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334, JUNE 29, 2000 673

People vs. Ordoño

G.R. No. 132154. June 29, 2000.

PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, plaintiff-appellee, vs.


Custodial Investigations; Extrajudicial Confessions;

Fundamental Requirements for Admissibility.—Under the
Constitution and the rules laid down pursuant to law and
jurisprudence, a confession to be admissible in evidence must
satisfy four (4) fundamental requirements: (a) the confession must
be voluntary; (b) the confession must be made with the assistance
of competent and independent counsel; (c) the confession must be
express; and, (d) the confession must be in writing.
Same; Same; Right to Counsel; Exclusionary Rule; Among all
the fundamental requirements for admissibility of extrajudicial
confessions, none is accorded the greatest respect than an accused’s
right to counsel to adequately protect him in his ignorance and
shield him from the otherwise condemning nature of a custodial
investigation.—Among all these requirements none is accorded
the greatest respect than an accused’s right to counsel to
adequately protect him in his ignorance and shield him from the
otherwise condemning nature of a custodial investigation. The
person being interrogated must be assisted by counsel to avoid the
pernicious practice of extorting false or coerced admissions or
confessions from the lips of the person undergoing interrogation
for the commission of the offense. Hence, if there is no counsel at
the start of the custodial investigation any statement elicited from
the accused is inadmissible in evidence against him. This
exclusionary rule is premised on the presumption that the
defendant is thrust into an unfamiliar atmosphere and runs
through menacing police interrogation procedures where the
potentiality for compulsion, physical and psychological, is
forcefully apparent.
Same; Same; Same; The fact that the police requested the
presence of the Parish Priest and the Municipal Mayor as well as
the relatives of the accused to obviate the possibility of coercion,
and to





People vs. Ordoño

witness the voluntary execution by the accused of their statements

before the police did not cure in any way the absence of a lawyer
during the investigation.—In the instant case, custodial
investigation began when the accused Ordoño and Medina
voluntarily went to the Santol Police Station to confess and the
investigating officer started asking questions to elicit information
and/or confession from them. At such point, the right of the
accused to counsel automatically attached to them. Concededly,
after informing the accused of their rights the police sought to
provide them with counsel. However, none could be furnished
them due to the non-availability of practicing lawyers in Santol,
La Union, and the remoteness of the town to the next adjoining
town of Balaoan, La Union, where practicing lawyers could be
found. At that stage, the police should have already desisted from
continuing with the interrogation but they persisted and gained
the consent of the accused to proceed with the investigation. To
the credit of the police, they requested the presence of the Parish
Priest and the Municipal Mayor of Santol as well as the relatives
of the accused to obviate the possibility of coercion, and to witness
the voluntary execution by the accused of their statements before
the police. Nonetheless, this did not cure in any way the absence
of a lawyer during the investigation.
Same; Same; Same; Republic Act 7438; In providing that
during the taking of an extrajudicial confession the accused’s
parents, older brothers and sisters, his spouse, the municipal
mayor, municipal judge, district school supervisor, or priest or
minister of the gospel as chosen by the accused may be present,
Republic Act 7438 does not propose that they appear in the
alternative or as a substitute for counsel without any condition or
clause.—In providing that during the taking of an extrajudicial
confession the accused’s parents, older brothers and sisters, his
spouse, the municipal mayor, municipal judge, district school
supervisor, or priest or minister of the gospel as chosen by the
accused may be present, RA 7438 does not propose that they
appear in the alternative or as a substitute for counsel without
any condition or clause. It is explicitly stated therein that before
the above-mentioned persons can appear two (2) conditions must
be met: (a) counsel of the accused must be absent, and, (b) a valid
waiver must be executed. RA 7438 does not therefore
unconditionally and unreservedly eliminate the necessity of
counsel but underscores its importance by requiring that a
substitution of counsel with the above-mentioned persons be
made with caution and with the essential safeguards.


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People vs. Ordoño

Same; Same; Same; Securing the assistance of the PAO lawyer

5 to 8 days later does not remedy the absence of counsel during the
custodial investigation when the extrajudicial statements were
being taken.—Securing the assistance of the PAO lawyer five (5)
to eight (8) days later does not remedy this omission either.
Although there was a showing that the PAO lawyer made a
thorough explanation of the rights of the accused, enlightened
them on the possible repercussions of their admissions, and even
gave them time to deliberate upon them, this aid and valuable
advice given by counsel still came several days too late. It could
have no palliative effect. It could not cure the absence of counsel
during the custodial investigation when the extrajudicial
statements were being taken.
Same; Same; Same; Admissions obtained during custodial
investigation without the benefit of counsel although reduced into
writing and later signed in the presence of counsel are still flawed
under the Constitution.—The second affixation of the
signatures/thumbmarks of the accused on their confessions a few
days after their closed-door meeting with the PAO lawyer, in the
presence and with the signing of the MTC judge, the PAO lawyer
and other witnesses, likewise did not make their admissions an
informed one. Admissions obtained during custodial investigation
without the benefit of counsel although reduced into writing and
later signed in the presence of counsel are still flawed under the
Constitution. If the lawyer’s role is diminished to being that of a
mere witness to the signing of a prepared document albeit an
indication therein that there was compliance with the
constitutional rights of the accused, the requisite standards
guaranteed by Art. III, Sec. 12, par. (1), are not met. The
standards utilized by police authorities to assure the
constitutional rights of the accused in the instant case therefore
fell short of the standards demanded by the Constitution and the
Same; Same; Same; The desired role of counsel in the process
of custodial investigation is rendered meaningless if the lawyer
gives an advice in a cursory manner as opposed to a meaningful
advocacy of the rights of the person undergoing questioning.—The
advice proffered by the investigating officer to Ordoño starkly
resembles that given to Medina, thus leading us to conclude that
the advice was given perfunctorily and belonged to the
stereotyped class—a long question by the investigator informing
the appellant of his right followed by a monosyllabic answer—
which this Court has condemned for being unsatisfactory. The
desired role of counsel in the process of custodial investigation is
rendered meaningless if the



