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PNW BOCES Science 21 Curriculum © 2018

Grade 3 Unit 1
G3 U1 May 2019 | P a g e 1
Grade 3 Unit 1
Unit 1
PNW BOCES Science 21 Curriculum © 2018 G3 U1 May 2019 | P a g e 2
Grade 3 Unit 1
Forces and Interactions



Marla Gardner
Director, Curriculum and Instructional Services

David Jacob Harry Rosvally, Jr.

Regional Science Coordinator Science Curriculum & Staff Development Specialist

For further information regarding this curriculum and staff development program, please contact the Science 21 Coordinator at 914-248-2336.
© 2018 by Putnam/Northern Westchester BOCES, 200 BOCES Drive, Yorktown Heights, NY 10598-4399.
All rights reserved. No portion of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form by any means
(electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without the prior written
permission of the Putnam/Northern Westchester BOCES Curriculum Center.

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Acknowledgments and Credits

Science 21 has been a highly effective curriculum program due to the efforts and dedication of teachers that have served as
curriculum developers on grade-level design teams. Using feedback based on classroom teacher experiences, each design team
continually develops, pilots, and revises the Science 21 curriculum to improve and strengthen it.

We gratefully acknowledge the contributions made by the teachers and consultants who have served on the Science 21 design team
for this manual. The following designers are to be recognized for infusing their enthusiasm, creativity, talent, and team spirit into the
Science 21 curriculum.

July 2018
Dr. Helen Pashley Glen Cochrane
Brian Vorwald Andra Meyerson
Stefanie Benjamin* Melissa Billings*
Amy Billups* Karen Brooke*
Jennifer Bruno* Trish Burton*
Amy Ceconi-Cavalieri* Lisa DeGrazia*
Eleana DeLuna* Teresa Ferreira*
Kristen Fischetti* Jenny Gieras
Christy Green* Catherine Holzman*
Jennifer Kiley* Catherine Lambert*
Kaitlin Lester Michele Love*
Amy Manfredi* Nancy Occhicone*
Christine Phillips* Linda Reich*
Courtney Reichelt* Jennie Roos*
Debbie Rose* Michele Tyrrell*
Jonathan Valente* Shannon Frey-Vera*
Katlyn Morley** Barbara Rink**
Jennifer Teichmann** Linda Whitney**

* Teachers that agreed to pilot the curriculum in the 2018-2019 school year.
** Teacher leaders

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Table of Contents
Notes for Unit Overview ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 6
Cross-Cutting Concepts ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 7
Science and Engineering Practices......................................................................................................................................................................... 8
ELA Connections ..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 10
LESSON 1: Marble Run ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 14
LESSON 2: Balancing A See Saw .................................................................................................................................................................................................. 34
LESSON 3: Traction and Friction.................................................................................................................................................................................................... 43
LESSON 4: Tick Tock ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 51
LESSON 5: Modeling Balanced and Unbalanced Forces ..................................................................................................................................................... 62
LESSON 6: Unseen Forces............................................................................................................................................................................................................... 74
LESSON 7: Making Magnets ........................................................................................................................................................................................................... 78
LESSON 8: Engineering with Magnets.......................................................................................................................................................................................... 88
LESSON 9: Feedback and the Design Process ........................................................................................................................................................................ 98
LESSON 10: Forces and Interactions ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 105
Appendix A: Grade 3 Unit 1 Deep Core Idea Review .......................................................................................................................................................... 120

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Notes for Unit Overview
This unit builds on ideas that our young scientists were introduced to in Kindergarten, “Forces and Interactions: Pushes and
Pulls.” We will be investigating four major Disciplinary Core Ideas during this unit, developing further understanding of the
interactions between objects that can change motion, as well as relationships between energy and forces.

 Each force acts on one particular object and has both strength and direction. An object at rest typically has multiple
forces acting on it, but they add to give zero net force on the object. Forces that do not sum to zero can cause
changes in the object’s speed or direction of motion. (3-PS2-1)
 The patterns of an object’s motion in various situations can be observed and measured; when that past motion exhibits
a regular pattern, future motion can be predicted from it. (3-PS2-2)
 Objects in contact exert forces on each other. (3-PS2-1)
 Electric and magnetic forces between a pair of objects do not require that the objects be in contact. The sizes of the
forces in each situation depend on the properties of the objects and their distances apart, and for forces between two
magnets, on their orientation relative to each other. (3-PS2-3), (3-PS2-4)

Their prior experience from Kindergarten will assist in predicting what will happen in various scenarios, solving new
challenges and critiquing the solutions to force and motion problems.

At this grade level, we build on students’ skill at identifying cause and effect to make sense of change. Additionally, we
emphasize recognition of patterns and using them to make predictions. As the foundational grade for the 3-5 grade level
band, students will primarily use these Cross-Cutting Concepts as well as systems/ system models and scale/ proportion/
quantity. In 4th and 5th grade, they will also begin exploring energy and matter.

Students start this unit with a high interest observation of a phenomenon (a “marble run”), then investigate balanced and
unbalanced forces on a seesaw, investigate a pendulum, explore magnetic, electrostatic, and electromagnetic forces,
and design a device using magnets to solve a problem.

Students will experience three-dimensional learning through these ten lessons in which the Cross-Cutting Concepts of
Patterns and Cause & Effect are integrated with each of the eight Science and Engineering Practices, which in turn are
integrated with the Disciplinary Core Ideas listed above.

Unit 2 will involve FOSSILS. Be aware that National Fossil Day ( will be
celebrated on Wednesday, October 16, 2019 – try to acknowledge it in some fashion while you are still working in Unit 1.

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Cross-Cutting Concepts
Below you will find the description of the Cross-Cutting Concepts (CCC), which is reprinted with permission from the
source document, A Framework for K-12 Science Education: Practices, Crosscutting Concepts and Core Ideas
(National Research Council, (2012). Washington D.C.: National Academies Press. Retrieved from
This overview is intended for teacher background knowledge. Each lesson has a quick reference for each CCC to
help guide the lesson.

1. Patterns. Observed patterns of forms and events guide organization and classification, and they prompt
questions about relationships and the factors that influence them.
2. Cause and effect: Mechanism and explanation. Events have causes, sometimes simple, sometimes
multifaceted. A major activity of science is investigating and explaining causal relationships and the
mechanisms by which they are mediated. Such mechanisms can then be tested across given contexts
and used to predict and explain events in new contexts.
3. Scale, proportion, and quantity. In considering phenomena, it is critical to recognize what is relevant at
different measures of size, time, and energy and to recognize how changes in scale, proportion, or
quantity affect a system’s structure or performance.
4. Systems and system models. Defining the system under study—specifying its boundaries and making
explicit a model of that system—provides tools for understanding and testing ideas that are applicable
throughout science and engineering.
5. Energy and matter: Flows, cycles, and conservation. Tracking fluxes of energy and matter into, out of,
and within systems helps one understand the systems’ possibilities and limitations.
6. Structure and function. The way in which an object or living thing is shaped and its substructure
determine many of its properties and functions.
7. Stability and change. For natural and built systems alike, conditions of stability and determinants of rates
of change or evolution of a system are critical elements of the study.

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Science and Engineering Practices
Below you will find the description of the Science and Engineering 3. Planning and Carrying Out Investigations
Practices (SEP), which is reprinted with permission from the source Scientific investigation may be conducted in the field or the laboratory.
document, A Framework for K-12 Science Education: Practices, A major practice of scientists is planning and carrying out a systematic
Crosscutting Concepts and Core Ideas (National Research Council, investigation, which requires the identification of what is to be
(2012). Washington D.C.: National Academies Press. Retrieved from recorded and, if applicable, what are to be treated as the dependent and independent variables (control of variables). Observations and
This overview is intended for teacher background knowledge. Each data collected from such work are used to test existing theories and
lesson has a quick reference SEP overview to help guide the lesson. explanations or to revise and develop new ones.
Engineers use investigation both to gain data essential for specifying
1. Asking Questions and Defining Problems
design criteria or parameters and to test their designs. Like scientists,
Science begins with a question about a phenomenon, such as “Why is
engineers must identify relevant variables, decide how they will be
the sky blue?” or “What causes cancer?” and seeks to develop
measured, and collect data for analysis. Their investigations help
theories that can provide explanatory answers to such questions. A
them to identify how effective, efficient, and durable their designs may
basic practice of the scientist is formulating empirically answerable
be under a range of conditions.
questions about phenomena, establishing what is already known, and
determining what questions have yet to be satisfactorily answered. 4. Analyzing and Interpreting Data
Scientific investigations produce data that must be analyzed in order
Engineering begins with a problem, need, or desire that suggests an
to derive meaning. Because data usually do not speak for them-
engineering problem that needs to be solved. A societal problem such
selves, scientists use a range of tools—including tabulation, graphical
as reducing the nation’s dependence on fossil fuels may engender a
interpretation, visualization, and statistical analysis—to identify the
variety of engineering problems, such as designing more efficient
significant features and patterns in the data. Sources of error are
transportation systems, or alternative power generation devices such
identified and the degree of certainty calculated. Modern technology
as improved solar cells. Engineers ask questions to define the
makes the collection of large data sets much easier, thus providing
engineering problem, determine criteria for a successful solution, and
many secondary sources for analysis.
identify constraints.
Engineers analyze data collected in the tests of their designs and
2. Developing and Using Models
investigations; this allows them to compare different solutions and
Science often involves the construction and use of a wide variety of
determine how well each one meets specific design criteria—that is,
models and simulations to help develop explanations about natural
which design best solves the problem within the given constraints.
phenomena. Models make it possible to go beyond observables and
Like scientists, engineers require a range of tools to identify the major
imagine a world not yet seen. Models enable predictions of the form
patterns and interpret the results.
“if…then…therefore” to be made to test hypothetical explanations.
Engineering makes use of models and simulations to analyze existing 5. Using Mathematics and Computational Thinking
In science, mathematics and computation are fundamental tools for
systems to see where flaws might occur or to test possible solutions
representing physical variables and their relationships. They are used
to a new problem. Engineers also call on models of various sorts to
for a range of tasks, such as constructing simulations, statistically
test proposed systems and to recognize the strengths and limitations
analyzing data, and recognizing, expressing, and applying quantitative
of their designs.
PNW BOCES Science 21 Curriculum © 2018 G3 U1 May 2019 | P a g e 8
relationships. Mathematical and computational approaches enable their explanations, formulate evidence based on a solid foundation of
predictions of the behavior of physical systems, along with the testing data, examine their own understanding in light of the evidence and
of such predictions. Moreover, statistical techniques are invaluable for comments offered by others, and collaborate with peers in searching
assessing the significance of patterns or correlations. for the best explanation for the phenomenon being investigated.
In engineering, mathematical and computational representations of In engineering, reasoning and argument are essential for finding the
established relationships and principles are an integral part of the best possible solution to a problem. Engineers collaborate with their
design. For example, structural engineers create mathematically peers throughout the design process, with a critical stage being the
based analyses of designs to calculate whether they can stand up to selection of the most promising solution among a field of competing
the expected stresses of use and if they can be completed within ideas. Engineers use systematic methods to compare alternatives,
acceptable budgets. Moreover, simulations of designs provide an formulate evidence based on test data, make arguments from
effective test bed for the development of designs and their evidence to defend their conclusions, evaluate the ideas of others
improvement. critically, and revise their designs in order to achieve the best solution
to the problem at hand.
6. Constructing Explanations and Designing Solutions
The goal of science is the construction of theories that can provide 8. Obtaining, Evaluating, and Communicating Information
explanatory accounts of features of the world. A theory becomes Science cannot advance if scientists are unable to communicate their
accepted when it has been shown to be superior to other explanations findings clearly and persuasively or to learn about the findings of
in the breadth of phenomena it accounts for and in its explanatory others. A major practice of science is thus the communication of ideas
coherence and parsimony. Scientific explanations are explicit and the results of inquiry—orally, in writing, with the use of tables,
applications of theory to a specific situation or phenomenon, perhaps diagrams, graphs, and equations, and by engaging in extended
with the intermediary of a theory-based model for the system under discussions with scientific peers. Science requires the ability to derive
study. The goal for students is to construct logically coherent meaning from scientific texts (such as papers, the Internet, symposia,
explanations of phenomena that incorporate their current and lectures), to evaluate the scientific validity of the information thus
understanding of science or a model that represents it and are acquired, and to integrate that information.
consistent with the available evidence.
Engineers cannot produce new or improved technologies if the
Engineering design, a systematic process for solving engineering advantages of their designs are not communicated clearly and
problems, is based on scientific knowledge and models of the material persuasively. Engineers need to be able to express their ideas, orally
world. Each proposed solution results from a process of balancing and in writing, with the use of tables, graphs, drawings, or models and
competing criteria of desired functions, technological feasibility, cost, by engaging in extended discussions with peers. Moreover, as with
safety, esthetics, and compliance with legal requirements. There is scientists, they need to be able to derive meaning from colleagues’
usually no single best solution but rather a range of solutions. Which texts, evaluate the information, and apply it usefully. In engineering
one is the optimal choice depends on the criteria used for making and science alike, new technologies are now routinely available that
evaluations. extend the possibilities for collaboration and communication.

7. Engaging in Argument from Evidence

In science, reasoning and argument are essential for identifying the
strengths and weaknesses of a line of reasoning and for finding the
best explanation for a natural phenomenon. Scientists must defend
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ELA Connections
Grade 3 Unit 1
This bibliography is a list of suggested texts that would support reading in the content area for the Disciplinary Core Ideas, the Science and
Engineering Practices or the Crosscutting Concepts of this unit. All of these books were available at the time of writing this unit, but as with all
published documents, they may go out of print. If you notice a book is out of print or have a suggestion to add to this list, please let Science 21 know
via the email on the website and we will update these lists. We will sometimes leave an out of print book on the list (with an annotation) if the book is
of particular interest and may be found in current libraries.
Suggested Texts (Author. Year. Title. Publisher)
Beaty, A. 2016. Ada Twist, Scientist. Harper Collins. (Lesson 1)
Bradley, K. 2005. Forces Make Things Move. Harper Collins. (Lessons 1, 6)
Branley, F. 2007. Gravity is a Mystery. Harper Collins. (Lessons 3, 4)
Branley, F. 2016. What Makes A Magnet. Harper Collins. (Lessons 6-8)
Greathouse, L. 2009. How Toys Work: Forces and Motion. Teacher Created Materials. (Lessons 1-8)
Hughes, M. 2015. Magnet Max. Brown Books for Kids. (Lessons 6, 7)
Kroll, V. 2005. Equal Shmequal. Charlesbridge Pub. Inc. (Lessons 2, 5)
Mason, A. 2005. Move It! Motion, Forces and You. Kids Can Press. (Lesson 1)
Morley, K, Teichmann, J, Morley G. 2016. Forces Are Here, Forces Are There, Forces Are Everywhere. PNW BOCES Science 21. (Lesson 2)
Rosinsky, N. 2002. Magnets: Pulling Together, Pushing Apart. Picture Window Books. (Lessons 6, 7)
Walsh, E. 2010. Balancing Act. Beach Lane Books. (Lessons 2, 5)
Weakland, M. 2011. Magnets Push, Magnets Pull. Capstone Press. (Lessons 6, 7 - also available in Spanish)
Winterberg, J. 2015. Balanced and Unbalanced Forces. Teacher Created Materials. (Lessons 2, 5)

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In this unit, we use some words that are specific to Science. It isn’t the intention that all students will master these words, but with
repeated exposure to these words, students may start using them appropriately. Reinforce these words, but you may decide to replace
with words that student may already know. Consider using both words to help students start connecting to the “Big Science Words”
when teaching during this unit.

Attract- a force that pulls objects toward each other

Balanced Forces- forces that are equal in size but opposite in direction (they do not cause a
change in motion)

Electromagnetism- the force that makes magnets attract or repel each other and similarly makes
objects of opposite electrical charge attract each other

Force- something that causes a change in the motion (speed or direction) of an object
Friction- a force between two objects rubbing against each other that resists the movement
Gravity- a force that pulls an object down, the force that pulls all objects toward each other
Interaction- a particular way things affect one another, such as through gravity or electromagnetism
Magnitude- the amount or value of force in a system
Momentum- the property that a moving object has due to its mass or motion
Repel- a force that pushes an object back or away
Unbalanced forces- forces that cause a change in the motion of objects
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Science 21 Home Connection-Grade 3 Unit 1

Dear Parents/Guardians,
As a part of the curriculum for third grade, your child will learn fundamental science core ideas, science and engineering
practices, and crosscutting concepts that will enhance her/his understanding of the natural and designed worlds. We hope
you will support her/his curiosity about the world around her/him at home.
In the first unit, your child will learn about forces and their interactions. Students will make observations and predict the push
and pull patterns of magnets and opposing forces. A trip to the playground is a terrific opportunity to discuss the balanced
force needed to use a see-saw or the pendulum motion and the role of gravity that slows down a swing. Please consider
using magnets that you have at home (for example, refrigerator magnets) or note the occasional attraction caused by
static electricity to begin conversations about what your child is learning in science. The students will be engaged in
multiple investigations during this unit, and some of these will continue over the course of the school year. You can help and
reinforce this learning at home by asking questions and making predictions/observations about the magnets and forces.
Developmentally, a third-grade student is becoming a more abstract learner. To support this, your child will design
investigations, record her/his findings, and experience many authentic learning opportunities. Each student will need a
single-subject spiral or marble notebook to record daily summaries, ideas, insights and thoughts. He or she will make
predictions, discuss and elaborate on their investigations and explore the “why” of each lesson. These science lessons are
active and engaging. Your child will become a third-grade engineer, and you will be amazed at all of her/his learning!
Thank you for being a partner in your child’s education.

