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VISIONIAS™... Inspiring Innovation

“The significant problems we face cannot be solved at the same level of thinking we were at when we created them." - Albert Einstein

Observations on CSP 2019

• This year the paper appeared to be on the tougher side as it was lengthy and the options framed were confusing. The themes of the questions asked seemed
relevant but required in-depth understanding and knowledge. However, the static portions like History, Polity, Geography, Economics, etc. as expected were given
due weightage.
• Questions ranged from both fundamental topics like those in Economics e.g. PPP, P-Notes; Modern history e.g. Swadeshi Movement; Geography e.g. 21st June etc.
to unconventional sources and topics in S&T which scaled the difficulty level of this paper.
• UPSC has raised the bar and it expects the aspirants to even read the fine print. Questions like that on Compensatory Afforestation, External Debt, Glacier, Jagirdari
and Zamindari, etc. required thorough reading and deeper understanding of the static subjects.
• In the History section, this time Medieval India questions were given more weightage unlike art & culture in the previous years. However, the modern history
section was of moderate level difficulty overall.
• Environment questions unlike previous years did not focus on International climate initiatives and bodies. This year there was focus on environmental governance
issues especially which were in the news like Forest Rights Act, Environmental Protection Act, Solid Waste Management Rules, Wetland Conservation rules, etc.
• Polity questions demanded deeper understanding of the Constitution and its provisions. The options in polity questions were close and were not asked from regular
sources like Laxmikanth. The judgements of SC have been paid special emphasis this year.
• Map reading and Atlas continue to play an important role in one's preparation in Geography section. This year this section saw a mix of factual and conceptual
questions like dew drops, bordering countries and seas, minor minerals, etc. In map based questions, in-depth observation was required.
• S&T questions were more on technological aspect than on basic science such as biology. Direct relation of S&T developments could be linked with current affairs in
questions like digital signature, black hole, patents, etc. However, few questions checked deeper knowledge and clarity like functional chromosomes, RNA-I, etc.
• The Current Affairs understanding was not restricted to only one year news.
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• Read Basic/standard books, follow one Good News Paper religiously and use the internet as extensively as possible.
• Have keen perception about things going around you. After reading newspaper always clarify key terms from internet. Try to refer to the official govt. websites
• Read standard text books on static subjects and don’t ignore NCERTs. Never ignore any subject completely to increase attemptability in the paper.
• An appropriate strategy should be to avoid negative marking in tough questions and maximize your score by first finding the easy ones and completing them.
• Read questions carefully and use elimination technique wherever possible.

Nature of Question EM = Essential material like basic books etc.
F: Fundamental, Conventional and conceptual question which is easily available in commonly RM = Reference material
recommended books. If a current affairs source is mentioned then it indicates that you had one
more reason to prepare this. EN = Essential News/Current Affairs
FA: Fundamental Applied question is an analytical question which requires information + RR = Random Read like random website etc.
application of mind. E : Easy , M : Medium , D : Difficult
Answer to these questions are from commonly recommended books but not so obvious to
CA: Current Affair question which can be answered almost completely using given source
CAA: Current Affair Applied question needs information from more than one source to answer
AND/OR application of mind (common sense and overall understanding) of aspirant. This is
why source for these questions may not be answering the question completely.
FCA: Fundamental + Current affair. This is a F or FA question supplemented with current affairs
or a current affairs question that needs background information for complete answer. Source
to these questions might not answer the questions in entirety.
U (Unconventional Question): Unconventional Question means the question that is distantly
related to syllabus provided by UPSC. It is neither present in even reference sources (in
addition to recommended books) nor prominently in news.
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n Vision IAS
s Nat Source (All India Test Series/
QN Section Question Explanation v Source Motivation
w ure Type Current Affairs
e Magazine/PT 365)
1 Current With reference to Asian A • Statement 1 is correct and E CA EN PT 365 International Recently, third
Affairs Infrastructure Investment statement 3 is not correct: It Relations Page 24 annual meeting of

Bank (AIIB), consider the is a multilateral development out- All India Test Series- AIIB was held in
following statements: bank with a mission to aiib/index.htm Test 2660 Mumbai where Asian
1. AIIB has more than 80 improve social and economic l Consider the following Infrastructure Forum
member nations. outcomes in Asia and beyond. statements regarding was launched.
2. India is the largest Currently it has 97 approved Asian Infrastructure
shareholder in AIIB. members with India as a Investment Bank (AIIB):
3. AIIB does not have any founding member. 1. Membership to AIIB is
members from outside Asia. • Statement 2 is not correct: limited to Asian
Which of the statements India is the second largest countries only.
given above is/are correct? shareholder in AIIB with 7.5% 2. It finances projects
(a) 1 only voting shares while China within Asia only.
(b) 2 and 3 only holds 26.06% voting shares 3. Its annual meeting is
(c) 1 and 3 only being the largest. always held in Shanghai.
(d) 1, 2 and 3 Which of the
statements given above
is/are correct?
(a) None (b) 1, 2 and 3
(c) 1 and 2 only
(d) 2 and 3 only
The Asian Infrastructure
Investment Bank (AIIB)
is a multilateral
development bank with
a mission to improve
social and economic
outcomes in Asia and
beyond. Headquartered
in Beijing, the bank
commenced its
operations in January
2016 and have now
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grown to 86 approved
members from around
the world. So far, AIIB
has only invested in one
solar power project
outside Asia, in Egypt.
While 75% of the capital
is from Asia, several

non-Asian regions like
Europe, North America,
some East African and
Latin American
countries have also
joined the bank as
With the total project
portfolios of US$4.4
Billion, India has been
the largest borrower of
Asian Infrastructure
Investment Bank (AIIB)
lending since the time
the Bank started its
The AIIB's third Annual
Meeting was held in
Mumbai, India on June
25 and 26, 2018. The
Board of Governors of
the AIIB announced that
the Fourth AIIB Annual
Meeting will be held in
Luxembourg in July
2019. '
2 Current What was the purpose of D • Project Sashakt was proposed M CA EN PT 365 Economy Page 5 Has been in news
Affairs Inter-Creditor Agreement by a panel led by PNB mictimes.india frequently since last
signed by Indian banks and chairman Sunil Mehta. Bad year.
financial institutions loans of up to Rs. 50 crore will ustry/banking
recently? be managed at the bank level, /finance/banki
(a) To lessen the with a deadline of 90 days. ng/guidelines-
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Government of India’s For bad loans of Rs. 50-500 on-inter-

perennial burden of fiscal crore, banks will enter an creditor-
deficit and current account inter-creditor agreement, agreement-
deficit. authorizing the lead bank to next-
(b) To support the implement a resolution plan week/articlesh
infrastructure projects of in 180 days, or refer the asset ow/65490962.
Central and State to NCLT. cms

(c) To act as independent
regulator in case of
application for loans of Rs.
50 core or more
(d) To aim at faster
resolution of stressed assets
of Rs. 50 crore or more
which are under consortium
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3 Economics The Chairman of public A • Banks Board Bureau E CA EN All India Test Series The Banks Board
sector banks are selected by recommends for selection of n/newsite/Pri Test 2671 Bureau (BBB) recently
the heads - Public Sector Banks ntRelease.asp Consider the following identified 75 senior
(a) Banks Board Bureau and Financial Institutions and x?relid=13696 statements regarding management
(b) Reserve Bank of India helps banks in developing 8 Bank Board Bureau (BBB): personnel of public
(c) Union Ministry of Finance strategies and capital raising 1. It will advise the sector lenders to take
(d) Management of plans. government on top-level over leadership role
appointments at Public
concerned bank in the future.
Sector Banks (PSBs) and

Financial Institutions
2. It has been set up as a
three member body.
3. Only a retired governor
of RBI can become the
Chairman of the Bureau.
Which of the statements
given above is/are
(a) 1 and 2 only
(b) 1 only
(c) 2 and 3 only
(d) 1, 2 and 3
Statement 1 is correct:
Following are the
functions of BBB:
To be responsible for the
selection and
appointment of Board of
Directors in PSBs and FIs
(Whole-time Directors
and Non-Executive
To advise the
Government on matters
relating to appointments,
confirmation or extension
of tenure and
termination of services of
the Board of Directors of
the above mentioned
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To advise the
Government on the
desired structure at the
Board level, and, for
senior management
personnel, for each PSB
and FI;
To advise the

Government on evolving
suitable training and
programmes for
management personnel
in PSBs/FIs; and
To advise the
Government on the
formulation and
enforcement of a code of
conduct and ethics for
managerial personnel in
To build a data bank
containing data relating
to the performance of
PSBs/FIs, its senior
management and the
Board of Directors and
share the same with
Government; etc.
Statement 2 is not
correct: With a view to
improve the Governance
of Public Sector Banks
(PSBs), the Government
set up an autonomous
Banks Board Bureau
having three ex-officio
members and three
expert members in
addition to Chairman. All
the Members and
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Chairman are part time.

Statement 3 is not
correct: The Chairman of
Bank Board Bureau is
appointed by Central
government. Till now BBB
had two Chairmen and
both are retired

4 Current Consider the following B • Statement 1 is not correct: M CAA EN All India Test Series The Government has
Affairs statements: The Petroleum and Natural Test 2671 envisaged to develop
1. Petroleum and Natural Gas Regulatory Board out-us.html Which of the following the National Gas
Gas Regulatory Board (PNGRB) was constituted functions is/are Grid. For this the
(PNGRB) is the first under The Petroleum and performed by the Petroleum and
regulatory body set up by Natural Gas Regulatory Board Petroleum and Natural Natural Gas
the Government of India. Act, 2006. Gas Regulatory Board? Regulatory Board
2. One of the tasks of PNGRB • Statement 2 is correct: The 1. It regulates the (PNGRB) is the
is to ensure competitive Act provide for the production of crude oil authority to grant
markets for gas. establishment of Petroleum and natural gas. authorization to the
3. Appeals against the and Natural Gas Regulatory 2. It determines the entities for the
decisions of PNGRB go Board to protect the interests prices for petroleum development of City
before the Appellate of consumers and entities products in India. Gas Distribution
Tribunals for Electricity. engaged in specified activities 3. It facilitates and (CGD) network in
Which of the statements relating to petroleum, promotes a competitive Geographical Areas
given above are correct? petroleum products and market for petroleum (GAs) as per PNGRB
(a) 1 and 2 only natural gas and to promote and petroleum Act, 2006.
(b) 2 and 3 only competitive markets and for products.
(c) 1 and 3 only matters connected therewith Select the correct
(d) 1, 2 and 3 or incidental thereto. answer using the code
• Statement 3 is correct: The given below.
Appellate Tribunal (a) 1 only
established under section 110 (b) 3 only
of the Electricity Act, 2003 (36 (c) 1 and 2 only
of 2003) is the Appellate (d) 1, 2 and 3
Tribunal for the purposes of Explanation-
Petroleum and Natural Gas The Petroleum and
Regulatory Board Act, 2006. Natural Gas Regulatory
Board (PNGRB) was
constituted under the
provisions of the
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Petroleum & Natural

Gas Regulatory Board
Act, 2006.
The Board shall-
Protect the interest of
consumers by fostering
fair trade and
competition amongst

the entities;
5 Science & With reference to D • VoLTE is a technology update M FCA EN In news due to
Technology communications to the LTE protocol used by hehindubusin advent of 5G
technologies, what is/are the mobile phone networks.
difference/differences • Under LTE, the infrastructure pinion/column
between LTE (Long-Term of telecom players only s/slate/all-
Evolution) and VoLTE (Voice allows transmission of data you-wanted-
over Long-Term Evolution)? while voice calls are routed to to-know-
1. LTE is commonly marketed their older 2G or 3G about-
as 3G and VoLTE is networks. This is why, under volte/article98
commonly marketed as LTE, you cannot access your 64031.ece
advanced 3G. 4G data services while on a
2. LTE is data-only call. This leads to problems
technology and VoLTE is such as slow internet speeds
voice-only technology. and poor voice clarity. VoLTE
Select the correct answer allows voice calls to be
using the code given below. ‘packaged’ and carried
(a) 1 only through LTE networks. This
(b) 2 only would mean 4G data
(c) Both 1 and 2 accessibility even during
(d) Neither 1 nor 2 calls. Hence, statement 2 is
not correct.
• LTE is commonly marketed
as 4G LTE. Hence, statement
1 is not correct.
6 Current Which of the following C Maternity Benefit (Amendment) M CA Ministry of EM PT 365 Social Issues As per the recent
Affairs statements is/are correct Act, 2017 Labour Page 4 DoPT notification,
regarding the Maternity • It provides for full paid male
Benefit Amendment Act, absence from work for a personnel in the
2017? period of 26 weeks (earlier efault/files/M central government
1. Pregnant women are 12 weeks) to take care of the aternity%20Be who are
entitled for three months child. Hence statement 1 is nefit%20Ame single parents to
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pre-delivery and three not correct. ndment%20Ac dependent children

months post-delivery paid • The Act is applicable to all t%2C2017%20 can now
leave. establishments employing 10 .pdf avail of child care
2. Enterprises with creches or more women. leave (CCL) of a total
must allow the mother • For women who are 730 days
minimum six creche visits expecting after having 2 during their entire
daily. children, the duration of paid news/national period of service, a
3. Women with two children maternity leave shall be 12 /maternity- provision

get reduced entitlements. weeks. Hence statement 3 is leave-govt- that till now applied
Select the correct answer correct. for-incentive- only to women
using the code given below. • Maternity leave of 12 weeks scheme/articl employees.
(a) 1 and 2 only to be available to mothers
(b) 2 only adopting a child below the e
(c) 3 only age of three
(d) 1, 2 and 3 months from the date of
adoption as well as to the
“commissioning mothers”.
• The Act makes it mandatory
for employers to educate
women about the maternity
available to them at the time
of their appointment.
• Any establishment which has
50 or more employees shall
have the facility of creche.
Further, the proviso of
Section 11A states that
employer shall allow 4 visits
a day to the creche by the
woman employee. Hence
statement 2 is not correct.
7 Current Which one of the following is A • Doing Business measures M CA EN November Current Doing Business
Affairs not a sub-index of the World regulations affecting 11 areas oingbusiness.o Affairs Page 26 Report 2019 was
Bank’s ‘Ease of Doing of the life of a business. Ten rg/en/reports/ released recently.
Business Index’? of these areas are included in global-
(a) Maintenance of law and this Doing Business 2019 reports/doing-
order ranking on the ease of doing business-2019
(b) Paying taxes business: starting a business,
(c) Registering property dealing with construction
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(d) Dealing with construction permits, getting electricity,

permits registering property, getting
credit, protecting minority
investors, paying taxes,
trading across borders,
enforcing contracts and
resolving insolvency. Doing
Business also measures labor

market regulation, which is
not included in this year’s
8 Environment In India, ‘extended producer C • Extended producer’s D CAA EN The term EPR is
responsibility’ was responsibility (EPR) is the frequently seen in
introduced as an important main feature of the E-waste sci- news.
feature in which of the (Management and Handling) tech/energy- UPSC has attempted
following? Rules, 2011, wherein the and- to confuse students
(a) The Bio-medical Waste producer of electrical and environment/ as the concept of EPR
(Management and Handling) electronic equipment has the what-about-e- was also introduced
Rules, 1998 responsibility of managing waste/article2 in the Plastic Waste
(b) The Recycled Plastic such equipment after its ‘end 4193081.ece (Management and
(Manufacturing and Usage) of life’, thus the producer is Handling) Rules,
Rules, 1999 responsible for their products downtoearth. 2016.
(c) The e-Waste once the consumer discards However, option(b)
(Management and Handling) them. aste/report- mentions The
Rules, 2011 on-e-waste- Recycled Plastic
(d) The Food Safety and management- (Manufacturing and
Standard Regulations, 2011 places-5- Usage) Rules, 1999.
companies-in- Therefore the correct
the-red- answer is E-waste
63317" (Management and
Handling) Rules,
2011, in which
Extended producer’s
responsibility (EPR)
was also the main
9 Economics The economic cost of food C • The economic cost comprises M FA EM
grains to the Food the procurement price of inancialexpres
Corporation of India is foodgrains, costs related to
Minimum Support Price and procurement (such as statutory /reforming-fci-
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bonus (if any) paid to the taxes, labour costs, mandi fees, not-a-piece-
farmers plus and so on) and costs of of-
(a) transportation cost only distribution (including freight, cake/1586038
(b) interest cost only storage and administration). /
(c) procurement incidentals
and distribution cost
(d) procurement incidentals
and charges for godowns

10 Polity & In the context of any D Social capital is a sociological E FA NCERT Class EM
Governance country, which one of the concept that refers to the XII Sociology:
following would be intangible relational assets Chapter 5 –
considered as part of its that emerge from social Patterns of
social capital? interactions. These assets are Social
(a) The proportion of generated through give and Inequality and
literates in the population take and activate the “norm Exclusion.
(b) The stock of its buildings, of reciprocity,” creating social
other infrastructure and obligations that connect and
machines bind people and groups. The
(c) The size of population in more social capital is used,
the working are group the greater the benefits.
(d) The level of mutual trust • The concept of social capital
and harmony in the society is composed of three distinct
but interrelated structural,
emotional and behavioral
components. They are,
respectively, networks, trust
and collaborative cultural
• In every society, some people
have a greater share of valued
resources – money, property,
education, health, and power –
than others. These social
resources can be divided into
three forms of capital –
economic capital in the form of
material assets and income;
cultural capital such as
educational qualifications and
status; and social capital in the
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form of networks of contacts

and social associations
(Bourdieu 1986). Often, these
three forms of capital overlap
and one can be converted into
the other. For example, a
person from a well-off family
(economic capital) can afford
expensive higher education,

and so can acquire cultural or
educational capital. Someone
with influential relatives and
friends (social capital) may –
through access to good advice,
recommendations or
information – manage to get a
well-paid job.
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11 Economics The Service Area Approach B • The Service Area Approach M F EM
was implemented under the (SAA) introduced in April ganga.inflibne
purview of 1989, in order to bring about
(a) Integrated Rural an orderly and planned am/10603/10
Development Programme development of rural and 1099/9/09_ch
(b) Lead Bank Scheme semi- urban areas of the apter%202.pd
(c) Mahatma Gandhi country, was extended to all f
National Rural Employment Indian scheduled commercial