People vs. Ordoño

lawyer gives an advice in a cursory manner as opposed to a

meaningful advocacy of the rights of the person undergoing
questioning. If advice is given casually and tritely as to be useless,
understanding on the part of the accused is sacrificed and the
unconstrained giving up of a right becomes impaired.
Same; Same; Same; Evidence; Tape Recordings; Where the
accused admitted that the tape presented was the original copy of
the taped interview and the defense never submitted evidence to
prove otherwise, the court may admit the authenticity of the same.
—With the extrajudicial confession of the accused rendered
inadmissible in evidence, we are left with the interview taken by
DZNL radio announcer Roland Almoite as evidence. The taped
interview was offered to form part of the testimony of witness
Roland Almoite to whom the admissions were made and to prove
through electronic device the voluntary admissions by the two (2)
accused that they raped and killed Shirley Victore. The defense
objected to its acceptance on the ground that its integrity had not
been preserved as the tape could easily have been spliced and
tampered with. However, as Roland Almoite testified, it was the
original copy of the taped interview; it was not altered; the voices
therein were the voices of the two (2) accused; and, the defense
never submitted evidence to prove otherwise. Under the
circumstances, we are inclined, as was the lower court, to admit
the authenticity of the taped interview.
Same; Same; Same; Statements spontaneously made by a
suspect to news reporters on a televised interview are deemed
voluntary and are admissible in evidence; When the accused talked
to the radio announcer, they did not talk to him as a law
enforcement officer, as in fact he was not, hence their uncounselled
confession to him did not violate their constitutional rights.—The
taped interview likewise revealed that the accused voluntarily
admitted to the rape-slay and even expressed remorse for having
perpetrated the crime. We have held that statements
spontaneously made by a suspect to news reporters on a televised
interview are deemed voluntary and are admissible in evidence.
By analogy, statements made by herein accused to a radio
announcer should likewise be held admissible. The interview was
not in the nature of an investigation as the response of the
accused was made in answer to questions asked by the radio
reporter, not by the police or any other investigating officer. When
the accused talked to the radio announcer, they did not talk to
him as a law enforcement officer, as in fact he was not, hence


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People vs. Ordoño

uncounselled confession to him did not violate their constitutional

Same; Same; Same; Section 12, pars. (1) and (3), Art. III, of
the Constitution do not cover the verbal confessions of a suspect to
a radio announcer.—Section 12, pars. (1) and (3), Art. III, of the
Constitution do not cover the verbal confessions of the two (2)
accused to the radio announcer. What the Constitution bars is the
compulsory disclosure of incriminating facts or confessions. The
rights enumerated under Sec. 12, Art. III, are guaranteed to
preclude the slightest use of coercion by the state as would lead
the accused to admit something false, not to prevent him from
freely and voluntarily telling the truth.
Constitutional Law; Bill of Rights; The Bill of Rights does not
concern itself with the relation between a private individual and
another individual.—The Bill of Rights does not concern itself
with the relation between a private individual and another
individual. It governs the relationship between the individual and
the State. The prohibitions therein are primarily addressed to the
State and its agents. They confirm that certain rights of the
individual exist without need of any governmental grant, rights
that may not be taken away by government, rights that
government has the duty to protect. Governmental power is not
unlimited and the Bill of Rights lays down these limitations to
protect the individual against aggression and unwarranted
interference by any department of government and its agencies.
Custodial Investigation; Evidence; Where the accused did not
make assertions that they were maltreated during their detention
and when they were in the presence of persons who could have
helped them, they cannot, on a later date, make such complaints.—
As to the assertion of the accused that they were tortured and
subjected to inhuman treatment, we find such allegations
baseless. The accused were given several opportunities to decry
the maltreatment they allegedly suffered in the hands of the
police but at no time did they complain about it. First, they could
have told the radio announcer outright of the abuses they were
subjected to before signing their confessions. Second, when they
were brought before the PAO lawyer they likewise did not make
any such claims but instead chose to ponder over the lawyer’s
advice and deferred the signing of their confessions. Lastly, they
had the chance to tell the MTC judge about the fatal defect of
their confessions, if there was any, when the latter



People vs. Ordoño

asked them whether they voluntarily signed the same and

whether coercion was used in extracting their confessions;
however, they answered in the negative. The accused cannot
therefore on a later date make assertions that they were
maltreated when at no time—during their detention and when
they were in the presence of persons who could have helped them
—did they make such complaints.
Alibi; Alibi becomes worthless when it is established mainly
by the accused themselves.—To further exculpate themselves, the
accused invoked alibi. Ordoño testified that at the time of the
incident he was at work in the place of Barangay Captain
Valentin Oriente, while Medina claimed that he went to carry
bananas for a certain aunt Resurreccion. However, such
allegations deserve no credit as alibi becomes worthless when it is
established mainly by the accused themselves. The defense of
alibi is always considered with suspicion and received with
caution, not only because it is inherently weak and unreliable, but
also because it can easily be fabricated.
Same; For alibi to prosper, it must be convincing enough to
preclude any doubt about the physical impossibility of the presence
of the accused at the locus criminis or its immediate vicinity at the
time of the incident.—Other than their lame assertions that they
were with the above-mentioned persons, the accused failed to
substantiate their defense and to give details on what transpired
that fateful day, especially since they were in the same town
where the crime happened. For alibi to prosper, it must be
convincing enough to preclude any doubt about the physical
impossibility of the presence of the accused at the locus criminis
or its immediate vicinity at the time of the incident. Since the
accused failed to convince the Court otherwise, their defense must
Criminal Law; Rape with Homicide; Conspiracy; For
conspiracy to exist, proof of an actual planning of the perpetration
of the crime is not a condition precedent—it is sufficient that at the
time of the commission of the offense the accused had the same
purpose and were united in its execution.—The lack of prior design
or plan to rape and kill the victim prior to the commission of the
crime does not negate conspiracy. For conspiracy to exist, proof of
an actual planning of the perpetration of the crime is not a
condition precedent. It is sufficient that at the time of the
commission of the offense the accused had the same purpose and
were united in its execution. From the foregoing, it is evident that
the accused helped each other in carrying out their beastly acts.


VOL. 334, JUNE 29, 2000 679

People vs. Ordoño

AUTOMATIC REVIEW of a decision of the Regional Trial

Court of Balaoan, La Union, Br. 34.

The facts are stated in the opinion of the Court.