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LESSON 1: Marble Run Grade 3 Unit 1
Unit Driving Question: Do you have to apply a force to make an object move?
Teacher Background:
Lesson Overview:
This lesson starts students thinking about how to ask questions and use them in science. Students watch a video about the phenomenon in a magnetic marble run
and then are led through a Question Formulation Technique (QFT) that focuses on what causes the marbles to move. This lesson is a primer for developing their
understanding of patterns of motion in this unit.
Teacher Background:
Science and Engineering Practices:
Asking Questions and Defining Problems
Planning and Carrying out Investigations
Disciplinary Core Ideas:
Forces and Motion DCI (K-12)

Phenomenon: QFocus video of marble run titled “Magnets and Marbles” and the QFocus Statement: Marbles can move.
Potential Misconceptions:
Students may see motion as moving or not moving. In fact, motion can be categorized as resting, constant velocity, speeding up, slowing down, changing direction,
etc. Students regard objects at rest as being in a natural state in which no forces are acting on the object. In fact, gravity and friction, as invisible forces, are always
acting on and affecting objects.
Lesson Goals:
Objective: Students will observe a phenomenon then ask questions based on their observations to come up with investigative ideas.
Learning Target: I can ask many questions, identify patterns, and brainstorm ideas on how to test ideas about a phenomenon.
Standard Information
Performance Expectation 3-PS2-2. Make observations and/or measurements of an object’s motion to provide evidence that a pattern can be used to
predict future motion.
Science and Engineering Practices Disciplinary Core Ideas Cross-Cutting Concepts
Asking Questions and Defining Problems PS2.A: Forces and Motion Patterns
Asking questions and defining problems in grades 3–5 builds  Each force acts on one particular object and has both Patterns of change can be used to
on grades K–2 experiences and progresses to specifying strength and a direction. An object at rest typically has make predictions.
qualitative relationships. multiple forces acting on it, but they add to give zero net
 Ask questions that can be investigated based on force on the object. Forces that do not sum to zero can Cause and Effect
patterns such as cause and effect relationships. cause changes on the objects speed or direction of Cause and effect relationships are
Planning and Carrying Out Investigations motion. (Boundary: Qualitative and conceptual but not routinely identified.
Planning and carrying out investigations to answer questions quantitative addition of forces are used at this level.) (3-
or test solutions to problems in 3-5 builds on K-2 experiences PS2-1)
and progresses to include investigations that control variables  The patterns of an object’s motion in various situations
and provide evidence to support explanations or design can be observed and measured; when that past motion
solutions. exhibits a regular pattern, future motion can be
 Make observations and/or measurements to produce predicted from it. (Boundary: Technical terms, such as
data to serve as the basis for evidence for an magnitude, velocity, momentum, and vector quantity,
explanation of a phenomenon or test a design are not introduced at this level, but the concept that

PNW BOCES Science 21 Curriculum © 2018 G3 U1 May 2019 | P a g e 14

some quantities need both size and direction to be
described is developed.) (3-PS2-2)
Lesson Preparation:
Materials: Group Size: Management:
Supplied in kit: Whole Group Science Notebook (Organizational Tool): For this year, students will need a single-subject spiral
 QFT Materials (save printed or marble notebook. Alternatively, teachers may choose to use loose-leaf paper that will be placed
materials for Unit 4) Pairs in a Science Folder. An important habit for science students is to record daily summaries, ideas,
 QFT General Protocol Groups of Four insights, and thoughts. Students must date each entry.
 QFocus unit image (Marbles Solo
can move!) Prior to teaching this lesson, read the QFT Lesson Protocol and the QFT prompts with the teaching
 QFT Protocol posters procedures.
Not supplied in kit:
 Chart paper or Smartboard View the video. This lesson will not focus on how to answer questions, but how to ask them and
 Timer (optional) why we ask questions in different ways (without any judgment as to what is a better question).
 Markers (At least 3 different
colors) Prepare a timer if you are going to use one. QFT works best in small groups. For small groups, you
may need another adult to support this work (for scribing) and should organize that ahead of time.
 Highlighters
The instructions for class or small groups are the same but the materials needed will vary. Prep
 Loose-leaf paper
chart paper and markers for yourself to scribe if you do the lesson as a class or chart paper and
markers for small groups.

Prepare the QFocus, QFT protocol posters, closed and open-ended definitions to be projected,
copied, or put on a Smartboard.
Lesson Plan:
Suggested Timing: Agenda:
5 minutes Engage (QFT Protocol Steps 1-2)
15 minutes Explore (QFT Protocol Steps 3-4)
5 minutes Explain (QFT Protocol Step 5)
10 minutes Elaborate (QFT Protocol Step 6)
5 minutes Evaluate (QFT Protocol Step 7)
Teaching Procedures: Teaching Notes
1. Step 1 - “QFocus review” Project and read the statement as a class (either the teacher or a student can read Video for the phenomenon (Magnets &
the statement aloud). QFocus Statement: Marbles can move. Play the video titled “Magnets and Marbles” Marbles)
demonstrating a magnetic marble run. Play video for the first 2:30 minutes only and stop after.
2. Step 2 - After students have watched the video, introduce the rules for producing questions in the QFT protocol. -5lRKc
(The rules can be reviewed in small groups or as a whole group.)
3. Step 3 - “Producing Questions” (5 timed minutes). Students will generate a list of questions related to the video Science Notebook (Organizational
and the QF statement. Provide guidance so they follow the rules as needed. Provide support to change any Tool): For this year, students will need a
statements into questions. (Make sure students have numbered each question as they are recorded on chart single subject spiral or marble notebook.
paper.) Alternatively, teachers may choose to use
4. Step 4 - “Improving Questions” (Use of timer suggested) Once the list(s) of questions are complete, introduce loose-leaf paper that will be placed in a
the two types of questions using the “Improving Questions on the List” poster. You can project or display the Science folder. An important habit for
poster. Closed-Ended Questions (C), questions you can answer with a one-word answer such as yes or no. science students is to record daily
Open-Ended Questions (O), questions that require more information than ‘yes’ or ‘no’ and require more
PNW BOCES Science 21 Curriculum © 2018 G3 U1 May 2019 | P a g e 15
explanation. summaries, ideas, insights, and thoughts.
5. Step 4 continued - Students will categorize the questions on their list(s) as open-ended or closed-ended Students must date each entry.
questions by labeling (O) for open and (C) for closed (2-3 timed minutes). You might need to provide support
on how to mark each question by referring them back to the definitions provided (you may use different color
markers for writing (O) or (C) next to each question). Have students discuss the types of questions on their
list(s). You can prompt them by asking: “What types of questions are on the list? Do you notice any Optional suggested video for asking
patterns about the questions that were asked?” (2-3 timed minutes.) Help students identify patterns about questions (see QFT Special Notes below).
closed and open-ended questions. Students will change questions from one-type to another. They will change Suggested to stop at 45 seconds. Continue
one closed-ended question to open-ended and one open-ended question to closed-ended. (2-3 timed minutes.) video if students need further support
Explain: asking questions.
6. Step 5 - “Prioritizing Questions”: (2 timed minutes). If you do not have small groups yet, divide students into
small groups. You might want to display the prompt: “What questions need to be answered for you to know Engage #1 “Questions Start with These”
what caused the marbles to move?” Allow students to go through the list of “produced and improved
questions” from steps 3 and 4 and discuss what questions help them answer the prompt. Students will use a A71fpA
highlighter to identify questions that help them answer the prompt. Walk around and provide support for
students. Video used in Grade 2 for questions
7. Step 5 continued - (2 timed minutes). In small groups or whole class review the highlighted questions. After (Question Song)
students review highlighted questions, students will prioritize the questions by ranking them 1-3, with 1 being
the highest priority question. znKXs
8. Step 6 - “Next Steps” (5 timed minutes). Independently, ask students to take the priority questions they ELA CONNECTIONS:
identified and copy them into their Science Notebooks. Challenge students to predict answers to their You can find other literature sources, at the
questions. The teacher may need to provide prompts on chart paper or Smartboard to help students complete start of this manual, that have been
this part (refer to ELA prompts). Students can write or draw their predictions in their Science Notebooks, or on suggested by our pilot teachers for this
loose-leaf paper (teacher provided). unit!
9. Help students, as needed, through the process of using their priority questions to come up with a prediction
based on any patterns they had noticed, and provide a reason for their prediction. It is not important for the
idea to be correct at this point, but more important for them to be able to take a question and turn it into a
prediction for which they have some original reasoning.
10. After students record their predictions, prompt them to brainstorm ideas to plan an investigation that can
answer their priority questions (5 timed minutes). How can these questions and predictions be
investigated (test, design, survey)? Students will record their ideas and plans for investigations in their
Science Notebooks, or on loose-leaf paper. For example, investigations that can be carried out by researching,
developing a project, reading about it, developing a model, etc. (refer to ELA prompts).
11. Step 7 - “Reflection” (5 timed minutes). Have students individually write in their Science Notebook, or on loose-
leaf paper (teacher provided) one thing they learned by asking questions in the QFT, and, one thing they didn’t
previously know about what causes movement. Provide student support as needed (refer to ELA prompts).
Instruct students to reflect on what they liked and/or challenges they encountered during the QFT protocol.
Science Notebook: Keeping dated records of thoughts, observations and sketches is a common practice employed by scientists.
It is also a good way to keep an ongoing record of student understanding and can be used as a formative assessment tool for student learning.
Make sure students DATE each page of their notebook and consider recording the time if that information is valuable to the investigation.

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Formative Assessments: Students will be assessed based on their ability to generate questions related to the QFocus, identify patterns in the type of questions
asked, use questions to come up with an idea, provide a reason for their idea, and brainstorm how they would test out their idea. This assessment does not include
evaluating whether the ideas are correct.
Literacy Connections:
Vocabulary ELA Prompts
New or Recently Introduced Familiar Terms My three priority questions are… because they will best help me to find out what
Force (K) Prediction caused the marbles to move.
Investigate/ investigation My prediction/ idea is that….. caused the marbles to move because…..
QFT Protocol I could test out my prediction/ idea by….
One thing I learned by asking questions in the QFT is….
One thing I didn’t know about what causes movement is….
One thing I liked…..
I found…..challenging because…..

Suggested Read Alouds

Beaty, Andrea. 2016. Ada Twist, Scientist. Abrams.
Bradley Brubaker, Kimberly. 2008. Forces Make Things Move. Harper Collins.
Mason, Adrienne. 2009. Move it! Motion, Forces and You. Paw Prints.
These can be read AFTER the lesson to support concept development.
Differentiation: Below are some suggestions for modifying lessons for individuals or groups of students.
Students that need more challenge: Students that need more support:
Have students draw a model that matches the idea they had for carrying out an Have students draw their ideas and explain them to you orally in Step 5 of the QFT
investigation. They can list the steps needed to carry out their investigation. Protocol. Provide prompt labels they can cut and paste into their Science
Think Outside the Box: This section is designed to offer an extension or alternative lessons that may require materials that cannot be added to the Science 21 kits.
Lesson on teaching children how to formulate questions:

Question Formulation Technique (QFT) Special Notes

Students continuing on with Science 21 from the prior grade level will already be familiar with previous lessons with QFTs. For teachers new to this process, the
following steps (which would take place prior to Engage steps above) may be useful:
1. As a whole-group, ask students ways we ask questions. You can support them by creating an anchor chart with a list of student-generated questions (using
who, what, where, when, how, and why) on chart paper or Smartboard. Students are not expected to know or generate all ways to ask questions, at this point
(1 minute). (Store the anchor chart to support unit assessment.)
2. Play the video titled “Questions Start with These” (45 seconds) and watch as a whole group. After watching the video, ask students if there are any other
questions they can add to the list. Add as needed.
3. Pair students for a turn and talk. They will ask their partner two questions using the question words who, what, where, when, how, and why.
4. Discuss that scientists need to ask questions about any phenomenon/objects/ processes that they observe around them. Asking questions is a practice that
scientists use to start to understand the world around them. “What do you think scientists do with questions they ask?” Answers may vary, possible
answers may include, new inventions, discover answers to things, or ask more questions based on their observations of the natural world.
5. Before you review the rules of QFT: Inform students that they will be watching a short video. Students will begin by making observations and then asking
questions without thinking about the answers.
6. Review “The Rules” for producing questions in the QFT protocol.
7. Project or post QFT rule posters for the entire class to see. (QFT posters provided are attached at the end of the lesson.)
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8. While explaining each rule, ask students if they feel if any of the rules will be hard to follow, and why. Give time for students to express any thoughts they
have about the QFT rules openly. (After student discussion, QFT rules remain the same.) Students will be given an opportunity to share their thoughts about
the entire activity in the last step.
9. Depending on your classroom dynamic, conduct the questioning protocol as a whole group, or split students into groups of 4. If working in whole group, the
teacher scribes students’ questions on a piece of chart paper or Smartboard. If working in groups provide each group with chart paper and markers, and
assign a student to scribe in each group (could be an aide or an advanced student writer). Each group will be given 3 different colored markers (one for
scribing, one for close-ended questions, and one for open-ended questions) as well as a highlighter for priority questions.

The QFT works best when you have students work in small groups. It is easier to ensure that all students contribute to formulating questions and participate in the
process. This lesson may require aides or volunteers to help scribe for each group. If you are unable to provide a scribe for each group, then you may choose to
scribe for the entire class, as you conduct a class discussion and encourage everyone to participate. One pilot teacher used post-it notes for each student to write
one question and then put them together.

QFT’s will be used again in Unit 4 in Grade 3. Your goal is to have students complete the QFT in small groups by unit 4.

If you choose to do this as a whole group, you may want to demonstrate asking questions by using the strategy of “Think Aloud” (see link below). The think aloud
strategy may help students understand how YOU (the teacher) think about generating questions. The goal for this task is for STUDENTS to ask the questions.
CAUTION: by demonstrating asking questions, you may influence the types of questions your students generate and they may mimic by asking only similar
questions. The point of this task is for students to generate questions of interest to them.

Think Aloud Strategy Info:

Reproducible Student Materials:

Student pages or manipulatives needed for this lesson:
QFT Protocol Posters for display
Teacher checklist for formative assessments

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Marbles can move!

Screenshot from video used in Qfocus

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Use this form as a checklist to check for student understanding in Grade 3, Unit 1, Lesson 1. Place a check mark if the
students completed the task. If not, place an X or leave blank.

Student Name: Does the student Do questions Do questions

generate relate to CCC of relate to CCC of
questions Patterns? Cause & Effect?
related to

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Question Formulation Technique General Template (QFT) Protocol
The Question Formulation Technique (QFT) was created and developed by Dan Rothstein and Luz Santana of The Right Question Institute. For more
information read “Make Just One Change: Teach Students to Ask Their Own Questions” (2011) Harvard Education Press or to access QFT resources and to
learn more Visit
Step 1 The Question Focus  Have the class DISCUSS the value of each type of question: Students
Create a QFocus that can be a statement or visual aid to jump start student identify advantages & disadvantages of closed-ended questions.
questions. A QFocus cannot be a question. Students identify advantages & disadvantages of open-ended
The QFocus has been developed for you in this lesson. questions. (allow 2-3 minutes)
 Students will CHANGE questions from one type to another: Students
Step 2 The Rules for Producing Questions change one closed-ended question to open-ended. Students change
Introduce the 4 rules of the QFT process: one open-ended question to closed-ended. (Allow 2-3 minutes).
 Ask as many questions as you can.
 Do not stop to discuss, judge, or answer the questions. Step 5 Prioritizing Questions
 Write down every question exactly as it is stated Students complete in small groups or as a class with teacher support.
 Change any statement into a question. Have groups PRIORITIZE the questions by ranking 1-3 of the question
“Ask Students which rule do they think will be most difficult to follow? “ with most priority being labeled 1 (Allow 2-3 minutes)
Project or post the QFT Rules Examples of prioritization instructions:
Introduce the QFocus statement or visual for each group. Display the Choose three questions that…
QFocus around the room or project on screen. Usually, you will set up  You consider most important.
stations with a piece of chart paper and a marker available at each station.
 Will help with your research.
For this lesson, you will use photos and statement as QFocus, and the
class will work together to complete the QFT protocol.  Can be used for your experiment.
 Will guide your reading/ writing.
 Can be answered as you read.
Step 3 Producing Questions  Will help you solve the problem.
Students complete in small groups or as a class with teacher support.
Following the rules in STEP 2, have students meet with their groups and Students should DISCUSS and share why they selected their priority
questions and where their priority questions fell in the sequence of their
GENERATE a list of questions related to the QFocus. Have them number
them as they record them in the order they were asked. question lists. ( Allow 2-3 minutes)
(Allow 5-8 minutes).
Step 6 Next Steps
Step 4 Improving Questions Use student questions, generated using the QFT protocol, having students
Students complete in small groups or as a class with teacher support. PLAN INVESTIGATIONS to find out more about their questions (but
maybe NOT answer all of them. For example, research, develop a project,
 Discuss the DIFFERENCE between open- or closed-ended
read about, develop a model, etc.
questions. Closed-ended questions can be answered with yes, no, or
You can find guidance in the QFT Protocol for this lesson.
with one word. Open-ended questions require an explanation and
cannot be answered with yes, no, or with one word. Step 7 Reflection
In the manual is a copy of definitions for Open and Closed questions Reflection is a metacognitive action for students to review: what they
 Have students CATEGORIZE questions as closed or open-ended: learned or realize what they didn’t know. Reflect on the protocol too!
Students find closed-ended questions and mark them with a “C.” Ideally, students should be able to plan and conduct investigations
Students find open-ended questions and mark them with an “O.” from their QFT activity. You can discuss either what that investigation
(Allow 2-3 minutes) COULD be or extend their science learning by following some of the
investigations generated by students!

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Read the statement aloud as a group.
Without discussing, look closely at the picture and words.

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Ask as many questions as you can
about the statement and the picture.
There are no right or wrong questions.

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Do not stop to discuss, judge, or answer the questions.
Only speak when you have a question.

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Write all the questions exactly as they are asked
and in the order they are asked.
Number your questions as you write them down.

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Change any statement into a question.
Ask the person to make their statement a question using question words.

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STEP 2 – All of The Rules (Which of these rules may be hard for you to follow?)

Ask as many questions as you can.

Do not stop to discuss, judge, or

answer the questions.

Write down every question exactly

as it is stated.

Change any statement into a

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Producing Questions!
GENERATE a list of questions related to the QFocus.

Number your questions as you write them down!

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Improving Questions on your list.
What kind of questions did you ask?

Closed-Ended Questions “C” – you can answer with a

one-word answer such as yes or no.
Example – Q: Do you like ice cream? A: yes B:no

Open-Ended Questions “O” - A question that requires

more information than ‘yes’ or ‘no’ and requires more
Example – Q: What is the favorite ice cream flavor of
second graders in this class?
A: have the class vote and record the results
B: create a survey for all the second graders in this class
to fill out

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Choose three questions that you think are most important.
Think about how you might get your questions answered.

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Next Steps…
What can you INVESTIGATE to find out more about your questions?

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What did you learn by asking questions about the Qfocus?
What did you learn about yourself by doing this task?

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LESSON 2: Balancing A See Saw Grade 3 Unit 1
Unit Driving Question: Do you have to apply a force to make an object move?
Teacher Background:
Lesson Overview:
In this lesson, students will think about what balanced and unbalanced means. Students will watch three videos showing children using unbalanced and balanced
seesaws. The students will conduct an investigation to produce data to serve as the basis for evidence of little force/big force. Students will demonstrate the use of
arrows to show how the strength of unbalanced forces are connected to motion (big and little arrows). Students will make the connection between net force and
balanced forces. An object at rest has multiple forces acting on it, but they add to give “zero net force” on the object. A net force not equal to zero indicates
unbalanced forces and objects will change their motion (speed up or slow down and/or change direction). Balanced forces, or “net zero force”, can be seen with the
seesaw not only stationary (balanced), but also when moving at a constant rate (not accelerating, i.e., speeding up or slowing down).
For more background information on Forces and Motion, consider these two websites:
Work with students to develop a simple definition of the term “gravity”. Gravity is a force that pulls objects down.

