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This study is being conducted by, Sachin Mahalik student of Biju Patnaik Institute of IT &
Management Studies as a part of the marketing research assignment. This is a questionnaire
survey about “A study on perception of educational institute on Paytm”.

This study is intended for educational purpose and is done to help paytm promote & improve its


In this section we will ask concerning the educational institution on application of Paytm in
their daily life.

1. Name of the Institute: ____________________________________________________

2. Type of Ownership :

(a) Private
(b) State
(c) Municipality
(d) Joint municipal board
(e) others

3. Strength of the Institute :___________________

4. Turnover of the Institute :__________________

5. Do you have the knowledge of any payment gateway:

(a) YES
(b) NO


(a) Google pay

(b) Phone pay
(c) Paytm
(d) Freecharge
(e) Others _________________________________
6. Do you use any payment gateway :

(a) YES
(b) NO


(a) Hdfc payment gateway

(b) Google pay
(c) Phone pay
(d) Paytm
(e) Freecharge

7. Are you interested for any payment gateway :

(a) YES
(b) NO

8. Do you think paytm payment gateway can solve students payment system :

(a) YES
(b) NO

Answer the following questions using 5 point scale.
1. Manual payment system is hassle-free :

(a) Strongly disagree

(b) Disagree
(c) Neutral
(d) Agree
(e) Strongly agree
2. Our employees are technically skilled :

(a) Strongly disagree

(b) Disagree
(c) Neutral
(d) Agree
(e) Strongly agree

3. Students are accustomed about manual payment :

(a) Strongly disagree

(b) Disagree
(c) Neutral
(d) Agree
(e) Strongly agree

4. Digital system suffers from link failure :

(a) Strongly disagree

(b) Disagree
(c) Neutral
(d) Agree
(e) Strongly agree

5. Digital system suffers from electric failure :

(a) Strongly disagree

(b) Disagree
(c) Neutral
(d) Agree
(e) Strongly agree

6. Payment gateway not giving prompt services :

(a) Strongly disagree

(b) Disagree
(c) Neutral
(d) Agree
(e) Strongly agree
7. Digital transactions is less critical :

(a) Strongly disagree

(b) Disagree
(c) Neutral
(d) Agree
(e) Strongly agree

8. No burden of exchange :

(a) Strongly disagree

(b) Disagree
(c) Neutral
(d) Agree
(e) Strongly agree

9. A good return (cashback) will get through digital transaction :

(a) Strongly disagree

(b) Disagree
(c) Neutral
(d) Agree
(e) Strongly agree

10. Easy receipt :

(a) Strongly disagree

(b) Disagree
(c) Neutral
(d) Agree
(e) Strongly agree


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