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Code of Conduct for Players and Player

Support Personnel

Effective as from 1 December 2010

For information regarding the Code of Conduct, please contact:

Director Cricket Operations (International)

PCBs International Cricket Department
Gaddafi Stadium
Ferozepur Road Lahore, Pakistan
Tel (switchboard): +92 42 111 227 777
Facsimile: +92 42 357 11860


ARTICLE 1 SCOPE AND APPLICATION ................................................................................. 3

ARTICLE 2 CODE OF CONDUCT OFFENCES ....................................................................... 4


ARTICLE 4 NOTIFICATION PROCEDURE............................................................................ 11

ARTICLE 5 THE DISCIPLINARY PROCEDURE .................................................................... 13

ARTICLE 6 STANDARD OF PROOF AND EVIDENCE ......................................................... 19


ARTICLE 8 APPEALS ............................................................................................................. 21

ARTICLE 9 RECOGNITION OF DECISIONS ......................................................................... 23


APPENDIX 1 DEFINITIONS ...................................................................................................... 27


DISCIPLINARY PROCESS AND SANCTIONS................................................... 30

APPENDIX 3 MATCH FEES ...................................................................................................... 33




The PCB has been established under S.R.O No. 64(K.E.)/2007 to promote the game and maintain
general control of the sport of cricket in Pakistan and the Code of Conduct for Players and Player Support
Personnel (the “Code of Conduct”) is adopted and implemented as part of the PCB’s continuing efforts
to maintain the public image, popularity and integrity of cricket by providing: (a) an effective means to
deter any participant from conducting themselves improperly on and off the ‘field-of-play’ or in a manner
that is contrary to the ‘spirit of cricket’; and (b) a robust disciplinary procedure pursuant to which all
matters of improper conduct can be dealt with fairly, with certainty and in an expeditious manner. PCB
has zero tolerance towards corruption and indiscipline in the game.

Unless otherwise indicated, references to Articles and Appendices are to articles and appendices of the
Code of Conduct. Words in italicized text in the Code of Conduct are defined terms and their definitions
are set out in Appendix 1.


1.1 This Code of Conduct for Players and Player’s Support Personnel repeals and supersedes all
previous Codes of Conduct applicable to Players and Player Support Personnel.

1.2 All Players and Player Support Personnel are automatically bound by and required to comply with
all of the provisions of the Code of Conduct. Accordingly, by their participation (in the case of a
Player) or assistance in a Player’s participation (in the case of a Player Support Personnel) in any
Match, such Players or Player Support Personnel shall be deemed to have agreed:

1.1.1 that it is their personal responsibility to familiarise themselves with all of the requirements of
the Code of Conduct, including what conduct constitutes an offence under the Code of

1.1.2 to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of any Team Manager, Match Referee, Judicial
Commissioner, or Appeal Panel convened under the Code for Conduct to hear and
determine charges brought (and any appeals in relation thereto) pursuant to the Code of
Conduct; and

1.1.3 not to bring any proceedings in any court or other forum that are inconsistent with the
foregoing submission to the jurisdiction of the Team Manager, Match Referee, Judicial
Commissioner, or Appeal Panel.

1.3 All Players and Player Support Personnel shall continue to be bound by and required to comply with
the Code of Conduct until he/she has not participated (in the case of a Player), or assisted a
Player’s participation (in the case of a Player Support Personnel) in an Match for a period of three
(3) months and the PCB shall continue to have jurisdiction over him/her under the Code of Conduct
thereafter in respect of matters taking place prior to that point.

1.4 Without prejudice to Articles 1.1 and 1.2, the PCB and Regional, District and City Associations and
the clubs shall be responsible for promoting Code of Conduct awareness and education amongst all
Players and Player Support Personnel.

1.5 It is acknowledged that certain Players and Player Support Personnel may also be subject to other
rules of National Cricket Federations that govern discipline and/or conduct, and that the same
conduct of such Players and/or Player Support Personnel may implicate not only the Code of
Conduct but also such other rules that may apply. For the avoidance of any doubt, Players and
Player Support Personnel acknowledge and agree that: (a) the Code of Conduct is not intended to
limit the responsibilities of any Player or Player Support Personnel under such other rules; and (b)
nothing in such other rules shall be capable of removing, superseding or amending in any way the
jurisdiction of the Team Manager, Match Referee, Judicial Commissioner, or Appeal Panel to
determine matters properly arising pursuant to the Code of Conduct.

1.6 For the avoidance of any doubt:

1.6.1 all Umpires and Match Referees officiating in any Match are automatically bound by and
required to comply with all of the provisions of the PCB Code of Conduct for Umpires and
Referees; and

1.6.2 where any Domestic Team at any level participates in an International Tour Match or
Event against a representative side of a National Cricket Federation or invitational team,
for the purposes of their participation in such International Tour Match or Event all Players and Player Support Personnel representing such Domestic Team are
automatically bound by and required to comply with, and shall submit themselves
to the jurisdiction of this Code of Conduct; and all players or player support personnel representing the invitational or visiting
team shall not be bound by this Code of Conduct. Instead, such individuals will
be bound by, required to comply with, and shall submit themselves to the
jurisdiction of the relevant National Cricket Federation’s own applicable rules of


The conduct described in Articles 2.1 – 2.5, if committed by a Player or Player Support Personnel shall
amount to an offence by such Player or Player Support Personnel under the Code of Conduct.

COMMENT: Where considered helpful, guidance notes have been provided in text boxes beneath the
description of a particular offence. Such notes are intended only to provide guidance as to the nature
and examples of certain conduct that might be prohibited by a particular Article and should not be read
as an exhaustive or limiting list of conduct prohibited by such Article.

2.1 Level 1 Offences:

2.1.1 Breach of the ICC’s/PCB’s Clothing and Equipment Regulations during a Match, save for
breaches relating to a ‘Commercial Logo’ or a ‘Player’s Bat Logo’ as those terms are
defined therein.
NOTE: One of the core objectives of the ICC/PCB’s Clothing and Equipment Regulations is
to ensure appropriate and professional standards of appearance on the field of play and to
prevent those practices that undermine that objective (for example the cover up/alteration of
clothing and equipment with sticking plaster or marker pens, the wearing of batting pads
painted with paint that subsequently fades or falls off and/or the use of prohibited logos).

For the avoidance of any doubt, there shall be no requirement that the Umpire must first
provide a warning to the offending person to remove or cover up a prohibited logo before a
breach of this Article can be established.
It shall be a defence to a charge brought under this Article to show that a Player or Player
Support Personnel was required by his/her Team/Department/Association/Club to use the
offending clothing or equipment.
2.1.2 Abuse of cricket equipment or clothing, ground equipment or fixtures and fittings during a

NOTE: Article 2.1.2 includes any action(s) outside the course of normal cricket actions, such
as hitting or kicking the wickets and any action(s) which intentionally or negligently results in
damage to the advertising boards, boundary fences, dressing room doors, mirrors, windows
and other fixtures and fittings.

2.1.3 Showing dissent at an Umpire’s decision during a Match.

NOTE: Article 2.1.3 includes: (a) excessive, obvious disappointment with an Umpire’s
decision; (b) an obvious delay in resuming play or leaving the wicket; (c) shaking the head;
(d) pointing or looking at the inside edge when given out lbw; (e) pointing to the pad or
rubbing the shoulder when caught behind; (f) snatching the cap from the Umpire; (g)
requesting a referral to the TV Umpire (other than in the context of a legitimate request for a
referral as may be permitted in such International Match); and (h) arguing or entering into a
prolonged discussion with the Umpire about his decision.

It shall not be a defence to any charge brought under this Article to show that the Umpire
might have, or in fact did, get any decision wrong.

2.1.4 Using language or a gesture that is obscene, offensive or insulting during a Match.

NOTE: Article 2.1.4 includes: (a) excessively audible or repetitious swearing; and (b)
obscene gestures which are not directed at another person, such as swearing in frustration
at one’s own poor play or fortune. In addition, this offence is not intended to penalise trivial

When assessing the seriousness of the breach, the Umpire shall be required to take into
account the context of the particular situation and whether the words or gesture are likely to:
(a) be regarded as obscene; (b) give offence; or (c) insult another person.

