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244 MWe

Mobile Power Units

State Oil Company

OWNER In 2010, a severe drought in Venezuela threatened to severely curtail

Corpoelec the production of hydroelectric power, which normally provides 65%
of the country’s electricity. The need for replacement power was
LOCATION intimidating: nearly a gigawatt of continuous duty power, preferably in
Venezuela, South America distributable 45 MW blocks. Corpoelec, a subsidiary of Venezuela’s
PRODUCT national oil company, turned to Solar Turbines and their 15 MW gas
Titan 130 Mobile Power Units turbine Titan™ 130 Mobile Power Unit (MPU). Solar was able to ship
the units in the required time and satisfy the customer’s needs for
having emergency power placed and available should they need it.
15 MW Blocks of Stable and Reliable Power
244 MWe of Mobile Power


16 Gas Turbine Generator Sets in Mobile Configuration 16 - 15 MWe Titan 130 Mobile Power Units

Fuel: Natural Gas and Diesel Fuel Three Trailers per Titan 130 Mobile Power Unit

Varied Locations Throughout Venezuela On-Site Setup Time of a Few Days

The Solar Turbines Mobile Power Unit is a complete power plant

highway transportable solution that offers a suite of modular options that include natural
gas, liquid, and dual fuel designs. In addition, switchgear and the
easy to install and relocate motor control center are standard equipment, making the installation
a simple matter of locating the equipment and connecting it together.
no concrete foundation required The MPU’s trailerized modules arrive on site ready to be piped,
wired, and commissioned in a time span much shorter than the
compact footprint typical custom power plant design cycle. The compact footprint
allows for installation in tight areas such as utility substations
plug-and-play pre-packaged design or industrial backlots. Designed as a complete power plant, the
Titan 130 MPUs are highway transportable, provide easy access
SHORT ORDER, CONSTRUCTION, AND for customer connections, require no concrete foundation, have a
COMMISSIONING LEAD TIME compact footprint, and offer low emissions options.

Solar Turbines Incorporated

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Caterpillar is a registered trademark of Caterpillar Inc. Solar and Titan are trademarks of Solar Turbines Incorporated.
©2015 Solar Turbines Incorporated. Specifications subject to change without notice. All rights reserved.

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