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Blended Learning 5

Table of Contents Level 5

Introducing yourself 2 Talking about career plans 14

Renewing and making friendships 2 Talking about career paths 14

1 Planning a social activity 4
4 Talking about career changes 16

Following up on a contact 4 Discussing career choices 16

Describing famous sites 6

Describing traditions 18
Discussing a trip 6
2 Asking for recommendations 8
5 Talking about New Year’s activities 20

Planning a special night 20

Describing tours 8

Talking about a dining experience 10

3 Discussing a bill 12

Calling about a lost item 12

1 UNIT A By the way, my name’s Phil.
Learning objectives Introducing yourself Renewing and making friendships

UNIT OVERVIEW (I) What’s new? 3 Pre-task 2 - Review

Vocabulary: by the way, introduce, acquaintance, friend, Not much. / Nothing much. 1. Tell the student they will now practice renewing and making
catch up with, catch up on, relationship, make friends, (I) How’s it going? friendships.
renew (a friendship), to be in touch with Pretty good, thanks. And you?
(I) How’re you doing? 2. Set a customized goal for the second objective. For example:
1 Pre-task 1 - Review Not too bad, and you? Catching up with an old friend from high school
1. Tell the student they will practice introducing themselves as well (I) What’s up?
as making and renewing friendships in this lesson. Hey, what’s up? / Not much. 3. Have the student complete the conversation by filling in the boxes.
(F) How have you been? Then, have the student close their book and summarize the
2. Set a customized goal for the first objective. For example: Very well. And you? conversation.
Introducing myself and my boss to a potential client (F) How do you do?
Very well, thank you. How about yourself? 4 Task 2 - Renewing and making friendships
3. Have the student tell you two ways to start a conversation with a 1. Have the student read Role Card 2 and fill in the blank.
stranger and then write them on the first two lines. Do the same 2 Task 1 - Introducing yourself
with the other three actions. Sample answers: 1. Have the student read Role Card 1 and fill in the blanks. 2. First enactment: Role-play catching up with one of the student’s
Starting a conversation: old friends.
— Excuse me, is anyone sitting here? 2. First enactment: Have the student introduce themselves and
Introducing yourself: someone else in both a formal and an informal situation. 3. Post-task: Give praise, point out any mistakes, encourage
— Allow me to introduce myself. I’m ... self-correction, and give feedback on other areas such as
Making small talk: 3. Post-task: Give praise, point out any mistakes, encourage register, intonation and pronunciation.
— So, how long have you known the bride? self-correction, and give feedback on other areas such as
Introducing others: register, intonation and pronunciation. 4. Second enactment: If the student made many mistakes, do the
— I’d like you to meet my brother-in-law. His name is ... same activity again. Otherwise, practice catching up with an
4. Second enactment: If the student made many mistakes, do the acquaintance.
4. Have the student mark whether each greeting is formal (F) or same activity again. Otherwise, have them introduce
informal (I). Then, have them come up with an appropriate themselves and someone else.
Confirm achievement of the second goal
response to each greeting. Possible answers:
(F) How are you? Confirm achievement of the first goal
I’m fine, thank you. How about you?

1 BerlitzEnglish Level 5
1 UNIT A By the way, my name’s Phil.

1 Pre-task 1 - Review 3 Pre-task 2 - Review

Learning objectives Peter: Hi Joanne. Long time no see.
Starting a conversation Joanne:
Introducing yourself
Peter: It’s good to see you, too. How’s it going?
Introducing yourself Joanne:
Renewing and making
Peter: No, I got married. My wife and I live in New Jersey now. We
Making small talk are just visiting my parents for the weekend.


Introducing others Peter: She’s doing great. You should come see her some day.


Peter: Oh, hello. Very nice to meet you.

How are you? What’s up?

Joanne: Say, Peter, are you doing anything tonight? I’m having a
What’s new? How have you been?
housewarming party at my house. You and your wife are

welcome to come.
How’s it going? How do you do?

Joanne: It’s 2140-3285. I hope you guys can make it.

How’re you doing? Peter:

Joanne: Great. Talk to you then.

2 Task 1 - Introducing yourself 4 Task 2 - Renewing and making friendships

Role Card 1 Introduce yourself and ___________ to ___________. Role Card 2 Catch up with an old friend from ________.