This offence is not intended to cover any use of language or gestures that are likely to offend
another person on the basis of their race, religion, gender, colour, descent, national or ethnic
origin. Such conduct is prohibited under the PCB’s Anti-Racism Code and must be dealt
with according to the procedures set out therein.

2.1.5 Excessive appealing during a Match.

NOTE: For the purposes of Article 2.1.5, ‘excessive’ shall include: (a) repeated appealing
of the same decision/appeal; (b) repeated appealing of different decisions/appeals when
the bowler/fielder knows the batter is not out with the intention of placing the Umpire under
pressure; or (c) celebrating a dismissal before the decision has been given. It is not
intended to prevent loud or enthusiastic appealing.

2.1.6 Pointing or gesturing towards the pavilion by a bowler or other member of the fielding
side upon the dismissal of a batsman during a Match.

2.1.7 Public criticism of, or inappropriate comment in relation to an incident occurring in a

Match or any Player, Player Support Personnel, Match official or team participating in a
Match, irrespective of when such criticism or inappropriate comment is made.

NOTE: Without limitation, Players and Player Support Personnel will breach Article 2.1.7 if
they publicly criticise the Match officials or denigrate a Player or team against which they
have played in relation to incidents which occurred in any Match. When assessing the
seriousness of the breach, the context within 5 which the comments have been made and
the gravity of the offending comments must be taken into account.
2.1.8 Where the facts of the alleged incident are not adequately or clearly covered by any of
the above offences, conduct that either: (a) is contrary to the spirit of the game; or (b)
brings the game into disrepute.

NOTE: Article 2.1.8 is intended to be a ‘catch-all’ provision to cover all types of conduct of a
minor nature that is not (and, because of its nature, cannot be) adequately covered by the
specific offences set out elsewhere in the Code of Conduct.

By way of example, Article 2.1.8(a) may (depending upon the seriousness and context of
the breach) prohibit the following: (a) the use of an illegal bat or illegal wicket-keeping
gloves; (b) deliberate time wasting; (c) cheating during any Match, including deliberate
attempts to mislead the Umpire; (d) failure to comply with the provisions of Match Playing
Conditions of PCB; and (e) any conduct which is considered ‘unfair play’ under Law 42 of
the Laws of Cricket.

By way of example, Article 2.1.8(b) may (depending upon the seriousness and context of
the breach) prohibit the following: (a) public acts of misconduct; (b) unruly public behaviour;
and (c) inappropriate comments which are detrimental to the interests of the game.

2.2 Level 2 Offences:

2.2.1 Showing serious dissent at an Umpire’s decision during any Match.

NOTE: Dissent, including the examples given in Article 2.1.3 above will be classified as
‘serious’ when the conduct contains an element of anger or abuse which is directed at the
Umpire or the Umpire’s decision or where there is excessive delay in resuming play or
leaving the wicket or where there is persistent re-reference to the incident over time.

It shall not be a defence to any charge brought under this Article to show that the Umpire
might have, or in fact did, get any decision wrong.

2.2.2 Breach of the PCB’s Clothing and Equipment Regulations during any Match relating to a
‘Commercial Logo’ or a ‘Player’s Bat Logo’ as those terms are defined.

NOTE: Article 2.2.2 only relates to breaches of the regulations regarding ‘Commercial
Logos’ and ‘Player’s Bat Logos’.

For the avoidance of any doubt, there shall be no requirement that the Umpire must first
provide a warning to the offending person to remove or cover up a prohibited logo before a
breach of this Article can be established.

It shall be a defence to a charge brought under this Article to show that a Player or Player
Support Personnel is required by PCB to use the offending clothing or equipment.

2.2.3 Serious public criticism of, or inappropriate comment in relation to an incident occurring in
a Match or any Player, Player Support Personnel, Match official or team participating in
any Match, irrespective of when such criticism or inappropriate comment is made.
NOTE: Without limitation, Players and Player Support Personnel will breach this rule if they
publicly criticise the Match officials or denigrate a Player or team against which they have
played in relation to incidents which occurred in any Match. When assessing the
seriousness of the breach, the context within which the comments have been made and
the gravity of the offending comments must be taken into account.

2.2.4 Inappropriate and deliberate physical contact between Players in the course of play
during a Match.

NOTE: Without limitation, Players will breach this regulation if they deliberately walk or run
into or shoulder another Player.

2.2.5 Charging or advancing towards the Umpire in an aggressive manner when appealing
during a Match.

2.2.6 Deliberate and malicious distraction or obstruction on the field of play during a Match.

2.2.7 Throwing a ball (or any other item of cricket equipment such as a water bottle) at or near
a Player, Player Support Personnel, Umpire, Match Referee or any other third person in
an inappropriate and/or dangerous manner during any Match.

NOTE: This regulation will not prohibit a fielder or bowler from returning the ball to the
stumps in the normal fashion.

2.2.8 Using language or gesture(s) that is seriously obscene, seriously offensive or of a

seriously insulting nature to another Player, Player Support Personnel, Umpire, Match
Referee or any other third person during a Match.

NOTE: It is acknowledged that there will be verbal exchanges between Players in the
course of play. Rather than seeking to eliminate these exchanges entirely, Umpires will
be required to report such conduct that falls below an acceptable standard. This offence
is not intended to penalise trivial behaviour.

When assessing the seriousness of the breach, the Umpire shall be required to take into
account the context of the particular situation and whether the words or gesture are likely
to: (a) be regarded as seriously obscene; or (b) give serious offence; or (c) seriously
insult another person.

This offence is not intended to cover any use of language or gestures that are likely to
offend another person on the basis of their race, religion, gender, colour, descent,
national or ethnic origin. Such conduct is prohibited under the PCB’s Anti-Racism Code
and must be dealt with according to the procedures set out therein.

2.2.9 Changing the condition of the ball in breach of Law 42.3 of the Laws of Cricket, as
modified by PCB Match Playing Conditions clause _____________.

NOTE: This offence supplements and does not replace ICC/PCB Match Playing
Conditions clause _____________

Any action(s) likely to alter the condition of the ball which were not specifically permitted
under Law 42.3(a) may be regarded as ‘unfair’. The following actions shall not be
permitted (this list of actions is not exhaustive but included for illustrative purposes): (a)
deliberately throwing the ball into the ground for the purpose of roughening it up; (b)
applying any artificial substance to the ball; and applying any non-artificial substance for
any purpose other than to polish the ball; (c) lifting or otherwise interfering with any of the
seams of the ball; (d) scratching the surface of the ball with finger or thumb nails or any

The Umpires shall use their judgment to apply the principle that actions taken to maintain
or enhance the condition of the ball, provided no artificial substances are used, shall be
permitted. Any actions taken with the purpose of damaging the condition of the ball or
accelerating the deterioration of the condition of the ball shall not be permitted.

2.2.10 Any attempt to manipulate a Match for inappropriate strategic or tactical reasons.

NOTE: Article 2.2.10 is intended to prevent the manipulation of Matches for inappropriate
strategic or tactical reasons (such as when a team deliberately loses a pool Match in PCB
Event in order to affect the standings of other teams in such Event). It might also apply to
the inappropriate manipulation of a net run rate or accumulation of bonus points or

Article 2.2.10 is not intended to cover any corrupt or fraudulent acts (including any use of
inside information and/or related betting activity). Such conduct is prohibited under the
PCB Anti-Corruption Code and must be dealt with according to the procedures set out

The Team Captain of any team guilty of such conduct shall be held responsible (and
subject to sanction) for any offence found to have been committed under this Article.

2.2.11 Where the facts of the alleged incident are not adequately or clearly covered by any of
the above offences, conduct that either: (a) is contrary to the spirit of the game; or (b)
brings the game into disrepute.

NOTE: Article 2.2.11 is intended to be a ‘catch-all’ provision to cover all types of conduct of a
serious nature that is not (and, because of its nature, cannot be) adequately covered by the
specific offences set out elsewhere in the Code of Conduct.

See guidance notes to Article 2.1.8 for examples of conduct that may (depending upon the
seriousness and context of the breach) be prohibited under Article 2.2.11.

2.3 Level 3 Offences:

2.3.1 Intimidation of an Umpire or Match Referee whether by language or conduct (including

gestures) during any Match.

