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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Regional Office No.VIII
Division of Northern Samar
Catubig I District


The Grade Six Teachers &

Pupils would like to express their
heartfelt thanks and gratitude to the
July 22, 2019
Guest Speaker, Dr. Ma. Teresa 3:00 PM
CES Quadrangle
Fe R. Saises, to the teachers and
parents and all those who helped in
making this Convocation
Program a success.

Part I Parade around the town

Search for Mr. & Ms. Nutrition 2019
Part II
Doxology Selected Grade Six Pupils
Pambansang Awit Mrs. Noime R. Hipe
ng Pilipinas Conducting
ng katapatan sa Christine R. Dupan
watawat ng Pilipinas
Panatang Makabayan Kyla Olegario
Deped Vision Xenaiah Isabela Adanza
Deped Mission Christia Ammi Ruhammah Dapug
Opening Remarks Mrs. Generose E. Tenedero
Vocal Solo Christia Ammi Ruhammah Dapug
Introduction to Mrs Maricor T. Fajilagot
the Guest Speaker Master Teacher-II
Message Dr. Ma. Teresa Fe R. Saises
Guest Speaker
Awarding of certificate
Appreciation Grade Chairman, Principal
to the Guest Speaker
Chorus Selected Grade Six Pupils
Coronation of Mrs. Maruja U. Acebuche
Mr. & Ms. Nutrition 2019 Mrs. Janepat A. Medenilla
Alay Selected Grade Six Pupils
Closing Remarks Mrs. Norma Y. Calamay
ES Principal
Community Singing Mrs. Epifania D. Nueva
Mrs. Eliza L. Baldoza
Master of Ceremony
Search for Mr. & Mrs. Nutrition 2019
Working Committees Kinder
Boys : Franc Delle Leandro M. Agagad
Committee on Program & Invitation Renz B. Rebay
Chairman : Generose E. Tenedero John Pepito L. Corocoto
Members : Mrs. Maricor T. Fajilagot Thirdy Levy C. Sanchez
Mrs. Noime R. Hipe Renz Louie H. Parane
Mrs. Eliza L. Baldoza Joao Paul J. Adato
Mrs. Epifania D. Nueva Girls : Rain C. Jolejole
Mrs. Zosima A. Alburan Riane Ryzza O. Palpallatoc
Lanica Andria J. Pluma
Committee on Search Lyzza Mae P. Gudiaga
Chairman : Cynthia R. Dupan Laiza Myr P. Lluz
Members : All Grade Five Teachers Jelo Ayaze U. Vismanos
Committee on Coronation Precious Mae P. Llave
Chairman : Janepat A. Alburan
Grade One
Member : All Grade Four Teachers Boys : Sian Dhayne C. Legarse
Committee on Paraphernalia Ken Jesriel A. Jagonoy
Chairman : Emily R. Zabala John Liam M. Balanlay
Member : All Grade One Teachers Xiann Bemur G. Suerte
Marc Mhel T. Losaura
Committee on Hall Preparation Denzel Hammad T. Riaz
Chairman : Nimfa Sefuentes Girls : Jewel Mae M. Encarnado
Member : All Grade Two Teachers Ma. Nathalie T. Suello
Chiann Angelique Jagonoy
Committee on Snack Preparation
Princess Candy R. Remoreras
Chairman : Darlane G. Notarte
Shenelyn D. Rotamula
Memnber : All Grade Kinder Teachers
Izzy Lhorean D. Tusing
Committee on Restoration Frience Nura G. Uy
Chairman : Karyl U. Rebadulla Trisha Mae J. Danque
Memnber : All Grade Three Teachers Jasmine Joyce D. Infante
Meisha Andrea Del A. Medenilla
Arianne Elle Y. Tagalog
Noella Abigail E. Rebadomia
Keira Maeve S. Iloso
Search for Mr. & Mrs. Nutrition 2019
Grade One
Search for Mr. & Mrs. Nutrition 2019
Girls : Wynna Mika Ella T. Somoza Grade Four
Jewel P. Robiego Boys : Dindo L. Lluz, Jr.
Feb Freyja T. Rebadomia Prince Miko U. Acebuche
Princess Rouie H. Parane Kaz Ulrich D. De asis
Wayne Victor R. Celajes
Grade Two Arl Rich A. Medenilla
Boys : Jaylord C. Joloan Girls : Gwyn O. Orbita
Dane Kian M. Justiniane Danniel Deborah U. Ortiz
James Eduard O. Rodelas Ma. Mien P. Orbita
Girls : Jaydine Adalla Elaiza Y. Panco
Yeisha Nicole Adato Eloisa Mae G. Padua
Alpheca U. Tomentos Ma. Theresa O. Quimbo
Kathryn T. Co Karyl T. Co
Raeah Keillah P. Dula Ira Asuncion A. Galit
Juliana Sofia M. Giray
Princess Angel Nungay Grade Five
Jasmine Apili Boys : Zanjoe O. Cabe
Shanille Durian Jasper T. Toling
Precious Danna De Asis Girls : Kaye Lara Orlaza
Ma. Alexis Jhaika P. Tolosa
Grade Three
Faith Angel O. Balando
Boys : Prince Aike Lomerio
Arianne Chelsea A. Medenilla
John Michael Jagonoy
Ma. Vaness B. Ortea
Mark Anthony De Asis
Princess Mae L. Rebadulla
Girls : Thamina Pearl C. Sanchez
Hanna P. Gudiaga
Grade Six
Nikka Joie Y. Asinas
Boys : Seth Dhevyn C. Legarse
Chelsea De Asis
Jinly A. Aducal
Escia Niña Y. Tagalog
Carl Aldren T. Co
Gesela Tessa Cui
Geoof Lluz
Rizel Rose Camaño
Girls : Aime Jane Gudiaga
Trisha Joy J. Danque
Alsace Angie Dayrit
Lianne Lois G. Jaramilla

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