Phenomenon: Seesaw Videos (see Teacher’s Notes)

Potential Misconceptions:
When an unbalanced seesaw is in motion, its net force is greater than zero. In fact, when it comes to rest in any position, the net force on it is zero.
Students may believe that, when an object is at rest, no forces are acting on it. In fact, even when an object is at rest, the force of gravity is always pulling it down
(toward the Earth’s center).
Lesson Goals:
Objective: Students will be able to describe the different strengths and directions of forces needed to balance an object.
Learning Target: I can develop a model of balanced and unbalanced forces.
Standard Information
Performance Expectation 3-PS2-1. Plan and conduct an investigation to provide evidence of the effects of balanced and unbalanced forces on the
motion of an object.
Science and Engineering Practices Disciplinary Core Ideas Cross-Cutting Concepts
Developing and Using Models PS2.A: Forces and Motion Cause and Effect
Modeling in 3–5 builds on K–2 experiences and progresses to building and revising Each force acts on one particular Cause and effect relationships
simple models and using models to represent events and design solutions. object and has both strength and a are routinely identified.
 Use models to describe phenomena. direction. An object at rest typically has
 Use a model to test cause and effect relationships or interactions concerning the multiple forces acting on it, but they
functioning of a designed system (seesaw). add to give zero net force on the
Planning and Carrying Out Investigations object. Forces that do not sum to zero
Planning and carrying out investigations to answer questions or test solutions to can cause changes in the object’s
problems in 3–5 builds on K–2 experiences and progresses to include investigations that speed or direction of motion.
control variables and provide evidence to support explanations or design solutions. (Boundary: Qualitative and conceptual,
 Plan and conduct an investigation collaboratively to produce data to serve as the but not quantitative addition of forces
basis for evidence, using fair tests in which variables are controlled and the are used at this level.) (3-PS2-1)
number of trials considered.
Analyzing and Interpreting Data
Analyzing data in 3-5 builds on K-2 experiences and progresses to introducing
quantitative approaches to collecting data and conducting multiple trials of qualitative

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 Analyze and interpret data to make sense of phenomena, using logical reasoning,
mathematics, and/or computation.

Lesson Preparation:
Materials: Group Size: Management:
Supplied in kit: Whole Group Organize student quads before the lesson.
 Book: Forces are Here. Forces are There. Forces are Print the Student pages back-to back. One copy for each student.
Everywhere. By Katlyn Morley, Jennifer Teichmann, and Pairs
Gregory Morley, Ph.D. Group of four
 8 Pan Balances Whole group
 1 box standard trombone paper clips
 1 box jumbo trombone paper clips
Not Supplied in kit:
 Student page “Unbalanced and Balanced Force Models” (in
manual, copied by teacher)
 Student page “Balanced and Unbalanced Forces” (in
manual, copied by teacher)
Lesson Plan:
Suggested Timing: Agenda:
5 minutes Engage: Students watch brief videos and share their initial thoughts about balanced and unbalanced forces.
10 minutes Explore: Students conduct an investigation to explore balanced and unbalanced forces and record the data.
10 minutes Explain: Students analyze their data in order to summarize their findings.
15 minutes Elaborate: Students listen to a book to help expand the concept of forces having magnitude & direction and make connections to prior learning.
5 minutes Evaluate: Teacher facilitates discussion so students can demonstrate their understanding of the direction and magnitude of forces.
Teaching Procedures: Teaching Notes
Engage: 1. “See-saw / kids friendly playground / top kids
1. Show students video #1. Ask students to turn and talk and discuss what they observed. (The seesaw outdoor destination”
is unbalanced. Another child is needed on the other side.)
2. Show students video #2. Ask students to turn and talk and discuss what they observed. (The girl on :30
the seesaw is heavier and therefore the seesaw is unbalanced. She needs to exert a force pushing 2. “Kids Seesaw”
down on the ground in order to move upward. The boy isn’t heavy enough to exert a strong enough
force to lift the girl off the ground.) :34
3. Show students video #3. Ask the students to turn and talk and discuss what they observed. (The 3. “Balance”
seesaw is balanced.)
Explore: Begin video at 1:29-1:56.
4. Tell the students that they will investigate balanced and unbalanced forces. Hand out student page
and demonstrate how the pan balance seesaw works. Show students when the pans are empty, they Teacher Note: The engage phase is meant to be
balance out equally. Show students that when an object such as a jumbo paperclip is added to one brief and to raise an awareness of balanced and
tray, that tray (which now has a greater weight force acting on it) will dip down and the empty tray will unbalanced forces. Try not to give the students too
rise up. Show students that three equal sized paperclips in each pan of the balance will be balanced much background before viewing these videos.
and demonstrate balanced forces (net force is equal to zero). Refer to the seesaw teeter totter beam We want to see what prior knowledge and
as a “beam”. experience they have with forces before
5. Students should plan and carry out a brief investigation on balanced and unbalanced forces and draw a introducing the science core ideas.
model to explain the distinction between balanced and unbalanced forces.
6. Students should share their models and elaborate on the effect of balanced and unbalanced forces.
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7. When students are finished, have them discuss their findings.
8. Gather students together for a whole group share.
9. Read the forces book. Reinforce the concept that the arrows show both direction and magnitude. A
bigger arrow shows a stronger force (greater magnitude). A smaller arrow shows a weaker force
(smaller magnitude).
10. Ask students to explain the cause and effect relationship between forces acting on an object and
resulting motion of the object.
11. Discuss how objects at rest or in constant motion (and this can be difficult to demonstrate, like a puck
gliding - not speeding up, slowing down, nor changing direction - on ice or an air hockey table) have
balanced forces, or zero net force acting on them. Conversely, discuss how objects that change their Formative Assessment:
motion (speeding up or slowing down and/or changing direction) do so because the net force acting on Students design a model of their choice after they
them is unbalanced. learn about forces and motion and demonstrate
Evaluate: their understanding of balanced and unbalanced
12. The teacher displays student page one of the activity (Smartboard, document camera, chart). Teacher forces on an object at rest as a result of equal
will remind students of the read aloud and how the book used arrows to represent the strength and forces acting from different directions. They must
direction of forces (little arrow=little force, big arrow=big force). Discuss and assist students in demonstrate the cause and effect of force in terms
modeling the forces by using directional arrows of different sizes to represent the strength and direction of direction and strength. Students may provide a
of the applied forces. key to understand the symbols they use for
13. Give students the “Balanced and Unbalanced” student page. direction, strength and cause and effect.
14. Students will work in pairs to complete the last two questions. Discuss and share.
15. Teacher can also use the last two questions as an assessment.
Science Notebook: Keeping dated records of thoughts, observations and sketches is a common practice employed by scientists.
It is also a good way to keep an ongoing record of student understanding and can be used as a formative assessment tool for student learning.
Make sure students DATE each page of their notebook and consider recording the time if that information is valuable to the investigation.
Students can draw pictures of balanced and unbalanced objects and label the force using arrows (little/big).
Formative Assessments: Teacher observations throughout the investigation. Teachers can use the last two questions on the Balanced and Unbalanced student
Literacy Connections:
Vocabulary ELA Prompts
New or Recently Introduced Familiar Terms I know this object has balanced forces because …
balanced forces force I know this object has unbalanced forces because …
unbalanced forces magnitude
Zero net force
Differentiation: Below are some suggestions for modifying lessons for individuals or groups of students.
Challenge: Ask students to predict the motion of the pan balance if one (or Support: Allow students to practice using a pan balance with additional objects
more) paper clips are added to one side (or the other). (e.g., unifix cubes, dice, dominos, etc.)
Think Outside the Box: This section is designed to offer an extension or alternative lessons that may require materials that cannot be added to the Science 21 kits.

Reproducible Student Materials:

Student page: “Unbalanced and Balanced Force Models”, “Balanced and Unbalanced Forces”

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Name: Science 21: Forces and Interaction
Grade 3 Unit 1 - Lesson 2
Unbalanced and Balanced Force Models
Directions: In the boxes below, draw in the balance beam for the pan balances (the triangle is the base of the balance).
You will draw models of both balanced and unbalanced forces when a different number of objects (with THE SAME SIZE
and WEIGHT) are on each side. Use arrows to show which side has more force and the direction of that force.
Number of objects 1 Number of objects Number of objects 2 Number of objects
on the LEFT side on the RIGHT side on the LEFT side on the RIGHT side

Number of objects 3 Number of objects Number of objects 4 Number of objects
on the LEFT side on the RIGHT side on the LEFT side on the RIGHT side

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Sample Student model of balanced and unbalanced forces

Balanced forces Unbalanced forces

Students need to draw in the BEAM, and whether it is level

(equal, balanced forces) OR higher on one side than the
other (which side?) due to unbalanced weight forces.

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Science 21: Forces and Interaction
Name: Grade 3 Unit 1 - Lesson 2

Balanced and Unbalanced Forces

Directions: Look at each model. Decide whether each model shows moving or stationary forces, and whether it shows
zero net force or greater than zero net force.
Motion Model Net Force
Circle one:
Based on the arrows will the
model be: Zero net force (balanced force)

Moving or Stationary Greater than zero net force

(unbalanced force)

Circle one:
Based on the arrows will the
model be: Zero net force (balanced force)

Moving or Stationary Greater than zero net force

(unbalanced force)
Based on the arrows will the Circle one:
model be:
Zero net force (balanced force)
Moving or Stationary
Greater than zero net force
(unbalanced force)

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Draw a picture of 6 kids playing tug of war, where the net force is balanced. Use arrows to show
magnitude (size) and direction of force.

Draw a picture of 6 kids playing tug of war, where the net force is unbalanced. Use arrows to show
magnitude (size) and direction of force.

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Name: Teacher Reference Science 21: Forces and Interaction
Grade 3 Unit 1 - Lesson 2

Balanced and Unbalanced Forces

Directions: Look at each model. Decide whether each model shows moving or stationary forces, and whether it shows
zero net force or greater than zero net force.
Motion Model Net Force
Circle one:
Based on the arrows will the
model be: Zero net force (balanced force)

Moving or Stationary Greater than zero net force

(unbalanced force)

Circle one:
Based on the arrows will the
model be: Zero net force (balanced force)

Moving or Stationary Greater than zero net force

(unbalanced force)
Based on the arrows will the Circle one:
model be:
Zero net force (balanced force)
Moving or Stationary
Greater than zero net force
(unbalanced force)

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Draw a picture of 6 kids playing tug of war, where the force is balanced. Use arrows to show magnitude
and direction of force.

Answers will vary, but you may see three students on each side of the rope, pulling equally such that the
forces are balanced and there is a net zero force (no motion).

Draw a picture of 6 kids playing tug of war, where the force is unbalanced. Use arrows to show
magnitude and direction of force.

Answer will vary, but you may see larger students on one side of the rope, pulling harder than the smaller
students on the other side of the rope. Alternatively, you may see more of the students (4 vs. 2 or 5 vs. 1)
on one side of the rope, exerting unequal forces such that the students exerting less force will be pulled
or will move toward the other students who are exerting more force.

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LESSON 3: Traction and Friction Grade 3 Unit 1
Unit Driving Question: Do you have to apply a force to make an object move?
Teacher Background:
Lesson Overview:
Students plan and conduct investigations that demonstrate how friction is a force that can affect motion of object. A jar lid and a two-sided ramp are used to
demonstrate how friction can affect motion. Class discussion about how friction is used in everyday life. Students record data and share new learning about friction.

Simple friction definition must be addressed: Friction is a force that opposes motion.

Phenomenon: Video of students seated in a box and pulling themselves across a rug.

Potential Misconceptions:
Students may not realize that friction is a force at all. Even when objects appear to come to a stop without any resistance at all, it is still friction that causes them to
come to a stop.
Lesson Goals:
Objective: Students will plan and conduct an investigation using a two-sided board to demonstrate how friction can affect the motion of an object.
Learning Target: I can demonstrate how friction is a force that affects the motion of objects.
Standard Information
Performance Expectation 3-PS2-1. Plan and conduct an investigation to provide evidence of the effects of balanced and unbalanced forces on the
motion of an object.
Science and Engineering Practices Disciplinary Core Ideas Cross-Cutting Concepts
Planning and Carrying Out Investigations PS2.A: Forces and Motion Cause and Effect
Planning and carrying out investigations to answer questions or test Each force acts on one particular object and has Cause and effect relationships are
solutions to problems in 3–5 builds on K–2 experiences and both strength and a direction. An object at rest routinely identified.
progresses to include investigations that control variables and provide typically has multiple forces acting on it, but they
evidence to support explanations or design solutions. add to give zero net force on the object. Forces
 Plan and conduct an investigation collaboratively to produce data that do not sum to zero can cause changes in the
to serve as the basis for evidence, using fair tests in which object’s speed or direction of motion. (Boundary:
variables are controlled and the number of trials considered. Qualitative and conceptual, but not quantitative
addition of forces are used at this level.) (3-PS2-1)
Analyzing and Interpreting Data
Analyzing data in 3-5 builds on K-2 experiences and progresses to
introducing quantitative approaches to collecting data and conducting
multiple trials of qualitative observations.
 Analyze and interpret data to make sense of phenomena, using
logical reasoning, mathematics, and/or computation.
 Compare and contrast data collected by different groups in order
to discuss similarities and differences in their findings.

Engaging in Argument from Evidence

Engaging in argument from evidence in 3-5 builds on K-2 experiences
and progresses to critiquing the scientific explanations or solutions
proposed by peers by citing relevant evidence about the natural and
designed world.

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 Construct and/or support an argument with evidence, data, and/or
a model.

Obtaining, Evaluating, and Communicating Information

Obtaining, evaluating, and communicating information in 3-5 builds on
K-2 experiences and progresses to evaluating the merit and accuracy
of ideas and methods.
 Communicate scientific and/or technical information orally and/or
in written formats, including various forms of media as well as
tables, diagrams, and charts.
Lesson Preparation:
Materials: Group Size: Management:
Supplied in kit: Whole Group Students will work in Groups of Four for this lesson. Teacher should have groupings
 8 – Sandpaper strip prepared ahead of time.
 8 – 12” Ruler Groups of Four
 8 – Plastic petri dish lids Gather and/or have students bring in additional bottle caps, jar lids, plastic container lids,
 Masking tape etc.
Not supplied in kit:
 Student recording sheet
 Books or other means to create
an inclined plane for the board
 Other objects to slide down a
ramp (student choice)
 Pencils
 Markers
 chart paper
Lesson Plan:
Suggested Timing: Agenda:
8 min Engage: Review concepts, introduce friction, show video.
10 min Explore: Introduce & explain investigation, answer student questions about task expectations or content, and allow students to conduct
their investigations and record data on the student activity page.
5 min Explain: Students share results from their recording sheets and teacher charts what students learned through their investigations.
10 min Elaborate: Students repeat the investigation using different objects.
7 min Evaluate: Reflect on investigation and new learning.
Teaching Procedures: Teaching Notes
Engage: Prior to teaching this lesson, it may be helpful for
1. Gather students in the classroom meeting area. Remind students of the work they did in the previous teachers to try out the ramp investigation, to
lesson with balanced and unbalanced forces. Ask students “What is force?” “How do we know a anticipate issues that may arise during the lesson,
force is making an object move?” “What are some examples of forces?” (pulling, pushing, and troubleshoot as necessary.
2. Ask students to think about forces that can cause objects to slow down or stop moving. Guide students Our phenomenon video shows students in a
by asking them to think about a person sledding down a hill (“What makes the person stop?”) If no classroom pulling themselves across a rug in a
students use the term, introduce the word friction. box. Teacher should watch the whole video prior
3. Ask students to think about what they know about friction. Give them a moment to think, then have to the lesson, but know that you will only show a
students turn and talk about what they know or think. Allow 2-3 minutes for conversations, then call on brief clip to students in the Engage portion of the
PNW BOCES Science 21 Curriculum © 2018 G3 U1 May 2019 | P a g e 45
a few students to share out what they know. lesson. The full video is 3:31 long, but you will start
4. Show the phenomenon video, starting at timestamp 2:03 and stopping it at 2:35 (so as not to show the video at 2:03 and stop it at 2:35, then have a
results after conditions were changed). Ask your students to think about how the students in the video quick discussion about what the students in the
could reduce their friction. Have them think about what other materials could be placed under the box video might do to reduce friction. Only show the
or in place of the rug. Ask a few students (as time permits) to share out their thinking. remainder of the video (2:35-3:31) after your
Explore: students have conducted their own friction
5. Tell the students that today they will be conducting investigations of friction, to see how it is a force that investigations (wait until step 14).
can affect the motion of an object. Explain that they will use both sides of a piece of sandpaper
(supported beneath by a ruler) to see what will happen when a plastic lid is allowed to slide down the
board on each side.
6. Students will use a Fair Test method – with EITHER the ramp height OR the ramp surface (rough Optional video: BrainPop Forces
or smooth side of sandpaper) as the variable.
7. Students will record the different height data for each trial using the rough side of the sandpaper ramp,
and record how far each of their lids traveled; OR for one consistent ramp height, they will record data
from multiple trials of the jar lid sliding down each surface of the sandpaper ramp. Students must
record the unit of measure that they are using (centimeters/cm or inches/in.)
8. Show students the student activity page/ data recording sheet, and demonstrate how students will fill in
the table based on the results of their investigations. Allow time for students to ask questions. Pass out
the student pages.
9. Allow students to carry out the investigation as described on the student page. Teachers should
circulate the room during the investigations to provide support as necessary with this activity.
10. Students should also brainstorm ways the lid investigation could be differentiated by changing certain
factors, e.g. the height of the ramp, different lids, different surfaces, etc. They will get the opportunity to
test these out during the Elaborate portion of this lesson.
11. When investigation is concluded, have students put away materials, and bring their recording sheets
with them to the meeting area. Ask, “What did you learn during your investigations today?” Allow
a few minutes for students to communicate the information they found. Teacher should record student
learning on chart paper. (Save this chart for unit review in lessons 5 and 10.) This is a crucial step
because not all students explored the same variable initially (some did the different surfaces at one
height; others did the different heights for one (rough) surface). Students are comparing and
contrasting data that was collected by different groups in order to discuss similarities and differences in
their findings.
12. Ask students to explain why the two different surface materials they used in their investigations had an
effect on the way the lids moved. Elicit that different surfaces create different levels of friction. Insist
that students support their claims using evidence (data) from their investigation. Add any new student
learning to chart.
13. Have students repeat carrying out the investigation using different objects that they brought from home
or used from elsewhere in the classroom.
14. Show the completion of the phenomenon video (box on rug) from earlier (step 4). At the conclusion of
the video, ask students to compare and contrast the investigation in the video with the one they just
did. (Optional: Explain the Think Outside the Box activity to the class, so students can conduct their
own friction investigations at home.)
15. Friction is a force that affects the motion of objects. Ask them to give you a “fist to five” to indicate their

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understanding. Explain that students should hold up a fist (with no fingers showing) if they have no
understanding of the concept, hold up a hand with five fingers showing if they have strong
understanding, and 1, 2, 3, or 4 fingers to demonstrate the scale of understanding in between. Ask
several students (as time permits) to share their understandings about motion and forces from their
Science Notebook: Keeping dated records of thoughts, observations and sketches is a common practice employed by scientists.
It is also a good way to keep an ongoing record of student understanding and can be used as a formative assessment tool for student learning.
Make sure students DATE each page of their notebook and consider recording the time if that information is valuable to the investigation.
If students finish their investigations and student activity page before time allotted is up, they should create a model that represents the friction concepts they learned
today in their science notebook. In addition, they can create another investigation that could be conducted to test various materials and their effects on the motion of
objects, exploring the force of friction.

Formative Assessments: Teacher observations throughout the investigation.

Literacy Connections:
Vocabulary ELA Prompts
New or Recently Introduced Familiar Terms Friction is a force that can impact an object by…
Friction Force
Gravity Some questions I have about friction are…

Some other materials that may cause friction for a lid traveling down a ramp are…

Differentiation: Below are some suggestions for modifying lessons for individuals or groups of students.
Students who need support: Extension for students who need a challenge:
Students who need support with reading or writing tasks can have a partner or When investigation is complete, these students should use their Science Notebook
scribe help them complete the student activity page. to brainstorm other investigations that can be conducted to test the effects of
It may be helpful to have these students help with demonstrating the friction on the motion of objects, OR brainstorm ways the car investigation could be
investigation at the start of the lesson, to provide them an opportunity to differentiated by changing certain factors, e.g. the height of the ramp, size of the
practice the task before leaving the meeting area. car, etc. Students should write (and/or draw) their predictions for these
investigations/variable in their notebooks.