BerlitzEnglish Level 5 2
1 UNIT B By the way, my name’s Phil.
Learning objectives Planning a social activity Following up on a contact

UNIT OVERVIEW 2 Task 1 - Planning a social activity 4 Task 2 - Following up on a contact

Grammar: simple present vs. present progressive 1. Have the student read Role Card 1 and fill in the blank. 1. Have the student read Role Card 2 and fill in the blanks.
Vocabulary: spare time, free time, activity, get-together, set up,
follow up, pursue, outline, look forward to something 2. First enactment: Have the student plan a social activity with the 2. First enactment: Role-play following up on a contact that was
person stated in the goal. suggested to the student by someone and discuss the topic
1 Pre-task 1 - Review stated in the goal.
1. Tell the student they will practice planning a social activity and 3. Post-task: Give praise, point out any mistakes, encourage
following up on a contact in this lesson. self-correction, and give feedback on other areas such as 3. Post-task: Give praise, point out any mistakes, encourage
register, intonation and pronunciation. self-correction, and give feedback on other areas such as
2. Set a customized goal for the first objective. For example: register, intonation and pronunciation.
Planning a social activity with my friend Carlos 4. Second enactment: If the student made many mistakes, do the
same activity again. Otherwise, have them plan an activity with 4. Second enactment: If the student made many mistakes, do the
3. Brainstorm formal and informal invitations. Possible answers: someone else. same activity again. Otherwise, practice following up with a
Formal: — I'd like to invite you to ... different contact.
— Would you like to join us for (event)? Confirm achievement of the first goal
— We'd be glad to have you join us ... Confirm achievement of the second goal
— I was wondering if you would like to ...
— Would you care to join me for ...? 3 Pre-task 2 - Review
1. Tell the student they will now practice following up on a contact.
Informal: — Would you like to ...
— Do you want to ...? 2. Set a customized goal for the second objective. For example:
— Let’s ...! Following up with a supplier about his products
— Why don’t we ...?
— How about (v + ing)...? 3. Have the student complete the conversation by filling in the
blanks with the phrases in the box (1-10). Then, have the student
4. If needed, help the student by giving them the words in bold. close their book and summarize the conversation.

5. Have the student read the situations and do the role plays. After ANSWERS 3 - 7 - 9 - 5 - 2 - 6 - 10 - 8 - 1 - 4
each one, give feedback and do a second enactment if necessary.

3 BerlitzEnglish Level 5
1 UNIT B By the way, my name’s Phil.

1 Pre-task 1 - Review 3 Pre-task 2 - Review

Learning objectives Clark: Good afternoon, Clark Erak.
Barbara: Hello, Mr. Erak. My name is Barbara Carlyle. ______
Planning a social activity
Formal invitations Informal invitations
Parallel Inc. in Montreal. My colleague Jeff Amas ______.
Clark: Oh, yes, Ms. Carlyle. Mr. Amas said ______. I understand
Following up on a contact you’d like to open an office here in Dublin. ______?
Barbara: I’ll be visiting Dublin next week and, ______, we have
______ about operating there. I’d love to discuss them
with you.
Clark: ______ to help. Let’s see. I’m free on Tuesday, the 3rd.
Would you like to meet for lunch?
Barbara: That would be wonderful. ______?
Clark: Yes. Is 12:30 ______?
Barbara: That’s perfect. Thank you, Mr. Erak. I’ll see you then.
Clark: ______ you, Ms. Carlyle. Goodbye.

Situation A Situation B Situation C 1 convenient for you 6 a number of questions

You’d like to build a You haven’t seen It’s Friday afternoon 2 as you can imagine 7 suggested I contact you
stronger relationship your brother in a and you are at the 3 I’m calling from 8 shall I come to your office
with a client. Call to long time. Call him office. Make plans
4 I look forward to meeting 9 you might be calling
invite him/her to go to make plans for with a co-worker for
out for dinner. the weekend. tonight. 5 how can I help 10 I’d be more than happy

4 Task 2 - Following up on a contact

2 Task 1 - Planning a social activity
Role Card 2 Follow up on a contact suggested by
Role Card 1 Call __________________ to plan a social activity. ___________ to discuss ______________.

BerlitzEnglish Level 5 4
2 UNIT A So how was Greece?
Learning objectives Describing famous sites Discussing a trip

UNIT OVERVIEW D) Pyramids of Giza / Egypt / 2584 BC / emblems of 3 Pre-task 2 - Review

Grammar: simple past vs. past progressive ancient Egypt; the oldest of the Seven Wonders of the 1. Tell the student they will now describe their best trip.
Vocabulary: sites, monuments, ancient, architecture, huge, World / visit the ruins; camel rides / Great Pyramid = 138.8
breathtaking, wood, stone, brick, marble, stunning metres tall / limestone blocks / constructed to house the 2. Set a customized goal for the second objective. For example:
remains of the deceased Pharaohs of Ancient Egypt Describing my trip to Rome
1 Pre-task 1 - Review
1. Tell the student they will talk about famous sites and their best trip E) Taj Mahal / Agra, India / 1653 / the jewel of Muslim 3. Have the student complete the story by changing the verbs to the
in this lesson. architecture in India / tours of interior mausoleum / 50 sq correct form (simple past or past progressive).
kms / white marble / built in memory of the emperor’s wife
2. Set a customized goal for the first objective. For example: 4 Task 2 - Discussing a trip
Describing a famous site in my country F) Eiffel Tower / Paris / 1889 / most prominent symbol of 1. Have the student read Role Card 2 and fill in the blanks.
both Paris & France / three levels for visitors / 324 m tall /
3. Have the student answer the questions about each famous site. If iron / built as the entrance arch to the 1889 World's Fair 2. First enactment: Have the student
the student is not sure, have them guess. Below is a brief describe in detail the best trip statement detail expansion

