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Blended Learning 2

Table of Contents Level 2

Talking about schedules 2 Asking about schedules 22

1 7
Asking for someone on the phone / Scheduling a meeting 2 Getting travel information 22

Making, changing and cancelling appointments 4 Understanding travel announcements 24

Taking and leaving a message 4 Asking for help 24

Describing food flavors 6 Talking about your home 26

2 8
Describing food and cooking methods 6 Describing the rooms of a house/furniture 26

Describing how to make a dish 8 Talking about daily routines/home activities 28

Ordering a take-out meal 8 Talking about a favorite room 28

Talking about companies 10 Discussing your background 30

3 9
Talking about jobs and responsibilities 10 Talking about job searches 1 30

Reading and responding to a job listing 12 Talking about job searches 2 32

Talking about obligations 12 Talking to a recruiter 32

Getting help in a store 14

Talking about hobbies 34

4 10
Talking about stores and clothing 14
Talking about leisure activities 36
Asking for information 16
Planning a leisure activity 36
Asking for assistance 16

Reserving a room 18 Talking about exercise 38

5 11
Checking into/out of a hotel 18 Discussing exercise routines 38

Making polite requests 20 Describing exercise habits 40

Talking about hotels 20 Choosing/calling a health club 40

1 UNIT A Can we meet tomorrow?
Learning objectives Talking about schedules Asking for someone on the phone / Scheduling a meeting

UNIT OVERVIEW 2 Task 1 - Talking about schedules 4. Have the student think of two more ways of asking for a meeting:
Grammar: present progressive vs will; can I, could you, may I 1. Have the student read Role Card 1 and fill in the blank. Can you meet me ... ? / I’d like to meet ... / Are you busy ... ?
Vocabulary: busy, available, schedule, meet
Expressions: that sounds good; I’m sorry, but ... 2. First enactment: Have the student describe his plans and If the student is unable to give you examples, give them clues, such as
expectations for either tomorrow or next week. the first one or two words of each of the expressions above.
1 Pre-task 1 - Review
1. Tell the student they will talk about their schedules in this lesson. 3. Post-task: Give praise, point out any mistakes, encourage 6. Do the same for the other three categories.
Ask a few warm-up questions: self-correction, and give feedback on other areas such as style, I’m sorry, I’m not free then. / I’m busy that day.
Do you usually have a busy schedule? How about this week? intonation and pronunciation. How about ... ? / Would ... work? / How is ... ?
That’ll be fine. / That sounds good. / That works for me.
2. Set a customized goal for the first objective. For example: 4. Second enactment: If the student made many mistakes, do the
Talking about my schedule for tomorrow/next week same activity again. Otherwise, have them ask you about your 7. Have the student read the expressions once more. Then, have
day tomorrow, take notes and then summarize. them cover their book and tell you the expressions again.
3. Ask questions about David’s business trip to practice the contrast
between the present progressive (future) and the future with will: Confirm achievement of the first goal 4 Task 2 - Asking for someone on the phone / Scheduling ...
Where is David going tomorrow? What time is he leaving? 1. Have the student read Role Card 2 and fill in the blanks.
What time will he probably get there? 3 Pre-task 2 - Review
What is he doing at 11:00? 1. Tell the student they will practice scheduling a meeting now. Ask 2. First enactment: Have the student call the person they’d like to
How many people do you think he will meet with? a few warm-up questions: schedule a meeting with.
How often do you have meetings? Who do you meet with?
4. Have the student transform these sentences into their correct Do you set up the meetings yourself? 3. Post-task: Give praise, point out any mistakes, encourage
future forms: What do you usually discuss in your meetings? self-correction, and give feedback on other areas such as style,
It rains this weekend. » It will probably ... intonation and pronunciation.
I work all day tomorrow. » I’m (not) working ... 2. Set a customized goal for the second objective. For example:
Brazil wins the next soccer World Cup. » I think Brazil will ... Scheduling a meeting with one of our vendors 4. Second enactment: If the student made many mistakes, do the
Our sales increase next year. » Our sales will probably ... same activity again. Otherwise, have them schedule a meeting
I go home after this lesson. » I am (not) going ... 3. Have the student read the title of this chapter and tell you which with someone else on a different day.
I go out tonight. » I am (not) going ... box they would put that expression in. Have them write it in the
Next summer is very hot. » Next summer will probably ... first box. Confirm achievement of the second goal

1 BerlitzEnglish Level 2
1 UNIT A Can we meet tomorrow?

1 Pre-task 1 - Review 3 Pre-task 2 - Review

Learning objectives Asking for a meeting Saying no
David’s Business Trip
Talking about
schedules 8:00 flight to Toronto
9:00 (arrive — around 9:30)
Asking for someone
on the phone /
Scheduling a meeting
11:00 meet with Sales Team

1:00 lunch w/ Patrick Suggesting alternatives Saying yes


3:00 visit factory in Southport



6:00 dinner with clients

2 Task 1 - Talking about schedules 4 Task 2 - Asking for someone on the phone / Scheduling a meeting

Role Card 1 Talk about your schedule for ________: Role Card 2 Call ______________________ to schedule a
— What are you doing? meeting on ______________ to discuss
— What will you probably do? ______________________.

BerlitzEnglish Level 2 2
1 UNIT B Can we meet tomorrow?
Learning objectives Making, changing and cancelling appointments Taking and leaving a message

UNIT OVERVIEW 2 Task 1 - Making, changing and cancelling appointments 4. Have the student tell you who says each sentence and write C or R.
Grammar: polite requests: could you, may I, could I 1. Have the student read Role Card 1 and fill in the blank.
Vocabulary: appointment, reschedule; take/leave (a message) 5. Write the following on the board:
Expressions: I’m afraid...; out of the office 2. First enactment: Have the student make an appointment and Could you tell him that ...?
then reschedule it. Could you tell him to ...?
1 Pre-task 1 - Review
1. Tell the student they will practice making and changing 3. Post-task: Give praise, point out any mistakes, encourage 6. Have the student give you 2-3 examples using those expressions.
appointments as well as taking and leaving a message. self-correction, and give feedback on other areas such as style,
intonation and pronunciation. 7. Have the student read and do the role-play in the box. Be
2. Set a customized goal for the first objective. For example: sure to practice both leaving and taking a message.
Making an appointment with my doctor 4. Second enactment: If the student made many mistakes, do the
same activity again. Otherwise, have them set up an appoint- 4 Task 2 - Taking and leaving a message
3. Tell the student they will be having a conversation with a ment with someone else (a client, the dentist ...). 1. Tell the student to read Role Card 2 and fill in the blank.
receptionist at BC Medical Center, a clinic. Have them read the
receptionist’s first line. Confirm achievement of the first goal 2. First enactment: Again, practice both leaving and taking a
4. Now have them read their first prompt. Brainstorm different ways
of setting up an appointment, for example: 3 Pre-task 2 - Review 3. Post-task: Give praise, point out any mistakes, encourage
I’d like to set up an appointment to see ... 1. Tell the student they will now practice taking and leaving self-correction, and give feedback on other areas such as style,
Could I set up an appointment with ...? messages on the phone. Ask a few warm-up questions: intonation and pronunciation.
I need to see Dr. Chow. Do you sometimes take messages? Who are the callers?
Do you leave messages in people’s voice mails? 4. Second enactment: If the student made many mistakes, do the
5. Do the same with the rest of the conversation. When finished, What do you say when you leave a message? same activity again. Otherwise, have them practice taking more
practice it a few times, switching roles. “difficult” messages.
2. Set a customized goal for the second objective. For example:
6. Have the student read and do the role-play in the box. Leaving a message for my co-worker in London Confirm achievement of the second goal

3. Write the following on the board:

C = caller R = receptionist

3 BerlitzEnglish Level 2
1 UNIT B Can we meet tomorrow?

1 Pre-task 1 - Review 3 Pre-task 2 - Review

Learning objectives Receptionist You
May I speak to Ms. Stevenson?
Making, changing and “Thank you for calling BC Medical Set up an appointment with Dr.
Center. How may I help you?” Chow. Could I leave a message?
cancelling appointments
I’m afraid he’s out of the office.
“Is this your first time?” You had a physical there last year.
Taking and leaving Could you give me your phone number?
a message Could you tell him that I called?
“Ok. May I have your name please?” Give her your name.
How can I help you?
“Thank you Mr(s) _____. When Ask if he’s available Monday
Could you tell him to call me back, please?
would you like to see the doctor?” morning.
May I ask who’s calling, please?

“He can see you at 9:00. Would that Nine-thirty would be better for Thank you for calling Universal Pictures.
work for you?” you. When will he be available?

Could I speak to Benjamin Tiles?

“Alright, I’ll schedule you for 9:30 Thank her for her help and say
next Monday.” goodbye. Would you like to leave a message?

Oh no! Your son’s soccer game is also on Monday. Call the clinic and Call Universal Pictures and ask for Benjamin Tiles.
reschedule your appointment with Dr. Chow for a different day. If he’s not available, leave a message for him.

2 Task 1 - Making, changing and cancelling appointments 4 Task 2 - Taking and leaving a message

Role Card 1 Make an appointment with __________________. Role Card 2 Call ____________ and leave a message.

