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1. If you expected yourself to have high 6. Informal changes that employees make in
scores in the board exam and in the future, their jobs is called:
you really did have those high scores then
you have been influenced by the: a. Job crafting
b. Spontaneous revision
a. Galatea Effect c. Position alterations
b. Barnum Effect d. Job reconstruction
c. Pygmalion Effect
d. Placebo Effect 7. A supervisor in a bank wants to know
who among his employees need more
2. This term was coined by Janis (1972) training when it comes to handling difficult
after studying the disastrous Bay of Pigs customers. What type of needs analysis he
invasion in 1961. With this, members conduct?
become so cohesive and like-minded that
they make poor decisions despite contrary a. Organizational analysis
information that might reasonable lead them b. Job Training analysis
to other options. c. Person analysis
d. Task analysis
a. Group Influence
b. Group Cohesiveness 8. A company with a very supportive climate
c. Group Think for learning found out through needs
d. Group Ideas analysis that the employees in their
company are highly motivate to learn and
3. Faith is a job interviewer and is are in best condition to be trained, that the
constructing a structured interview. What company can afford the trainings needed
should be her first step in constructing a and that the goals of a program are
structured interview? consistent with those of the organization.
What should they do next?
a. Conducting a job analysis
b. Removing primacy effects a. Write and analyze job descriptions
c. Writing questions b. Analyze the resources of the company
d. Creating a scoring key c. Analyze who among the employees
need training in a specific area
4. Based on the available research, which of d. Conduct interviews, observations and/or
the following recruitment strategies may task inventories to find out how employees
enhance employee moral and motivation? learn to perform each task or obtain each
a. Job analysis
b. External recruitment 9. A supervisor wants to conduct training for
c. Use of electronic media the employees of the company. Before
d. Internal recruitment giving trainings. he wants to know if there
are organizational factors that either
5. It is the section in a job description can facilitate or inhibit training effectiveness.
affect a person's perceptions of the status Which of the following must he do?
and worth of a job.
a. Provide Job Descriptions
a. Job title b. Conduct climate and attitude analysis
b. Brief summary c. Make performance appraisals
c. Work activities d. Skill and knowledge testing
d. Work context

10. A trainer wants to make sure that his a. Give salary deductions to those who
topics for the 4 hour training are interesting. refuse to participate
Which of the following must he not do? b. Conduct a different activity which will not
require as much interaction so that they
a. Use humor when discussing would not be shy
b. Maximize audience participation c. Have them warmed up and give them
c. Give many icebreakers incentives for participating in the role play
d. Give a variety of activities d. Make a role playing activity for another
11. A trainer wants to help the employees
remember what was taught during the 15. A company wants to provide distance
seminar. Which of the following is the best learning opportunities to the employees.
thing to do/give to the employees? The supervisor wants to make sure that the
training that will be offered to the employees
a. Posttest will be interactive and in the form of a
b. Handouts seminar given on-line. Which of the
c. Free-writes following should be used?
d. Open-ended questions
a. Webcasts
12. A trainer is trying to formulate case b. Webinars
studies for the upcoming seminar that she c. E-books
will give. Which of the following must she d. Online videos
avoid when doing this so that she can
come up with good and effective case 16. A trainer was tasked to train an
studies? employee for a managerial position. Which
of the following would be the best way to
a. Removing some important information train this employee?
so that the employees will think more
when solving the problem a. Behavior Modeling
b. Using actual situations b. Interactive Videos
c. Writing realistic details c. Role Plays
d. Making it challenging d. Job Rotation