Think Outside the Box: This section is designed to offer an extension or alternative lessons that may require materials that cannot be added to the Science 21 kits.
Students can conduct their own friction investigations at home using toy cars or other materials. Have them set up a fair investigation, including a control, and create
a data recording sheet to collect data during their investigation. Then, they should reflect on what their investigation shows about friction. Allow students to share their
investigations with the class.
Take a look at the color image on the next page and ask students to brainstorm and consider other practical applications for friction (aside from slowing down or
stopping moving objects).
Reproducible Student Materials:
Student pages: “How Far Can You Go?”

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Name: Science 21: Forces and Interaction
Grade 3 Unit 1 - Lesson 3
Place the sandpaper on a ruler on a stack of books. Place the lid at the top of the ramp and release. (Be sure you always start the lid
in the SAME PLACE!) Place a piece of masking tape (with label) to mark where the lid stops. Use EITHER the Height Data Table OR
the Surface Data Table depending on the initial investigation you have chosen to do.

Height Data Table Surface Data Table

(using the rough side of the sandpaper) (using 3 books beneath your ramp)


Number of TRIAL your unit of TRIAL
Books NUMBER measure? NUMBER measure?
1 1

2 2 Smooth 2

3 3

1 1

3 2 Rough 2

3 3

4 2

Answer questions on the next page after all groups share their data.
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OPTIONAL INVESTIGATION: Try out your investigation using another object and record your data below:
Data Table (using 3 books beneath your ramp on the rough sandpaper side)

1. Explain how the change in HEIGHT of the board (the angle of incline) changed the forces that caused the lid to travel?

2. Explain how changing the SURFACE MATERIAL (surface friction) changes the forces that cause the lid to move differently?

3. Predict other materials that could INCREASE or DECREASE friction in this investigation.

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Name: TEACHER REFERENCE Science 21: Forces and Interaction
Grade 3 Unit 1 - Lesson 3
Place the sandpaper on a ruler on a stack of books. Place the lid at the top of the ramp and release. (Be sure you always start the lid
in the SAME PLACE!) Place a piece of masking tape (with label) to mark where the lid stops. Use EITHER the Height Data Table OR
the Surface Data Table depending on the initial investigation you have chosen to do.

Height Data Table Surface Data Table

(using the rough side of the sandpaper) (using 3 books beneath your ramp)

DISTANCE What is your DISTANCE What is your

Number of TRIAL unit of TRIAL
Books NUMBER measure? NUMBER measure?
1 1

2 2 Smooth 2 Answers will

vary but the
Must be
3 Answers will plastic lid
3 inches (in.)
vary but there should travel
1 should be an Must be in farther when on
1 centimeters
increase of inches (in.) the smooth side
3 2 distance or of the
Rough 2 sandpaper.
traveled as the centimeters
3 number of (cm)
1 increases.

4 2

Answer questions on the next page after all groups share their data.
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OPTIONAL INVESTIGATION: Try out your investigation using another object and record your data below:
Data Table (using 3 books beneath your ramp on the rough sandpaper side)
Answers will vary, but trial
2 distances should be fairly
consistent for each object.

1. Explain how the change in HEIGHT of the board (the angle of incline) changed the forces that caused the lid to travel?

The higher the board, the farther the lid traveled (less friction); the lower the board, the less the lid traveled.

2. Explain how changing the SURFACE MATERIAL (surface friction) changes the forces that cause the lid to move differently?

The lid traveled farther when the surface was smooth.

3. Predict other materials that could INCREASE or DECREASE friction in this investigation.

Rubber, sandpaper, something else with “grip” Ice, grease, some other smooth surface

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LESSON 4: Tick Tock Grade 3 Unit 1
Unit Driving Question: Do you have to apply a force to make an object move?
Teacher Background:
Lesson Overview:
In this lesson students will watch a video about the phenomenon of a tire swing moving back and forth to discover a pattern and predict its future motion.
Next the students are going to observe and construct a pendulum to make predictions about the motion of a pendulum, as well as measure the pendulum’s swing to
discover patterns. As an ending assessment, students will observe an image of children on a tire swing and predict its next direction of motion.

Examples: Jumping rope has a repetitive pattern that allows you to predict when to jump. A teeter-totter moves in a repetitive up and down motion. Patterns can be
used to predict how forces can act at a distance, how the properties of permanent magnets and electromagnets will work. In Lesson 6, students will investigate how
magnets make a pendulum move.

Ask the students to suggest more examples of repetitive motion or patterns of motion.

Simple pendulum definition must be addressed: A pendulum is a weight that hangs from a swinging rope, wire, or string.

Phenomenon: Students watch a video with children playing on a tire swing that moves back and forth.
Potential Misconceptions: Pendulums stop when no force is given. In fact, when a pendulum is set in motion it remains in motion.

Lesson Goals:
Objective: Students will observe a phenomenon using a pendulum, predict its outcomes, and measure the object’s outcome to discover a pattern.
Learning Target: I can predict the outcome of future motions using a pendulum.
I can discover a pattern of motions.
Standard Information
Performance Expectation 3-PS2-2. Make observations and/or measurements of an object’s motion to provide evidence that a pattern can be used to
predict future motion.
Science and Engineering Practices Disciplinary Core Ideas Cross-Cutting Concepts
Developing and Using Models PS2.A: Forces and Motion Cause and Effect
Modeling in 3–5 builds on K–2 experiences and progresses to building and revising The patterns of an object’s motion in  Cause and effect
simple models and using models to represent events and design solutions. various situations can be observed and relationships are
 Develop and/or use models to describe and/or predict phenomena. measured; when that past motion exhibits routinely identified.
 Develop a diagram or simple physical prototype to convey a proposed object, a regular pattern, future motion can be  Cause and effect
tool, or process. predicted from it. (Boundary: Technical relationships are
Planning and Carrying Out Investigations terms, such as magnitude, velocity, routinely identified,
Planning and carrying out investigations to answer questions or test solutions to momentum, and vector quantity, are not tested, and used to
problems in 3–5 builds on K–2 experiences and progresses to include investigations introduced at this level, but the concept explain change.
that control variables and provide evidence to support explanations or design that some quantities need both size and
solutions. direction to be described is developed.) Patterns
 Make observations and/or measurements to produce data to serve as the basis (3-PS2-2) Patterns of change can be used
for evidence for an explanation of a phenomenon or test a design solution. to make predictions.
Using Mathematics and Computational Thinking
Mathematical and computational thinking in 3-5 builds on K-2 experiences and
progresses to extending quantitative measurements to a variety of physical properties
and using computation and mathematics to analyze data and compare alternative
design solutions.
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 Describe, measure, estimate, and/or graph quantities (e.g., area, volume,
weight, time) to address scientific and engineering questions and problems.
Constructing Explanations and Designing Solutions
Constructing explanations and designing solutions in 3-5 builds on K-2 experiences
and progresses to the use of evidence in constructing explanations that specify
variables that describe and predict phenomena and in designing multiple solutions to
design problems.
 Use evidence (e.g., measurements, observations, patterns) to construct or
support an explanation or design a solution to a problem.
Lesson Preparation:
Materials: Group Size: Management:
Supplied in kit: Whole Group For this lesson you will conduct a demonstration of constructing a pendulum and conducting
 Roll of kite string an investigation to find a pattern to predict future motions.
 Roll of masking tape Pairs For each pendulum: 1 plumb bob (donut magnet), masking tape and kite string
 100 wire pipe cleaners Solo Each pair of students will need a Stop-Watch; you may use online timers from devices
 100 straws (iPads, tablets, or chrome books)
 15 donut magnets (“plumb bob”) Organize pairs of students
 14 Stop-Watches
Not supplied in kit: Note: to save time from your “science block”, you may wish to construct the pyramid frames
 Chart paper (Step 6 below) a day or so before. These same pyramid frames will be used in Lesson 6.
 Markers
Lesson Plan:
Suggested Timing: Agenda:
5 minutes Engage: Discussion about pendulums and view “Tire Swing Pendulum Demonstration” video
15 minutes Explore: Constructing a pendulum
3 minutes Explain: Student discussion about patterns
2 minutes Elaborate: Students test their predictions with their pendulums
5 minutes Evaluate: Replay the Tire Swing video, have students record their observations in their science notebook or on loose-leaf paper
Teaching Procedures: Teaching Notes
Engage: Pendulum - a weight that hangs from the end of a
1. On the Smartboard or a projector, display the tire swing image and ask students if there is any pattern rope, wire, or string. One end of the wire is
by which they can predict which way the tire swing will move. Students can think-pair-share with attached to a fixed point.
partners to predict outcomes. Call on a representative of each group to share out. Ask the students If a person pulls the “plumb bob” (donut magnet)
what they thought caused the tire swing to move? What was the effect of the tire swinging? back and lets go, the pendulum will swing freely.
2. As a whole group, explain to students what a pendulum is. Seat students in pairs, and have students
turn-and-talk about where they have seen a pendulum or if they have ever made a pendulum. Have Image tire swing found below.
students share out where they might have seen a pendulum before, or if they have ever made a
pendulum. You can support them by recording the students’ list of pendulums on chart paper or Tire Swing Pendulum Demonstration Video:
3. After students share out, play the video titled “Tire Swing Pendulum Demonstration” and watch as a
whole group. Play the video 3-4 times. Ask the students what patterns they noticed and what they Other videos that can be used to make predictions:
predict will happen next. Write down their ideas and predictions on chart paper or Smartboard. UKI - The Seesaw (Full Episode)
4. Prompt students with a question such as “What are different ways we can measure how the Kids on Swing at Outdoor Park (Hanging Seat)
pendulum swings to discover a pattern?” Students will record responses onto student page.
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5. Next, have students brainstorm ideas independently of how to make a pendulum. “What materials
would they need?” Students can write responses. Constructing the Pyramid:
6. Students will work in pairs to construct a pyramid out of 6 straws and 6 pipe cleaners.
a. Feed one pipe cleaner through each straw, leaving ~1” sticking out of each end of the straw.
b. Take three of the pipe cleaner/straw combinations and twist them together, forming a “teepee”.
c. Twist together two different pipe cleaner/straw combinations with one of the “base legs”.
d. The final pipe cleaner/straw combination should be twisted together with a different base leg
and the other end of a straw added in step c.
e. The final connection should be three loose ends that need to be twisted together.
7. Students will tie the donut magnet (“pendulum bob”) to the string, and attach the pendulum string to the
top of the “pyramid” with tape. They should measure the length of the string, and predict its direction,
comparing its movement with the standard length string with a shortened string to discover a pattern
while timing five cycles (“How much time does it take to go back and forth completely five a b
times?” “How will this change when the string is of a different length?”).
8. Introduce student page. On student page the students will measure the amount of time it takes for the
pendulum to swing back and forth five times, using a stopwatch (or online timer). They will repeat this
with the shortened string, then look at their data to sense any patterns and make predictions about
additional string lengths.
9. The teacher will give a short demonstration of timing five cycles of the pendulum (start the timer when
the pendulum is all the way to one side, with one student calling out “zero” and then stop the timer
when the student announces that the pendulum reached “five”). The teacher will demonstrate how to
record outcomes of measurements for two trials at each string length. Because of the mass of the
donut magnet (“plumb bob”), it may be necessary to put one finger on the pyramid to stabilize it.
10. Students will first explore swinging the pendulum back and forth.
11. After students had a chance to explore, students will start with finding a pattern in measuring how long
c d
it takes for the pendulum to swing five times. Assign 1 student as timer and data recorder, and 1
student to pull and observe how the plumb bob swings. Students should record data from each trial.
12. Next, students will shorten the length of the string, swing the pendulum five times again and measure
how long it takes, and now look for a pattern comparing this set of data to the previous set of data.
13. Students will analyze data within small groups about what patterns they notice. Students will record
their analysis of patterns on student page.
14. Students will discuss in their small groups how they can predict the direction of the pendulum’s motion
based on their observations.
15. Students should make predictions about the amount of time it would take the pendulum to swing five
cycles if their string was a different length (if their pyramid was taller or the pendulum was suspended
from the classroom ceiling). If time permits, students might investigate this and see if their predictions e
are correct. Prompt students “Is what you predicted correct? What patterns did you notice?”
16. Gather students back in whole group. Play video “Tire Swing Pendulum Demonstration.” Have students SAVE THE PYRAMID FRAMES FOR USE IN
make predictions on the direction the tire swing will move after the video ends. Have students construct LESSON 6
and write an explanation on how they know this in their Science Notebooks. Ask them to support their
predictions and claims on what they know, based on evidence (measurements & observations).
17. Have students model a pendulum and explain its future motions. Students will sketch the pendulum
and draw arrows to show the directions of future motions.

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Science Notebook: Keeping dated records of thoughts, observations and sketches is a common practice employed by scientists.
It is also a good way to keep an ongoing record of student understanding and can be used as a formative assessment tool for student learning.
Make sure students DATE each page of their notebook and consider recording the time if that information is valuable to the investigation.
Informal Assessment: Have students share what patterns they have discovered when the pendulum swings, and how they can predict its next direction and motion.
Formative Assessment: Use student sheet of a pendulum model with an explanation and arrows to assess what they learned about predicting future motions.
Literacy Connections:
Vocabulary ELA Prompts
New or Recently Introduced Familiar Terms My prediction is…..
Plumb bob Pattern
Pendulum Analyze One pattern the pendulum made/makes……….
Motion One place I know where a pendulum is………….
Differentiation: Below are some suggestions for modifying lessons for individuals or groups of students.
Students that need more of a challenge: Students that need more support:
Have students measure long pull/short pulls both front-to-back and side-to-side. Instead of using a measuring tape, use a large piece of graphing paper or use floor
Ask them what patterns they can determine. tiles, and have students count out boxes to measure.
Have students observe a Newton’s Cradle (these are inexpensive to purchase,
or you may show them in use on a YouTube video) to explore phenomenon and
construct explanations of direction and motion.
Think Outside the Box: This section is designed to offer an extension or alternative lessons that may require materials that cannot be added to the Science 21 kits.
Jumping rope has a repetitive pattern that allows you to predict when to jump. A teeter-totter moves in a repetitive up and down motion. Patterns can be used to
predict how electric forces can act at a distance, how the properties of permanent magnets and electromagnets will work. In Lesson 6 students will investigate how
magnets make a pendulum move.
Ask the students to suggest more examples of repetitive motion or patterns of motion.
Reproducible Student Materials:
Student pages or manipulatives needed for this lesson: “Patterns With A Pendulum”, “Pendulum Model”

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Name: Science 21: Forces and Interaction
Grade 3 Unit 1 - Lesson 4
Patterns with a Pendulum
Directions: Use this sheet to record your measurements using a pendulum. Then answer the questions following.
Long String Short String
Trial A (time for 5 complete cycles) Trial B (time for 5 complete cycles) Trial A (time for 5 complete cycles) Trial B (time for 5 complete cycles)

Seconds Seconds Seconds Seconds

1) Patterns found with long string pendulum:


2) Patterns found with short string pendulum:


3) Predict: What pattern do you think you would find with an even shorter pendulum string?


4) Predict: What pattern do you think you would find with an even longer pendulum string?


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Name: Science 21: Forces and Interaction
Grade 3 Unit 1 - Lesson 4
Pendulum Model
Directions: Below, draw a model of pendulum. Draw arrows to show and explain its future motions.


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Name: Teacher Reference Science 21: Forces and Interaction
Grade 3 Unit 1 - Lesson 4
Patterns with a Pendulum
Directions: Use this sheet to record your measurements using a pendulum. Then answer the questions following
Long String Short String
Trial A (time for 5 complete cycles) Trial B (time for 5 complete cycles) Trial A (time for 5 complete cycles) Trial B (time for 5 complete cycles)

Time for five cycles should be ~ 4.2 seconds using a 7” This depends on the actual length of the string, but it will be
string – it will vary based on actual pendulum length. less time. For a 5” string, ~ 3.6 seconds for five cycles.

1) Patterns found with long string pendulum:

ANSWERS WILL VARY – hopefully times were similar for both trials
2) Patterns found with short string pendulum:
ANSWERS WILL VARY – hopefully times were similar for both trials
3) Predict: What pattern do you think you would find with an even shorter pendulum string?
4) Predict: What pattern do you think you would find with an even longer pendulum string?

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LESSON 5: Modeling Balanced and Unbalanced Forces Grade 3 Unit 1
Unit Driving Question: Do you have to apply a force to make an object move?
Teacher Background:
Lesson Overview:
Teacher leads students in a review of the concepts learned in this unit in lessons 1-4 (balanced and unbalanced forces, making predictions based on patterns of
motion, scientific modeling). Students will work in pairs to complete a modeling assessment, in which they will create models to represent major concepts of force
and interaction, based on the evidence they gathered from their investigations and observations in the first part of the unit.

Phenomenon: Teacher will use a pan balance to launch a small object. Students will discuss and model balanced and unbalanced forces after the object is
Potential Misconceptions:
Students may confuse models with drawings or sketches. Students may believe that any representation is a model, but scientists use the term modeling specifically
when the representation is used as part of an explanation or to help students to understand an abstract concept.