BerlitzEnglish Level 2 4
2 UNIT A I love Mexican food!
Learning objectives Describing food flavors Describing food and cooking methods

UNIT OVERVIEW 5. Ask: 3 Pre-task 2 - Review

Grammar: present progressive vs will; can I, could you, may I Which of these foods are too spicy for you? Too sweet? 1. Set a customized goal for the second objective. For example:
Vocabulary: hungry, thirsty, bite, starving, spicy, sour, sweet, salty, Why do some people add sugar to their coffee? (too Describing how my favorite dish is prepared
fried, roasted, rare, cooked, boiled, raw bitter/not sweet enough)
2. Ask the student how chicken, soup, muffins, and chicken are
1 Pre-task 1 - Review 6. Practice too/not enough: prepared (fried, boiled, baked, roasted) and write those words next
1. Tell the student they will talk about food in this lesson. Ask a few My son is 14 years old. Can he drive? to the picture.
questions as a warm-up and to review some vocabulary: Can you lift a car with your hands?
What’s your favorite food? Favorite cuisine? Restaurant? Would you like to live in Antartica/the South Pole? 3. Cover the box and have the student give you examples of
Are you hungry now? What would you like to eat? My brother is 150 cm tall. Can he play in the NBA? other dishes that are fried, boiled, baked and roasted and write
Are you thirsty? What would you like to drink? I’m too old to ... / I’m not fast enough to ... them in the boxes.
... is too expensive / ... is too boring
2. Set a customized goal for the first objective. For example: ... is not big enough / ... is not safe enough 4. Have the student tell you how dishes in the box tastes and
Describe how my favorite dishes taste they are prepared (some can be prepared in different ways).
2 Task 1 - Describing food flavors
3. Ask the student how red peppers, candy/chocolate, pickles, chips 1. Have the student read Role Card 1 and fill in the blank. 4 Task 2 - Describing food and cooking methods
and black coffee taste (spicy, salty, sour, salty, bitter) and write 1. Tell the student to read Role Card 2.
those words next to the pictures. 2. First enactment: Have the student ellaborate by using the
BOOST technique (Build on Original Statement). 2. First enactment: Have the describe a few dishes.
4. Dictate the following words randomly and have the student use
the following question-answer pattern. Have them write the 3. Post-task: Give praise, point out any mistakes, encourage Post-task: Give praise, point out any mistakes, encourage
words in the correct box. self-correction, and give feedback on other areas such as style, 3. self-correction, and give feedback on other areas such as style,
How does/do .... taste? » It’s/They’re ... intonation and pronunciation. intonation and pronunciation.

spicy: curry, chili, Jalapeño peppers, wasabi 4. Second enactment: If the student made many mistakes, do the Second enactment: If the student made many mistakes, do the
sweet: ice cream, cake, bananas, honey same activity again. Otherwise, have them ask you about your 4. same activity again. Otherwise, have them ask you how your
salty: French fries, ham, soy sauce, nuts favorite food, take notes and then summarize. favorite dishes are prepared
sour: lemons, grapefruit, vinegar, green apples
bitter: dark chocolate, tonic water, beer, cabbage Confirm achievement of the first goal Confirm achievement of the second goal

5 BerlitzEnglish Level 2
2 UNIT A I love Mexican food!

1 Pre-task 1 - Review 3 Pre-task 2 - Review

Learning objectives

Describing food flavors

Describing food and

cooking methods

onion soup cookies turkey

steak pasta tacos
curry chicken beef cupcakes
2 Task 1 - Describing food flavors

4 Task 2 - Describing food and cooking methods

Role Card 1 Describe how your favorite dishes taste:

— What are your favorite sweet, salty, spicy and

sour foods? Role Card 2 Describe how your favorite dishes are prepared.

BerlitzEnglish Level 2 6
2 UNIT B I love Mexican food!
Learning objectives Describing how to make a dish Ordering a take-out meal

UNIT OVERVIEW 6. Have the student tell you how much/many of these food items 4 Pre-task 2 - Review
Grammar: present progressive vs will; can I, could you, may I they eat/drink using the words on the board: 1. Set a customized goal for the second objective. For example:
Vocabulary: busy, available, schedule, meet pork milk tomatoes coffee Ordering a take-out meal with my husband
Expressions: that sounds good; I’m sorry, but ... bread yogurt potato chips beer
cookies cake rice chicken 2. Have the student put the two conversations in order. The first one
1 Pre-task 1 - Review apples oranges beans water is between a husband and his wife; the second one, between the
1. Tell the student they will describe a recipe and order a take-out husband and the restaurant staff.
meal in this lesson. Ask a few warm-up questions: 7. QFS: have the student ask you a few questions with how much
Do you like cooking? / Are you good at cooking? and how many. 3. Discuss:
What can you cook? How often do you order delivery or take-out?
What’s the best dish you can make? 2 Task 1 - Describing how to make a dish What kind of food do you get?
1. Have the student read Role Card 1. How many nights a week do you go out for dinner?
2. Set a customized goal for the first objective. For example: Do you prefer to cook at home or go to a restaurant? Why?
Describe the recipe for Fettucini Alfredo 2. First enactment: Have the student tell you the ingredients
needed and the instructions to make their favorite dish. 4 Task 2 - Ordering a take-out meal
3. Have the student fill in the blanks for the Cajun Chicken Salad 1. Tell the student to read Role Card 2.
recipe with the words below the recipe. Assist with vocabulary. 3. Post-task: Give praise, point out any mistakes, encourage
self-correction, and give feedback on other areas such as style, 2. First enactment: This activity is divided into two role-plays:
4. Review much/many/a little/a few by asking: intonation and pronunciation. deciding what to order and ordering the meal.
To make this salad, do you need a little or a lot of water?
How much chicken do you need? 4. Second enactment: If the student made many mistakes, do the 3. Post-task: Give praise, point out any mistakes, encourage
Do you need many or few ingredientes? same activity again. Otherwise, have them ask you how your self-correction, and give feedback on other areas such as style,
How many onions do you think you need? favorite dish is made. intonation and pronunciation.
How much mustard would you use?
Confirm achievement of the first goal 4. Second enactment: If the student made many mistakes, do the
5. Write the following words on the board: same activity again. Otherwise, have them order from a
many a lot of some different restaurant.
enough a few a little
not many not much not any Confirm achievement of the second goal

7 BerlitzEnglish Level 2
2 UNIT B I love Mexican food!

1 Pre-task 1 - Review 3 Pre-task 2 - Review

Learning objectives A
Cajun Chicken Salad Can you get me a Coke, please?
Describing how to
Instructions How about a large pepperoni pizza and some chicken wings?
make a dish
I’m starving! Let’s make dinner.
1. ________ 2 quarts of
I’m too tired to cook. Can we order a pizza or something?
Ordering a take-out meal well-salted water.
Ok, I’ll get that for me, too. I’m going to call now.
2. ________ the chicken
Sounds good. I’ll call Vito’s Pizza. What should we get?
breasts into large chunks and ________ them to the water.
What do you want to drink?
3. Turn off the heat, ________ the pot, and leave for 15 ________ .

4. ________ the chicken and ________ it.

5. ________ the mayo, mustard, paprika and Cajun dressing. Certainly, sir. What kind of pizza would you like?

6. Cut up the lettuce and ________ a bowl half-way full. Is that all?

7. ______ peppers, celery and onions and add them to the _______ . May I have your name and address please ...

8. ________ the chicken over the salad. Vito’s Pizza. May I take your order?
Yes, thank you.
Yes, I’d like to order a pizza for delivery.
minutes fill add cover
We’d like a large pepperoni pizza, an order of chicken wings
cut boil mix bowl and two Cokes, please.

serve slice dice remove

4 Task 2 - Ordering a take-out meal

2 Task 1 - Describing how to make a dish
Role Card 2 You are at home with ________. Decide what
Role Card 1 Describe the recipe for your favorite dish. you want to eat and order a take-out meal.

BerlitzEnglish Level 2 8
3 UNIT A What do you do there?
Learning objectives Talking about companies Talking about jobs and responsibilities

UNIT OVERVIEW 5. Now ask them what kind of companies the following are and ANSWERS sales, research and development (R&D),
Vocabulary: manufacture, develop, provide, manufacuring, provider, what they do: human resources (HR), accounting, finance,
pharmaceutical; departments in a company Sony Pfizer Google marketing, legal, information technology (IT),
Expressions: be responsible for, be in charge of Citi Heineken Apple customer service

1 Pre-task 1 - Review 2 Task 1 - Talking about companies 3. Have the student tell you what the following departments are
1. Tell the student they will talk about their company and their job in 1. Have the student read Role Card 1. responsible for.
this lesson. Set a customized goal for the first objective. For public relations (PR) operations
example: 2. First enactment: Have the student describe their company: procurement corporate planning
Describing what my company does name, industry, what they do, location of HQ and other offices.
4. Have the student tell you what department the people in the
2. Have the student read about the first company and ask: 3. Post-task: Give praise, point out any mistakes, encourage box work in and what they do there.
What kind of company does Bonnie work for? self-correction, and give feedback on other areas such as style,
intonation and pronunciation. 4 Task 2 - Talking about jobs and responsibilities
3. Ask the same question about the other people. 1. Have the student read Role Card 2.
4. Second enactment: If the student made many mistakes, do the
ANSWERS telecommunications manufacturing same activity again. Otherwise, have them give you even more 2. First enactment: Have the student answer the questions.
financial software dev. details about their company. Remind them to use the BOOST technique and elaborate.
pharmaceutical real estate
retailing transportation Confirm achievement of the first goal 3. Post-task: Give praise, point out any mistakes, encourage
self-correction, and give feedback on other areas such as style,
3 Pre-task 2 - Review intonation and pronunciation.
4. Have the student give you examples of companies in these 1. Tell the student they will talk about their jobs and their
industries and then tell you what they do. responsiblities now. Set a customized goal for the second 4. Second enactment: If the student made many mistakes, do the
accounting trading food & beverage objective. For example: same activity again. Otherwise, have them ask you about your
consumer products hardware/IT (electric) power Talking about my job and my responsibilities job and your responsibilities.