Guarantee Scheme banks including Regional .in/scripts/BS_
(d) National Skill Rural Banks (RRBs). ViewMasCircu
Development Mission • Service area approach is an lardetails.aspx
alternative and improved ?id=9853
method of Lead Bank
Scheme for deployment of
bank credit for rural
development. Under SAA,
each bank branch in rural and
semi-urban area was
designated to serve an area
of 15 to 25 villages and the
branch was responsible for
meeting the needs of bank
credit of its service area.
• The primary objective of SAA
was to increase productive
lending and forge effective
linkages between bank credit,
production, productivity and
increase in income levels
12 Geography With reference to the A • Statement 1 is correct- Sand D CAA EN
management of minor is a minor mineral, as defined n/newsite/Pri
minerals in India, consider under section 3(e) of the ntRelease.asp
the following statements: Mines and Minerals x?relid=15542
1. Sand is a ‘minor mineral’ (Development and 3
according to the prevailing Regulation) Act, 1957 (MMDR
law in the country. Act).
2. State Governments have • Statement 2 is not correct-
the power to grant mining As per Section 15 of the
leases of minor minerals, but Mines and Minerals
the powers regarding the (Development and
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formation of rules related to Regulation) (MMDR) Act,

the grant of minor minerals 1957, State Governments
lie with the Central have been empowered to
Government. frame rules in respect of
3. State Government have minor minerals for regulating
the power to frame rules to the grant of quarry leases,
prevent illegal mining of mining leases or other
minor minerals. mineral concessions in

Which of the statements respect of minor minerals and
given above is/are correct? for purposes connected
(a) 1 and 3 only therewith.
(b) 2 and 3 only • Statement 3 is correct-
(c) 3 only Section 23C of the MMDR
(d) 1, 2 and 3 Act, 1957 empowers state
governments to frame rules
to prevent illegal mining,
transportation and storage of
minerals and for purposes
connected therewith. Control
of illegal mining is, therefore,
under the legislative and
administrative jurisdiction of
state governments.
13 Economics Consider the following D • As per the Government M CAA RR All India Test Series-
statements: report on External debt by Test 2683, 2671
1. Most of India’s external December 2018-Commercial ult/files/India With reference to
debt is owed by borrowings are the largest %27s%20Exter India's external debt
governmental entities. component of external debt nal%20Debt% profile, consider the
2. All of India’s external debt with a share of 37.1 percent, 20as%20at%2 following statements:
is denominated in US dollars. followed by NRI deposits 0the%20end% 1. NRI deposits form the
Which of the statements (23.9 percent) and short term 20December% highest component of
given above is/are correct? trade credit (19.9 percent). 202018.pdf India's external debt.
(a) 1 only Hence, Statement 1 is not 2. A large majority share
(b) 2 only correct. of total external debt is
(c) Both 1 and 2 • US dollar denominated debt in the form of long-term
(d) Neither 1 nor 2 continued to be the largest debt.
component of India’s external 3. US dollar-
debt with a share of 45.9 denominated debt
percent at end December continued to be the
2018, followed by the Indian largest component of
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rupee (24.8 percent), SDR India’s external debt.

(5.1 percent), yen (4.9 Which of the
percent) and euro(3.1 statements given above
percent). Hence, Statement 2 are correct?
is not correct. (a) 2 and 3 only
(b) 1 and 2 only
(c) 1, 2 and 3
(d) 1 and 3 only

Consider the following
statements regarding
Indian economy:
1. Commercial
borrowings are the
largest component of
external debt.
2. Major portion of
external debt is in form
of short term debt.
Which of the
statements given above
is/are correct?
(a) 1 only
(b) 2 only
(c) Both 1 and 2
(d) Neither 1 nor 2
Commercial borrowings
are the largest
component of external
debt with a share of
37.1 percent, followed
by NRI deposits (23.9
percent) and short term
trade credit (19.9
US dollar denominated
debt continued to be
the largest component
of India’s external debt
with a share of 45.9
percent at end
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December 2018,
followed by the Indian
rupee (24.8 percent),
SDR (5.1 percent), yen
(4.9 percent) and euro
(3.1 percent).
14 Economics Which of the following is not B • A bank places its funds in D F Introductory EM
included in the assets of a assets to earn profits. The Macroeconom

commercial bank in India? assets include investments, ics.
(a) Advances loans and advances, money at NCERT class
(b) Deposits call and short notice, bills 12 Economics
(c) Investments discounted and purchased. It
(d) Money at call and short also includes the cash in hand
notice with the banks and also the
cash held with the RBI.
• The liabilities include deposits
(both time and demand) and
• Hence (b) is the correct
15 Economics In the context of India, which B • Currency crisis is brought on M FA Introductory EM
of the following factors by a decline in the value of a Macroeconom
is/are contributor/ country's currency. This ics. NCERT
contributors to reducing the decline in value negatively class 12
risk of a currency crisis? affects an economy by Economics
1. The foreign currency creating instabilities in
earnings of India’s IT sector exchange rates, meaning that
2. Increasing the government one unit of a certain currency
expenditure no longer buys as much as it
3. Remittances from Indians used to in another currency.
abroad • A substantial amount of
Select the correct answer foreign exchange reserves
using the code given below. can help to cushion against
(a) 1 only any risks of currency crisis.
(b) 1 and 3 only • The foreign current earnings
(c) 2 only of India's IT sector and
(d) 1, 2 and 3 remittances from abroad
would lead more inflow of
foreign currencies in the
economy and boost the
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foreign exchange reserves.

Hence, Statements 1 and 3
are correct.
• Statement 2 is not correct as
increasing the government
expenditure is not related to
change in foreign exchange
reserves or any currency

16 Polity & Which one of the following C Sarkaria Commission Report E FA Laxmikant: EM
Governance suggested that the Governor (1988) Indian Polity
should be an imminent • Recommendation on
person from outside the appointment of Governor:
State and should be a o Governor should be an
detached figure without eminent person and not
intense political links or belong to the state
should not have taken part in where he is to be posted.
politics in the recent past? o State chief minister
(a) First Administrative should have a say in the
Reforms Commission (1966) appointment of governor
(b) Rajamannar Committee o Governor should be a
(1969) detached figure without
(c) Sarkaria Commission intense political links or
(1983) should not have taken
(d) National Commission to part in politics in recent
Review the Working of the past. Hence, Statement
Constitution (2000) (c) is correct.
o Governor should not be a
member of the ruling
17 Economics Which of the following is D • A Participatory Note (PN or E F EM All India Test Series
issued by registered foreign P-Note) is a derivative Test 2657
portfolio investors to instrument issued in foreign dex.php?title= Consider the following
overseas investors who want jurisdictions, by a SEBI Participatory_ statements regarding
to be part of Indian stock registered Foreign Notes_(PNs) Participatory Notes (P-
market without registering Institutional Investor (FII) or Notes):
themselves directly? its sub-accounts or one of its 1. It is a derivative
(a) Certificate of Deposits associates, against underlying instrument.
(b) Commercial Paper Indian securities. The 2. It is issued in a foreign
(c) Promissory Note underlying Indian security jurisdiction by an RBI
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(d) Participatory Note instrument may be equity, registered Foreign

debt, derivatives or may even Institutional Investor
be an index. (FII).
• A promissory note is a Which of the
financial instrument that statements given above
contains a written promise by is/are correct?
one party to pay another (a) 1 only (b) 2 only
party a definite sum of (c) Both 1 and 2

money, either on demand or (d) Neither 1 nor 2
at a specified future date. Explanation-
• Commercial Paper (CP) is an A Participatory Note (PN
unsecured money market or P-Note) is a
instrument issued in the form derivative instrument
of a promissory note. CPs are issued in foreign
short-term instruments and jurisdictions, by a SEBI
the maturity period varies registered Foreign
from seven days to up to one Institutional Investor
year. It was introduced to (FII) or its sub-accounts
enable highly rated corporate or one of its associates,
borrowers to diversify their against underlying
sources of short-term Indian securities. The
borrowings, and also to underlying Indian
provide an additional security instrument may
instrument to investors. be equity, debt,
• Certificate of Deposits-It is a derivatives or may even
saving certificate with a fixed be an index. Further, a
maturity date at fixed interest basket of securities from
rate. It is issued by different jurisdictions
commercial banks and can also be constructed
financial institutions. It is in which a portion of the
issued in the form of underlying securities is
promissory note in exchange Indian securities or
of funds deposited in banks indices.
for specified period. Being derivative
instruments and freely
tradable, PNs can be
easily transferred,
creating multiple layers,
thereby obfuscating the
real beneficial owner. It
downloaded from : downloaded from :

is in this respect, that

concerns have been
raised about the misuse
of P-Notes for money
laundering and terror
18 Environment Consider the following A • Statement 1 is correct: As per D CAA RR The CAF Rules were
statements: law, the Compensatory downtoearth. recently published on

1. As per law, the Afforestation Fund August 10, 2018,
Compensatory Afforestation Management and Planning orests/green- paving the way for
Fund Management and Authority exists at both fund-rules- smooth
Planning Authority exists at National and State levels. notified-some- implementation and
both National and State • Statement 2 is not correct: It hits-major- coming into force of
levels. does not provide for misses-61381 the Compensatory
2. People’s participation is mandatory people Afforestation Fund
mandatory in the participation in the Act, 2016.
compensatory afforestation compensatory afforestation sci- A controversy
programmes carried out programmes carried out tech/energy- regarding the same
under the Compensatory under the Compensatory and- had emerged as
Afforestation Fund Act, 2016. Afforestation Fund Act, 2016. environment/ rights of gram sabhas
Which of the statements what-the- or Van Sanrakshan
given above is/are correct? new-caf-rules- Samitis (Village
(a) 1 only imply/article2 Forest Committees)
(b) 2 only 4782006.ece had been restricted
(c) Both 1 and 2 to mere
(d) Neither 1 nor 2 'consultation' and not
ReadData/201 'consent'. However,
8/188469.pdf the Act still mandates that consultation
n/newsite/Pri shall be taken up
ntRelease.asp paving the way for
x?relid=18188 people's participation
9 in management of
working plans in
forest land.
19 Polity & In India, which of the A • Department related Standing M FA Laxmikant- RR
Governance following review the Committees: The Committee Indian Polity
independent regulators in system of Parliament is often
sectors like used in several countries for
telecommunications, oversight of regulators. In s/default/files/
downloaded from : downloaded from :

insurance electricity, etc.? India, there are 24 parliament_or_

1. Ad Hoc Committee set up Department Related Standing policy_pdfs/13
by the Parliament. Committees that comprise 70586800_Parl
2. Parliamentary Department members from both Houses iamentary%20
Related Standing Committee of Parliament. These Oversight%20o
3. Finance Commission committees are ministry f%20Regulator
4. Financial Sector Legislative specific, and may review the s.pdf-
Reforms Commission working of regulators within

5. NITI Aayog their respective departments.
Select the correct answer The Ad hoc committees are
using the code given below. temporary and perform
(a) 1 and 2 specific task. The Ad Hoc
(b) 1, 3 and 4 Committees dissolve, once
(c) 3, 4 and 5 their task is done. These
(d) 2 and 5 committees are Ministries’
specific and review the
working of regulators within
their respective departments.
• Ad-hoc Committees:
Parliament may establish ad-
hoc committees which may
examine the working of
regulators. For instance, the
terms of reference of the
Joint Parliamentary
Committee (JPC) on the
allocation of 2G spectrum
include the review of the
policy on spectrum pricing
and grant of telecom licences.
Another example of
parliamentary oversight
through ad-hoc committees is
the scrutiny of the working of
SEBI and RBI by the JPC on
the stock market scam.
The two parliamentary
committees on finance which
exercise oversight of
regulators are:
downloaded from : downloaded from :

(a) the Committee on

Estimates; and
(b) the Public Accounts
Committee (PAC). The
Committee on Estimates
reviews budgetary estimates
of government departments.
Such estimates include the

budget of regulators. Most
laws establishing
independent regulators
require the Comptroller and
Auditor General (CAG) to
prepare annual audit reports
on the accounts of the
regulators. These reports are
tabled before Parliament and
reviewed by the PAC. The PAC
may require the regulator’s
officers to depose before the
Committee. For instance, the
Chairman and senior officers
of SEBI deposed before the
PAC when it was examining
the working of SEBI.
• Finance Commission,
Financial Sector Legislative
Reforms Commission and
NITI Aayog have no role in
reviewing the independent
20 Economics With reference to India’s A • Statement 1 is correct-India D F EM
Five-Year Plans, which of the adopted the strategy of
following statements is/are Import Substitution ia/pdf/books/B
correct? Industrialization (ISI) in the K_33/Chapters
1. From the Second Five-Year fifties. The chief objective was /1.%20Import
Plan, there was a determined to build self-reliant economy. %20Substitutio
thrust towards substitution From the Second Five Year n%20Strategy
of basic and capital good Plan, there was determined
industries. thrust towards substitution of
downloaded from : downloaded from :

2. The Fourth Five-Year Plan basic and capital goods lopment.pdf

adopted the objective of industries. The ISI strategy
correcting the earlier trend was based on the model of commission.nic
of increased concentration of growth as propounded by PC .in/plans/planr
wealth and economic power. Mahalonobis. el/fiveyr/4th/4
3. In the Fifth Five-Year Plan, • Statement 2 is correct- The ppre.htm
for the first time, the Fourth Plan provided a
financial sector was included necessary corrective to the

as an integral part of the earlier trend which helped
Plan. particularly the stronger
Select the correct answer sections in agriculture as well +was+the+first
using the code given below. as in industry to enable them +time+when+t
(a) 1 and 2 only rapidly to enlarge and he+financial+s
(b) 2 only diversify the production base. ector+was+incl
(c) 3 only In the long run, the full uded+as+an+in
(d) 1, 2 and 3 potential of growth cannot be tegral+part+of
realised unless the energies +the+plan.&hl=
of all our people are put to en&sa=X&ved=
profitable use. The emphasis 0ahUKEwj485C
on spreading the impetus 7qs_iAhWGkn
and benefits of economic AKHfv0AMwQ6
growth to the weaker AEIKjAA#v=one
sections is thus necessary in page&q=.%20It
the interest of equality as %20was%20th
well as growth. The Plan will e%20first%20ti
now assist the less me%20when%
prosperous sections of our
farming population to
improve their position and
make a yet bigger 0an%20integra
contribution to the national l%20part%20of
economy. %20the%20pla
• Statement 3 is not correct- n.&f=false
The financial sector become
an integral part of the plan in
the 9th five-year plan.
21 Polity & With reference to the D • 42nd Constitutional M F Laxmikant: EM
Governance Constitution of India, Amendment Act, 1976: Indian Polity
consider the following Inserted new article 228A.-
statements: After article 228 of the
downloaded from : downloaded from :

1. No High Court shall have Constitution, Special

the jurisdiction to declare provisions as to disposal of
any central law to be questions relating to
constitutionally invalid. constitutional validity of State
2. An amendment to the laws.- (1) No High Court shall
Constitution of India cannot have jurisdiction to declare
be called into question by any Central law to be
the Supreme Court of India. constitutionally invalid.

Which of the statements give However, the 43rd
above is/are correct? Amendment Act of 1977
(a) 1 only restored the original position.
(b) 2 only Hence statement 1 is not
(c) Both 1 and 2 correct.
(d) Neither 1 nor 2 • In the Kesavananda Bharati
case (1973), Supreme Court
laid down a new doctrine of
the ‘basic structure’ (or ‘basic
features’) of the Constitution.
It ruled that the constituent
power of Parliament under
Article 368 can amend the
constitution Under Article but
Such amendments Should not
does not enable it to alter the
‘basic structure’ of the
Constitution anything that
ultravires the constitution is
cut down by the highest
judiciary including the
Constitutional amendment.
Hence statement 2 is not
22 Economics Consider the following A • In purchasing power parity E FCA EM
statements: (PPP) exchange rate — the businesstoday
1. Purchasing Power Parity rate at which the currency of .in/current/ec
(PPP) exchange rates are one country would have to be onomy-
calculated by comparing the converted into that of politics/india-
prices of the same basket of another country to buy the pips-japan-in-
goods and services in same amount of goods and gdp-based-on-
different countries. services in each country. For purchasing-
downloaded from : downloaded from :

2. In terms of PPP dollars, example-If a burger is selling power-

India is the sixth largest in India for Rs100 and in New parity/story/2
economy in the world. York for $2, this would imply 82226.html
Which of the statement a PPP exchange rate of 1
given above is/are correct? dollar to Rs 50. Hence,
(a) 1 only Statement 1 is correct. prices-
(b) 2 only • On the PPP basis, China is ppp/purchasin
(c) Both 1 and 2 world's largest economy in gpowerparitie

(d) Neither 1 nor 2 2018. Total wealth of china is s-
estimated at 25.3 trillion frequentlyask
international dollar. China is edquestionsfa
followed by United States qs.htm
with figure 19.4 trillion. India
is the third largest economy ,
in terms of PPP dollars.
Hence, Statement 2 is not
downloaded from : downloaded from :

23 Geography With reference to the A D FCA RR

cultivation of Kharif crops in
which in the last five years default/files/K
consider the following rishi%20AR%2
statements: 02017-18-
1. Area under rice cultivation 1%20for%20w
is the highest. eb.pdf (Page
2. Area under the cultivation 3)

of jowar is more than that of
3. Area of cotton cultivation default/files/A
is more than that of nnual_rpt_20
sugarcane. 1617_E.pdf
4. Area under sugarcane (Page 3)
cultivation has steadily
Which of the statements
given above is/are correct?
(a) 1 and 3 only
(b) 2, 3 and 4 only
(c) 2 and 4 only
(d) 1, 2, 3 and 4
24 Economics Among the agricultural D Qty.: ‘000 tonnes Value in Rs. Crores M FCA RR
commodities imported by SN 2013-14
India, which one of the Qty Value default/files/o
following accounts for the 1 Vegetable 7943 44038 verviewTrade
highest imports in terms of Oils 7082015.pdf
2 Pulses 3178 11037
value in the last five years?
3 Fresh 769 7716
(a) Spices
(b) Fresh fruits 4 Cashew 776 4668
(c) Pulses raw
(d) Vegetable oils 5 Spices 156 3452
6 Sugar 881 2287
7 Alcoholic 2076
8 Cotton 181 2376
Raw Incld.
9 Misc. 1474
downloaded from : downloaded from :

