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Laptop Sale Management System by

Using Chatbot
Software Requirements Specification

Version 1.0

Group Id:

Supervisor Name
Revision History
Date Version Description Author
02-06-2019 1.0 Laptop Sales Management
System by using Chabot used in
B2C E-commerce domain. It
facilitates the environment for
every customer based on
specific laptop requirements.
Our Chabot offers support by
providing list of laptops and
adaptive guidance to specific
Table of Contents

1. Scope (of the project)

2. Functional Requirements Non Functional requirements

3. Use Case Diagram

4. Usage Scenarios

5. Adopted Methodology

6. Work Plan (Use MS Project to create Schedule/Work Plan)

SRS Document

Scope of Project:
Proposed Laptop Sales Management System by using Chabot used in
B2C E-commerce domain. It facilitates the environment for every customer based
on specific laptop requirements. Our Chabot offers support by providing list of
laptops and adaptive guidance to specific customers.
The goal of proposed system is to perform following activities.
 Customer used the CustomerID and password to access the Laptop Sales
Management System. Pop up window should be displayed at the bottom
right of our Laptop Sales Management System by prompting the customer
for any kind of guidance.
 The first priority of chatbot is to satisfy the customers that reach out the
website. Customers reaching your page, app or website have to select the
specific laptop to be selected. Selection of laptop enables you to offer
customers a personalized offering of list of laptops based on customer
required laptop specification.
 Search results, personalized merchandising of laptops, recommendations
can help your customer find specific laptop specifications. When your
customer online activity indicates willingness to buy laptop however,
customer is not buying, it may be a good time to probe what customer is
exactly looking for. A conversational interface allows you to ask probing
questions and understand your customers’ intent better.
 Search result should be displayed the list of laptops with respect to
processor generation, RAM capacity and hard disk sizes.
 Your customer may be looking for a better price and believes qualifies for a
discount. Understanding if customer falls into one of your segments
qualifying for a discount and offering that discount immediately can reduce
friction in buying laptops.
 Chatbot judge the customer behavior and suggest the specific latpot
according to his budget.
 Conversation Flow -- When a human talks to a human, he or she rarely
plans the entire dialog in advance. When a human talks to a bot, this
conversation has to be guided. The thing is, conversation flow is a dialog
tree. It visualizes expected user-bot interactions and makes sure every user
request is covered by some part of the bot’s logics. To make conversation
flow smooth and efficient, it’s important to apply the best practices and
build chatbot. For this Machine learning algorithms are used by taking into
account business objectives and customer’ expectations.
 Chatbot should already be “taught” common questions so that it will be
able to answer customer questions and respond immediately to customer’
 Once the customer has selected the required laptop, chatbot should properly
guide the customer of payment method.
 Chabot should also guide the customer about the product guarantee in case
of malfunctions for specific time period.
 For successful human-like interaction, chatbots need a perfect tone and
dialect. To achieve coherence, a character is used to effectively
communicate in audio synced with the text.
 Chatbot used a list of Frequently Asked Questions to generate a chatbot’s
list of pre-programmed queries and responses.
Functional and non Functional Requirements:

Functional Requirements:
Functional requirements explain what has to be done by identifying the necessary task,
action or activity that must be accomplished. Functional requirements analysis will be
used as the top level functions for functional analysis.
Now-a-days E-commerce business is growing very rapidly. E-commerce or internet
commerce refers to the buying and selling of goods or services using the internet, and the
transfer of money and data to execute these transactions. Our proposed Laptop Sales
Management System by using Chabot used in B2C E-commerce domain. It facilitates the
environment for every customer based on specific laptop requirements. Our Chabot offers
support by providing list of laptops and adaptive guidance to specific customers.

 New Customer can registration in our web site.

 Admin can Login in our web site. Customer used the CustomerID and
password to access the Laptop Sales Management System.

Search product:
 Customer can search the various Products.

View Laptop and Laptop category:

 Customer can view the product and Laptop category in our web site. Search
result should be displayed the list of laptops with respect to processor
Conversation Flow
 In this application conversation facility included, in which customers
directly communicate which each other.

Manage Products and Product category:

 Admin can manage all type Products and Product category.
Chatbot Functionality

Conversational interface
 A conversational interface allows the customers to ask probing questions
and understand your customers’ intent better.
Chabot should also guide the customer about the product
 Chabot should also guide the customer about the product guarantee in case
of malfunctions for specific time period.
Effectively communicate
 To achieve coherence, a character is used to effectively communicate in
audio synced with the text.
Generate Chatbot’s List
 Chatbot used a list of Frequently Asked Questions to generate a chatbot’s
list of pre-programmed queries and responses.

Non Functional Requirement:

Non-functional requirements are requirements that specify criteria that can be used to
judge the operation of a system, rather than specific behaviors.
Functional requirements care what system can do. Non-functional requirements care what
the systems qualities are. The non-functional requirements include usability, performance
and security. In this project, we get Non-Functional Requirements by reading,
questionnaire and interview.