Eg. Deloitte is an accounting company. They provide 2. Brainstorm typical departments within a company and then have
Confirm achievement of the second goal
accounting and other professional services. the student read and answer the questions.

9 BerlitzEnglish Level 2
3 UNIT A What do you do there?

1 Pre-task 1 - Review 3 Pre-task 2 - Review

Learning objectives Bonnie’s company Carlos’s company Which department is responsible for ...
provides Internet and makes cars and
Talking about telephone services. trucks. 1. selling the company’s products?
2. creating new products?

Craig’s company Nicole’s company
provides services such makes computer 3. hiring and training employees?
Talking about jobs
as loans and credit. programs.
and responsibilities 4. handling the company’s payments?

Martin’s company Kim’s company sells 5. making budgets and financial reports?
makes medicines and and rents out houses
drugs. and buildings. 6. advertising the company and its products?

7. providing legal advice?

Paul’s company sells Christine’s company
products made by operates many trains 8. maintaining the computer system?
other companies. and buses.
9. assisting customers?

pharmaceutical retailing transportation

lawyer salesman accountant
trainer researcher systems engineer
financial real estate telecommunications

manufacturing accounting software development

4 Task 2 - Talking about jobs and responsibilities

2 Task 1 - Talking about companies Role Card 2 — What department do you work in? What
is it responsible for?

— What do you do in that department? What

Role Card 1 Describe your company and what it does.
are you responsible for?

BerlitzEnglish Level 2 10
3 UNIT B What do you do there?
Learning objectives Reading and responding to a job listing Talking about obligations

UNIT OVERVIEW 5. Tell the student: 2. Set a customized goal for the second objective. For example:
Grammar: need to, have to, must Imagine you are a famous researcher and want to apply for Talking about my obligations for next week
Vocabulary: responsibility, obligation; weekly, report, report, this job. Call CCRC to apply and answer some questions
presentation, part-time, share, balance they will ask you. Please ask some questions, too. 3. Ask questions about the schedule book to practice need to, have
to and must.
1 Pre-task 1 - Review 6. Role-play: Ask the student questions about “their” skills and
1. Tell the student they will respond to a job listing and talk about experience. 4. Have the student make a sentence about each of the following
their obligations in this lesson. Ask a few warm-up questions: jobs using need to, have to or must.
What company would you like to work for? 7. After the RP, give feedback and tell them they will now practice police officer doctor receptionist
What kind of job would you like to have there? applying for a job at (the company stated in the goal). parent teacher manager
taxi driver salesperson pilot
2. Set a customized goal for the first objective. For example: 2 Task 1 - Reading and responding to a job listing
Responding to a job listing at Google! 1. Have the student read Role Card 1 and fill in the blank. 4 Task 2 - Talking about obligations
1. Have the student read Role Card 2.
3. Brainstorm ways of looking for a job: in the newspaper, online, 2. First enactment: Have the student call the company they
through a recruiter would like to work for and apply for a job there. 2. First enactment: Have the student tell you about their
obligations for next week using BOOST.
4. Have the student read the online job ad and then tell you whether 3. Post-task: Give praise, point out any mistakes, encourage
these sentences are true or false: self-correction, and give feedback on other areas such as style, 3. Post-task: Give praise, point out any mistakes, encourage
1. Job Master is looking for a Senior R&D Manager. intonation and pronunciation. self-correction, and give feedback on other areas such as style,
2. The job is not in North America. intonation and pronunciation.
3. This is a low-paying job. 4. Second enactment: If the student made many mistakes, do the
4. The Senior R&D Manager has to supervise scientists. same activity again. Otherwise, ask them different questions 4. Second enactment: If the student made many mistakes, do the
5. He/she doesn’t have to take care of any problems. during the role-play. same activity again. Otherwise, have them ask you about your
6. He/she must know a little about organic chemistry. schedule for next week.
7. A good candidate must have training skills. Confirm achievement of the first goal

8. Five years experience is good enough to get this job. Confirm achievement of the second goal
9. A good candidate needs to speak Japanese fluently. 3 Pre-task 2 - Review
10. You must call if you want to apply for this job. 1. Tell the student they will talk about their obligations.

11 BerlitzEnglish Level 2
3 UNIT B What do you do there?

1 Pre-task 1 - Review 3 Pre-task 2 - Review

Learning objectives

Reading and responding MONDAY weekly meeting

Senior R&D Manager (Shanghai, China — $230,000)
to a job listing
3 BSA training (2-5pm)
CCRC CCRC Development is a highly versatile research organization, expert
Talking about obligations Development
in modern & unique chemistry design & development. TUESDAY 10:00 presentation

Responsibilities: Supervise BS, MS & PhD Chemists on-site.

4 12:30 lunch

Lead the evaluation & selection of new chemistry processes.

WEDNESDAY finish monthly report
Design effective solutions to chemistry problems.
Required Skills: Strong knowledge of Organic chemistry
Able to design a development plan & execute it within a timeline. THURSDAY 8 am — Spanish class
Train chemists to improve their skills in presenting their results
6 managers’ meeting

Qualifications: Ph.D. in synthetic organic chemistry

10+ years pharmaceutical or research experience dinner with Joe Colefield
Fluent in Mandarin and English 7
To apply, send your resume to: [email protected] or give us a call at: 3-2492-0045

4 Task 2 - Talking about obligations

2 Task 1 - Reading and responding to a job listing
Talk about your obligations for
Role Card 2
Role Card 1 Respond to a job listing at ___________________. next week.

BerlitzEnglish Level 2 12
4 UNIT A May I help you?
Learning objectives Getting help in a store Talking about stores and clothing

UNIT OVERVIEW 2 Task 1 - Getting help in a store 4. Have the student look at the box. Tell the
Grammar: comparatives 1. Have the student read Role Card 1 and fill in the blank. student you will ask them a question with the first
Vocabulary: departments: men’s, ladies’, housewares, linens, etc...; word and they should ask you a question with the
upstairs, downstairs, escalator 2. First enactment: Tell the student they are looking for several second word, and so on. Have the student use the
items at their favorite store. A++ technique when answering these questions:
1 Pre-task 1 - Review Answer, Add details, Ask a question.
1. Tell the student they will talk about stores in this lesson. Ask a few 3. Post-task: Give praise, point out any mistakes, encourage
warm-up questions: self-correction, and give feedback on other areas such as style, 4 Task 2 - Talking about stores and clothing
Do you like shopping? How often do you go? intonation and pronunciation. 1. Have the student read Role Card 2.
What’s your favorite store? Department store?
Do you prefer shopping at department stores or smaller 4. Second enactment: If the student made many mistakes, do the 2. First enactment: Have the student tell you not only what their
ones? Why? same activity again. Otherwise, have them ask for help at a favorite stores are but also compare them to other similar
Do you like shopping online? Why or why not? different store or with different items. stores. For example:
My favorite store for work clothes is Giorgio Armani. It’s
Confirm achievement of the first goal
2. Set a customized goal for the first objective. For example: one of the most expensive stores, but the quality is the
Getting help at Macy’s Department Store best. It’s smaller than Ralph Lauren, but nicer and more
3 Pre-task 2 - Review convenient.
3. Brainstorm departments commonly found in a department store. 1. Tell the student they will now compare their favorite stores.
3. Post-task: Give praise, point out any mistakes, encourage
4. Have the student look at the six departments and tell you 4-5 2. Set a customized goal for the second objective. For example: self-correction, and give feedback on other areas such as style,
items they can find in each one. Comparing my favorite stores intonation and pronunciation.

5. Have them put the conversation in order and then practice it with 3. Using the information on the table, ask questions to practice the 4. Second enactment: If the student made many mistakes, do the
other items and departments. following comparatives and superlatives. same activity again. Otherwise, have them ask you about your
larger/largest smaller/smallest favorite stores.
more/less expensive most/least expensive
cheaper/cheapest older/oldest
newer/newest better/best Confirm achievement of the second goal

more/less popular most/least popular

13 BerlitzEnglish Level 2
4 UNIT A May I help you?

1 Pre-task 1 - Review 3 Pre-task 2 - Review

Learning objectives
6F LINENS Chanel The Gap Forever 21

Getting help
size small medium large
in a store 5F FURNITURE
Talking about stores 4F ELECTRONICS
and clothing
founded 1909 1969 1984
service very good good bad

Thank you.
colder most important less boring
What floor is that on?
smartest more difficult bigger
In the men’s accessories department.
least expensive richest worse
Hello, welcome to City Department Store. May I help you?

It’s on the fifth floor.