10 Cocoa 52 1072
11 Wheat 11 27
12 Coffee 60 729
13 Fruits/ 8 449
14 Marine 31 411


SN 2014-15
Qty Value
1 Vegetable 1154 59094
Oils 8
2 Pulses 4585 17063
3 Fresh 858 9544
4 Cashew 941 6600
5 Spices 161 4392
6 Sugar 1539 3668
7 Alcoholic 0 2508
8 Cotton 259 3101
Raw Incld.
9 Misc. 1749
10 Cocoa 65 1551
11 Wheat 29 61
12 Coffee 75 930
13 Fruits/ 14 611
14 Marine 28 452

SN 2015-16
Qty Value
1 Vegetable 1563 68630
Oils 9
downloaded from : downloaded from :

2 Pulses 5798 25619

3 Fresh 836 11013
4 Cashew 962 8701
5 Spices 191 5382
6 Sugar 1943 4038
7 Alcoholic 0 2915

8 Cotton 232 2563
Raw Incld.
9 Misc. 0 1799
10 Cocoa 56 1399
11 Wheat 516 870
12 Coffee 66 802
13 Fruits/ 14 702
14 Marine 50 635
25 Polity & In the context of polity, D • The term ‘liberty’ means the M F NCERT Class EM
Governance which one of the following absence of restraints on the 11: Political
would you accept as the activities of individuals, and Theory
most appropriate definition at the same time, providing
of liberty? opportunities for the
(a) Protection against the development of individual rts/l/keps102.
tyranny of political rulers personalities. pdf
(b) Absence of restraint • Liberty, as elaborated in the
(c) Opportunity to do Preamble, is very essential for
whatever one likes the successful functioning of
(d) Opportunity to develop the Indian democratic
oneself fully system. However, liberty
does not mean ‘license’ to do
what one likes and has to be
enjoyed within the limitations
mentioned in the
Constitution itself. In brief,
the liberty conceived by the
downloaded from : downloaded from :

Preamble or fundamental
rights is not absolute but
qualified. Hence in the above
question the most
appropriate definition of
liberty is to provide
opportunity to develop
oneself fully.
• Expansionary monetary policy E

26 Economics Which one of the following is D FA Introductory EM PT 365 Economy Page
not the most likely measure is when the RBI would use its Macroeconom 16
the Government/ RBI takes tools to stimulate the ics. NCERT
to stop the slide of Indian economy. That increases the class 12
rupee? money supply, lowers interest Economics
(a) Curbing imports of non- rates, and increases
essential goods-and aggregate demand.
promoting exports • Lower interest rates will also
(b) Encouraging Indian tend to reduce the value of
borrowers to issue rupee the currency. If domestic
denominated Masala Bonds interest rates fall relative to
(c) Easing conditions relating elsewhere, it becomes less
to external commercial attractive to save money in
borrowing domestic banks.
(d) Following an • Therefore, it will lead to
expansionary monetary outflow of foreign currency
policy and therefore, slide of Indian
27 Current Consider the following A The Reserve Banks directive D CAA EN PT 365 Economy Page Frequently seen in
Affairs statements: related to Storage of Payment 64 news
The Reserve Bank of India’s System Data provides that: s/Notification
recent directives relating to 1. All system providers shall User.aspx?Id=
‘Storage of Payment System ensure that the entire data 11244
Data’, popularly known as relating to payment systems
data diktat, command the operated by them are stored in a
payment system providers system only in India. This data
that should include the full end-to-end
1. they shall ensure that transaction details / information
entire data relating to collected / carried / processed as
payment systems operated part of the message / payment
by them are store in a instruction. For the foreign leg of
system only in India. the transaction, if any, the data
downloaded from : downloaded from :

2. they shall ensure that the can also be stored in the foreign
systems are owned and country, if required.
operated by public sector 2. System providers shall ensure
enterprises. compliance of (i) above within a
3. they shall submit the period of six months and report
consolidated system audit compliance of the same to the
report to the Comptroller Reserve Bank latest by October
and Auditor General of India 15, 2018.

by the end of the calendar 3. System providers shall submit
year the System Audit Report (SAR) on
Which of the statements completion of the requirement at
given above is/are correct? (i) above. The audit should be
(a) 1 only conducted by CERT-IN empaneled
(b) 1 and 2 only auditors certifying completion of
(c) 3 only activity at (i) above.
(d) 1, 2 and 3 4. The SAR duly approved by the
Board of the system providers
should be submitted to the
Reserve Bank not later than
December 31, 2018.
Hence, only statement 1 is
28 Current Which of the following C General Data Protection E CA EN PT 365 Science and Frequently seen in
Affairs adopted a law on data Regulation (GDPR) aims to protect Technology Page 22 news
protection and privacy for its all European Union (EU) citizens news/internat All India Test Series
citizens known as ‘General from data breaches. The ional/what-is- Test 2659
Data Protection Regulation’ regulation, which was approved the-eu-law- Which of the following
in April 2016 and started by the EU Parliament in April 2016 on-data- is not correct about the
implementation of its from after about four years of protection-all- European Union's
25th May, 2018? preparation and debate, came about/article2 General Data
(a) Australia into effect on May 25, 2018. 3401965.ece Protection Regulation
(b) Canada (GDPR)?
(c) The European Union (a) It aims to protect
(d) The United States of European Union (EU)
America citizens from data
(b) It adopts a rights-
based approach.
(c) It applies only to
Information Technology
downloaded from : downloaded from :

(d) It provides for
penalty in case of non-
29 Current Recently, India signed a deal B Action Plan for Prioritization and D CA EN Frequently seen in
Affairs known as ‘Action Plan for Implementation of Co-operation mictimes.indiat news
Prioritization and Areas in the Nuclear Field
Implementation of Identified Jointly by India and stry/energy/po

Cooperation Areas in the Russia was signed on 5th October,
Nuclear Field’ with which of 2018 in New Delhi. russia-sign-
the following countries? civil-nuclear-
(a) Japan
(b) Russia
(c) The United Kingdom
(d) The United States of
America how/66085647
30 Economics The money multiplier in an B • Money Multiplier is the ratio M F Introductory EM All India Test Series-
economy increases with of the stock of money to the Macroeconom Test 2657
which one of the following? stock of high powered ics. NCERT Which of the following
(a) Increase in the cash money. It is the relationship class 12 correctly describes the
reserve ratio between the monetary base Economics term 'Money
(b) Increase in the banking and money supply of an Page 42-43 Multiplier'?
habit of the population economy. It explains the (a) It is the amount of
(c) Increase in the statutory increase in the amount of money that banks
liquidity ratio cash in circulation generated generate with each
(d) Increase in the by the banks' ability to lend deposited reserve.
population of the country money out of their (b) A factor to calculate
depositors' funds. Therefore, the rate of foreign
it refers to how an initial exchange by the Central
deposit can lead to a bigger Bank.
final increase in the total (c) It is the total
money supply. monetary assets held by
• For example, if the the central bank with
commercial banks gain reference to a base
deposits of Rs1 Lakh and this year.
leads to a final money supply (d) Number of times a
of Rs 10 lakh. The money unit of currency can be
multiplier is 10. used to purchase new
downloaded from : downloaded from :

• Therefore, increase in goods and services.

banking habit of the Explanation-
population would lead to The Money Multiplier a
more deposits and hence phenomenon referring
increase in Money Multiplier. to how an initial deposit
Hence (b) is the correct can lead to a bigger final
answer. increase in the total
money supply. It

explains the increase in
the amount of cash in
circulation generated by
the banks' ability to lend
money out of their
depositors' funds
For example, if a
commercial bank
receives a deposit of Rs
100 and this leads to a
final money supply of Rs
1000, then the value of
money multiplier is 10.
31 Current Consider the following C • 75 tribal groups have been D FCA EM PT 365 Social Issues **In interim budget
Affairs statements about categorized by Ministry of Page 14 2019- Welfare
Particularly Vulnerable Tribal Home Affairs as Particularly x Open Test-3 (2779) Development Board
Groups (PVTGs) in India: Vulnerable Tribal Groups Consider the following under the Ministry of
1. PVTGs reside in 18 States (PVTG)s. PVTGs reside in 18 statements regarding Social Justice and
and one Union Territory. States and UT of A&N Particularly Vulnerable Empowerment
2. A stagnant or declining Islands. Particularly Tribal Groups (PVTGs): specifically for the
population is one of the Vulnerable Tribal Groups They are centrally purpose of
criteria for determining PVTG (PVTGs) are centrally recognized special implementing
status. recognized special category categories from among welfare and
3. There are 95 PVTGs from among the Scheduled the Scheduled Tribes. development
officially notified in the Tribe. It was constituted Any amendment to the programmes for De-
country so far. during the 4th five year plan list of PVTGs requires a notified, Nomadic
4. Irular and Konda Reddi on the basis of the report of Constitutional Order by and Semi-Nomadic
tribes are included in the list the Dhebar commission the President of India. communities.
of PVTGs. (1960-61). Such groups were The maximum number ** A Committee
Which of the statements identified by one or more of of PVTGs are found in under NITI Aayog will
given above are correct? the following features: Lakshadweep Islands be set up to complete
(a) 1, 2 and 3 Existence of pre-agricultural among all the Indian the task of identifying
downloaded from : downloaded from :

(b) 2, 3 and 4 practices, Practice of hunting UTs/states. De-notified, Nomadic

(c) 1, 2 and 4 and gathering, Zero or Which of the and Semi-Nomadic
(d) 1, 3 and 4 negative population growth statements given above communities.
and relatively low level of is/are correct? **In May 2018, the
literacy as compared to other (a) 1 only National Commission
tribal groups. (b) 1 and 2 only for Denotified
• Konda reddy of Khammam (c) 3 only Nomadic and Semi-
district of Telangana and (d) 1, 2 and 3 Nomadic Tribes,

Irular of Tamil Nadu are in Explanation- chaired by Bhiku
the list of PVTGs. Statement 1 is correct: Ramji Idate has
There are 75 centrally submitted its report.
recognized PVTGs in the
country. Particularly
Vulnerable Tribal
Groups (PVTGs) are
centrally recognized
special category from
among the Scheduled
Tribe. It was constituted
during the 4th five year
plan on the basis of the
report of the Dhebar
commission (1960-61).
Such groups were
identified by one or
more of the following
features: Existence of
practices, Practice of
hunting and gathering,
Zero or negative
population growth and
relatively low level of
literacy as compared to
other tribal groups.
Statement 2 is not
correct: The inclusion of
a tribe to the list of
PVTGs doesn’t require a
Constitutional Order.
downloaded from : downloaded from :

Government of India
designed a procedure to
identify PVTGs.
According to the
procedure, the state
governments or UT
governments submit
proposals to the Central

Ministry of Tribal
Welfare for
identification of PVTGs.
After ensuring the
criteria is fulfilled, the
Central Ministry selects
those groups as PVTGs.
Statement 3 is not
correct: There are 75
listed PVTGs as of today.
The highest number of
PVTGs are found in
Odisha (13), followed by
Andhra Pradesh (12),
Bihar including
Jharkhand (9), Madhya
Pradesh including
Chhattisgarh (7), Tamil
Nadu (6), Kerala and
Gujarat having five
groups each. The
remaining PVTGs live in
West Bengal (3),
Maharashtra (3), two
each in Karnataka and
Uttarakhand and one
each in Rajasthan,
Tripura and Manipur. All
the four tribal groups in
Andamans, and one in
Nicobar Islands, are
recognised as PVTGs.
downloaded from : downloaded from :

32 Polity & With reference to the B Article 142 states that the M F Laxmikant: EM PT 365 Polity Page 39 The Supreme Court
Governance Constitution of India, Supreme Court in the exercise of Indian Polity recently approved
prohibition or limitations or its jurisdiction may pass such India's first Witness
provisions contained in decree or make such order as is Protection Scheme.
ordinary laws cannot act as necessary for doing complete opinion/op- Court has stated that
prohibitions or limitations on justice in any cause or matter ed/article- the scheme shall be
the constitutional powers pending before it. 142-and-the- the ‘law’ under
under Article 142. It could Any decree so passed or orders so need-for- Article 141/142 of

mean which one of the made shall be enforceable judicial- the Constitution, until
following? throughout the territory of India restraint/articl the enactment of
(a) The decisions taken by in such manner as may be suitable
the Election Commission of prescribed by Parliament. e Parliamentary and/or
India while discharging its Until a provision in that behalf is State Legislations on
duties cannot be challenged made, then it would be enforced the subject.
in any court of law. in such a manner as the President
(b) The Supreme Court of may by order prescribe. One of
India is not constrained in the important instances of
the exercise of its powers by application by the Supreme Court
laws made by the of Article 142 was in the Union
Parliament. Carbide case — relating to the
(c) In the event of grave victims of the Bhopal gas tragedy.
financial crisis in the country, In this judgment, the Supreme
the President of India can Court, while awarding
declare Financial Emergency compensation of $470 million to
without the counsel from the the victims, went to the extent of
Cabinet. saying that to do complete justice,
(d) State Legislatures cannot it could even override the laws
make laws on certain made by Parliament by holding
matters without the that, “prohibitions or limitations
concurrence of Union or provisions contained in
Legislature. ordinary laws cannot, ipso facto,
act as prohibitions or limitations
on the constitutional powers
under Article 142.” By this
statement the Supreme Court of
India placed itself above the laws
made by Parliament or the
legislatures of the States. Hence
the Supreme Court of India is not
constrained in the exercise of its
downloaded from : downloaded from :

powers by laws made by the

Some important cases where
Supreme Court invoked article
142 are:
1. Appointment of Lokayukta in
Uttar Pradesh.
2. Setting up R.M. Lodha Committee
to oversee the functioning of the

Medical Council of India (MCI).
3. Transfer the trial of accused in
Babri Masjid demolition case.
4. Ban on sale of alcohol within 500
meters of state and national
5. Witness Protection Scheme, 2018
downloaded from : downloaded from :

33 Polity & With reference to the A Article 176(1) of the Constitution D FA DD Basu RR
Governance Legislative Assembly of a of India enjoins that the Governor
State in India, consider the shall Address both the Houses
following statements: assembled together at the oc/695063/
1. The Governor makes a commencement of the first
customary address to Session after each general
Members of the House at election to the Assembly and at b/aplegislatur
the commencement of the the commencement of the first e/governors-

first session of the year. session of each year and inform address
2. When a State Legislature the Legislature of the causes of its
does not have a rule on a Summons. The Address of the
particular matter, it follows Governor contains a review of the
the Lok Sabha rule on that activities and Achievements of the
matter. Government during the previous
Which of the statements year and their policy with regard
given above is/are correct? to important internal problems as
(a) 1 only well as a brief account of the
(b) 2 only programme of Government
(c) Both 1 and 2 Business for the session.
(d) Neither 1 nor 2 Article 208 in The Constitution Of
India 1949
208. Rules of procedure
(1) A House of the Legislature of a
State may make rules for
regulating subject to the
provisions of this Constitution, its
procedure and the conduct of its
(2) Until rules are made under
clause ( 1 ), the rules of procedure
and standing orders in force
immediately before the
commencement of this
Constitution with respect to the
Legislature for the corresponding
Province shall have effect in
relation to the Legislature of the
State subject to such
modifications and adaptations as
may be made therein by the
downloaded from : downloaded from :

Speaker of the Legislative

Assembly, or the Chairman of the
Legislative Council, as the case
may be
(3) In a State having a Legislative
Council the Governor, after
consultation with the Speaker of
the Legislative Assembly and the

Chairman of the legislative
Council, may make rules as to the
procedure with respect to
communications between the two
Houses. Hence there is no
mention that the State Assembly
follow the Lok Sabha rule.
34 Current Consider the following C Statement 1 is not correct and D CAA RR
Affairs statements: statement 2 is correct: The United
1. The United Nations Nations Convention against thasia/en/fron
Convention against Corruption (UNCAC), which tpage/2011/m
Corruption (UNCAC) has a entered into force in December ay/indian-
‘Protocol against the 2005, is the ever-first binding govt-ratifies-
Smuggling of Migrants by global anti-corruption instrument. two-un-
Land, Sea and Air’. It obliges the States to prevent conventions.h
2. The UNCAC is the ever- and criminalize different corrupt tml
first legally binding global practices, promote international
anti-corruption instrument. cooperation, cooperate for the
3. A highlight of the United recovery of stolen assets and
Nations Convention against enhance technical assistance and
Transnational Organized information exchange.
Crime (UNTOC) is the Statement 3 is not correct: The
inclusion of a specific UNTOC was adopted by General
chapter aimed at returning Assembly in 2000 and came into
assets to their rightful force in 2003. The Convention is
owners from whom they had the first comprehensive and
been taken illicitly. global legally binding instrument
4. The United Nations Office to fight transnational organized
on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) crime. States that have ratified
is mandated by its members UNTOC commit themselves to
States to assist in the taking a series of measures to
implementation of both prevent and control transnational
downloaded from : downloaded from :