     The Solicitor General for plaintiff-appellee.
          Ledda, Rimando, Guzman and Associates for


COURTS are confronted, repeatedly, with the difficult task

of scrutinizing the sufficiency of extrajudicial confessions as
basis for convicting the accused. The drive to apprehend
the culprits at any cost, particularly in crimes
characterized by brutality and savagery, not too
infrequently tempts law enforcement agencies to take
unwarranted shortcuts and disregard constitutional and
legal constraints that are intended to ensure that only the
guilty are punished. In the delicate process of establishing
guilt beyond reasonable doubt, courts play a crucial role in
assuring that the evidence gathered by government agents
scrupulously meets the exacting constitutional standards
which if not met impose a strict exclusionary rule, i.e., “any
confession or admission obtained in violation of Art. II, Sec.
12 (1), shall be inadmissible in evidence.”
This case is on automatic review of the 11 December
1997 Decision of the Regional Trial Court, Br. 34, Balaoan,
La Union, in Crim. Case No. 2415 finding both accused
Pacito Ordoño y Negranza alias Asing and Apolonio
Medina y Nosuelo alias Poling guilty beyond reasonable
doubt of rape with homicide and imposing upon each of
them two (2) separate death penalties.
The records show that on 5 August 1994 the
decomposing body of a young girl was found among the
bushes near a bridge in Barangay Poblacion, Santol, La
Union. The girl was later identified as Shirley Victore,
fifteen (15) years old, a resident of Barangay Guesset,
Poblacion, Santol, La Union,


People vs. Ordoño

who three (3) days before was reported missing. Post-

mortem examination conducted by Dr. Arturo Llavore, a
medico-legal officer of the NBI, revealed that the victim
was raped and strangled to death.
Unidentified sources pointed to Pacito Ordoño and
Apolonio Medina as the authors of the crime. Acting on this
lead, the police thereupon invited the two (2) suspects and
brought them to the police station for questioning.
However, for lack of evidence then directly linking them to
the crime, they were allowed to go home.
On 10 August 1994 the accused Pacito Ordoño and
Apolonio Medina returned to the police station one after
another and acknowledged that they had indeed committed
the crime. Acting on their admission, the police
immediately conducted an investigation and put their
confessions in writing. The investigators however could not
at once get the services of a lawyer to assist the two (2)
accused in the course of the investigation because there
were no practicing lawyers in the Municipality of Santol, a
remote town of the Province of La Union. Be that as it may,
the statements of the two (2) accused where nevertheless
taken. But before doing so, both accused were apprised in
their own dialect of their constitutional right to remain
silent and to be assisted by a competent counsel of their
choice. Upon their acquiescence and assurance that they
understood their rights and did not require the services of
counsel, the investigation was conducted with the Parish
Priest, the Municipal Mayor, the Chief of Police and other
police officers of Santol, La Union, in attendance to listen
to and witness the giving of the voluntary statements of the
two (2) suspects who admitted their participation in the
The first to confess was Apolonio Medina who in
addition to the Parish Priest, the Mayor, the Chief of Police
and the other police officers was also accompanied by his
wife and mother. Apolonio Medina narrated that in the
morning of 2 August 1994 while he was walking towards
the house of Pacito Ordoño in Sitio Buacao, Poblacion,
Santol, La Union, he noticed a young woman walking
towards the school at the Poblacion. Upon reaching Sitio
Buacao, he saw Pacito Ordoño standing


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People vs. Ordoño

along the road. When the woman reached him he suddenly

grabbed her, held her tightly and covered her mouth with
his right hand. As Medina neared them, Ordoño turned to
him and said, “Come and help me, I am feeling uneasy.”
Although Medina claimed he was surprised at the
request, he nonetheless went to Ordoño, helped him hold
the legs of the young woman including her bag and
umbrella and together they carried her to the bushes where
they laid her down. Medina held her legs as requested
while Ordoño continued to cover her mouth with his hand
and boxing her many times on the head. When she was
already weak and weary Ordoño knelt near her, raised her
skirt and lowered her panty down to her knees. Medina
continued to remove her panty as Ordoño removed his
short pants, then his briefs. Ordoño then raped her, boxed
her head continuously, with Medina continuously pinning
her legs down and boxing those legs every time she
After Ordoño had satiated himself Medina took his turn
in raping the same victim with Ordoño holding her legs.
After they were through, Medina left to watch out for
intruders while Ordoño tied a vine around the girl’s neck,
hanged her on a tree that ended her life. Then, they went
back to the road and parted ways.
After Medina said his piece, his wife and mother
suddenly burst into tears. He then affixed his signature on
his statement and so did his wife, followed by all the other
witnesses who listened to his confession.
Pacito Ordoño narrated his story in the afternoon.
According to him, in the morning of 2 August 1994 he was
on his way to Sitio Guesset, Barangay Manggaan, Santol,
La Union, when he saw a girl followed by Apolonio Medina.
When the girl was near him he immediately grabbed her
and covered her mouth. Medina drew near, held her two
legs, bag and umbrella and together they carried her into
the thicket. After laying her down Ordoño boxed her
breasts and face while Medina boxed her legs. When she
became weak Ordoño raised her skirt and lowered her
panty while Medina completely removed it. Ordoño then
removed his pants and walker briefs,


People vs. Ordoño

went on top of Shirley and as Medina spread her legs

Ordoño immediately inserted his penis into her vagina.
After ejaculating Ordoño turned to Medina for him to take
his turn in raping the girl. Ordoño was now holding her
legs. At the end of his narration Ordoño affixed his
thumbmark on his statement in lieu of his signature as he
did not know how to write.
Thereafter, Apolonio Medina and Pacito Ordoño were
detained at the Santol police station. News about the
apprehension and detention of the culprits of the rape-slay
of Shirley Victore soon spread that Roland Almoite, leading
radio announcer of radio station DZNL, visited and
interviewed them. In the interview which was duly tape-
recorded both accused admitted again their complicity in
the crime and narrated individually the events
surrounding their commission thereof. According to
Medina, his remorse in having committed1 the crime was so
great but his repentance came too late. He and Ordoño
hoped2 that the parents of Shirley Victore would forgive
them. Upon conclusion of the interview, Roland Almoite
immediately went to radio station DZNL and played the
taped interview on the air. The same interview was played
again on the air the following morning and was heard by
thousands of listeners.
A couple of days later, the police brought the two (2)
accused to the office of the PAO lawyer in Balaoan, La
Union, for assistance and counseling. In a closed-door
session, PAO lawyer Oscar B. Corpuz apprised each of the
accused of his constitutional rights and, even though their
confessions were already written in their dialect, explained
to them each of the questions and answers taken during
the investigation. He likewise advised them to ponder the
consequences of their confessions, leading them to defer the
affixing of their second signature/thumbmark thereon.
After a week or so, the two (2) separately went back to
Atty. Corpuz and informed him of their willingness to affix
their signatures and thumbmarks for the second time in


