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nd have her beg for more!


n Really Works!

The First and Onjy Book

hat Tells You Exactl y How
and have her beg for more!
In a survey Naura Hayden conducted
when she wrote "ISLE OF VIEW (Say Out It

Loud)" in 1980, she interviewed 486 women

and was astonished by the results.

310 said they faked orgasm every time

they had intercourse,

124 said they faked orgasm most of the

time they had intercourse, and
52 said they faked orgasm some of
the time they had intercourse.
Naura tells of her own experience in
"faking", and how, before her survey, she
thought she was the only woman with this
After the results of the survey. Naura saw
the great need to write a book giving explicit
details woman can be totally
about how a
satisfied by hermate every time they make
love. And of course when this happens,
there will no longer be any need for any
woman to ever fake it with her mate again.
She has put together the first and only
book that fully explains why almost every
woman does not orgasm during inter-
course, why the vast majority fake orgasm
during intercourse, and what a man can do
to guarantee a total orgasm during inter-
course for his woman.

Bibli O'Phile Publishing Co.

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and have her beg for more!



Bibli O'PhilePublishing Company

New York. New York

Distributed by Penguin. U.S.A.

Copyright © 1982 by Naura Hayden

All rights reserved, including the right of reproduction in

whole or in short part in any form.

Published by Bibli O'Phile Publishing Company

170 E 61st Street, New York, New York 10021

Printed in the United States of America

Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 82-73811

ISBN: 0-942104-01-3

Distributed by Penguin, USA

35 34 33 32 31 30
To Love, which is God . . .

which is Love . . .

which is God . . .

which is Love .

which is God
God, with infinite wisdom, gave us the enchantment
of sex so that together we may joyfully pleasure each
other and create a loving bond that will last a lifetime.

Foreword 13

and have her beg for morel

I believe in marriage. I also believe in faithful-

ness in marriage. When one or the other of the

partners is unfaithful, the bond of marriage is

broken, the trust is shattered. And when that

happens, it is difficult if not impossible to keep

the marriage alive.
To have a faithful marriage takes two faithful

partners. And if each one of the partners (not

just one) is sexually satisfied, there is no reason
to be un^thfuL
I believe God gave us our sex organs to bond
us together in pleasure within our marriage. And
through this incredible pleasure, to keep us
faithful to each other as long as we both shall


Almost all women fake orgasms. Women have

done this since time began (I give reasons in
Chapter 1). Not only are they missing out on one
of life's greatest joys, but their husbands and


lovers are missing out, too. A woman faking

pleasure and a woman pleasured to the depths of
her being are two different women. A man's
pleasure in sex is magnified tremendously when
he has a partner who is giving and receiving the
same orgasmic joys, the same explosions of
ecstasy, the same expanding of self that carries
her to the same far reaches of the universe to
which he travels.
A man will be loved as never before when he
is able to give his woman the greatest pleasure
he can give her —an orgasm. And when he can
do this every time they make love, her love will

know no bounds.
She will never look at another man. She will

never need another man. Their union will be

bonded as long as they both shall live . . .


When I wrote Isle of View (Say It Out Loud), I

included in it a short part about sex. After all,

the ultimate experience of love is "making love,"

or sex, between two loving persons. I wrote
about THE BIG BANG THEORY, and women
faJdng it. And as I mentioned in the book, I spoke
to thousands of women who told me about the
problems they had in being satisfied during inter-
course by their mates. I interviewed 486
women, not one of whom told me she never
fciked orgasm. Only 52 told me they occasionally
faked it, whereas 124 said they faked it most of
the time, and 310 said they faked it every time. I

was astonished, because I thought I was the only

one who used to fake it

I wrote about how a woman can be pleasured

so shell never have to fake it again. I only
touched on the subject, I didn't go into real

