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A Complete Chapter Quiz

Remote Logging, Electronic Mail,

and File Transfer

Compilation of all the quizzes (MCQs) for each and every chapters in the book of Data
Communications and Networking 4th Edition by Behrouz A. Forouzan.

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MCQs in Remote Logging, Electronic Mail, and File Transfer
1. When both sender and receiver are 6. NVT uses two sets of characters, one
connected to a mail server via a LAN or for _____and one for __________.
a WAN, we need A) sending; receiving
___________________. B) request; reply
A) two UAs, two pairs of MTAs, C) data; control
and a pair of MAAs D) none of the above
B) two UAs, and two pairs of MTAs 7. In FTP, ASCII, EBCDIC, and image
C) two UAs, two pairs of MTAs, define an attribute called _______.
and two pairs of MAAs A) file type
D) none of the above B) data structure
2. The actual mail transfer is done C) transmission mode
through ____________. D) none of the above
A) UAs 8. The third stage in an email transfer
B) MTAs needs a ________ protocol.
C) MAAs A) pull
D) none of the above B) push
3. If the sender wants an option enabled C) both a and b
by the receiver, it sends a _______ D) none of the above
command. 9. _______ is the standard mechanism
A) WILL provided by TCP/IP for copying a file
B) DO from one host to another.
D) none of the above B) SMTP
4. When the sender is connected to the C) TFTP
mail server via a LAN or a WAN, we need D) none of the above
______________. 10. In the _______ mode, each character
A) two MTA typed is sent by the client to the server.
B) two UAs and two pairs of MTAs A) default
C) two UAs and a pair of MTAs B) character
D) none of the above C) line
5. The ________ usually contains the D) none of the above
sender address, the receiver address, 11. The _______ is software residing on
and other information. the remote system that allows the remote
A) message system to receive characters from a
B) envelope TELNET server.
C) both a and b A) terminal driver
D) none of the above B) pseudoterminal driver
C) TELNET client

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MCQs in Remote Logging, Electronic Mail, and File Transfer
D) none of the above C) temporary
12. FTP uses the services of ________. D) none of the above
A) UDP 18. The third stage in an email transfer
B) IP uses a(n) ________ protocol.
D) none of the above B) MTA
13. For the control connection, FTP uses C) MAA
the __________ character set. D) none of the above
A) regular ASCII 19. TELNET uses only one TCP
B) EBCDIC connection. The server uses ________
C) NVT ASCII port and the client uses ________ port.
D) none of the above A) a well-known; another well-
14. In FTP, when we _______, it is known
copied from the client to the server. B) an ephemeral; another
A) retrieve a file ephemeral
B) store a file C) a well-known; an ephemeral
C) retrieve a list D) none of the above
D) none of the above 20. For control, NVT uses US ASCII
15. During an FTP session the data characters with the highest order bit set
connection is opened _______. to ______.
A) exactly once A) 1
B) exactly twice B) 0
C) as many times as necessary C) a or b
D) none of the above D) none of the above
16. In FTP, _______ is the service type 21. The formal protocol that defines the
used by the IP protocol because this is MTA client and server in the Internet is
an interactive connection between a user called ___________.
(human) and a server. A) SMTP
A) maximize throughput B) SNMP
B) minimize delay C) TELNET
C) minimize error D) none of the above
D) none of the above 22. _________ is a supplementary
17. When a user wants to access an protocol that allows non-ASCII data to be
application program or utility located on a sent through email.
remote machine, he or she performs A) JPEG
___________ login. B) MPEG
A) local C) MIME
B) remote D) none of the above