Yes, where can I find wallets and belts for men? 4 Task 2 - Talking about stores and clothing

2 Task 1 - Getting help in a store Role Card 1 Talk about your favorite stores for:

— work and casual clothes

— electronics and furniture

Role Card 1 Ask for help at _________________________.
— books and magazines

BerlitzEnglish Level 2 14
4 UNIT B May I help you?
Learning objectives Asking for information Asking for assistance

UNIT OVERVIEW 2 Task 1 - Asking for information 4. Ask the student what they would say in the following scenarios:
Grammar: asking polite questions: could you, can you, can I, may I 1. Have the student read Role Card 1 and fill in the blank. A. You’re in the fitting room trying on a shirt. Tell the
Vocabulary: sale, order, try on, look for, discount, fitting room, clerk it’s too small and you’d like him to bring you
assistance, customer service 2. First enactment: Role-play: the student asks questions about the same shirt in a large size.
the item they’d like to buy.
1 Pre-task 1 - Review B. You just bought a necklace for your mother. Tell
1. Tell the student they will practice asking for information and 3. Post-task: Give praise, point out any mistakes, encourage the clerk it’s a gift so you’d like them to wrap it.
assistance in this lesson. Ask a few warm-up questions: self-correction, and give feedback on other areas such as style,
What would you like to buy next? intonation and pronunciation. C. You are shopping for a gift for your spouse, but are
Where will you buy it? Why there? not sure what to buy. Ask the clerk to help you find
What questions would you ask the store clerk about it? 4. Second enactment: If the student made many mistakes, do the something good for him/her.
same activity again. Otherwise, have them ask for information
2. Set a customized goal for the first objective. For example: on a different item.
Asking for information on a new computer 4 Task 2 - Asking for assistance
Confirm achievement of the first goal 1. Have the student read Role Card 2 and fill in the blank.
3. Have the student fill in the blanks with the phrases on the right.
3 Pre-task 2 - Review 2. First enactment: Role-play: The student asks for assistance at
4. Ask comprehension questions about the dialogue. 1. Tell the student they will now practice asking for assistance at their favorite store.
Where is the customer? their favorite store.
What is she looking for? 3. Post-task: Give praise, point out any mistakes, encourage
Which TV did the store clerk recommend? 2. Set a customized goal for the second objective. For example: self-correction, and give feedback on other areas such as style,
What features does that TV have? Asking for assitance at BigCity Electronics intonation and pronunciation.
How much is the TV?
Will she buy it? 3. Tell the student to imagine they are shopping at a department 4. Second enactment: If the student made many mistakes, do the
store. Have them read the first scenario and tell you what they same activity again. Otherwise, have them ask for assistance
5. Ask the student about their experience buying their TV. would say to the clerk. For example: with different situations.
Excuse me, can I try on these pants?
Confirm achievement of the second goal
4. Do the same with the other five scenarios.

15 BerlitzEnglish Level 2
4 UNIT B May I help you?

1 Pre-task 1 - Review 3 Pre-task 2 - Review

Learning objectives — _____?
1 we offer
— Yes, _____ about this TV?
Asking for
— Certainly. It’s a 46’’ Samsung LED 3D TV. 2 it provides
— _____ LED?
You’d like to try on these You’d like this jacket in a
Asking for — LED TVs are ultra-slim and work great in both dark 3 it comes with
pants. size twelve.
assistance and bright rooms.

— That‘s interesting. What other features _____? 4 I’ll take it

— _____ access to instant content, including

5 may I help you
Netflix, Facebook and Twitter. It has two 10W

speakers, 3 HDMI inputs and 3 USB ports.

6 how much is it
— I see. And can you tell me what’s included? You’d like the store to You’d like a discount on
order these shoes in red. this stereo.
— _____ a stand, the remote, a power cable and
7 we’re having a sale
two pairs of 3D glasses.

— Great. _____?
8 does it have
— It’s $1,200, but _____ today — all TVs

are 20% off. So you can take it home today for only 9 what exactly is
$960 and _____ free delivery. You’d like more informa- You want to know the
— Okay, _____! 10 could you tell me tion on this laptop. price of these skis.

2 Task 1 - Asking for information 4 Task 2 - Asking for assistance

Role Card 1 Ask for information on _________________________. Role Card 2 Ask for assistance at ______________.

BerlitzEnglish Level 2 16
5 UNIT A I’d like to make a reservation.
Learning objectives Reserving a room Checking into /out of a hotel

UNIT OVERVIEW 2 Task 1 - Reserving a room 4 Task 2 - Checking into / out of a hotel
Vocabulary: reserve, make a reservation, single/double room, 1. Have the student read Role Card 1 and fill in the blank. 1. Have the student read Role Card 2 and fill in the blank.
wake-up call, check in, check out
2. First enactment: Have the student reserve a room and ask 2. First enactment: Have the student practice checking into their
some questions about the hotel. favorite hotel.
1 Pre-task 1 - Review
1. Tell the student they will practice reserving a hotel room and then 3. Post-task: Give praise, point out any mistakes, encourage 3. Post-task: Give praise, point out any mistakes, encourage
checking into that hotel. Ask a few warm-up questions: self-correction, and give feedback on other areas such as style, self-correction, and give feedback on other areas such as style,
Are you planning to stay at a hotel soon? intonation and pronunciation. intonation and pronunciation.
If so, which one?
If not, what city/hotel would you like to visit? 4. Second enactment: If the student made many mistakes, do the 4. Second enactment: If the student made many mistakes, do the
same activity again. Otherwise, have them make a different same activity again. Otherwise, practice checking out.
2. Set a customized goal for the first objective. For example: reservation.
Reserving a room at Hilton Hotel in Chicago
Confirm achievement of the first goal Confirm achievement of the second goal

3. Brainstorm questions the hotel staff ask when you make a

reservation. 3 Pre-task 2 - Review
1. Tell the student they will now practice checking in at their
4. Tell the student they will be making a conversation between a favorite hotel.
hotel front desk clerk and a customer.
2. Set a customized goal for the second objective. For example:
5. Have them read the first line and ask them how the clerk would Checking in at the Hilton Hotel in Chicago
answer the phone. Do the same with the rest of the prompts.
3. Have the student fill in the blanks with the expressions below the
6. Practice the dialogue with the student twice, switching roles. dialogue.

4. Read the dialogue together twice, switching roles.

5. QFS: Have the student ask you five questions about the dialogue.

17 BerlitzEnglish Level 2
5 UNIT A I’d like to make a reservation.

1 Pre-task 1 - Review 3 Pre-task 2 - Review

Learning objectives Front desk clerk Customer — We’d _______, please. We have a reservation.

— Certainly, ma’am. _______ your name, please?

Reserving a room You work at Marriot Hotel. Answer the phone. You want to make a reservation.
— The reservation _______ Chang. Lisa Chang.
Ask about the check-in date. Aug 8 — Yes, here it is. Two _______ rooms with two queen-
Checking into /
out of a hotel size beds each _______. Is that correct?
Ask how many nights. 3
— Actually, it should be six nights. _______ the 22nd.
Ask how many people. 2 — No problem, I can change that for you. Here are your

keys, Ms. Chang. Rooms 567 and 568. They’re on the

Ask her to choose: single or double room double
fifth floor. _______ for your bags?

Ask for her name Joanne Norton — Yes, please. _______ where the concierge’s office is?

— It’s right around the corner, next to the elevators.

Ask how she would like to pay Ask if Visa is ok.

1 no smoking 5 could I have

Say it’s fine. Offer a wake-up call. Say yes and ask if they have a pool.

Tell her there is one on the second floor. Ask what time the pool opens. 2 could you tell us 6 shall I call a porter

4:30 am - 11:30 pm. Confirm the reservation. Thank her. 3 for seven nights 7 like to check-in

4 is under 8 we’re staying until

2 Task 1 - Reserving a room

4 Task 2 - Checking into / out of a hotel

Role Card 1 Call _______________ Hotel to make a reservation. Be sure to

ask a few questions about the hotel and its services.

Role Card 2 Check in at ___________ Hotel.

BerlitzEnglish Level 2 18
5 UNIT B I’d like to make a reservation.
Learning objectives Making polite requests Talking about hotels

UNIT OVERVIEW 3. Post-task: Give praise, point out any mistakes, encourage 5. SB closed: have the student fill in the table with the information
Grammar: polite requests: can you, could you self-correction, and give feedback on other areas such as style, they remember.
Vocabulary: maid, concierge, bellman, room service, front desk clerk; intonation and pronunciation.
luggage, room rate 6. Have them open their book and check their answers.
4. Second enactment: If the student made many mistakes, do the
1 Pre-task 1 - Review same activity again. Otherwise, practice different scenarios. 7. Have the student tell you about Chris’s hotel experience.
1. Tell the student they will practice making polite requests and
talking about hotels in this lesson. Confirm achievement of the first goal 4 Task 2 - Talking about hotels
1. Have the student read Role Card 2.
2. Set a customized goal for the first objective. For example:
Making polite requests in a hotel 3 Pre-task 2 - Review 2. First enactment: Have the student describe their last hotel stay.
1. Tell the student they will now talk about the last time they stayed Encourage them to use the BOOST technique to elaborate.
3. Brainstorm jobs in a hotel: concierge, bellman, front desk in a hotel.
clerk/staff, maid, room service staff ... 3. Post-task: Give praise, point out any mistakes, encourage
2. Set a customized goal for the second objective. For example: self-correction, and give feedback on other areas such as style,
4. Have the student read scenario A and ask: Talking about my last hotel stay intonation and pronunciation.
Who would you call/talk to?
How would you request that politely? 3. Have the student make this table in their notebook: 4. Second enactment: If the student made many mistakes, do the
same activity again. Otherwise, have them ask you about your
5. Do the same with scenarios B to I. Hotel’s name: last experience at a hotel, take notes and report back.
6. Scenarios J to M are not related to hotels. Have the student tell Facilities: Confirm achievement of the second goal
you how to make those requests politely. Service:
2 Task 1 - Making polite requests
Room rate:
1. Have the student read Role Card 1.
What’s included:

2. First enactment: Have the student choose three of the scenarios

(A-I) and do a full role-play for each. 4. Read the conversation together, switching roles.

