
do, for this will take its toll on the monastic discipline of the community. Though
we know not when this life will end, it will end. Doubtless, it will later be
regretted, should you end your life amidst idle amusements.
You should not lend support to the misconduct of others, nor should you
look upon the human errors of others with a hateful heart. There is an old saying,
“Not to see the faults of others is what is natural for me.” Also, you should not
make comparisons of the faults of one trainee with those of another, but should just
put into practice your own virtues. Even though the Buddha had brought His own
faults under control, He had no feeling of loathing for those who had not.
You should, by all means, let the monk in charge of the Meditation Hall
know what you are going to do before doing it, no matter whether it is an important
or a small undertaking. Someone who is given to doing things without mentioning

2. A common Japanese term for one who has entered monastic life is unsui, ‘clouds and
water’, a metaphor for one who asks for no fixed abode and desires to live free of
preconceptions and entanglements.
Shōbōgenzō: On Conduct Appropriate for the Auxiliary Cloud Hall 44

them to the Meditation Hall Monk should depart. When the courtesies between
guest and host become confused, it is difficult for the trainee to distinguish what is
true from what is merely superficial.
When in the Hall or in its vicinity, you should not speak in a loud voice or
loiter about, conversing. And the monk in charge of the Meditation Hall will see to
You should not do kinhin in the Hall to keep yourself awake.
You should not hold onto your rosary whilst in the Hall, nor should you
recite the names of the Buddhas or chant Scriptures aloud in the Hall on your own.
But it is all right to do so were a donor to request a Scriptural recitation for a
You should not blow your nose noisily or loudly cough up phlegm whilst in
the Hall. You should not laugh aloud. You should grieve that the proper ways have
not yet fully permeated your training. You should regret that time, in unseen ways,
is depriving you of your life of training in the Way. Thereby, you may naturally
have a feeling of being a fish in a small puddle. 4
When together in the Hall with the community, you should not wear richly
brocaded robes, but just a simple one made from waste cloth. From ancient times,
those who awakened to the Way all dressed like this.
You should not enter the Hall in a drunken state. Should you make such a
mistake out of a lack of mindfulness, you should bow down and do sange. 5 Also,
you should not bring rice wine in with you, nor should you enter the Hall reeking
of strong pickles.
If two monks start quarreling, both should retire to the Common Room
because they are not only hindering their own practice, they are also disturbing the
practice of others. Someone who sees a quarrel breaking out and does not stop it is
just as much at fault.
All who refuse to involve themselves in keeping these instructions will be
expelled from the Hall. 6 Those who are amused by, or are in sympathy with, such
behavior by trainees are also at fault.

3. A form of walking meditation which all monks do together between periods of seated
meditation, but which is not to be done individually during general meditation periods or
when other monks are sleeping.
4. That is, be aware of how limited one’s life really is.
5. ‘To do sange’ is to recognize that what one has done is counter to the Precepts and to
ensure that it is accompanied by true remorse and repentance.
6. Having been deprived of a place to sleep and eat within the monastery, the monk may then
Shōbōgenzō: On Conduct Appropriate for the Auxiliary Cloud Hall 45

You should not invite visiting monks or laity into the Hall and thereby
disturb those trainees already assembled there. When conversing with a privileged
guest within even the vicinity of the Hall, you should not speak in a loud voice, to
say nothing of bragging about yourself as a trainee out of greed for the patron’s
Those with a long-standing determination to train and, obviously, those who
are sincerely on a pilgrimage may enter, but even at such a time, you should not
fail to let the monk in charge of the Meditation Hall know of their presence.
Seated meditation should be done as it is done in the Monks’ Hall. Never
neglect to attend morning meditation and services, or evening instruction periods.
In accordance with monastic etiquette, someone who spills the contents of
his alms bowl onto the floor during the morning or noon meal should ‘see to the
oil’. 7
Beyond question, you should adhere to the Precepts as set down by the
Buddhas and Ancestors. You should impress the monastery’s regulations into your
bones and engrave them onto your heart.
You should pray that you may live your life tranquilly and do your training
in the Way free of attachment to any preconceptions.
The preceding items are the body and mind of former Buddhas: follow them
with reverence.

The twenty-fifth day of the fourth lunar month in the first year of the En’ō era (May 29, 1239).

choose either to leave the monastery or to turn his heart around (that is, do ‘sange’) by
giving up his intransigence and asking to be reinstated.
7. A standard practice for someone committing a light breach of monastic etiquette through
carelessness, in which the monk is personally and/or financially responsible for seeing that
the oil lamp in front of the Hall’s main statue is provided with sufficient fuel, so that it may
keep burning over the next twenty-four hours.
On ‘Your Very Mind Is Buddha’
(Soku Shin Ze Butsu)

Translator’s Introduction: In this discourse, Dōgen makes clear that the saying “Your very
mind is Buddha” is to be understood in a particular way: it is a remark addressed to one who has
already given rise to the intention to train and realize Buddhahood. Those who have not yet done
so are apt to think of ‘mind’ as referring to intellective, perceptual, and cognitive functions,
which are viewed as constituting a personal ‘self ’, a misconception akin to the Shrenikan view
that such functions constitute an immortal soul. Because of this danger, Dōgen gives a detailed
presentation of this Shrenikan view, which he immediately refutes through quoting the kōan
story alluded to in Discourse 1: A Discourse on Doing One’s Utmost in Practicing the Way of the
Buddhas (Bendōwa). He then goes on to show how the meaning of the saying “Your very mind is
Buddha” can be explored more deeply and what some of its implications are.

What the Buddhas and Ancestors, without exception, have traditionally

maintained and entrusted to us is, simply, that this very mind of ours is Buddha.
Even so, the statement “Your very mind is Buddha” did not come from India, but
was first heard in China. Many trainees have misunderstood what it means, but
have failed to explore their misunderstanding to their advantage. Because many
have not seen their misunderstanding through to its obviously erroneous
conclusion, they have wandered off onto non-Buddhist paths.
Hearing talk of ‘your very mind’, those befuddled by doubts speculate that
the intellective, cognitive, and perceptual functions of sentient beings are
synonymous with ‘the Mind of enlightenment before someone has awakened to It’,
and accordingly fancy themselves to be a Buddha. This is due to their never having
encountered a genuine Teacher of Buddhism. 1
The sort of non-Buddhist view I am referring to existed in India under the
name of the Shrenikan view. The following is in accord with that viewpoint:

1. That is, had they met such a Teacher, he would never have permitted such folly. The original
text carries no implication that anyone who encounters a genuine Teacher of Buddhism will
automatically and instantaneously be freed from all delusions, or that, if a disciple is
deluded, it is inevitably because his or her teacher is inadequate. Even the Buddha could not
help those who would not take His Teachings to heart.

Shōbōgenzō: On ‘Your Very Mind Is Buddha’ 47

A Great Principle resides in our present body whose presence

can readily be discerned. Specifically, it discriminates between
suffering and pleasure, knows what is cold or hot, and perceives the
misery of pain and the itch of desire. It is not limited by any physical
thing or affected by any surrounding conditions. Although physical
things come and go, and conditions arise and disappear, this Spiritual
Intelligence forever exists, unchanging.
This Spiritual Intelligence permeates all living beings far and
wide. The mundane and the saintly alike harbor this spirit, without
any difference between them. Even though the illusory flowerings of
false teachings may exist in humans temporarily, once they become
aware of this wise discernment through its accord with a particular
thought, physical ‘things’ fall away and conditions disappear;
thereupon, the Spiritual Intelligence alone remains in its original
nature, ever clear and bright. Even though the bodily aspect ultimately
breaks down, the Spiritual Intelligence comes out intact, just as when
a house is being completely destroyed by a fire, the householder
emerges and escapes.
This Intelligence, which is clear in its functions yet whose
substance is mysterious and beyond our grasp, is referred to as the
nature of those who are spiritually awakened and wise. We also call it
‘Buddha’, as well as ‘enlightenment’. We ourselves, as well as all
others, are equally endowed with it; the deluded and the enlightened
are both permeated with it. Whatever myriad things and conditions
may exist, this Spiritual Intelligence is neither linked to these
conditions nor the same as these things, but abides forever throughout
the eons. Since all conditions existing in the present are dependent on
the Spiritual Intelligence, they can be regarded as being real. Because
they are innately conditioned to arise, they actually exist. Even so,
they do not abide forever, as does the Spiritual Intelligence, since they
only exist for a while before they disappear.
Because this Intelligence understands things in mysterious
ways, without depending on light or darkness, it is called ‘that which
knows what the spirit is’. It is also referred to as ‘the True Self’, ‘the
Source of Enlightenment’, ‘One’s Original Nature’, and ‘One’s
Fundamental Substance’. One who awakens to this Original Nature is
said to return to the Ever-abiding and is called a Mahasattva, that is, ‘a
Great Being who has returned to the True’. After this, he does not
Shōbōgenzō: On ‘Your Very Mind Is Buddha’ 48

transmigrate through the cycle of birth and death, but comes to realize
the non-arising, non-perishing ‘Ocean of his Original Nature’, and
enters therein.
Apart from this Intelligence, there is no reality or truth. To the
extent that someone is unaware of this Nature of his, the three
temporal worlds and the six worlds * of existence compete to arise.
Such is the view of the non-Buddhist Shrenikans.