1 TSN, 6 April 1995, p. 42.

2 Id., pp. 42 and 47.


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People vs. Ordoño

respective confessions. Once again Atty. Corpuz apprised

the two (2) accused of their constitutional rights, explained
the contents of their respective statements, and finally,
accompanied them to Judge Fabian M. Bautista, MTC
judge of Balaoan, La Union, who further apprised the two
(2) accused of their constitutional rights and asked them if
they had been coerced into signing their confessions. They
assured Judge Bautista that their statements had been
given freely and voluntarily. Upon such assurance that
they had not been coerced into giving and signing their
confessions, Judge Bautista finally asked the accused
Pacito Ordoño and Apolonio Medina to affix their
signatures/thumbmarks on their respective confessions,
and to subscribe the same before him. Atty. Corpuz then
signed their statements as their assisting counsel, followed
by a few members of the MTC staff who witnessed the
On arraignment, in a complete turnabout, the two (2)
accused pleaded not guilty.
In his defense, Pacito Ordoño testified that on 5 August
1994, while he was cooking at home, the police arrived and
invited him to the headquarters for questioning. The police
asked him his whereabouts on 2 August 1994 and he
answered that he worked in the farm of Barangay Captain
Valentin Oriente. According to Ordoño, the questioning
took one (1) hour with the police boxing him several times
on his stomach and on his side. They even inserted the
barrel of a gun into his mouth in an effort to draw out
answers from him. This being fruitless, he was placed in
jail and released only the following morning, 6 August
1994. Three (3) days later, or on 9 August 1994, the police
once again invited him to the headquarters where he was
told that he was responsible for the rape and death of
Shirley Victore.
Accused Pacito Ordoño insisted on his innocence and
maintained that he was working with a certain barangay
captain; nonetheless, he was detained. Later that night the
police took him out from jail and brought him to the room
of investigator SPO4 Alfredo A. Ominga where he was hit
with the butt of an armalite and forced to admit to the rape
and slay of Shirley


People vs. Ordoño

Victore. On 10 August 1994 SPO4 Alfredo A. Ominga took

a typewriter and asked questions from him for one (1) hour
without a lawyer assisting him nor a priest witnessing the
investigation. A barrel of a gun was placed inside his
mouth forcing him to admit the commission of the crime
and to affix his thumbmark on the document. He was also
brought to the office of the PAO lawyer twice but did not
affix his thumbmark on any document because he could not
understand its contents. A radio announcer visited him
inside his cell for an interview but he declined to answer
his questions. He only answered the radio announcer
during his fourth visit when SPO4 Alfredo A. Ominga
threatened to hit him if he did not admit to the commission
of the crime. As to Apolonio Medina, he heard from the
police that he was also detained but maintained that he
(Ordoño) did not know Apolonio.
For his part, Apolonio Medina testified that on 5 August
1994 while he was pasturing his carabaos at Barangay
Guesset, in Santol, La Union, the police came and invited
him for questioning. They asked him where he was on 2
August Resurreccion. The interrogation lasted for about an
hour with neither a lawyer assisting him nor a relative
being present, after which he was placed in jail. Later, he
was brought out and taken to a hut near the headquarters
where he was boxed, kicked and hit with a nightstick. He
lost consciousness and recovered only after he was brought
back to his cell. That same night he was returned to the
hut outside the police headquarters where he was again
boxed. On 8 August 1994, with his legs tied to the ceiling
beam, he was hanged upside down. His breast was hit with
the butt of a gun which was fired near his ear. A barrel of a
gun was inserted into his mouth. He was threatened that
he would be salvaged if he did not admit to killing the
victim. He was forced to sign a statement but could not
recall its date of execution. He was brought to the office of
the PAO lawyer twice but he did not sign the document.
The investigator warned him that if he did not sign he
would be buried in the pit which he himself dug. On his
third visit to the office of the PAO lawyer he signed the

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People vs. Ordoño

document. He could not remember having gone to the office

of the MTC Judge of Balaoan, La Union. He was
interviewed by a radio announcer and was instructed by
the investigator to narrate those that were in his
statement. He admitted he knew Pacito Ordoño. He showed
his bruises to his mother when the latter visited him in jail,
prompting the latter to request medical treatment for her
son but the request was denied.
On 11 December 1997 the trial court adjudged accused
Pacito Ordoño and Apolonio Medina guilty of the crime of
rape with homicide attended with conspiracy, and imposed
upon each of them two (2) death penalties on the basis of
their extrajudicial confessions.
The accused are now before us assailing their conviction
on the ground that constitutional infirmities attended the
execution of their extrajudicial confessions, i.e., mainly the
lack of counsel to assist them during custodial
investigation thereby making their confessions
inadmissible in evidence. Under the 4
Constitution and the
rules laid down pursuant to law and jurisprudence, a
confession to be admissible in evidence must satisfy four (4)
fundamental requirements: (a) the confession must be
voluntary; (b) the confession must be made with the
assistance of competent and independent counsel; (c) the
confession must be express; and, (d) the confession must be
in writing. Among all these requirements none is accorded
the greatest respect than an accused’s right to counsel to
adequately protect him in his ignorance and


3 Art. III, Sec. 12, Constitution.

4 RA 7438, “An Act Defining Certain Rights of Persons Arrested,
Detained or Under Custodial Investigation as well as the Duties of the
Arresting, Detaining, and Investigating Officers, and Providing Penalties
for Violations thereof.” It took effect 27 April 1992.
5 Morales, Jr. v. Enrile, G.R. Nos. 61016 & 61107, 26 April 1983, 121
SCRA 538.
6 People v. Deniega, G.R. No. 103499, 29 December 1995, 251 SCRA



