Guidance On Procedures For The Transfer of Personnel by Basket

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Guidance on procedures for the transfer of personnel by

 Safety notice: 10/80
 Issue date: Apr 2001


1. This safety notice provides guidance on the relevant matters to be covered in

instructions on procedures to be observed for the transfer of personnel by basket,
to or from offshore installations.


2. Numbers of recorded personnel transfer basket incidents are low, but basket
transfers to or from offshore installations are considered a high-risk operation. The
Billy Pugh type of personnel transfer basket does not comply with regulation 5 of
the Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations 1998 (LOLER) but it
can be used in exceptional circumstances, i.e. emergencies or when transfer is
essential and it is not practicable to gain access by less hazardous means.
Alternative forms of basket are available which duty holders should consider if
they offer a safer means of personnel transfer for their needs.

Action required

3. Duty holders should note and act on the guidance in Annex A.

Relevant legal requirements

4. The main legal requirements are:

o The Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974 (HSWA)
o The Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations 1998/2307
o The Offshore Installations and Pipeline Works (Management and
Administration) Regulations 1995/738 (MAR)
o The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999/3242
o The Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998/2306

5. Further guidance can be found in the following publications:

o Safe use of lifting equipment: Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment
Regulations 1998: Approved Code of Practice and guidance L113 HSE
Books 1998 ISBN0717616282.
o A guide to the Offshore Installations and Pipeline Works (Management
and Administration) Regulations 1995 L70 HSE Books 1995
o Management of health and safety at work: Management of Health and
Safety at Work Regulations 1999: Approved Code of Practice L21 HSE
Books 2000 Second edition ISBN0717624889.
o Safe use of work equipment: Provision and Use of Work Equipment 1998
Regulations Approved Code of Practice and guidance L22 HSE Books
1998 Second edition ISBN0717616266.
o Guidelines on procedures for the transfer of personnel by basket on the
UK Continental Shelf-Produced jointly by the International Mari ne
Contractors Association (IMCA) and International Association of Drilling
Contractors (IADC) North Sea Chapter. This guidance does not represent
HSE policy.
o Copies of the guidelines are available from: IMCA, Carlyle House, 235
Vauxhall Bridge Road, London SW1V1EJ, Tel:02079318171; e-mail:
[email protected]

Further information

6. Any queries relating to this notice should be addressed to:

Health and Safety Executive

Hazardous Installations Directorate
Offshore Division
Lord Cullen House
Fraser Place
AB25 3UB

Tel: 01224 252500

Fax: 01224 252629

This guidance is issued by the Health and Safety Executive. Following the guidance is
not compulsory and you are free to take other action. But if you do follow the guidance
you will normally be doing enough to comply with the law. Health and safety inspectors
seek to secure compliance with the law and may refer to this guidance as illustrating good
Annex A
Transfer of personnel by basket: guidance on procedures

Personnel baskets should only be used in exceptional circumstances, ie emergencies or

when transfer is essential and it is not practicable to gain access by less hazardous means.

 Policy
 Authority
 Duties
 Suitability of vessels
 Weather conditions
 Safety equipment
 Instructions
 Training
 Cranes and personnel baskets


This section should describe the duty holder's policy on the use of personnel transfer
baskets, which should include authority and define circumstances for use.


The Offshore Installation Manager (OIM) must be the only person to permit the use of
personnel transfer baskets.


The duties of people in supervising or actually carrying out the personnel basket transfer
should be clearly defined. People usually covered are the Installation Manager, the crane
operator, the Master of the Vessel, and other people nominated by the OIM or the ship's
Master to undertake specific duties. The procedure setting out those involved in the
transfer operation should cover the following:

a. The Offshore Installation Manager should:

o be satisfied with the fitness, training and briefing of the people to be
o be content with the suitability of the vessel;
o know the limitations of visibility and sea state;
o be aware of the limitations on transfer by night;
o be aware of the suitability of the crane for personnel transfer;
o check the windspeed limitations on crane operations;
o establish and maintain communication with the Master of the Vessel;
o brief the Master of the Vessel;
o be satisfied with the competence and experience of the craneoperator;
o ensure appropriate emergency precautions are in place, eg notify the
standby vessel before the transfer;
o be satisfied with the inspection and testing of the personnel basket.
b. The Master of the Vessel should confirm to the OIM that:
o the transfer has been accepted and the procedures understood;
o the vessel has a satisfactory station keeping capability;
o the deck crew have been fully briefed;
o the people to be transferred have been adequately briefed and are fit to be
c. The crane operator should establish that:
o the crane is fully operational;
o the windspeed is satisfactory for safe operation;
o the requirements and procedures have been understood;
o the banksman has an unobstructed view and the transfer areas are clear;
o adequate communications have been established with the vessel Master
and banksman.
d. The Banksman and Deck Supervisor should ensure that:
o the transfer procedure is understood;
o they can be clearly identified as banksman and deck supervisor;
o the personnel basket is correctly used;
o the individuals are fit to transfer and have understood the procedures;
o proper communications have been established;
o they each have a full view of the transfer area.
e. Individuals to be transferred should:
o ensure that the transfer procedure is understood;
o confirm they agree to the transfer;
o be able to use correctly the safety equipment provided;
o follow/carry out all instructions from those in charge of the operation.

Suitability of the vessel

The type of vessel considered suitable to carry out a transfer should be determined by its
ability to maintain station alongside the installation and should have sufficient clear deck
space to safely receive the basket.

Weather conditions

Weather conditions are very important factors which should be taken into account, and
include visibility, wind and sea state. Duty holders should specify the maximum
windspeed and sea state beyond which basket transfer is not permissible and the
windspeed limitations for the crane operations.

Both radio and visual communication should be established and maintained between the
people actually conducting the operation.

Safety equipment and rescue procedures

People being transferred should wear life jackets, suitable clothing and immersion suits.
All life jackets should be equipped with suitable means of illumination during night
transfers. Appropriate rescue and recovery arrangements must be in place (eg standby
vessel equipped with a fast rescue craft ready to launch).


a. The written instructions should include the roles and responsibilities of all the
people included in the operation.
b. Transfer operations should be conducted during daylight hours. However, the
OIM may agree night-time transfers provided that the circumstances requiring
transfer by basket are exceptional and the operation is conducted under their
personal direction.


Personnel will be transferred by basket in greater safety and with less apprehension if
they have received training in the techniques involved. The type of training should be
included in installation drills. Inexperienced people or those not trained in the use of
personnel baskets should always be accompanied.

Cranes and personnel paskets

a. All personnel baskets must possess a current thorough examination report

undertaken by a competent person in accordance with LOLER regulation 9.
b. The safe working load (SWL) should be clearly marked on all personnel baskets,
together with instructions for their use.
c. Procedures should include the methods of maintenance and storage together with
instructions related to inspection before use.
d. 'Freefall' or non-powered lowering should not be adopted when personnel are
carried in baskets.
Vessel-to-vessel transfers

LOLER does not apply to the loading or unloading of a ship when using its own lifting
equipment. Loading/unloading includes cargo and persons. Therefore vessel-to-vessel
transfers in which neither vessel is an offshore installation are not covered by this
guidance (The Maritime and Coastguard Agency regulate maritime vessels).

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