The fully awakened Chinese National Teacher Echū of the great
T’ang dynasty once asked a monk, “Where do you come from?”
The monk replied, “I come from the South.”
The Master asked, “Do you have good spiritual friends in the
The monk replied, “We have quite a few.”
The Master asked, “What do they point out to people?”
The monk said, “Spiritual friends there point out to trainees,
right from the start, that their own minds are Buddha. ‘Buddha’ means
‘enlightenment’, and we are all, right now, fully equipped with a
Nature that experiences and knows through what It sees and hears.
This Nature is innately good, and has the capacity to raise the
eyebrows and make the eyes twinkle. Since It exists throughout the
whole body, when It rustles through the head, the head ‘knows’, and
when It rustles through the foot, the foot ‘knows’. This is why it is
called samyak-sambuddha, ‘the One Who Knows Everything
Perfectly’. No other Buddha exists apart from this. This body of ours
experiences birth and extinction, but the Nature of our mind, from
time without beginning, has never yet arisen or perished. The body’s
arising and perishing is like a dragon’s changing his bones for lighter
ones, 2 a snake’s shedding its skin, or someone moving from a former
residence—that is, the physical aspect is transient, but this Nature is
permanent. This is roughly what is taught in the South.”

* See Glossary.
2. A reference to the Chinese folk belief that fossil bones belonged to dragons who had left
them behind in order to live and fly about in the sky.
Shōbōgenzō: On ‘Your Very Mind Is Buddha’ 49

The Master said, “If this is so, then there is no difference

between their teaching and the non-Buddhist view of the Shrenikans.
The latter view states that there is a sort of ‘Divine Nature’ in this
body of ours, which has the capacity to know pain and itch, and that,
when the body disintegrates, this divine aspect departs from it, like a
householder fleeing when his house is on fire—the dwelling is
impermanent whilst its householder is forever. Were the matter like
this, there would be no way, upon examination, to distinguish right
from wrong, so how can we accept it as correct?
“When I used to go on pilgrimages, I would often encounter
this sort of thing. In recent times it has flourished even more widely.
These ‘good friends’ would gather together an assembly of some three
to five hundred and, seeing stars in their listeners’ eyes, would say
that this is our Buddhist tradition’s Teachings in the South. Taking up
the Sixth Ancestor’s Platform Scripture, they would alter what It says
by garnishing It with vulgar and rude comments and stories, whilst
adulterating or deleting the wise and saintly intentions of the
Ancestor, thereby deluding and confusing their followers. How can
this be considered the uttering of our Teachings? How painful! It will
be the death of our tradition. Were we intended to take our perceptual
and cognitive functions to be our Buddha Nature, Vimalakirti* would
certainly not have said that the Dharma is apart from our perceptual
and cognitive functions, and that, when we are occupied with these
functions, then this is being engaged in perceiving and cognizing, and
is not a seeking of the Dharma.”
The National Teacher was a leading disciple of the former Buddha Daikan
Enō and was the outstanding good spiritual friend of celestial and human beings.
Grasping the spiritual import of what the National Teacher has pointed out, you
should take it as the model for your training and study. When you detect the
discriminatory view of the non-Buddhist Shrenikans, do not follow it.
In more recent times, of all our colleagues who are Abbots or Masters in the
various monasteries of Great Sung China, none compares with the National
Teacher. From ancient times, a spiritual friend who could equal the National
Teacher has still not entered this world. And yet, ordinary, worldly people
mistakenly hold the opinion that Zen Masters like Rinzai and Tokusan are the
equals of the National Teacher. Fellows who hold such a view are all too many.
These people, alas, are not clear-eyed teachers.
Shōbōgenzō: On ‘Your Very Mind Is Buddha’ 50

The saying “Your very mind is Buddha,” which Buddhas and Ancestors have
assured us is so, is something not even dreamed of by non-Buddhists or by
followers of the two Lesser Courses.* Only Buddhas and Ancestors—and They
alone—pass on that one’s mind is Buddha, and only They experience its meaning
to the fullest. Having heard of it, They have put it into practice and have come to
realize it for Themselves.
The term Buddha implies that the hundreds of karmic seedlings from
defiling passions have been weeded out and discarded. However, I am not speaking
of this term as it is applied to a sixteen-foot tall golden statue.
The term soku (‘that which is immediate’) refers to one’s spiritual question
before one deals with what is right before one’s eyes, and before one learns to
avoid the blunders that may arise from not dealing with that question.
The term ze (‘is’) refers to the three temporal worlds of ‘was’, ‘is’, and ‘will
be’, from which there is no retreating or escaping, and which are not merely a
figment of the mind.
The term shin (‘mind’) implies the walls and fences of discernment before
they have been mudded fast with mortar, and before one has fabricated anything or
added fixtures.
We may thoroughly examine these terms in the form, for instance, of “Your
very mind is Buddha,” or in the form of “Your mind, at this very moment, is
Buddha,” or “Buddha, right now, is your mind,” or “Your very mind is what
‘Buddha’ is,” or “This ‘Buddha’ is your mind right now.” To thoroughly explore
the meaning in this manner is precisely an instance of one’s very mind being
Buddha. In promoting the meaning, the Ancestors passed it on in a straightforward
manner as “Your very mind is Buddha,” and it has come down to us today,
accurately transmitted in this form.
The so-called ‘mind which has been correctly Transmitted’ refers to the
whole mind being synonymous with ‘all thoughts and things’, and all thoughts and
things are what constitute ‘the whole mind’. This is why someone in the past once
said, “When a person fully realizes what his mind really is, not an inch of solid
ground will exist upon the earth.” You must understand that when you fully realize
what your mind is, the whole canopy of the heavens is knocked down and the
spinning earth is completely torn asunder. On the other hand, when you come to
see what your mind really is, the earth becomes three inches thicker.
An ancient one of great virtue once said, “And just what is this wondrously
pure, bright mind? It is the great earth with its mountains and rivers, along with the
sun, the moon, and all the stars.”
Shōbōgenzō: On ‘Your Very Mind Is Buddha’ 51