13. A small group of employees need 17. A supervisor was evaluating the results
training to develop their interpersonal skills. of the training that were given to the
Which of the following is the best way to employees the past month. Which of the
practice? following is the best indicator that the
trainings were effective?
a. Interactive videos
b. Webinars a. Highs scores on performance
c. Behavior Modeling appraisals
d. Role Play b. Positive responses during interviews
c. Improved motivation of the employees in
14. A trainer decided to make the doing their job
employees of a company participate in a d. Return on investments
role play to help them develop interpersonal
skills. However, the employees seem to be 18. The statement "it is not fair to pay a
shy to act with their co-workers. What is the poor employee the same amount of money
best thing to do? as an excellent employee" exemplifies the
need for accurate performance appraisals

a. making promotion decisions a. an assembly line worker's performanc by

b. employee training and feedback how sturdy the bumpers she welds
c. training needs assessment b. a salesperson's performance by the
d. determining salary increases number of units she sells
c. a police officer's performance by how
19. Whereas trait-focused instruments reliable the intelligence information she
concentrate on who an employee gathered
_________, task-focused instruments focus d. a bank teller's performance by how
on what an employee _________. satisfied the clients are

a. is/does 24. In this stage of team development by

b. does/is Tuckman the team works toward easing the
c. feels/believes tension from the previous stage. At this
d. believes/feels point, team members have either accepted
their initial roles or made adjustments to
20. Andy works at a bank that is trying to roles for which they are better suited:
get customers to apply for vehicle loans. As
hard as Andy tries, she is unsuccessful a. Forming
because the bank's loan rates are not very b. Storming
competitive. When evaluating Andy's c. Norming
performance, her supervisor must consider d. Performing
the loan rates as a:
25. A supervisor noticed that his employees
a. source of contamination seem to have low-self esteem. Which of the
b. halo factor following is the best thing to do to help his
c. modifier employees?
d. performance dimension
a. Talk to them and ask them why seem to
21. A performance appraisal instrument have low self-esteem
would be most useful in terminating an b. Give them easy tasks wherein they
employee due to: would almost certainly succeed
c. Give them feedback about their
a.. employment-at-will weaknesses so that they can find a way to
b. a layoff improve it
c. an inability to perform d. Give them difficult tasks so that they
d. a violation of company rules would feel good if they are able to do it

22. When selecting the best appraisal 26. Richard is an employee who work so
methods, the following should be taken into hard to perform well because he is
account, except: extrinsically motivated. Which of the
following would be least reinforcing for
a. the focus of appraisal dimensions Richard?
b. the characteristics of the rater and
ratee a. Getting a bonus for his high performance
c. dimensions should be weighted b. Being recognized as employee of the
d. the use of employee comparisons month
c. Getting a salary increase because of
23. A rater has to evaluate a worker's good performance
performance in terms of quantity. He/she d. Giving him opportunities to join
should therefore judge: seminars and workshops so that he can

further improve on his skills and so that c. An employee who is now looking for a
he would be able to master his job even job wherein there would be high
more recognition and success
d. An employee who is now looking for a job
27. Kyle is someone who is very shy and wherein he could work with other people
who likes working with data and with and develop friendships
computers. However, his current job
involves working with and talking to a lot of 30. To do interviews and to make reports
people. He never gets a chance to work are two tasks that Macayla has to do for her
with computers and with data, and is always job. Doing interviews is something that she
reprimanded by his supervisor for being too dreads while making reports is something
shy when he has talk to his customers. that she enjoys. To motivate Macayla, her
Which of the following could best explain supervisor said that she can only make
Kyle's possible level of motivation and reports after she does an interview with a
satisfaction from his work? client. What effect/principle explains the
supervisor's technique?
a. high motivation and high satisfaction
b. high motivation and low satisfaction a. Golem effect
c. low motivation and high satisfaction b. Galatea effect
d. low motivation and low satisfaction c. Pygmalion effect
d. Premack effect
28. Lyn is not motivated and not satisfied
with her current job because she says that 31. Paloma is the supervisor of a company.
thecompany that she is working in as of the She wants to make sure that the feedback
moment has never given her the promised that she gives her employees would really
annual salary increase even if shehas been motivate them to work harder. Which type of
working there for 3 years already. Also, she feedback would be most effective and
says that her job is not what she expected it reinforcing?
to be. Which of the following could have
been done by the company to prevent this a. Positive and Informative feedback
from happening? b. Positive and Controlling feedback
c. Negative and Controlling feedback
a. Give her awards for doing her job d. Negative and Informative feedback
b. Give her opportunities to attend seminars
to improve on her skills 32. Luisa received a bonus from her
c. Give Lyn realistic job previews when supervisor. However, she says that it was
she was just applying for the job not clear to her why she got the bonus.
d. None of the above Which of the following factors in determining
the effectiveness of an incentive program
29. Based on Maslow's hierarchhy of needs, was not clear to her?
which of the following has the highest level
of satisfaction? a. Timing of the incentive
b. Fairness of the reward system
a. An employee who is now looking for a job c. Contingency of the consequences
wherein he would always be safe and where d. Type of incentive used
there is job security
b. An employee who is now looking for a job 33. A supervisor wants to reinforce a
which could help himpay for his bills at department in her company by giving them
home and his basic needs group incentives. Which of the following is
not a kind of group incentive?

