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No t e b o o k: interview questions
Cre at e d : 8/26/2016 5:49 PM Up d at e d : 8/26/2016 8:47 PM
A u t h o r: [email protected]

1. what is app in salesforce?

2. what is object in salesforce?
3. what is lookup relation in SF?
4. what is materdetail relation in SF?
5. what is self relation ship?
6. what is hierarchical relationship?
7. what is junction object?
8. what is the difference between trigger and work flow?
9. what is difference b/w work flow and process builder?
10. what is the wrapper class?
11. what is the difference b/w SOQL AND SOSL?
12. what is sandbox ?
13. what is production?
14. how many types of sand box are the? explain them?
15. what is the out of box functionality?
16. what are the assignment rules?
17. what are the escalation rules?
18. what is the sharing rule?
19. How many ways we can made field is required?
20. What is difference between Role and Profile?
21. What is the maximum size of the PDF generated on visualforce attribute
22. How many controllers can be used in a visual force page?
23. What is difference between Action support and Action function?
24. How many ways we can call the Apex class?
25. How to create Master Details relationship between existing records?
26. What is permission set?
27. What is manual sharing?
28. what is the difference b/w insert and database.insert()?
29. What are the actions in work flow?
30. what is work flow ?
31. when work flow is invoked ?
32. what is trigger ?
33. what is the difference between trigger and wok flow ?
34. what are the trigger events ?
35. What are Trigger runtime Context Variables ? or trigger context variables?
36. If we insert 100 records how many times will Trigger fire?(it may data loader
37. What is bulk Trigger?
38. What is the difference between Trigger.New and Trigger.Old in update Triggers?
39. What is the difference between Trigger.New and Trigger.NewMap in update
40. When you can perform operation using Before Trigger and After Trigger which
one you prefer?
41. Can we write SOQL query to fetch the data in Trigger.New in Before Trigger?
42. Can we write DML on List of records which are in Trigger.New in Before Trigger?
43. What are Recursive triggers?
44. How to handle Recursive triggers?
45. how many triggers that we can write and same of object with the same trigger
46. what is the order of execution of trigger ?
47. will the field update done on work flow call the update trigger?
48. can we call the batch apex from the trigger ?
49. can we call the schedule apex from the trigger ?
50. Explain what is sales force?
51. Explain what is a custom object in sales force?
52. Explain what is object relationship overview?
53. Mention changing what may cause data loss?
54. How SaaS can be helpful to Sales force?
55. How sales force is useful in tracking sales?
56. Mention how many relationship is included in SFDC and what are they?
57. Mention what is the difference between isNull and isBlank?
58. Explain what is the trigger?
59. Mention what is the use of the static resource in Salesforce?
60. Mention what is the difference between and
61. Mention what are the actions available in workflow?
62. Explain what is the limit of records that can be added to Salesforce?
63. Mention what are the different types of custom settings in Salesforce?
64. Mention what are the three types of object relations in Salesforce?
65. Mention what are the different types of reports available in Salesforce?
66. Is it possible to schedule a dynamic dashboard in Salesforce?
67. What does it indicate if an error state this “list has no rows for assignment”?
68. Explain what the junction object is and what is the use?
69. Explain what is Audit trail?
70. Explain what is dashboard?
71. Explain how many controllers can be used in a visual force page?
72. Mention what is the difference between SOQL and SOSL?
73. //cognizant questions...........
74. 1)why sales force is called as CRM application ?
75. 2)what is Multitenant ?
76. 3) Why Permission Sets Used,?
77. 4)Difference Between Sales & Service Objects,?
78. 5)How You Use Case Object, ?
79. 6)Can we Write Test class without isStart & isStop,?
80. 7)Why isStart & isStop is Used in Test Classes ?
81. 8)Tell About {Lead,Opportunity,Account} Sobjects,?
82. 9)What is Lightening, ?
83. 10) How to Create a Report where several Calculation included to Show the
Reports weekly,?
84. 11) When you use Service Objects ?
85. 12) how to Create an App using Lightening ?
86. 13) What are the Custom-Objects you have created in your organization
87. ////// reaming question are my interview
experience questions
88. - what is the process builder?
89. - what actions u can do using process builder ?
90. - is it possible to clone existing criteria ......some thing sounds like that i dont
know that?
91. - what are the objects u crated and with what objects you worked?
92. - what is the difference b/w custom and standard objects?
93. - what do u know about static resources?
94. - how many ways you can share the record?
95. - what is difference b/w is-blank and is-null?
96. - architecture of salesforce?
97. - what trigger u used in project ? he asked .... i check duplicate
records and lead score calculations i used it.. and immediate question is..
98. - i have lead object .suppose if any lead coming from email with some attachment
like proofs add that email details to lead obj with attachment write a trigger for
this ?
99. - tell me what you know about exceptions in salesforce?
100. - did u hear the word Multi tenant before ?if its ..tell me what u know ?
101. - tell me few points about account share,account owner sharing rule,account

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