19 BerlitzEnglish Level 2
5 UNIT B I’d like to make a reservation.

1 Pre-task 1 - Review 3 Pre-task 2 - Review

Learning objectives A B C Jane: Chris, we’re thinking of going to Jamaica this
summer. What was the name of the hotel you
Making polite requests
The towels in your You need to wake up You need tickets to
stayed in?
room are dirty. early next day. the opera tonight. Chris: It’s called Sandals Montego Bay. I highly
Talking about hotels recommend it.
Jane: Why did you like it?
Chris: Well, it has eight restaurants, four swimming
You want to eat Your luggage is too There’s a problem with pools and the service is excellent.
Jane: Did you stay in double rooms?
dinner in your room. heavy to carry. the shower.
Chris: Yes, we did. Two very large double rooms; the
view was spectacular.
G H I Jane: What kind of activities can we do there?

You need a taxi You’d like to stay for You want your room to Chris: You can go swimming at the private beach or play
golf at one of their two courses; they also have
for tonight. one more night. be cleaned later. watersports and waterskiing, and a couple of
really good spas inside the hotel.
Jane: That sounds wonderful. Was it very expensive?
Chris: Not really, their room rates start from $250 per
You didn’t hear You’d like to Your friend calls You’d like to
person per night. And it includes everything:
what your boss know someone’s you when you know the price
meals, local tours and all activities.
said. name. are busy. of a camera.
Jane: Great. I think I’ll make a reservation tonight.

2 Task 1 - Making polite requests 4 Task 2 - Talking about hotels

Role Card 1 You are staying at a hotel. Role play three of the scenarios from A-I. Role Card 2 Talk about your last hotel stay.

BerlitzEnglish Level 2 20
7 UNIT A One-way or round trip?
Learning objectives Asking about schedules Getting travel information

UNIT OVERVIEW 2. First enactment: Have the student practice asking about 4. Have the student tell you about the second flight. Then, have
Grammar: question words: how long, how many times a ... schedules at a bus or train station. them ask you about the third flight.
Vocabulary: once, twice; one-way, round-trip; ticket, ticket window;
to run, to leave 3. Post-task: Give praise, point out any mistakes, encourage 5. Now ask questions about the first flight on the departures board:
self-correction, and give feedback on other areas such as style, Where is flight 727 leaving for/going to?
1 Pre-task 1 - Review intonation and pronunciation. What gate is it leaving from?
1. Tell the student they will practice asking about schedules and What time does it leave/depart?
other travel information in this lesson. Ask a few warm-up 4. Second enactment: If the student made many mistakes, do the Is it running on time?
questions: same activity again. Otherwise, have them ask about schedules
How often do you travel by plane? by bus? by train? at a different station. 6. Have the student tell you about the second flight. Then, have
What questions do you ask at stations/airports? them ask you about the third flight.
Confirm achievement of the first goal
2. Set a customized goal for the first objective. For example: 7. Have the student read the box and then practice confirming
Asking about train schedules in London that flight information.
3 Pre-task 2 - Review
3. Have the student come up with the questions the customer 1. Tell the student they will now practice confirming a flight. Ask a 4 Task 2 - Getting travel information
should ask to complete the dialogue. few warm-up questions: 1. Have the student read Role Card 2 and fill in the blank.
Are you flying somewhere soon?
4. Read the completed dialogue twice, switching roles. Then, (If so ...) Where are you going? 2. First enactment: Have the student practice confirming the flight
practice it substituting the key words with new ones. (If not ...) Where would you like to fly to next? stated in the goal.

5. Ask the student six questions using the phrases in the 2. Set a customized goal for the second objective. For example: 3. Post-task: Give praise, point out any mistakes, encourage
box. Now, have the student ask you six different questions using Confirming my flight to Mexico City self-correction, and give feedback on other areas such as style,
the same phrases. intonation and pronunciation.
3. Ask questions about the first flight on the arrivals board:
Where is flight 421 arriving from? 4. Second enactment: If the student made many mistakes, do the
2 Task 1 - Asking about schedules What gate will it arrive to? same activity again. Otherwise, practice confirming a different
1. Have the student read Role Card 1 and fill in the blanks with the What time does it arrive? flight.
city they are in and the city they would like to go to. Is the flight running on time?
Confirm achievement of the second goal

21 BerlitzEnglish Level 2
7 UNIT A One-way or round trip?

1 Pre-task 1 - Review 3 Pre-task 2 - Review

Learning objectives Customer: ? ARRIVALS

Asking about schedules Clerk: Trains go to Chicago every twenty minutes. FLIGHT FROM GATE ARRIVES STATUS

Customer: ? 421 FRANKFURT 14 13:45 ON TIME

Getting travel
Clerk: The next one leaves at 4:40. 983 SEOUL 29 14:00 DELAYED
Customer: ? 563 TORONTO 13 14:20 AT GATE

Clerk: It takes about three hours to get there.

Customer: ? DEPARTURES

Clerk: A one-way ticket is $53. FLIGHT TO GATE DEPARTS STATUS

Customer: ? 727 DENVER 9 08:10 BOARDING

Clerk: You can catch the train on track 2. 812 LONDON 21 09:25 ON TIME


how long ... does it take did it take

how many times ... a day a week
You are flying to Denver today, but you do not remember your
a month a year
flight number or departure time. Call the airline to ask about that
and confirm the gate number and status of your flight.

2 Task 1 - Asking about schedules

4 Task 2 - Getting travel information
Role Card 1 You are in ________________________

and going to ________________________. Role Card 2 Call _________________ Airlines to confirm your
Ask about schedules at the station. flight to _________________.

BerlitzEnglish Level 2 22
7 UNIT B One-way or round trip?
Learning objectives Understanding travel announcements Asking for help

UNIT OVERVIEW Announcement D 3 Pre-task 2 - Review

Grammar: polite questions: could you tell me ... This is the last call for Delta Airlines Flight 387 to 1. Tell the student they will now practice asking for help at stations
Vocabulary: announcement, announce, last call, express, transfer, Honolulu. All passengers for flight 387, last call at Gate 21. and airports.
on track, hurry, destination, economy/business class
4. Have the student tell you the answers in full sentences. If 2. Set a customized goal for the second objective. For example:
1 Pre-task 1 - Review needed, read the announcements again. Asking for help at Grand Central Station, New York
1. Tell the student they will practice understanding announcements
and asking for help in this lesson. Ask a few warm-up questions: 2 Task 1 - Understanding travel announcements 3. Have the student read the first dialogue and ask:
1. Have the student read Role Card 1. What does the customer want to do?
2. Set a customized goal for the first objective. For example: What should he/she do next?
Understanding travel announcements when I travel 2. First enactment: Read the following announcement and have
the student summarize it. 4. Do the same with the other two dialogues.
3. Read the following four announcements out loud and have the
student fill in the boxes. They should first tell you whether each The 12:20 train to Manchester is boarding on platform 9. 4 Task 2 - Asking for help
announcement is for a bus, train, plane or subway. Attention all passengers for Manchester, the 12:20 train is 1. Have the student read Role Card 2 and fill in the blanks.
now boarding on platform 9. Also, the 12:45 train to
Announcement A London will begin boarding in 10 minutes. Attention all 2. First enactment: Have the student practice asking for help at the
The 3:15 bus from Vancouver with service to Edmonton passengers for London, boarding will begin in about 10 station/airport stated in the goal.
and Calgary is now arriving. Please meet arriving passen- minutes on platform 13.
gers at Gate Number 7. 3. Post-task: Give praise, point out any mistakes, encourage
3. Post-task: Give praise, point out any mistakes, encourage self-correction, and give feedback on other areas such as style,
Announcement B self-correction, and give feedback on other areas such as style, intonation and pronunciation.
Train 201 with service to Boston is now boarding on Track intonation and pronunciation.
13. This train stops in New Haven, New London and 4. Second enactment: If the student made many mistakes, do the
Providence. All aboard on track 13. 4. Second enactment: If the student made many mistakes, do the same activity again. Otherwise, practice asking for help with a
same activity again. Otherwise, change some of the details different problem.
Announcement C from the announcement and read it again.
This Pacific Line train is going to 22nd Street and Central
Park. Change at 22nd Street for the Continental Line. Confirm achievement of the first goal Confirm achievement of the second goal

23 BerlitzEnglish Level 2
7 UNIT B One-way or round trip?

1 Pre-task 1 - Review 3 Pre-task 2 - Review

Learning objectives
A. bus train plane subway

Arriving from: Arrival time: Gate number:
travel announcements

Asking for help

B. bus train plane subway – Excuse me! I’m trying to get – Excuse me. Does this bus go
the 2:30 flight to L.A. to Winston Park?
Going to: Departure time: Track number:
– That flight is boarding at – No. You need to go to
Gate A31. If you hurry, you Second Avenue and take
might catch it. the 33.
– Thank you! – Thanks a lot!
C. bus train plane subway

Destinations: Transfer information:

– Isn’t this the train to New York?
– No. This train is going to
D. bus train plane subway – Oh, where do I catch the train to
New York?
Destination: Flight number: Gate number:
– I’m sorry. I don’t know. You’ll have
to ask at the ticket window.