Now you know clearly: what is called ‘mind’ is the great earth with its
mountains and rivers; it is the sun, the moon, and the stars. Even so, when you take
what is being expressed here one step further, something is lacking; when you
draw back from what it is saying, something has gone too far. The mind that is the
great earth with its mountains and rivers is simply the great earth with its
mountains and rivers: there are no surging waves nor is there any wind-driven
spindrift to disturb or upset it. The mind that is sun, moon, and stars is simply sun,
moon, and stars: there is no fog nor is there any mist to obscure its clarity. The
mind that is the coming and going of birth and death is simply the coming and
going of birth and death: there is no ‘being deluded’ nor is there any ‘realizing
enlightenment’. The mind that is the tiles* and stones for walls and fences is
simply the tiles and stones for walls and fences: there is no mud nor is there any
water to make a binding mortar. The mind that is the four elements* and the five
skandhas* is simply the four elements and the five skandhas: there are no wild
horses of unbridled willfulness nor any monkeys with insatiable desires. The mind
that is the Master’s Dharma seat and his ceremonial hossu* is simply the Master’s
seat and hossu: there is no bamboo whose joints block clear passage nor is there
any wood twisted up with knots. Since this is the way things are, “Your very mind
is Buddha” means, pure and simply, that your very mind is Buddha; all Buddhas
are, pure and simply, all Buddhas.
Thus, “Your very mind is Buddha” refers to all Buddhas, that is, to Those
who have given rise to the intention to realize Buddhahood by practicing and
training until They awaken to Their enlightenment and realize nirvana. Those who
have not given rise to the intention to realize Buddhahood by practicing and
training until they awaken to their enlightenment and realize nirvana are not those
whose very mind is Buddha. Even if, for a fraction of an instant, you give rise to
the intention to train and realize the Truth for yourself, your very mind will be
Buddha. Even if, for the tiniest, imperceptible moment, you give rise to the
intention to train and realize the Truth for yourself, your very mind will be Buddha.
Even if, for immeasurable eons, you give rise to the intention to train and realize
the Truth for yourself, your very mind will be Buddha. Even if, for the length of
only one single thought, you give rise to the intention to train and realize the Truth
for yourself, your very mind will be Buddha. Even if, half-heartedly, you give rise
to the intention to train and realize the Truth for yourself, your very mind will be
Buddha. Nevertheless, were you to say of someone who is taking ever so long to
train to become a Buddha that his mind is not Buddha, you have not yet seen your
mind to be Buddha, nor do you yet know what the saying means, nor are you yet
Shōbōgenzō: On ‘Your Very Mind Is Buddha’ 52

truly training in the Way. You have not met a genuine Teacher of Buddhism who
knows how to open up your very mind to be Buddha.
The term ‘all Buddhas’ means Shakyamuni Buddha: Shakyamuni Buddha is
synonymous with one’s very mind being Buddha. At that very moment when all
the Buddhas of past, present, and future have become, do become, and will become
Buddha, without fail, They become Shakyamuni Buddha. This is what “Your very
mind is Buddha” means.

This was delivered to the monastic assembly at Kannondōri in Kōshōhōrin-ji Temple, Uji County,
Yamashiro Province, on the twenty-fifth day of the fifth lunar month in the first year of the
En’o era (June 28, 1239).

It was written down by me on the twelfth day of the seventh lunar month in the third year of the
Kangen era (August 5, 1245), while in the chaplain’s quarters at Daibutsu-ji Temple,
Yoshida Prefecture, Echizen Province.
On Washing Yourself Clean

Translator’s Introduction: On the surface, Senjō contains Dōgen’s instructions to his monks on
the monastic procedures for dealing with the act of relieving nature. On a deeper level, it is a
detailed analysis of how a monk is to practice mindfulness at every stage in the process of
handling that most physical and mundane of activities, one that humans too often treat with
disgust or think of as not having any spiritual relevance. On a deeper level still, it reveals how
attending to the mundane can function as a spiritual cleansing.
The tone of the original is difficult to reproduce in English without misleading the reader.
Much of it is written in what might be called Japanese cookbook style. That is, the instructions
are often expressed as though addressed impersonally. For example, a rather literal rendering of a
particular phrase would be “Next, one washes one’s hands,” which in English cookbook style
would appear as “Next, wash your hands.” The latter, however, may sound in the present context
like an injunction or rigid command, a laying down of the rules. In this translation, I have tried to
find a middle path between the rather stilted, impersonal ‘one’ and the raw command of the
imperative, and have therefore chosen the simple instructional style, “Next, you wash your
hands.” Only on occasion does Dōgen use a form that is herein rendered as “You should,” and
even more rarely one that is a negative command, “Do not.”
In historical terms, Dōgen’s instructions represent the most advanced ideas of personal
hygiene for his times, even though today some of them might be considered unsanitary. Had he
lived in the present, undoubtedly his instructions would take into account the principles of
modern-day hygiene. It is quite likely that his views were influenced by his Chinese Master
Tendō Nyojō, who, as a novice, had requested to be appointed as Head of Purification (that is,
the monk in charge of the lavatories) for his monastery, and he was later allowed to take on this

The realization of enlightenment through practice, which the Buddhas and

Ancestors have protected and preserved, has been described by Them as ‘being
freed from stain’.
The Sixth Ancestor Enō once asked his disciple Nangaku Ejō of
Kannon-in Temple, “Looking back, do you think that what we do has
always been based on realizing enlightenment through practice?”

Shōbōgenzō: On Washing Yourself Clean 54

Nangaku responded, “It is not that realizing enlightenment by

means of practice has not existed in the past, but should someone act
in a way that is stained, then he will not realize it.”
Enō said, “It is this ‘being freed from stain’ that all Buddhas
have preserved in Their hearts and kept in mind. You have done this,
as have I, as have our Indian Ancestral Masters.”

It says the following in the Great Scripture on the Three Thousand Forms of
Everyday Behavior for Monks, “Purifying the body refers to cleansing yourself of
its excretions and keeping your nails clipped.” Therefore, even though our bodies
and minds are unstained, there is a method for cleansing the body, which is also a
method for cleansing the mind. Not only will it purify body and mind, it will also
purify those in our nation and those who train ‘under a tree’. Even though no one
in our nation has ever yet been sullied by the dust of existence, purifying is what
all Buddhas keep in mind. Upon reaching the fruits of Buddhahood, They do not
neglect or discontinue Their cleansing. The meaning of this is impossible to fully
fathom. Proper decorum is one thing that is meant by it, and realizing the Way
through ordination is one form of proper decorum.

A verse in the “Pure Deeds” chapter of the Avatamsaka Scripture says:
Whilst relieving nature,
By all means pray that all sentient beings
Will eliminate their impurities
By completely ridding themselves of lust, anger, and
Whilst washing up afterwards,
By all means pray that all sentient beings
May turn towards the Peerless Way
And leave worldly things behind them.
Whilst cleaning off the soil with water,
By all means pray that all sentient beings
Will avail themselves of purifying patience,
That they may, after all, be free from any defilement.
Water is not necessarily ‘fundamentally pure’ nor is it ‘fundamentally impure’: the
body is not necessarily ‘fundamentally pure’ nor is it ‘fundamentally impure’—so
Shōbōgenzō: On Washing Yourself Clean 55

it is with all things. This does not mean that water is or is not something sentient; it
does not mean that the body is or is not something sentient—again, so it is with all
things. This is what the World-honored Buddha gave voice to. Even so, it is not
water that makes our bodies clean: relying on the Buddha’s Dharma and keeping to
the Buddha’s Dharma is what ‘washing yourself clean’ really means. This Dharma
is the very being and spirit of what the Buddhas and Ancestors have personally and
correctly Transmitted; It is the very words and phrases used to describe That which
the Buddhas and Ancestors directly experienced; It is the very Light in which the
Buddhas and Ancestors clearly abide and to which They hold. In sum, It is an
immeasurable, unbounded, meritorious virtue which They make manifest before
our very eyes. When, at the right moment, They supply the forms for training body
and mind, They fully provide the basic elements of conduct, which are timeless. As
a result, what we call ‘the mind and body of one who is training’ naturally

You should keep the nails on your ten fingers clipped. Whereas ‘ten fingers’
is a reference to the fingernails of both your hands, right and left, you should
likewise clip your toenails. It says in the Scriptures that we are doing wrong if we
let our nails be longer than an eighth of an inch. 1 So, you should not let your nails
grow long like non-Buddhist old-timers do, and you should take care to clip your
nails. In present-day Sung China, there were those fellows within our monastic
family who lacked an eye for the way to train and let their nails grow very long. On
some, they were one or two inches long, and on some, even as long as three or four
inches. 2 This is counter to the Teachings and is neither the flesh nor the spirit of the
Buddha’s Dharma. They acted like this because they did not maintain the customs
or practice of the Buddha’s family. Among the venerable Elders who have held to
the Way, such behavior is not to be found.
Similarly, there were some of my fellow monks who let their hair grow. This
is also counter to the Teachings. Do not make the mistake of thinking that this may
be in accord with the True Teaching just because some say that monks in a great
and powerful country do it.