NOTE: Includes appealing in an aggressive or threatening manner.

2.3.2 Threat of assault on another Player, Player Support Personnel, Umpire, Match Referee
or any other person (including a spectator) during a Match.

2.3.3 Where the facts of the alleged incident are not adequately or clearly covered by any of
the above offences, conduct that either: (a) is contrary to the spirit of the game; or (b)
brings the game into disrepute.

NOTE: Article 2.3.3 is intended to be a ‘catch-all’ provision to cover all types of conduct of a
very serious nature that is not (and, because of its nature, cannot be) adequately covered by
the specific offences set out elsewhere in the Code of Conduct.

See guidance notes to Article 2.1.8 for examples of conduct that may (depending upon the
seriousness and context of the breach) be prohibited under Article 2.3.3.

2.4 Level 4 Offences:

2.4.1 Threat of assault on an Umpire or Match Referee during a Match.

2.4.2 Physical assault of another Player, Player Support Personnel, Umpire, Match Referee or
any other person (including a spectator) during a Match.

2.4.3 Any act of violence on the field of play during a Match.

2.4.4 Where the facts of the alleged incident are not adequately or clearly covered by any of
the above offences, conduct that either: (a) is contrary to the spirit of the game; or (b)
brings the game into disrepute.

NOTE: Article 2.4.4 is intended to be a ‘catch-all’ provision to cover all types of conduct of an
overwhelmingly serious nature that is not (and, because of its nature, cannot be) adequately
covered by the specific offences set out elsewhere in the Code of Conduct.

See guidance notes to Article 2.1.8 for examples of conduct that may (depending upon the
seriousness and context of the breach) be prohibited under Article 2.4.4.

2.5 Minimum Over Rate Offences:

Failure by a fielding team participating in a Match to meet the Minimum Over Rate requirements
contained in Appendix 2 constitutes an offence under this Code of Conduct by the relevant
Team Captain and each of the Players in that fielding team according to the following:

2.5.1 where the actual over rate in a Match of one or more days duration is equal to or less
than 5 overs short of the Minimum Over Rate, such an offence shall be considered a “Minor
Over Rate Offence”.

2.5.2 where the actual over rate in any Match of one or more days duration is more than five
overs short of the Minimum Over Rate, such an offence shall be considered a “Serious
Over Rate Offence”.

NOTE: Subjective intent on behalf of the Team Captain to waste time is not required. It is
sufficient to establish that the Minimum Over Rate was not met. To avoid liability under
this offence the Team Captain would need to establish, on the balance of probabilities, that
the shortfall was due to factors beyond his control and that the time allowances permitted
by the Match officials in calculating the required over rate were not sufficient. The
presence or absence of subjective intent and the extent of the shortfall shall be relevant in
relation to the issue of penalty.

3.1 Any one of the following individuals can report an alleged offence under the Code of Conduct
(other than Minimum Over Rate Offences - as to which see Appendix 2) by lodging a report in the
manner described in Article 3.2, below (a “Report”):

3.1.1 an Umpire that officiated in the Match during which the alleged offence was committed;

3.1.2 the Team Manager of the respective team participated in the Match during, or in relation
to which, the alleged offence was committed;

3.1.3 the PCB’s SeniorGeneral Manager (GM/ General Manager (GM)); or

3.1.4 provided it is a Level 3 Offence or Level 4 Offence that is alleged to have been
committed, the Match Referee that was appointed to officiate in the Match during which
the alleged offence was committed. (For the avoidance of any doubt, the Match Referee
is not entitled to lodge a Report in relation to an alleged Level 1 Offence or Level 2

3.2 All Reports must be completed on Form “Rep 1” (or such other form as may be made available
for such purpose by the PCB from time to time). All Reports must be signed and dated by the
person lodging the Report.

3.2.1 Where the Report is lodged by any of the individuals described in Articles 3.1.1 or 3.1.2 in
relation to: a Level 1 Offence or a Level 2 Offence that is alleged to have been committed on
the field of play during any Match, then the Report must be lodged with the Match
Referee (or, where, for logistical reasons or in the instance where no Match
Referee is officiating e.g., in District or Club level matches, , the PCB’s GM/SGM
Domestic Cricket Operations) within eighteen hours of the close of the day’s play
in the relevant Match or prior to the start of the following day’s play or the start of
the next relevant Match, whichever is the sooner; or a Level 1 Offence or a Level 2 Offence that is alleged to have been committed at
any time or place other than on the field of play then the Report must be lodged
with the Match Referee (or, where, for logistical reasons, or in the instance where
no Match Referee is officiating e.g., in District or Club level matches, the PCB’s
SGM Domestic Cricket Operations) as soon as reasonably practicable, and in
any event, no later than twenty four (24) hours (where the Report is lodged by an
Umpire) or forty eight (48) hours (where the Report is lodged by the Team
Manager after: (a) the commission of the alleged offence; or (b) the alleged
offence was brought to the attention of the person lodging the Report; or a Level 3 Offence or a Level 4 Offence that is alleged to have been committed,
then the Report must be lodged with the PCB’s Director Domestic Cricket as
soon as reasonably practicable, and in any event no later than three (3) days
after either: (a) the commission of the alleged offence; or (b) the alleged offence
was brought to the attention of the person lodging the Report.

3.2.2 Where the Report is lodged by the individual described in Article 3.1.3 in relation to: a Level 1 Offence or a Level 2 Offence that is alleged to have been committed at
any time or place (whether on the field of play or otherwise), then the Report
must be lodged with the Match Referee (or, where, for logistical reasons or in the
instance where no Match Referee is officiating .e.g., in District or Club level
matches, the PCB’s SGM Domestic Cricket Operations) within Eighteen hours of
the commission of the alleged offence; or a Level 3 Offence or a Level 4 Offence that is alleged to have been committed at
any time or place (whether on the field of play or otherwise), then the Report
must be lodged with the PCB’s Director Domestic Cricket as soon as reasonably
practicable, and in any event no later than three (3) days after: (a) the
commission of the alleged offence; or (b) the alleged offence was brought to the
attention of the PCB’s Director Domestic Cricket Operations.

3.2.3 Where the Report is lodged by the individual described in Article 3.1.4 in relation to a
Level 3 Offence or a Level 4 Offence that is alleged to have been committed, then the
Report must be lodged with the PCB’s Director Domestic Cricket as soon as reasonably
practicable, and in any event no later than three (3) days after: (a) the commission of the
alleged offence; or (b) the alleged offence was brought to the attention of the Match

3.3 Where it is alleged that a Player or Player Support Personnel has committed more than one
offence under the Code of Conduct during, or in relation to a Match (whether arising out of the
same set of facts or otherwise), then a separate Report should be filed in accordance with this
Article 3 for each of the offences that are alleged to have been committed.


Level 1 Offences, Level 2 Offences and Minimum Over Rate Offences:

4.1 Where a Match Referee receives a Report lodged under Articles,, or Article
3.2 of Appendix 2 (in the case of Minimum Over Rate Offences), he/she must promptly provide a
copy of the Report, together with a completed Form “Not 1”, (such documents comprising the
‘Notice of Charge’), to the following individuals:

4.1.1 the Player or Player Support Personnel named in the Report, or, where appropriate in the
case of an offence under either Article 2.2.9 (changing the condition of the ball), 2.2.10
(manipulating a Match), or 2.5.1/2.5.2 (failure to meet the Minimum Over Rate), the
relevant Team Captain; and

4.1.2 the Team Manager of the relevant Player or Player Support Personnel named in the

4.2 The Notice of Charge shall specify that the Player or Player Support Personnel shall have the
following three options:

4.2.1 he/she may admit the offence charged and accede to the proposed sanction specified in
the Notice of Charge (which sanction shall be strictly at the Match Referee’s discretion,
but at all times within the appropriate range for the level of offence). In such
circumstances, and provided that such admission has been received by the Match
Referee prior to the commencement of the hearing at the time/place specified in the
Notice of Charge, the hearing before the Match Referee shall not be required and no
further action shall be taken, or

4.2.2 he/she may admit the offence charged but dispute the proposed sanction specified in the
Notice of Charge, in which case the matter shall proceed to a hearing in accordance with
Article 5.1; or
4.2.3 he/she may deny the offence charged, in which case the matter shall proceed to a
hearing in accordance with Article 5.1.