People vs. Ordoño

shield him from the otherwise condemning nature of a

custodial investigation. The person being interrogated
must be assisted by counsel to avoid the pernicious practice
of extorting false or coerced admissions or confessions from
the lips of the person undergoing
interrogation for the
commission of the offense. Hence, if there is no counsel at
the start of the custodial investigation any statement
elicited from the accused is inadmissible in evidence
against him. This exclusionary rule is premised on the
presumption that the defendant is thrust into an
unfamiliar atmosphere and runs through menacing police
interrogation procedures where the potentiality for
physical and psychological, is forcefully
In the instant case, custodial investigation began when
the accused Ordoño and Medina voluntarily went to the
Santol Police Station to confess and the investigating
officer started asking questions to elicit information and/or
confession from them. At such point, the right of the
accused to counsel automatically attached to them.
Concededly, after informing the accused of their rights the
police sought to provide them with counsel. However, none
could be furnished them due to the non-availability of
practicing lawyers in Santol, La Union, and the remoteness
of the town to the next adjoining town of Balaoan, La
Union, where practicing lawyers could be found. At that
stage, the police should have already desisted from
continuing with the interrogation but they persisted and
gained the consent of the accused to proceed with the
investigation. To the credit of the police, they requested the
presence of the Parish Priest and the Municipal Mayor of
Santol as well as the relatives of the accused to obviate the
possibility of coercion, and to witness the voluntary
execution by the ac-


7 Gamboa v. Judge Cruz, G.R. No. 56291, 27 June 1988, 162 SCRA 642
as cited in People v. Bandula, G.R. No. 89223, 27 May 1994, 232 SCRA
8 Bernas, The 1987 Constitution of the Republic of the Philippines: A
Commentary, p. 410 (1996); Miranda v. Arizona, 384 U.S. 436, 16 L. ed.
2d 694 (1966).


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People vs. Ordoño

cused of their statements before the police. Nonetheless,

this did not cure in any way the absence of a lawyer during
the investigation.
In providing that during the taking of an extrajudicial
confession the accused’s parents, older brothers and sisters,
his spouse, the municipal mayor, municipal judge, district
school supervisor, or priest or minister of the gospel as
chosen by the accused may be present, RA 7438 does not
propose that they appear in the alternative or as a
substitute for counsel without any condition or clause. It is
explicitly stated therein that before the above-mentioned
persons can appear two (2) conditions must be met: (a)
counsel of the accused must be absent, and, (b) a valid
waiver must be executed. RA 7438 does not therefore
unconditionally and unreservedly eliminate the necessity of
counsel but underscores its importance by requiring that a
substitution of counsel with the above-mentioned persons
be made with caution and with the essential safeguards.
Hence, in the absence of such valid waiver, the Parish
Priest of Santol, the Municipal Mayor, the relatives of the
accused, the Chief of Police and other police officers of the
municipality could not stand in lieu of counsel’s presence.
The apparent consent of the two (2) accused in continuing
with the investigation was of no moment as a waiver to be
effective must
be made in writing and with the assistance
of counsel. Consequently, any admission obtained from the
two (2) accused emanating from such uncounselled
interrogation would be inadmissible in evidence in any
Securing the assistance of the PAO lawyer five (5) to
eight (8) days later does not remedy this omission either.
Although there was a showing that the PAO lawyer made a
thorough explanation of the rights of the accused,
enlightened them on the possible repercussions of their
admissions, and even gave them time to deliberate upon
them, this aid and valuable advice given by counsel still
came several days too late. It could have no palliative
effect. It could not cure the absence of


9 RA 7438, (e).



People vs. Ordoño

counsel during the custodial investigation 10

when the
extrajudicial statements were being taken.
The second affixation of the signatures/thumbmarks of
the accused on their confessions a few days after their
closed-door meeting with the PAO lawyer, in the presence
and with the signing of the MTC judge, the PAO lawyer
and other witnesses, likewise did not make their
admissions an informed one. Admissions obtained during
custodial investigation without the benefit of counsel
although reduced into writing and later signed in the
presence of11 counsel are still flawed under the
Constitution. If the lawyer’s role is diminished to being
that of a mere witness to the signing of a prepared
document albeit an indication therein that there was
compliance with the constitutional rights of the accused,
the requisite standards guaranteed by Art. III, Sec. 12, par.
(1), are not met. The standards utilized by police
authorities to assure the constitutional rights of the
accused in the instant case therefore fell short of the
standards demanded by the Constitution and the law.
It should further be recalled that the accused were not
effectively informed of their constitutional rights when they
were arrested, so that when they allegedly admitted
authorship of the crime after questioning, their admissions
were obtained in violation of their constitutional rights
against self-incrimination under Sec. 20, Art. IV, of the Bill
of Rights.
As testified to, the police informed the accused of their
rights to remain silent and to counsel in a dialect
understood by them, but despite the accused’s apparent
showing of comprehension, it is doubtful if they were able
to grasp the significance of the information being conveyed.
Pertinent por-


10 Ibid.
11 People v. Bandula, G.R. No. 89223, 27 May 1994, 232 SCRA 566,
citing People v. De Jesus, G.R. No. 91535, 2 September 1992, 213 SCRA
345. In this case we ruled that admissions obtained during custodial
interrogations without the benefit of counsel although later reduced to
writing and signed in the presence of counsel are still flawed under the


VOL. 334, JUNE 29, 2000 689

People vs. Ordoño

tions of the extrajudicial confessions of Pacito Ordoño and

Apolonio Medina, translated into English, read—


Mr. Pacito Ordoño, I am informing you that you are being

investigated of an offense but before we continue, I tell you that
you have the right to remain silent under the new Constitution of
the Philippines.
And you are also herein reminded that all statements you give
may be used for or against you in any Philippine court as evidence
and it is herein likewise reminded that you have the right to
secure the services of a lawyer of your own choice to represent you
in this investigation, do you understand all these?

A: Yes, sir because all that I will state will only be the truth.
Q: Do you want that we will continue with this investigation
after having been appraised of all your rights?
A: Yes, sir.
Q: And, do you want that we continue with the investigation
even without a lawyer of your own choice to represent you?
A: Yes, sir.
Q: Are you now prepared to give your voluntary statement
consisting only the truth, without any lies whatsoever?
A: Yes, sir x x x x


Mr. Apolonio Medina, I inform you that you are being

investigated of an offense but before we proceed with this
investigation, I am informing you that you have the right to
remain silent to all questions asked of you, according to the new
Philippine Constitution.
And you are likewise reminded that all statements you give
may be used for or against you in any Philippine court and you
have a right to have a lawyer of your own choice to represent you
in this investigation, do you understand this?



