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Articles > Love magic
This article contains information on how to remove a love spell from yourself and your
Information beloved one.
1. How to remove a love spell?
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Once people started using magic to influence other people, there appeared methods of
removing this influence. Different love spells require different love spell removal rituals. In
MOST POPULAR TOPICS case you know which love spell was put on you, it’s better to use this very ritual. Yet, in
most case all people know for sure is that they have been put a love spell on. If that’s the
case, common rituals are used.
HAIR LOVE SPELL 2. How can you remove a love spell from yourself?


It’s easier to remove a love spell from yourself, as there is a possibility of creating favorable
Curse Protection – conditions to increase chances of success. Below are some recommendations for people
Magical Bottle wanting to remove a love spell from themselves:

abstain from sex for a few weeks;

fast for at least one week;
ARTICLES SECTION stint yourself of unnecessary communication with other people, especially who you suspect of having put a love spell on you;
eat only what you’ve cooked.
Astrology One of the most popular rituals is a salt ritual. To perform this ritual, you will need:

Black magic
some salt;
Candle Magic a frying pan and a saucer;
your photograph;
Dream interpretation a source of fire (such as a gas cooker)
Note that it’s better to perform this ritual in the daytime (preferably at noon).
Egyptian magic
Pour the salt into the frying pan, light the cooker, and put the pan on it, while pronouncing the following words, “The salt is white – whiten me.
Gypsy magic The salt is pure – purify me. Remove the love spell, remove the evil prisukha, put on me by (the name of the spell caster). Take it from me, take it
away, free me.”
If you don’t know the name of the spell caster, replace the name with the following, “either a young woman, old woman, girl, boy, enemy or a
Indian Magic
Love magic
Pronounce the words while heating the salt up. Pour the salt into the saucer.
Put your photo on the saucer, digging it into the salt, and leave it until evening.
Magic for beginner
In the evening, take the photo out and repeat the spell. Salt (just like sugar) is a great energy conductor (sugar is better for positive energy, while
Money magic
salt is better for negative energy), that’s why it’s used in this ritual. To enhance the effect of the ritual, while pronouncing it, imagine the love spell
Mysticism leaving you and getting absorbed by the salt, as if it were a sponge.

Myths Pronounce the spell again in the evening of the second and third day. The next morning, wash the salt off with plenty of running water.

Psychology For better results, follow the above recommendations for a few more weeks. Wash your clothes or buy new ones.
3. How to remove a love spell from a spouse?
The problem people face while trying to remove a love spell from another person is that this person usually refuses to believe to have been put a
love spell on and therefore refuses to follow any recommendations, participate in the love spell removal ritual, etc. So, we have another question
to answer: how to remove a love spell from a spouse without him (her) knowing about it.
White magic

Wicca Below is what you can do to prepare your spouse for a love spell removal ritual:

Cook for your spouse. While cooking, think about how much you love him (or her).

Wash your spouse’s clothes as often as you can.

Don’t try to put a love spell on your spouse to get him (her) back. It may make things even more complicated.

Be patient. Don’t worry. Any argument you have will make the love spell even stronger.

Let’s get to the ritual itself. It requires patience and calmness.

So, get up before sunrise and pour some (preferably crystal) water into a glass.

Try to see the reflection of your eyes in the water. While looking at it, pronounce the following spell,

“I’m a wife of my husband, loved and the only one,

Our love is strong and unbreakable.

As the water washes the dirt off,

So wash I the stranger’s lust off.

As the water purifies of everything,

So purify I my husband of the rival in love. ”

Stay focused, while pronouncing the spell. Imagine the water getting filled with energy to wash the stranger’s influence off. To remove a love spell
from a female, adjust the spell to the gender accordingly.

Use the water (not all of it) to sprinkle or wash your husband’s face in the morning before waking up. Make sure he doesn’t get angry or suspect
anything, so think of a good explanation in advance.

Repeat what’s suggested in the previous paragraph until you run out of the water.
4. What if you still can’t remove the love spell?

You should understand one thing: even though removal of a love spell on one’s own is possible in theory, in real life people usually fail. There are
only two reasons for it:

the one performing the ritual doesn’t have enough skills;

as a psychic, the spell caster is way stronger than you.
Usually people have to deal with both at the same time. I can tell you for sure that 85% of actually effective love spells have been put by
professional spell casters. Obviously, a man without proper skills doesn’t have enough strength to remove the influence. On top of that, even a
love spell put by an amateur is often hard to remove.

If you are one of those people who want to but can’t remove a love spell, contact me. I know how to remove any love spell put on you or your
spouse, regardless of how powerful this love spell is.

To solve your problem please e-mail me

[email protected] or give me your message using this
feedback form





Curse Protection – Magical Bottle

Evil Eye Protection Ritual. How Not to Put an Evil Eye Curse on Oneself


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