detail But the response to my TV appearances


with the book was overwhelming. I got a letter

from a Kansas City newscaster saying that in all

his years of broadcasting, he had never had such

an incredible response. He said he had hundreds
of women and even more men calling and writing
him asking about that section of my book. And it
was the same all over the U.S. TV and radio
hosts from Houston, Detroit, Dallas, Minneapo-
lis, Los Angeles, all contacted me with the same
phenomenal reactions.
On call-in shows I received hundreds of calls

from women, women married eight years,

twenty years, thirty-five years, all telling me
how they'd been faking it for all the years of their
marriages. One woman I'll never forget, who
called me on a radio talk show in Miami, told me
she'd been married fifty-three years and had
never had an orgasm, and had been faking it for

all that time. In a darling "little-old-lady-voice"

she said very hiply, "You're telling it like it is,

A radio host in Cincinnati told me she'd been
married fourteen years and had never had an
orgasm. Of course, she didn't tell me this on the


air; it was during a commercial break (this isn't

something you talk about or admit to in public). I

spoke to a PR woman in Detroit who was mar-

ried over twenty years and who had been faking

it for over twenty years.

Every male talk-show host who heard these
calls was amazed and truly flabbergasted. They

all said they couldn't believe it. And the women

talk-show hosts told me privately that having

orgasm difficulties certainly was true for them,

too. In fact, some of them admitted they'd never

had one.
Now the reason it's so easy for women to call

in and be so brutally frank is because all the calls

are anonymous. On call-in radio shows you don't

have to give your name, so these women could

be ultra-honest about their sex lives.

Women said they were tired of faking it and

putting up with THE BIG BANG THEORY, and
men said they were anxious to find out how to

really pleasure their mates so there wouldn't be

any more faking orgasms.
Isle of View (Say It Out Loud) did very well,

and I feel I reached a lot of people. But that



section on sex was only a few pages, and I felt

that after the incredible responses I had gotten, I

needed to expand on what I knew, and bring my

experience and help to many more people. I

needed to write a book on this very important


There's a need for information that is truly

staggering, because this need for satisfying a

woman has never been explained.

There have been hundreds of books written

about how to make love to a man. And they all

tell about fancy and intricate and sensual things

you can do to a man's body to arouse him.
Now the thing that seems a little crazy is that
it's really quite easy to arouse a man. By nature
of his anatomy, arousal is not very difficult. I'm
talking about a healthy male —not a physically,

mentally, or emotionally sick one. A man's sex-

ual organs are all on the outside of his body and
are easily stimulated. Seeing a woman pass by
indeed, thinking about seeing a woman pass
by — ^is enough to arouse many men. And looking
at a nude female can do more than just make him
smile and breathe hard.


Certainly boredom with the same dull partner

can turn a man off. At that point he might need
technique from a woman to turn him back on.

But why is his partner dull? Why is she boring?

Can it be that she is bored? Out-of-her-skull
bored? Because the pleasure is all one-sided? I

strongly believe that when a man knows how to

please a woman, it becomes a double turn-on,
and boredom for both of them flies out the
window. Sex only gets boring when one of the
partners is not enjoying it.

There have been lots of books written about

sex, and though they go into foreplay and court-
ing and romance and all that, they all miss THE
MAIN EVENT. A man can be the greatest
romancer and foreplay artist and get his woman
aroused, and then comes THE MAIN EVENT
and he blunders unknowingly, and the woman,
also not knowing what he's doing wrong (but
absolutely knowing it's all wrong!), pretends
finally to have an orgasm because she knows that
the way he's doing it she'll never have one, and
she wants to get the whole thing over with to
end the boredom and/or pain.