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MCQs in Remote Logging, Electronic Mail, and File Transfer
23. Which of the following services is not 29. ________ is part of a local hard drive,
provided by a UA? a special file with permission restrictions.
A) composing messages A) A message
B) reading messages B) A response
C) replying messages C) An agent
D) all are D) none of the above
24. If the sender wants to enable an 30. ________ provides service to the
option, it sends a _______ command. user to make the process of sending and
A) WILL receiving a message easier.
D) none of the above C) A UA
25. In FTP, when we _______, it is D) none of the above
copied from the server to the client. 31. The message contains the ________
A) retrieve a file and the __________.
B) retrieve a list A) header; envelop
C) a and b B) header; body
D) none of the above C) envelop; body
26. TELNET is an abbreviation for D) none of the above
____________. 32. In the ____ mode, line editing
A) terminal network (echoing, character erasing, line erasing,
B) telephone network and so on) is done by the client.
C) telecommunication network A) default
D) none of the above B) character
27. When a user logs into a local time- C) line
sharing system, it is called ________ D) none of the above
login. 33. The MIME _______ header uses text
A) local to describe the type of data in the body of
B) remote the message.
C) temporary A) content-type
D) none of the above B) content-transfer-encoding
28. Which part of the mail created by the C) content-description
UA contains the sender and receiver D) none of the above
names? 34. If the sender wants to disable an
A) envelope option, it sends a _______ command.
B) address A) WILL
C) header B) DO
D) none of the above C) WONT

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MCQs in Remote Logging, Electronic Mail, and File Transfer
D) none of the above B) global part; domain name
35. SMTP is a __________protocol. C) label; domain name
A) pull D) none of the above
B) push 41. To distinguish data from control
C) both a and b characters, each sequence of control
D) none of the above characters is preceded by a special
36. In FTP, there are three types of control character called ________.
_______: stream, block, and A) ICA
compressed. B) IAC
A) file types C) AIC
B) data structures D) none of the above
C) transmission modes 42. When the sender and the receiver of
D) none of the above an email are on different systems, we
37. For data, NVT uses US ASCII need only _____________.
characters with the highest order bit set A) one MTA
to ______. B) two UAs
A) 1 C) two UAs and one pair of MTAs
B) 0 D) none of the above
C) a or b 43. During an FTP session the control
D) none of the above connection is opened _______.
38. The _______ translates NVT A) exactly once
characters into a form acceptable by the B) exactly twice
remote operating system. C) as many times as necessary
A) terminal driver D) none of the above
B) TELNET client 44. If the sender wants an option
C) TELNET server disabled by the receiver, it sends a
D) none of the above _______ command.
39. When the sender and the receiver of A) WILL
an email are on the same system, we B) DO
need only ___________. C) DONT
A) one UA D) none of the above
B) two UAs 45. The _______ translates local
C) one UA and one MTA characters into NVT form.
D) none of the above A) terminal driver
40. In the Internet, the email address B) TELNET client
consists of two parts: a _______ and a C) TELNET server
_______. D) none of the above
A) local part; domain name

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MCQs in Remote Logging, Electronic Mail, and File Transfer
46. Currently two message access B) character
protocols are available: _______ and C) line
_________. D) none of the above
A) POP3; IMAP2 52. There are two types of user agents:
B) POP4; IMAP1 _________ and ___________.
C) POP3; IMAP4 A) command-driven; data-driven
D) none of the above B) command-driven; GUI-based
47. TELNET is a ________ client-server C) command-based and data-
application program. based
A) specific-purpose D) none of the above
B) general-purpose 53. _______ is more powerful and
C) both a and b complex than _______.
D) none of the above A) POP3; IMAP4
48. In FTP, a file can be organized into B) IMAP4; POP3
records, pages, or a stream of bytes. C) SMTP; POP3
These are types of an attribute called D) none of the above
A) file types
B) data structures
C) transmission modes
D) none of the above
49. The process of transferring a mail
message occurs in ________ phases.
A) two
B) four
C) five
D) none of the above
50. In FTP, the well-known port ____ is
used for the control connection and the
well-known port ________ for the data
A) 21; 22
B) 21; 20
C) 20; 21
D) none of the above
51. In the _______ mode, the echoing is
done by the client.
A) default

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MCQs in Remote Logging, Electronic Mail, and File Transfer

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