a. Stock Options company, different departments' demand for

b. Merit Pay a resources exceeds its supply. This is
c. Profit Sharing referred to as:
d. Gain Sharing
a. Communication barriers
34. Piolo is a real estate broker in company. b. Jurisdictional ambiguity
The supervisor promised to give him c. Beliefs
commission for each unit that he d. Competition of resources
successfully sells to a client. Which of the
following kinds of incentives did his 38. When two employees argue over whose
supervisor promise to give him? job it is to get the mail or when two
supervisors fight over who is in charge
a. Merit Pay when the vice-president is out of town, what
b. Gain Sharing cause of conflict is this?
c. Profit Sharing
d. Pay for Performance a. Communication barriers
b. Jurisdictional ambiguity
35. Jeff has been an employee in a c. Beliefs
company for 10 years. She is known to be d. Competition of resources
one of the employees who always comes to
work and always passes her requirements 39. When employees ignore the conflict and
on time. However, when she found out that hope it will resolve itself, what conflict style
another employee who has been working is this?
with the company for only 2 years receives
a higher salary than she does, and will be a. Avoiding style
promoted to a higher position that hers, she b. Forcing style
started to be lazy and too lenient for work., c. Accommodating style
This is because she thought that the d. Collaborating style
company wasn't being fair to her. Which
principle/theory/effect explains this? 40. When the president of an organization
forms a taskforce or committee with
a. Equity theory representatives from all of the departments
b. Premack Principle or divisions that will be affected by the
c. Consistency Theory solution, what approach is this?
d. Galatea Effect
a. Determining Conflict Styles
36. At San Roque Corporation, confliuct b. Third-party intervention
keeps people from working together, c. Cooperative problem solving
lessens productivity, spreads to other areas, d. Maximum supportable position
and increases turnover. San Roque
Corporation is having problems with what 41. What do you call when a neutral third
type of conflict? party is asked to help both parties reach a
mutually agreeable solution to the conflict?
a. Dysfunctional conflict
b. Group-group conflict a. Arbitration
c. Employee versus Employer conflict b. Mediation
d. Internal Conflict c. Cooperative problem solving
d. Dispute
37. In one company, departments are
having problems with budget which limits
the projects they plan to undertake. At this

42. What do you call when a neutral third b. Assessment Centers

party listens to both sides' arguments and c. Psychological Centers
then makes a decision? d. Human Resource accounting