And there have been lots of books written

about how to arouse a woman. They describe
foreplay in intimate detail, with all kinds of lo-
tions and props and weird positions and all the
things to do to get her ready for an orgasm. But
that's only half the story, 'cause as ready as she
can get, if the man doesn't know how to handle
THE MAIN EVENT—intercourse—she's going
to be a very hiistrated, unhappy, and unsatisfied
And I explain in the first chapter why she wiQ
probably fake an orgasm, or else she'll just give
up on the relationship. That's when she starts
looking around for another man. And can you
blame her?
Now I believe only a woman can explain the
intricacies of satisfying a woman because a man
can*t possibly know this without female input As
I said before, a man, just by nature of his
anatomy, is much more easily pleased than a
woman. He can't possibly know what the physi-
cal sensations are in a woman's body.
And up to now how was a man to learn about


how to pleasure a woman? They sure don't teach

it in school. They teach how to read and write

and add and subtract and spell You learn the

capitals of every state and where Afghanistan is

located, but you sure don't learn how to make

love. And as I see it, making love is a lot more
important than knowing how to conjugate a verb
or parse a sentence. So a man gets out of school
and starts dating and probably having sex, and
it's all hit-or-miss. He just "does what comes
natcherly.'* He gets satisfaction, but the woman
doesn't, because he doesn't know what he's
doing. He fumbles and grabs and paws, and
because it feels good to him, he thinks it also
feels good to her. But it doesn't.
And aside from wishing it felt better, how is

the woman to know that it should be any differ-

ent? She also doesn't learn anything in school
about making love. She's just as ignorant as
he is.

The vast majority of men are definitely inept

lovers, but it's not their fault. You can't blame
thenL How are they to know any better? And if


women were any smarter on the subject, they'd

teach the men. But they aren't, so the men keep
groping and the women keep faking.

Another major reason for the gross ignorance

about sex is that almost all romantic novels

dealing with scenes of explicit sex are written by
men who believe thatwomen love rough, tough,
bang-'em-up sex, or by women who, having read
these kinds of stories, also think that's what will

turn on their readers. After all, it does sound

Why is it that everyone thinks a woman just
needs a man to enter her to make her roll around
wild-eyed in a crazed fashion and scream out in

passion? I've read it hundreds of times, and

that's the main reason I thought there was some-
thing wrong with me when I didn't have an
orgasm after being "banged." I was brainwashed
by writers of sexy fiction, and that's just what it

is— fiction. Playboy and Penthouse and all the

other men's magazines lead everyone to think
that every really sensuous woman needs only to
have a man enter her to have her scream with
passion and writhe with desire.


Some of the following excerpts are fiction, and

some purport to be true. I listed a lot of them
because there are so many in every book and
magazine around. And as many as I listed, I left

out literally thousands more. Some are very well

written and some are awful. But they all make
my point.

**She arched both legs girdling his hips, and

impaled herself on him ... he bore down,
her nails knifing his skin, until he pierced
her . . . she began to thrust at Fabian, her
body springing back as the tip of his flesh

met her womb . . . her body sundered,

waiting for him to keel into her, offering
herself to a deeper quest ... As she
plunged beneath him, her eyes staring, her
mouth trapping a scream, he moved into
her again, a reeling of ebb and flow pulling
her apart, buckling her in quivers of
desire . .

Passion Play Jerzy Kosinski


"He pushed her legs apart with his hands,

and she lay before him, spread-eagled. He
mounted her. I'm going to plug you, you
bitch.' His cock was enormous . . . Then
there was only ecstasy ... as she watched
his waxen cock moving in and out . . .

'Don't take it away,' she screamed. 1 love

it Keep fucking me ... I love it, I love it

... I love your gigantic, beautiful prick,

your hairy cock. I want it to plug me for-

The Users Joyce Haber

"As I entered her ass, she gave a soft moan

of pleasure and begged me to go deeper.
'Ram it up me. Please, ram it harder!
Harder! Harder!' Soon my thrusts were so
forceful that each one nearly knocked her
over ... As we reached orgasm, we were
both moaning so loudly that we nearly
drowned out the music ..."
Name and Address Withheld
Penthouse Forum, May 1980


"She was so hot by the time they had gotten

to her cabin that as he untied her bikini the
very touch of his hand on her flesh caused
her to shudder with orgasm."
The Body Brokers Robert Eaton