Level 3 Offences and Level 4 Offences:

4.3 Where the PCB’s Director Domestic Cricket Operations receives a Report lodged under Articles, or 3.2.3, he/she must promptly conduct a review to determine whether the Player
or Player Support Personnel named in the Report has a case to answer.

4.4 If the initial review of the Report reveals that there is no case to answer, then the PCB shall notify
the person who filed the Report of that fact, and the matter shall not proceed any further.

4.5 If the initial review of the Report reveals that there is a case to answer, then the PCB shall
promptly provide a copy of the Report, together with a completed Form “Not 1” (such documents
comprising the ‘Notice of Charge’) to the following individuals:

4.5.1 the Player or Player Support Personnel named in the Report; and

4.5.2 the Team Manager of the relevant Player or Player Support Personnel named in the
Report; and

4.5.3 the In charge of Regional, District, City Cricket Association or the Department or Club, as
the case may be, by whatever name called to which the relevant Player or Player
Support Personnel is affiliated.

4.6 The Notice of Charge shall specify that the Player or Player Support Personnel shall have the
following options:

4.6.1 he/she may admit the offence charged and accede to the proposed sanction specified in
the Notice of Charge (which sanction shall be strictly at the PCB’s discretion, but at all
times within the appropriate range for the level of offence). In such circumstances, and
provided that such admission has been received by the PCB’s Director Domestic Cricket
Operations prior to the commencement of the hearing at the time/place specified in the
Notice of Charge, the hearing before the Judicial Commissioner shall not be required and
no further action shall be taken, save that the PCB shall promptly issue a public
statement to the said effect; or

4.6.2 he/she may admit the offence charged but dispute the proposed sanction specified in the
Notice of Charge, in which case the matter shall proceed to a hearing in accordance with
Article 5.2; or

4.6.3 he/she may deny the offence charged, in which case the matter shall proceed to a
hearing in accordance with Article 5.2.


Level 1 Offences, Level 2 Offences and Minimum Over Rate Offences:

5.1 Where a matter proceeds to a hearing under Article 4.2.2 or 4.2.3, then the case shall be referred
to the Match Referee for adjudication (or where no Match Referee is appointed, the PCB’s
SGM/GM Domestic Cricket Operations, in accordance with the following procedure:

5.1.1 Subject to the discretion of the Match Referee/SGM/GM Domestic Cricket to order
otherwise for good cause shown by the Player or Player Support Personnel, the hearing

will take place at the time specified in the Notice of Charge (which should, in the absence
of exceptional circumstances, be no more than twenty four (24) hours after the receipt by
the Player or Player Support Personnel of the Notice of Charge) and, subject to the note
to Article 5, in the city in which the alleged offence was committed. For the avoidance of
doubt, nothing in this Article 5.1.1 prevents a hearing from being convened at a time
during which the Match in relation to which the alleged offence took place, remains in

5.1.2 The procedure followed at the hearing shall be at the discretion of the Match
Referee/GM/SGM Domestic Cricket Operations, provided that the hearing is conducted in
a manner which offers the Player or Player Support Personnel a fair and reasonable
opportunity to present evidence, address the Match Referee/GM/SGM Domestic Cricket
Operations and present his/her case.

5.1.3 The hearing before the Match Referee/GM/SGM Domestic Cricket Operations shall be in

5.1.4 Where video evidence of the alleged offence is available at the hearing before the Match
Referee/GM/SGM Domestic Cricket Operations, then it may be relied upon by any party,
provided that all other parties shall have the right to make such representations in relation
to it that they may see fit.

5.1.5 Unless exceptional circumstances apply, each of the following individuals must attend
any hearing before the Match Referee/GM/SGM Domestic Cricket Operations: (a) the
Player or Player Support Personnel who has been charged with the alleged offence; and
(b) the person who lodged the Report. Where any such individual has a compelling
justification for his/her non-attendance, then they shall be given the opportunity to
participate in the hearing before the Match Referee/GM/SGM Domestic Cricket by
telephone or video conference (if available). Without prejudice to the Player or Player
Support Personnel’s ability to call and to question such witnesses as may be necessary
and/or to be represented by such other person of his/her own choosing pursuant to
Article 5.1.6, one of the Team Captain, Team Vice-Captain or Team Manager of the team
that the Player or Player Support Personnel represents may also attend such a hearing to
provide additional support and assistance to the Player or Player Support Personnel.

5.1.6 Each of the individuals described in Article 5.1.5(a) and (b) shall have the right (at his/her
or its own expense) to be represented at the hearing before the Match Referee/GM/SGM
Domestic Cricket by such representative of his/her or its own choosing. Where the
person lodging the Report is an Umpire that officiated in Match in question then such
person shall be entitled to be represented prior to, and during, the hearing (if he/she
considers necessary) by a representative of the PCB’s Director Domestic Cricket
Operations .

5.1.7 The non-attendance of any Player or Player Support Personnel or his/her representative
at the hearing, shall not prevent the Match Referee/GM/SGM Domestic Cricket
Operations from proceeding with the hearing in his/her absence and issuing a ruling in
relation to the offence charged.

5.1.8 At the end of a hearing, where the Match Referee/GM/SGM Domestic Cricket Operations
considers that further evidence is necessary or further time is required to consider the
evidence that has been presented, he/she shall adjourn the hearing for an appropriate
period of time and make such directions as may be necessary.

5.1.9 Alternatively, at the end of a hearing:

13 brought under Article 4.2.2:

(a) as soon as possible after the conclusion of the hearing (and, in any
event, no later than twenty four (24) hours thereafter), the Match
Referee/GM/SGM Domestic Cricket Operations will confirm the Player or
Player Support Personnel’s admission that he/she had committed a
Code of Conduct offence and announce his/her decision in writing, with
reasons, setting out: (a) what sanctions, if any, are to be imposed
(including any fine and/or period of suspension); (b) the date that any
period of suspension shall come into force and effect; and (c) any rights
of appeal that may exist pursuant to Article 8. brought under Article 4.2.3 (or where the Player or Player Support Personnel
has failed to respond in a timely fashion to the Notice of Charge):

(a) the Match Referee/GM/ SGM Domestic Cricket Operations shall adjourn
the hearing (for a period of no less than ten (10) minutes and no more
than twenty-four (24) hours), following which he/she will reconvene the
hearing and verbally announce his/her finding as to whether a Code of
Conduct offence has been committed;

(b) where the Match Referee/GM/ SGM Domestic Cricket Operations

determines that a Code of Conduct offence has been committed, the
Player or Player Support Personnel may request a short adjournment (of
no more than thirty (30) minutes) to prepare any submissions that he/she
might wish to make in relation to the appropriate sanction that ought to
be applied; and

(c) as soon as possible after the conclusion of the hearing (and, in any
event, no later than twenty four (24) hours thereafter), the Match
Referee/GM/ SGM Domestic Cricket Operations will announce his/her
decision in writing, with reasons, setting out: (a) the finding as to whether
a Code of Conduct offence had been committed; (b) what sanctions, if
any, are to be imposed (including any fine and/or period of suspension);
(c) the date that any period of suspension shall come into force and
effect; and (d) any rights of appeal that may exist pursuant to Article 8.

5.1.10 The Match Referee/GM/ SGM Domestic Cricket Operations shall have the discretion to
announce the substance of his/her decision prior to the issue of the written reasoned
decision referred to in Article 5.1.9.

5.1.11 A copy of the written reasoned decision will be provided to the Player or Player Support
Personnel, the In Charge of the Player or Player Support Personnel’s Association or the
Department or Club, and the PCB’s Domestic Cricket Operations Manager.

5.1.12 Subject only to the rights of appeal under Article 8, the Match Referee’s/GM/ SGM
Domestic Cricket’s Operations decision shall be the full, final and complete disposition of
the matter and will be binding on all parties.

Level 3 Offences and Level 4 Offences:

5.2 Where a matter proceeds to a hearing under Article 4.6.2 or 4.6.3, then the case shall be referred
to a Judicial Commissioner for adjudication in accordance with the following procedure:

5.2.1 As soon as reasonably possible, the PCB shall appoint one member from amongst the
Pool of Adjudicators, to sit as the Judicial Commissioner to hear the case sitting alone.
The appointed member shall be independent of the parties and have had no prior
involvement with the case in relation to which, the alleged offence was committed.