description of each. 2 Task 1 - Describing famous sites they ever took. Encourage
A) Statue of Liberty / New York / 1886 / symbol of 1. Have the student read Role Card 1 and fill in the blanks. them to elaborate using the
freedom / climb the staircase to the crown / 46m tall / BOOST technique (Build On Original STatement).
copper / a gift from France to the US 2. First enactment: Have the describe a famous site in their country
or abroad. 3. Post-task: Give praise, point out any mistakes, encourage
B) Machu Picchu / Peru / 1400 / the city of Incas; one of self-correction, and give feedback on other areas such as
the most visited attractions in Latin America / visit the 3. Post-task: Give praise, point out any mistakes, encourage register, intonation and pronunciation.
ruins / 13 sq km / ruins = stone / built at the height of the self-correction, and give feedback on other areas such as
Incan Empire as a religious site register, intonation and pronunciation. 4. Second enactment: If the student made many mistakes, do the
same activity again. Otherwise, have them ask you about one of
C) Colosseum / Rome / 70-80 AD / an iconic symbol of 4. Second enactment: If the student made many mistakes, do the your favorite trips.
Imperial Rome / tours of interior arena and subterranean same activity again. Otherwise, have them ask you about your
passageways / 24 sq km / brick and stone / used for favorite site or a famous site in your country.
Confirm achievement of the second goal
gladiatorial contests and public spectacles
Confirm achievement of the first goal

5 BerlitzEnglish Level 5
2 UNIT A So how was Greece?

1 Pre-task 1 - Review 3 Pre-task 2 - Review

Learning objectives My sisters and I — go — on a trip to Costa Rica last year. When we
What’s it called? — arrive — at the airport, it — rain — heavily, so we — take — a taxi
Describing famous sites to the hotel. Luckily, the next few days — be — sunny and very hot.
Where is it located?
The following morning, we — go — on a tour around Monteverde,
Discussing a trip where we — see — many amazing animals like monkeys and frogs.
When was it built?
While the tour guide — talk about — a famous site, we — see — a
A D beautiful toucan fly over us.
What is it famous for?

The next day, on the way to the beach, we — stop — at a souvenir

What can you do there? shop and — buy — presents for everyone back home. All the clerks
— wear — these gorgeous traditional outfits so I — decide — to buy
How big/tall is it? one for my boyfriend.

When we — get — to the beach, we — notice — a lot of people

What is it made of?
— line up —. It turned out there — be — a big reggae concert that
B E day. Although it — sound — like fun, we — can go, not — because
Why was it built?
we — carry — all our things and, most importantly, we really
— want — to relax at the beach.
Have you ever been there?
On our last day there, we — take — a bus to Arenal Volcano. During
If so, how was it? the day, we — enjoy — ourselves at the hot springs. At night, as we
— have — dinner, we — notice — some fireworks, but we
— hear, not — any sound. To our surprise, the volcano — spit out —
If not, would you like to?
lava, which apparently is normal and completely safe. It — be — a
very memorable trip for the three of us.

2 Task 1 - Describing famous sites 4 Task 2 - Discussing a trip

Role Card 1 Describe a famous site in ___________ to _____________. Role Card 2 Talk about your best trip ever. What happened?

BerlitzEnglish Level 5 6
2 UNIT B So how was Greece?
Learning objectives Asking for recommendations Describing tours

UNIT OVERVIEW 2 Task 1 - Asking for recommendations 4 Task 2 - Describing tours

Vocabulary: tour, sign, historical, guard, hard-to-reach 1. Have the student read Role Card 1 and fill in the blank. 1. Have the student read Role Card 2 and fill in the blank.
tourist, pyramids, access, rule, man-made
2. First enactment: Role-play asking for local recommendations in 2. First enactment: Have the student describe a tour they are
a foreign country. familiar with or a tour they would like to go on.
1 Pre-task 1 - Review
1. Tell the student they will practice asking for recommendations, 3. Post-task: Give praise, point out any mistakes, encourage 3. Post-task: Give praise, point out any mistakes, encourage
making recommendations and describing tours in this lesson. self-correction, and give feedback on other areas such as self-correction, and give feedback on other areas such as
register, intonation and pronunciation. register, intonation and pronunciation.
2. Set a customized goal for the first objective. For example:
Asking for recommendations on my trip to California 4. Second enactment: If the student made many mistakes, do the 4. Second enactment: If the student made many mistakes, do the
same activity again. Otherwise, have the student come up with same activity again. Otherwise, have them describe a different
3. Have the student mark whether the phrases are used to ask for a a similar situation and practice it. tour.
recommendation (A) or to make one (M).
Confirm achievement of the first goal
Confirm achievement of the second goal
4. For each situation (A-D), have the student ask for five recom-
mendations using the expressions above. For example:
Situation A: Where do you recommend I go shopping? 3 Pre-task 2 - Review
I want to visit a historical site. 1. Tell the student they will now practice describing tours.
Where’s the best place to have local food?
2. Set a customized goal for the second objective. For example:
Ask the student for recommendations on different topics, for Describing a tour around Europe
Where can I buy a good suit/blouse/shirt? 3. Have the student read about each destination. Assist with
I want to learn something new. What do you recommend? vocabulary as needed.
Where’s the best place to watch a movie in this city?
I’d like to buy a new car, but I’m not sure what kind. 4. Discuss the student’s own experience in these destinations. If the
What do you recommend I do with my $5,000 bonus? student hasn’t been to any of them, have them tell you whether
What should I do to lose weight/stay in shape? they would like to visit these places and why or why not.