People vs. Ordoño

ANSWER Yes, sir.

Q: After having known all your rights, do you want that
we continue with the investigation?
A: Yes, sir.
Q: Do you want that we continue with this investigation
even without a lawyer to represent you?
A: Yes, sir because all that I will state are the truth.
Q: Are you now prepared to give your voluntary
statement consisting only the truth, nothing but the
A: Yes, sir.

The advice proffered by the investigating officer to Ordoño

starkly resembles that given to Medina, thus leading us to
conclude that the advice was given perfunctorily and
belonged to the stereotyped class—a long question by the
investigator informing the appellant of his right followed
by a monosyllabic answer—which 12
this Court has
condemned for being unsatisfactory. The desired role of
counsel in the process of custodial investigation is rendered
meaningless if the lawyer gives an advice in a cursory
manner as opposed to a meaningful advocacy of the rights
of the person undergoing questioning. If advice is given
casually and tritely as to be useless, understanding on the
part of the accused is sacrificed and the unconstrained
giving up of a right becomes impaired.
To be informed of the right to remain silent and to
counsel contemplates “the transmission of meaningful
information rather than just the ceremonial and
perfunctory recitation of an abstract constitutional
principle.” It is not enough for the interrogator to merely
enumerate to the person under investigation his rights as
provided in Sec. 12, Art. III, of the Constitution; the
interrogator must also explain the effect of such provision
in practical terms, e.g., what the person under in-


12 People v. Basay, G.R. No. 86941, 3 March 1993, 219 SCRA 404, citing
People v. Galit, G.R. No. 51770, 20 March 1985, 135 SCRA 465.


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People vs. Ordoño

terrogation may or may not 13

do, and in a language the
subject fairly understands.
With the extrajudicial confession of the accused
rendered inadmissible in evidence, we are left with the
interview taken by DZNL radio announcer Roland Almoite
as evidence. The taped interview was offered to form part
of the testimony of witness Roland Almoite to whom the
admissions were made and to prove through electronic
device the voluntary admissions by the two (2) accused that
they raped and killed Shirley Victore. The defense objected
to its acceptance on the ground that its integrity had not
been preserved as the
tape could easily have been spliced
and tampered with. However, as Roland Almoite testified,
it was the original copy of the taped interview; it was not
altered; the voices therein were the voices of the two (2)
accused; and, the defense never submitted evidence to
prove otherwise. Under the circumstances, we are inclined,
as was the lower court, to admit the authenticity of the
taped interview.
A review of the contents of the tape as included in
Roland Almoite’s testimony reveals that the interview was
conducted free from any influence or intimidation from
police officers and was done willingly by the accused.
Despite allegations to the contrary, no police authority
ordered or forced the accused to talk to the radio
announcer. While it may be expected that police officers
were around since the interview was held in the police
station, there was no showing that they were within
hearing distance nor within the vicinity where the
interview was being conducted. At most, the participation
of the police authorities was only to allow Roland Almoite
to conduct an interview.
The taped interview likewise revealed that the accused
voluntarily admitted to the rape-slay and even expressed
remorse for having perpetrated the crime. We have held
that statements spontaneously made by a suspect to news
reporters on a televised interview are deemed voluntary
and are


13 Ibid.
14 Records, p. 132.



People vs. Ordoño

admissible in evidence. By analogy, statements made by
herein accused to a radio announcer should likewise be
held admissible. The interview was not in the nature of an
investigation as the response of the accused was made in
answer to questions asked by the radio reporter, not by the
police or any other investigating officer. When the accused
talked to the radio announcer, they did not talk to him as a
law enforcement officer, as in fact he was not, hence their
uncounselled confession to him did not violate their
constitutional rights.
Section 12, pars. (1) and (3), Art. III, of the Constitution
do not cover the verbal confessions of the two (2) accused to
the radio announcer. What the Constitution bars is the
compulsory disclosure of incriminating facts or confessions.
The rights enumerated under Sec. 12, Art. III, are
guaranteed to preclude the slightest use of coercion by the
state as would lead the accused to admit something false,
not to16prevent him from freely and voluntarily telling the
The Bill of Rights does not concern itself with the
relation between
a private individual and another
individual. It governs the relationship between the
individual and the State. The prohibitions therein are
primarily addressed to the State and its agents. They
confirm that certain rights of the individual exist without
need of any governmental grant, rights that may not be
taken away by government,
rights that government has the
duty to protect. Governmental power is not unlimited and
the Bill of Rights lays down these limitations to protect the
individual against aggression and unwarranted
interference by any department of government and its


15 People v. Vizcarra, No. L-38859, 30 July 1982, 115 SCRA 743.

16 People v. Barlis, G.R. No. 101003, 24 March 1994, 231 SCRA 426;
People v. Layuso, G.R. No. 69210, 5 July 1989, 175 SCRA 47.
17 People v. Marti, G.R. No. 81561, 18 January 1991, 193 SCRA 57.
18 People v. Maqueda, G.R. No. 112983, 22 March 1995, 242 SCRA 565.


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People vs. Ordoño

The admissions of the accused before the radio announcer

and duly tape-recorded are further bolstered and
substantiated by the findings of the NBI Medico-Legal
Officer as reflected in the Autopsy Report/Post Mortem
Findings. The narration of the accused Apolonio Medina
that Asing boxed
the victim, who was struggling as she was
being raped, was proved by the Autopsy Report stating
that the victim suffered contusions
on the leg, right, lateral
aspect, middle third, etc.; that accused Pacito 21
boxed the face of the victim to make her weak was proved
by the testimony of the NBI Medico-Legal Officer that
there was blackening on the face of the victim due 22
hematoma caused by violence or boxing on her face; and,
that accused Pacito Ordoño hanged
the victim on a tree by
tying a vine around her neck, was proved by the finding of
a depressed mark 24 involving the anterior and lateral
portions of the neck.
As to the assertion of the accused that they were
tortured and subjected to inhuman treatment, we find such
allegations’ baseless. The accused were given several
opportunities to decry the maltreatment they allegedly
suffered in the hands of the police but at no time did they
complain about it. First, they could have told the radio
announcer outright of the abuses they were subjected to
before signing their confessions. Second, when they were
brought before the PAO lawyer they likewise did not make
any such claims but instead chose to ponder over the
lawyer’s advice and deferred the signing of their
confessions. Lastly, they had the chance to tell the MTC
judge about the fatal defect of their confessions, if there
was any, when the latter asked them whether they
voluntarily signed the same and whether coercion was used
in extracting their confessions; however, they answered in
the negative.