Performance Requirements

 Any page of the application should not take more than 6 seconds to load on a DSL
broadband connection.
 The application should be able to support 100 concurrent users without any
performance degradation.
 When an online Electronic Store implemented customer can purchase product in
an efficient manner.
Scalability Requirements
 The system should be able to scale up to 500 concurrent users (if there is a need in
the future) by installing additional hardware components.

Reliability/Availability Requirements
 The system has to be online 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. There is no place for
an extended downtime, especially when the project goes International, and time
zones will control the traffic load.
 The system should provide a reliable environment to both customers and owner.
All orders should be reaching at the admin without any errors.

Security Requirements
 There needs to be clearly defined roles of the users. These users are 'customer’
and 'administrator'. Each person that goes to the system's website will be required
to register if they want to do more than just read / browse site content.
 A secure server will be required to ensure confidentiality of customer’s personal
information and other details.
 Because of the different roles, passwords and user accounts must be implemented
properly. It should be difficult to gain access to the site in an illegal manner.

 The user interface of the system should be very user friendly.
 It should not take more than 120 seconds for a new user to register for an account.
 It should not take more than 90 seconds for a registered user to place an order.
 The Online store is designed for user friendly environment and ease of user.

Items Requirements
Configuration Our System properly configured in the
Ease of learning A user who has never seen the user
interface before can
learn it sufficiently well to accomplish
basic tasks, e.g.
Can use the system to order one product in
20 minutes.
Efficiency of use An experienced user has learned to use the
system can
finished the select and order 2 products in
10 minutes
User Friendly Our system has user friendly graphically
user interface.
Integrity How the system would insecure the
information in the system and how it
avoids the data losses
Supportability Our system can support different operating

Performance Our system performs efficiently. Quickly

add Products and update Products.
System can store the records for long time.

Robustness Strength of the system to handle system

functions accurately and maintains the
database without facing to unexpected

Tools: JSP, SQL server 2012, Dialogflow, IBM Watson, Microsoft Bot
Framework,,, Chatfuel.

Use Case Diagram(s):

Usage Scenarios

1. Login
Use Case Title: Login
Use Case Id: 1
Functional Req. ID HR-LOG-001
Description: This use case will allow the login into the system by using password and
Alternative Path:
Pre-Conditions:  Database should be connected with the Application.
 Application should be running properly
Task Sequence Exceptions
Administrator, Member clicks on Login Page URL in the Main Menu. User is not
By clicking on Login button after getting input through entry of user name login.
and password , a user is redirected to it dashboard.
All session data has been initialized based upon the role of the user.

Post Conditions: A user is successfully logged in.

All users’ related data is saved.
Unresolved Issue:  Computer hangs up and ceases.
 Request is timed out after long waiting.
 Application does not respond in timely manner.
Authority: Administrator
Modification history: 1.0

2. Register
Use Case Title: Register
Use Case Id: 2
Functional Req. ID HR-Reg-002
Description: This use case will allow the Member to Register in the system .
Alternative Path:
Pre-Conditions:  Database should be connected with the Application.
 Application should be running properly
Task Sequence Exceptions
User clicks on Register Page in the Main Menu.
By Clicking Add New Member, new Member will be registered after getting
input through entry form.
New Member Account is waiting for Approval from Administrator
In new web page, Member updates different data in Login data entry form.
System successfully Register user as Member into application database.
Post Conditions: All Member related data is saved.
Member Status is successfully updated.
Unresolved Issue:  Computer hangs up and ceases.
 Request is timed out after long waiting.
 Application does not respond in timely manner.
Authority: Member
Modification history: 1.0

3. Displayed list of Laptop

Use Case Title: Display list of Laptop

Use Case Id: 3
Functional Req. ID HR-CAT-003
Description: Search result should be displayed the list of laptops with respect to
processor generation.
Alternative Path:
Pre-Conditions:  Database should be connected with the Application.
 Application should be running properly
 Administrator , Customers must be logged in.
Task Sequence Exceptions
Admin clicks on Manage Laptop Category Page in the Main Menu.
By Clicking Add New Category, new Category will be added after getting
input through entry form.
Any existing data can be managed selecting Edit/Delete link in Category
In new web page, Administrator updates different data in Category data
entry form.
System successfully Adds / updates/ Displayed the data into application
Post Conditions: All Categories related data is saved.
Category is successfully updated.
Unresolved Issue:  Computer hangs up and ceases.
 Request is timed out after long waiting.
 Application does not respond in timely manner.
Authority: Administrator
Modification history: 1.0

4. Conversation Flow
Use Case Title: Conversation Flow
Use Case Id: 4
Functional Req. ID HR-LOG-004
Description: When a human talks to a human, he or she rarely plans the entire dialog in
advance. When a human talks to a bot, this conversation has to be guided.
Alternative Path:
Pre-Conditions:  Database should be connected with the Application.
 Application should be running properly
Task Sequence Exceptions
conversation flow is a dialog tree. It visualizes expected user-bot failed
interactions and makes sure every user request is covered by some
part of the bot’s logics.
Machine learning algorithms are used by taking into account business
objectives and customer’ expectations