2 Task 1 - Understanding travel announcements 4 Task 2 - Asking for help

Role Card 1 Listen to the announcement and summarize Role Card 2 You are in ______________ and want to get to
what you hear. ______________. Ask a local for help.

BerlitzEnglish Level 2 24
8 UNIT A How’s your new home?
Learning objectives Talking about your home Describing the rooms of a house / furniture

UNIT OVERVIEW 3. Post-task: Give praise, point out any mistakes, encourage 4 Task 2 - Describing the rooms of a house / furniture
Grammar: infinitives and gerunds self-correction, and give feedback on other areas such as style, 1. Have the student read Role Card 2.
Vocabulary: house, apartment; living room, bedroom, kitchen, intonation and pronunciation.
dining room/area, bathroom; various types of furniture 2. First enactment: Have the student describe the furniture in their
4. Second enactment: If the student made many mistakes, do the place. Encourage them to use the BOOST technique to
1 Pre-task 1 - Review same activity again. Otherwise, encourage them to give details. elaborate.
1. Tell the student they will describe where they live today.
Confirm achievement of the first goal 3. Post-task: Give praise, point out any mistakes, encourage
2. Set a customized goal for the first objective. For example: self-correction, and give feedback on other areas such as style,
Describing where I live intonation and pronunciation.
3 Pre-task 2 - Review
3. Have the student look at the illustration and tell them this is 1. Tell the student they will now talk about the furniture they have 4. Second enactment: If the student made many mistakes, do the
where Mary lives. in their place. same activity again. Otherwise, have them ask you about your
furniture, take notes and report back.
4. QFS: Have the student ask you about Mary’s place using the 2. Set a customized goal for the second objective. For example:
questions on the left. Prompt if needed: Talking about the furniture in my house
Confirm achievement of the second goal
Ask me what kind of place she lives in.
Ask me where it is. 3. Point to the illustration and ask:
And so on ... Does Mary have a bed?
Where does she have it?
5. Have the student tell you about Mary’s apartment. What does she do on it?

6. Tell the student they should now ask you the same questions So ... she has a bed in the bedroom where she sleeps.
about where you live and then summarize.
4. Have the student make similar sentences about:
2 Task 1 - Talking about your home dining table sofa desk
1. Have the student read Role Card 1. bookcase refrigerator TV
shower stove night table
2. First enactment: The student tells you about their place. sink armchair closet

25 BerlitzEnglish Level 2
8 UNIT A How’s your new home?

1 Pre-task 1 - Review 3 Pre-task 2 - Review

Learning objectives MY PLACE
Type of place
Talking about
your home

Describing the rooms
of a house / furniture
Number of bedrooms

Other rooms

Love to do / living room

Like to do / bedroom

Enjoy doing / study

2 Task 1 - Talking about your home 4 Task 2 - Describing the rooms of a house / furniture

Role Card 1 Talk about where you live using the information in the box above. Role Card 2 Describe your furniture.

BerlitzEnglish Level 2 26
8 UNIT B How’s your new home?
Learning objectives Talking about daily routines / home activities Talking about a favorite room

UNIT OVERVIEW She GOES to bed late, usually at 1:00, so she doesn’t SLEEP 4. Read the following texts and ask the same questions as above.
Grammar: infinitives and gerunds very much. In fact, she only SLEEPS five hours. I love my living room! We have a large sofa and I love
Vocabulary: daily routine: wake up, get up, go to bed, renting a movie and watching it with my husband. We have
start/get off work 2 Task 1 - Talking about daily routines / home activities a great time!
1. Have the student read Role Card 1.
1 Pre-task 1 - Review What’s my favorite room? I guess it’s my bedroom. I’m a
1. Tell the student they will describe what they do every day. Set a 2. First enactment: The student explains what they do every day. writer and it’s very quiet in my room. I can write for hours
customized goal for the first objective. For example: Encourage them to give as many details as they can. when I’m in my room.
Describing a typical day in my life
3. Post-task: Give praise, point out any mistakes, encourage What I love the most about my house is the backyard. My
2. Have the student read about Olivia and fill in the blanks with the self-correction, and give feedback on other areas such as style, family and I have a barbeque every weekend in the
appropriate verbs. intonation and pronunciation. summer. It’s a really large yard!
Every morning, Olivia WAKES UP at 6:00 and then she TAKES
a shower. She EATS/HAS breakfast and DRINKS coffee with 4. Second enactment: If the student made many mistakes, do the 4 Task 2 - Talking about a favorite room
milk. After that, she BRUSHES her teeth and PUTS ON her same activity again. Otherwise, have them ask you about your 1. Have the student read Role Card 2.
make up. She LEAVES her house at around 7:30. typical day, take notes and report back.
2. First enactment: The student talks about their favorite room.
She WALKS to the station and TAKES the subway to work; it Confirm achievement of the first goal
TAKES her 45 minutes to get to work, but she enjoys 3. Post-task: Give praise, point out any mistakes, encourage
TAKING/RIDING the train! self-correction, and give feedback on other areas such as style,
3 Pre-task 2 - Review intonation and pronunciation.
She STARTS work at 8:30 and GETS OFF at 5:30. After work, 1. Tell the student they will now talk about their favorite room.
she usually GOES running or out for dinner with friends. She 4. Second enactment: If the student made many mistakes, do the
LIKES/LOVES to spend time with her friends! 2. Set a customized goal for the second objective. For example: same activity again. Otherwise, have them ask you about your
Talking about my favorite room favorite room.
Most days, she GETS home after 9:00, so she IS usually very
tired. As soon as she gets home, she brushes her teeth, 3. After the student reads each text, ask:
Confirm achievement of the second goal
WASHES her face and WATCHES TV. She also enjoys What is his/her favorite room?
SURFING/BROWSING the Internet while watching TV. What does he/she do there? Why does he/she like it?

27 BerlitzEnglish Level 2
8 UNIT B How’s your new home?

1 Pre-task 1 - Review 3 Pre-task 2 - Review

Learning objectives Every morning, Olivia ___________ at usually ____________ running or out
6:00 and then she __________ a for dinner with friends. She_________ My favorite room is my
Talking about daily
shower. She _________ breakfast and to spend time with her friends! bedroom. I like watching
routines / home activities
___________ coffee with milk. After movies in bed and playing
video games. I have a TV
that, she __________ her teeth and Most days, she ____________ home
Talking about a and stereo in my room.
___________ make up. She after 9:00, so she ____________
favorite room
__________ her house usually very tired. As soon
at around 7:30. as she gets home, she Jenny
brushes her teeth, I love cooking in my kitchen.
It’s very big and bright and
She ____________ to ____________ her face
has everything I need. My
the station and and ____________ TV.
friends come over for dinner
____________ the She also enjoys sometimes.
subway to work; it ____________ the Internet
____________ her 45 minutes to while watching TV.
get to work, but she enjoys Cesar
My favorite room is
____________ the train! She ____________ to bed late, usually
definitely the study. I enjoy
at 1:00, so she doesn’t ____________ reading books and the
She ____________ work at 8:30 and very much. In fact, she only newspaper there. It’s very
____________ at 5:30. After work, she ____________ five hours. quiet and relaxing.

2 Task 1 - Talking about daily routines / home activities 4 Task 2 - Talking about a favorite room

Role Card 1 Decribing a typical day in our life. Role Card 2 Talk about your favorite room.

BerlitzEnglish Level 2 28
9 UNIT A How’s the job search going?
Learning objectives Discussing your background Talking about job searches 1

UNIT OVERVIEW 2. First enactment: Have the student compare his previous job to 4 Task 2 - Talking about job searches 1
Grammar: used to; still / (not) anymore the current one. Also ask where they used to work and study. 1. Have the student read Role Card 2.
Vocabulary: background, field, skill, employed, unemployed, decide,
accept, decline, resume, job offer, interview, application 3. Post-task: Give praise, point out any mistakes, encourage 2. First enactment: Have the student describe the process by
self-correction, and give feedback on other areas such as style, which the found their job. Encourage them to give details.
1 Pre-task 1 - Review intonation and pronunciation.
1. Tell the student they will talk about their work experience and Post-task: Give praise, point out any mistakes, encourage
how they found their job in this lesson. 4. Second enactment: If the student made many mistakes, do the 3. self-correction, and give feedback on other areas such as style,
same activity again. Otherwise, have them ask you about your intonation and pronunciation.
2. Set a customized goal for the first objective. For example: previous job.
Discussing my professional background Second enactment: If the student made many mistakes, do the
Confirm achievement of the first goal 4. same activity again. Otherwise, have them ask you how you
3. Ask about Lisa’s jobs: found your job.
Where did Lisa use to work? Does she still work there?
Where does she work now? 3 Pre-task 2 - Review
What did she use to do at Nordic? 1. Tell the student they will now describe how they found their job. Confirm achievement of the second goal
Does she still do that? What does she do now?
... 2. Set a customized goal for the second objective. For example:
Talking about how I found my job
4. Ask a few follow-up questions:
What kind of experience does Lisa have? (sales) 3. Have the student read the first line and ask:
Is her current job better than her previous one? Why? Do they have a job? Are they employed? So they are ...
Is she busier now than before? Why (not)?
4. Give hints / ask questions to help the student with the rest of the
5. Have the student make sentences that end with the expressions blanks in the story:
in the box. unemployed, laid off, quit, fired (UK: sacked)
resumes, Help Wanted ads, search
2 Task 1 - Discussing your background fill out, interview, offer, accept, hired, looking
1. Have the student read Role Card 1.