7 BerlitzEnglish Level 5
2 UNIT B So how was Greece?

1 Pre-task 1 - Review 3 Pre-task 2 - Review

Learning objectives SAN FRANCISCO, USA
Asking for or Making a recommendation?
For a quintessential San Francisco experi-
Asking for
I like to go to ... Where can I ...? ence, climb aboard a cable car, peruse the
recommendations farm-fresh goods at the Ferry Market, stroll
I recommend ... Where’s the best place ...? through Golden Gate Park and board a ferry
to the island of Alcatraz for a dose of history
Describing tours Where do you recommend ...? Why don’t you ...? and great city views.

I want to ... You might want to try ...

I’d like to ... You should ... Miles of beaches, endless luxury accommo-
dations and a nonstop party atmosphere
have transformed Cancun into one of
Situation A Situation B
Mexico's most popular tourist attractions,
particularly during spring/Easter break.
You will be visiting your teacher’s You would like to do something fun
country next month. and different this weekend.

Situation C Situation D Rome celebrates its long history with
monuments, churches and restored ruins
You don’t know what to do for You’d like to improve your English that offer a glimpse of life in the great
your mother’s birthday. skills even further. Roman Empire. Celebrate the city’s roots
and immerse yourself in the culture over a
heaping bowl of pasta and a taste of gelato.

2 Task 1 - Asking for recommendations

4 Task 2 - Describing tours
Role Card 1 Ask the hotel concierge for local recommendations on
your trip to __________________. Role Card 2 Describe a tour around ____________.

BerlitzEnglish Level 5 8
3 UNIT A Did you enjoy your dinner?
Learning objective Talking about a dining experience

UNIT OVERVIEW Our waitress was rude and inefficient. 4. Second enactment: If the student made many mistakes, do the
Vocabulary: service, ambiance, presentation, apologize, attentive, The chicken was cooked to perfection! same activity again. Otherwise, have them talk about a different
crowded, it's worth the wait, delicious, disappointing, The presentation was beautiful. dining experience.
over-/undercooked, so-so The soup was cold.
We were greeted as soon as we entered the restaurant.
1 Pre-task - Review Confirm achievement of the goal

1. Tell the student they will describe a recent dining experience in 5. Have the student come up with an additional expression in
this lesson. each category.

2. Ask a few warm-up questions: 6. Have the student make a (formal) conversation between a
— How often do you go out for dinner? customer and a waiter following the prompts.
— What kind of restaurants do you like?
— What’s more important in a restaurant, the food, the 7. Practice the conversation a couple of times, switching roles.
service or the prices?
— When was the last time you went to a restaurant?
— Was your experience there good or bad? 2 Task - Talking about a dining experience
1. Have the student read the Role Card.
3. Set a customized goal for the objective. For example:
Describing my experience at the Blue Angel 2. First enactment: Have the student
describe a recent dining
statement detail expansion
4. Dictate the following expressions and have the student write experience. Ask them about the
them in one of the four categories. food, service, prices, waiting time,
All the waiters were very attentive. ambiance, and the restaurant.
The meal was fabulous! Encourage them to elaborate using the BOOST technique.
I think the ribs are undercooked.
I’ve had better salads than this. 3. Post-task: Give praise, point out any mistakes, encourage
It seemed as though the waiters were ignoring us. self-correction, and give feedback on other areas such as
My steak was undercooked, but the waiter took care of it. register, intonation and pronunciation.
We waited almost forty minutes for a table.

9 BerlitzEnglish Level 5
3 UNIT A Did you enjoy your dinner?

1 Pre-task - Review
Customer Waiter
Learning objective
Hey you! What’s up?
Talking about a dining Good food Good service
experience I want a menu. Here. Drink?

Red wine. Sure.

What’s good? The filet mignon.

I want it. How?

Well-done. What else?

Nothing. I’ll bring your wine soon.

[ LATER ... ] Good steak?

Bad food Bad service
No, undercooked. I’ll take it back. More wine?

Yes Wait a minute.

2 Task - Talking about a dining experience

Role Card Describe a recent dining experience.