1. The inch referred to here is about forty percent longer than an English inch. Hence, the
recommended length, in Western terms, would be just under three-sixteenths of an inch.
Similar computations should be made for later references to lengths in inches or feet.
2. It was a long-established custom in China, particularly among the Confucianist public
officials, to let their nails grow as long as possible as a sign that they did not engage in
menial labor, which they considered demeaning.
Shōbōgenzō: On Washing Yourself Clean 56

My former Master, a venerable Buddha, had the following words of

instruction for any monks in the Greater Sangha who sported long hair or nails, 3 “It
is neither lay folk nor monks who do not understand the practice of our shaving our
heads—it is animals. Who among the Buddhas and Ancestors of the past failed to
shave Their heads? If any of you fail to grasp why you should shave your head,
you are truly an animal through and through.” After instructing his community in
this way, many of my fellow monks who had not shaved their heads for years did
so. Whether giving a Dharma talk in the Meditation Hall or speaking informally to
his monks, he would snap his fingers loudly while pointing in rebuke, saying
something to the effect of:
For what reason I know not, you have rashly let your hair and
nails grow long. How pitiful that you have let the human body and
mind which you have received fall into aimless ways. For the past two
or three hundred years, the Way of the Ancestors has been in decline,
so that fellows like you are many indeed. Such persons have
sometimes become heads of temples, and have even received titles of
respect from emperors, whilst making a pretense of spiritually leading
others—what a misfortune for both human and celestial beings alike!
Now, in all the mountain temples here in China, people with hearts
intent on the Way are all disappearing, and those who would gain the
Path have long been dying out. Only hooligans remain!
When my Master spoke in this manner, those from various places who had
imprudently been given the title of Elder did not grumble about this, nor did they
offer any defense either. 4
You should realize that long hair on a monk is something that the Buddhas
and Ancestors remonstrated against and that growing long nails was something that
non-Buddhists practiced. The descendants of Buddhas and Ancestors should not
take delight in these sorts of practices, which are contrary to the Dharma. You
should keep yourself pure in body and mind, and keep yourself clean by seeing that
you trim your nails and shave the hair off your head.

Do not neglect to wash after relieving nature. Shariputra once brought about
the conversion of a non-Buddhist by means of this Teaching. Although it was not

3. ‘The Greater Sangha’ refers here not only to the monks in Tendō Nyojō’s monastery but also
to any other monks who might come to visit.
4. The term ‘Elder’ generally refers to someone who has been a monk for ten years or more.
Shōbōgenzō: On Washing Yourself Clean 57

something that the non-Buddhist originally expected, nor was it something that
Shariputra had consciously intended, even so, when the forms of dignified
behavior of the Buddhas and Ancestors are kept before one’s eyes, false teachings
are spontaneously humbled. 5
When doing your training under a tree in the forest or out in the open, you
will not find a privy already built. So, using water from some convenient valley
stream or river, clean yourself off with sand. Since you do not have any ashes at
this time to cleanse yourself with, simply use two sets of seven balls of sandy soil.
The way to use these fourteen balls is as follows: after having removed your robe,
folded it, and put it aside, you take soil that is sandy [rather than dark earth], shape
it into balls about the size of a large soybean, and place these atop a stone or some
other convenient place, with two rows of seven balls each. Then, provide yourself
with some pebbles that can be used for scouring your hands. After that, you relieve
yourself. After you have finished relieving yourself, use a wooden or bamboo toilet
spatula, or some paper, to clean yourself off. You then go to the edge of the water
to wash. Make sure to take three of the balls with you to clean yourself. Put one of
the balls in the palm of your hand, add just a little water, mix the ingredients
together until their consistency is thinner than mud and quite soupy, and begin by
cleaning off your genitals. Then take another sand ball and, preparing it as before,
clean off your buttocks. Again, prepare a sand ball as before and, in the same
manner, clean off your hands. 6

After monks began to reside in temple quarters, they constructed a building
that they referred to as ‘the Eastern Quarters’. Sometimes it was called a water
closet and at other times a lavatory. It is absolutely essential to have a lavatory in a
place where a family of monks resides.
When going to the Eastern Quarters, you should be sure to take a hand towel
with you. The way to do this is to fold the hand towel in half and put it over your
left shoulder, letting it hang down over the sleeve of your gown. When you have

5. The reference to Shariputra and the non-Buddhist may be to an incident recorded in the
Code of Behavior for Members of the Greater Sangha, where a non-Buddhist was converted
to Buddhism out of admiration and respect for Shariputra’s scrupulous observance of the
code of monastic decorum, which the man had observed whilst the monk was on his alms
rounds. Shariputra was one of the two chief disciples of Shakyamuni Buddha.
6. Dōgen does not specifically indicate how the remaining eleven balls are to be used, but
considering how he uses numbers in other discourses, it is likely that he means, “If you need
more than three, well, you have them right at hand.”
Shōbōgenzō: On Washing Yourself Clean 58

arrived at the Eastern Quarters, you should hang your towel over the clean-clothes
pole. Hang it in the same way it was when it was hanging on your shoulder. If you
come wearing a nine- or seven-striped kesa, * you should be sure to hang it next to
your towel. You should hang it so that it will not fall off. Do not hastily toss it over
the pole.
You should be sure to pay particular attention to the name marker. The name
marker is for putting your name on the pole. Write your name on a piece of white
paper in the shape of a full moon and then align this marker on the rack. We use a
name marker so that we will not forget where we have put our robe. When our
monks come in numbers, we must be sure not to confuse our place on the rack with
that of others.
If a number of monks come and line up at this time, make shashu* and bow
in greeting to the others. When bowing in greeting, you need not bow deeply:
simply hold your hands in shashu before your chest and bow in recognition of the
others. When in the Eastern Quarters, we acknowledge the monks assembled by
bowing to them even when we are not in our robes. If your two hands are not
occupied or you are not carrying something in them, you should keep them in
shashu and bow.
If one of your hands is already occupied, or when you are carrying
something in one hand, you should make your bow with a one-handed gasshō.* In
bowing with a one-handed gasshō, the hand is raised, with the fingers slightly
cupped as if you were going to use the hand to scoop up water; the head is lowered
slightly, as in greeting. When another monk behaves in this way towards us, we
should behave similarly: when we behave in this way, the other monk should do
The procedure for taking off your undershirt and outer robe is to remove
your robe along with the undershirt by bringing the two sleeves together in back,
putting the two arm holes together, and lifting up the sleeves. You then fold the two
sleeves, one atop the other, over the garment. Next, with the left hand, grasp the
back of the collars and, with the right hand, draw up the robe and fold it down the
middle of the sleeve bags 7 and the two collars. Having folded over the two sleeves
and collars, you again fold the robe in two, lengthwise, and drape it over the pole
with the collars on the far side; the skirt of the robe and the sleeve cuffs hang on
the near side of the pole. That is to say, the robe hangs at the waist over the pole.

* See Glossary.
7. On some monastic robes, the sleeves are quite full, forming a bag-like appendage.
Shōbōgenzō: On Washing Yourself Clean 59

Next, avoid mistaking whose towel is whose when there are two poles and
two towels are hanging one in front of the other. So that your towel does not get
separated from your robe or get taken by someone who has not hung up a towel, tie
it down by wrapping it around your robe two or three times and tying it, without
letting your robe fall onto the ground. Then, facing your robe, you make gasshō.
Next, you take a sash cord and hang it over your shoulders. 8 Then go to the
wash stand and fill a clean bucket with water; carrying the bucket with your right
hand, go into a toilet stall. In putting water in the bucket, do not fill it to the brim,
but fill it up nine-tenths of the way.
When you reach the lavatory door, you should change your slippers. Put on a
pair of rush slippers, leaving your own slippers by the front of the lavatory door.
This is what is meant by ‘changing slippers’.