UNCAC and UNTOC. organized crime, including (i) the

Which of the statements criminalising of the participation
given above are correct? in an organized criminal group, of
(a) 1 and 3 only money laundering, related
(b) 2, 3 and 4 only corruption and obstruction of
(c) 2 and 4 only justice and (ii) the adoption of
(d) 1, 2, 3 and 4 frameworks for extradition,
mutual legal assistance and

international cooperation.
The UNTOC is further
supplemented by three Protocols,
which target specific forms of
organized crime:
1) The Protocol to Prevent,
Suppress and Punish Trafficking in
Persons, Especially Women and
Children, provides an agreed upon
definition of trafficking in persons.
It aims at comprehensively
addressing trafficking in persons
through the so-called three P's -
Prosecution of perpetrators,
Protection of victims and
Prevention of trafficking.
2) The Protocol against the
Smuggling of Migrants by Land,
Sea and Air, also provides a
definition of smuggling of
migrants. The Protocol aims at
preventing and controlling
smuggling of migrants, promoting
cooperation among States Parties,
while protecting the rights of
smuggled migrants.
3) The Protocol against the Illicit
Manufacturing of and Trafficking
in Firearms, their Parts and
Components and Ammunition
promotes, facilitates and
strengthens cooperation among
downloaded from : downloaded from :

States Parties in order to prevent

and control the illicit
manufacturing of and trafficking
in firearms, their parts and
components and ammunition by
mainly committing Member
States to introduce solid
registration and storage systems

for all legally produced arms.
Statement 4 is correct: The
United Nations Office on Drugs
and Crime (UNODC) is mandated
by its Member States to assist in
the implementation of both
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35 Environment Consider the following B • Statement 1 is not correct: M CAA EN PT 365 Environment
statements: The Indian Forest downtoearth. Page no 32
1. As per recent amendment (Amendment) Ordinance, PT 365 Supplementary
to the Indian Forest Act, 2017 exempts bamboo grown amboo-now- Current Affairs Material
1927, forest dwellers have in non-forest areas from a-minor- For Prelims 2019 Page
the right to fell the bamboos definition of tree, thereby forest- 21
grown on forest areas. dispensing with the produce-
2. As per the Scheduled requirement of felling/transit 33239

Tribes and Other Traditional permit for its economic use.
Forest Dwellers (Recognition • Statement 2 is correct: Minor
of Forest Rights) Act, 2006, Forest Produce (MFP) is dex.php?title=
bamboo is a minor forest defined under the Scheduled Minor_Forest
produce. Tribes and Other Traditional _Produce_(MF
3. The Scheduled Tribes and Forest Dwellers (Recognition P)
Other Traditional Forest of Forest Rights) Act, 2006, as
Dwellers (Recognition of all non-timber forest produce
Forests Rights) Act, 2006 of plant origin, and includes
allows ownership of minor bamboo, brushwood, stumps,
forest produce to forest canes, Tusser, cocoon, honey,
dwellers. waxes, Lac, tendu/kendu
Which of the statements leaves, medicinal plants and
given above is/are correct? herbs, roots, tuber and the
(a) 1 and 2 only like.
(b) 2 and 3 only • Statement 3 is correct: The
(c) 3 only (d) 1, 2 and 3 Forest Rights Act 2006
defines forest rights as
inclusive of ‘Right of
ownership, access to collect,
use and dispose of minor
forest produce which have
traditionally been collected
within or outside village
boundaries’. Individuals,
communities and gram
sabhas having rights under
this particular section of the
Act will not only have the
rights to use but also rights of
ownership over MFPs.
downloaded from : downloaded from :

36 Polity & Which Article of the B • The right to marry a person M CAA EN Recently SC declared
Governance Constitution of India of one’s choice is integral to 'Right to marry'
safeguards one’s right to Article 21 (right to life and rticle/india/rig person of one’s
marry the person of one’s liberty) of the Constitution”, ht-to-marry- choice is integral to
choice? the Supreme Court said supreme- right to life & liberty
(a) Article 19 (b) Article 21 Monday and set aside a 2017 court-hadiya- on Hadiya case
(c) Article 25 (d) Article 29 order of the Kerala High Court case-
which annulled the marriage 5131055/

of Kerala Muslim convert girl
Hadiya and Shefin Jahan.
37 Science & Consider the following C • Statement 1 is not correct and D CAA EN In April, 2018, the
Technology statements: Statement 3 is correct: As per downtoearth. Delhi high court had
1. According to the Indian the Patents Act, 1970 - "plants ruled Monsanto’s
Patents Act, a biological and animals in whole or any riculture/was- patent over Bt cotton
process to create a seed can part thereof other than micro there-a- seeds as invalid. In
be patented in India. organisms but including seeds, victory-for- the verdict, the two-
2. In India, there is no varieties and species and monsanto-in- judge bench headed
Intellectual Property essentially biological processes india-s- by Justice S Ravindra
for production or propagation
Appellate Board. supreme- Bhat, had said some
of plants and animals" are
3. Plant varieties are not court-on-a- items such as seeds,
inventions not patentable.
eligible in the patented in patent- animals and plants
• Statement 2 is not correct: The
India. matter--62800 cannot be patented
Intellectual Property Appellate
Which of the statements under Indian laws.
Board, a quasi-judicial body,
given above is/are correct? was constituted in September Recently, however,
(a) 1 and 3 only 1958. The Board is entrusted the Supreme Court,
(b) 2 and 3 only with the task of adjudication of while reversing a
(c) 3 only disputes pertaining to Delhi high court
(d) 1, 2 and 3 copyright registration, judgment, on January
assignment of copyright, grant 8, 2019, allowed agri-
of Licenses in respect of works business giant
withheld from public, Monsanto to claim
unpublished Indian works, patent on its
production and publication of genetically modified
translations and works for (GM) cotton seeds.
certain specified purposes. It
also hears cases in other
miscellaneous matters
instituted before it under the
Copyright Act, 1957.
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38 Environment Consider the following C • Statement 1 is correct: The D FCA EM

statements: Environment Impact
The Environment Protection Assessment Notification was ocs/pdf/ind46
Act, 1986 empowers the made by the GOI in 56.pdf
Government of India to pursuance of the powers The-
1. state the requirement of conferred on it by the Environment-
public participation in the Environment Protection Act Protection-
process of environmental [sub-section (1) and clause (v) Act-1986

protection, and the of sub-section (2) of section 3
procedure and manner in of the Environment
which it is sought (Protection) Act , 1986]. One
2. lay down the standards for of the most significant
emission or discharge of determinants of EIA is the
environmental pollutants procedure of Public Hearing
from various sources (PH) and Public Participation
Which of the statements (PP) on any developmental
given above is/are correct? project.
(a) 1 only • Statement 2 is correct: As per
(b) 2 only Section 3 of the Environment
(c) Both 1 and 2 Protection Act, the
(d) Neither 1 nor 2 Government of India is
empowered to make rules in
the laying down standards for
emission or discharge of
environmental pollutants
from various sources.
39 Environment As per the Solid Waste C • The SWM Rules 2016 provide M CAA RM
Management Rules, 2016 in for detailed criteria for n/newsite/Pri
India, which one of the setting‐up solid waste ntRelease.asp
following statements is processing and treatment x?relid=13859
correct? facility, solid waste 1
(a) Waste generator has to management in hilly areas,
segregate waste five for waste to energy process,
categories. for Sanitary Landfills, for site
(b) The Rules are applicable selection, development of
to notified urban local facilities at the sanitary
bodies, notified towns and landfills, specifications for
all industrial townships only. land filling operations and
(c) The Rules provide for closure on completion of
exact and elaborate criteria landfilling, pollution
downloaded from : downloaded from :

for the identification of sites prevention, Closure and

for landfills and waste Rehabilitation of Old Dumps
processing facilities. etc.
(d) It is mandatory the part
of waste generator that the
waste generated in one
district cannot be moved to
another district.

40 Current Consider the following C Statement 1 is correct: The M CA EN
Affairs statements: government has notified fixed
As per the Industrial term employment for all sectors rticle/business
Employment (Standing through an amendment to the /economy/ind
Orders) Central Industrial Employment (Standing ustrial-
(Amendment) Rules, 2018 Orders) Central Rules, 1946. employment-
1. if rules for fixed-term Fixed-term employment for all standing-
employment are sectors will make it easier for orders-
implemented, it becomes companies to hire-and-fire central-rules-
easier for the workers along with reducing the 1946-
firms/companies to lay off role of middlemen. amendment-
workers Statement 2 is correct: No notice eases-hire-
2. no notice of termination of termination of employment and-fire-to-
of employment shall be shall be necessary in the case of reduce-
necessary in the case of temporary workman whether middleman-
temporary workman monthly rated, weekly rated or role-5103765/
Which of the statements piece rated and probationers or
given above is/are correct? badli workmen.
(a) 1 only (b) 2 only
(c) Both 1 and 2
(d) Neither 1 nor 2
41 Science & In the context of digital B • Virtual Reality technology D FCA RR
Technology technologies for immerses users in a
entertainment, consider the completely virtual es/quora/201
following statements: environment that is 8/02/02/the-
1. In Augmented Reality (AR), generated by a computer. difference-
a simulated environment is You need to wear a special VR between-
created and the physical headset to experience virtual virtual-reality-
world is completely shut out. reality. Most VR headsets are augmented-
2. In Virtual Reality (VR), connected to a computer reality-and-
images generated from a (Oculus Rift) or a gaming mixed-
computer are projected onto console (PlayStation VR) but reality/#2f384
downloaded from : downloaded from :

real-life objects or there are standalone devices 8622d07

surroundings. (Google Cardboard is among
3. AR allows individuals to be the most popular) as well.
present in the world and Most standalone VR headsets
improves the experience work in combination with
using the camera of smart- smartphones – you insert a
phones or PC. smartphone, wear a headset,
4. VR closes the world, and and immerse in the virtual

transposes an individual, reality.
providing complete • In augmented reality, users
immersion experience. see and interact with the real
Which of the statements world while digital content is
given above is/are correct? added to it. Pokemon Go is
(a) 1 and 2 only an example of augmented
(b) 3 and 4 reality. If you own a modern
(c) 1, 2 and 3 smartphone, you can easily
(d) 4 only download an AR app and try
this technology. There’s a
different way to experience
augmented reality, though –
with special AR headsets,
such as Google Glass, where
digital content is displayed on
a tiny screen in front of a
user’s eye.
• Hence, only statements 3
and 4 are correct.
42 Current The word ‘Denisovan’ is B • The first evidence for D U RR
Affairs sometimes mentioned in Denisovans or Denisova
media in reference to hominins was first discovered sci-
(a) fossils of a kind of in 2008 in a cave in the Altai tech/science/
dinosaurs mountains in Siberia. Analysis denisovans-
(b) an early human species of a fossil jawbone containing lived-in-
(c) a cave system found in molars recovered from Baishiya tibetan-
North-East India Karst cave in Xiahe, Gansu, plateau-fossil-
China shows Denisovans lived
(d) a geological period in the evidence-
in the Tibetan Plateau some
history of Indian shows/article2
1,60,000 years ago. This is the
subcontinent 7005280.ece
firsttime evidence of Denisovan
presence has been found
outside the Denisova cave.
downloaded from : downloaded from :

43 Science & With reference to the recent A • Options C and D are correct: D U RR
Technology developments in science, Given appropriate ncbi.nlm.nih.g
which one of the following surroundings, most plant and ov/books/NBK
statements is not correct? animal cells can live, 26851/
(a) Functional chromosomes multiply, and even express
can be created by joining differentiated properties in a cientificameric
segments of DNA taken from tissue-culture dish. The cells
cells of different species. can be watched continuously tor/genes-

(b) Pieces of artificial under the microscope or cannot-be-
functional DNA can be analyzed biochemically, and made-from-
created in laboratories. the effects of adding or scratch/?redir
(c) A piece of DNA taken out removing specific molecules, ect=1
from an animal cell can be such as hormones or growth
made to replicate outside a factors, can be explored. In
living cell in a laboratory. addition, by mixing two cell
(d) Cells taken out from types, the interactions
plants and animals can be between one cell type and
made to undergo cell another can be studied.
division in laboratory petri Experiments performed on
dishes. cultured cells are sometimes
said to be carried out in vitro
(literally, “in glass”) to
contrast them with
experiments using intact
organisms, which are said to
be carried out in vivo
(literally, “in the living
• Options B is correct: DNA is
an organic chemical molecule
made from atoms of carbon,
hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen,
and phosphorous. Like many
other organic molecules that
are made inside living cells,
DNA can also by synthesized
in test tubes using the tools
of organic chemistry. In most
descriptions of DNA synthesis
technology, we hear that DNA
downloaded from : downloaded from :

sequences can be made by

simply adding together the
A's T's C's and G's -- the
"bases" that make the rungs
of the twisted DNA ladder.
• Options A is not correct:
Functional chromosomes can
not be created by joining

segments of DNA taken from
cells of different species.
44 Science & Consider the following D • Digital Signature Certificates M FCA RR
Technology statements: (DSC) are the digital
A digital signature is equivalent (that is electronic p/app?page=D
1. an electronic record that format) of physical or paper SCInfo&servic
identifies the certifying certificates. Examples of e=page
authority issuing it physical certificates are
2. used to serve as a proof of drivers' licenses, passports or
identity of an individual to membership cards.
access information or serve • Certificates serve as a proof
on Internet of identity of an individual for
3. an electronic method of a certain purpose; for
signing an electronic example, a driver's license
document and ensuring that identifies someone who can
the original content is legally drive in a particular
unchanged country. Likewise, a digital
Which of the statements certificate can be presented
given above is/are correct? electronically to prove your
(a) 1 only identity, to access
(b) 2 and 3 only information or services on
(c) 3 only the Internet or to sign certain
(d) 1, 2 and 3 documents digitally.
45 Science & In the context of wearable D • Wearable technology is a E U RR
Technology technology, which of the category of electronic devices
following tasks is/are that can be worn as 6-
accomplished by wearable accessories, embedded in 1073/11/3/54
devices? clothing, implanted in the 7/pdf
1. Location identification of a user's body, or even tattooed
person on the skin. The devices are
2. Sleep monitoring of a hands-free gadgets with .au/lions-
person practical uses, powered by hearing/heari
downloaded from : downloaded from :

3. Assisting the hearing microprocessors and ng-

impaired person enhanced with the ability to technology/he
Select the correct answer send and receive data via the arables
using the code given below. Internet.
(a) 1 only • Location- and position-
(b) 2 and 3 only tracking sensors (i.e., GPS,
(c) 3 only altimeter, magnetometer,
(d) 1, 2 and 3 compasses, and

accelerometers) are the most
common type of sensors on
wearable devices, such as
activity trackers,
smartwatches, and even
medical wearables where
they are used to check the
physical activity and health of
• Fitness trackers, also known as
activity trackers, are typically
worn on the wrist, chest, or
ears, and are designed to
monitor and track outdoor
sport activities and measure
fitness-related metrics, such as
the speed and distance of
running, exhalation, pulse rate,
and sleeping habits.
• In more recent times, there has
been a new surge in wearable
technology worn on the ear,
referred to as hearables.
• Hearing-Aids is a category of
hearables involving use of a
microphone, speaker and
amplifier. This amplifies sounds
to help people with hearing
impairment hear. Example,
Phonak Audeo V.
• Hence, all the options are
downloaded from : downloaded from :

46 Science & ‘RNA interference (RNAi)’ A • RNAi is a gene silencing D U RR

Technology technology has gained technology that inhibits
popularity in the last few protein synthesis in target ebo112.pdf
years. Why? cells using double-stranded
1. It is used in developing RNA.
gene silencing therapies. • RNAi has huge significance pinion/qQSEp
2. It can be used in within the Indian context, NfNPUEShuTe
developing therapies for the considering the deep-seated zgvMaO/RNA-

treatment of cancer. resistance over the years to technologies-
3. It can be used to develop Bt cotton and other and-Indias-
hormone replacement genetically modified seeds. path-
therapies. RNA-reliant solutions could forward.html
4. It can be used to produce be a viable alternative.
crop plants that are resistant • RNAi is used in functional ncbi.nlm.nih.g
to viral pathogens. genomics (systematic analysis ov/probe/doc
Select the correct answer of loss-of-function phenotypes s/techrnai/
using the code given below. induced by RNAi triggers) and
(a) 1, 2 and 4 developing therapies for the
(b) 2 and 3 treatment of viral infection,
(c) 1 and 3 dominant disorders,
(d) 1 and 4 only neurological disorders, and
many types of cancers (in vivo
inactivation of gene products
linked to human disease
progression and pathology).
47 Science & Recently, scientists observed B • The LIGO detectors M CA EN PT 365 Science and The 2017 Nobel Prize
Technology the merger of giant discovered the first Technology Page 46 for physics has been
‘blackholes’ billions of light- gravitational waves produced opinion/editor awarded to the LIGO-
years away from the Earth. by two giant merging ial/awestruck- VIRGO collaboration
What is the significance of blackholes in 2016. on-the-nobel- for their detection of
this observation? prize-for- gravitational waves
(a) ‘Higgs boson particles’ physics/article arising from the
were detected. 19797660.ece merger of two black
(b) ‘Gravitational waves’ holes.
were detected.
(c) Possibility of inter-galactic
space travel through
‘wormhole’ was confirmed.
(d) It enabled the scientists
to understand ‘singularity’.
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48 Science & Which of the following are B • Antibiotic consumption in M FCA EN PT 365 Science and Increasing global
Technology the reasons for the Humans: In 2014, India was org/wp- Technology Page 33 focus in AMR
occurrence of multi-drug the highest consumer of content/uploa
resistance in microbial antibiotics, followed by China ds/2017/11/A
pathogens in India? and the United States. In MR-INDIA-
1. Genetic predisposition of India, antibiotic FDCs are SCOPING-
some people heavily prescribed even REPORT.pdf
2. Taking incorrect doses of without the knowledge of a