BerlitzEnglish Level 5 10
3 UNIT B Did you enjoy your dinner?
Learning objectives Discussing a bill Calling about a lost item

UNIT OVERVIEW 2 Task 1 - Discussing a bill 4. Have the student cover the conversation and summarize it.
Grammar: simple present vs. simple past vs. present perfect 1. Have the student read Role Card 1.
Vocabulary: bill, charge, tip, to treat, figure out, register, hold, 5. Ask a few follow-up questions:
locate, pick up, clear up, lost-and found 2. First enactment: Have the student explain the payment — Have you ever left something behind in a restaurant
etiquette in their country. Ask questions and encourage the or another place?
1 Pre-task 1 - Review student to give details. — Did you get it back?
1. Tell the student they will practice discussing a restaurant bill and — Do you tend to lose things like your keys or your cell
calling about a lost item in this lesson. 3. Post-task: Give praise, point out any mistakes, encourage phone? Why/why not?
self-correction, and give feedback on other areas such as
2. Set a customized goal for the first objective. For example: register, intonation and pronunciation. 4 Task 2 - Calling about a lost item
Discussing bill-paying customs in my country 1. Have the student read Role Card 2 and fill in the blank.
4. Second enactment: If the student made many mistakes, do the
3. Brainstorm expressions used when you offer to pay the bill, e.g.: same activity again. Otherwise, role-play offering to pay the bill 2. First enactment: Role-play calling a business (or a friend’s
Let me take care of the check. at a restaurant. house) to ask about a lost item.
This is my treat.
It’s my turn to pay. Confirm achievement of the first goal 3. Post-task: Give praise, point out any mistakes, encourage
self-correction, and give feedback on other areas such as
4. Have the student fill in the blanks with the expressions in the register, intonation and pronunciation.
gray boxes (one is not used). 3 Pre-task 2 - Review
1. Tell the student they will now practice calling about a lost item. 4. Second enactment: If the student made many mistakes, do the
5. Grammar review A: Have the student put the verbs in the correct same activity again. Otherwise, practice calling about a different
form: simple present, simple past or present perfect. 2. Set a customized goal for the second objective. For example: lost item.
Calling Big Kitchen about my lost item
6. Grammar review B: Have the student make a sentence with each Confirm achievement of the second goal
of the following time expressions: 3. Have the student fill in the blanks with the words and phrases in
not yet always last week the box (A-L).
yesterday so far every morning
already in 2010 never ANSWERS F-E-J-A-H-L-B-K-C-D-G-I

11 BerlitzEnglish Level 5
3 UNIT B Did you enjoy your dinner?

1 Pre-task 1 - Review 3 Pre-task 2 - Review

Learning objectives — ______________________ of the check. Janet: Pacifica Restaurant, Janet ________.
Steve: Hello. I think ________ a black briefcase at
— Oh, no you don’t, Bob. ______________________.
Discussing a bill
your restaurant today. ________ to see if
— Come on. ______________________ this one.
anyone ________.
Calling about a lost item — No, no. It’s ______________________. You always ______________________. Janet: Just a moment, ________ ... I’m sorry. It’s not
in our ________ cabinet. Where were you
pick up the check my turn let me get ________?
Steve: At the corner table ________.
I’d like to pay this is my treat I’ll take care Janet: Hold _______. I’ll check there ... Yes, I found it.
Steve: Oh, great. Thank you! I’ll ________ to pick it
up ________.
Mr. and Mrs. Martinez — go — to Luigi’s last Friday for the first time. They Janet: Fine. ________ at the register for you.
— enjoy — the food immensely. So far this month, they — try— four restaurants

and — decide — they — like — Luigi’s the best. A found it G in an hour

B sitting H I’ll check

Last night during dinner, Philippe — complain — to the manager of the restaurant C just a moment I we’ll hold it
D come by J I’m calling
where he — have — dinner. He — eat — out quite often, and he — have, never —
E I left K near the stairway
such slow service. The manager of the restaurant — apologize — to Philippe.
F speaking L lost-and-found

2 Task 1 - Discussing a bill 4 Task 2 - Calling about a lost item

Role Card 1 Discuss the payment etiquette in your country when dining with: Role Card 2 Call _______________ about
a) another person b) a large group. your lost item.

BerlitzEnglish Level 5 12
4 UNIT A How did you get into that?
Learning objectives Talking about career plans Talking about career paths

UNIT OVERVIEW 2 Task 1 - Talking about career plans 4 Task 2 - Talking about career paths
Grammar: so that vs. and so; adjective + preposition + gerund 1. Have the student read Role Card 1. 1. Have the student read Role Card 2.
Vocabulary: get into, eliminated, jumped at, come up, decide on,
end up as, burn out 2. First enactment: Have the student talk about their career plans 2. First enactment: Have the student explain how they chose their
for this year, the next five years and the next ten years. major in university and why they decided to join their company.
1 Pre-task 1 - Review
1. Tell the student they will talk about their career plans and career 3. Post-task: Give praise, point out any mistakes, encourage 3. Post-task: Give praise, point out any mistakes, encourage
path in this lesson. Set a customized goal for the first objective. self-correction, and give feedback on other areas such as self-correction, and give feedback on other areas such as
Discussing my short- and long-term career plans register, intonation and pronunciation. register, intonation and pronunciation.