It says in the Procedures for Cleanliness in a Zen Temple, “When you need
to go to the Eastern Quarters, by all means anticipate this need. Deal with it in
time, so that you do not hurry from urgency. Give yourself time to fold your kesa,
and leave it on your table in the Monks’ Quarters or on the clean pole in the
Upon entering the toilet stall, close the door with your left hand. You next
pour just a little water from your bucket into the toilet basin. Next, put the bucket
in front of you in the place provided for it. Then, while standing, face the basin and
snap your fingers three times. Whilst snapping your fingers, your left hand is held
in a fist at your left side at waist level. Next, you lift and gather up your under-skirt
by its corners, face the door and, straddling the basin between your feet, squat
down and relieve yourself. Do not soil either side of your garments; do not let them
get stained front or back. During this time, you should remain silent. Do not talk or
joke with the person in the next stall, chant, sing, or recite anything aloud. Do not
spit or blow mucus from your nose onto the area around you. Do not strain or make
grunting sounds excessively. You should not write on the walls. Do not dig at or
draw on the ground with your toilet spatula; it should be used for cleaning yourself
after you have evacuated your bowels. Also, if you use paper, you should not use
old paper or paper with characters written on it.
You should keep in mind the difference between a clean spatula and a soiled
one. The spatula is eight inches long, triangular in shape. In thickness, it is the
width of one’s thumb. Some are lacquered, others are not. Put your soiled spatula

8. A sash cord is used to tie clothes out of the way.

Shōbōgenzō: On Washing Yourself Clean 60

in the used spatula box. Clean ones will already be in the spatula stand. The spatula
stand is kept near the sign in front of the toilet basin.
After using a spatula or paper, the way you clean yourself is as follows: hold
the bucket in your right hand and moisten your left hand well. Then, cupping some
water in your left hand, you first clean off your genitals three times. Then, you
wash your buttocks. This is the way you should clean yourself.
Do not tip the bucket roughly, spilling the water into your hand and quickly
using it all up.
After you have finished cleaning yourself, put the bucket down in its proper
place; then, take the used spatula and wipe it clean and dry with paper. You should
wipe your genitals and buttocks dry. Next, adjust your under-skirt and robe with
your right hand, and, also with your right hand, pick up the bucket. Then go out the
door, take off the rush slippers, and put on your own. Next, you return to the wash
stand and put the bucket in its original place.
Next, you should wash your hands. With your right hand you take a spoonful
of ashes, place it atop some pebbles, drip some water on them, and wash your
contacting hand with your right hand, 9 using the pebbles to scour it, just as though
you were cleaning rust off a sword. You should wash with ashes in this manner
three times. Then, you should take some sand, add some water, and wash three
times. Next, take some cleansing powder made from ground orange seeds in your
right hand, moisten it with water from the small bucket, and wash by rubbing your
hands together. The washing should be done thoroughly, even up your forearms.
You should wholeheartedly devote your attention to washing in a conscientious
manner. Ashes thrice, sand thrice, and cleansing powder once—all together seven
times, an appropriate number. Next, you wash in a large bucket. This time, you
simply wash in cold or warm water, without using any cleanser, sand, or ashes.
After washing once, transfer that water into the small bucket, put in fresh water,
and rinse both hands. In the Avatamsaka Scripture, a verse says:
When washing your hands,
By all means pray that all sentient beings
May acquire the finest hands
With which to receive the Buddha’s Teachings.
When you use a water ladle, you should, of course, hold it with your right hand.
When using it, do so quietly, without making a great noise with bucket or ladle.

9. In India, China, and Japan, it was customary to use the left hand to clean oneself after
relieving oneself. As this hand might well become soiled through this contact, it was called,
literally, ‘the contacting hand’.
Shōbōgenzō: On Washing Yourself Clean 61

Do not splash water about, scatter the cleansing powder, or get the area
around the water stand wet. That is to say, do not be hasty or careless: do not be
disorderly with things or treat them roughly.
Next, you dry your hands with the towel for general use or dry them with
your own towel. Once you have finished drying your hands, go to where your robe
is hanging over the pole, undo the sash cord, and hang the cord over the pole. Next,
hang your towel over your left shoulder and rub some incense on yourself. There is
rubbing incense for general use. It is made of fragrant wood in the shape of small
vials. The size of each is about the thickness of a thumb and four times that amount
in length. You take a piece of string about a foot long and thread it through the
holes that are bored in each end of the incense stick. This is hung over the pole.
When you rub it between the palms of your hands, the fragrance of this incense
will naturally impregnate your hands.
When you hang your sash cord over the pole, do not hang it over another
one so that they become entangled, and do not leave it in a disorderly fashion.

When matters are handled in this way, everything will be a purified Buddha
Land, a Buddha World well adorned. You should do everything with care, without
a lapse: you should not act from haste, as though in a dither. Do not entertain the
thought, “If I hurry, I can get back to what I was doing.” You should keep in mind
the principle that, when you go to the Eastern Quarters, the Buddha’s Dharma is
not something to be talked about, but lived.

Do not stare at the faces of monks coming and going.

In cleansing yourself whilst in the lavatory, it is fine to use cool water, since
it is said that hot water may cause diarrhea. Using warm water to wash your hands
will not prove disturbing to your health. A kettle has been provided for heating
water to wash your hands with.
Concerning the duties of the monk in charge of the lavatory, it says in the
Procedures for Cleanliness in a Zen Temple, “Later in the evening, see that water is
heated and oil is put out for the night lamp. Always make sure that there is
someone to take over the boiling of the water, and do not let the community do it
with a discriminatory attitude.” From this it is clear that both hot and cold water are
Shōbōgenzō: On Washing Yourself Clean 62

If the interior of the lavatory becomes dirty, you should screen off the entry
door and hang the sign that says ‘Dirty’ on it. If a bucket is accidentally knocked
over, you should screen off the entry door and hang up the ‘Spilled Bucket’ sign.
Do not enter the building when such signs have been put up.
Even though you may have already entered a stall, if there is someone else
who snaps his fingers to let you know of his presence, you should leave shortly.

In the Procedures for Cleanliness in a Zen Temple it says, “If you do not
wash yourself clean, you cannot truly take a seat in the Meditation Hall or bow to
the Triple Treasure. Also, you cannot accept bows from others.” And in the Great
Scripture on the Three Thousand Forms of Everyday Behavior for Monks it says,
“If you do not clean yourself after relieving nature, you are committing an
offensive act. 10 You cannot truly sit upon a monk’s pure cushion, nor can you truly
pay homage to the Triple Treasure. Although you may bow, you will have neither
happiness nor merit from doing so.”
On the basis of these quotations, you should put this matter foremost when
you are training in the temple. How can we possibly not want to pay homage to the
Triple Treasure, nor to accept the respectful bows of others, nor to bow to them in
return? The training halls of the Buddhas and Ancestors undoubtedly had these
forms for dignified behavior. Those in the training halls of the Buddhas and
Ancestors undoubtedly implemented these forms for dignified behavior. These are
not things we force ourselves to do, for they are the words and deeds that arise
naturally from the forms of dignified behavior. They are the constant conduct of all
Buddhas and the everyday behavior of all Ancestors. And such forms are not
limited just to the Buddhas of this world: they are the conduct of Buddhas in all ten
directions. They are the conduct of Buddhas in both the Pure Lands and in the
besmirched realms of existence. Those folks who are poorly informed fancy that
the Buddhas have no forms of dignified behavior for using the lavatory, or they
imagine that the forms of dignified behavior for the Buddhas in this world of
ordinary beings are not the same as those for the Buddhas in the Pure Lands, but
this is not what ‘learning the Way of the Buddhas’ means. You should realize that
‘purity and stain’ is clotted blood that has trickled from a corpse: one minute warm,
the next minute horribly cold. 11

10. An ‘offensive act’ is a technical term that refers to the category of least serious breaches of
monastic conduct.
11. This is Dōgen’s image for a distinction that once was considered the lifeblood of practice
Shōbōgenzō: On Washing Yourself Clean 63

In the fourteenth section of the Ten Procedures to Be Recited it says:

When Rahula, the Buddha’s son, was a novice, he took to
spending his nights in the Buddha’s lavatory. The Buddha, fully aware
of what His son was doing, patted Rahula on the head with His right
hand and recited this verse:
My son, it was not to be poor or in want,
Nor to rid yourself of fortune or position,
But simply to seek the Way that you left home,
Which will surely bring hardships enough to bear.
So, you see, the Buddha’s temple had its lavatory too. The form for dignified
behavior in the Buddha’s lavatory was to wash oneself clean, and the Ancestors, in
turn, passed this on to us. The conduct of the Buddhas has still been preserved: to
follow the ancient ways is a great joy and something indeed hard to come by.
Further, thankfully, the Tathagata gave voice to the Dharma for Rahula whilst in
the lavatory. The lavatory was a place fit for the Buddha to turn the Wheel of the
Dharma. How to conduct oneself in that training place of the Way is what the
Buddhas and Ancestors truly Transmitted.