5.2.2 The Judicial Commissioner shall convene a preliminary hearing with the PCB and/or its
legal representatives, together with the Player or Player Support Personnel and his/her
legal representatives (if any). The preliminary hearing should take place as soon as
possible. The non-participation, without compelling justification, of the Player or Player
Support Personnel or his/her representative at the preliminary hearing, after proper notice
of the preliminary hearing has been provided, shall not prevent the Judicial
Commissioner from proceeding with the preliminary hearing, whether or not any written
submissions are made on behalf of the Player or Player Support Personnel.

5.2.3 The purpose of the preliminary hearing shall be to allow the Judicial Commissioner to
address any preliminary issues that need to be resolved prior to the hearing date. In
particular (but without limitation), the Judicial Commissioner shall: determine the date(s) upon which the full hearing shall be held. Save in
exceptional circumstances or where the parties otherwise agree, the full hearing
should take place no longer than seven (07) days after the receipt by the Player
or Player Support Personnel of the Notice of Charge. establish dates reasonably in advance of the date of the full hearing by which:

(a) the PCB shall submit an opening brief with argument on all issues that
the PCB wishes to raise at the hearing and a list of the witnesses that
the PCB intends to call at the hearing (and a summary of the subject
areas of the witness’s anticipated testimony), and enclosing copies of
the exhibits that the PCB intends to introduce at the hearing;

(b) the Player or Player Support Personnel shall submit an answering brief,
addressing the PCB’s arguments and setting out argument on the
issues that he/she wishes to raise at the hearing, as well as a list of the
witnesses that he/she intends to call at the hearing (and a summary of
the subject areas of the witness’s anticipated testimony), and enclosing
copies of the exhibits that he/she intends to introduce at the hearing;

(c) the PCB may (at its discretion) submit a reply brief, responding to the
answer brief of the Player or Player Support Personnel and listing any
rebuttal witnesses that the PCB intends to call at the hearing (and a
summary of the subject areas of the witness’s anticipated testimony),
and enclosing copies of any other exhibits that the PCB intends to
introduce at the hearing; and make such order as the Judicial Commissioner shall deem appropriate in relation
to the production of relevant documents and/or other materials between the

5.2.4 Subject to the discretion of the Judicial Commissioner to order otherwise for good cause
shown by either party, or if otherwise agreed between the parties, hearings before the
Judicial Commissioner shall take place at Gaddafi Stadium, PCB.

5.2.5 The procedure followed at the hearing shall be at the discretion of the Judicial
Commissioner, provided that the hearing is conducted in a manner which offers the
Player or Player Support Personnel a fair and reasonable opportunity to present evidence
(including the right to call and to question witnesses, address the Judicial Commissioner
and present his/her case.

5.2.6 The hearing before the Judicial Commissioner shall be in English/Urdu, and English/Urdu
documents shall be submitted before the Judicial Commissioner. The cost of the
translation, if any, shall be borne by the party offering the document(s). The hearing(s)
before the Judicial Commissioner shall be recorded.

5.2.7 Where video evidence of the alleged offence is available at the hearing before the
Judicial Commissioner, then it may be relied upon by any party, provided that all other
parties shall have the right to make such representations in relation to it that they may
see fit.

5.2.8 Each of the following individuals must attend any hearing before the Judicial
Commissioner: (a) the Player or Player Support Personnel who has been charged with
the alleged offence; (b) the person who lodged the Report (or, in the case of the PCB’s or
Director Domestic Cricket Operations , his/her representative); and if required (c) legal
representative of PCB

5.2.9 Each of the individuals described in Article 5.2.8(a) and (b) shall have the right (at his/her
or its own expense) to be represented at the hearing before the Judicial Commissioner by
such representative (including legal counsel) of his/her or its own choosing. Where the
person lodging the Report is an Umpire or Match Referee that officiated in the Match in
question or the PCB’s Director Domestic Cricket Operations , then such person shall be
entitled to be represented prior to, and during, the hearing (if he/she considers
necessary) by PCB’s Legal representative.

5.2.10 The non-attendance of the Player or Player Support Personnel or his/her representative
at the hearing, after proper notice of the hearing has been provided, shall not prevent the
Judicial Commissioner from proceeding with the hearing in his/her absence, whether or
not any written submissions are made on his/her behalf.

5.2.11 At the end of a hearing, where the Judicial Commissioner considers that further evidence
is necessary or further time is required to consider the evidence that has been presented,
he/she shall adjourn the hearing for an appropriate period of time and make such
directions as may be necessary.

5.2.12 Alternatively, at the end of a hearing: brought under Article 4.6.2:

(a) as soon as possible after the conclusion of the hearing (and, in any
event, no later than forty-eight (48) hours thereafter), the Judicial
Commissioner will confirm the Player or Player Support Personnel’s
admission that he/she had committed a Code of Conduct offence and
announce his/her decision in writing, with reasons, setting out: (a) what
sanctions, if any, are to be imposed (including any fine and/or period of
suspension); (b) the date that any period of suspension shall come into
force and effect; and (c) any rights of appeal that may exist pursuant to
Article 8.

16 brought under Article 4.6.3 (or where the Player or Player Support Personnel
has failed to respond in a timely fashion to the Notice of Charge):

(a) the Judicial Commissioner shall adjourn the hearing (for a period of no
less than ten (10) minutes and no more than twenty-four (24) hours),
following which he/she will reconvene the hearing and verbally announce
his/her finding as to whether a Code of Conduct offence has been

(b) where the Judicial Commissioner determines that a Code of Conduct

offence has been committed, the Player or Player Support Personnel
may request a short adjournment (of no more than thirty (30) minutes) to
prepare any submissions that he/she might wish to make in relation to
the appropriate sanction that ought to be applied; and

(c) as soon as possible after the conclusion of the hearing (and, in any
event, no later than forty-eight (48) hours thereafter), the Judicial
Commissioner will announce his/her decision in writing, with reasons,
setting out: (a) the finding as to whether a Code of Conduct offence had
been committed; (b) what sanctions, if any, are to be imposed (including
any fine and/or period of suspension); (c) the date that any period of
suspension shall come into force and effect; and (d) any rights of appeal
that may exist pursuant to Article 8.

5.2.13 The Judicial Commissioner shall have the discretion to announce the substance of
his/her decision prior to the issue of the written reasoned decision referred to in Article

5.2.14 A copy of the written reasoned decision will be provided to the Player or Player Support
Personnel, the In charge of the Player or Player Support Personnel’s Association or Club,
as the case may be , and the PCB’s Manager Domestic Cricket Operations.

5.2.15 Subject only to the rights of appeal under Article 8, the Judicial Commissioner’s decision
shall be the full, final and complete disposition of the matter and will be binding on all

General Principles of Procedure

5.3 Where a Report is filed by more than one of the individuals described in Article 3.2 in relation to
the same alleged offence under the Code of Conduct, then the Player or Player Support
Personnel alleged to have committed the offence will only be served with one Notice of Charge in
accordance with the procedures set out in Article 4. However, all persons who filed a Report (or,
in the case of the PCB’s Director Domestic Cricket Operations , his/her representative/nominee)
in relation to the alleged offence are required to attend the hearing before the Match Referee or
Judicial Commissioner the hearing may be adjourned to a suitable date.

5.4 Where two or more Players or Player Support Personnel are alleged to have committed offences
under the Code of Conduct, they may both be dealt with at the same hearing where the
proceedings arise out of the same incident or set of facts, or where there is a clear link between
separate incidents, provided that the Code of Conduct permits the alleged offences to be
determined by the same adjudicator. For the avoidance of doubt:

5.4.1 any number of Level 1 Offences and/or Level 2 Offences can all be determined by a
Match Referee at the same hearing; and

5.4.2 any number of Level 3 Offences and/or Level 4 Offences can all be determined by a
Judicial Commissioner at the same hearing; but

5.4.3 a Level 1 Offence or Level 2 Offence cannot be determined at the same hearing as a
Level 3 Offence or a Level 4 Offence (and vice versa), and separate proceedings should
therefore be issued in relation to each alleged offence.