2. Have the student match the first group of sentences (1-7) with the 4. Second enactment: If the student made many mistakes, do the 4. Second enactment: If the student made many mistakes, do the
second group (A-G) and choose either so that or and so. same activity again. Otherwise, have the student ask you about same activity again. Otherwise, have them interview you about
your career plans. your career path.
ANSWERS 1. so that / F 5. and so / B
2. and so / D 6. so that / G Confirm achievement of the first goal
Confirm achievement of the second goal
3. so that / E 7. so that / A
4. so that / C
3 Pre-task 2 - Review
3. Have the student come up with one or two sentences with both 1. Tell the student they will now talk about their career path.
and so and so that.
2. Set a customized goal for the second objective. For example:
4. Have the student write the correct preposition used after each of Explaining how I chose my major and my company
the adjectives in the box. Then, ask the student four
questions using four of the adjectives and have the student ask 3. Have the student fill in the blanks with the words and phrases in
you four questions using four different adjectives. For example: the gray boxes.
I: What are you capable of doing very well?
S: I’m capable of speaking German well. Are you good at 4. Ask questions and have the student ask you questions using the
playing any musical instruments? phrases in the boxes (similar to Pre-task 1, point 4).
I: Yes, I’m good at playing the guitar.

13 BerlitzEnglish Level 5
4 UNIT A How did you get into that?

1 Pre-task 1 - Review 3 Pre-task 2 - Review

Learning objectives 1. Ashley is studying Medicine so that / and so ______.
1. I’d like to change careers. What did you have to do to
2. My boss gave me permission to finish work early so that / and so ______.
Talking about _________________ sales?
3. Chris wants to get a Master’s degree so that / and so ______. 2. Jorge became a consultant last year after his job was
career plans
4. Our professor advised us to attend the orientation so that / and so ______. _________________.
5. I realized this semester was going to be the toughest so that / and so ______. 3. I thought you were studying to be an engineer. When
Talking about
6. Nowadays we must speak another language so that / and so ______. did you _________________ accounting?
career paths
7. Alex has decided to take a French course so that / and so ______. 4. Lucy Grant _________________ staying at IBM for
years because they took such good care of her.

A D 5. When the opportunity for increased responsibilities

he can improve his pronunciation. I was able to attend night school.
came up, Lars _________________ it.
B I decided to quit my job and focus E she can become more marketable.
6. Sylvia was so _________________ at work that she
on school. F he can become a doctor one day.
decided to quit and try another line of work.
C we could make a better decision G we can get much better job

about our future. opportunities.

decide on get into

jumped at ended up
interested _______ capable _______ responsible _______
tired _______ concerned _______ good _______
burned out eliminated
nervous_______ happy _______ used _______

4 Task 2 - Talking about career paths

2 Task 1 - Talking about career plans
Role Card 2 Explain how you chose your
Role Card 1 Talk about what you would like to accomplish in your career: major in university and why you
a) this year b) in 5 years c) in 10 years decided to join your company.

BerlitzEnglish Level 5 14
4 UNIT B How did you get into that?
Learning objectives Talking about career changes Discussing career choices

UNIT OVERVIEW C) I changed careers two years ago. I used to work as a Confirm achievement of the first goal
Vocabulary: tied up in meetings, good at, interested in, computer programmer, and I was good at it. But I
starting salary, happy about, to look back started having trouble with my hands, my wrists and my
neck. I did some reading about repetitive stress injuries 3 Pre-task 2 - Review
and tried to adjust my work station. But my pain didn’t 1. Tell the student they will now practice giving career advice.
1 Pre-task 1 - Review
go away. As much as I hated to do it, I started looking
1. Tell the student they will talk about career changes and practice
for a different line of work, one where I wouldn’t be at a 2. Set a customized goal for the second objective. For example:
giving career advice in this lesson.
computer so much. Now I work in event planning at a Giving career advice to a co-worker
downtown hotel. While I do spend some time at the
2. Set a customized goal for the first objective. For example:
computer every day, it’s never more than 20 to 30 3. Have the student read the list of factors to consider when
Describing the biggest change in my career
minutes at a time. The rest of the time, I’m out in the choosing a career/job and add three of their own. Then, have the
hotel meeting with clients, caterers, and florists. I miss student rank them from 1-10 (1 being the most important).
3. Have the student take notes as you read the following texts.
programming, but I don’t miss the pain at all!
A) I changed careers a few years back. It wasn’t by
4 Task 2 - Discussing career choices
choice, though. During a difficult period financially, the
4. Have the student summarize the three stories. 1. Have the student read Role Card 2.
company I was working for closed several of its offices. I
was one of about 2,000 people who were laid off. I
2 Task 1 - Talking about career changes 2. First enactment/Role-play: Have the student give you (their
decided to go back to school and pick up some new skills
1. Have the student read Role Card 1. co-worker) advice on a problem you are having with your career.
to make myself more marketable. For a year, I took
classes at night while I worked at a temporary day job.
2. First enactment: Have the student describe how the biggest 3. Post-task: Give praise, point out any mistakes, encourage
change in their career affected their life. self-correction, and give feedback on other areas such as
B) I realized one day that I’d been doing pretty much the
register, intonation and pronunciation.
same thing for thirteen years. Don’t get me wrong; I
3. Post-task: Give praise, point out any mistakes, encourage
enjoyed being a lawyer. I think I was just ready for a new
self-correction, and give feedback on other areas such as 4. Second enactment: If the student made many mistakes, do the
challenge. Everybody thought I’d lost my mind when I
register, intonation and pronunciation. same activity again. Otherwise, switch roles.
announced that I was leaving the firm to become a chef.
Now here I am, hundreds of cooking classes and many
4. Second enactment: If the student made many mistakes, do the
burned fingers later, assisting one of the best chefs in Confirm achievement of the second goal
same activity again. Otherwise, have them ask you about your
town. It’s been a lot harder than I thought it would be,
biggest career change.
but I’ve never looked back.