In the thirty-fourth chapter of the Code of Behavior for Members of the
Greater Sangha it says, “The lavatory is not to be placed in the east or the north; it
should be situated in the south or the west. Urinals should also be located in this
manner.” We should go by the directions given here as the proper ones. This is the
plan for all the training halls in both China and India, and was actually the way the
Tathagata erected them. You should realize that this was not just this one Buddha’s
way of doing things. It applied to the temples and training halls of the Seven
Buddhas,* as well as to the temples and training halls of all the Buddhas.
Shakyamuni was not the first to do this; it has been the dignified conduct of all
Buddhas. Mistakes will be many, should someone set up a temple or monastery
without first understanding this and then attempt to do the practice and training.
Such a person will not have prepared for a Buddha’s dignified conduct, and the
enlightenment of Buddha will not yet have manifested before his very eyes. If you
would construct a training hall and establish a temple or a monastery, you will have
to do it in accordance with the methods and procedures directly passed on by the

but which has become frozen and dead through viewing the matter from a discriminatory
and judgmental perspective.
Shōbōgenzō: On Washing Yourself Clean 64

Buddhas and Ancestors. Because this is the true Transmission of true heirs, merit
and virtues will more and more accumulate. If you are not an heir to the true
Transmission of the Buddhas and Ancestors, you do not yet know the Body and
Mind of the Buddha’s Teachings. If you do not know the Body and Mind of the
Buddha’s Teachings, you will be unable to clarify what a monk’s Buddhist
activities are. Now, ‘the Great Teacher Shakyamuni Buddha’s Teachings being
Transmitted throughout the ten quarters’ means the Buddha’s Body and Mind being
made manifest before our very eyes. A proper time for manifesting the Buddha’s
Body and Mind is when we act in accordance with what has been said here.

This was delivered to the monks at Kannondōri in Kōshōhōrin-ji Temple, Uji Prefecture,
Yamashiro Province, on the twenty-third day of the tenth lunar month in the first year of
the En’o era (November 21, 1239).
On ‘The Rippling of a Valley Stream,
The Contour of a Mountain’
(Keisei Sanshoku)

Translator’s Introduction: Dōgen’s discourse on “The Rippling of a Valley Stream, the

Contour of a Mountain” is centered on the nature of a kenshō, that is, the experiencing of one’s
Buddha Nature. In the first half of his discourse, he focuses on the topic of the external condition
which serves as a trigger or catalyst for this experience when the disciple is spiritually open and
ready for the kenshō to occur. This trigger may be something heard (a valley stream) or seen
(springtime blossoms) or felt (the stubbing of a toe). It may be some event occurring in nature, or
it may be some gesture or remark that a Master may make upon sensing the ‘ripeness’ of his
disciple. Such a trigger is not the cause of the kenshō occurring, but it is an integral part of the
kenshō process. This trigger is a requisite form of external conditions in which someone or
something gives voice to the Dharma—that is, gives expression (as, in reality, all things are
always doing) to That which is beyond duality—and the trainee, ‘hearing’ this, makes the
connection between the Source of this voicing and his own Original Nature.
The second half of the talk examines various obstacles that may interfere with the kenshō
occurring, with emphasis given to the pursuit of personal fame and gain.

The Buddhas and Ancestors have been many indeed. Their deeds are
instructive for teaching others the Way to supreme enlightenment. Among those
deeds are not a few examples of ‘bone-crushing’ diligence. For instance, you can
draw instruction from the Second Ancestor Eka’s ‘severing of his arm’. 1 And do
not miss the meaning behind the Buddha’s action in a previous life when He
covered the mud with His long hair. 2 Once each of you has succeeded in ‘removing
your husk’, 3 and you are no longer attached to any prior intellectual

1. ‘Cutting off one’s arm’ is being used metaphorically to refer to giving up one’s willfulness
at all costs. Such a ‘severing’ is done by applying Manjushri’s Sword of Wise Discernment.
Dōgen is not recommending self-mutilation.
2. Shakyamuni Buddha was an ascetic monk then. He spread his long hair over a mud puddle
so that the Buddha of that time could cross the mud without staining Himself. This serves as
an allusion to the willingness to go to whatever lengths are necessary, however humbling, so
that one’s Buddha Nature may traverse the Path unsullied. As with the previous example,
Dōgen is not encouraging blind imitation of a physical act, but pointing to an understanding
of the intention behind the action.
3. Or, in idiomatic English, ‘taking your blinders off ’.

Shōbōgenzō: On ‘The Rippling of a Valley Stream…’ 66

understanding, the Matter * which had been unclear to you for ever so long will
immediately emerge before you. The very ‘nowness’ of this is beyond anything I
know of, beyond anyone’s ability to comprehend intellectually, beyond all your
expectations, even beyond a Buddha’s Eye to catch a glimpse of. So how can it
possibly be fathomed by any human speculations?

In Great Sung China there was a lay Buddhist called Tōba. His family name
was So, his official name was Shoku, and his name as an adult was Shisen. He
must have been a veritable dragon in the sea of letters, for he had trained under
dragon elephants in the ocean of Buddhism. 4 Swimming in the fathomless waters
of Buddhism, he would soar up through the cloud banks to plunge once again into
the depths of that ocean. Then there came a time when, whilst on a visit to Mount
Ro, 5 he was struck by the sound of the valley stream rippling through the night,
and he awoke to the Way. He composed the following poem about the experience,
which he presented to Meditation Master Jōsō:
The valley stream’s rippling is indeed the eloquent
tongue of Buddha:
The mountain’s contour is not other than that of the
body of Buddha.
With the coming of night, I heard the eighty-four
thousand songs, 6
But with the rising of the sun, how am I ever to offer
them to you?
Upon his presenting this poem to Meditation Master Jōsō, the Master said in
approval, “Just so!” Master Jōsō is Meditation Master Shōkaku Jōsō, who was the
Dharma heir of Meditation Master Ōryū Enan, who, in turn, was the Dharma heir
of Meditation Master Jimyō Soen.

* See Glossary.
4. As used here, the word ‘dragon’ by itself refers to someone markedly brilliant. The term
‘dragon elephant’ is explained in the Glossary.
5. The home of many notable literary figures of his day.
6. In Buddhism, ‘eighty-four thousand’ represents both the number of atoms in a human body
and the number of forms of illumination assumed by Amitabha Buddha, the Buddha of
Immeasurable Light.
Shōbōgenzō: On ‘The Rippling of a Valley Stream…’ 67

There was also a time when layman Tōba had a spiritual interview with the
Great Priest Ryōgen Butchin. The latter, investing Tōba with the Buddha seal,*
gave him a monk’s Dharma robe and the Buddhist Precepts, among other things.
Layman Tōba, from then on, trained in the Way whilst wrapped in the kesa.* Out
of respect and reverence, Tōba presented Butchin with a priceless jeweled sash.
People at the time commented that this was not something that an ordinary,
everyday person would possibly think of doing.
The situation was such that Tōba’s awakening to the Way upon hearing the
valley stream was, undoubtedly, due partly to the condition of its sound flowing
through the night. How sad that so many countless times the voicing of the Dharma
by the manifest body of Buddha has escaped our notice. What, moreover, do you
see when you view the contour of a mountain, or hear when you listen to the sound
of the valley stream? Is it a single phrase you hear, or half a phrase, or the whole
eighty-four thousand songs?
What a pity that Its sound and form lie within the landscape, unseen. And
how glad we will be for the occasion and conditions when It reveals Itself in the
landscape! ‘His giving tongue to’ is never remiss, for how can the contours of His
Body be subject to a temporal existence and dissolution? Nevertheless, when It
comes into sight, we learn how very near It has always been: when It is lying
unseen, how are we to learn how near It really is? Are Its sound and form the
whole of It or are they but half of It? In past springs and autumns, Tōba had not
seen or heard the Water. Then, on the occasion of a single night, he was just able to
see the Mountain and hear the rippling of Its stream. Now you bodhisattvas*
training in the Way, too, should open wide the gate to your training and enter by
means of the verse, “That which flows is the Mountain: That which does not flow
is the Water.”
On the day preceding the night that this layman Tōba awoke to the Way, he
had gone to Meditation Master Shōkaku Jōsō to ask him about the kōan* story
concerning the non-sentient giving voice to the Dharma. 7 Although he had not yet
directly understood what the Master meant when he spoke on that occasion of
‘turning oneself around’, nevertheless, upon his hearing the rippling of the valley
stream, it was as though the swirling waters had struck the very heavens. Thus it
was that the sound of the stream now startled Tōba. But was it the voice of the
stream or was it what had poured forth from his Master Jōsō’s lips? Perhaps Jōsō’s
comment that the Non-sentient gives voice to the Dharma had not yet ceased to