5.5 Where a Player or Player Support Personnel is alleged to have committed more than one breach
of the Code of Conduct during, or in relation to the same Match, then all of the alleged offences
may be dealt with at the same hearing, provided that the Code of Conduct permits the offences
that are alleged to have been committed to be determined by the same adjudicator. For the
avoidance of doubt:

5.5.1 any number of Level 1 Offences and/or Level 2 Offences can all be determined by a
Match Referee at the same hearing; and

5.5.2 any number of Level 3 Offences and/or Level 4 Offences can all be determined by a
Judicial Commissioner at the same hearing; but

5.5.3 a Level 1 Offence or Level 2 Offence cannot be determined at the same hearing as a
Level 3 Offence or a Level 4 Offence, and separate proceedings should therefore be
issued in relation to each alleged offence.

5.6 Any failure or refusal by any Player or Player Support Personnel to provide assistance to a Match
Referee or Judicial Commissioner in connection with any charge made pursuant to this Code of
Conduct may constitute a separate offence (depending upon the seriousness and context of such
failure or refusal) under Articles 2.1.8, 2.2.12, 2.3.3 or 2.4.3 of the Code of Conduct.

5.7 Where a Match Referee is, or becomes unwilling or unable to hear a case (for example, where
he/she finds him/herself in a position of conflict), then the PCB’s SGM/GM Domestic Cricket
Operations shall have the discretion to appoint such other referee as the PCB deems to be
appropriate in all the circumstances.

5.8 Where a Judicial Commissioner is, or becomes unwilling or unable to hear a case (for example,
where he/she finds him/herself in a position of conflict), then the PCB’s Chairman shall have the
discretion to appoint another member from the Pool of Adjudicators of the (who shall have had
no prior involvement with the case and as a replacement to the Judicial Commissioner and all of
the remaining procedure will apply accordingly.

5.9 The PCB may issue a public announcement regarding any decision of the Match Referee or
Judicial Commissioner made under the Code of Conduct, as soon as is reasonably practicable
after the decision has been communicated to the parties. The public announcement of the
decision may include details of the offences committed under the Code of Conduct and of the
sanctions imposed, if any. Until such time as a public announcement is published, all parties and
participants in the proceedings may treat such proceedings as strictly confidential. For the
avoidance of doubt, nothing in this Article shall prevent any party publicly confirming the date of
the hearing, the offence that is alleged to have been committed and/or the name of the Player or
Player Support Personnel charged.


6.1 Unless otherwise described herein, the standard of proof in all cases brought under the Code of
Conduct shall be whether the Match Referee or Judicial Commissioner is comfortably satisfied,
bearing in mind the seriousness of the allegation that is made, that the alleged offence has been
committed. This standard of proof in all cases shall be determined on a sliding scale from, at a
minimum, a mere balance of probability (for the least serious offences) up to proof beyond a
reasonable doubt (for the most serious offences).

6.2 The Match Referee or Judicial Commissioner shall recognize but not be strictly bound by judicial
rules governing the admissibility of evidence. Instead, facts relating to an offence committed under
the Code of Conduct may be established by any reliable means, including admissions.

6.3 The Match Referee or Judicial Commissioner may draw an inference adverse to the Player or Player
Support Personnel who is asserted to have committed an offence under the Code of Conduct based
on his/her refusal, without compelling justification, after a request made in a reasonable time in
advance of the hearing, to appear at the hearing (either in person or telephonically as directed by the
Match Referee or Judicial Commissioner) and/or to answer any relevant questions.


7.1 Where a Match Referee or Judicial Commissioner determines that an offence under the Code of
Conduct has been committed, he/she will be required to impose an appropriate sanction on the
Player or Player Support Personnel.

7.2 In order to determine the sanction that is to be imposed in each case, the Match Referee or
Judicial Commissioner must first consider whether the Player or Player Support Personnel has
previously been found guilty of an offence under the same Article of the Code of Conduct (or any
predecessor regulations that may have applied) within a period of twelve months prior to the date
on which the alleged offence took place.

7.3 Once the Match Referee or Judicial Commissioner has established whether this is a repeat
offence within the relevant twelve month period, then he/she shall go on to take into account any
other factors that he/she deems relevant and appropriate to the mitigation or aggravation of the
nature of the Code of Conduct offence (including, without limitation, the nature and frequency of
any previous offences under the Code of Conduct) before determining, in accordance with the
following table, what the appropriate sanction(s) should be:



Warning/reprimand The imposition of a fine The imposition of 1 The imposition of ban

Level 1 and/or the imposition of a of between 50-100% of match ban for 3 to 5 matches
fine of up to 50% of the the applicable Match
applicable Match Fee. In Fee. In case where
case where Match Fee is Match Fee is not
not payable, an payable, an appropriate
appropriate amount may amount (not less than
be recommended for double the amount of
deduction from the first offence) may be
Team’s participation fee recommended for
at District/city level. For deduction from the
department matches, the Team’s participation fee

penalty will be recovered at District/city level. For
through the department. department matches,
the penalty will be
recovered through the
The imposition of a fine of . The imposition of 1 The imposition of ban The imposition of a
Level 2 between 50-100% of match ban for 3 to 5 matches suspension for a period
applicable Match Fee. In of 6 months
case where Match Fee is
not payable, an
appropriate amount (not
less than double the
amount of first offence)
may be recommended for
deduction from the
Team’s participation fee
at District/city level. For
department matches, the
penalty will be recovered
through the department.

The imposition of 3 to 5 n/a

Level 3 match ban The imposition of
The imposition of suspension for a
suspension for a period period of 1 year.
of 6 months.
The imposition of a n/a n/a
Level 4 The imposition of suspension of between
suspension for a period one 1 to 2 years
of 1 year.

Minimum See specific sanctions described in the table at Article 4 of Appendix 2.

Over Rate

7.4 For the avoidance of any doubt:

7.4.1 the Match Referee or Judicial Commissioner will have no jurisdiction to adjust, reverse or
amend the results of any Match;

7.4.2 where a Player or Player Support Personnel is found guilty of committing two separate
Code of Conduct offences that do not relate to the same incident or set of circumstances
arising during any Match and sanctioned separately for each offence, then any sanctions
should run cumulatively (and not concurrently);

7.4.3 where a Player or Player Support Personnel is found guilty of committing two Code of
Conduct offences in relation to the same incident or set of circumstances arising during
any Match and sanctioned separately, then any sanctions imposed should run
concurrently (and not cumulatively);

7.4.4 nothing in this Code of Conduct shall permit plea bargaining in relation to any alleged
offence committed under this Code of Conduct;

7.4.5 where the Match Referee or Judicial Commissioner finds a Player or Player Support
Personnel not guilty of the offence allegedly committed under the Code of Conduct, then
it remains open to him/her, at his/her discretion, to find the Player or Player Support
Personnel guilty of an offence of a lower level than that with which he/she has been
charged. For example where a Player or Player Support Personnel has been charged
with (but been found not guilty of) the Level 2 Offence of ‘showing serious dissent at an
Umpire’s decision’ (Article 2.2.1), the Match Referee may, instead, find the Player or
Player Support Personnel guilty of the Level 1 Offence of ‘showing dissent at an Umpire’s
decision’ (Article 2.1.3) and impose an appropriate sanction; and

7.4.6 where a fine and/or costs award is imposed against a Player or Player Support
Personnel, then such fine and/or costs award must be paid: (a) by the Player or Player
Support Personnel (and not any other third party, including the Association or the
Department or Club to which such Player or Player Support Personnel belongs); (b) to
the Player or Player Support Personnel’s Regional or District or City Cricket Association
or the Department or Club for onward transmission to the PCB within one calendar month
of receipt of the decision imposing the fine. However, the PCB will consider any request
from any Player or Player Support Personnel to make the payment of such fines and/or
costs over a prolonged period of time on the grounds of financial hardship. Should any
fine and/or costs award (or agreed part-payment or installment thereof) not be paid to the
relevant Association or Department or Club, as the case may be, within such deadline or
by the time of the next agreed payment date, the Player or Player Support Personnel
may not play, coach or otherwise participate or be involved in any capacity in any Match
until such payment has been satisfied in full.