Lesson Goals:
Objective: Students will be able to identify balanced and unbalanced forces on the motion of an object.
Students will be able to make predictions of an object’s future motion based on patterns.
Students will create models to demonstrate scientific concepts.
Learning Target: I can create models to demonstrate what I know about balanced and unbalanced forces and using patterns to predict motion.
Standard Information
Performance Expectation 3-PS2-1. Plan and conduct an investigation to provide evidence of the effects of balanced and unbalanced forces on the
motion of an object.
3-PS2-2. Make observations and/or measurements of an object’s motion to provide evidence that a pattern can be used to
predict future motion.
Science and Engineering Practices Disciplinary Core Ideas Cross-Cutting Concepts
Developing and Using Models PS2.A: Forces and Motion Cause and Effect
Modeling in 3–5 builds on K–2 experiences and progresses to  Each force acts on one particular object and has both  Cause and effect relationships
building and revising simple models and using models to strength and a direction. An object at rest typically has are routinely identified.
represent events and design solutions. multiple forces acting on it, but they add to give zero  Cause and effect relationships
 Develop and/use models to describe and/or predict net force on the object. Forces that do not sum to zero are routinely identified, tested,
phenomena can cause changes in the object’s speed or direction and used to explain change.
of motion. (Boundary: Qualitative and conceptual, but
Constructing Explanations and Designing Solutions not quantitative addition of forces are used at this Patterns
Constructing explanations and designing solutions in 3–5 builds level.) (3-PS2-1) Patterns of change can be used to
on K–2 experiences and progresses to the use of evidence in  The patterns of an object’s motion in various situations make predictions.
constructing explanations that specify variables that describe can be observed and measured; when that past
and predict phenomena and in designing multiple solutions to motion exhibits a regular pattern, future motion can be
design problems. predicted from it. (Boundary: Technical terms, such as
 Construct an explanation of observed relationships magnitude, velocity, momentum, and vector quantity,
 Use evidence (e.g., measurements, observations, are not introduced at this level, but the concept that
patterns) to construct or support an explanation or design some quantities need both size and direction to be
a solution to a problem. described is developed.) (3-PS2-2)

Lesson Preparation:
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Materials: Group Size: Management:
Supplied in kit: Whole Group Arrange student pairings ahead of time.
 8 Pan balances
Not supplied in kit: Pairs Display anchor charts from previous lessons (QFT chart from lesson 1, visuals created in
 Small plush animal or counting bear lessons 2, 3, 4) in this unit during the whole-class engage.
 Science notebooks or folders
 Student activity page (one per student)
 Anchor charts from lessons 1, 2, 3, and 4
 Chart paper
Lesson Plan:
Suggested Timing: Agenda:
10 min Engage: Launching an object (demonstration of unbalanced forces causing a change in motion)
20 min Explore: Student pairs complete student activity page
5 min Explain: Students explain how models help to understand and predict
4 min Elaborate: Reflection discussion on models as tools
1 min Evaluate: Student page serves as summative assessment from first four lessons
Teaching Procedures: Teaching Notes
Engage: This lesson is intended to be used as both an
1. Set up the pan balance with a plush animal or counting bear on one of the pans. Because of the overview of scientific modeling, and an assessment
unbalanced force of an object on one side, the pan will be down on that side, and up on the opposite of student understanding on the concepts
side. Ask students to make a prediction about what will happen if you apply a quick downward force on introduced in the first 4 lessons of Unit 1.
the pan that is currently up.
2. Allow think time for students, then ask them to turn and talk (“tell a neighbor”). After each student has If teachers prefer, they can choose to have
shared her/his idea with her/his neighbor (15-20 seconds), call on several students to share their students complete the student activity page
thinking with the whole group. Record student responses on chart paper or a projected computer independently instead of in pairs.
3. Push down rapidly on the upper pan and launch the object. Repeat once or twice as students observe Teachers should have multiple copies of the
the motion. differentiation sheet available, as many students at
4. Ask students to create a model that includes representations for the forces that can explain why the this point in the school year may benefit from a
object’s motion changed. Explain that models can be physical structures or they can be drawings or visual tool to aid them in recalling and using
sketches that scientists use in constructing explanations and communicating their ideas with others. scientific vocabulary and symbols.
Give them 3-5 minutes to create their models in their notebooks or on paper. Ask students to raise
their hands if they have an example that they would be willing to share with the class. Have these
students show their models to the teacher by turning their notebook or paper towards the teacher. Call
on 2-3 students who have solid, effective models drawn, and share these with the class.
5. Explain to the students that they will work together in pairs to analyze a picture (drawing, photograph,
or sketch) that shows a force and interaction concept they have learned, and use the picture to create a
model, using images, arrows and/or words to show direction, force, and strength.
6. Hold up the student activity page, or display on a document camera, so students can see what they will
be working on today. Briefly review directions, and allow time for students to ask questions about the
7. Assign student pairings, and distribute materials. Allow students 20 minutes to work on the student
8. After students have completed the student activity page, collect student pages and put away materials,
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and have students come to the meeting area. Ask for student volunteers to explain how the models
they created today will help others to understand the concepts of balanced and unbalanced forces, and
use patterns to predict future motion.
9. Ask students to think about why modeling is an important tool for scientists. Guide them to think about
how models show comprehensive concepts.
10. The student activity page can be used as a summative assessment of student understanding of the
concepts introduced in the first half of Unit 1.
Science Notebook: Keeping dated records of thoughts, observations and sketches is a common practice employed by scientists.
It is also a good way to keep an ongoing record of student understanding and can be used as a formative assessment tool for student learning.
Students refer back to their Science Notebooks or folders as a reference tool during the engagement portion of this lesson.

Formative Assessments: The student page can be used as a formative assessment of the student’s ability to identify and label forces of motion, and to create
models that represent these scientific concepts: balanced and unbalanced forces, and using patterns of a pendulum to predict future motion. Teachers can also
collect anecdotal data as they circulate the room during student work.

Literacy Connections:
Vocabulary ELA Prompts
New or Recently Introduced Familiar Terms A scientific model is used to…..
Visual representation Balanced force A model helps scientists and others share information and learn because…..
Scientific model Unbalanced force
Pan balance
Fulcrum/Fulcrum point
Differentiation: Below are some suggestions for modifying lessons for individuals or groups of students.
Students who may need more challenge: Students who may need more support:
These students should complete #4 (BONUS question) on the student activity Teacher should provide these students with the symbols and vocabulary page as
page during the science they complete the student activity page. This page includes symbols indicating
various force strengths and directions students can choose from and replicate in
their own work, and includes a vocabulary bank.
Think Outside the Box: This section is designed to offer an extension or alternative lessons that may require materials that cannot be added to the Science 21 kits.

Reproducible Student Materials:

Student pages or manipulatives needed for this lesson:
Student activity page

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Name: Science 21: Forces and Interaction
Grade 3 Unit 1 - Lesson 5
Modeling: Forces of Motion
Directions: Read each problem carefully. Work with your partner to label the pictures, and create models as directed.
1. Balanced forces:
A. Label the picture below with arrows to create a model that demonstrates relative strength and direction of balanced

B. Explain your model for balanced forces.

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2. Unbalanced forces:
A. Label the picture below with arrows to create a model that demonstrates relative strength and direction of unbalanced

B. Explain your model for unbalanced forces.

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3. Predict future motion:
A. Use the picture below to create a model that demonstrates how patterns of motion can predict future motion of an
object. Draw an arrow that indicates the direction of the future motion (an instant after this photo is taken).

(image screen captured from YouTube)

B. Explain your model for how the patterns of motion can predict the future motion of an object.

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4. BONUS QUESTION: Think of an object on a playground that shows BALANCED or UNBALANCED forces.
A. Draw a model of the playground object in motion. Add arrows that show the forces (with direction and relative strength)
on the object as it moves.

B. Explain how your model and why the forces are either balanced or unbalanced.

C. Explain how you know your model is an accurate representation of the forces on this object.

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Name: Teacher Reference Science 21: Forces and Interaction
Grade 3 Unit 1 - Lesson 5
POSSIBLE ANSWERS for Modeling Assessment: Forces of Motion

Directions: Read each problem carefully. Work with your partner to label the pictures, and create
models as directed.

1. Balanced forces:

a. Label the picture below with arrows to create a model that demonstrates relative strength and
direction of balanced forces.

b. Describe in words your model for balanced forces:

There are three children on each side, so I made arrows that are equal sized and facing
opposite ways (in the direction in which the children are pulling).

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2. Unbalanced forces

a. Label the picture below with arrows to create a model that demonstrates relative strength and
direction of unbalanced forces.

b. Describe in words your model for unbalanced forces:

There’s only one person pulling to the left, with a small force, against nine people pullling to the
right, with a large force. The forces aren’t balanced, so there will be motion to the right.

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3. Predict future motion:

a. Use the picture below to create a model that demonstrates how patterns of motion can predict
future motion of an object. Draw an arrow that indicates the direction of the future motion (an
instant after this photo is taken).

(image screen captured from YouTube)

b. Describe in words your model for how patterns of motion can predict future motion of an object:

Students may come up with any of the sets of arrows above (diagonal arrow downward to the
right; arrow to the right followed by arrow to the left; bi-directional curved arrow; or curved arrow
right followed by curved arrow left). The child on the swing is going to go down and to the right
an instant after this photo, assuming it was at the top of the swing on the left.

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Think of an object on a playground that shows BALANCED or UNBALANCED forces.

a. Draw a picture of the playground object in motion. Add arrows that show the forces (with
direction and relative strength) on the object as it moves.

Responses will vary, but should include a picture of playground equipment, with arrows scaled
indicating relative forces. For balanced forces, the arrows should be approximately equal size
and length. For unbalanced forces, the arrows should be unequal, with motion occurring in the
direction of the net force.

b. Describe in words your model and why the forces are either balanced or unbalanced.

Responses will vary, but should include a description of the individual forces and the net force
that causes an imbalance (unbalanced forces) and a resulting change in motion OR a net force
of zero, indicating balanced forces, and no change in motion (an object at rest will continue to
stay at rest).

c. Explain how you know your model is an accurate representation of the forces on this object.

Responses will vary, but should acknowledge that the student is aware of the individual forces
acting on the equipment. The student is able to represent those forces and is able to visually
demonstrate that the part of the playground equipment that changed motion was the part of the
equipment that did not have balanced forces acting, or had a non-zero net force, and the
direction of the resulting motion is explained by/ aligned with the direction of the net force.

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Symbols and Vocabulary

Use these symbols and words to help you create your models:

direction force balanced unbalanced pattern prediction

forced force

gravity friction pendulum zero net force motion

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LESSON 6: Unseen Forces Grade 3 Unit 1
Unit Driving Question: Do you have to apply a force to make an object move?
Teacher Background:
Lesson Overview: Students will learn that different kinds of magnets will exhibit differing cause and effect results. They will observe magnetic forces and
interactions through several teacher demonstrations of the pyramid magnet frame.
Teacher will assess students’ knowledge using a K, W, L chart. This lesson allows students to think about how magnets attract and repel, the north and south poles,
and the interaction of magnets and force as seen through teacher demonstration of the pyramid magnet frame. Students will predict then test whether various objects
will attract or not attract. This lesson is a primer for Lessons 8 and 9, where students will design an investigation that solves a problem involving force and motion,
including properties of magnets. There is a possibility that a student may include static electricity from their personal experience or after watching the video.
However, formal lessons on static electricity are not included in this unit.
Content background: Magnets are pieces of iron, steel, or ore that show the property of magnetism. That is, they can attract other pieces of iron or steel, cobalt or
nickel. Magnets have an area around them in which the magnet can exert a force to pull iron towards it. The magnetism of iron and steel is due to the arrangement of
iron atoms in the material. Cobalt and nickel also show magnetic properties, but they are much weaker than iron. Natural magnets occur in rocks called lodestones.
The sizes of the forces in each situation depend on the properties of the objects and their distances apart and, for forces between two magnets, on their orientation
relative to each other.
Phenomenon: Teacher demonstrates the pyramid magnet frame to the students. Students observe how the suspended magnet responds to magnets below it
(stationary or moving) and draft a model to demonstrate their understanding of the interacting forces.
Potential Misconceptions:
All metals are attracted to a magnet. In fact only some metals, such as iron, steel, cobalt and nickel show properties of magnetism.
All silver colored items are attracted to a magnet. In fact, the color of a metal does not affect magnetism.
All metal coins are magnetic. In fact, none of the US coins are magnetic (even the nickel, although some nickel metal objects do show properties of magnetism).
However, students from a different country that uses steel in their coins may have had a different personal experience, for example the 5p and 10p coins from the UK
minted since 2012 are magnetic.
All larger magnets are stronger than smaller magnets. In fact, magnetism is due to the arrangement of the iron atoms and density, not the size.
Lesson Goals:
Objective: Students will explore and investigate the different properties of magnets. Students will discuss the role of a magnet and the force the magnet
exerts on other objects.
Learning Target: I can see that magnets attract and repel. I can confirm or disprove my predictions using my findings. I can investigate the cause and effect
relationship and learn about the north and south poles.
Standard Information
Performance Expectation 3-PS2-3. Ask questions to determine cause and effect relationships of electric or magnetic interactions between two objects
not in contact with each other.
Science and Engineering Practices Disciplinary Core Ideas Cross-Cutting Concepts
Asking Questions and Defining Problems 3-PS2-3: Forces and Motion Cause and Effect
Asking questions and defining problems in grades 3-5 builds on grades K-2 experiences Electric and magnetic forces between a Cause and effect
and progresses to specifying qualitative relationships. pair of objects do not require that the relationships are routinely
 Ask questions that can be investigated based on patterns, such as cause and effect objects be in contact. The sizes of the identified, tested, and used
relationships forces in each situation depend on the to explain change
Developing and Using Models properties of the objects and their
Modeling in 3-5 builds on K-2 experiences and progresses to building and revising simple distances apart and, for forces between
models and using models to represent events and design solutions. two magnets, on their orientation
 Develop and/or use models to describe and/or predict phenomena. relative to each other
 Develop a diagram or simple physical prototype to convey a proposed object, tool, or
Constructing Explanations and Designing Solutions

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Constructing explanations and designing solutions in 3–5 builds on K–2 experiences and
progresses to the use of evidence in constructing explanations that specify variables that
describe and predict phenomena and in designing multiple solutions to design problems.
 Construct an explanation of observed relationships
 Use evidence (e.g., measurements, observations, patterns) to construct or support an
explanation or design a solution to a problem.

Lesson Preparation:
Materials: Group Size: Management:
Supplied in kit: Whole Group Students should be “paired” with a partner; arrange before lesson.
 Straw & wire “pyramid” from Lesson 4. Prepare K,W,L chart.
 47 donut magnets (5 for teacher demonstrations; 3 Pairs Students will turn and talk after each teacher demonstration.
per pair of students) *note: these 47 magnets are in Whole Group Read aloud suggestions are not required.
addition to 15 donut magnets suspended from Students will work in pairs to explore with magnets and materials.
pyramids frames from lesson 4
 15 #2 unsharpened pencils Students will run one piece (~7”) of masking tape along the side of the pencil so that
 1 roll of masking tape (1 piece about 18” long and they will be able to make marks on it. The longer piece (18”) of masking tape will be
another ~7” long) to wrap around the eraser end of the unsharpened pencil so that it will stop a donut
magnet from sliding off the pencil.
Not supplied in kit:
 Scissors (to cut kite string), crayons, other
materials to test
 Chart paper
 Markers
 Post-it notes
Lesson Plan:
Suggested Timing: Agenda:
5 minutes Engage: Magic Paper phenomenon with magnet hanging from pyramid frame
10 minutes Explore: Student exploration with magnets and objects using the Student Journal Page
5 minutes Explain: Students will process their results from the exploration about magnetic and non-magnetic materials through whole group discussion
10 minutes Elaborate: Demonstrate by using a pencil with 3 disc magnets to represent attractive and repulsive forces; view an electrostatics video
5 minutes Evaluate: Whole group discussion about unseen forces
Teaching Procedures: Teaching Notes
1. Teacher demonstration: Place the pyramid magnet frame (from Lesson 4) over a “magic” piece of
paper (one with a donut magnet hidden beneath it). Ask students to describe their observations and
construct an explanation for the phenomenon. Wait for student observations, discussion and
explanations before revealing the hidden donut magnet. Note: “magic” is intended to be playful, since
we do not attribute things to magic in science.
2. Prompt students, “What do magnets attract and what do they not attract?” Students should plan
and conduct a brief investigation around the classroom with a magnet to determine which objects in the
classroom respond to the magnet and which do not. Safety note: students may not test computer,
television, or cellphone screens with the magnets. Students should draft a preliminary operational Teacher prompts students to recall what they
definition of what magnetic means. already know about magnets and their relationship

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3. In their science journals, students should make a T-chart with “Objects attracted to magnet” and with objects. (The size of the forces and properties
“Objects NOT attracted to magnet” at the top. of the objects.)
4. Students should write their “initial thoughts” about what kinds of things are attracted to magnets.
5. Students should explore more magnet interactions by placing them onto a pencil. If students mention magnets push away (repel) or
a. Run a strip of tape along the pencil so that you can mark locations of each magnet. pull toward them (attract), encourage students to
b. Wrap the longer (18”) strip of tape repeatedly around the eraser end of the pencil in order to use the scientific terminology. Otherwise, during
prevent magnets from coming off that end. the Explain process emphasize the correct
c. Place one magnet on the pencil (to the tape end) and then explore adding 1 or 2 more vocabulary. This depends on your students’
magnets. experience with magnets.
d. Notice any differences in magnet positions when the pencil is held horizontally or vertically.
6. Prompt students, “What patterns did you notice when you explored the donut magnets on the
7. Facilitate a class discussion where the students create an explanation of magnetism. Magnetism is
defined as a repelling or attracting force between a magnet and a “ferromagnetic material” (iron, nickel,
cobalt). The students do not need to construct this definition of magnetism, but it should be close. If
the students say “all metals”, prompt them to try it out with other metals (e.g., aluminum, copper, zinc).
8. The teacher facilitates a discussion and prompts students through questioning about their observations
to acknowledge that magnets exert forces on one another while not in direct contact. They are not
expected to come up with the vocabulary term, magnetic field, but their observations should describe
this. They may also describe the concept that magnets have poles (that attract or repel one another),
although precise knowledge of North or South magnetic poles is not required. Also prompt students to
consider the effects of gravity and gravitational force.
9. Have students explore in pairs with their own pyramid magnet frame plus four additional donut
magnets. They should observe the effects of interactions between the magnets and try to determine
the cause of why the hanging magnet spins or wiggles or hangs at an angle rather than hanging
straight downward.
10. Show the electrostatics phenomenon video to demonstrate static charges. Have the students discuss Video link for electrostatics Phenomenon: Shows 9
the different examples of static forces in the video. Then apply that knowledge to come up with a list of different electrostatics quick demonstrations –
examples in their everyday lives (static cling on clothing, socks sticking to shirts, getting a shock when teacher should preview the video (5:38 long) and
you touch a doorknob, crawling on a rug and then touching someone and getting a shock, window decide if you want to show just a portion of it.
stickers that work by static cling – such as oil change reminders in car windows). The shock you feel is
the discharge/ transfer of electrons between you and the person that is touched. Stay focused on the
learning target here: electrostatic forces can attract and repel other objects without being in contact. Save the pyramid setups to use in Lesson 10
Evaluate: (performance assessment) as pendulums.
11. Facilitate a whole-group discussion with students about the three unseen forces that were experienced
in today’s lesson: magnetic forces, gravitational forces, and electrostatic forces.
Science Notebook: Keeping dated records of thoughts, observations and sketches is a common practice employed by scientists.
It is also a good way to keep an ongoing record of student understanding and can be used as a formative assessment tool for student learning.
Make sure students DATE each page of their notebook and consider recording the time if that information is valuable to the investigation.

Formative Assessments:

Literacy Connections:

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Suggested Read Alouds:
Bradley, Kimberly Brubaker. 2005. Forces Make Things Move Harper Collins.
Branley, Franklin. 2016. What Makes a Magnet? Harper Collins.
Vocabulary ELA Prompts
New or Recently Introduced Familiar Terms The donut magnet moves when…because…
Magnetic A magnetic force is greater when….
Non-magnetic I can move my magnet by…
Repel When I used my magnet testing materials, I noticed…
Attract A magnet will repel when…
North and South Poles A magnet will attract when…
Orientation I found…challenging because…
Differentiation: Below are some suggestions for modifying lessons for individuals or groups of students.
CHALLENGE: use two other magnets (not in contact with the suspended donut Modify student page to give an example of possible student responses
magnet) and get the suspended donut magnet to spin on its string. “What
happens when you double the magnets?”
Think Outside the Box: This section is designed to offer an extension or alternative lessons that may require materials that cannot be added to the Science 21 kits.
At home or in a classroom center you can put a bar magnet under a piece of paper and scatter iron filings (or paper clips) over the paper. Students can better
visualize a magnetic field through this activity.
Also for a classroom center, you can set up a “flying paper clip”. Tie a piece of thread to a small paper clip. Tape the other end of the thread to the top of an inverted
paper cup. Position a magnet on the table, just “out of reach” of the paper clip, so that the clip is suspended a small distance from the magnet. You may try inserting
a piece of cardboard or other object into the gap to see if it affects the magnetic force on the paper clip.
Reproducible Student Materials:
Student pages or manipulatives needed for this lesson:

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LESSON 7: Making Magnets Grade 3 Unit 1
Unit Driving Question: Do you have to apply a force to make an object move?
Teacher Background:
Lesson Overview: The teacher will talk about static electricity and give some real life examples. Show a video of salt and pepper investigation. This will represent
that electrons move from one atom to the next and electrons move by rubbing. The teacher will review magnets from the previous day’s lesson. Pairs of student will
construct an electromagnet and complete the student journal page. In this lesson, emphasize how the North and South Poles have a positive and negative charge.
Pairs of students will join another pair (a group of 4 students) to share their findings amongst each other. The teacher will choose several students to share with the
whole group to further develop a deeper understanding of electromagnets.