"I positioned myself over her and started to

thrust gently, but Linda would have none of

that. She grabbed me bymy ass and pulled
me toward her so that my full seven inches
were firmly embedded in her cunt. I started

to thrust in and out . . . until Linda started

to lift her ass ofif the floor to meet my
thrusts. She had to be the best fuck of my

life, because she really got into it, not like

most of the women I've fucked, who seem

to be very passive and require a lot of

B.G., Chicago, Illinois

Penthouse Forum, May 1980

**His lovemaking became frenetic, almost

savage, but Karen, later, exhausted and
sleepy, told him he was terrific . .

Count Me In Fan Nichols


"She lurched her bottom up and locked her

legs around his back. He lowered himself
into her and she began to writhe and grind
her pelvis up against him, muttering strange
guttural sounds and grunts of pleasure . . .

In a few moments they were thrusting and

churning their bodies in a frenzy of excite-
ment . . . then she pushed herself down
until she caught up his rigid member again
and plunged herself upon it, bouncing up
and down, flexing her legs, now squatting,

now kneeling. Suddenly she attained a

shuddering climax."
Runaway Slave Robert Tralins

"Kevin . . . abruptly flipped me onto my

back, entering me with one hard thrust. As
he began pumping furiously ... I wrapped
my legs around him and I could feel myself
climbing to the heights of ecstasy ... In
two more fierce thrusts he joined me in the
climax of a truly beautiful fuck."
L.L., Jacksonville, Florida
Penthouse Forum, May 1980


. . He pulled his hand away, and without

a pause at all, literally rammed his cock in

her cunt so hard it caused his balls to strike

her tummy, and a low animal growl of

pleasure emanated from her pelvis and
erupted ..."
"Troy," Men In Love Nancy Friday

"I barely got the head of my ten-inch mem-

ber into her when she pleaded with me to
stop, but of course I did not. I fucked her
ass so hard that I thought she would never
walk again, but somehow she handled it and
begged me for more."
Name and Address Withheld
Penthouse Forum, May 1980

"With no warning, no gentle probe, he

shoved his prick into Jana and fell on her
simultaneously ... He lifted himself out of
her slightly and then fell again more deeply
into her . . . grinding his hips into hers . . .

pushing in and out, his balls slapping at the

skin between her thighs. Jana smiled."

Trading Up Joan Lea


"By this time she was begging for someone

to ram a cock in her. I obliged and rammed
all eight inches in and gave her a ride."
Name and Address WTithheld
Penthouse Forum, May 1980

"Jack gripped her and drove himself into

her. She clutched at him, trying not to
scream, and she how wildly, helplessly

they struggled, how viciously her body

grabbed at his in its agony to keep him with
her, to force him with her, to force him
again and again into her. How she needed
him, how raw and crazy was her need for
Do With Me What You Will

Joyce Carol Gates

"He fucked like a machine, refusing to suc-

cumb to an orgasm himself but urging me to
come again and again and again. After the
first three times I was sore and wanted to

stop. I begged him to stop but he wouldn't.


He kept banging away at me like an ax

Fear of Flying Erica Jong

"Hildy begged me to fuck her. I thrust my

huge nine and one-half inch tool into her
viselike box. We fucked with a vengeance
for what seemed hours. She experienced
dozens of orgasms."
T.R.H., Washington, D.C.
Penthouse Forum, May 1980

"She started bouncing on him, a crazy

rhythm, leading him on, and on, bouncing
and feinting like the tough, punch-crazy
fighter she was, till she got him locked in

her hug again, poised for her shuddering

Doctor Love Gael Greene

"I inserted my swollen member into her

love triangle and started to pump her. We
climaxed at the same time ."
. .