antibiotics to cure diseases proven advantage over single
3. Using antibiotics in compounds. Injudicious use
livestock farming of antibiotic FDCs could lead
4. Multiple chronic diseases to emergence of bacterial
in some people strains resistant to multiple
Select the correct answer antibiotics. (However, the per
using the code given below. capita consumption of
(a) 1 and 2 antibiotics in India is much
(b) 2 and 3 only lower than in several other
(c) 1, 3 and 4 high-income countries).
(d) 2, 3 and 4 • Antibiotic consumption in
Animals: The use of
antibiotics in food animals
plays a major role in human
health, as antibiotic-resistant
bacteria can be transmitted
between humans and animals
through contact, in food
products, and from the
• Hence, 2 and 3 are correct.
49 Science & What is Cas9 protein that is A • CRISPR-Cas9 is a system used E CA EN PT 365 Science and Frequently seen in
Technology often mentioned in news? by bacterial cells to recognise Technology Page 4 news.
(a) A molecular scissors used and destroy viral DNA as a sci-
in targeted gene editing form of adaptive immunity. tech/health/h
(b) A biosensor used in the Using components of the ow-safe-is-
accurate detection of CRISPR system, researchers crispr/article2
pathogens in patients can remove, add or alter 4542728.ece
(c) A gene that makes plants specific DNA sequences in the
pest-resistant genome of higher organisms.
(d) A herbicidal substance • The gene editing tool has two
synthesized in genetically components — a single-guide
downloaded from : downloaded from :

modified crops RNA (sgRNA) that contains a

sequence that can bind to
DNA, and the Cas9 enzyme
which acts as a molecular
scissor that can cleave DNA.
50 Science & Which one of the following B • Hepatitis B is a viral infection M FCA EN PT 365 Science and Government
Technology statements is not correct? that attacks the liver and can Technology Page 4 launched the
(a) Hepatitis B virus is cause both acute and chronic room/fact- S&T-MONTHLY National viral

transmitted much like HIV. disease. The virus is sheets/detail/ REVISION CURRENT hepatitis program.
(b) Hepatitis B, unlike transmitted through contact hepatitis-b AFFAIRS TEST:
Hepatitis C, does not have a with the blood or other body With reference to the
vaccine. fluids of an infected person. Hepatitis, consider the
(c) Globally, the number of (HIV also gets transmitted via following statements:
people infected with the exchange of a variety of 1. It is a viral disease
Hepatitis B and C viruses are body fluids from infected which primarily
several times more than individuals, such as blood, affects the nervous
those infected with HIV. breast milk, semen and system.
(d) Some of those infected vaginal secretions) 2. Vaccines have been
with Hepatitis B and C • The hepatitis B vaccine is the developed for all
viruses do not show the mainstay of hepatitis B types of hepatitis.
symptoms for many years. prevention. WHO 3. National Viral
recommends that all infants Hepatitis Control
receive the hepatitis B Program seeks to end
vaccine as soon as possible viral hepatitis as a
after birth, preferably within public health threat in
24 hours. (Hence, option b is the country by
not correct) 2030.
• Hepatitis B is a global public Which of the
health threat and the world’s statements given above
most common serious liver is/are
infection. It is up to 100 times correct?
more infectious than the (a) 1 and 2 only
HIV/AIDS virus. (b) 2 and 3 only
• In those people who develop (c) 3 only
symptoms from acute (d) 1, 2 and 3
infection, the average time
from exposure to symptoms
ranges from 2 to 12 weeks.
However, most people who are
infected with the hepatitis C
downloaded from : downloaded from :

virus do not develop

symptoms. Most people with
chronic hepatitis C virus
infection do not have any
symptoms or have general, or
common symptoms such as
chronic fatigue and depression.
Many people eventually
develop chronic liver disease,

which can range from mild to
severe, including cirrhosis
(scarring of the liver) and liver
cancer. Chronic liver disease in
people with hepatitis C usually
happens slowly, without any
signs or symptoms, over
several decades.
downloaded from : downloaded from :

51 Medieval With reference to Mughal D • The Sultan was the fountain D F Themes In EM
History India, what is/are the pen of judiciary system in Indian History
difference/differences Mughal period. He was all in Part -II; Old
between Jagirdar and all in the state .He was NCERT Satish
Zamindar? responsible for any kind of Chandra,
1. Jagirdars were holders or error in the state. The second Medieval India
land assignments in lieu of agency of judiciary was the
judicial and police duties, Qazi. Qazi had a bigger role

whereas Zamindars were in the judiciary system in the
holders of revenue rights state and he held the court
without obligation to and gave justice. Whereas
perform any duty other than Jagirdars were those
revenue collection. mansabdars who were given
2. Land assignments to salary in lieu of military
Jagirdars were hereditary service in terms of
and revenue rights or jagirs(land). Hence
Zamindars were not statement 1 is not correct.
hereditary. The judicial and police
Select the correct answer functions were performed
using the code given below. locally by zamindars.
(a) 1 only • An important feature of the
(b) 2 only jagir system was shifting of
(c) Both 1 and 2 jagir-holders from one jagir
(d) Neither 1 nor 2 to another for administrative
reasons. This system of
transfers checked the
jagirdars from developing
local roots. Thus jagirs were
transferable and could be
seized too. Zamindars on the
other hand were hereditary.
The zamindars were present
in practically every part of the
Mughal Empire and held the
most significant position in
the agrarian structure of
Mughal India. Hence
statement 2 is not correct.
downloaded from : downloaded from :

52 Economics With reference to land B • The unit of application of D U RR

reforms in independent ceiling differs from State to gcommission.
India, which one of the State. In Andhra Pradesh,
following statements is Assam, Bihar, Punjab, articles/venka
correct? Haryana, Uttar Pradesh, West /index.php?re
(a) The ceiling laws were Bengal, Madhya Pradesh and pts=m-
aimed at family holdings and Maharashtra, it is on the land.htm
not individual holdings. basis of an 'land holder', India People

(b) The major aim of land whereas in the other States it and Economy-
reforms was providing is one the basis of a 'family'. Class 12th
agricultural land to all the • Moreover, there were a list of NCERT Page
landless. exemptions to ceiling limits 55
(c) It resulted in cultivation by different states.
of cash crops as a • In order to bring about
predominant form of uniformity, a new policy was
cultivation. evolved in 1971. The main
(d) Land reforms permitted features were:
no exemptions to the ceiling o Lowering of ceiling to 28
limits. acres of wet land and 54
acres of unirrigated land
o A change over to family
rather than the
individual as the unit for
determining land
holdings lowered ceiling
for a family of five.
o Fewer exemptions from
o Retrospective application
of the law for declaring
benami transactions null
and void; and
o No scope to move the
court on ground of
infringement of
fundamental rights.
• Therefore, Options (a) and
(d) are not correct.
• After Independence, the
immediate goal of the
downloaded from : downloaded from :

Government was to increase

foodgrains production by (i)
switching over from cash
crops to food crops; (ii)
intensification of cropping
over already cultivated land;
and (iii) increasing cultivated
area by bringing cultivable

and fallow land under plough.
• Therefore, Land reforms were
not focussed on cash crops
and hence it did not lead to
cash crops being
predominant form of
cultivation. Also, the Land
reforms in Haryana and
Punjab were the reason for
introducing Green
Revolution. It focussed more
on food crops production as
predominant form of
cultivation and not cash
crops. Therefore, Option (c) is
not correct.
• The Land Reforms in India-
aimed at the redistribution of
ownership holdings and
reorganising operational
holdings from the view point
of optimum utilisation of
land. It has also aimed at
providing security of tenure,
fixation of rents and
conferment of ownership.
Hence, option (b) is correct.
53 Current The Global Competitiveness C • The Global Competitiveness E CA EN PT 365 Economy Page 67 Frequently seen in
Affairs Report is published by the Report (GCR) is a yearly hehindubusin All India Test Series news.
(a) International Monetary report published by the Test 2670
Fund World Economic Forum conomy/india- The Global
ranks-58th- Competitiveness Report,
downloaded from : downloaded from :

(b) United Nations most- often seen in news, is

Conference on Trade and competitive- released by:
Development economy-in- (a) World Trade
(c) World Economic Forum wef- Organization
(d) World Bank index/article2 (b) World Economic
5244640.ece Forum
(c) United Nations World
Tourism Organization
(d) International

Monetary Fund
54 Modern Consider the following A Main Provisions of Charter Act, D FA Spectrum EM
History statements about ‘the 1833
Charter Act of 1813’: • Monopoly of East India
1. It ended the trade Company to trade with India
monopoly of the East India was brought to an end but
Company in India except for the company retained the
trade in tea and trade with trade with China and the
China. trade in tea. Hence
2. It asserted the sovereignty statement 1 is correct.
of the British Crown over the • The company’s shareholders
Indian territories held by the were given a 10.5 percent
Company. dividend on the revenue in
3. The revenues of India India.
were now controlled by the • The company was allowed to
British Parliament. continued territorial
Which of the statements possession for period of 20
given above are correct? years i.e. from 1833 to 1853,
(a) 1 and 2 only without prejudice to the
(b) 2 and 3 only sovereignty of the Crown. The
(c) 1 and 3 only company was held in trust to
(d) 1, 2 and 3 the Crown. Hence statement
2 is correct.
• The Charter Act of 1813
required the Company to
maintain its territorial and
commercial accounts
separately. By this Act the
Company was put under
greater control of the British
Crown, but could retain its
downloaded from : downloaded from :

hold on the details of

administration and Indian
revenues. From 1853, the
revenues of India were
controlled by the British
Parliament. Hence,
Statement 3 is not correct.
55 Modern With reference to Swadeshi C • The Swadeshi Movement had E F Spectrum EM All India Test Series

History Movement consider the its genesis in the anti-partition Test 2676
following statements: movement which was started The 'Swadeshi'
1. It contributed to the to oppose the British decision movement led to:
revival of the indigenous to partition Bengal. 1. Establishment of
artisan crafts and industries. • The Swadeshi Movement was National Council of
2. The National Council of the great emphasis given to Education.
Education was established as self-reliance or ‘Atmasakti’ as 2. The inclusion of the
a part of Swadeshi a necessary part of the Muslim mass into the
Movement. struggle against the Indian Freedom
Which of the statements Government. One of the Movement.
given above is/are correct? major planks of the 3. Immediate
(a) 1 only programme of self-reliance annulment of the
(b) 2 only was Swadeshi or national partition of Bengal.
(c) Both 1 and 1 education. In August 1906, Select the correct
(d) Neither 1 nor 2 the National Council of answer using the code
Education was established. given below.
The Council defined its (a) 1 only
objectives in this way. . . ‘to (b) 1 and 2 only
organize a system of (c) 2 and 3 only
Education Literary; Scientific (d) 1, 2 and 3
and Technical — on National With reference to
lines and under National Swadeshi and Boycott
control from the primary to movement, consider the
the university level. The most following statements:
important aspect of the 1. Indian National
movement was a focus on Congress adopted the
self-reliance or Atma-shakti resolution of supporting
which led to the Swadeshi and Boycott
development of indigenous movement at its
industries. Calcutta Session (1906).
2. It led to decline in the
import of foreign goods.
downloaded from : downloaded from :

3. Movement came to
an end with the
unification of Bengal.
Which of the
statements given above
is/are correct?
(a) 1 only
(b) 1 and 2 only

(c) 2 and 3 only
(d) 1, 2 and 3
The most important
aspect of the movement
was a focus on self-
reliance or Atma-shakti
which led to the
development of
indigenous industries
and nationalistic
institutes like Bengal
National College founded
by Aurobindo Ghosh,
Bengal Technical
Institute, National
Council of Education.
56 Modern Consider the following pairs: D • In order to better organize E F Spectrum EM All India Test Series
History Movement/Organization the campaign for the Test 2679, 2665, 2676
Leader amelioration of the With respect to
1. All India Anti- untouchables' condition, Mahatma Gandhi's
Untouchability League : Gandhi set up a new body in social reform
Mahatma Gandhi October 1932. It was first movements, consider
2. All India Kisan Sabha : named the All India Anti- the following
Swami Sahajanand Saraswati Untouchability League and statements:
3. Self-Respect Movement : later renamed the Harijan 1. He set up All India
E. V. Ramaswami Naicker Sevak Sangh. Gandhi started Anti-Untouchability
Which of the pairs given publishing a weekly journal League.
above is/are correctly called "Harijan" on 11 2. He started a weekly
matched? February 1933 from Yerwada journal Harijan.
(a) 1 only Jail during British rule. Hence 3. He was pioneer in
(b) 1 and 2 only pair 1 is correctly matched. passing of Temple Entry
(c) 2 and 3 only • All India Kisan Congress Bill, 1934
downloaded from : downloaded from :

(d) 1, 2 and 3 Sabha, 1936 was founded in Which of the

Lucknow in April 1936 with statements given above
Swami Sahjanand Saraswati is/are correct?
as the President and N.G. (a) 1 and 2 only
Ranga as the general (b) 2 and 3 only
secretary. Hence, pair 2 is (c) 1 only (d) 3 only
correctly matched. Consider the following
• E. V. Ramaswami Naicker pairs:

organized the "Self Respect Leaders Association
Movement", designed as 1. Bhagat Singh
Dravidian Uplift, seeking to Naujawan Bharat Sabha
expose Brahminical tyranny 2. Sahajanand Saraswati
and the deceptive methods All India Kisan Sabha
by which they controlled all 3. Jayprakash Narayan
spheres of Hindu life. Hence, Congress Socialist Party
pair 3 is correctly matched. Which of the pairs given
above is/are correctly
(a) 1 only
(b) 1 and 3 only
(c) 2 only (d) 1, 2 and 3
Consider the following
statements about
Periyar E.V. Ramasamy:
1. He opposed
2. He participated in the
movement, offered
satyagraha and
defended khadi.
3. He gave full support
to the scheme for
Pakistan after Lahore
resolution of Muslim
Which of the
statements given above
are correct?
downloaded from : downloaded from :

(a) 1 and 2 only

(b) 2 and 3 only
(c) 1 and 3 only
(d) 1, 2 and 3
Naicker was active in
the Congress-led
freedom struggle for

sometime. He
participated in the non-
cooperation movement,
offered satyagraha and
defended khadi.
Protesting against the
Brahmanical dominance
in high politics, he quit
Congress and developed
Dravidian cultural
alternatives to the
prevailing hegemonic
Brahminical culture. In
1925, he organized the
"Self Respect
Movement", designed
as Dravidian Uplift,
seeking to expose
Brahminical tyranny and
the deceptive methods
by which they
controlled all spheres of
Hindu life.
57 Ancient Which one of the following is C • Sohgaura is located in D U A History of RR
History not a Harappan site? Gorakhpur district of a Ancient and
(a) Chanhudaro copper plate inscription Early -
(b) Kot Diji found here. Here Ashokan Upinder Singh
(c) Sohgaura inscriptions were found.
(d) Desalpur Whereas, Chanhudaro, Kot
Diji, Desalpur are Harappan
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58 Ancient In which of the following A • Kanaganahalli is about 3 km D U A History of RR

History relief sculpture inscriptions is from Sannati, Karnataka. Ancient and
‘Ranyo Ashoka’ (King Ashoka) Here, excavation found Early -
mentioned along with the mentions ‘Ranyo Ashoka’ Upinder Singh
stone portrait of Ashoka? (King Ashoka) mentioned
(a) Kanganahalli (b) Sanchi along with the stone portrait
(c) Shahbazgarhi(d) Sohgaura of Ashoka.
59 Art & Culture Consider the following D • The emergence of E F Themes in EM All India Test Series

statements: Bodhisattva is central to Indian History Test 2662
1. Deification of the Buddha Mahayana sect of Buddhism, Part -II Which of the following
2. Trading the path of which emerged during the statements is/are correct
Bodhisattvas fourth council of Buddhism about Mahayana sect of
3. Image worship and rituals held in 1st century A.D at Buddhism?
Which of the above is/are Kashmir during the reign of 1. The emergence of
Bodhisattva is central to
the feature/features of Kanishka. Bodhisattvas were
this sect of Buddhism.
Mahayana Buddhism? perceived as deeply
2. Worshipping the
(a) 1 only compassionate beings who
images of Buddha is an
(b) 1 and 2 only accumulated merit through important part of this
(c) 2 and 3 only their efforts but used this not sect.
(d) 1, 2 and 3 to attain Nibbana and 3. The sect emerged
thereby abandon the world during the reign of
but to help others. The Ashoka.
worship of images of the Select the correct answer
Buddha and Bodhisattvas using the code given
became an important part of below.
this tradition. Hence all the (a) 1 and 2 only (b) 3 only
statements are correct. (c) 1, 2 and 3 (d) 2 only
60 Ancient With refence to forced A • Forced labour (vishti) is a D U A History of RR
History labour (Vishti) in India during forced labour which became Ancient and
the Gupta period, which one more common than before in Early -
of the following statements 300-600C. It is mentioned Upinder Singh
is correct? alongwith taxes in land grant
(a) It was considered a inscriptions which suggests
source of income for the that it was considered as a
State, a sort of tax paid by source of income for the
the people. state, a sort of tax paid by the
(b) It was totally absent in people.
the Madhya Pradesh and
Kathiawar region of the
Gupta Empire.
downloaded from : downloaded from :

(c) The forced labourer was

entitled to weekly wages.
(d) The eldest son of the
labourer was sent as the
forced labourer.
61 Modern Which one of the following A • After the voyages of M U RR
History groups of plants was Christopher Columbus in 1492, hanacademy.o
domesticated in the ‘New the Columbian exchange rg/humanities
brought New World crops such

World’ and introduced into /us-
the ‘Old World’? as maize, potatoes, sweet history/preco
(a) Tobacco, cocoa and potatoes, and manioc to ntact-and-
rubber Europe, and Old World crops early-colonial-
(b) Tobacco, cotton and such as wheat, barley, rice, and era/old-and-
turnips, and livestock including
rubber new-worlds-
horses, cattle, sheep, and goats
(c) Cotton, coffee and collide/a/the-
to the Americas.
sugarcane columbian-
(d) Rubber, coffee and wheat exchange-ka
downloaded from : downloaded from :

62 Environment Consider the following A • Statement 1 is correct: M U RR Asked in 2683. Government
statements: Asiatic Lion is found naturally (Rhino range countries Launched Asiatic Lion
1. Asiatic lion is naturally in India only. Gir National news/national mentioned in the Conservation Project;
found in India only. Park is the last natural habitat /india-to- explanation) New Delhi
2. Double-humped camel is of this species. collaborate- Consider the following Declaration on Asian
naturally found in India only. • Statement 2 is not correct: with-four- statements on the New Rhinos 2019
3. One-horned rhinoceros is The Bactrian camel or nations-to- Delhi Declaration on
naturally found in India only. Double-humped camel is a protect-asian- Asian Rhinos 2019:

Which of the statements large, even-toed ungulate rhinos/article2 1. It was signed by India
given above is/are correct? native to the steppes of 6431985.ece and China to conserve
(a) 1 only Central Asia. In India, it is Asian rhinos.
(b) 2 only found in the Nubra valley. n/newsite/Pri 2. The declaration
(c) 1 and 3 only • Statement 3 is not correct: ntRelease.asp envisages trans-
(d) 1, 2 and 3 One-horned rhino is naturally x?relid=18668 boundary collaboration
found in areas of Assam such 8 and local community
as Kaziranga National Park, engagement for rhino
India and also in Chitwan hebetterindia. conservation.
National Park (CNP) of Nepal. com/158673/ Which of the
bactrian- statements given above
camel-nubra- is/are correct?
valley-ladakh/ (a) 1 only (b) 2 only
(c) Both 1 and 2
(d) Neither 1 nor 2
Asked in 2669, 2860:
With reference to the
recently launched
Asiatic Lions
Conservation Project,
consider the following
1. It aims to double the
population of Asiatic
lions to 500.
2. It will be funded
through the centrally
sponsored scheme
'Development of
Wildlife Habitat'.
3. It has been launched
by the Zoological Survey
downloaded from : downloaded from :

of India.
Which of the
statements given above
is/are correct?
(a) 1 and 2 only
(b) 1 and 3 only
(c) 2 only (d) 1, 2 and 3
63 Geography Consider the following pairs: A • Pandharpur is a well known D U Atlas RR

Famous Place River pilgrimage town on the banks
1. Pandharpur : of Chandrabhaga River in
Chandrabhaga Solpur district, Maharashtra,
2. Tiruchirappalli : Cauvery India.
3. Hampi : Malaprabha • Tiruchirapalli District is
Which of the pairs given located along the Kaveri River
above are correctly in Tamil Nadu, India.
matched? • Hampi is city near the
(a) 1 and 2 only (b) 2 and 3 Tungabhadra River, with
only numerous temples, farms and
(c) 1 and 3 only (d) 1, 2 and 3 trading markets.
64 Economics In a given year in India, B The Planning Commission D FA RR
official poverty lines are methodology for estimating gcommission.
higher in some States than in poverty at national and state
others because level was regarded by some as genrep/pov_r
(a) poverty rates vary from inappropriate in giving a ep0707.pdf
State to State representative picture of the
(b) price levels vary from incidence of poverty in the
State to State country. The main points of the
(c) Gross State Product varies criticism were:
from State to State (a) the adjustment procedure;
(d) quality of public (b) the choice of deflators to
distribution varies from State represent price changes in the
to State poverty line;
(c) application of the same
poverty line in all the states,
which imply the absence of price
differentials across the states;
(d) use of a fixed consumption
basket over time; and
(e) the uniform consumption
basket for all the states.
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65 Environment In the context of which of D • The geo-engineering E CA EN PT 365 Environment

the following do some technique known as Page 5
scientists suggest the used of stratospheric aerosol sci- All India Test Series
cirrus cloud thinning injection (SAI) could limit tech/energy- Test 2667
technique and the injection rising temperatures that are and- 'Stratospheric Aerosol
of sulphate aerosol into causing climate change. environment/ Injection (SAI)' a
stratosphere? • Cloud thinning strategy scientists- geoengineering
(a) Creating the artificial would be used to shoot mull- technique would be

rains in some regions powder over cirrus clouds, stratospheric- most useful for which of
(b) Reducing the frequency which would thin out their barrier-to- the following purpose?
and intensity of tropical coverage and alter their curb- (a) Reduction of Carbon
cyclones radiative effects over Earth. warming/articl dioxide emissions
(c) Reducing the adverse (b) Clear visibility for
effects of solar wind on the e fighter jets
Earth (c) Mitigate Global
(d) Reducing the global Warming
warming (d) Cloud seeding
66 Environment In the context of which one D • Pyrolysis: Pyrolysis is the E FCA EM PT 365 Environment Commonly seen in
of the following are the process of heating organic Page 39 news.
terms ‘pyrolysis and plasma material at high temperatures sci- MONTHLY REVISION
gasification’ mentioned? in the absence of oxygen. tech/energy- CURRENT AFFAIRS
(a) Extraction of rare earth • Plasma Gasification: Plasma and- Which of the following
elements gasification is an extreme environment/ technology/methods
(b) Natural gas extraction plastic- is/are used for producing
thermal process using plasma
technologies surgery/article energy from
which converts organic
(c) Hydrogen fuel-based matter into a syngas 25604517.ece
1. Incineration
automobiles (synthesis gas) which is 2. Biomethanation
(d) Waste-to-energy primarily made up of 3. Pyrolysis
technologies hydrogen and carbon 4. Gasification
monoxide. Select the correct answer
from the code
given below.
(a) 1, 2 and 3 only
(b) 1, 3 and 4 only
(c) 2 and 4 only
(d) 1, 2, 3 and 4
67 Environment Which of the following are in A • Located in the Western Ghats M FCA EM Recently, the forest
Agasthyamala Biosphere in the south of the country, department, after a
Reserve? the Agasthyamala Biosphere w/en/natural- High Court order,
(a) Neyyar, Peppara and Reserve is a unique genetic sciences/envir granted permission
downloaded from : downloaded from :

Shendurney Wildlife reservoir of cultivated plants. onment/ecolo to women to treck

Sanctuaries; and Kalakad Three wildlife sanctuaries, gical- the
Mundanthurai Tiger Reserve Shendurney, Peppara and sciences/biosp Agasthyarkoodam
(b) Mudumalai, Neyyar, are located in the here- peak for the first time
Sathyamangalam and site, as well as the Kalakad reserves/asia- in history. This was
Wayanand Wildlife Mundanthurai Tiger reserve. and-the- due to the difficult
Sanctuaries; and Silent Valley pacific/india/a terrain and resistance
National Park gasthyamala/ from the Kani Tribe, a

(c) Kaundinya, Gundla group of indigenous
Brahmeswaram and findia.indiatim people who opposed
Papikonda Wildlife women entry at the
Sanctuaries; and Mukurthi iruvananthapu peak.
National Park ram/women- Agasthyakoodam is
(d) Kawal and Sri get-nod-to- situated in the
Venkateswara Wildlife trek-to- Peppara Forest Range
Sanctuaries; and agasthya- and included in the
Nagarjunasagar-Srisailam mala/articlesh UNESCO World
Tiger Reserve ow/67402572. Heritage List under
cms Agasthyamala
Biosphere Reserve.
68 Environment Consider the following D • Statement 1 is correct: Green D U RR UPSC has previously
statements: sea turtles eat seagrasses and asked a question on
1. Some species of turtles are algae, though juveniles snack herbivores- Dugong (aquatic
herbivores. on crabs, sponges, and ocean- animal) and its
2. Some species of fish are jellyfish. In the wild, they can 8599405.html herbivore nature.
herbivores. live up to 80 years and grow
3. Some species of marine up to five feet long. Once
mammals are herbivores. mature, it is the only sea
4. Some species of snakes turtle that is strictly
are viviparous. herbivorous.
Which of the statements • Statement 2 is correct:
given above are correct? Parrotfish are algae eaters.
(a) 1 and 3 only They obtain the algae by
(b) 2, 3 and 4 only ripping small chunks of coral
(c) 2 and 4 only from a reef. Many other
(d) 1, 2, 3 and 4 herbivores thrive among the
fish population. Other
herbivores include the
Japanese angelfish, yellow
bloth rabbitfish, and tilapia.
downloaded from : downloaded from :

• Statement 3 is correct: The

diet of Manatees consists of
water grasses, weeds, and
algae. Dugongs are related to
manatees, which are both
endangered and protected
animals. These slow-moving
herbivores graze on

underwater grasses, rooting
them out with bristled,
sensitive snouts and
chomping them with rough
• Statement 4 is correct:
Snakes that are viviparous
nourish their developing
young through a placenta and
yolk sac, something that is
highly unusual among
reptiles. Boa constrictors and
green anacondas are two
examples of viviparous
snakes, meaning they give
birth to live young with no
eggs involved at any stage of
69 Environment Consider the following pairs: C • Blue-finned Mahseer is found E FCA EM PT 365 Environment
Wildlife Naturally found in naturally in the Cauvery river. page 25
1. Blue-finned Mahseer : • The Irrawaddy dolphin is a tech/energy- Asked in 2880
Cauvery River critically endangered species. Recently been given
2. Irrawaddy Dolphin : It is found near sea coasts Critically Endangered
Chambal River and in estuaries and rivers in backed- status, the Hump-
3. Rusty-spotted Cat : parts of the Bay of Bengal and mahseer- backed mahseer fish,
Eastern Ghats Southeast Asia. In India, it is critically- which is also known as
Which of the pairs given found in Lake Chilika and not endangered/arti the 'tiger of the river', is
above are correctly the Chambal river. The most likely to be found
matched? gangetic dolphin is found in e in:
(a) 1 and 2 only (a) Ganga-Brahmaputra
the Chambal river.
(b) 2 and 3 only • Rusty Spotted Cat is one of m/india/cauver
(c) 1 and 3 only (d) 1, 2 and 3 the world's smallest feline. (b) Cauvery basin
downloaded from : downloaded from :

The rusty spotted cat, one of y-fish-faces- (c) Pulicat lake

the few wild cats that inhabit extinction/cid/1 (d) Deepor Beel
the forests of Andhra 511529 Asked in 2677
Pradesh, is among the "They are primarily
animals in the Eastern Ghats. found in are found in
ha/2019/may/1 the coastal areas in
0/chilikas-4- South and Southeast
new-mouths- Asia. Chilika lake in

evoke-mixed- Odisha has emerged as
reaction- their single largest
1974991.html habitat globally. They are categorised as
Endangered in the IUCN
red list."
find-home-at- Which of the following
sgnp/articlesho species has been
w/ described in the above
s passage? (a) Yangtze Dolphin (b) Irrawady Dolphin
tech/energy- (c) Ganges shark
(d) Mali Hka fish
70 Environment Why is there a great concern A • Microbeads are E FCA EN PT 365 Environment Frequently seen in
about the ‘microbeads’ that manufactured solid plastic Page 17 news.
are released into particles of less than one sci- Asked in 2668
environment? millimeter in their largest tech/energy- With reference to
(a) They are considered dimension. They are most and- microbeads
harmful to marine ecosystems. frequently made of environment/f (microplastics), consider
(b) They are considered to polyethylene but can be of eeding-on- the following
cause skin cancer in children.
other petrochemical plastics microplastics- statements:
(c) They are small enough to
such as polypropylene and a-scourge- 1. They are plastic
be absorbed by crop plants in
polystyrene. Microbeads, stalks-the- pieces measuring less
irrigated fields.
(d) They are often found to be small pellets of plastic, sea/article255 than 5 mm.
used as food adulterants. extensively used in personal 27355.ece 2. They are found in
care products such as cosmetics, toothpastes
downloaded from : downloaded from :

shampoo, baby lotion and and table salt.

face cream and considered sci- Select the correct
toxic to marine life, are being tech/energy- answer using the code
banned internationally. and- given below.
environment/f (a) 1 only
eeding-on- (b) 2 only
microplastics- (c) Both 1 and 2
a-scourge- (d) Neither 1 nor 2

71 Art & Culture Building ‘Kalyaana D • A kalyana mandapa was M F NCERT- EM
Mandapas’ was a notable meant to celebrate divine Themes in
feature in the temple weddings in Vijayanagara Indian History
construction in the kingdom Empire. Part-II
(a) Chalukya (b) Chandela
(c) Rashtrakuta
(d) Vijayanagara
72 Medieval Consider the following A • In the revenue administration D F NCERT- EM
History statements: of Delhi Sultanate, the in- Themes in
1. In the revenue charge of revenue collection Indian History
administration of Delhi was known as ‘Amil’. Hence Part-II
Sultanate, the in-charge of statement 1 is correct.
revenue collection was • The initial Turkish conquests
known as ‘Amil’. in India in the early 13th
2. The Iqta system of Sultans century displaced many local
of Delhi was an ancient chiefs. In order to
indigenous institution. consolidate, the Turkish
3. The office of ‘Mir Bakshi’ rulers made revenue
came into existence during assignments (iqta), in lieu of
the reign of Khalji Sultans of cash, to their nobles. So, Iqtas
Delhi. were provinces or spheres of
Which of the statements influence which were put
given above is/are correct? under the charge of officers
(a) 1 only called 'Iqtadars' (governors).
(b) 1 and 2 only lqta is an Arabic word and
(c) 3 only the institution had been in
(d) 1, 2 and 3 force in the early lslamic
world as a form of reward for
downloaded from : downloaded from :

services to the state. It was

used in the Caliphate
administration as a way of
financing operations and
paying civil and military
officers. It was not an ancient
indigenous institution. Hence
statement 2 is not correct.

In Akbar's administration,
the military department was
headed by Mir Bakshi which
looked after all matters
pertaining to the military
administration. He was also
considered as the head of
nobility. Hence statement 3 is
not correct.
downloaded from : downloaded from :

73 Medieval Consider the following D • Nimbarka, a Telugu Brahmin, D U Themes in RR

History statements: is believed to have been a Indian History-
1. Saint Nimbarka was a younger contemporary of Part II
contemporary of Akbar. Ramanuja (11th Century). He
2. Saint Kabir was greatly spent most of his time in
influenced by Shaikh Ahmad Vrindavan near Mathura in
Sirhindi. North India. He believed in
Which of the statements total devotion to Krishna and

given above is/are correct? Rama. The Mughal emperor
(a) 1 only Akbar lived from 1542-1605.
(b) 2 only Hence statement 1 is not
(c) Both 1 and 2 correct.
(d) Neither 1 nor 2 • Naqshbandi Sufi Saint Shaikh
Ahmad Sirhindi was in
Haryana in the peiod of
1624.Whereas Kabir Das, is a
15th century mystical poet
and great Bhakti Saint of
India. He is the most
important Nirguna Bhakti
saint. The nirguna bhaktas
were devotees of a formless
God even while calling him
variously as Rama, Govinda,
Hari or Raghunatha. Hence
statement 2 is not correct.
74 Modern With reference to the British B • Mahatma Gandhi was M F Spectrum EM All India Test Series
History colonial rule in India, instrumental in the abolition of Test 2664
consider the following the system of ‘indentured With reference to the
statements: labour’ in South Africa. nationalist response to
1. Mahatma Gandhi was Moderates supported the First British participation in
instrumental in the abolition World War. Hence statement 2 the First World War,
of the system of ‘indentured is not correct. Congress was consider the following
labour’. declared illegal by British statements:
government after the launch
2. In Lord Chelmsford’s War 1. While the moderates
of second phase of Civil
Conference’, Mahatma supported the Britain in
Disobedience Movement. It
Gandhi did not support the the war, extremists
was not a factor that favoured
resolution on recruiting in launching of second phase of
opposed the move.
Indians for World War. Civil Disobedience Movement. 2. The revolutionaries
3. Consequent upon the saw the war as an
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breaking of Salt Law by opportunity to wage a

Indian people, the Indian fight against the British
National Congress was rule and liberate the
declared illegal by the country.
colonial rulers. Which of the
Which of the statements statements given above
given above are correct? is/are correct?
(a) 1 and 2 only (a) 1 only (b) 2 only

(b) 1 and 3 only (c) Both 1 and 2
(c) 2 and 3 only (d) 1, 2 and 3 (d) Neither 1 nor 2
75 Modern With reference to Indian D • Tej Bahadur Sapru was a M F Spectrum EM
History National Movement, prominent Indian freedom
consider the following pairs: fighter, lawyer and politician.
Person Position held When the Montagu report of
1. Sir Tej Bahadur Sapru : 1918 was made public, there
President, All India Liberal was a divide in the Congress
Federation over it. The moderates
2. K. C. Neogy : Member, The welcomed it while the
Constituent Assembly extremists opposed it. This
3. P. C. Joshi : General led to a schism in the
Secretary, Communist Party Congress with moderate
of India leaders forming the "Indian
Which of the pairs given National Liberal Federation"
above is/are correctly in 1919. The party (INLF) was
matched? founded by Surendra Nath
(a) 1 only Banarjea and some of its
(b) 1 and 2 only prominent leaders were Tej
(c) 3 only Bahadur Sapru, V. S. Srinivasa
(d) 1, 2 and 3 Sastri and M. R. Jayakar.
• KC Neogy, was an Indian
politician from West Bengal.
He was a member of the
Constituent Assembly of
India, member of the first
Cabinet of independent India
and the chairman of the first
Finance Commission of India.
• Puran Chand Joshi, one of
the early leaders of the
communist movement in
downloaded from : downloaded from :