15 BerlitzEnglish Level 5
4 UNIT B How did you get into that?

1 Pre-task 1 - Review 3 Pre-task 2 - Review

Learning objectives A What is important in a job?
What was the change?

Talking about career opportunities for professional growth

Why did it happen?
amount of travel required
How did he/she handle it?

Discussing career choices

salary and benefits
What would you have done?
size of company
B What was the change? employer’s position in its industry

Why did it happen?

location of job
How did he/she handle it?

What would you have done?

C What was the change?

Why did it happen?

How did he/she handle it?

4 Task 2 - Discussing career choices

What would you have done?

Role Card 2 Over the years, you have built a
very successful career. One of
2 Task 1 - Talking about career changes your co-workers, however, doesn’t
seem too happy with his job and
Role Card 1 Talk about how the biggest change in your career affected your life. will ask you for advice.

BerlitzEnglish Level 5 16
5 UNIT A Happy New Year!
Learning objective Describing traditions

UNIT OVERVIEW — Have you ever thrown a surprise birthday party for a
Vocabulary: relative, sunrise, temple, toast, wealth, champagne, friend or relative?
cheer, hug, kiss, wish, confetti, fireworks, set off — What’s the best present you have ever gotten on
your birthday?
— Have you gone to a birthday party this month yet?
1 Pre-task - Review — Have you celebrated your birthday this year yet?
1. Tell the student they will talk about how they celebrate special
holidays. 2 Task - Describing traditions
1. Have the student read the Role Card.
2. Brainstorm “special holidays” and write them on the board, eg:
Christmas (Eve & Day), New Year’s (Eve & Day), Mother’s 2. First enactment: Have the student explain how they celebrate
Day, a birthday, Thanksgiving, Independence Day each of the five holidays. As a guide, have them talk about:
— When they celebrate these holidays
3. Set a customized goal for the objective. For example: — Who they usually spend them with
Describing my family’s traditions for special holidays — What they usually do
— What they like to eat and drink
4. Have the student cover the text and guess which holiday each — Any particular traditions in their family or country
picture represents.
3. Post-task: Give praise, point out any mistakes, encourage
5. Have the student read the texts one at a time. After each one, self-correction, and give feedback on other areas such as
either ask follow-up questions or have the student make a register, intonation and pronunciation.
summary without looking at the text.
4. Second enactment: If the student made many mistakes, do the
6. Grammar review: Ask the following questions to practice the same activity again. Otherwise, have them ask you about some
present perfect tense: of the traditions in your family or country.
— Which of these holidays have you already celebrated
this year?
Confirm achievement of the goal
— Have you ever hung stockings over the fireplace?
— Have you ever spent Christmas in another country?

17 BerlitzEnglish Level 5
5 UNIT A Happy New Year!

1 Pre-task - Review
Learning objective

Describing traditions

The concept of The day before In America, we In Japan, the festivities In Egypt people have
celebrating Mother’s Christmas is very busy celebrate Thanksgiv- around Children’s Day lots of friends and
Day is very new in for families in Britain. ing by having a big center on the wish for family at their birthday
India. We give cards to We wrap presents, dinner with our family boys to be healthy and parties, so we often
our moms and make a bake buscuits, and and friends. In the strong. Outside the serve two birthday
meal for them so that hang stockings over morning, we watch home the koinobori, or cakes. One birthday
they can have a day’s the fireplace. Children parades and in the carp streamers, are cake has candles while
rest from the kitchen. write a letter to Father afternoon we watch displayed on a tall pole the other one doesn't.
Mother’s Day is the Christmas with their football. This tradition to signify there is a We decorate our
time to say a big thank wishes and toss their may not have started boy or boys in the homes with paper
you to our mothers for letter into the fire so with the first Thanks- home. The sweet food garlands called zeena
being a constant their wishes can go up giving dinner but that they enjoy during that look like chains of
guiding force in our the chimney. is how Americans Children’s Day is called snowflakes and are
lives. celebrate Thanksgiv- kashiwa mochi. hung all around the
ing today. house.