Name and Address Withheld

Penthouse Forum, May 1980


"Beau began fucking her hard and then built

up momentum. 'No, no, yes, yes,' she mut-

tered. Dear God, this awful pleasure was
driving her mad. Joy and pain were inter-

twined. *0h, oh, no, Mr. Kingston, I'm

coming —oh— oh.' Miss Holmes' thin body

was writhed in ecstasy."
March to the Drummer Peter Dane

Because none of the above quotes is the way

it really happens, I'm going to start right out in

Chapters 1, 2, and 3 in my book with explicit

instructions on how a woman can be really satis-

fied. I guarantee that if you read them carefully

and go about making love as I suggest, you will

absolutely, positively be successful in pleasuring

your woman every time.

And it will be quicker, too. Most men don't
have a clue to what they're doing to a woman's
body in the sex department, and because of this

ineptness, they think it has to take hours to

satisfy her. The beauty part of all this is that

when a man finds out exactly what to do—and

does it — ^it takes just minutes for a woman to


have an orgasm once THE MAIN EVENT be-


And it works. It really does!

How can I guarantee positive results every

time? You just read on, put into practice what
I've explained, and you'll find out the very first

time that it absolutely does work. Every time!

The Big Bang

Okay, you two are in love, and you're making

love. It's fabulous for you —the guy — it's sen-
sual, pleasure-full, and your orgasm is incredi-

ble. You love her and you know she also loves
you and she says it's great for her, too.
But is it? I'm sure you believe her, and feel
that you could tell if she were faking, but you
probably don't know that there's no way a man
can tell if a woman is faking an orgasm. I'm sure
you've heard that there are ways to tell, like her
breathing quickening, her nipples getting hard,
etc., but all these things happen when she's
aroused, not necessarily when she has an or-


The Big Bang Theory

And all you women. You know you can fake it,

right? You've been doing it for years. God knows

I was. Up till several years ago, I had never had
an orgasm in the normal way of making love.

(The other ways are not abnormal. I use the

term normal to mean the usual, or most common
way, of making love, the missionary position. I

believe that this is the most sexually satisfying to

both men and women once the man learns how

to really pleasure his mate in this position. Cer-
tainly all other ways are pleasure-full, but they
gained their great popularity because it is easier
for a woman to be satisfied using some sort of
manipulation of her clitoris, either manually
with fingers—or with lips and a tongue. And
women have gotten their men to do these things
because they know from experience that's the

only way they can achieve orgasm. Even though

it is pleasure-full, it doesn't begin to feel as
totally and completely satisfying as the normal
missionary position, once the man learns how to
make love in this wonderful and loving way.)
Again, I had never had an orgasm in the normal
way of making love. And I faked it. I had faked it

The Big Bang Theory

all my life. Believe me, I was Bernhardt, Duse,

Bette Davis, Faye Dunaway, and Sissy Spacek
all rolled up in one. No man ever suspected,
ever, that I wasn't thoroughly, totally satisfied.
And that's because I was such a great actress

convincing him. I moaned, I writhed, I gritted

my teeth, I did all the right things at the right

times —and I was completely and utterly unsatis-

fied and fiiistrated.

Now some of you men might ask why —why

did I go to all that trouble? Why didn't I just tell

my guy that I wasn't being satisfied? I didn't for

the same reasons that no woman wants to tell

her guy.
First, she loves her man — really cares for

him —and that's why they're together in the first

place. And she doesn't want to hurt his feelings
or his ego. She wants him to feel like a tiger.

Second, she doesn't want him to feel she's not

a sensual woman, that maybe there's something
wrong with her. She thinks it's her fault, that

maybe she's a "frigid" woman. Why else is she

unable to have an orgasm when he has such an
easy time having one? God forbid the thought

The Big Bang Theory

should ever cross his mind that she's "frigid."