8.1 Appeals from decisions in relation to a first Level 1 Offence

8.1.1 Decisions made under the Code of Conduct by a Match Referee/SGM/GM Domestic
Cricket in relation to a first Level 1 Offence shall be non-appealable and shall remain the full and final
decision in relation to the matter.

8.2 Appeals from decisions in relation to: (a) a second, third or fourth Level 1 Offence; (b) a Level
2 Offence; or (c) a Minimum Over Rate Offence

8.2.1 Decisions made under the Code of Conduct by a Match Referee/SGM/GM Domestic
Cricket in relation to: (a) a second, third or fourth Level 1 Offence within the same season or
(b) a Level 2 Offence; or (c) a Minimum Over Rate Offence, may be challenged solely by
appeal as set out in this Article 8.2. Such decision shall remain in effect while under appeal
unless any Judicial Commissioner properly convened to hear the appeal orders otherwise.

8.2.2 The only parties who may appeal a decision of this nature shall be: (a) the Player or Player
Support Personnel found guilty of the offence or, where appropriate in the case of an offence
under either Article 2.2.9 (changing the condition of the ball), 2.2.10 (manipulation of an
Match), or 2.5.1/2.5.2 (failure to meet the Minimum Over Rate), the relevant Team Captain;
and (b) the Director Domestic Cricket (or his/her designee).

8.2.3 Any notice to appeal under this Article must be lodged with the Chief Operating Officer
(COO) within 48 hours of receipt of the written decision of the Match Referee. In all cases,
a copy of such notice will also be provided to the CEO of the Association, Department or the
Club, as the case may be, to which the Player or Player Support Personnel is affiliated.
Thereafter, the following will apply:

21 Within 48 hours of receipt of a notice to appeal: (a) the PCB’s Chairmanwill
appoint a member from amongst the Pool of Adjudicators to act as Judicial
Commissioner and hear the appeal sitting alone; and (b) the Match Referee will
provide a written statement to the PCB’s Chief Operating Officer setting out any
relevant facts (to be copied to the Player or Player Support Personnel). The provisions of Articles 5.1.2 to 5.1.11, applicable to proceedings before the
Match Referee, shall apply mutatis mutandis (ie with changes deemed to have
been made as required to reflect the different context) to appeal hearings before
the Judicial Commissioner. The Judicial Commissioner shall hear and determine all issues arising from any
matter which is appealed pursuant to this Article on a de novo basis, ie he/she
shall hear the matter over again, from the beginning, without being bound in any
way by the decision being appealed. For the avoidance of doubt, the Judicial
Commissioner shall have the power to increase or decrease, amend or otherwise
substitute a new decision on the appropriateness (or otherwise) of the sanction
imposed at first instance, provided that any new sanction must be within the
permitted range of sanctions set out in the table in Article 7.3 (or, where
applicable, Article 4 of Appendix 2). Appeal hearings pursuant to this Article 8.2 should be completed expeditiously.
Save where all parties agree or fairness requires otherwise, the appeal hearing
shall be commenced no later than five (5) days after the appointment of the
member of the Judicial Commissioner. The Judicial Commissioner shall have the power to order some or all of the costs
of the appeal proceedings (including the costs of holding the hearing, , the legal
and/or travel/accommodation costs of the Judicial Commissioner and/or any other
relevant parties) to be paid by the appealing party if he/she considers that such
party has acted spuriously, frivolously or otherwise in bad faith. Any decision made by the Judicial Commissioner under this Article 8.2, shall be
the full, final and complete disposition of the matter and will be binding on all

8.3 Appeals from decisions in relation to a Level 3 Offence or Level 4 Offence

8.3.1 Decisions made under the Code of Conduct by a Judicial Commissioner in relation to a
Level 3 Offence or Level 4 Offence may be challenged solely by appeal as set out in this
Article 8.3. Such decision shall remain in effect while under appeal unless any properly
convened Appeal Panel orders otherwise.

8.3.2 The only parties who may appeal a decision made in relation to a Level 3 Offence or Level 4
Offence shall be: (a) the Player or Player Support Personnel found guilty of the offence; and
(b) the PCB’s Director Domestic Cricket Operations. .

8.3.3 Any notice to appeal under this Article must be lodged with the PCB Chief Operating Officer
within five (5) days of receipt of the written decision of the Judicial Commissioner. In all
cases, a copy of such notice will also be provided to the In Charge of the Association,
Department or the Club, as the case may be, to which the Player or Player Support
Personnel is affiliated. Thereafter, the following will apply: Within twenty four (24) hours of receipt of a notice to appeal: (a) the Chairman
PCB will appoint two members from amongst the Pool of Adjudicators to sit as the
Appeal Panel to hear the appeal; and (b) the Judicial Commissioner will provide a
written statement to the Chairman PCB setting out any relevant facts (to be
copied to the Player or Player Support Personnel). The provisions of Articles 5.2.2 to 5.2.14, applicable to proceedings before the
Judicial Commissioner, shall apply mutatis mutandis (ie with changes deemed to
have been made as required to reflect the different context) to appeal hearings
before the Appeal Panel. The Appeal Panel shall hear and determine all issues arising from any matter
which is appealed to it pursuant to this Article on a de novo basis, ie it shall hear
the matter over again, from the beginning, without being bound in any way by the
decision being appealed. For the avoidance of doubt, the Appeal Panel shall
have the power to increase or decrease, amend or otherwise substitute a new
decision on the appropriateness (or otherwise) of the sanction imposed at first
instance, provided that any new sanction must be within the permitted range of
sanctions set out in the table in Article 7.3. Appeal hearings pursuant to this Article 8.3 should be completed expeditiously.
Save where all parties agree or fairness requires otherwise, the appeal hearing
shall be commenced no later than thirty (30) days after the appointment of the
Appeal Panel. The Appeal Panel shall have the power to order some or all of the costs of the
appeal proceedings (including the costs of holding the hearing, the legal and/or
travel/accommodation costs of the Appeal Panel and/or any other relevant
parties) to be paid by the appealing party if it considers that such party has acted,
spuriously, frivolously or otherwise in bad faith. Any decision made by the Appeal Panel under this Article 8.3, shall be the full,
final and complete disposition of the matter and will be binding on all parties. For
avoidance of doubt, if the two members are not able to reach a unanimous
decision, they shall write their respective reasoned decisions which shall be
referred to a third member to be appointed by PCB’s Chairman from amongst the
Pool of Adjudicators.

8.4 No appeal in relation to an accepted sanction

8.4.1 For the avoidance of doubt, where a Player or Player Support Personnel admits the offence
charged and accedes to the proposed sanction specified in the Notice of Charge in
accordance with the procedure described in Articles 4.2.1 or 4.6.1, the Player or Player
Support Personnel waives his/her right to any appeal against the imposition of such a


9.1 Any hearing results or other final adjudications under the Code of Conduct shall be recognised
and respected by the PCB and its affiliates including but not limited to the Regional, District and
City Cricket Associations, or the Department and Clubs and any other persons automatically
upon receipt of notice of the same, without the need for any further formality. Each of the PCB
and its affiliates and any other persons as aforesaid shall take all steps legally available to it to
enforce and give effect to such decisions.

9.2 It shall be a condition of membership of the PCB that all Regional, District and City Associations,
the Departments and the Clubs and any other persons shall comply with the Code of Conduct.


10.1 The Code of Conduct may be amended from time to time by the PCB, with such amendments
coming into effect on the date specified by the PCB.

10.2 The headings used for the various Articles of the Code of Conduct are for the purpose of guidance
only and shall not be deemed to be part of the substance of the Code of Conduct or to inform or
affect in any way the language of the provisions to which they refer.

10.3 The Code of Conduct shall come into full force and effect on 1 December 2010 (the “Effective
Date”). It shall not apply retrospectively to matters pending before the Effective Date; provided,
however, that any case pending prior to the Effective Date, or brought after the Effective Date but
based on an offence that is alleged to have occurred before the Effective Date, shall be governed by
the predecessor version of the Code of Conduct in force at the time of the alleged offence, subject to
any application of the principle of lex mitior by the hearing panel determining the case.

10.4 If any Article or provision of this Code of Conduct is held invalid, unenforceable or illegal for any
reason, the Code of Conduct shall remain otherwise in full force apart from such Article or provision
which shall be deemed deleted insofar as it is invalid, unenforceable or illegal.

