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Vocabulary of 5th year English Language School Quino Villa Bruned

Vocabulary about Personality

Postitive adjectives: Is it positive 'brave' or 'docile'? Them depend on the context. For instance,
'easy-going' can be positive: 'Paul is easy-going, he gets on well with everyone'. But it could be
negative if you translate it like 'accommodating' ('acomodadizo' in Spanish).

You can find the positive adjective, sorted alphabetically, and their most common antonyms.

affectionate indifferent
altruistic selfish, greedy
amusing boring*
assertive bashfull, shy

brave cowardly
bussy passive

calm agitated
caring evil
charitable mean, miserly
charming disgusting
cheerful cheerless
clear, transparent ironic
clever stupid
cautious, prudent impulsive
confident, trustful 
conscientious bold, daring

considerate impolite,

cooperative discorteous

dependable undependable
docile 
dogmatic sceptical

easy-going (-) (+) anxious, irritated
entertaining bored*,
enthusiastic humourless
 apathetic
introvert extravert

fair unfair
faithful unfaithful, untrue
funny ** boring*

generous mean, selfish
good mood bad mood

happy, pleased bad-tempered
hardworking lazy, idle
helpful distant
Vocabulary of 5th year English Language School Quino Villa Bruned

honest dishonest
hopeful dejected
humble vain

illusioned desillusioned
imaginative realisic
independent dependent
interested apathetic

kind unkind

leader subordinate
loving hostile, aloof
loyal disloyal

mature immature
modern traditonal
modest, polite arrogant, proud

normal, regular eccentric

open-minded close-minded
optimistic fatalistic

pleasant disagreeable
polite spoilt
practical, pragmatic impractical
precautious adventurous

relaxed person stressed
reliable unreliable

self-confident unsecure
sensible insensible, senseless
sensitive insensitive
sincere insincere
sociable, unreserved reserved
stable changeable

talkative quiet
tidy untidy
trim careless

unambitious ambitious

well-balanced moody
witty dull
wise foolish, unwise

* Bored: que siente aburrimiento. Boring: que aburre.
** Fun: divertido, entretenido, alegre. Funny: gracioso.

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