19 TSN, 6 April 1995, pp. 37-38.

20 Exh. I, “Autopsy Report,” 2 February 1995; Records, p. 103.
21 See Note 24, p. 45.
22 TSN, 2 February 1995, p. 5.
23 Ibid.
24 TSN, 8 October 1997, p. 12.



People vs. Ordoño

The accused cannot therefore on a later date make

assertions that they were maltreated when at no time—
during their detention and when they were in the presence
of persons who could have helped them—did they make
such complaints.
The doctor who physically examined them further
disproved their assertions when she testified thus—

Q: Now, you said that you talked with the prisoners,
Pacito Ordoño and Apolonio Medina, what did you
actually tell them?
A: I said, “What do you feel on your body?” and I also said,
“What part of your body are (sic) painful?”
Q: What did they answer?
A: They did not answer me, sir.
Q: More or less, how many questions did you ask?
A: Only that, sir.
Q: After you have observed the prisoners, did you notice
any injury?
A: None, sir x x x x
Q: x x x You noticed any injury on their bodies?
A: None, sir,
that is why I looked to see what was really

Considering that the doctor was a witness for the defense,

it was surprising that she never mentioned about any
maltreatment. She saw not a single scratch on the bodies of
the accused. She even inquired into their physical well-
being but they did not tell her of any pain or injury. They
could have easily asked the doctor for immediate treatment
if indeed they were physically harmed, but they did not.
This puts their claim of maltreatment into serious doubt.
With this, the testimony of the mother of the accused
Apolonio Medina alleging that the police refused treatment
for her son despite his critical condition becomes a
fabrication, a mere figment of the imagination. As found by
the lower court, her tale of buying


25 Ibid.


VOL. 334, JUNE 29, 2000 695

People vs. Ordoño

an antibiotic for her son, all on her own, without the

prescription of a doctor, is hard to believe since she is
already an elderly woman, 26
seventy-three (73) years of age,
unschooled and illiterate.
To further exculpate themselves, the accused invoked
alibi. Ordoño testified that at the time of the incident he
was at work
in the place of Barangay Captain Valentin
Oriente, while Medina claimed that he28 went to carry
bananas for a certain aunt Resurreccion. However, such
allegations deserve no credit as alibi becomes worthless 29
when it is established mainly by the accused themselves.
The defense of alibi is always considered with suspicion
and received with caution, not only because it is inherently
weak and 30unreliable, but also because it can easily be
Quite interestingly, Bgy. Capt. Valentin Oriente was
presented as a witness for the prosecution, not for the
defense, while “aunt Resurrection” was not presented at
all. Bgy. Capt. Oriente testified that Pacito Ordoño did not
work with him on 2 August 1994; 31on the contrary, he saw
him on the bridge at Sitio Guesset.
Other than their lame assertions that they were with
the above-mentioned persons, the accused failed to
substantiate their defense and to give details on what
transpired that fateful day, especially since they were in
the same town where the crime happened. For alibi to
prosper, it must be convincing enough to preclude any
doubt about the physical impossibility


26 TSN, 13 March 1997, p. 7.

27 TSN, 21 May 1996, p. 32.
28 TSN, 16 October 1996, p. 4.
29 People v. Panganiban, G.R. No. 97969, 6 February 1995, 241 SCRA
91, as cited in the Decision; Records, p. 315.
30 People v. Batidor G.R. No. 126027, 18 February 1999, 303 SCRA 335,
citing People v. Tulop, et al., G.R. No. 124829, 21 April 1998, 289 SCRA
316; People vs. Balane, G.R. No. 116721, 29 May 1997, 272 SCRA 782;
People v. Salvador, G.R. No. 113025, 16 September 1997, 279 SCRA 164.
31 TSN, 27 July 1995, p. 4.



People vs. Ordoño

of the presence of the accused at the locus criminis

or its
immediate vicinity at the time of the incident. Since the
accused failed to convince the Court otherwise, their
defense must fall.
The lack of prior design or plan to rape and kill the
victim prior to the commission of the crime does not negate
conspiracy. For conspiracy to exist, proof of an actual
planning of the perpetration of the crime is not a condition
precedent. It is sufficient that at the time of the
commission of the offense the accused had the same
purpose and were united in its execution. From the
foregoing, it is evident that the accused helped each other
in carrying out their beastly acts. The taped interview as
played in open court clearly revealed thus—



When I was walking there already about to be near him, he was

already holding the woman and said, come and help me because I
was (sic) not feeling well. Well, I was shocked of what I saw, sir.
But later on, as usual I regained my composure and so I finally
went to help him, sir.
FISCAL TECAN: We will continue, Your Honor.

And then we laid her down among the bushes then Asing boxed
her because she was struggling, Your Honor. And Asing did what
he wanted, sir. And then he asked me to take my turn and then I
went outside to look and see if there are (sic) people and then
Asing went to get a vine, sir. And when I arrived at their33 place, he
was already tieing (sic). After that, we left for home, sir.


Q: But Apolonio Medina was already there as your companion?


32 See Note 30.

33 TSN, 6 April 1995, pp. 37-38.


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People vs. Ordoño

A: He was there already, sir. He was the one who held her legs,
Q: Who was the first one to rape or use her?
A: Me, sir. And after that, Apolonio Medina, sir.
Q: And after you were through, what did you do, was she still
A: She was practically unconscious, sir.
Q: What did you do then?
A: We tied her neck and hanged her on a tree, sir.