Static electricity is an electrical charge produced by friction. This will show how objects with different charges can attract and repel (++ or - - repel) (+- or -+ attract).
Magnetic forces attract only magnetic materials. While magnetized, temporary magnets act like permanent magnets. An iron nail with a coil of wire wrapped around it
connected to a battery becomes a magnet because an electric current is flowing through the coil. The teacher may want to preview how to make an electromagnet
prior to this lesson. Click on the link to view the directions How to Make an Electromagnet.

People use the power of magnets in many ways. Magnetism and electricity are closely related. In an electric generator, an electric current is set up in a coil of wire
that moves through a magnetic field. An electric current moving through a wire coil wrapped around an iron core produces magnetism. The close interrelationship
between magnetism and electricity has many applications.

By exploring magnets, students are introduced indirectly to the idea that there are forces that occur on Earth that cannot be seen. This idea can then be developed
into an understanding that objects, such as the Earth or electrically charged objects, can pull on other objects. It is important that students get a sense of electric and
magnetic force fields (as well as of gravity) and of some simple relations between magnetic and electric currents.

Phenomenon: Video of a large electromagnet lifting an engine at a scrap yard. Students will learn that electromagnets are a temporary magnet, in which the
magnetic field disappears when the circuit is broken. Students will learn the cause and effect relationship between the battery, the nail with the coil of copper wire,
and the connection the wire coated copper makes with the battery.
Potential Misconceptions:
The number of times the copper is coiled around the nail does not affect the strength of the electromagnet. In fact, the number of coils does make a difference, as
does how tightly the coils are wound around the nail or bolt.
The insulated (plastic coated) wire coiled around the nail or bolt must be made of copper. In fact, any coated wire will work. Bare wire will not work!
The size of the nail makes a difference in the strength of an electromagnet. In fact, the number of coils around the bolt, the strength of the current applied, and the
material are the main things that affect the strength of the electromagnet.
Electromagnets are permanent magnets. In fact, the magnetic forces dissipate when the switch is in the “off” position or the battery is no longer connected.
Lesson Goals:
Objective: Students will understand that electromagnets are temporary magnets and work only when electricity passes through the coil of wire.
Students will understand that objects with different charges can attract or repel (++ or - - repel) (+ - or -+ attract) each other.
Learning Target: I can understand how electromagnets work. I understand that static electricity is an electrical charge produced by friction, which allows
electrons to move from one object to another.
Standard Information
Performance Expectation 3-PS2-3. Ask questions to determine cause and effect relationships of electric or magnetic interactions between two objects
not in contact with each other.

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Science and Engineering Practices Disciplinary Core Ideas Cross-Cutting Concepts
Asking Questions and Defining Problems PS2.B: Types of Interactions Cause and Effect
Asking questions and defining problems in grades 3–5 builds on grades K–2 experiences Electric and magnetic forces Cause and effect relationships are
and progresses to specifying qualitative relationships. between a pair of objects do not routinely identified, tested, and used
 Ask questions that can be investigated based on patterns such as cause and effect require that the objects be in to explain change.
relationships. contact. The sizes of the forces
in each situation depend on the
Planning and Carrying Out Investigations properties of the objects and
Planning and carrying out investigations to answer questions or test solutions to problems their distances apart and, for
in 3–5 builds on K–2 experiences and progresses to include investigations that control forces between two magnets,
variables and provide evidence to support explanations or design solutions. on their orientation relative to
 Plan and conduct an investigation collaboratively to produce data to serve as the each other. (3-PS2-3)
basis for evidence, using fair tests in which variables are controlled and the number
of trials considered.
 Make observations and/or measurements to produce data to serve as the basis for
evidence for an explanation of a phenomenon or test a design solution.
Lesson Preparation:
Materials: Group Size: Management:
Supplied in kit: Whole Group
 1 D-cell battery (1.5Volt) Teacher will need to cut wire to 48” length and strip 1” at each end.
 1 battery holder Pairs
 4’ length of plastic coated, single Quads The teacher creates a class anchor chart in advance of the lesson. “What did you notice about the
strand, #18 gauge copper wire electromagnet?” Save the anchor chart for the final assessment in lesson 10.
Whole Group
 1 steel carriage bolt, 4” long
 14 small paperclips
 14 large paperclips
 14 small steel washers
 14 rulers (12”/ 30cm)
 14 donut magnets
 1 Wire stripper & cutter tool
 Roll of masking tape

Not supplied in kit:

 Chart paper
 Markers
 Student page “Electromagnets”
(in kit, copied by teacher)
 Student page “Do Objects NEED
to Touch for a Force to Move One
of the Objects?” (in kit, copied by
 Additional metal objects to try to
pick up using electromagnet

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Lesson Plan:
Suggested Timing: Agenda:
5 minutes Engage: Show video of electromagnet.
10 minutes Explore: Teacher demonstrates an electromagnet (some exploration with input from students).
5 minutes Explain: Group of 4 students will share responses to Electromagnets student page.
10 minutes Elaborate: Pairs of students conduct magnet investigation – forces at a distance.
5 minutes Evaluate: Final whole group discussion. Optional final 2-minute video on electromagnets.
Teaching Procedures: Teaching Notes
Engage: Video link for electromagnet Phenomenon: Shows an electromagnet
1. The teacher will transition from a discussion of electrostatic forces (video seen being used to lift objects in a junk yard. NOTE: STOP the video before
last class) to a discussion of electromagnetic forces, prompting students with the 0:40. There is a distracting bodily noise that occurs at 0:43 that you’d
following questions: How are electrostatic forces similar to magnetic forces best avoid.
that we explored in our previous lesson? What is a magnet? Can you make
a magnet? SAFETY NOTE: The batteries may get HOT since the wrapped
2. The teacher will say to the students, “Electromagnets are temporary magnets electromagnet wire is offering little to no resistance and effectively
that let us turn magnetic forces on and off by using electrical energy.” short-circuiting the battery. Please disconnect the battery (remove/
3. Ask students to speculate on why it is advantageous to turn the forces on and off, take wires apart) after the explore portion of the lesson, since it is
then show them the phenomenon video on the electromagnet. Play the video dangerous to leave the battery connected and unattended.
from the start and stop it at 0:35 minutes (35 seconds).
How to Make An Electromagnet
4. The following guiding questions will help students understand cause and effect
while the teacher demonstrates the electromagnet:
Are electromagnets attracted to the same things as a regular magnet? How
can we investigate this? Are there any differences between what the
permanent magnet and the electromagnet can do? Will electromagnets be
attracted to all metal things? Will electromagnets be attracted to other For greater understanding, open this link: How Electromagnets Work
[permanent] magnets?
5. Prompt students to ask questions about the demonstration. Sample responses In the image of an electromagnet linked below, the coated wiring is
may include: What happens to the electromagnet when we disconnect one of the coiled approximately 20 times around the bolt. The greater the number
wires from the battery? What’s the fewest turns of the wire that it take to pick up a of coils the stronger the magnet. The fewer the number of coils the
single paper clip? What happens if we add more turns to the electromagnet? weaker the magnet. If you are unsuccessful in creating the
Explain: electromagnet, try using a different battery, tightening the coils around
6. After students have completed the investigation, have two pairs join together the bolt, or increasing the number of coils of the coated wiring.
(forming a quad) to share their answers to the first two questions with each other.
7. After sharing, each quad of students writes one noticing on the class anchor Image of an Electromagnet with the North and South Poles
chart, “What did you notice about the electromagnet?”
8. Afterwards, gather the students in the meeting area and have two or three Electromagnet – What is It? For Kids
students share out their responses to the first two questions on the student sheet,
as well as asking new questions they would like to investigate.
9. Students should now explore magnetic attraction using the ruler, small and large
paper clips, a steel washer, a donut magnet, and at least one more metal object.
Show them how to place a paper clip at “0” on the ruler and slowly approach with
a magnet from 2” to 1” and closer, until the magnet causes the paper clip to
move, and record that distance on their page.

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10. Students should repeat this with their partner, using each of the provided
11. Students should complete the student page, “Do Objects NEED to touch for a
Force to Move One of the Objects?” and indicate how close their magnet needs to
be until the force is strong enough to cause another object to move.
12. OPTIONAL: The teacher may choose to close the lesson with this short two-
minute video summarizing the concept of electromagnetism: Electromagnet –
What is It? For Kids. Find the link at the end of the Teaching Notes.
13. Were students able to answer the BONUS question about forces not in contact?
Did they connect the magnetic and electromagnetic forces as well as the
electrostatic forces (from the video)? Did their responses acknowledge that these
forces act from a distance?
Science Notebook: Keeping dated records of thoughts, observations and sketches is a common practice employed by scientists.
It is also a good way to keep an ongoing record of student understanding and can be used as a formative assessment tool for student learning.
Make sure students DATE each page of their notebook and consider recording the time if that information is valuable to the investigation.
Formative Assessments: Teacher observation of students’ ability to create the electromagnet and the completion of the student page.
Literacy Connections:
Vocabulary ELA Prompts
New or Recently Introduced Familiar Terms An electromagnet is a …
Electromagnet Battery I can measure the strength of an electromagnet by …
Permanent magnet Copper
Temporary magnet Wrap
Differentiation: Below are some suggestions for modifying lessons for individuals or groups of students.
Students who need a challenge: Students who are in need of support:
Have a student or pairs of students explore: How do electromagnets work in Partner students who have difficulty with fine motor skills with a student who has
each of these devices: speaker, electric bell, relay, electric motor more dexterity.
Think Outside the Box: This section is designed to offer an extension or alternative lessons that may require materials that cannot be added to the Science 21 kits.
Very large electromagnets are being used in Germany and Japan to lift and drive trains called maglev trains. Maglev trains have no wheels. Instead, they use
magnets to run above special rails. The magnets actually lift the train above the rails. Because the train is not actually touching the rails, there is no friction. With no
friction, the train runs smoothly and very fast, up to 500 km/h (300 mph). To find out more about these trains, click on the link How Maglev Trains Work.
Students may build a model maglev train.
Students may try to conduct one of the electrostatics demonstrations (from the video) using simple household materials.
OPTIONAL (If you have access to Brainpop) additional Video link to explain electromagnets:
Reproducible Student Materials:
Student page “Electromagnets” (one per student)
Student page “Do Objects NEED to touch for a Force to Move One of the Objects?” (one per student)

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Name: Science 21: Forces and Interaction
Grade 3 Unit 1 - Lesson 7
Directions: Complete the questions below using a complete sentence. Remember to restate the question in your response.

1. Is an electromagnet a temporary or a permanent magnet? What makes you say this?

2. What objects can an electromagnet attract? How does this compare to a permanent magnet?

3. How can you measure the strength of an electromagnet? How can you make an electromagnet stronger?

4. What surprised you about the electromagnet demonstration? Be specific, and cite evidence from the demonstration.

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Name: Teacher Reference Science 21: Forces and Interaction
Grade 3 Unit 1 - Lesson 7
Directions: Complete the questions below using a complete sentence. Remember to restate the question in your response.

1. Is an electromagnet a temporary or a permanent magnet? What makes you say this?

It is a temporary magnet. It loses its force of attraction once the switch is turned off. Refrigerator
magnets (permanent magnets) are not turned off with a switch.

2. What objects can an electromagnet attract? How does this compare to a permanent magnet?

The electromagnet appears to attract the same kinds of metal (iron, steel) that a permanent magnet

3. How can you measure the strength of an electromagnet? How can you make an electromagnet stronger?

One way to measure its strength is to pick up certain objects (e.g. small paperclips) and compare
how many you can pick up. The electromagnet is stronger when there are more coils and they are
closer together, or if you use more batteries or a stronger battery.

4. What surprised you about the electromagnet demonstration? Be specific, and cite evidence from the demonstration.

Answers will vary, but look for students to include evidence from the teacher demonstration.

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Name: Science 21: How do Objects Attract and Repel?
Grade 3 Unit 1 - Lesson 7
Do Objects NEED to Touch for a Force to Move One of the Objects?
Directions: Investigate 3-4 objects and measure how far away the magnet is before the object starts to move (attract or repel). Make sure you
make three trials to get the best estimate of when the object starts to move. Circle your answer that is AVERAGE.
Object Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3

Do all the objects move at the same distance from the magnet? Yes or No

Do all the objects move in the same direction to the magnet? Yes or No
Predict what would happen if you had a stronger magnet. Would the force be stronger or weaker?

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BONUS: Construct an Explanation!
Explain the difference between forces that move objects that are in contact with each other and other forces that can move objects
but are NOT in contact with each other.

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Name: Teacher Reference Science 21: How do Objects Attract and Repel?
Grade 3 Unit 1 - Lesson 7
Do Objects NEED to Touch for a Force to Move One of the Objects?
Directions: Investigate 3-4 objects and measure how far away the magnet is before the object starts to move (attract or repel). Make sure you
make three trials to get the best estimate of when the object starts to move. Circle your answer that is AVERAGE.
Object Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3

Small paper clip 14 mm 14 mm 13 mm

Large paper clip 11 mm 10 mm 11 mm

Desk stapler (magnet moved; not
stapler) 1 mm 2 mm 2 mm

Do all the objects move at the same distance from the magnet? Yes or No

Do all the objects move in the same direction to the magnet? Yes or No

Predict what would happen if you had a stronger magnet. Would the force be stronger or weaker?

The force would be stronger if the magnet was stronger. It would pull the small objects from farther

away and make them move toward the magnet faster. Maybe the magnet would move toward the heavy

and larger objects faster, too.

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BONUS: Construct an Explanation!
Explain the difference between forces that move objects that are in contact with each other and other forces that can move objects
but are NOT in contact with each other.

Forces not in contact with one another are invisible, so we can’t see the forces, but we can feel

something when we hold two magnets or when we hold one magnet and a paper clip. The non-contact

forces act from a distance. This includes the magnets that we played with and the electrostatics that

we saw on the video – they work from a distance. Contact forces have to be touching. You can’t make

something move from a distance away.

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LESSON 8: Engineering with Magnets Grade 3 Unit 1
Unit Driving Question: Do you have to apply a force to make an object move?
Teacher Background:
Lesson Overview: An Engineering Design Mini Lesson:
This lesson is a perfect opportunity to provide students with the experience using the engineering design cycle. Students will be given time to design magnetic
devices that will address a real-world problem. In lesson 9, students will have an opportunity to evaluate the design they developed during this lesson and redesign it
to make improvements.
Students are given the design challenge of making the best “magnetic device” to solve a natural world problem presented through a series of scenarios. There are a
total of four scenarios, the first three are written to define the problem for the students. Scenario four provides the opportunity for students to present an independent
problem and develop a magnetic device to fix it. Students must brainstorm, design, measure (non-standard), redesign and record results on the student pages.
The designs will be recorded through drawings. The goal of this lesson is for students to explore the design process and think like an engineer to design a device
using magnets. Note: Students will struggle, and it important to set a supportive climate in your classroom where students can take creative risks.
Attempts that do not succeed should be celebrated as a F.A.I.L. – First Attempt In Learning.

Phenomenon: Magnets in Daily Life Video

Potential Misconceptions:

Lesson Goals:
Objective: Students will explore the use of magnets to define a problem and design a solution.
Learning Target: I can identify a problem that can be fixed using magnets. I can design a magnetic device to solve a problem.
Standard Information
Performance Expectation 3-PS2-4. Define a simple design problem that can be solved by applying scientific ideas about magnets.*
Science and Engineering Practices Disciplinary Core Ideas Cross-Cutting Concepts
Developing and Using Models PS2.B: Types of Interactions Interdependence of Science,
Modeling in 3-5 builds on K-2 experiences and progresses to  Electric and magnetic forces between a pair of Engineering, and Technology
building and revising simple models and using models to objects do not require that the objects be in Scientific discoveries about the
represent events and design solutions. contact. The sizes of the forces in each situation natural world can often lead to new
 Develop a diagram or simple physical prototype to convey depend on the properties of the objects and their and improved technologies, which are
a proposed object, tool, or process. distances apart and, for forces between two developed through the engineering
magnets, on their orientation relative to each design process.
Constructing Explanations and Designing Solutions other. (3-PS2-3)
Constructing explanations and designing solutions in 3-5 builds  Define a simple design problem that can be
on K-2 experiences and progresses to the use of evidence in solved by applying scientific ideas about
constructing explanations that specify variables that describe magnets. (3-PS2-4)
and predict phenomena and in designing multiple solutions to
design problems.
 Apply scientific ideas to solve design problems.