29 BerlitzEnglish Level 2
9 UNIT A How’s the job search going?

1 Pre-task 1 - Review Lisa 3 Pre-task 2 - Review

Learning objectives Ed, Veronica and Jim just lost their jobs —
Previous Job Current Job they are _______________. Ed’s company
Discussing your
went bankrupt so he was _______________.
Nordic Inc. company Holm’s Foods Veronica didn’t like her company so she

Talking about _______________ her job. Jim wasn’t doing

Sales Manager job Sales Director
job searches 1 a good job so he was _______________.

08:00 - 22:00 work schedule 09:00 - 17:00

They need to prepare their _____________,
yes work on Saturdays no
read the ________________ in the newspa-

per and _______________ Internet job sites.

never business trips once a month

5 subordinates 36 When they find a job they like, they need to

________________ a job application and go

to an ________________. If the new

... but I don’t anymore ... but I can’t anymore company likes them, it will ______________
... but I’m not anymore ... but I don’t have it anymore
them a job. If they ________________ the
... and I still do ... and I still am
job offer, they will be _______________. If
... but he doesn’t anymore ... and she still does
not, they have to keep _______________.

2 Task 1 - Discussing your background 4 Task 2 - Talking about job searches 1

Role Card 1 Discuss your academic and professional background. Role Card 2 Talk about how you found your job.

BerlitzEnglish Level 2 30
9 UNIT B How’s the job search going?
Learning objectives Talking about job searches 2 Talking to a recruiter

UNIT OVERVIEW 2 Task 1 - Talking about job searches 2 What did you study in university?
Grammar: verb + infintive or gerund; used to 1. Have the student read Role Card 1 and fill in the blank. What can you do / What are you good at?
Vocabulary: headhunter, recruiter, network, self-employed
consultant, goal, letter of reference 2. First enactment: Role-play: You just lost your job and the 4. Have the student tell you about Chris Fisher’s experience,
student will help you find a new one. education and skills. Ask questions to guide the student:
1 Pre-task 1 - Review Where did he used to work? What did he do there?
1. Tell the student they will help someone find a job and practice 3. Post-task: Give praise, point out any mistakes, encourage What did he major in?
talking about their experience and education. self-correction, and give feedback on other areas such as style, What year did he graduate?
intonation and pronunciation. What programming languages does he know?
2. Set a customized goal for the first objective. For example: What software can he use well?
Helping my sister Maria find a new job 4. Second enactment: If the student made many mistakes, do the
same activity again. Otherwise, have them help a different 4 Task 2 - Talking to a recruiter
3. Have the student read about Elena and then ask them a few friend find a job. 1. Have the student read Role Card 2 and fill in the blank.
follow-up questions:
Does Elena have a boss? Confirm achievement of the first goal 2. First enactment: Role-play: interview the student for a job at X
What kind of business does she have? Why does she like it? company. Ask questions similar to the ones in the warm-up.
Would you like to be self-employed?
3 Pre-task 2 - Review 3. Post-task: Give praise, point out any mistakes, encourage
4. Have the student read about Danny and then ask: 1. Tell the student they will now practice talking to a recruiter. Ask: self-correction, and give feedback on other areas such as style,
What does Danny do? How did he find his job? What company would you like to work for in the future? intonation and pronunciation.
When did he start working there?
Have you ever talked to a headhunter or recruiter? 2. Set a customized goal for the second objective. For example: 4. Second enactment: If the student made many mistakes, do the
Talking to a recruiter to get a job at KPMG same activity again. Otherwise, interview the student for a
5. Have the student read about Gina and then ask: different job.
What was the recruiting process at the cosmetics company? 3. Ask: What questions do recruiters ask job candidates?
Did she get the job? Why do you think she didn’t? Elicit: What kind of job are you looking for?
Confirm achievement of the second goal
What does she have to do now? What was your previous job?
How many interviews did you have before getting your Why did you stop working there?
current job? How many jobs have you had?

31 BerlitzEnglish Level 2
9 UNIT B How’s the job search going?

1 Pre-task 1 - Review 3 Pre-task 2 - Review

Learning objectives

Talking about
Chris Fisher
4509-2302 | [email protected]
job searches 2

experience Axis Software 2008 - 2012

Talking to a recruiter Project Manager
Elena: “A few years ago, I quit my Danny: “I’m a stockbroker. I found
Intergraphic Designs 2006 - 2008
job. Now, I’m self-employed, which this job through a headhunter. Based
Front-End Developer
means I have my own business. I own on my experience, he recommended
several pizzerias around town. It’s a lot applying for this job. I started
education University of Newcastle 2000 - 2006
of work, but I also have a lot of working here just one month ago, but
MA Computer Engineering
freedom. It’s the perfect job for me!” I like it a lot.” BA Web Systems Development

Gina: “Two days ago I went to a job interview skills Programming: HTML, CSS, JavaScript
at a cosmetics company. I had to fill out a job Graphic design: Photoshop & Illustrator
Languages: English, French & Spanish
application and bring my resume. The interviewer
Other: Project Management,
was very nice to me, but her questions were really Presentation
tough. Unfortunately, this morning I got a call from
her telling me I didn’t get the job. Oh well, I’ll just
have to keep looking.”
4 Task 2 - Talking to a recruiter

2 Task 1 - Talking about job searches 2 Role Card 2 You are interviewing for a job at
_________________. Talk to a recruiter to
explain your experience, education and skills.
Role Card 1 Help ______________________ find a job.

BerlitzEnglish Level 2 32
10 UNIT A Do you have any hobbies?
Learning objective Talking about hobbies

UNIT OVERVIEW AKIHIRO 3. Post-task: Give praise, point out any mistakes, encourage
Vocabulary: hobby, creative, collect, collection, worth, valuable, I’d like to have a hobby, but I have no time. I work from 7 self-correction, and give feedback on other areas such as style,
stamp, painting, sewing, photography, video games, am to 10 pm from Monday to Saturday. And on Sunday I intonation and pronunciation.
indoors, outdoors, instrument, board games spend time with my children. What should I do?
4. Second enactment: If the student made many mistakes, do the
1 Pre-task - Review ZOE same activity again. Otherwise, have them ask you about your
1. Tell the student they will talk about their hobbies in this lesson. My hobbies are playing videos games and playing hobbies.
volleyball. I love doing both, but they are not very
2. Set a customized goal for the first objective. For example: creative. I want to take some lessons to learn something
Confirm achievement of the goal
Talking about my hobbies creative. What do you think I should study?

3. Have the student list five examples of hobbies in each category.

4. For creative hobbies, have the student also tell you what the 2 Task - Talking about hobbies
person who does each hobby is called (the person), what each 1. Have the student read Role Card 1.
action is (the verb) and what they create (the creation).
2. First enactment: After the student answers the questions in
5. Read the following texts and have the student recommend a Role Card 1, feel free to ask additional questions about their
hobby to each person and explain why. hobbies. For example:
WILLIAM What do you think is the most interesting hobby?
I don’t have any hobbies. I finish work at 5 pm every day The most boring? The most expensive? The most fun?
and just go home and watch TV; and on weekends, I sleep Do you like playing or watching any sports?
all day. I don’t like playing sports or doing exercise; I love Do you play any card games? board games? video games?
staying home. What hobby do you recommend? Do you collect anything?
Did you use to have a collection when you were younger?
SUSAN If you had lots of money, what would you like to collect?
My hobby is collecting stamps, but I have too many now Do you have any creative hobbies?
and it’s not interesting anymore. I’d like to start collecting What hobbies would you like to start doing?
something new. What should I collect? Would you like to learn something new?

33 BerlitzEnglish Level 2
10 UNIT A Do you have any hobbies?

1 Pre-task - Review
Learning objective Hobbies at home Outdoor hobbies Collection hobbies
Talking about hobbies

Creative hobbies Person Verb Creation

2 Task - Talking about hobbies

Role Card Describe your hobbies: What are they? How often do you do them? Why do you like them? Are they easy? Creative? Expensive?