The modifying circumstance of conspiracy being present,

each of the accused shall be liable for the other’s acts as
well. Article 335 of the Revised Penal Code provides that
“when by reason or on the occasion of the rape, a homicide
is committed, the penalty shall
be death.”
In 1971, in People v. Jose this Court convicted the four
(4) accused with forcible abduction with rape, and three (3)
counts of simple rape, and imposed upon each of the
accused four (4) death penalties in view of the existence of
conspiracy. 36
In 1981, in People v. Yutila this Court affirmed the
judgment of the court a quo declaring each of the three (3)
accused guilty of the special complex crime of rape with
homicide and sentenced each of them to suffer a single
penalty of death. However, Justice Barredo in his separate
opinion interposed that in accordance with the doctrine laid
down in the Jayme Jose case, three (3) death penalties
should have been imposed 37
on each of the accused.
In People v. Vizcarra where the four (4) accused were
charged with rape with homicide, the Court held that only
one of them should be held liable for the crime of rape with
homicide and all the rest for simple rape. But since four (4)
successive offenses were charged and proved, each of the


34 Id., p. 45.
35 No. L-28232, 6 February 1971, 37 SCRA 450.
36 No. L-32791, 27 January 1981, 102 SCRA 264.
37 See Note 15.



People vs. Ordoño

was imposed four (4) death sentences for four (4) separate
and distinct crimes of rape. The existence of conspiracy
among them, the overwhelming evidence as to the nature
and the number of crimes committed, as well as the
attendance of the aggravating circumstances, fully justified
the imposition of four (4) death
In 1988, in People v. Diño where the three (3) accused
took turns in ravishing the victim and thereafter killed her,
the Court declared each of them guilty of three (3) crimes of
rape with homicide and sentenced each of them to three (3)
penalties of reclusion perpetua. The penalty in fact should
have been death but with its proscription in the 1987
Constitution the penalty imposed was reduced to reclusion
perpetua. 39
In 1991, in People v. Flores a registered nurse was
successively raped by four (4) men and then killed. The
trial court convicted each of them with the special complex
crime of multiple rape with homicide on four (4) counts and
as a consequence thereof sentenced each of them to four (4)
death penalties. This Court affirmed the decision of the
lower court with the modification that the accused should
instead suffer four (4) penalties of reclusion perpetua by
reason of the constitutional proscription on the imposition
of the death penalty. The four (4) death penalties for each
of the appellants were explained to be ordained by the fact
that conspiracy had been established beyond reasonable
In 1996, in People v. Laray this Court convicted two (2)
of the accused charged therein with multiple rape and
sentenced each of them to suffer two (2) counts of reclusion
perpetua because of the existence of conspiracy.
Accordingly, herein accused Pacito Ordoño and Apolonio
Medina should be held liable for the special complex crime
of rape with homicide on two (2) counts as defined and


38 No. L-41462, 15 April 1988, 160 SCRA 197.

39 G.R. No. 71980, 18 March 1991, 195 SCRA 295.
40 G.R. No. 101809, 20 February 1996, 253 SCRA 654.


VOL. 334, JUNE 29, 2000 699

People vs. Ordoño

in. Art. 335 of the Revised Penal Code as amended by RA

We have held that the indemnification of the victim
shall be in the amount of P100,000.00 if the crime of rape is
committed or effectively qualified by any of the
circumstances under which the death41
penalty is authorized
by the applicable amendatory laws. In addition, this Court
has likewise ruled that in crimes of rape the amount of
P50,000.00 as moral damages must be awarded to the
victim without
need of proof nor even pleading the basis
Four (4) Justices of the Court however continue to
maintain the unconstitutionality of RA 7659 insofar as it
prescribes the death penalty; nevertheless, they submit to
the ruling of the majority to the effect that the law is
constitutional and that the death penalty can be lawfully
imposed in the case at bar.
WHEREFORE, the 11 December 1997 Judgment
rendered by the Regional Trial Court-Branch 34, Balaoan,
La Union, is AFFIRMED with the MODIFICATION that
the two (2) accused PACITO ORDOÑO y NEGRANZA alias
POLING are held guilty beyond reasonable doubt of the
special complex crime of rape with homicide on two (2)
counts and are sentenced each to two (2) DEATH
PENALTIES. Each of the accused is further ordered to
indemnify the heirs of Shirley Victore in the amount of
P200,000.00 as civil indemnity and P100,000.00 for moral
damages for both counts of rape. Costs against both


41 People v. Robles, Jr., G.R. No. 124300, 25 March 1999, 305 SCRA
273; People v. Payot, G.R. No. 119352, 8 June 1999, 308 SCRA 43; People
v. Tahop, G.R. No. 125330, 29 September 1999, 315 SCRA 465.
42 People v. Aquino, G.R. Nos. 123550-51, 19 July 1999, 310 SCRA 437;
People v. Mahinay, G.R. No. 122485, 1 February 1999, 302 SCRA 455,
citing People v. Perez, G.R. No. 122764, 24 September 1998, 296 SCRA 17,
and People v. Bernaldez, G.R. No. 109780, 17 August 1998, 294 SCRA 317.



People vs. Ordoño

In consonance with Sec. 25 of RA 7659 amending Art. 83 of

the Revised Penal Code, upon finality of this Decision, let
the records of this case be forthwith forwarded to the Office
of the President for the possible exercise of his pardoning

          Davide, Jr. (C.J.), Bellosillo, Melo, Puno, Vitug,

Kapunan, Mendoza, Panganiban, Quisumbing, Purisima,
Pardo, Buena, Gonzaga-Reyes, Ynares-Santiago and De
Leon, Jr., JJ., concur.

Judgment affirmed with modification.

Notes.—A confession is defined as a declaration made

voluntarily and without compulsion or inducement by a
person, stating or acknowledging that he has committed or
participated in the commission of a crime. (People vs.
Fabro, 277 SCRA 19 [1997])
The signatures of the accused, secured during custodial
investigation and without the assistance of counsel, which
were affixed on the envelopes seized as a means of
authenticating the same as those seized from them are
inadmissible in evidence, the same being evidence of
admission obtained under circumstances contemplated in
Art. II, §§ 12(1) and 17 of the Constitution. (Marcelo vs.
Sandiganbayan, 302 SCRA 102 [1999])
The exclusionary rule sprang from a recognition that in
police interrogatory procedures lay fertile grounds for
coercion, physical and psychological, of the suspect to admit
responsibility for the crime under investigation—it was not
intended as a deterrent to the accused from confessing
guilt, if he voluntarily and intelligently so desires but to
protect the accused from admitting what he is coerced to
admit although untrue. (People vs. Bravo, 318 SCRA 812



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