Obtaining, Evaluating, and Communicating Information

Obtaining, evaluating, and communicating information in 3–5
builds on K–2 experiences and progresses to evaluating the
merit and accuracy of ideas and methods.
 Communicate scientific and/or technical information
orally and/or in written formats, including various forms
of media as well as tables, diagrams, and charts.
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Lesson Preparation:
Materials: Group Size: Management:
Supplied in kit: Whole Group For this lesson, refer to the K-W-L anchor chart introduced in lesson 6. The “K” and the “W” have
 Scenarios poster been completed in lesson 6, be prepared to add what they have learned about magnets under the
 Design Process Model Poster Pairs “L”.
Not supplied in kit: Solo
 K-W-L Chart previously started in
lesson 6
 Chart paper or Smartboard
 Markers
Lesson Plan:
Suggested Timing: Agenda:
10 minutes Engage: Review student understanding about magnets and show the video about “Magnets in Daily Life”; introduce and explain the
Design Process Model Poster.
10 minutes Explore: Read through the scenarios with the students. Students work in pairs to select and design their magnet solutions.
8 minutes Explain: Students work in pairs to complete Design Process student page. Students add details, such as whether magnets should attract
or repel in their design, to their Design Process student sheet.
10 minutes Elaborate: Students work independently on the Design Magnetic Device student page [Note: This page is different from the Design
Process Magnetic Device student page.]
2 minutes Evaluate: As a whole class, review the students’ progress and tell them that they will present their solutions and look at the other
students’ designs in the next lesson, with an opportunity to redesign.
Teaching Procedures: Teaching Notes
Engage: Link to phenomenon video, “Magnets in my
1. As a whole group, gather students in the meeting area. Ask students to think of what they have house”:
learned about magnets and be ready to turn and talk to a partner. “Tell me what you know now
about magnets”. Think-pair-share with your partner. (Attract, repel, North Pole, South Pole, positive qY
charge, negative charge, force.) Teacher will chart student responses under the “L” of the K-W-L Student constructed definition of repel and attract.
anchor chart introduced in lesson 6. Teacher may support student conversations by providing
sentence frame “One thing I learned about magnets is…” Students identify a problem alone zone and then in
2. Once students have shared what they learned, state that magnets are used in our daily lives. Magnets groups (e.g., keeping two cars racing from touching
are used to solve problems around us. Ask students, “Where do we see magnets being used to each other; a train pulling a car behind it; closing a
solve problems in our daily lives?” Students can share with the whole class and teacher can record latch or door using magnetic forces), depending on
student responses (3-4 students). the specific materials provided.
3. Play video on “Magnets in my house”. Link found under Teaching Notes. Students will use CER [Claim Evidence Reasoning
4. Teacher states, “Scientists conduct investigations that help define problems in our daily lives. protocol] to make a claim (could be based on their
Engineers design solutions to fix those problems. Today we will be engineers. Put your engineer caps QFT too) with cause and effect
on (hand gesture), and we will begin to explore the process engineers go through.” Students make a CLAIM
5. Display and introduce the Design Process Model Poster. Teacher can read it aloud as students follow. I can solve the problem of ….by ……….
It is important to know that for the purpose of meeting the Performance Expectation in this lesson (3- and provide EVIDENCE
PS2-4. Define a simple design problem that can be solved by applying scientific ideas about What evidence of magnetic or static electricity
magnets), students will not complete stage 3 (Do it) or stage 4 (Test it). relationships of cause and effect help to support
6. After introducing the five steps in the Design Process Model, display the Scenarios Poster included in the claim?
the lesson. It is suggested that the teacher make a copy of this poster to provide each student They need to identify: What materials they will use;
(black/white copies). Whether their design is meant to repel or attract
7. Teacher will read each scenario aloud (teacher can project images). Direct students to select ONE of
the scenarios. It is important to know that the scenarios have been scaffolded in complexity, Scenario
PNW BOCES Science 21 Curriculum © 2018 G3 U1 May 2019 | P a g e 89
1 being the least challenging, and Scenario 4 being the most challenging. While students do have a (and how); and whether it is magnetic or static
choice, the teacher may guide their selection as needed. electricity.
Explore: Finally, students share their REASONING
8. Once students have selected a scenario to work with, it is recommended that students with the same What scientific ideas support this claim?
scenario be paired. Creating these partnerships, will provide them with the opportunity to have
conversations as they apply scientific ideas to solve a design problem and complete the “Design
Process Tool” student page.
9. Students will complete “Design Process Tool” student page. They may need to work in partnerships
and share ideas with one another. Remind students that they will not be constructing or testing their
designs during this lesson.
10. Teacher will circulate, make observations, and support students as needed. Remind students, “As
you complete the student page, it is important to include if your design is meant to have
magnets attract or repel.”
11. After they finish, students will share their “Design Process Tool” student page with a partner. They can
make revisions as needed, however, they are NOT redesigning. Students are still working on their
original design.
12. Arrange students to work independently. Distribute the “Model of Magnetic Devices” student page.
Students will model (draw and label) their magnetic devices. They will write an explanation of how
their device works and how it will solve the problem presented in their scenario. Provide students with
the prompt “I can solve the problem… by…” “My evidence would be…”
13. Review student progress. Look over student page, “Model of Magnetic Devices”, which students
worked on independently.
Science Notebook: Keeping dated records of thoughts, observations and sketches is a common practice employed by scientists.
It is also a good way to keep an ongoing record of student understanding and can be used as a formative assessment tool for student learning.
Make sure students DATE each page of their notebook and consider recording the time if that information is valuable to the investigation.

Formative Assessments: Students pages describing their solutions to the selected scenario

Literacy Connections:
Vocabulary ELA Prompts
New or Recently Introduced Familiar Terms One thing I learned about magnets is…
North Pole
South Pole
Magnetic field
Electric charge

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Differentiation: Below are some suggestions for modifying lessons for individuals or groups of students.
Students who need more of a challenge should be encouraged to select Students that need more support should be guided to a scenario that is more in
Scenario 4. keeping with their level of understanding/skill set.

Think Outside the Box: This section is designed to offer an extension or alternative lessons that may require materials that cannot be added to the Science 21 kits.

Reproducible Student Materials:

Student pages or manipulatives needed for this lesson: “Design Process Tool”, “Model of Magnetic Devices”, “Scenarios Poster” (black & white copy for each

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Name: Science 21: Forces and Interaction
Grade 3 Unit 1 - Lesson 8
Design Process Tool
Directions: After you have selected your scenario, complete the Design Process Model by starting with identifying the
problem. Follow the arrows to complete the process.

What problem are you trying to fix?

Explain it Brainstorm
Tell us about your project. How can we solve this problem?

Test it Do it
Does it work? How should I make it? (Include materials)

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Name: Science 21: Forces and Interaction
Grade 3 Unit 1 - Lesson 8
Model of Magnetic Devices
Directions: Draw and label a magnetic device that will fix the problem in the scenario you chose. Explain (next page)
how it will work.
 Scenario #__________
 I drew and labeled my
 I explained how it will work.
 I used scientific words
o Attract
o Repel
o Force

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Scenarios Poster
Scenario #1 Scenario #2

You just received a key for your home. It is an exciting

The meteorologist just announced that we are expecting
privilege to have a key, but also a big responsibility not to
high winds over the weekend. The gate in your backyard is
lose it. In order not to misplace your key, you were told to
broken and you have to find a way to keep it shut before it
attach it to the refrigerator door once you get home. You
gets too windy. You looked around your entire house and
looked all around your house and found magnets in
found magnets in different shapes, sizes, and strengths.
different shapes, sizes, and strengths. Design a magnetic
Design a magnetic device to attach to the gate that will
device to attach your key to the refrigerator door.
keep it shut and that can withstand very high winds.

Scenario #3 Scenario #4

Congratulations! You have been hired to run a recycling You have learned about magnets and their properties, it is
plant and they put you in charge of an important task. You clear that magnets attract and repel. Magnets come in
have to sort and separate valuable steel from aluminum different shapes, sizes, and strengths. Using all you know
cans. Unfortunately for you, the previous manager did not about magnets, identify any real-world problem you
know the difference between aluminum and steel. He choose and design a magnetic device that can fix that
piled the room with valuable steel products together with problem. Present your design by defining the problem it is
the less valuable aluminum cans. You must come up with a intended to fix. Then, explain how your device will fix the
method for separating and sorting the steel from the problem.
aluminum cans using magnets.

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LESSON 9: Feedback and the Design Process Grade 3 Unit 1
Unit Driving Question: Do you have to apply a force to make an object move?
Teacher Background:
Lesson Overview:
The teacher will review the Design Process Model, keeping in mind that students will not be completing the “Do It” and “Test It” steps. The teacher will explain the
expectations of the peer review evaluation sheet. Students will complete a gallery walk observing and providing written feedback on their peers’ drawings from
Lesson 8. Each student will provide feedback on the peer evaluation student journal page. Students will collect and read their feedback. Based upon the feedback,
students will redesign their magnetic device and share their new and improved drawing through turn and talk.

Phenomenon: The engineers, or students, provide written feedback to their peers about changing their magnetic device design.
Potential Misconceptions:

Lesson Goals:
Objective: Students will revise their magnetic devices based on the feedback from their peers and ability to solve the problem efficiently.
Learning Target: I will revise my magnetic device based on my classmates’ suggestions.
Standard Information
Performance Expectation 3-PS2-4. Define a simple design problem that can be solved by applying scientific ideas about magnets.*
Science and Engineering Practices Disciplinary Core Ideas Cross-Cutting Concepts
Asking Questions and Defining Problems PS2.B: Types of Interactions Cause and Effect
Asking questions and defining problems in grades 3-5 builds on grades K-2 experiences Electric and magnetic forces between a  Cause and effect
and progresses to specifying qualitative relationships. pair of objects do not require that the relationships are
 Define a simple problem that can be solved through the development of a new or objects be in contact. The sizes of the routinely identified.
improved object or tool forces in each situation depend on the  Cause and effect
Developing and Using Models properties of the objects and their relationships are
Modeling in 3-5 builds on K-2 experiences and progresses to building and revising simple distances apart and, for forces between routinely identified,
models and using models to represent events and design solutions. two magnets, on their orientation tested, and used to
 Identify limitations of models. relative to each other. (3-PS2-3), (3- explain change.
Planning and Carrying Out Investigations PS2-4)
Planning and carrying out investigations to answer questions or test solutions to problems
in 3-5 builds on K-2 experiences and progresses to include investigations that control
variables and provide evidence to support explanations or design solutions.
 Make observations and/or measurements to produce data to serve as the basis
for evidence for an explanation of a phenomenon or test a solution.
Engaging in Argument from Evidence
Engaging in argument from evidence in 3-5 builds on K-2 experiences and progresses to
critiquing the scientific explanations or solutions proposed by peers by citing relevant
evidence about eh natural and designed world.
 Respectfully provide and receive critiques from peers about a proposed
procedure, explanation, or model by citing relevant evidence and posing specific
Obtaining, Evaluating, and Communicating Information
Obtaining, evaluating, and communicating information in 3–5 builds on K–2 experiences
and progresses to evaluating the merit and accuracy of ideas and methods.
 Communicate scientific and/or technical information orally and/or in written
formats, including various forms of media as well as tables, diagrams, and charts.
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Lesson Preparation:
Materials: Group Size: Management
Not supplied in kit: Whole Group Should already have copies of the “Scenarios Poster” from Lesson 8; black & white copy for
 Copies of the scenarios from each student.
Lesson 8 Solo Make copies of the Peer evaluation sheets – back to back for each student.
 Copies of student journal pages Whole Group
 Completed student journal pages Pairs
and designs from Lesson 8
Lesson Plan:
Suggested Timing: Agenda:
5 minutes Engage: Introduce and review the expectations of the peer evaluation student journal page and the gallery walk.
12 minutes Explore: Students will complete three independent reviews for peers’ magnetic device designs through a gallery walk process.
10 minutes Explain: Students will receive peer feedback and have opportunity to ask clarifying questions.
8 minutes Elaborate: Students will revise original magnetic device design and complete student journal page, “Feedback and the Design Process”.
5 minutes Evaluate: Turn and talk to share students’ revised magnetic device designs.
Teaching Procedures: Teaching Notes
Engage: Teachers may want to view the protocol for the
1. The teacher will gather the students in the meeting area. The teacher will elicit from the students the gallery walk on page 14 on Engage NY, which can
steps in the Design Process Model (keeping in mind students are not completing the “Do It” and “Test be found by clicking this link Gallery Walk Protocol
It” steps in this lesson). from Engage NY.
2. The teacher will introduce the peer evaluation student journal page, which students will complete
during the gallery walk. (If you are unfamiliar with a gallery walk, please see the teaching notes.)
Explore: The Design Process Model is included in the
3. Students will independently review three of their peers’ magnetic device designs using the peer lesson plan. A copy of a student friendly design
evaluation sheet. They will identify limitations of peer’s design models. process model can be found in Lesson 8.
4. Students will return to their original magnetic device designs and read the feedback provided by their Set out students’ magnetic device designs and
peers. peer evaluation student journal page around the
5. Students will have the opportunity to ask any necessary clarifying questions. classroom.
6. Students will return to their desks and revise their design for their magnetic devices based upon their
peer feedback student evaluation journal page.
7. Students will complete and revise the design of their magnetic devices and the student journal page.
8. Students will complete the editing checklist, which will be used as a formative assessment. Teacher should partner up students for Turn and
Evaluate: Talk.
9. The students will gather in the meeting area, at which time the students will turn and talk with their
partner. Students will take turns presenting their revised magnetic devices. Students respectfully Link for “5 Minute Crafts” video with magnet use
provide and receive critiques from peers about a proposed model by citing relevant evidence and
posing specific questions.
10. OPTIONAL: Teacher may share portion (13:00-13:29) of “5 Minute Crafts” video showing several
helpful uses of magnets
Science Notebook: Keeping dated records of thoughts, observations and sketches is a common practice employed by scientists.
It is also a good way to keep an ongoing record of student understanding and can be used as a formative assessment tool for student learning.
Make sure students DATE each page of their notebook and consider recording the time if that information is valuable to the investigation.

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Formative Assessments:

Literacy Connections:
Vocabulary ELA Prompts
New or Recently Introduced Familiar Terms My classmate chose Scenario #___ and solved the problem by …
Positive I think that my classmate can improve his or her design by …
North Pole
South Pole
Magnetic field
Electric charge
Differentiation: Below are some suggestions for modifying lessons for individuals or groups of students.
Students who have more design experience may describe improvements and/or Students that have difficulty writing may illustrate their design improvements.
provide additional design suggestions
Think Outside the Box: This section is designed to offer an extension or alternative lessons that may require materials that cannot be added to the Science 21 kits.
Teachers may choose to provide the materials for students to create and test their designs.
Reproducible Student Materials:
“Scenarios Poster” for each student (already copied in Lesson 8)
Peer evaluation journal page
Student journal page: “Feedback and the Design Process”

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Peer Evaluator: ______________________ Peer Evaluator: ______________________ Peer Evaluator: ______________________

Scenario # __________________________ Scenario # __________________________ Scenario # __________________________

How well did your peer define the problem? How well did your peer define the problem? How well did your peer define the problem?

1--------------------------5---------------------------10 1--------------------------5---------------------------10 1--------------------------5---------------------------10

Write a clarifying question to your peer about Write a clarifying question to your peer about Write a clarifying question to your peer about
the problem statement. the problem statement. the problem statement.

Which Scientific idea(s) did your peer use? Which Scientific idea(s) did your peer use? Which Scientific idea(s) did your peer use?

1. Opposite magnetic poles attract. 1. Opposite magnetic poles attract. 1. Opposite magnetic poles attract.
2. Like magnetic poles repel. 2. Like magnetic poles repel. 2. Like magnetic poles repel.
3. Magnets attract steel and iron objects. 3. Magnets attract steel and iron objects. 3. Magnets attract steel and iron objects.

Provide evidence from your peer’s design for Provide evidence from your peer’s design for Provide evidence from your peer’s design for
the Scientific idea(s) you selected. the Scientific idea(s) you selected. the Scientific idea(s) you selected.

Identify one limitation of your peer’s model, Identify one limitation of your peer’s model, Identify one limitation of your peer’s model,
and make one suggestion to improve the and make one suggestion to improve the and make one suggestion to improve the
design. Write or draw the improvement on the design. Write or draw the improvement on the design. Write or draw the improvement on the
back of this sheet. back of this sheet. back of this sheet.

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Name: Science 21: Forces and Interaction
Grade 3 Unit 1 - Lesson 9

Editing Checklist - After you have completed your work, check off each requirement you completed.
 Check Requirement

Did you provide feedback to your peer?

Did you use most of the space in the box to illustrate your design?

Did you label your magnetic device design using scientific vocabulary and symbols?
(Remember to use the K, W, L chart to help you.)

Did you use peer feedback in the redesign of your illustration?

Did you elaborate on your explanation?

Did you use proper punctuation?

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Name: Science 21: Forces and Interaction
Grade 3 Unit 1 - Lesson 9
Feedback and the Design Process
Directions: Answer the questions below using a complete sentence. Remember to restate the question in your response.

1. Redesign your drawing based on peer feedback. Remember to label your illustrations, use scientific vocabulary, and

2. How did the feedback you received from your peers make a difference in the design process?





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LESSON 10: Forces and Interactions Grade 3 Unit 1
Unit Driving Question: Do you have to apply a force to make an object move?
Teacher Background:
Lesson Overview:
Teacher facilitates whole class review on concepts taught in this unit. Students work in pairs to complete the end of unit performance assessment.

Summative Assessment:
Student assessment sheet
Scoring: Rubric

Phenomenon: An object’s motion is affected by force.

Potential Misconceptions:
Some students will believe force and energy are the same thing. In fact, once an object is in motion, the energy that was used to initiate the motion is irrelevant.
Students may believe that a force needs to continually be applied to make an object move. In fact, objects do not stop moving because of a lack of force, but rather
because different forces are being applied – friction & gravity.
Students may believe that, when an object is at rest, no forces are acting on it. In fact, even when an object is at rest, the force of gravity is always pulling it toward
the earth’s center.
Lesson Goals:
Objective: Students will demonstrate their knowledge of forces and interactions by planning and conducting investigations, designing models, and
explaining their understanding.
Learning Target: I can show what I know about balanced and unbalanced forces, patterns of motion, and magnetic forces.
Standard Information
Performance Expectation 3-PS2-1. Plan and conduct an investigation to provide evidence of the effects of balanced and unbalanced forces on the
motion of an object.
3-PS2-2. Make observations and/or measurements of an object’s motion to provide evidence that a pattern can be used to
predict future motion
3-PS2-3. Ask questions to determine cause and effect relationships of electric or magnetic interactions between two objects
not in contact with each other.
3-PS2-4. Define a simple design problem that can be solved by applying scientific ideas about magnets.*
Science and Engineering Practices Disciplinary Core Ideas Cross-Cutting Concepts
Asking Questions and Defining Problems PS2.A: Forces and Motion Cause and Effect
Asking questions and defining problems in grades 3-5 builds on  Each force acts on one particular object Cause and effect relationships are
grades K-2 experiences and progresses to specifying qualitative and has both strength and a direction. An routinely identified, tested, and used to
relationships. object at rest typically has multiple forces explain change.
 Ask questions that can be investigated based on patterns acting on it, but they add to give zero net
such as cause and effect relationships force on the object. Forces that do not sum Patterns
 Define a simple problem that can be solved through the to zero can cause changes in the object’s Patterns of change can be used to make
development of a new or improved object or tool speed or direction of motion. (Boundary: predictions
Qualitative and conceptual, but not
Planning and Carrying Out Investigations quantitative addition of forces are used at
Planning and carrying out investigations to answer questions or this level.) (3-PS2-1)
test solutions to problems in 3-5 builds on K-2 experiences and  The patterns of an object’s motion in
progresses to include investigations that control variables and various situations can be observed and
provide evidence to support explanations or design solutions. measured; when that past motion exhibits

