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Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)

FY 2017 Budget Request At A Glance

FY 2016 Enacted: $8,798.8 million (35,158 positions; 3,100 intelligence
analysts; 13,084 agents)
Current Services Adjustments: -$108.0 million

Program Changes: +$811.6 million

FY 2017 Budget Request: $9,502.4 million (34,768 positions; 2,999 intelligence

analysts; 12,892 agents)
Change From FY 2016 Enacted: +$703.6 million (+8.0%) (-390 positions; -101 intelligence
analysts; -192 agents)

Mission: Organization:

The mission of the FBI is to protect and defend the United The FBI is headed by a Director, who is appointed by the
States against terrorist and foreign intelligence threats, to President and confirmed by the Senate. FBI Headquarters,
uphold and enforce the criminal laws of the United States, located in Washington, DC, provides centralized operational,
and to provide leadership and criminal justice services to policy, and administrative support to FBI investigations.
federal, state, municipal, and international agencies and The FBI operates 56 field offices in major U.S. cities and
partners. over 350 resident agencies (RAs) throughout the country.
RAs are satellite offices that allow the FBI to maintain a
presence in and serve local communities. The FBI also
operates over 60 Legal Attaché (Legat) offices and over 20
sub-offices in 70 foreign countries around the world.
Additionally, there are several specialized facilities and
analytical centers within the FBI that are located across the
country, such as the Criminal Justice Information Services
Division in Clarksburg, WV; the Terrorist Explosive Device
Analytical Center in Huntsville, AL; and the FBI Academy
and Laboratory at Quantico, VA.

Resources: Personnel:

The FY 2017 budget request for FBI totals $9,502 million, The FBI's direct positions for FY 2017 total 34,768 positions.
which is an 8.0% increase over the FY 2016 Enacted. FBI's FY 2017 request includes a decrease of -390 positions
from the FY 2016 Enacted of 35,158 direct positions.

Funding (FY 2014 - 2017) Personnel (FY 2014 - 2017)

$8,000 30,000
$ in millions

$6,000 20,000

$4,000 10,000
$2,000 2014 2015 2016 2017
$0 Positions 34,956 35,037 35,158 34,768
2014 2015 2016 2017
Special Agents* [14,050] [14,061] [14,061] [13,906]
Appropriation $8,246 $8,327 $8,490 $8,719
Intelligence Analysts* [3,253] [3,290] [3,323] [3,222]
Construction $97 $110 $309 $783

* Includes Reimbursable Positions

FY 2017 Strategy: FY 2017 Program Changes:

The FBI is an intelligence-driven and threat-focused Salaries and Expenses

national security organization with both intelligence and law
enforcement responsibilities—the principal investigative Cyber: $85.1 million and 0 positions
arm of the U.S. Department of Justice and a full member of The requested funding will build on the progress and
the U.S. Intelligence Community (IC). It has the authority development of the FBI’s cyber efforts, which remain a
and responsibility to investigate specific crimes assigned to priority for the Director. The FBI will obtain updated and
it and to provide other law enforcement agencies with sophisticated IT hardware, IT software, and contractors to
cooperative services, such as fingerprint identification, expand the foundation of its offensive and defensive
laboratory examinations, and training. This combination of operations. Additionally, funding will provide cyber-related
authorities gives the FBI the unique ability to address training for the FBI’s workforce on technical matters and
national security and criminal threats that are increasingly technology to combat highly sophisticated cyber threat
intertwined and to shift between the use of intelligence actors. FY 2017 current services for this initiative are 1,753
tools, such as surveillance or recruiting sources, and law positions (897 agents) and $541.4 million.
enforcement tools of arrest and prosecution. The FBI can
shift seamlessly between intelligence collection and action Foreign Intelligence and Insider Threat: $19.9 million and
allowing the agency to continue gathering intelligence on a 0 positions
subject to learn more about his social and financial network, The requested funding will address threats posed by foreign
and shift gears quickly to make an arrest if harm to an intelligence and insiders. This initiative includes funding to
innocent person appears imminent. The threat of acquire criminal activity data from multiple CJIS programs for
prosecution, in turn, is also used to encourage cooperation the integration into the Continuous Evaluation (CE) Program
to support further intelligence gathering. per an Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI)
Director Decision Document (DDD). Current services for
The FBI also gathers, shares, and analyzes this initiative are 31 positions (17 agents) and $25.8 million.
intelligence—both to support its own investigations and
those of its partners and to better understand and combat Going Dark: $38.3 million and 0 positions
the security threats facing the United States. The FBI has The requested funding will counter the threat of Going Dark,
divided its investigations into a number of programs, such which includes the inability to access data because of
as domestic and international terrorism, foreign challenges related to encryption, mobility, anonymization,
counterintelligence, cyber, public corruption, civil rights, and more. The FBI will develop and acquire tools for
organized crime/drugs, white-collar crime, violent crimes electronic device analysis, cryptanalytic capability, and
and major offenders, and weapons of mass destruction. forensic tools. Current services for this initiative are 39
The FBI’s investigative philosophy emphasizes close positions (11 agents) and 31.0 million.
relations and information sharing with other federal, state,
local, and international law enforcement and intelligence Transnational Organized Crime: $6.8 million and 0
agencies. A significant number of FBI investigations are positions
conducted in concert with other law enforcement agencies The requested funding will augment existing information
or as part of joint task forces. technology (IT) systems to create a consolidated
Transnational Organized Criminal (TOC) Watchlist and to
The FBI’s budget strategy is based on its understanding of formalize the TOC screening processes. Current services
current and future national security and criminal for this initiative are 184 positions (14 agents) and $83.7
investigative threats. From this threat-based million.
understanding, the FBI has identified critical
enterprise-wide capabilities needed to perform its mission. IC ITE: $27.0 million and 0 positions
This approach is used to plan for the FBI’s future resource The request will increase the FBI’s collaboration with the IC
requirements with the caveat that it is not possible to predict by leveraging IC Information Technology Enterprise (ITE).
with certainty who will be the future adversary. Future Current services for this initiative are three positions and
capabilities are designed to enable the FBI to address the $10.3 million.
range of expected national security threats and crime
problems regardless of who perpetrates the act. Physical Surveillance: $8.2 million and 36 positions (18
The FY 2017 budget will enable the FBI to meet these The requested funding will improve the FBI's ability to