a. Arbitration 46. Miss Reyes is a line manager. It is her

b. Mediation duty, therefore, to:
c. Cooperative problem solving
d. Dispute a. train employees for jobs they are
proficient with
43. A manager of company was thinking if b. place the right person in the job
he should get a Human Resource Manager c. interview employees leaving the
for his company. Which of the following is organization
not a good and valid reason for hiring an HR d. evaluate the job performance
47. Becca is the Human Resource Manager
a. To improve profits in a company. She provides specialized
b. To improve performance assistance by assisting and advising line
c. To avoid personnel mistakes managers. She advises the company's CEO
d. To lay brilliant plans for the whole so the CEO can better understand the
company personnel aspects of the company's
strategic options. She also assists in hiring,
44. The SME and Cola Corporation first training, evaluating, rewarding, counseling,
advertise employment opening for 2 weeks promoting and firing employees. What HR
to current employees. If no qualified function does Becca carry out?
applicants are found, the organizations then
advertise outside. Which of the following a. Line function
statement is False? b. Counselling function
c. Coordinative function
a. The first statement is possible while the d. Staff function
second statement is not possible
b. The former statement is an external 48. When employees feel they lack the skill
method of recruitment while the latter is an or workplace resources to complete a task,
internal method. they experience:
c. The first statement is a form of job
posting while the second is through a. Role conflict
advertisement b. Role ambiguity
d. All of the above c. Role overload
d. Role synchronization
45. This method is mainly used to evaluate
executive and supervisory potential. Here, 49. Chael is a junior at Luzvimin College
employees are taken to a place away from and has trouble sleeping. He keeps
work and a series of tests and exercised are worrying about not getting a job when he
administered. For example, assesses are graduates and never finding the right person
asked to participate; in-basket exercise, to marry. Chael's stress might be the result
simulations, group exercise and role plays. of:
Performance of the employee is evaluated
in each of these tests and feedback a. Perspective taking
provided to the a ratee, in terms of strengths b. Forecasting
and weaknesses: c. Rampant diffusion
d. Residual stress
a. Management by Objective (MBO)

50. Celeste was yelled at by her boss d. Conscientiousness

because she has not been doing all of her
duties. She is anxious and depressed 55. Katie, who is the HR manager assigned
because she never knows what tasks are in hiring and selection of X.O Company,
hers and what tasks are supposed to be hired the top two candidates who made the
performed by others. Celeste's stress level highest scores in the exams although they
can probably be explained by: are still on the process of assessment to
whom the higher vacant position will be
a. Role ambiguity given. Katie believes that while hiring the
b. A lack of person-organization top test scorers she allowed flexibility in
c. Role conflict consideration that the difference between
d. Role overload the two applicants scores may be a result of
error. This selection process is known as:
51. Nestie had been determined to be a
Type B personality. Which of the following a. top-down selection
best describes Nestie? b. passive scores
c. multiple hurdle approach
a. Nestie has opposite personalities d. banding
b. Nestie never feel stressed
c. Nestie is less likely to react negatively 56. The most widely used measure of
to stress burnout is the Maslach Burnout Inventory
d. Nestie is likely to react negatively to (MBI), this test is divided into three
stress subscales: Emotional Exhaustion,
Depersonalization, and Personal
52. The human body cools down two Accomplishment. Its validity conceptually
different ways. These are through: distinguished from similar concepts such as
depression and job satisfaction and having
a. radiation and effective temperature a negative significant correlation to job
b. radiation and evaporation satisfaction and happiness. More or less the
c. evaporation and circadian rhythm validity that was used to determine the
d. none of these psychometric property of this test was:

53. Nate has been under great deal of a. Convergent validity

stress at work. His wife told him that they b. Divergent validity
should watch some sitcoms on TV. Her c. Concurrent validity
advice is sound because laughter can: d. Content validity

a. help distance you from a stressor 57. Nick, who is applying to become a
b. reduce blood pressure company driver, was seen positive in drug
c. put a new perspective on a situation use during his medical test which is in
d. laughter does all of these reality he has never been into drugs. The
validity of drug testing is now in question in
54. According to the personality and this situation. The result of Nick's drug
proficiency evidence data by Barrick et. al. testing may be called as:
(2001), better prediction of success for
customer service work is mostly related to a. False positive
what OCEAN personality factor/s? b. True positive
c. False negative
a. Extraversion d. True negative
b. Extraversion and conscientiousness
c. Agreeableness and openness

58. When peer ratings are used, research c. that it is easier to organize the training
has found that high performers evaluate d. all of the above are advantages
their peers _______ low performers.
64. Sabrina sends all of her new employees
a. the same as to a self-esteem workshop. She must
b. more strictly than believe in _______.
c. more leniently than
d. none of these would be true a. Consistency theory
b. Equity theory
59. According to most research, subordinate c. Expectancy theory
feedback results in: d. Social Learning theory

a. higher supervisor turnover 65. An employee's supervisor places full

b. bad feelings among employees confidence in the employee and believes
c. increased supervisor performance that the employee can handle a fairly
d. subordinates being fired difficult task. This boosts the employee's
self-esteem which in turn increases her
60. To get better customer feedback on performance. This phenomena is known as:
employee performance, _______ are used.
a. Consistency
a. secret shoppers b. the Pygmalion effect
b. consultants c. the Golem effect
c. peer ratings d. socially influenced self-esteem
d. employee comparisons
66. According to _______ "new" employees
61. Which of the following criteria is a who work with highly satisfied "old"
subjective measure of performance for a employees are more likely to be highly
waitress? satisfied themselves.