India. He was the first general

secretary of the Communist
Party of India from 1935–47.
• Hence all the pairs given are
correctly matched.
76 Medieval With reference to Mian A • Tansen was the most D U RR
History Tansen, which one of the important musician during
following statements is not the reign of Akbar & is entertainment

correct? credited with composing /music/the-
(a) Tansen was the title given many ragas. Tansen was one legend-of-
to him by Emperor Akbar. of the best known dhrupad mian-
(b) Tansen composed singers and one of the nine tansen/article
Dhrupada on Hindu gods and jewels of Emperor Akbar's 22893454.ece
goddesses. court. He composed songs on
(c) Tansen composed songs his patrons. Tansen was the
on his patrons. title given to him by Raja
(d) Tansen invented many Vikramjit of Gwalior. Tansen
Ragas. was a court musician in the
darbar of Raja Ramachandra
of Bandavagarh (Rewa).
• When Akbar heard of his
prodigious talent, he sent a
‘firman’ to the king asking for
Tansen and made him one of
the Navaratnas in his court.
He gave him the title of
‘Mian’. Hence all the
statements are correct except
statement (a)
77 Medieval Who among the following C • With the establishment of the D F EM All India Test Series
History Mughal Emperors shifted Mughal empire, the Mughal Test 2662
emphasis from illustrated School of painting originated turepainting.p Which one of the
manuscripts to album and in the reign of Akbar in 1560 hp following statements is
individual portrait? A.D. Emperor Akbar was not correct about the
(a) Humayun keenly interested in the art of development of
(b) Akbar painting and architecture. paintings during the
(c) Jahangir During his reign, an Mughal period in India?
(d) Shah Jahan illustrated manuscript of the (a) Mughal painting
Tuti-nama appears to be the reached its climax under
first work of the Mughal the reign of Jahangir.
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School. The style of painting (b) Foundation of

in this manuscript shows the Mughal painting was
Mughal style in its formative laid by the Humayun.
stage. Shortly after that, (c) European paintings
between 1564-69 A.D. was were introduced in India
completed a very ambitious by the Portuguese in the
project in the form of Hamza- court of Jahangir.
nama illustrations on cloth, (d) Themes in Rajasthani

originally consisting of 1400 paintings were
leaves in seventeen volumes. influenced by the
Each leaf measured about Mughal paintings.
27"x20". The style of Hamza- Explanation-
nama is more developed and Mughals made a
refined than that of the Tuti- distinctive contribution
nama. in the field of a painting
• Under Jahangir, painting by introducing new
acquired greater charm, themes, new colors, and
refinement and dignity. He new forms.
had great fascination for Mughal painting
nature and took delight in the reached climax under
portraiture of birds, animals the reign of Jahangir.
and flowers. Jahangir claims that he
could distinguish the
work of each artist in
the picture. Under
Jahangir, special focus
was paid on portrait
painting and paintings
of animals.
78 Environment Which one of the following D • A sprawling expanse of 87 D FA EM Asked in 2688
National Parks lies square kilometers in the khandtourism. Which of the following
completely in the temperate Chamoli District of is/are present in
alpine Uttarakhand, Valley of of-flower Himachal and
(a) Manas National Park Flowers is set in the backdrop Uttarakhand Himalayas?
(b) Namdahpa National Park of the majestic Zanskar 1. Valley of Flowers
(c) Neora Valley National Ranges. The valley is situated 2. Dun Formation
Park at a very remarkable area, 3. Nagtibba hills
(d) Valley of Flowers National which is the conversion point Select the correct
Park of Himalayan ranges, Zanskar answer using the code
and Western and Eastern given below.
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Himalayas. This fairyland (a) 1 only

located in the high altitudes (b) 1 and 2 only
of Himalayas is protected by (c) 2 and 3 only
snowy mountains. (d) 1, 2 and 3
79 Current Atal Innovation Mission is set C • The Atal Innovation Mission E CA EN PT 365 Polity Page 19
Affairs up under the (AIM) is a flagship initiative
(a) Department of Science set up by the NITI Aayog to on/policies-
and Technology promote innovation and and-

(b) Ministry of Labour and entrepreneurship across the schemes/atal-
Employment length and breadth of the innovation-
(c) NITI Aayog country. mission
(d) Ministry of Skill • AlM's objectives are to create
Development and and promote an ecosystem of
Entrepreneurship innovation and
entrepreneurship across the
country at school, university,
research institutions, MSME
and industry levels.
80 Geography On 21st June, the Sun A • On 21st June, the Sun is M F G C Leong, EM
(a) does not set below the directly over Tropic of cancer. NCERT -
horizon at the Arctic Circle Geometrically, it means the Fundamentals
(b) does not set below the Sun is normal (90*) to Tropic of Physical
horizon at Antarctic Circle of Cancer and makes an angle Geography
(c) shines vertically overhead of 47* to the Arctic Circle. As
at noon on the Equator such, the Sun is above the
(d) shines vertically overhead horizon for all areas north of
at the Tropic of Capricorn Arctic Circle. The entire area
in the Arctic circle
experiences day. The North
Pole is inclined towards the
sun and the places beyond
the Arctic Circle experience
continuous daylight for about
six months. Since a large
portion of the Northern
Hemisphere is getting light
from the sun, it is summer in
the regions north of the
equator. The longest day and
the shortest night at these
downloaded from : downloaded from :

places occur on 21st June.

• At this time in the Southern
Hemisphere all these
conditions are reversed. It is
winter season there. The
nights are longer than the
days. This position of the
earth is called the Summer

81 Environment Consider the following D • Statement 1 is correct: A M U RR The annual Frontiers
statements: major direct source of nitrous downtoearth. report 2019
1. Agricultural soils release oxide from agricultural soils is published by the
nitrogen oxides into that of synthetic fertilizer use. ollution/annu United Nations (UN),
environment. Where large applications of al-un-report- has included a
2. Cattle release ammonia fertilizer are combined with recognises- chapter on nitrogen
into environment. soil conditions favorable to the-threats- pollution in its latest
3. Poultry industry releases denitrification, large amounts posed-by- edition, in a sign that
reactive nitrogen compounds of nitrous oxide can be nitrogen- pollution caused by
into environment. produced and emitted to the pollution- the reactive forms of
Which of the statements atmosphere. 63469 nitrogen is now being
given above is/are correct? • Statement 2 is correct: recognised as a grave
(a) 1 and 3 only Ammonia is a common by- unenvironmen environmental
(b) 2 and 3 only product of animal waste due concern on a global
(c) 2 only to the often inefficient and- level.
(d) 1, 2 and 3 conversion of feed nitrogen stories/press-
into animal product. release/it-
Emissions of ammonia from time-fix-
livestock farming are broken-
responsible for the nitrogen-
acidification and cycle-says-un-
eutrophication of deposited environment-
ammonia in the environment. frontiers
• Statement 3 is correct:
Reactive nitrogen includes –
ammonia, nitrate, nitric oxide
(NO), nitrous oxide (N2O).
Livestock and Poultry are
both responsible for
emissions of these.
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82 Geography What is common to the D • Aliyar is a village located near D U RR

places known as Aliyar, Pollachi Town in Coimbatore
Isapur and Kangsabati? district in Tamil Nadu, India. ews/cities/Coi
(a) Recently discovered The famous Aliyar Reservoir is mbatore/tn-
uranium deposits located in this village. agrees-to-
(b) Tropical rain forests • Isapur Dam is an earthfill dam release-water-
(c) Underground cave from-sholayar-
on Penganga river near Pusad
systems in the state of Maharashtra.

(d) Water reservoirs The Kangsabati Reservoir 114721.ece
Project was started in 1956 as
part of the Indian Second
Five-year Plan to provide ews/national/t
water to 3,484.77 square elangana/heav
kilometres (1,345.48 sq mi) of y-flowing-
land in the districts of penganga-
Midnapur(erstwhile), threatens-to-
Bankura, and Hooghly. It breach-
involves irrigation land using banks/article24
water from the Kangsabati 719430.ece
River, as well as the Shilabati
and the Bhoirobbanki rivers. india.indiatime
83 Environment In the context of proposals B • Statement 1 is not correct M CA EN PT 365 Science and
to the use of hydrogen- and statements 2 and 3 are Technology Page 46
enriched CNG (H-CNG) as correct: H-CNG is a blend of rticle/explaine
fuel for buses in public hydrogen and CNG, the ideal d/cng-to-
transport, consider the hydrogen concentration hydrogen-cng-
following statements: being 18%. Compared to why-switch-
1. The main advantage of the conventional CNG, use of H- and-how-
use of H-CNG is the CNG can reduce emission of 5278356/
elimination of carbon carbon monoxide up to 70%
monoxide emissions.
downloaded from : downloaded from :

2. H-CNG as fuel reduces and 15% reduction in total

carbon dioxide and hydro carbon emissions,
hydrocarbon emissions. besides enabling up to 5%
3. Hydrogen up to one-fifth savings in fuel.
by volume can be blended • Statement 4 is not correct: In
with CNG as fuel for buses. its report to the Supreme
4. H-CNG makes the fuel less Court, the EPCA has
expensive than CNG. estimated that to fuel Delhi’s

Which of the statements 5,500 buses, about 400
given above is/are correct? tonnes H-CNG would be
(a) 1 only needed per day. Setting up
(b) 2 and 3 only four fuel-dispensing facilities
(c) 4 only would cost Rs 330 crore,
(d) 1, 2, 3 and 4 which can be funded from the
Environment Compensation
Charge (ECC) fund made up of
cess on commercial vehicles
entering Delhi, it said. For
consumers who pay Rs 42 per
kg for CNG, the cost of H-CNG
would not be more than Rs
43 per kg.
84 Geography Why are dewdrops not B Dew is not formed: M F EM
formed on a cloudy night? • on cloudy nights because
(a) Clouds absorb the cloudy nights are warmer ourses/ees/cli
radiation released from the than clear nights mate/lectures
Earth’s surface. • in shady places because air /radiation_ha
(b) Clouds reflect back the cannot move there freely ys/
Earth’s radiation. • on windy nights because wind
(c) The Earth’s surface would carries away the moist air
have low temperature on The atmosphere, heated by the ooks?id=CtRO
cloudy nights. absorption of Earth radiation, in CwAAQBAJ&p
(d) Clouds deflect the turn radiates heat back to the g=PA121&lpg=
blowing wind to ground Earth's surface increasing the PA121&dq=W
level. Earth's surface temperature. hy+are+dewdr
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85 Polity & Consider the following B • The Parliament passed the D U RR
Governance statements: Thirty-ninth amendment to
1. The 44th Amendment to the Constitution which l/item/basic-
the Constitution of India removed the authority of the structure-
introduced an Article placing Supreme Court to adjudicate indian-
the election of the Prime petitions regarding elections constitution
Minister beyond judicial of the President, Vice
review. President, Prime Minister and

2. The Supreme Court of Speaker of the Lok Sabha. unconstitution
India struck down the 99th Instead, a body constituted al-
Amendment to the by Parliament would be constitution-
Constitution of India as being vested with the power to bench-41-2/
violative of the resolve such election
independence of judiciary. disputes.
Which of the statements • Amendments were also made
given above is/are correct? to the Representation of
(a) 1 only Peoples Acts of 1951 and
(b) 2 only 1974 and placed in the Ninth
(c) Both 1 and 2 Schedule along with the
(d) Neither 1 nor 2 Election Laws Amendment
Act, 1975 in order to save the
Prime Minister from
embarassment if the apex
court delivered an
unfavourable verdict.
• The National Judicial
Appointments Commission
(NJAC) was a body tasked
with appointing judges to the
higher judiciary in India.
Article 124 of the
Constitution was amended
through the 99th Amendment
to reflect the change in the
system of appointments from
the collegium system, in
which a body of judges would
be consulted by the President
to appoint the judges, with
the judiciary’s opinion being
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final. The composition of the

NJAC includes as the Chief
Justice of India, the two
senior most judges of the
Supreme Court, the Law
Minister and two “eminent
persons”. A sub-committee
was further constituted to

appoint the “eminent
persons”. The composition of
the sub-committee includes
the Prime Minister, the Chief
Justice, and the Leader of the
• The composition of the NJAC,
therefore, presents a problem
it allows excessive executive
interference in the
appointment of judges. More
specifically, the term
“eminent persons” has not
been defined with clarity,
leaving a lot to the discretion
of the executive. Therefore, it
was natural for the judiciary
to fear the abuse of such
discretion by the executive,
resulting in political
appointments to the Supreme
Court and the High Courts.
Petitions were filed before
the Supreme Court to strike
down the 99th Amendment
as being unconstitutional. The
Court reasoned that the 99th
Amendment was
unconstitutional. In arriving
at this conclusion, the Court
evaluated the theory of
separation of powers and
downloaded from : downloaded from :

held that the interference of

the executive in the
appointment of judges to the
higher judiciary was a
violation of the theory.
86 Polity & Consider the following C • A judge may be removed M F Laxmikant: EM All India Test Series In April 2018, Rajya
Governance statements: from office through a motion Indian Polity ( Test 2652 Sabha Chairman M.
1. The motion to impeach a adopted by Parliament on Supreme According to the Venkaiah Naidu on

Judge of the Supreme Court grounds of ‘proven Court) Constitution of India, Monday rejected the
of Indian cannot be rejected misbehaviour or incapacity’. which among the Opposition’s
by the Speaker of the Lok While the Constitution does following are the impeachment notice
Sabha as per the Judges not use the word news/national grounds of removal for a against Chief Justice
(Inquiry) Act, 1968. ‘impeachment’, it is /the-hindu- Supreme Court judge? of India (CJI) Dipak
2. The Constitution of India colloquially used to refer to explains-how- 1. Proved misbehavior Misra.
defines and gives details of the proceedings under Article is-the-chief- 2. Incapacity
what constitutes ‘incapacity 124 (for the removal of a justice-of- 3. Violation of
and proved misbehaviour’ of Supreme Court judge) and india- constitution
the Judges of the Supreme Article 218 (for the removal impeached/ar 4. Corruption
Court of India. of a High Court judge). ticle23624312 5. Insolvency
3. The details of the process • The Judges Enquiry Act (1968) .ece Select the correct
of impeachment of the regulates the procedure answer using the code
Judges of the Supreme Court relating to the removal of a given below.
of India are given in the judge of the Supreme Court heprsblog/exp (a) 2 and 5 only
Judges (Inquiry) Act, 1968. by the process of lainer- (b) 1, 3, 4 and 5 only
4. If the motion for the impeachment. removal- (c) 1, 2, 3 and 4 only
impeachment of a Judge is Impeachment procedure: judges-office (d) 1 and 2 only
taken up for voting, the law o A removal motion signed
requires the motion to be by 100 members (in the
backed by each House of the case of Lok Sabha) or 50
Parliament and supported by members (in the case of
a majority of total Rajya Sabha) is to be
membership of that House given to the
and by not less than two- Speaker/Chairman.
thirds of total members of o The Speaker/Chairman
that House present and may admit the motion or
voting refuse to admit it.
Which of the statements o If it is admitted, then the
given above is/are correct? Speaker/Chairman is to
(a) 1 and 2 (b) 3 only constitute a three-
(c) 3 and 4 only (d) 1, 3 and 4 member committee to
downloaded from : downloaded from :

investigate into the

o The committee should
consist of (a) the chief
justice or a judge of the
Supreme Court, (b) a
chief justice of a high
court, and (c) a

distinguished jurist
o If the committee finds
the judge to be guilty of
misbehaviour or
suffering from an
incapacity, the House can
take up the consideration
of the motion.
o After the motion is
passed by each House of
Parliament by a special
majority, an address is
presented to the
president for removal of
the judge.
o Finally, the president
passes an order
removing the judge.
87 Polity & The Ninth Schedule was A • To ensure that agrarian E FA Laxmikant: EM In May 2018, Govt
Governance introduced in the reform legislation did not run Indian Polity mulls putting SC/ST
Constitution of India during into heavy weather, the (Constitutiona Act in Ninth Schedule
the prime ministership of legislature amended the l amendments of Constitution to
(a) Jawaharlal Nehru Constitution in the year 1951 ) insulate it from
(b) Lal Bahadur Shastri which inserted Ninth judicial scrutiny.
(c) Indira Gandhi Schedule during the tenure of
(d) Morarji Desai Prime Minister Pt. Jawahar news/national
Lal Nehru. /govt-mulls-
• Article 31-B was inserted by putting-scst-
the First Constitutional act-in-
(Amendment) Act 1951 which schedule-ix-
states that without of-
prejudiced to the generality constitution/a
downloaded from : downloaded from :

of the provisions contained in rticle2387297

Article 31-A, none of the Acts 9.ece
and Regulations specified in
the Ninth Schedule nor any of
the provisions thereof shall
be deemed to be void, or
ever to have become void, on
the ground that such Act,

Regulation or provisions is
inconsistent with, or takes
away or abridges any of the
rights conferred by , any
provisions of this part, and
notwithstanding any
judgment , decree or order of
any court or tribunal to the
contrary, each of the said
Acts and Regulations shall,
subject to the power of any
competent legislature to
repeal or amend it, continue
in force.
88 Economics Consider the following A • Adequate capital investment E FCA EN
statements: to meet the burgeoning
1. Coal sector was energy needs of the country business/Indu
nationalized by the was not forthcoming from the stry/why-has-
Government of India under private coal mine owners. coal-mining-
Indira Gandhi. Unscientific mining practices been-opened-
2. Now, coal blocks are adopted by some of them up/article2285
allocated on lottery basis. and poor working conditions 1689.ece
3. Till recently, India of labour in some of the
imported coal to meet the private coal mines became
shortages of domestic matters of concern for the
supply, but now India is self- Government. On account of
sufficient in coal product. these reasons, the Central
Which of the statements Government took a decision
given above is/are correct? to nationalise the private coal
(a) 1 only (b) 2 and 3 only mines. The nationalisation
(c) 3 only (d) 1, 2 and 3 was done in two phases, the
first with the coking coal
downloaded from : downloaded from :

mines in 1971-72 and then

with the non-coking coal
mines in 1973.
• Indira Gandhi was the Prime
Minister of the country from
1971-1973. Statement 1 is
• Statement 2 is not correct-