threats and crime problems and operate successfully in a conduct physical surveillance on the highest priority targets.
challenging external environment. Included are key Current services for this initiative are 1,770 positions (549
enhancements to expand the FBI’s Cyber, Foreign agents) and $297.8 million.
Intelligence, Going Dark, Transnational Organized Crime
Screening, and Physical Surveillance programs, and to Biometrics Technology Center (BTC) O&M: $7.4 million
support information technology infrastructure efforts and and 0 positions
the National Instant Criminal Background Check System This request supports the Operations and Maintenance
(NICS). The request also includes funding for operations (O&M) requirements of the FBI's BTC, which is slated to be
and maintenance (O&M) of the Biometrics Technology fully outfitted and occupied by the end of FY 2016. It contains
Center in Clarksburg, WV. two parts—the facility O&M of $4.4 million and IT O&M of
$2.9 million. There are no current services for this
NICS: $35.0 million and 0 positions Construction
The request will sustain investments made in NICS during FY
2016 to enable the FBI to keep up with increases in the Data Center Transformation Initiative: $85.0 million and 0
volume of firearms background checks. Current services for positions
this initiative are 668 positions and $86.1 million. Funding is to continue the department’s ongoing initiative to
consolidate data centers into three Core Enterprise Facilities
Program Offset - Non-Recur FY 2016 Enhancements: (CEFs). The Data Center Transformation Initiative is a
-$73.6 million and -46 positions (-10 agents) multi-year effort to consolidate and optimize data center
In the FY 2016 appropriation, the FBI received additional infrastructure and services. It will enhance security, mission
funding and positions to enhance several programs, including responsiveness, reliability, and performance, while reducing
the Hazardous Devices School (HDS), the Terrorist the department's energy costs. There are no current
Explosive Device Analytical Center (TEDAC), and programs services for this initiative.
that support the FBI’s counterterrorism, counterintelligence,
and physical surveillance capabilities. This funding is FBI Headquarters: $646.0 million and 0 positions
non-recurred in FY 2017. FBI Headquarters: $646.0 million and 0 positions Funding is
for planning and construction of the FBI’s new headquarters
Program Offset - Permanent Personnel Reduction (380 facility. The current FBI headquarters is obsolete,
FTE): -$57.0 million and -380 positions (-200 agents) inefficient, costly to maintain, and would be prohibitively
This reduction eliminates 380 lower priority positions, some expensive to modernize. Multiple satellite offices are
of which are currently vacant and some of which will become located at leased locations throughout the National Capitol
vacant through attrition. Region. The new facility will promote information sharing by
exploiting synergies previously stovepiped in the FBI.
Rescission - CJIS Balances: -$150.0 million and 0 positions Unifying the FBI headquarters personnel into a modern
This reduction is from the automation funding portion of the facility will allow it to better address its complex national
fees collected for fingerprint-based criminal history record security and crime prevention work. The FY 2016 Omnibus
information checks. provided $180 million in one-time funding for the new
construction, and allows the FBI to use up to $135 million of
Balance Transfer to Construction: -$85.0 million and 0 prior year balances for design and preconstruction activities.
positions The FY 2017 request includes $646 million for the FBI, $759
The FBI proposes to transfer S&E prior-year balances to million for GSA to complete the construction, and includes a
Construction for the priority construction projects. provision to use up to $315 million from prior year balances
should additional funds be needed. Additionally, the FBI
Rescission - Balance Offsets: -$73.6 million and 0 may use the proceeds from the sale of the current property to
positions support this effort. There are no current services for this
The rescission cancels $53 million in prior year balances, $12 initiative.
million in GSA reimbursable work authority (RWAs), and $9
million in excess TEDAC balances.
Program Offset - Reduced Secure Work Environment
Requirement: -$16.5 million and 0 positions
The construction request also includes a $16.5 million
reduction for the Secure Work Environment (SWE)
requirements. The reduction reflects the lower projected FY
2017 requirements for constructing Sensitive
Compartmented Information Facilities (SCIF) and Sensitive
Compartmented Information Network (SCINet).
Federal Bureau of Investigation
(Dollars in Thousands)