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 Plan and conduct an investigation collaboratively to produce a regular pattern, future motion can be
data to serve as the basis for evidence, using fair tests in predicted from it. (Boundary: Technical
which variables are controlled and the number of trials terms, such as magnitude, velocity,
considered. momentum, and vector quantity, are not
 Make observations and/or measurements to produce data to introduced at this level, but the concept
serve as the basis for evidence for an explanation of a that some quantities need both size and
phenomenon or test a solution direction to be described is developed.) (3-
Obtaining, Evaluating, and Communicating Information PS2.B: Types of Interactions
Obtaining, evaluating, and communicating information in 3–5  Electric and magnetic forces between a
builds on K–2 experiences and progresses to evaluating the merit pair of objects do not require that the
and accuracy of ideas and methods. objects be in contact. The sizes of the
 Communicate scientific and/or technical information orally forces in each situation depend on the
and/or in written formats, including various forms of media as properties of the objects and their
well as tables, diagrams, and charts. distances apart and, for forces between
two magnets, on their orientation relative to
each other. (3-PS2-3) (3-PS2-4)
Lesson Preparation:
Materials: Group Size: Management:
Supplied in kit: Whole Group Before the lesson, form student pairs for assessment. Students will work in these pairs to
 Boxes of paper clips (standard conduct investigations and record their work.
and Jumbo) (6 of each paperclip Pairs
per pair) Prior to assessment, set up stations throughout classroom (one per student or student pair),
 8 Pan balances including all materials (from lessons 1-9) at each station:
 Pyramid pendulum stand (from Balanced & unbalanced forces: pan balances and paper clips from lesson 2
lessons 4 & 6) Patterns & predictions: pendulum setup (pyramid stand from lessons 4 & 6)
 28 donut magnets Magnetism: 2 donut magnets
 Masking tape
Not supplied in kit: Have anchor charts and other visuals from previous lessons in this unit readily available for
 Assessment page (1 per student) class conversation.
 Rubric for assessments Print assessment packet, 4 sheets back to back, 1 per student.
Lesson Plan:
Suggested Timing: Agenda:
5 minutes Engage: Whole class review and partner discussions about what was learned in lessons 1-9; review expectations for the assessment.
25 minutes Explore: Students complete assessment tasks and assessment recording sheet independently or in pairs (teacher choice).
8 minutes Explain: Students draft procedural steps and sketch models.
5 minutes Elaborate: Students communicate their predictions.
2 minutes Evaluate: Teacher collects and evaluates assessment page using Forces & Interactions Rubric.
Teaching Procedures: Teaching Notes
1. Gather students in the meeting area. Refer to anchor charts and other materials created during the The student assessment in this lesson is
unit, and review the core ideas introduced throughout this unit, including balanced and unbalanced performance-based. There are enough materials
forces, the use of an object’s motion to provide evidence that a pattern can be used to predict provided in the Science kit for students to work in
future motion, and the cause and effect relationships of electric or magnetic interactions between pairs. Teachers can choose to have students
two objects not in contact with each other. (*Optional: During this review time, students can bring complete the assessment in pairs, or, alternatively,
PNW BOCES Science 21 Curriculum © 2018 G3 U1 May 2019 | P a g e 106
their Science Notebooks with them to the meeting area, to use as reference for the review can have half the class work on the assessment
discussions.) independently, while the rest of the class engages
2. Pose questions such as “What have we learned about balanced and unbalanced forces?” and in another quiet activity (e.g. silent reading).
“How can observing a pendulum swing help us to predict future motion of the pendulum?”
Have students turn to a partner to discuss their understanding. After each question, ask students to The rubric can be used to identify performance
share out their learning with the whole class. criteria ahead of student completion of the
3. Ask students to recall what they have learned about conducting investigations. Guide them to recall assessment.
that investigations are designed to find or learn new information, and can include developing
projects or experiments, research, reading about a topic, etc. Teacher may choose to allow students to refer to
Explore: their Science Notebooks during the review.
4. Tell students that they will conduct several investigations today in pairs (or individually; see
Teaching notes), without support from a teacher, to demonstrate their understanding of the
concepts related to forces and interaction that they have learned in this unit. Display the student
assessment pages on a document camera or other projector, so students can follow along as you
explain the directions and steps students will take on the assessment.
5. Show students the materials that will be available to them during the assessment, including a pan
balance and paper clips, a pendulum, and magnets. Allow time for students to ask questions about
the materials or tasks.
6. Assign students or student pairs to stations, and distribute assessments to each student.
7. Students will write out their investigation procedure, sketch a model for balanced & unbalanced
forces on a pan balance, describe observations, sketch a model for a pendulum, describe
predictions, sketch a model for magnets that attract and repel, share a question about magnets,
and propose an investigation to answer their question.
8. Students will communicate their predictions about the pendulum, and they will provide detailed
procedures for the given magnet question and a bonus design solution involving a magnet.
9. During the assessment, teacher will circulate through the room to provide guidance where needed
and maintain classroom management.
10. Collect anecdotal data while students work on assessment tasks. Collect and evaluate assessment
page using the Forces & Interactions Rubric as summative feedback of understanding of the Unit 1
Science Notebook:
(Optional) Students can use Science Notebooks at the beginning of the lesson, as reference for the unit review discussions.

Summative Assessment: Students complete the Student Assessment page as they work independently or in partnerships to complete a series of hands-on tasks.

Literacy Connections:
Vocabulary ELA Prompts
New or Recently Introduced Familiar Terms None
Pan balance
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Differentiation: Below are some suggestions for modifying lessons for individuals or groups of students.
Students who benefit from enrichment: Students who need more support:
Assessment question 4 (BONUS question) can be mandatory for these This assessment is not intended to evaluate students’ reading, writing, or drawing
students. abilities. Therefore, teachers can provide support in reading directions or tasks to
or scribing for students who need it. Teachers can also provide the symbols &
vocabulary page as needed for students who would benefit from a visual guide to
symbols and vocabulary introduced & used in this unit.

Think Outside the Box: This section is designed to offer an extension or alternative lessons that may require materials that cannot be added to the Science 21 kits.

Reproducible Student Materials:

Student pages or manipulatives needed for this lesson: “Force & Interactions Performance Assessment” student sheets (packet of four sheets per student), Symbols
& Vocabulary Page (as needed to support students). [Teacher also needs copies of “Rubric” to evaluate each student.]


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Name: Science 21: Forces and Interaction
Grade 3 Unit 1 - Lesson 10
Force & Interactions Performance Assessment
Directions: Read each problem carefully. Use the space to write and draw your responses and models.

1. Using a pan balance and paper clips or other objects, plan an investigation that demonstrates
balanced or unbalanced forces. Write the steps of your investigation and draw a model.
Remember to include arrows and/or words, demonstrating forces and direction.

Investigation Procedures Model

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2. Observe a pendulum. Describe the pattern of motion of the pendulum. Draw a model of the
motion. Decribe how you can use the motion of the pendulum to predict the future motion.

Description of Motion & Prediction Model

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3. Use two magnets. Describe or draw one set of magnets that repel each other. Then, describe or
draw another set of magnets showing them attract one another. Ask a question that you have
about the cause and effect relationship between the magnets in one of the sets. Describe a type
of investigation that you could do to answer your question.
Model 1: REPEL Model 2: ATTRACT




Investigation: ______________________________________________________________________________________



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4. BONUS TASK (optional): Define a simple problem that could be solved by using the ideas you
learned about magnets. Describe what you could develop to solve this problem. Draw a model to
demonstrate how your solution would solve the problem.


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Name: ANSWER KEY Science 21: Forces and Interaction
Grade 3 Unit 1 - Lesson 10
Force & Interactions Performance Assessment
Directions: Read each problem carefully. Use the space to write and draw your responses and models.

1. Using a pan balance and paper clips or other objects, plan an investigation that demonstrates
balanced or unbalanced forces. Write the steps of your investigation and draw a model.
Remember to include arrows and/or words, demonstrating forces and direction.

Investigation Procedures Model

Responses will vary. For a balanced Students should sketch a seesaw

forces investigation, students should like model with arrows indicating
suggest an equal number of paperclips forces. The arrows should be equal
on each side of the pan balance. For sized for the balanced forces
an unbalanced forces investigation, investigation. The arrow should be
students should suggest more larger on one side (the side with
paperclips be on one side of the pan more paperclips) for the
balance. unbalanced forces investigation.

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2. Observe a pendulum. Describe the pattern of motion of the pendulum. Draw a model of the
motion. Decribe how you can use the motion of the pendulum to predict the future motion.

Description of Motion & Prediction Model

Students should include the words Models should include arrows to

“cycle” or “repeats” or “continues” to indicate both the direction of forces
indicate that the pendulum continues and motion. Arrows may be drawn
to swing back and forth, reaching left and right or curved.
approximately the same height on
each side each time it swings back.
They may also include their new
knowledge that the shorter the length
of the pendulum, the shorter the time
period to complete each cycle.
In terms of predictions, the pendulum
will swing to one side, slow down,
stop momentarily, and then swing
back the other way, reaching
approximately the same height on
the other side.

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3. Use two magnets. Describe or draw one set of magnets that repel each other. Then, describe or
draw another set of magnets showing them attract one another. Ask a question that you have
about the cause and effect relationship between the magnets in one of the sets. Describe a type
of investigation that you could do to answer your question.
Model 1: REPEL Model 2: ATTRACT


This set of magnets will repel each other This set of magnets will attract each
because they have like poles next to other because they have unlike poles
each other (south and south). next to each other (south and north).

Question: Responses will vary. Here is one example:

“From how far away do magnets repel each other?”

Investigation: Responses will vary, based on the question posed.

Look for students to explicitly identify what will be measured and how.
Here is one example:
1. Place a ruler on the table.
2. Place one magnet at 2” and slide the other magnet toward it from the opposite
end of the ruler, until you can feel a force repelling the magnet you’re holding or
until the magnet sitting next to the ruler moves or shudders.
3. Subtract 2” from the reading on the ruler to get the distance between magnets.
4. Repeat for two more trials.
5. Switch poles of the magnets (if you had north-north facing, now try south-south).
6. Repeat for three trials.

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4. BONUS TASK (optional): Define a simple problem that could be solved by using the ideas you
learned about magnets. Describe what you could develop to solve this problem. Draw a model to
demonstrate how your solution would solve the problem.

Responses will vary. Here is one example:

I often lose the living room TV remote controller.
I could use magnets to find it and to keep it secure.
I could glue a magnet to the back of the remote controller.
I could use a string and a strong magnet to pass over the pillows,
blankets, and sofa cushions, because I know that magnets are
attracted or repelled by other magnets, so the remote would
either jump toward the string and magnet or it would flinch away.


remote control magnet on a string

with magnet glued
on the back of it

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Symbols & Vocabulary Sheet

Use these symbols and words to help you create your models:

direction force balanced unbalanced pattern prediction

forced force

magnitude gravity interaction momentum friction magnet

magnetism electromagnetism attract repel pendulum

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Name: Science 21: Forces and Interaction
Grade 3 Unit 1 - Lesson 10
Rubric for Unit 1 Lesson 10
Dimensions 1 – Not Yet 2 – Almost there 3 – You’ve got it! 4 – Bravo
Student plans Student does not list Student lists 2 procedure Student lists 3-4 Student lists at least 4
investigation and investigation steps in order, or 3 or procedure steps in procedural steps for
designs model procedures or lists only more steps that are out proper sequence. investigation, in order
demonstrating one step. of sequence. Student draws model and with proper writing
balanced and Student does not draw Student attempts model that demonstrates conventions.
unbalanced forces. model or attempted but drawing is understanding of Student draws accurate
drawing does not incomplete. concept. model, labeled with
resemble concept. Model is labeled with arrows and words.
arrows or words.
Students describes Student does not Student description of Student description of Description of motion
motion of pattern of describe motion of motion is incomplete. motion is accurate. pattern is accurate and
pendulum, draws model pendulum or description Student attempts model Model is accurate and includes evidence
of motion, and is inaccurate. Student but drawing is complete, with labels. details.
describes how motion does not draw model or incomplete. Prediction is correct. Model is accurate and
can predict future model does not Student predication is labeled with words and
motion. resemble concept. incomplete. arrows.
Student does not Prediction is correct and
describe how pattern includes accurate
can predict future evidence.
motion or information is
Student draws models Student does not draw Student draws/labels 1 Student draws 2 models Student draws 2 models
demonstrating models or models do or more models accurately. accurately, and with
magnetic attraction not demonstrate inaccurately. Student asks 2 questions correct labels & arrows.
and repulsion, asks 2 concept. Students asks 1 question that relate to Student asks 2 questions
questions, and Student does not write related to magnetism. magnetism. in complete sentences,
describes investigation any questions, or Student attempts to Student gives basic using proper writing
that could answer 1 questions are not explain investigation. explanation of conventions.
question. related to magnetism. investigation to answer Student describes
Student does not 1 question. investigation in detail.
describe investigation.

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TOTAL SCORE (out of 12): __________
Score Range Student Performance
3-4 Below standard (needing support/ intervention)
5-7 Approaching standard
8-10 Meeting standard
11-12 Exceeding standard

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Appendix A: Grade 3 Unit 1 Deep Core Idea a single macroscopic object of a given mass due to the total force on
it. But at speeds close to the speed of light, the second law is not
Review applicable without modification. Nor does it apply to objects at the
molecular, atomic, and subatomic scales, or to an object whose mass
Below you will find the content details adapted from the source
is changing at the same time as its speed.
document, A Framework for K-12 Science Education: Practices, An understanding of the forces between objects is important for
Crosscutting Concepts and Core Ideas (National Research Council, describing how their motions change, as well as for predicting stability
2012). Washington DC: National Academies Press. *Not all
or instability in systems at any scale.
disciplinary core ideas are addressed at each grade level. The
For speeds that are small compared with the speed of light, the
expectation is that all of the core ideas are addressed in the
momentum of an object is defined as its mass times its velocity. For
progressions across the K-12 curriculum. any system of interacting objects, the total momentum within the
system changes only due to transfer of momentum into or out of the
PS2 Motion and Stability: Forces and Interactions
system, either because of external forces acting on the system or
How can one explain and predict interactions between objects because of matter flows. Within an isolated system of interacting
and within systems of objects?
objects, any change in momentum of one object is balanced by an
Interactions between any two objects can cause changes in one or
equal and oppositely directed change in the total momentum of the
both of them. An understanding of the forces between objects is
other objects. Thus total momentum is a conserved quantity.
important for describing how their motions change, as well as for Grade Band Endpoints for PS2.A
predicting stability or instability in systems at any scale. All forces By the end of grade 5. Each force acts on one particular object and
between objects arise from a few types of interactions: gravity, has both a strength and a direction. An object at rest typically has
electromagnetism, and the strong and weak nuclear interactions. multiple forces acting on it, but they add to give zero net force on the
object. Forces that do not sum to zero can cause changes in the
object’s speed or direction of motion. (Boundary: Qualitative and
How can one predict an object’s continued motion, changes in conceptual, but not quantitative addition of forces are used at this
motion, or stability?
level.) The patterns of an object’s motion in various situations can be
Interactions of an object with another object can be explained and
observed and measured; when past motion exhibits a regular pattern,
predicted using the concept of forces, which can cause a change in
future motion can be predicted from it. (Boundary: Technical terms,
motion of one or both of the interacting objects. An individual force
such as magnitude, velocity, momentum, and vector quantity, are not
acts on one particular object and is described by its strength and introduced at this level, but the concept that some quantities need
direction. The strengths of forces can be measured and their values both size and direction to be described is developed.)
compared. What happens when a force is applied to an object
depends not only on that force but also on all the other forces acting
on that object. A static object typically has multiple forces acting on it, What underlying forces explain the variety of interactions
but they sum to zero. If the total (vector sum) force on an object is not observed?
zero, however, its motion will change. Sometimes forces on an object All forces between objects arise from a few types of interactions:
can also change its shape or orientation. For any pair of interacting gravity, electromagnetism, and strong and weak nuclear interactions.
objects, the force exerted by the first object on the second object is
Collisions between objects involve forces between them that can
equal in strength to the force that the second object exerts on the first
change their motion. Any two objects in contact also exert forces on
but in the opposite direction (Newton’s third law). At the macroscale, each other that are electromagnetic in origin. These forces result from
the motion of an object subject to forces is governed by Newton’s deformations of the objects’ substructures and the electric charges of
second law of motion. Under everyday circumstances, the the particles that form those substructures (e.g., a table supporting a
mathematical expression of this law in the form F = ma (total force =
book, friction forces).
mass times acceleration) accurately predicts changes in the motion of
PNW BOCES Science 21 Curriculum © 2018 G3 U1 May 2019 | P a g e 120
Gravitational, electric, and magnetic forces between a pair of objects distance. The sizes of the forces in each situation depend on the
do not require that they be in contact. These forces are explained by properties of the objects and their distances apart and, for forces
force fields that contain energy and can transfer energy through between two magnets, on their orientation relative to each other.
space. These fields can be mapped by their effect on a test object The gravitational force of Earth acting on an object near Earth’s
(mass, charge, or magnet, respectively). surface pulls that object toward the planet’s center.
Objects with mass are sources of gravitational fields and are affected
by the gravitational fields of all other objects with mass. Gravitational PS2.C: STABILITY AND INSTABILITY IN PHYSICAL SYSTEMS
forces are always attractive. For two human-scale objects, these Why are some physical systems more stable than others?
forces are too small to observe without sensitive instrumentation. Events and processes in a system typically involve multiple
Gravitational interactions are nonnegligible, however, when very interactions occurring simultaneously or in sequence. The system’s
massive objects are involved. Thus the gravitational force due to stability or instability and its rate of evolution depend on the balance
Earth, acting on an object near Earth’s surface, pulls that object or imbalance among these multiple effects.
toward the planet’s center. Newton’s law of universal gravitation A stable system is one in which the internal and external forces are
provides the mathematical model to describe and predict the effects of such that any small change results in forces that return the system to
gravitational forces between distant objects. These long-range its prior state (e.g., a weight hanging from a string). A system can be
gravitational interactions govern the evolution and maintenance of static but unstable, with any small change leading to forces that tend
large-scale structures in the universe (e.g., the solar system, galaxies) to increase that change (e.g., a ball at the top of a hill). A system can
and the patterns of motion within them. be changing but have a stable repeating cycle of changes, with
Electric forces and magnetic forces are different aspects of a single regular patterns of change that allow predictions about the system’s
electromagnetic interaction. Such forces can be attractive or future (e.g., Earth orbiting the sun). And a stable system can appear
repulsive, depending on the relative sign of the electric charges to be unchanging when flows or processes within it are going on at
involved, the direction of current flow, and the orientation of magnets. opposite but equal rates (e.g., water in a dam at a constant height but
The forces’ magnitudes depend on the magnitudes of the charges, with water flowing in that offsets the water flowing out; a person
currents, and magnetic strengths as well as on the distances between maintaining steady weight but eating food, burning calories, and
the interacting objects. All objects with electrical charge or excreting waste).
magnetization are sources of electric or magnetic fields and can be Stability and instability in any system depend on the balance of
affected by the electric or magnetic fields of other such objects. competing effects. A steady state of a complex system can be
Attraction and repulsion of electric charges at the atomic scale explain maintained through a set of feedback mechanisms, but changes in
the structure, properties, and transformations of matter and the conditions can move the system out of its range of stability (e.g.,
contact forces between material objects (link to PS1.A and PS1.B). homeostasis breaks down at too high or too low a temperature).
Coulomb’s law provides the mathematical model to describe and With no energy inputs, a system starting out in an unstable state will
predict the effects of electrostatic forces (relating to stationary electric continue to change until it reaches a stable configuration (e.g., the
charges or fields) between distant objects. temperatures of hot and cold objects in contact). Viewed at a given
The strong and weak nuclear interactions are important inside atomic scale, stable systems may appear static or dynamic. Conditions and
nuclei. These short-range interactions determine nuclear sizes, properties of the objects within a system affect the rates of energy
stability, and rates of radioactive decay (see PS1.C). transfer and thus how fast or slowly a process occurs (e.g., heat
conduction, the diffusion of particles in a fluid).
Grade Band Endpoints for PS2.B When a system has a great number of component pieces, one may
By the end of grade 5. Objects in contact exert forces on each other not be able to predict much about its precise future. For such systems
(friction, elastic pushes and pulls). Electric, magnetic, and (e.g., with very many colliding molecules), one can often predict
gravitational forces between a pair of objects do not require that the average but not detailed properties and behaviors (e.g., average
objects be in contact—for example, magnets push or pull at a
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temperature, motion, and rates of chemical change but not the A system can appear to be unchanging when processes within the
trajectories of particular molecules). system are occurring at opposite but equal rates (e.g., water behind a
dam is at a constant height because water is flowing in at the same
Grade Band Endpoints for PS2.C rate that water is flowing out). Changes can happen very quickly or
By the end of grade 5. A system can change as it moves in one very slowly and are sometimes hard to see (e.g., plant growth).
direction (e.g., a ball rolling down a hill), shifts back and forth (e.g., a Conditions and properties of the objects within a system affect how
swinging pendulum), or goes through cyclical patterns (e.g., day and fast or slowly a process occurs (e.g., heat conduction rates).
night). Examining how the forces on and within the system change as
it moves can help to explain the system’s patterns of change.

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