After the Supreme Court
cancelled the coal block
allocations in 2014.
• To manage and reallocate the
cancelled blocks in a
transparent and accountable
manner, the Coal Mines
(Special Provisions) Act, 2015
was enacted. Enabling
provisions were made in the
above said Act for ‘allocation
of coal mines by way of
auction and allotment for the
sale of coal.’
• In a recent notification by the
Government on 20th
February, the government
opened up commercial coal
mining for the private sector
on February 20, and
approved the methodology
for auction of coal mines /
blocks for sale of coal.
• There will be an ‘ascending
forward auction’ -- a two-
stage online auction
comprising (i) technical bid
and (ii) financial bid with
initial and final price offers.
The bid parameter will be the
price offer in ₹/tonne which
will be paid to the State
downloaded from : downloaded from :

government on the actual

production of coal.
• Statement 3 is not correct-
India is still one of the largest
importer of Coal. Domestic
coal has been able to meet
only 75% of our annual coal
demand. The shortfall in local

coal availability is met
through imports of around
200 mt.
89 Polity & Consider the following A • The expression 'office of E FCA The Hindu: EM PT 365 POLITY Page 1 In October 2018, EC
Governance statements: profit' has not been defined in dismisses plea
1. The Parliament the Constitution or in the hehindubusin against 27 AAP MLAs
(Prevention of Representation of the People in office-of-profit
Disqualification) Act, 1959 Act, 1951. They have been ews/national/ case.
exempts several posts from mentioned in the Article 102 ec-dismisses-
disqualification on the and 191 of the Constitution. plea-against-
grounds of ‘Office of Profit’. • According to Article 102 (1) (a), 27-aap-mlas-
2. The above-mentioned Act a person shall be disqualified as in-office-of-
a member of Parliament for
was amended five times. profit-
holding any office of profit
3. The term ‘Office of Profit’ case/article25
under the government of India
is well-defined in the 325264.ece
or the government of any
Constitution of India. state, 'other than an office
Which of the statements declared by Parliament by law Indian Polity (
given above is/are correct? not to disqualify its holder'. Parliament)
(a) 1 and 2 only Article 191 (1) (a) has a similar
(b) 3 only provision for the members of
(c) 2 and 3 only state assemblies. Hence,
(d) 1, 2 and 3 statement 3 is not correct.
• Parliament has also enacted
the Parliament (Prevention of
Disqualification) Act, 1959,
which has been amended
several times to expand the
exempted list.
• There is no bar on how many
offices can be exempted from
the purview of the law. Hence,
statement 1 is correct.
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90 Polity & Under which Schedule of the B • The Indian Constitution E FA Laxmikant:Ind EM Recently,
Governance Constitution of India can the provides autonomy to tribal ian Polity- Constitution (125th
transfer of tribal land to areas in matters of Chapter- Fifth Amendment) Bill,
private parties for mining be governance under the Fifth and Sixth 2019 was introduced
declared null and Sixth Schedules, which is Schedule in Rajya Sabha. The
and void? further fortified by the The Hindu Bill amends
(a) Third Schedule Samatha v. State of Andhra provisions related to
(b) Fifth Schedule Pradesh & Ors (1997) the Finance

(c) Ninth Schedule judgment where the opinion/op- Commission and the
(d) Twelfth Schedule Supreme Court declared that ed/protecting- Sixth Schedule of the
the transfer of tribal land to the-rights-of- Constitution to
private parties for mining tribals/article1 increase the financial
was null and void under the 7372134.ece and executive powers
Fifth Schedule. The of the 10
framework for protection of Autonomous Councils
the rights of tribal and in the Sixth Schedule
indigenous people is further areas.
strengthened by the
Recognition of Forest Rights
Act, 2006 which protects the
individual and community
rights of tribal people in
forest areas and their right to
free and prior informed
consent in event of their
displacement and
91 Current Recently, there was a D • Girardinia diversifolia D U RR
Affairs growing awareness in our (Himalayan nettle), a fibre- downtoearth.
country about the yielding plant, has become an
importance of Himalayan important livelihood option vironment/kh
nettle (Girardinia diversifolia) for people living in the ar-s-
because it is found to be a remote mountainous villages experimentati
sustainable source of of the Himalayas. on-with-
(a) anti-malarial drug himalayan-
(b) biodiesel nettle-brings-
(c) pulp for paper industry recognition-
(d) textile fibre 57880
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92 Science & For the measurement/ D • With the development of D U RR

Technology estimation of which of the remote sensing from space,
following are satellite satellite data offers the 00-earth-
images/remote sensing data possibility for measuring land remote-
used? surface temperature over the sensing-
1. Chlorophyll content in the entire globe with sufficiently applications-
vegetation of a specific high temporal resolution and uses/
location with complete spatially

2. Greenhouse gas emissions averaged rather than point ciencedirect.c
from rice paddies of a values. om/science/ar
specific location • The global food supply is ticle/pii/S0034
3. Land surface temperatures being monitored with 42571200474
of a specific location satellite imagery and the 9
Select the correct answer Normalized Difference
using the code given below. Vegetation Index (NDVI). ciencedirect.c
(a) 1 only Near-infrared radiation is om/science/ar
(b) 2 and 3 only being used to detect healthy ticle/pii/S0009
(c) 3 only vegetation in agriculture. 28191630055
(d) 1, 2 and 3 Healthy vegetation reflects 1
green light and absorbs red
and blue light. The green light
that our eyes see is
chlorophyll created by plants
during photosynthesis.
Chlorophyll will reflect more
light in the green and near
infrared spectrum compared
to other wavelengths. This is
why near infrared radiation in
combination with NDVI is one
of the primary remote
sensing applications in
agriculture and the
• Remote sensing from
satellites can deliver
information on GHG soil
emissions by estimating
tropospherical, near-surface
CO2 and CH4 concentrations
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based on the measurement

of the intensity of the
reflected sunlight in small
wavelength bands in the
visible and short-wavelength
IR portion of the spectrum.
93 Environment Consider the following C The percentage of forested area D FCA EN
states: in 2017 by state as published by

1. Chhattisgarh the Forest Survey of India in
2. Madhya Pradesh ascending order is: and-
3. Maharashtra • Maharashtra (16.47%), environment/i
4. Odisha Madhya Pradesh (25.11%), ndias-forest-
With reference to the States Odisha (32.98%), tree-cover-up-
mentioned above, in terms by-1-in-2-
Chhattisgarh (41.09%).
of percentage of forest cover
to the total area of State,
which one of the following is
the correct ascending order?
(a) 2-3-1-4 dia/forest-
(b) 2-3-4-1 survey-of-
(c) 3-2-4-1 india-report-
(d) 3-2-1-4 claims-rise-in-
94 Environment Which of the following D • Statement 1 is correct: M U RR Asked in 2671, 2862. Frequently in news
statements are correct about Methane hydrate is a business- With reference to Gas
the deposits of ‘methane crystalline solid that consists hydrates, consider the
hydrate? of a methane molecule article/econo following statements:
1. Global warming might surrounded by a cage of my- 1. They are naturally
trigger the release of interlocking water molecules policy/india- found under the sea bed
methane gas from these (see image at the top of this might-hold- and glaciers.
deposits. page). Methane hydrate is an world-s- 2. They are crystalline
2. Large deposits of "ice" that only occurs second- form of methane and
‘methane hydrate’ are found naturally in subsurface largest-gas- water.
downloaded from : downloaded from :

in Arctic Tundra and under deposits where temperature hydrate- 3. Krishna‐Godavari (KG)
the seafloor. and pressure conditions are reserves- basin in India is the
3. Methane in atmosphere favorable for its formation. 11806050143 potential site for its
oxidizes to carbon dioxide Owing to melting of ice, 0_1.html extraction.
after decade or two. global warming might trigger Which of the
Select the correct answer the release of methane gas statements given above
using the code given below. from these deposits. /story/201811 is/are correct?
(a) 1 and 2 only • Statement 2 is correct: Four 19-why- (a) 2 only

(b) 2 and 3 only Earth environments have the flammable- (b) 1 only
(c) 1 and 3 only temperature and pressure ice-could-be- (c) 1 and 3 only
(d) 1, 2 and 3 conditions suitable for the the-future-of- (d) 1, 2 and 3
formation and stability of energy
methane hydrate. These are:
1) sediment and sedimentary
rock units below Arctic /methane-
permafrost; 2) sedimentary hydrates/
deposits along continental
margins; 3) deep-water
sediments of inland lakes and
seas; and, 4) under Antarctic
• Statement 3 is correct:
Methane is relatively short-
lived in the atmosphere; a
molecule of methane is
oxidized to water and carbon
dioxide after a decade or so,
mainly by reaction with
another trace gas, the
hydroxyl radical OH-. Thus,
unlike the case of carbon
dioxide (which stays in the
atmosphere longer than
methane), a concerted effort
to reduce methane emissions
would have almost
immediate results in terms of
reduction of greenhouse
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95 Environment Consider the following: D • Crop residues / biomass M FCA EM Crop Residue/
1. Carbon monoxide burning are cheap and easiest Biomass burning is a
2. Methane method to dispose the leftover CI/Archive/v1/ long pending issue
3. Ozone crop residues (wheat, rice, i1/4.ISCA- for the want of relief
4. Sulphur dioxide sugarcane etc.) after IRJES-2013- from smog in
Which of the above are harvesting, for land clearing 005.pdf northern India during
released into atmosphere and pest control. Burning of winters.
due to the burning of crop residues is a common
approach to eliminate waste

crop/biomass residue?
after harvesting all over the
(a) 1 and 2 only
world. Burning of these
(b) 2, 3 and 4 only
residues emit gases like sulphur
(c) 1 and 4 only dioxide (SO2), oxides of
(d) 1, 2, 3 and 4 nitrogen (NOx), carbon dioxide
(CO2), carbon monoxide (CO),
black carbon (BC), organic
carbon (OC), methane (CH4),
volatile organic compounds
(VOC), non-methane
hydrocarbons (NMHCs), ozone
(O3), and aerosols etc which
affect the global atmospheric
chemistry and climate.
96 Geography Consider the following pairs: B • The Adriatic Sea is a body of M FA Atlas EM PT 365 International
Sea Bordering country water separating the Italian Relations Page 30 & 40
1. Adriatic Sea : Albania Peninsula from the Balkan All India Test Series
2. Black Sea : Croatia peninsula. The countries with Test 2879
3. Caspian Sea : Kazakhstan coasts on the Adriatic are The Caspian Sea is
4. Mediterranean Sea : Albania, Bosnia and bordered by which of
Morocco Herzegovina, Croatia, Italy, the following countries?
5. Red Sea : Syria Montenegro and Slovenia. 1. Russia
Which of the pairs given • Black Sea is a large inland sea 2. Tajikistan
above are correctly situated at the southeastern 3. Azerbaijan
matched? extremity of Europe. It is 4. Iran
(a) 1, 2 and 4 only bordered by Ukraine to the 5. Ukraine
(b) 1, 3 and 4 only north, Russia to the Select the correct
(c) 2 and 5 only northeast, Georgia to the answer using the code
(d) 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 east, Turkey to the south, and given below.
Bulgaria and Romania to the (a) 1, 2, 3 and 5 only
west. (b) 1, 2 and 4 only
(c) 2, 3 and 5 only
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• Caspian Sea is the world's (d) 1, 3 and 4 only

largest inland body of water, The Black Sea is
variously classed as the bordered by which of
world's largest lake or a full- the following countries?
fledged sea. It is an endorheic 1. Greece
basin (a basin without 2. Ukraine
outflows) located between 3. Georgia
Europe and Asia. It is 4. Romania

bounded by Kazakhstan to Select the correct
the northeast, Russia to the answer using the code
northwest, Azerbaijan to the given below.
west, Iran to the south, and (a) 1, 2 and 3 only
Turkmenistan to the (b) 1, 2 and 4 only
southeast. (c) 2, 3 and 4 only
• Mediterranean Sea is an (d) 1, 3 and 4 only
intercontinental sea that
stretches from the Atlantic
Ocean on the west to Asia on
the east and separates
Europe from Africa. The
countries surrounding the
Mediterranean in clockwise
order are Spain, France,
Monaco, Italy, Slovenia,
Croatia, Bosnia and
Herzegovina, Montenegro,
Albania, Greece, Turkey,
Syria, Lebanon, Israel, Egypt,
Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, and
• Red Sea is a narrow strip of
water extending
southeastward from Suez,
Egypt, for about 1,200 miles
(1,930 km) to the Bab el-
Mandeb Strait, which
connects with the Gulf of
Aden and thence with the
Arabian Sea. The six countries
bordering the Red Sea proper
downloaded from : downloaded from :

are - Saudi Arabia, Yemen,

Egypt, Sudan, Eritrea and
97 Economics Among the following which B • India has been the world’s D FCA EN
one is the largest exporter of top rice exporter since the hehindubusine
rice in the world in the last beginning of this decade.
five years? (2011-12) nion/columns/
(a) China • India’s share in world exports c-p-

(b) India of rice in recent years (2014-
(c) Myanmar /the-dynamics-
18) has stayed at 25-26 per
(d) Vietnam of-indias-rice-
cent, Thailand’s has
fluctuated between 22 and 25
per cent, and Vietnam’s 994349.ece
between 13 and 16 per cent.
98 Geography Consider the following pairs: A • Bandarpunch is located at the D U Atlas RR
Glacier River western edge of the High
1. Bandarpunch : Yamuna Himalayan Range. It is part of
2. Bara Shigri : Chenab the Sankari Range and lies
3. Milam : Mandakini within the Govind Pashu
4. Siachen : Nubra Vihar National Park and
5. Zemu Manas Sanctuary. It is a major
Which of the pairs given watershed for the
above are correctly headwaters of the Yamuna
matched? River, whose source lies
(a) 1, 2 and 4 above Yamnotri, on the west
(b) 1, 3 and 4 end of the massif below
(c) 2 and 5 White Peak.
(d) 3 and 5 • Bara-Sigri glacier which is the
second longest glacier in
Himalaya after Gangotri, is
located in the Chandra Valley
of Lahaul. The glacier feeds
the Chenab River.
• Milam Glacier is a major
glacier of the Kumaon
Himalaya. It is a part of the
Pithoragarh district of
Uttarakhand, India, about 15
kilometres (9 mi) northeast of
Nanda Devi. Mandakini is a
downloaded from : downloaded from :

tributary of the Alaknanda

River which originates from
the Chorabari Glacier near
Kedarnath in Uttarakhand,
• Siachen Glacier is located in
the eastern Karakoram range
in the Himalayas. The glacier's

melting waters are the main
source of the Nubra River in
the Indian region of Ladakh,
which drains into the Shyok
• Zemu Glacier is the largest
glacier in the Eastern
Himalaya. It is located at the
base of Kangchenjunga in the
Himalayan region of Sikkim,
India. Manas River is a
transboundary river in the
Himalayan foothills between
southern Bhutan and India.
99 Environment In India, the use of A • Carbofuran, phorate, methyl M CAA EN PT 365 Environment Last year, as reports
carbofuran, methyl parathion, monocrotophos, Page 19 of Fall armyworm
parathion, phorate and methyl demethon, rticle/explaine (FAW) infestations
triazophos is viewed with prophenophos and triazophos d/fall- started pouring in
apprehension. These are pesticides used in armyworm- from across the
chemicals are used as agriculture. an-insect-that- country, the Central
(a) pesticides in agriculture can-travel- Insecticide Board and
(b) preservatives in 100-km-per- Registration
processed foods night-the- Committee (CIBRC)
(c) fruit-ripening agents threat-it- had allowed spraying
(d) moisturizing agents in poses-for- of select insecticides/
cosmetics farmers- formulations —
5710850/ Carbofuran, Phorate, Thiamethoxam
downtoearth. (12.6%) plus Lambda- cyhalothrin (9.5%),
esticide-ban- and
lands-kerala- Chlorantraniliprole
downloaded from : downloaded from :

in-court- 18.5% suspension

33657 concentrate — on a
trial basis.
100 Environment Consider the following B • Statement 1 is not correct: D U RR Asked in 2675. Detailed
statements: Article 4 of the Ramsar information on Ramsar
1. Under Ramsar Convention, Convention states that "Each s/default/files in explanation.
it is mandatory on the part of Contracting Party shall /documents/li Which one of the
the Government of India to promote the conservation of brary/scan_ce following statements

protect and conserve all the wetlands and waterfowl by rtified_e.pdf best describes the “wise
wetlands in the territory of establishing nature reserves use of wetland” a key
India. on wetlands, whether they concept of Ramsar
2. The Wetlands are included in the List or not, Convention?
(Conservation and and provide adequately for (a) Put complete
Management) Rules, 2010 their wandering." It is not restriction on the
were framed by the mandatory on the part of the cultivating genetically
Government of India based Government of India to modified agricultural
on the recommendation of protect and conserve all the crops around the sites.
Ramsar Convention. wetlands in the territory of (b) Separate the human
3. The Wetlands India. settlement around the
(Conservation and • Statement 2 is correct: all the sites by creating
Management) Rules, 2010 Article 3 of the Ramsar the wide zone around it.
also encompass the drainage Convention states that "The (c) Maintenance of
area or catchment regions of Contracting Parties shall ecological character of
the wetlands as determined formulate and implement all the sites through
by the authority. their planning so as to ecosystem approach for
Which of the statements promote the conservation of sustainable use of
given above is/are correct? the wetlands included in the wetlands and their
(a) 1 and 2 only List, and as far as possible the resources.
(b) 2 and 3 only wise use of wetlands in their (d) None of the above
(c) 3 only territory."
(d) 1, 2 and 3 • Statement 3 is correct: As per
Wetlands (Conservation and
Management) Rules, 2010, a
"wetland" means an area or
of marsh, fen, peatland or
water; natural or artificial,
permanent or temporary,
with water that is static or
flowing, fresh, brackish or
salt, including areas of marine
downloaded from : downloaded from :

water, the depth of which at

low tide does not exceed six
metres and includes all inland
waters such as lakes,
reservoir, tanks, backwaters,
lagoon, creeks, estuaries and
manmade wetland and the
zone of direct influence on

wetlands that is to say the
drainage area or catchment
region of the wetlands as
determined by the authority.
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Topic Number of questions

Modern History 6
Medieval India 5

Art and Culture 2
Ancient India 3
Current Affairs 15
Economy 16
Environment 20
General Science and Science
and Technology 12
Geography 8
Polity 13
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Difficulty Number of Questions

D–Difficult 39

M - Medium 38

E–Easy 23
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Nature Number of Questions

FCA – Fundamental and

Current Affair

F – Fundamental 20

CA – Current Affair 14

CAA – Current Affair


FA – Fundamental Applied 13

U - Unconventional 22
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Source Type Number of Questions

EN 28

RR 32

RM 1

EM 39

Grand Total 100

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Topic Difficult Medium Easy
Modern History 1 3 2
Medieval India 5 0 0
Art and Culture 0 1 1
Ancient India 3 0 0

Current Affairs 6 5 4
Economy 5 6 5
Environment 7 9 4
General Science and 5 5 2
Science and Technology
Geography 5 3 0
Polity 2 6 5

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