a. Number of positive comments received a. individual differences theory

b. Average amount of money spent on a b. McClelland's needs theory
meal c. consistency theory
c. Number of days absent from work d. social information processing theory
d. A supervisor's rating of dependability
67. Tessa is angry about a promotion
62. Whereas role play has trainees perform decision. Though she is not sure that she
behavior they might _______ perform, was the best candidate, she feels that she
behavior modeling has trainees role play never really got the chance to demonstrate
________ behavior they might perform on her skills. Tessa's dissatisfaction is
the job. consistent with research on:

a. ideal/normally a. Distributive equity

b. normally/ below average b. Procedural consistency
c. normally/ ideal c. Distributive justice
d. role play is not part of behavior modeling d. Procedural justice

63. An advantage of holding a training 68. You would like to hire employees who
session off-site is: will not miss work. Your best bet would be
to hire applicants who score high on the
a. the location can serve as a reward personality dimension of:
b. a reduction in training expenses

a. Conscientiousness 73. The following are organizational

b. Extroversion stressors except for?
c. Agreeableness
d. Neuroticism a. Task demands
b. Physical demands
69. Bruce has been working with Zika c. Role demands
Manufacturing for 29 years and has one d. Life changes
year left to be eligible for full retirement
benefits. He has a house three minutes 74. Group pressures and leadership are
from work and his children all live close by. what you refer to as:
Bruce would most likely be high in:
a. Role conflicts
a. affective commitment b. Physical demands
b. continuance commitment c. Life traumas
c. normative commitment d. Interpersonal demands
d. volitional commitment
75. This includes any relationship between
70. Raymond assigns tasks that are dimensions of the work and the person's
challenging, yet achievable and specifically personal life:
tells employees what he expects from them.
It sounds like Raymond believes in: a. Person-job fit
b. Organizational fit
a. Providing feedback c. Support groups relationships
b. the Pygmalion effect d. Work-life relationships
c. Intrinsic motivation theory
d. Goal setting theory 76. Even though Viance shift start at 9 am,
she comes earlier in order to help her
71. Jona always asks her boss if she needs colleagues in the work they are doing. She
help and willing to stay late. Goldy talks approaches the people within her office and
negatively about her coworkers and keeps lends a hand to them especially if they have
important information from them. Which of a problem with programs used in the
the following is true? company. This type of behavior can be used
as the performance measure of:
a. Neither Jona nor Goldy is playing politics
b. Jona and Goldy are both playing a. Organizational Citizenship Behavior
politics b. Organizational Behavioral Modification
c. Goldy is playing negative politics c. Thinking outside the box
d. Jona and Goldy are both playing negative d. Theory X Theory Y
77. An employee who works in a mall in the
72. A difficult worker obsessed with morning then has a night shift in McDonalds
completing a task quickly is classified as a can be said to engage in:
______, whereas one who dominates
conversations and does not listen to other's a. Role overload
ideas is a _______. b. Moonlighting
c. Flextime
a. tank/know-it-all d. Telecommuting
b. know-it-all/ tank
c. tank/ sniper 78. This compromises the shared values,
d. sniper/ know-it-all beliefs and traditions that exist among
individuals in organizations.