BerlitzEnglish Level 2 34
10 UNIT B Do you have any hobbies?
Learning objectives Talking about leisure activities Planning a leisure activity

UNIT OVERVIEW 2. First enactment: Have the student tell you how they do each of 4
Grammar: adverbs; going to the activities on the list. 1. Task 2 - Planning a leisure activity
Vocabulary: careful, serious, frequent; fix, repair Have the student read Role Card 2.
Expressions: take something seriously 3. Post-task: Give praise, point out any mistakes, encourage 2.
self-correction, and give feedback on other areas such as style, First enactment: Role-play: Discuss your weekend plans for this
1 Pre-task 1 - Review intonation and pronunciation. coming weekend. Encourage the student to give details and ask
1. Tell the student they will talk about leisure activities in this lesson. questions.
4. Second enactment: If the student made many mistakes, do the 3.
2. Set a customized goal for the first objective. For example: same activity again. Otherwise, have them tell you how they do Post-task: Give praise, point out any mistakes, encourage
Talking about how I do leisure activities other leisure activities (using the adverbs practiced so far). self-correction, and give feedback on other areas such as style,
intonation and pronunciation.
3. Practice adverbs and their comparative and superlative forms by Confirm achievement of the first goal 4.
asking questions: Second enactment: If the student made many mistakes, do the
Is James a careful driver? (yes, a little / no) same activity again. Otherwise, talk about plans for a different
So he drives a little carefully / doesn’t drive carefully. 3 Pre-task 2 - Review period (eg. this summer).
Who drives more carefully than James? 1. Tell the student they will now talk about their plans for this
Confirm achievement of the second goal
Does Anna drive more carefully than Rob? coming weekend. Set a customized goal for the second objective.
So Anna drives the most carefully. Talking about my plans for this weekend

4. Have the student make three sentences with each verb: 2. Have the student tell you what Ray is going to do this weekend.
Anna studies English seriously. James studies more (Note: futsal is five-on-five indoor football/soccer).
seriously than her, but Rob studies the most seriously.
3. OPTIONAL: To contrast going to (used for plans) and will (used
Note: Be sure to point out that the following adverbs are for guesses/expectations) ask questions such as:
5. irregular and thus do not use the -ly suffix: Where is Ray going to play poker on Friday?
fast, good, high, bad, early, late How much money do you think he will lose?
What time is the concert going to start?
2 Task 1 - Talking about leisure activities What time will it probably finish?
1. Have the student read Role Card 1.

35 BerlitzEnglish Level 2
10 UNIT B Do you have any hobbies?

1 Pre-task 1 - Review 3 Pre-task 2 - Review

Learning objectives James Rob Anna
Talking about drive careful
FRIDAY after work — gym
leisure activities study English serious
3 poker night @ Mike’s
walk fast
Planning a leisure activity
sing beautiful
go shopping frequent
SATURDAY am — bike tour to Mt. Keys
learn quick
cook good
4 afternoon — movies w/ Kim

10:00 — drinks (The Tavern)

jump high
play bad
SUNDAY 12:00 — lunch @ mom’s
sleep quiet
traveled recent
5 2:30 — futsal

6:00 — Coldplay concert

go running early
read slow
go to the gym late

4 Task 2 - Planning a leisure activity

2 Task 1 - Talking about leisure activities
Talk about your leisure plans for this
Role Card 2
Role Card 1 Talk about how you do each of the activities above. coming weekend.

BerlitzEnglish Level 2 36
11 UNIT A Do you like to exercise?
Learning objectives Talking about exercise Discussing exercise routines

UNIT OVERVIEW 2. First enactment: Have the student explain why they are in or 4 Task 2 - Discussing exercise routines
Grammar: tag questions out of shape. Encourage them to elaborate. 1. Have the student read Role Card 2 and fill in the blank.
Vocabulary: in shape, out of shape; exercise, work out, gym;
lose/gain weight, stay in shape; fit, overweight 3. Post-task: Give praise, point out any mistakes, encourage 2. First enactment: Have the student explain their exercise routine.
self-correction, and give feedback on other areas such as style,
1 Pre-task 1 - Review intonation and pronunciation. 3. Post-task: Give praise, point out any mistakes, encourage
1. Tell the student they will talk about exercise in this lesson. self-correction, and give feedback on other areas such as style,
4. Second enactment: If the student made many mistakes, do the intonation and pronunciation.
2. Set a customized goal for the first objective. For example: same activity again. Otherwise, have them ask you about your
Describing my current physical condition health. 4. Second enactment: If the student made many mistakes, do the
same activity again. Otherwise, have them ask you about your
3. Ask questions about Arnold: Confirm achievement of the first goal routine.
Is Arnold in good health? (» in shape/fit)
Why does he exercise? (» to stay in shape)
Confirm achievement of the second goal
Why is he healthy? (» exercises, has a balanced diet, gets 3 Pre-task 2 - Review
enough sleep, doesn’t smoke, doesn’t drink much, goes to 1. Tell the student they will now discuss their exercise routine.
the gym, drinks plenty of water, etc...)
2. Set a customized goal for the second objective. For example:
4. Now ask questions about Marty: Discussing my current / old / dream exercise routine
Is Marty in shape? (» out of shape/overweight)
Why does he need to exercise? (» to lose weight) 3. Have the student fill in the blanks by asking you questions. For
Why is he unhealthy? (» doesn’t exercise, eats junk food, example:
doesn’t get enough sleep, smokes, drinks alcohol, etc...) Who does Jeremy go jogging with?
What park does he go to?
5. Have the student cover the answers and tell you about Arnold How long does he jog for?
and Marty.
4. Feel free to come up with your own answers.
2 Task 1 - Talking about exercise
1. Have the student read Role Card 1. 5. Do the same with Reuben’s story.

37 BerlitzEnglish Level 2
11 UNIT A Do you like to exercise?

1 Pre-task 1 - Review 3 Pre-task 2 - Review

Learning objectives Arnold is ______________________________
Jeremy goes jogging with ___________
He exercises in order to
Talking about exercise in ___________ Park. He jogs for
___________ every ___________. He
He is healthy because:
Discussing exercise
started jogging ___________ to
routines • ____________________________________
______________________. He likes
• ____________________________________

• ____________________________________ jogging ______________________.

Marty is ______________________________ Reuben goes swimming at

He needs to exercise in order to ___________ Gym ___________

_____________________________________ a week. He swims because

He is unhealthy because: ______________________. He

• ____________________________________ doesn’t like swimming much so in

• ____________________________________
the future, he’d like to
• ____________________________________
______________________ .

2 Task 1 - Talking about exercise

4 Task 2 - Discussing exercise routines
Role Card 1 Talk about your current physical situation.

Are you more like Arnold or like Marty? Role Card 2 Discuss your ________________ exercise routine.

BerlitzEnglish Level 2 38
11 UNIT B Do you like to exercise?
Learning objectives Describing exercise habits Choosing/calling a health club

UNIT OVERVIEW 3. Post-task: Give praise, point out any mistakes, encourage 4 Task 2 - Choosing/calling a health club
Grammar: tag questions self-correction, and give feedback on other areas such as style, 1. Have the student read Role Card 2.
Vocabulary: sit-ups, athlete, yoga; fitness center, membership, intonation and pronunciation.
weight room, facilities, health club 2. First enactment: Have the student call the health club, ask a few
4. Second enactment: If the student made many mistakes, do the questions and sign up for a membership.
1 Pre-task 1 - Review same activity again. Otherwise, have them ask you about the
1. Tell the student they will talk about exercise habits in this lesson. types of exercise you’d like to try someday. 3. Post-task: Give praise, point out any mistakes, encourage
self-correction, and give feedback on other areas such as style,
2. Set a customized goal for the first objective. For example: Confirm achievement of the first goal intonation and pronunciation.
Talking about types of exercise I’d like to try
4. Second enactment: If the student made many mistakes, do the
3. Have the student fill in the blanks with tag questions. 3 Pre-task 2 - Review same activity again. Otherwise, have them call a local gym.
1. Tell the student they will now practice calling a health club. Ask a
4. Dictate the following tag questions and have the student make few warm-up questions.
a sentence with each. Do you go to a gym? Why or why not? Confirm achievement of the second goal

... don’t you? ... isn’t he? If they do, ask: What do you like about your gym?
... are you? ... can they? What don’t you like?
... doesn’t she? ... weren’t you? What factors are important when choosing a gym?
... do you? ... was he?
... won’t you? ... aren’t you? 2. Set a customized goal for the second objective. For example:
... can you? ... are they? Calling Fitness PRO to ask for information

3. Have the student read the ad about Fitness PRO. Assist with
2 Task 1 - Describing exercise habits vocabulary as needed.
1. Have the student read Role Card 1.
4. Ask a few follow-up questions:
2. First enactment: Have the student tell you about types of What do you like / dislike about this health club?
exercise they would like to try. How does it compare to yours / the ones in your country?
What is the special offer at this health club?

39 BerlitzEnglish Level 2
11 UNIT B Do you like to exercise?

1 Pre-task 1 - Review 3 Pre-task 2 - Review

Learning objectives
You go to the gym, ______________?
Describing exercise
Betty exercises every day, ______________? FITNESS
Your boss loves playing tennis, ______________?

Choosing/calling a Your parents like walking, ______________?

health club
You don’t ride a bicycle, ______________?

Kyle works out at night, ______________?

Sophie doesn’t play soccer, ______________?

All your friends do yoga, ______________?

- Yoga & Zumba Classes - 3 Weight Rooms
America’s #1 Fitness Center
You can do 50 sit-ups, ______________? - 2 Olympic-size Pools - Modern Facilities
with over 300 locations
- Personalized Training - Flexible Schedules
Your wife used to be a pro athlete, ______________?

We didn’t go to the gym last week, ______________? 1-800-FITNESS

You have a baseball game after work, ______________? Fitness PRO 2x1 Sign up with a friend and get
50% off* the membership fee

Sarah started doing Pilates, ______________?

* Some restrictions apply. Valid for the month of August only.
Ask about our onthly and annual memberships.

2 Task 1 - Describing exercise habits

4 Task 2 - Choosing/calling a health club
Role Card 1 Discuss what types of exercise you would like

to try / start doing in the future. Role Card 2 Call Fitness PRO and ask about their services.

BerlitzEnglish Level 2 40

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