7. Here, ‘non-sentient’ carries a double meaning. On one level it refers to anything that is not a
sentient being and, on another level, to That which transcends the duality of sentient and
Shōbōgenzō: On ‘The Rippling of a Valley Stream…’ 68

reverberate in Tōba, and, unbeknownst to Tōba, had intermingled with the sound of
the stream’s rippling through the night. Who will say, upon discerning It, that It is
‘a whole dipperful’, or who will say, upon flowing into It, that It is ‘a whole
oceanful’? In short, was it layman Tōba who awakened to the Way or was it the
landscape that awakened to the Way? What person is clear of eye and yet fails to
quickly spot His eloquent tongue and His immaculate body?

As another example, at one time Meditation Master Kyōgen Chikan was
training at Mount Daii in the community of Isan Reiyū. Isan said to him, “You are
a learned scholar of considerable intelligence. So, without having to rely on what
you have memorized from commentaries, surely you should be able to explain for
me in your own words what the phrase ‘before “father” and “mother” were born’*
However many times he tried, Kyōgen was unable to do so. Deeply ashamed
of himself, he consulted all the Scripture books and their commentaries that he had
amassed over the years, but he was still left at wit’s end. Finally, he took a torch
and burned the writings he had previously collected, saying, “A rice cake in a
painting will never satisfy one’s hunger! I swear that I will no longer crave after
the Buddha’s Teachings in this lifetime, but will just be a kitchen monk who serves
up the rice and gruel.”
And so he served up the rice and gruel as the months and years went by.
‘The monk who serves up the rice and gruel’ refers to one who serves meals to his
fellow monks. It is like the person in our country who dishes out the food. After
having worked in this way for many years, he remarked to Isan, “Dunce that I am, I
am still in the dark, unable to find the words to speak. O Reverend Monk, please
say something to help me.” Isan responded, “It is not that I refuse to say anything
for your sake, but I fear that later on you would come to resent me for it.”
And so, several more years passed, and Kyōgen went to visit the site where
the National Teacher Echū had lived. Arriving at Mount Butō, he collected up
grass and built himself a hermit’s hut on the spot where the National Teacher’s
hermitage had stood. He planted some bamboo, which served as his sole
companion. One day, whilst intent on sweeping his walkway clean, he accidentally
sent a piece of tile flying, which hit the bamboo. Upon hearing the knocking sound
it made, he suddenly had a great awakening. He bathed himself and, abstaining
from anything physical or mental that might be sullying, he turned in the direction
of Mount Daii to offer incense and reverently bow. Then, as though facing Isan
himself, he said, “O Great Monk Isan, if long ago you had said something to me
Shōbōgenzō: On ‘The Rippling of a Valley Stream…’ 69

for my sake, how would I now have had this experience? My indebtedness to you
is so deep that it surpasses even that which I owe to my parents.” He ended by
composing the following poem:
At one blow, I have forgotten all that I had learned with
my head.
Truly, I myself am no longer the one in control.
Breaking out in a smile, I make my way along the Old
Neither looking down in moments of despair
Nor leaving behind, here and there, traces of where I
have been.
Only a dignified manner remains, which lies beyond
anything heard or seen.
Those everywhere who have realized the Way,
All as one, say it is the moment supreme.
When he presented this poem to Isan, the latter said, “This disciple has struck

As still another example, Meditation Master Reiun Shigon had trained and
practiced for thirty years. Then one day, whilst ‘swimming about’, visiting
mountain monasteries, 8 he took a rest at the foot of a mountain, when in the
distance he spied a village. It was spring at the time, and, glimpsing the peach
blossoms in bloom there, he suddenly awoke to the Way. Composing a poem, he
presented it to Isan:
Thirty years I sought for Him, the Good Friend with His
Sword of Wisdom:
For so many rounds have the leaves fallen and the
branches burst anew with blooms!
But just one glance at those peach blossoms
And straightaway—at that very moment—I arrived, never
again to be in doubt.

8. It was customary at the time for monks who had not yet had a kenshō to visit other
monasteries for the summer retreat.
Shōbōgenzō: On ‘The Rippling of a Valley Stream…’ 70

Isan said, “The person who enters the Truth by way of some external condition is
not likely to ever retreat from It or lose It.” Thereupon, he gave his approval to
Is there anyone who has not entered by way of some external condition? Is
there anyone who, once having entered, would retreat from this Place, or lose It?
This is not something that applies to Reiun and Reiun alone. Ultimately he
inherited the Dharma from Isan. Were it not that the contour of the mountain is the
Pure Body of Buddha, how could a thing like this possibly happen?

Also, Meditation Master Chōsa Keishin was asked by a certain
monk, “How is it possible to change the great earth with its mountains
and rivers so that we make it return to the True Self?”
The Master responded, “No, the question is, ‘How is it possible
to change ourselves so that we make It return to the great earth with
its mountains and rivers?’”
What is being said here is that the True Self is, in Its own right, the True Self. Even
though we speak of the Self as being ‘the great earth with its mountains and rivers’,
this is not something that should delude us as to what is returned to.
Similarly, the monk Egaku, who was a Dharma descendant of
Nangaku, was once asked by Shison, a lecturer in the scholastic
tradition, “How is it possible for one’s Original Nature, which is
immaculate, to all at once produce something as polluted as the great
earth with its mountains and rivers?”
The monk pointed out in response, “Since our Original Nature
is immaculate, how does It, all at once, produce the Great Earth with
Its mountains and rivers?”
We must realize here that we are not to make the mistake of taking ‘the Great Earth
with Its mountains and rivers in their immaculate Original Nature’ to be the great
earth with its mountains and rivers. Yet, scholars who simply take Scriptures
literally have never even dreamt of this, and consequently do not comprehend what
‘the Great Earth with Its mountains and rivers’ signifies.
We must understand that were Original Nature not the contour of a mountain
and the rippling of a valley stream, then Shakyamuni would not have begun His
voicing of the Dharma by holding a flower aloft, nor would Eka’s reaching the
Very Marrow of what Bodhidharma was teaching have come about. Because of the
merit that comes to fruition in the rippling of a stream and the contour of a
mountain, the great earth and its sentient beings simultaneously realize the Way,
Shōbōgenzō: On ‘The Rippling of a Valley Stream…’ 71

and there are Buddhas, such as Shakyamuni, who awaken to the Way upon seeing a
morning star. Flesh-and-blood human beings like these are Masters of bygone days
whose determination to seek the Dharma was profound indeed.