83. These are the types of people which

a. Corporate climate constantly question if there are better ways
b. Organizational fit of doing things within an organization.
c. Organization socialization
d. All of the above is true a. Change Agents
b. Change Analysts
c. Receptive Changers
79. When companies have existed for a d. Reluctant Changers
long time, there will inevitably be practices
that have been around for a long time which 84. These types of people typically have
reduce productivity. In order to get rid of high self-esteem and optimistic personalities
these practices Kriegel and Brandt (1996) and believe they have no control over their
suggest what they call a: own lives.

a. Cross-validation a. Receptive changers

b. Employment at will b. Change agents
c. Sacred cow hunt c. Reluctant changers
d. Arbitration d. Change analysts

80. If you want to check the presence of 85. When a person has the need for
unnecessary deadlines which result in perfection, is obsessed with task quality and
decreased quality in output, then you would constantly complains is in your group, then
look for: the best way to deal with them is to:

a. Meeting cow a. Help them learn a decision-making

b. Speed cow system, and then reassure them about the
c. Paper cow decisions they make
d. Output cow b. Give attention and ask for specifics
c. Focus on their complaints on specifics
81. It is in this stage of organizational and solutions
development, the employee realizes not d. Talk honestly and let the person know it
only that the organization is going to change safe to disagree with you
but that the employees are going to have to
change as well 86. Refers to whether or not the experience
of trainees has made the receptive to
a. Defense training they will receive.
b. Discarding
c. Denial a. motivation
d. Adaptation b. readiness
c. instructional objectives
82. Becoming immersed in the new culture d. goal setting
and to become comfortable with the new
system is part of the stage of: 87. The best way to deal with difficult people
characterized as "know it all" is:
a. Adaptation
b. Defense a. Acknowledge their knowledge, make
c. Internalization your statements appear as if they are in
d. Discarding agreement
b. Don't rush them or argue; acknowledge
their good intentions

c. Don't show anger, acknowledge their

complaint and give them a chance to cool 93. For an employee to be able to follow a
down model's behavior, these conditions are
d. Don't counterattack or offer excuses, hold necessary except for?
your ground
a. paying attention
88. People with this type of power are best b. retaining information
able to get employees to comply with their c. learn newer skills with behavior
orders but have low follower satisfaction: d. reproduce the behavior

a. Coercive power 94. This approach attempts to answer the

b. Legitimate power question, "if we spent 100,000 training the
c. Referent power employees, how much more revenue was
d. Expert power brought in as a result of the training?"

89. This type of power stems from a. Business impact

complimenting others, doing favors, and b. Return of investment
generally being friendly and supportive: c. Employee learning
d. Employee feedback
a. Coercive power
b. Legitimate power 95.This determines the perceived fairness
c. Referent power of the actual decisions made in an
d. Expert power organization:

90. Type of communication that starts from a. Distributive justice

the superior to subordinate or management b. Procedural justice
to employees c. Interpersonal justice
d. Enrichment justice
a. Upward communication
b. Downward drift 96. A variation of the original expectancy
c. Downward communication model by Vroom which included additional
d. Informal communication factors such as abilities/traits, role
perception, intrinsic/extrinsic reward, etc.
91. A type of informal communication was the:
grapevine which involves a person passing
the message to only a select group of a. Porter Lawler Model
people b. Classic Conditioning Model
c. McClelland's Model
a. Clamor grapevine d. Theory X Theory Y
b. Gossip grapevine
c. Single-strand grapevine 97. With this method, the company
d. Probability grapevine establishes a baseline performance. Then
productivity goals above the baseline are
92. When information reaches you but you set and the employees are told they will
do not tend to pass it on to someone else, receive bonuses for each period that the
then you can be called a: goal is reached

a. Dead-ender a. earning at risk

b. Liason b. profit sharing
c. Isolates c. merit pay
d. Mediator d. gain sharing

98. Considered as a very selfish kind of

culture where everyone believes that he/she
is above the organization itself:

a. Task culture
b. Role culture
c. Person culture
d. Power culture

99. The following are determinants when

looking for effectiveness of incentive
programs except for?

a. contingency of consequences
b. fairness of rewards
c. type of incentive used
d. number of perks received

100. Group norms serve the following

purpose for the group except for?

a. it helps the group survive by

differentiating between behaviors that help
the group's goals and those that don't
b. it simplifies and makes more predictable
behaviors expected of group members
c. it helps express the reflected external
values of a group and avoids in
identifying the group to other people
outside of it
d. it helps the group avoid embarrassing
situations such as avoiding certain subjects
that hurt a member's feelings

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