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SUBJECT TITLE _Creative Writing____________________ GRADE / STRAND __12__________ SENIOR HIGH

TEACHER Tamnra Lynn L. Dizon________ SY 2019-2020__ SEMESTER ___ 1ST ___ 2ND SCHOOL

Day/ Date DAY 1: Jul 15 DAY 2: Jul 16 DAY 3: Jul 17 DAY 4: Jul 18

TOPIC / LESSON Long quiz from Reading and Writing Continuation of Reading Continuation of Reading
introduction to creative Poetry and writing Poetry and writing Poetry
writing to sensory -The essential elements of -The essential elements of -The essential elements of
experience writing. Poetry Poetry Poetry
a. Theme a. Theme a. Theme
b. Tone b. Tone b. Tone
LESSON OBJECTIVES -To assess the learning of -Student shall have an -Student shall have an -Student shall have an
the student understanding of poetry understanding of poetry understanding of poetry
as a genre and how to as a genre and how to as a genre and how to
analyze its elements and analyze its elements and analyze its elements and
techniques techniques techniques

INTRODUCTION Classroom Routine Classroom Routine Classroom Routine Classroom Routine

-Prayer -Prayer -Prayer -Prayer
-Mindfulness -Mindfulness -Mindfulness -Mindfulness
-Checking of attendance -Checking of attendance -Checking of attendance -Checking of attendance
-Checking cleanliness of -Checking cleanliness of -Checking cleanliness of -Checking cleanliness of
the classroom the classroom the classroom the classroom
MOTIVATION Student will be ask to Student will be ask to Student will be ask to
share their favorite poem. share their favorite poem. share their favorite poem.

INSTRUCTION / Student will be ask to Student will be ask to Student will be ask to
Lesson Proper share their reflection share their reflection share their reflection
about the lesson. about the lesson. about the lesson.
ASSESSMENT / Review of lesson Review of lesson Review of lesson

CLOSURE / Mindfulness Mindfulness Mindfulness Mindfulness

Generalization Prayer Prayer Prayer Prayer
MATERIALS / LM / Pen and paper Powerpoint Powerpoint Powerpoint
Learning Competency -Identify the various -Identify the various -Identify the various
(Code) elements, techniques, and elements, techniques, and elements, techniques, and
literary devices in poetry. literary devices in poetry. literary devices in poetry.

HUMSS_CW/MP11/12c-f6 HUMSS_CW/MP11/12c-f6 HUMSS_CW/MP11/12c-f6

Content Standard The learners have the The learners have the The learners have the
understanding of poetry understanding of poetry understanding of poetry
as a genre and how to as a genre and how to as a genre and how to
analyze its elements and analyze its elements and analyze its elements and
techniques techniques techniques
Performance Standard Produce a short, well Produce a short, well Produce a short, well
crafted poem. crafted poem. crafted poem.

Noted and Approved by:

Edgar N. Nueva
SES Academic Coordinator

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