10.5 The Code of Conduct is governed by and shall be construed in accordance with Pakistani law and
the provisions of the Constitution of PCB. If resort to court of Law becomes inevitable in respect of
the disputes relating to the Code of Conduct, the same shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of
the courts at Lahore.

Appeal Panel. A panel of two persons appointed by the PCB’s Chairman from the members of the Pool
of Adjudicators created by Governing Board of PCB.

Association. means Regional, City or District Cricket Association, and Blind, Deaf & Dumb Cricket
Associations as recognized by PCB.

Chief Referee. The person, if appointed by PCB from time to time to act as Chief Referee (or his/her

Effective Date. As defined in Article 10.3.

Event. Any competition, tournament, tour, event or equivalent which may involve teams from other

ICC. The International Cricket Council or its designee.

PCB Chief Operating Officer. The person appointed by the PCB from time to time to act as the Chief
Operating Officer (COO) of PCB.

ICC/PCB’s Clothing and Equipment Regulations. The ICC/PCB’s Clothing and Equipment Regulations, in
force from time to time.

PCB Code of Conduct for Umpires and Referees. The PCB’s Code of Conduct for Umpires and Referees,
in force from time to time.

PCB Events. Each of the following: a) Regional Inter District Under-19 ; b) Regional Inter District Senior;
c) Inter Region Under-19 one day and 3-day tournaments; d) Quaid-e-Azam Trophy Division I & II; e)
Pentangular Cup; f) National One Day Tournament; f) Twenty20 domestic tournament; g) Patron’s Trophy
Grade II tournament; g) Inter-region Under-16 Tournament; and h) any other event organized or
sanctioned by PCB from time to time

PCB’s Operating Manual. The PCB’s Official Operating Manual in force from time to time.

Match. (a) any four day match; (b) any One day match; (c) any Twenty20 match; or (d) any other Match
organised, controlled or sanctioned by PCB from time to time to which the PCB deems it appropriate that the
Code of Conduct should apply.

International Tour Match. Any Match played between a Domestic Team of any level against a representative
side of a National Cricket Federation, invitational or guest team.

Judicial Commissioner. The independent person appointed by PCB’s Chairman from the Pool of Adjudicators
created by the Governing Board.

Level 1 Offence. Any of the offences described in Articles 2.1.1 – 2.1.8.

Level 2 Offence. Any of the offences described in Articles 2.2.1 – 2.2.12.

Level 3 Offence. Any of the offences described in Articles 2.3.1 – 2.3.3.

Level 4 Offence. Any of the offences described in Articles 2.4.1 – 2.4.4.

Match/allowance Fee. The designated match or allowance fee (which is to be used for the purposes of
calculating sanctions in accordance with Article 7) of this Code of Conduct.

Match Referee. The independent person appointed by PCB (or any other relevant party) as the official
match referee for a designated Match, whether such Match Referee carries out his/her functions remotely
or otherwise.

Minimum Over Rate. As defined in Appendix 2 of this Code of Conduct.

Minimum Over Rate Offence. Any of the offences described in Articles 2.5.1 – 2.5.2.

Minor Over Rate Offence. As defined in Article 2.5.1.

National Cricket Federation. A national or regional entity which is a member of or is recognised by the
ICC as the entity governing the sport of cricket in a country (or collective group of countries associated for
cricket purposes).

Notice of Charge. As defined in Article 4.1 and/or Article 4.5.

Pakistan Cricket Board (PCB) means Pakistan Cricket Board established by the Federal Government vide
S.R.O 64 (KE)/2007 dated 20 September 2007.

Player. Any cricketer who is selected in any playing squad that is chosen to represent any Regional,
District, City, Club, invitational or guest side in a Match or series of Matches.

Player Support Personnel. Any coach, trainer, manager, selector, team official, doctor, physiotherapist or
any other person employed by, representing or otherwise affiliated to a playing/touring team or squad that
is chosen to represent a Regional, District, City, Department, Club, invitational or guest side(s) in a Match
or series of Matches.

Regional Cricket Association means the Regional Cricket Association recognized by PCB.

Report. As defined in Article 3.1.

Serious Over Rate Offence. As defined in Article 2.5.2.

Code of Conduct.

Team Captain or Vice Captain. The official captain or vice captain of any team participating in a Match.

Team Manager. The official manager of any team participating in a Match.

Umpire. Any umpire (including any third or other umpires) appointed to officiate in a Match.

1. Minimum Over Rate

The minimum over rate to be achieved by the fielding team in all Matches shall be as set out in
the playing conditions to the relevant Match (the “Minimum Over Rate”).

2. Calculating the Actual Over Rate

2.1 The actual over rate will be calculated at the end of each Match by those Umpires appointed to
officiate in such Match.

2.2 In calculating the actual over rate for any Match, allowances will be given for the actual time lost
as a result of any of the following:

2.2.1 treatment given to a Player by an authorised medical personnel on the field of play;

2.2.2 a Player being required to leave the field as a result of a serious injury;

2.2.3 all third Umpire referrals and consultations;

2.2.4 time wasting by the batting side (which may, in addition, constitute a separate offence
pursuant to any of Articles 2.1.8, 2.2.11, 2.3.3 or 2.4.4 depending upon the context and
seriousness of the incident); and

2.2.5 all other circumstance that are beyond the control of the fielding team.

2.3 In addition, the following time allowances will only be given in:

2.3.1 Matches of more than one day duration

(a) 2 minutes per wicket taken, provided that such wicket results in the subsequent
batsmen immediately commencing his innings. For the avoidance of any doubt,
no time allowance will be given for the final wicket of an innings or where a
wicket falls immediately prior to any interval; and

(b) 4 minutes per drinks break taken (one per session).

2.4 Further:

2.4.1 After the conclusion of a match of more than one day duration the Umpires and Match
Referee will calculate the over rate taking into account all the time allowances described
in the Article 2

2.4.2 After the conclusion of a One Day Match the Umpires and Match will calculate the over
rate taking into account all the time allowances described in Article 2. If the team is
bowled out within the time determined for that innings pursuant to the PCB’s OD Playing
Conditions, no sanction may be imposed in respect of a breach of the Minimum Over

3. Procedure and Applicable Sanctions for Minimum Over Rate offence

3.1 Where the actual over rate is calculated by the Umpires as being equal to or in excess of the
Minimum Over Rate, no further action shall be taken.

3.2 Where the actual over rate is calculated by the Referee and Umpires as being less than the
Minimum Over Rate in match of more than one day duration, the Match Referee will impose a
fine of Rs. 3000 for every over upto first 5 overs short of the Minimum over rate.

3.3 Where the actual over rate is calculated by the Referee and Umpires as being less than the
Minimum Over Rate in match of more than one day duration, the Match Referee will impose a
fine of Rs. 6000 for every over more than 5 overs short of the Minimum over rate.

3.4 Where the actual over rate is calculated by the Referee and Umpires as being less than the
Minimum Over Rate in match of one day duration, the Match Referee will impose a fine of Rs.
2500 for every over upto first 5 overs short of the Minimum over rate.

3.5 Where the actual over rate is calculated by the Referee and Umpires as being less than the
Minimum Over Rate in match of one day duration, the Match Referee will impose a fine of Rs.
5000 for every over more than 5 overs short of the Minimum over rate.

3.6 Where the actual over rate is calculated by the Referee and Umpires as being less than the
Minimum Over Rate in Twenty20 match, the Match Referee will impose a fine of Rs. 5000 for
every over short of the Minimum over rate.

3.7 If a team is penalized due to slow over rate for 3 or more overs in a first class match and commits
the same offence in any match of the same season, the Captain of the defaulting team will be
banned for minimum one match of the remaining season.

3.8 If a team is penalized due to slow over rate for 2 or more overs in a One day or Twenty20 match
and commits the same offence in any match of the same season, the Captain of the defaulting
team will be banned for minimum one match of the remaining season. This ban may be extended
to the subsequent season.

3.9 Once the Match Referee has established whether this is a repeat offence in the same format of
the game within the same season then the Captain of the defaulting team will be banned for up to
5 matches. This ban may be extended to the subsequent season.


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