2 Task - Describing traditions

Role Card Describe your traditions on each of the celebrations above.

BerlitzEnglish Level 5 18
5 UNIT B Happy New Year!
Learning objectives Talking about New Year’s activities Planning a special night

2 Task 1 - Talking about New Year’s activities — What do (you think) people do at New Year’s parties?
Vocabulary: midnight, stroke of midnight, a fresh start, countdown,
1. Have the student read Role Card 1. — What has been the best/biggest New Year’s party you
make a resolution, turn over a new leaf, plenty,
have been to?
bother, throw, dress up, count someone in/out
2. First enactment: Have the student
describe their family’s/country’s 4. Have the student put the conversation in order.
statement detail expansion
1 Pre-task 1 - Review traditions for New Year’s Eve and
1. Tell the student they will talk about New Year’s activities and New Year’s Day. Encourage them ANSWERS 3 - 9 - 2 - 6 - 8 - 10 - 7 - 1 - 5 - 4
practice planning a special night in this lesson. to give details using the BOOST technique.
5. Have the student cover the conversation and summarize it.
2. Set a customized goal for the first objective. For example: 3. Post-task: Give praise, point out any mistakes, encourage
Describing New Year’s activities in my country self-correction, and give feedback on other areas such as 4 Task 2 - Planning a special night
register, intonation and pronunciation. 1. Have the student read Role Card 2 and fill in the blanks.
3. Have the student fill in the blanks with the words and phrases in
the boxes (1-12) and then read the texts. 4. Second enactment: If the student made many mistakes, do the 2. First enactment: Role-play planning a special night with a special
same activity again. Otherwise, have them ask you about New person. It does not necessarily have to be for New Year’s Eve.
ANSWERS 8 - 3 - 11 - 12 - 1 - 4 - 7 - 2 - 6 - 10 - 5 - 9 Year’s activities in your country.
3. Post-task: Give praise, point out any mistakes, encourage
4. Grammar review: Have the student tell you how long these Confirm achievement of the first goal self-correction, and give feedback on other areas such as
people have been doing what they are doing. register, intonation and pronunciation.
— James and his friends started their New Year’s party at
9 pm. It is now 3 am. How long have they been partying? 3 Pre-task 2 - Review 4. Second enactment: If the student made many mistakes, do the
— Kevin made his first New Year’s resolution in 1990. 1. Tell the student they will now practice planning a special night. same activity again. Otherwise, practice planning a different
— Percy moved to Brazil in 2003. special night.
— I started teaching at Berlitz in ____. 2. Set a customized goal for the second objective. For example:
— Omar and Lisa got married last May. Planning a special night to celebrate New Year’s Eve
— Rose joined her gym three years ago. Confirm achievement of the second goal
— I bought my watch in 2011. 3. Ask a few warm-up questions:
— George met his girlfriend Stephanie in high school. — What kind of activities do young people like to do on
New Year’s Eve?

19 BerlitzEnglish Level 5
5 UNIT B Happy New Year!

1 Pre-task 1 - Review 3 Pre-task 2 - Review

Learning objectives I love the ________ to midnight on New Year’s ________.
It’s always exciting to me. In Germany, we kiss ________ Good. Listen, a few of us are thinking about going out
Talking about New Year’s
and wish each other a Happy New Year. Last year I decided on New Year’s Eve. Are you interested in joining us?
to make some ________ in my life in the New Year, and they Great. All right, Tina. I’ll see you Friday night then.
________ very well. I’m ________ to another great year. Hi, Brian, how’s it going?
Planning a special night
I’m going to be tied up till about 9:30 or so. Would it
In Argentina, we eat many _______ foods at New Year’s.
be OK if I met you all at Jenny’s?
My favorite is pan dulce, which is a delicious — and very
No. Thanks. I’ll catch up with you there.
sweet — kind of bread. At ________, on New Year’s Eve,
we make ________ and set off ________. After OK, Brian. Thanks for the call. Bye.

midnight, a lot of young people go out to ________ to Sure. Whatever works best for you. Do you want us

dance and have fun. It’s always a ________ party. to pick you up before we head over there?

Hi, Tina.

Well, we were planning to go hear some music around

1 worked out 5 clubs 9 huge
8:30. Jenny’s inviting everyone to her house for a
2 midnight 6 toasts 10 fireworks party at 10:30. After that, we were thinking we’d

check out that new dance club downtown.

3 Eve 7 special 11 each other
What do you have in mind?
4 looking forward 8 countdown 12 changes

4 Task 2 - Planning a special night

2 Task 1 - Talking about New Year’s activities
Role Card 2 Call ____________ to plan a special
Role Card 1 Describe how New Year’s is celebrated in your country. night to celebrate _____________.

BerlitzEnglish Level 5 20

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