FBI Salaries and Expenses FBI Construction Total

Pos. FTE Amount Pos. FTE Amount Pos. FTE Amount
2015 Appropriation 35,037 31,773 8,326,569 0 0 110,000 35,037 31,773 8,436,569

2016 Enacted 35,158 33,372 8,489,786 0 0 308,982 35,158 33,372 8,798,768

2016 Balance Rescission 0 0 -80,767 0 0 0 0 0 -80,767
2016 Enacted 35,158 33,372 8,409,019 0 0 308,982 35,158 33,372 8,718,001

2017 Request 34,768 33,024 8,718,884 0 0 783,482 34,768 33,024 9,502,366

Change 2017 from 2016 Enacted -390 -348 309,865 0 0 474,500 -390 -348 784,365
Technical Adjustments
Restoration of Rescission - FBI CJIS 0 0 80,767 0 0 0 0 0 80,767
Total Technical Adjustments 0 0 80,767 0 0 0 0 0 80,767
Base Adjustments
Pay & Benefits 0 37 76,705 0 0 0 0 37 76,705
Domestic Rent & Facilities 0 0 49,412 0 0 0 0 0 49,412
Other Adjustments 0 0 2,719 0 0 0 0 0 2,719
Foreign Expenses 0 0 3,123 0 0 0 0 0 3,123
Non-Personnel Related Decreases 0 0 0 0 0 -240,000 0 0 -240,000
Total Base Adjustments 0 37 131,959 0 0 -240,000 0 37 -108,041
2017 Current Services 35,158 33,409 8,621,745 0 0 68,982 35,158 33,409 8,690,727
Program Changes
FBI Headquarters 0 0 0 0 0 646,000 0 0 646,000
Cyber 0 0 85,138 0 0 0 0 0 85,138
Foreign Intelligence and Insider
0 0 19,927 0 0 0 0 0 19,927
Going Dark 0 0 38,327 0 0 0 0 0 38,327
Transnational Organized Crime 0 0 6,779 0 0 0 0 0 6,779
IC ITE 0 0 26,997 0 0 0 0 0 26,997
Physical Surveillance 36 18 8,242 0 0 0 36 18 8,242
Biometrics Technology Center (BTC)
0 0 7,375 0 0 0 0 0 7,375
NICS 0 0 35,000 0 0 0 0 0 35,000
Data Center Transformation Initiative 0 0 0 0 0 85,000 0 0 85,000
Subtotal, Program Increases 36 18 227,785 0 0 731,000 36 18 958,785
Program Non-Recur FY 2016
-46 -23 -73,646 0 0 0 -46 -23 -73,646
Program Offset - Permanent
-380 -380 -57,000 0 0 0 -380 -380 -57,000
Personnel Reduction (380 FTE)
Reduced Secure Work Environment
0 0 0 0 0 -16,500 0 0 -16,500
Subtotal, Program Decreases -426 -403 -130,646 0 0 -16,500 -426 -403 -147,146
Total Program Changes -390 -385 97,139 0 0 714,500 -390 -385 811,639
2017 Request 34,768 33,024 8,718,884 0 0 783,482 34,768 33,024 9,502,366
Balance Transfer to Construction 0 0 -85,000 0 0 0 0 0 -85,000
Rescission - Balance Offsets 0 0 -73,586 0 0 0 0 0 -73,586
Rescission - CJIS Balances 0 0 -150,000 0 0 0 0 0 -150,000
2017 Request with Rescission 34,768 33,024 8,410,298 0 0 783,482 34,768 33,024 9,193,780
Change 2017 from 2016 Enacted -390 -348 1,279 0 0 474,500 -390 -348 475,779
FBI Salaries and Expenses
(Dollars in Thousands)

2016 Enacted 2017 Current Services

Comparison by activity and program Pos. FTE Amount Pos. FTE Amount

Intelligence 7,191 6,804 1,689,10 7,192 6,820 1,744,77

Counterterrorism/Counterintelligence 13,210 12,486 3,436,65 13,204 12,483 3,518,99

Criminal Enterprises/Federal Crimes 12,531 12,006 2,887,24 12,532 11,989 2,889,70

Criminal Justice Services 2,226 2,076 476,782 2,230 2,117 468,272

Total 35,158 33,372 8,489,78 35,158 33,409 8,621,74

Reimbursable FTE 0 3,054 0 0 3,054 0

Balance Rescission 0 0 -80,767 0 0 0

Grand Total 35,158 36,426 8,409,01 35,158 36,463 8,621,74

2017 Total Program Changes 2017 Request

Comparison by activity and program Pos. FTE Amount Pos. FTE Amount

Intelligence -129 -125 -7,809 7,063 6,695 1,736,96

Counterterrorism/Counterintelligence -138 -140 44,232 13,066 12,343 3,563,22

Criminal Enterprises/Federal Crimes -118 -115 22,688 12,414 11,874 2,912,39

Criminal Justice Services -5 -5 38,028 2,225 2,112 506,300

Total -390 -385 97,139 34,768 33,024 8,718,88

Reimbursable FTE 0 0 0 0 3,054 0

Balance Rescission 0 0 -308,586 0 0 -308,586

Grand Total -390 -385 -211,447 34,768 36,078 8,410,29

FBI Construction
(Dollars in Thousands)

2016 Enacted 2017 Current Services

Comparison by activity and program Pos. FTE Amount Pos. FTE Amount

FBI Construction 0 0 308,982 0 0 68,982

Total 0 0 308,982 0 0 68,982

Reimbursable FTE 0 0 0 0 0 0

Grand Total 0 0 308,982 0 0 68,982

2017 Total Program Changes 2017 Request

Comparison by activity and program Pos. FTE Amount Pos. FTE Amount

FBI Construction 0 0 714,500 0 0 783,482

Total 0 0 714,500 0 0 783,482

Reimbursable FTE 0 0 0 0 0 0

Grand Total 0 0 714,500 0 0 783,482

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