We humans today should, by all means, consider following in Their
footsteps. And, likewise, we of today should give rise to a similar determination by
pursuing genuine training, which is in no wise connected with personal fame or
gain. In recent times, in far-flung places like Japan, people who are truly searching
for the Buddha’s Teachings are rare. It is not that such persons do not exist, but that
it is difficult to encounter them.
Occasionally, there are some who appear to leave home to become monks,
letting go of the mundane, but too many of them only use the Buddha’s Way as a
bridge to fame and gain, sad to say. It is such a pity for them to waste their days
and nights without regret, vainly training in pursuit of such dark and wayward
goals. When will come the time that they abandon such things and realize the Way?
Even should they meet a genuine teacher, they probably would not be fond of this
‘True Dragon’. Former Buddhas would say of such people that they are persons to
be pitied, since such a response is due simply to their attitude of mind, which has
arisen from bad karmic roots planted in some previous life of theirs. Although they
have been born as a human being, they do not have the determination to seek the
Dharma for Its own sake. As a result, when they encounter true Teaching, they are
suspicious of the True Dragon. When they meet genuine Dharma, they are repelled
by It. Since they have never lived—neither in body and mind, nor in bones and
flesh—in accordance with the Dharma, they are not suited to It, nor do they accept
and apply It.
For a long time now, Masters and disciples in our Ancestral Tradition have
continued to pass on the Dharma as they had received It. But nowadays, to speak
of ‘the mind that seeks enlightenment’ resembles talking about some dream dreamt
long ago. How sad not to know of, or ever see, the precious ore that lies buried in a
mountain of treasure, but how much more sad when it is the mother lode of the
Once you have given rise to the intention to seek enlightenment, even
though you are spinning about through the six worlds* of existence, being born
through any of the four modes of birth, the very causes and conditions of your
spinning will become your heartfelt practice of enlightenment. Accordingly, even
though you have spent your past days and nights in vain pursuits, you should make
the following vow while you are still in this present life:
Shōbōgenzō: On ‘The Rippling of a Valley Stream…’ 72

I pray that I and all sentient beings, from this life through all
future lives, will ever be able to hear the True Teachings. Once I have
heard the True Dharma, I will not harbor doubts about It or fail to
trust in It. Right at the time when I encounter the True Dharma, I will
let go of the whole world and embrace the Buddha’s Teachings. Then,
together with all sentient beings on the great earth, may we fulfill the
If you make your vow in this manner, it will, of itself, be a cause for your
enlightenment-seeking mind to arise. Never neglect the attitude of mind behind this
Further, this land of Japan is a distant place separated from others by vast
seas. The hearts of its people are befuddled in the extreme. From the distant past, it
has not been common for saintly persons or those naturally gifted with good sense
to be born here, to say nothing of the scarcity of true students of the Way. When the
fellow who knows nothing of the heart that seeks the Way is told of this Way-
seeking heart, he turns a deaf ear to this good instruction. As a result, he does not
reflect upon himself and harbors resentment towards others.
In short, when you put into practice your intention to seek enlightenment,
you should not concern yourself with letting worldly people know that you have
given rise to the enlightenment-seeking mind and are practicing the Way. Rather,
you should conduct yourself so that they may not know it; even more, you should
not speak of it openly. People today who seek Truth are rare; as a result, the
majority do not engage themselves in spiritual practice and have not awakened in
their hearts. Desirous of praise from others, they seek for someone who will tell
them how integrated their practice and understanding are. This is just what ‘being
deluded within delusion’ means. You should immediately toss out such ridiculous
When training in the Way, the most difficult thing to experience is the mental
attitude of the True Dharma. That attitude of mind is something that Buddhas come
to Transmit to each Other. We call this the mutual Transmission of a Buddha’s
Light and of a Buddha’s Heart and Mind.
From the time when the Tathagata was in the world up to this very day, the
number of fellows who appear to be paying heed to training in the Way with the
sole purpose of seeking personal fame and gain have been many. But even in such
cases, if they encounter the instructions of a genuine Master, turn themselves
around, and seek the True Dharma, they will naturally realize the Way. You who
are now training in the Way today need to know that a spiritual illness such as this
seeking after fame and gain exists. It can occur, for instance, in those with a
Shōbōgenzō: On ‘The Rippling of a Valley Stream…’ 73

beginner’s attitude of mind who have just begun to train, as well as in those,
whether Transmitted or not, who have trained and practiced for a long time.
There will be those who dote on what has passed and try to mimic that, and
there may even be demons who slander those above them and refuse to learn from
them. Do not be attracted to either type or feel resentment towards either. Why do I
say not to feel sorry for them or resent them? Because it is said that people who
recognize the three poisons of greed, hatred, and delusion to be what they are, are
rare enough, so there is no need to feel resentment towards those who do not. Even
more importantly, you should not lose sight of the intention that arose when you
first took delight in seeking the Way of the Buddhas. It is said that when we first
give rise to this intention, we are not seeking the Dharma so that others will praise
us, but are discarding thoughts of fame and gain. Without seeking fame or gain, we
should simply be persons who hold to the true course of realizing the Way, never
concerning ourselves with expectations of recognition or support from rulers or
other officials.
Even though this is the ideal, there are some people today who, alas, are
devoid of any fundamental spiritual aspirations, having no spiritual goal that they
seek, and are not the least concerned over their delusive entanglements with both
ordinary people and those in lofty positions. On the other hand, there are some
befuddled people who once did have a heart intent on the Way, but have all too
quickly forgotten about their original intention and have fallen into error,
anticipating offerings from ordinary people and those in lofty positions, which
offerings they joyfully consider to be merit accruing to them from the Buddha’s
Teachings. If they secure the confidence of some ruler or official, they fancy that
they have succeeded in seeing what our Path is. This is one devil of an impediment
to training in the Way. Even though you must not lose sight of the heart filled with
pity for all beings, you must not delight in forming entangling relationships with
them. Look! The Buddha once deigned to express it with His golden words, “Even
in the present day, the Tathagata is greatly vilified and envied.” Those who are
foolish do not recognize what is bright and wise, which is why little brutes envy
and resent great saints.
As a further example, our Ancestral Master from Western India,
Bodhidharma, underwent great torments for the sake of non-Buddhists, shravakas,*
pratyekabuddhas,* rulers, and the like. This was not because the paths of non-
Buddhists were superior, nor because of some lack of deference to the Ancestral
Master. After this First Ancestor came from the West, he hung up his traveling staff
on Mount Sūzan at Shōrin-ji Temple when he discovered that neither Emperor Wu
of Liang nor the king of Wei understood what the spirit of Buddhism is. About that
Shōbōgenzō: On ‘The Rippling of a Valley Stream…’ 74

time, there were two veritable dogs, Bodhiruchi and Vinaya Master Kōtō. 9 Fearing
that Bodhidharma might hinder the spread of their false reputations and wicked
influences among honest people, they conspired against him, just as if they had
looked up at the sun and tried to put it into eclipse. They were even more excessive
in their behavior than Devadatta was when the Buddha was alive. 10 The fame and
gain that they, alas, so deeply doted on was even more repellent to Bodhidharma
than excrement and filth. The reason for such things is not that the strength of the
Buddha’s Dharma is less than ideal: just be aware that there are dogs who bark at
good people. Do not worry about barking dogs and do not resent them. Give rise to
the wish to offer them guidance by providing them with the following Teaching,
“Although you are, undoubtedly, beasts, you should still give rise to the intention
to realize enlightenment.” A former sage has called these two ‘beasts with human
There is also that type of ‘beast’ who gives his confidence and support. As
the former Buddha Shakyamuni said, “Do not seek to be an intimate of kings or
princes, ministers or officials, brahmans or lay Buddhists.” 11 Truly, this is a
principle of practice which those who would train in the Buddha’s Way should not
forget. The meritorious fruits of a bodhisattva’s first beginning to train will pile up
as he continues on.
Further, ever since ancient times, the skeptical Indra, Lord of Heaven, has
come to test the intentions of practitioners, as has Mara the Tempter come to
disturb and obstruct the practitioner’s training in the Way. All instances of this have

9. During that time, there were two Indian scholars named Bodhiruchi: one was an eminent
translator of Scriptures and the other was a scholar who was envious of Bodhidharma. It is
the latter Bodhiruci who is referred to here. The Chinese Vinaya Master Kōtō was a
translator and writer of Scriptural commentaries. Both tried to discredit Bodhidharma’s
focus on meditation practice, and it is said that both attempted to poison him.
The Vinaya is the section of the Buddhist canon containing the rules of monastic
discipline. Dōgen is not advocating that one should not follow the Teachings of this work,
but rather that one should not become rule-bound simply for the sake of rules due to a lack
of spiritual understanding of their purpose and aim.
10. Devadatta was Shakyamuni Buddha’s cousin and His disciple. While a senior monk, he
caused a schism in the assembly, with five hundred novices following him. Although
maintaining that he was still Shakyamuni’s disciple, he even attempted, unsuccessfully, to
kill Shakyamuni.
11. Context implies that the confidence and support in this instance derive from a desire to gain
control over or manipulate a monk. As a preventative, monks are instructed not to seek out
or encourage close, emotionally binding personal relationships with lay people, which
would be inviting entanglements.

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