5. Judge Customers Behavior

Use Case Title: 1. Judge Customers Behavior
Use Case Id: 5
Functional Req. ID HR-LOG-005
Description: Chatbot judge the customer behavior and suggest the specific laptop
according to his budget.
Alternative Path:
Pre-Conditions:  Database should be connected with the Application.
 Application should be running properly
Task Sequence Exceptions
All process running successfully failed

6. Chatbot Taught Common Question

Use Case Title: Chatbot Taught Common Question
Use Case Id: 6
Functional Req. ID HR-LOG-006
Description: Chatbot should already be “taught” common questions
Alternative Path:
Pre-Conditions:  Database should be connected with the Application.
 Application should be running properly
Task Sequence Exceptions
Chatbot should already be “taught” common questions so that it will failed
be able to answer customer questions and respond immediately to
customer’ queries.

7. Properly About Laptop and payment method

Use Case Title: Properly About Laptop and payment method
Use Case Id: 7
Functional Req. ID HR-LOG-007
Description: Chabot should also guide the customer about the product
Alternative Path:
Pre-Conditions:  Database should be connected with the Application.
 Application should be running properly
Task Sequence Exceptions
Chabot should also guide the customer about the product guarantee in failed
case of malfunctions for specific time period.
Once the customer has selected the required laptop, chatbot should
properly guide the customer of payment method.

8. Effectively Communicate
Use Case Title: Effectively Communicate
Use Case Id: 8
Functional Req. ID HR-LOG-008
Description: effectively communicate in audio synced with the text.
Alternative Path:
Pre-Conditions:  Database should be connected with the Application.
 Application should be running properly
Task Sequence Exceptions
For successful human-like interaction, chatbots need a perfect tone failed
and dialect.
To achieve coherence, a character is used to effectively communicate
in audio synced with the text.
9. Generate Chatbot’s List
Use Case Title: Generate Chatbot’s List
Use Case Id: 9
Functional Req. ID HR-LOG-009
Description: effectively communicate in audio synced with the text.
Alternative Path:
Pre-Conditions:  Database should be connected with the Application.
 Application should be running properly
Task Sequence Exceptions
Chatbot used a list of Frequently Asked Questions to generate a failed
chatbot’s list of pre-programmed queries and responses.

Adopted Methodology


1.1 Waterfall method

The waterfall model is a breakdown of project activities into
linear sequential phases, where each phase depends on the deliverables of the
previous one and corresponds to a specialisation of tasks. The approach is typical for
certain areas of engineering design. In software development, it tends to be among the
less iterative and flexible approaches, as progress flows in largely one direction
("downwards" like a waterfall) through the phases of conception initiation, Analysis,
design, construction, testing, deployment and maintenance.
A waterfall model with feedback can be very effective choice to design a system that
is clearly described. In this case only a few minor changes can be made in system
design or its requirements. Also Waterfall model creates completed results in each
phase being done and forever.
Waterfall with feedback

1.2 Spiral Model

Spiral Model is a combination of a waterfall model and iterative model. The spiral model
is a software development process combining elements of both design and prototyping-
in-stages, in an effort to combine advantages of top-down and bottom-up concepts.
The spiral model is a risk-driven software development process model. Based on the
unique risk patterns of a given project, the spiral model guides a team to adopt elements
of one or more process models, such as incremental, waterfall, or evolutionary
The spiral model combines the idea of iterative development with the systematic,
controlled aspects of the waterfall model. It allows for incremental releases of the
product, or incremental refinement through each time around the spiral. The spiral model
also explicitly includes risk management within software development. Identifying major
risks and determining how to avoid and remove the risks, helps keep the software
development process under control.
Spiral Model Phases
Spiral Model Activities performed during phase

Planning  It includes estimating the cost, schedule and resources for the
iteration. It also involves understanding the system requirements
for continuous communication between the system analyst and
the customer

Risk Analysis  Identification of potential risk is done while risk mitigation

strategy is planned and finalized

Engineering  It includes testing, coding and deploying software at the customer


Evaluation  Evaluation of software by the customer. Also, includes

identifying and monitoring risks such as schedule slippage and
cost overrun
1.3 Feature Driven Development (FDD)

Feature Driven Development (FDD) is a software engineering methodology devised

by Jeff De Luca and influenced by Peter Coad’s approach to object modeling. FDD is
a model-driven process, distinguishing itself from some other agile methods by
explicitly allowing time for the creation of an up-front design.

1.4 Rapid Prototype Model

This model of software development is based on creating prototypes of software

applications throughout the SDLC to achieve more acceptances (validation) from the
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Adopted methodology for Laptop Sale Management Using Chatbot is VU Process
model. This methodology is a combination of Waterfall and Spiral methodologies of
software development.


 In VU process Model the advantages of Waterfall and Spiral Model are

combined to improve the development of progress model.
 Iterative risk analysis and revisions provide prior review for the
improvements in the proposed solution.
 Development process is controlled and leaner towards the final solution.
Work Plan (Use MS Project to create Schedule/Work Plan)

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