That would devastate her. (At this point I'd like

to point out that there is no such thing as a

"frigid" woman. There are only inept male lov-
ers!) And in her mind, if he did think she was
"frigid," he might go out looking for a hot number
to replace her.
And third, she doesn't know why she's not
having an orgasm. She still thinks it's her fault,

but if she only knew why, she could do something

about it, Or she could tell him what to do

right if she only knew what he was doing wrong,

or that he was doing something wrong. He got

her excited with foreplay. She's burning up with
desire, and as soon as he enters her and starts
pumping, she's turned off. That wonderful, ex-
cited feeling, that glow all over her body, that
tingling in her sex organs, vanishes. Why? Be-
cause he's doing his BIG BANG number. In and
out, in and out —Bang Bang. He doesn't realize it

doesn't feel good to her. It doesn't always hurt at

first, but it sure doesn't feel terrific. And after a

while of being "banged," it does hurt, and she

wishes he would get it over with fast!

The Big Bang Theory

If you men would just try this experiment,

you'd understand exactly what it feels like. Put

your left arm out and with your right fist hit your
left arm for about thirty seconds (the longer you
do it, the more it hurts). I did this on several TV
shows to show the male hosts what "banging"
feels like, and they were all amazed. They had
no idea that that's what happens when a man
enters a woman and starts pumping. But if you
stop and think about it, it's very logical. A man's
penis, ready to make love, is hard. The territory

surrounding his penis, his pelvis, is also hard.

And a woman's sex organs are all soft. So when a

man puts his hard organ into a woman's soft
organ and then starts pumping hard, it hits her
hard on her clit, and it doesn't feel good. After a
few minutes of being hit on her soft organ, it

begins to hurt. And just to get it over with, shell

pretend anything to stop the pain or boredom.
She quickly learns how to pretend she's having

an orgasm.
In the next two chapters I'm going to tell you
exactly what to do to not only arouse your
woman, but to take her all the way to the most

The Big Bang Theory

glorious orgasm she's ever had, and to do this

every time you make love.

And the beauty part of this is that when she

truly has an incredible orgasm that sends off

rockets through her whole body, you will be-

come more excited than you've ever been be-
fore, and your orgasm will surpass any you've
ever had before, because now you'll know the
real power that you possess to turn her on and
send her to the moon, outer space, Mars,
Venus, etc. And youll feel a love from her that
you've never felt before.
And even if you think you're pretty good now,
and your woman tells you that you're a perfect
lover, (remember, she loves you and wants you
to think you are perfect), try it anyway!
And if you've been worried that maybe she's
got eyes for someone else, or think maybe she
might look at another man, after you give her the
ultimate pleasure that you're now capable of
because now you know how to pleasure her,
you'll realize that there's no reason for her to

look around or to fool around, 'cause you're the

man who gives her what she wants and needs
and loves.



Stop and think about what turns you on. A

sniff of a wonderful fragrance, a taste of caviar,
the touch of velvet on your skin — all soft and
gentle things. It's not so pleasure-full to be
overpowered by too strong an odor (yech!), or

to gorge on a full can of caviar (double yech!!!),

or to be nibbed roughly with any material
velvet included.
Try another experiment. Put your left arm out
again and now take the fingers of your right hand
and very softly run your fingers over your ann.
But very gently. Hardly touch the skin. Make like
your fingers are feathers, and tease your skin. It

tickles a little, and after a few seconds you feel


like you want to scratch it. The soft touch makes

a gentle itch which feels good, and needs to be
satisfied, or scratched.
Well, the same principle applies to making
love. First, gently touch her skin —anywhere. A
leg, an arm, her back —anywhere. But it must be
gentle, very soft and teasy. Spend a minute or
two there. Then slowly, very slowly, work up to
her breasts — softly, with the tips and pads of
your fingers. But don't touch her nipples — yet!

Create a desire. Make her sweetly suffer with

wanting something so badly and not being able to
get it when she wants it. Make her sweetly
suffer with a desire that you won't give her . . .

When you paw her or roughly maul her (which
I call THREEPLAY —cause it sure ain't fore-

play!), that's a turn-off, like too strong an odor.

Deliberately don't touch her nipples for a few
minutes. Deliberately tease her. And after a few
minutes of your teasing her —above her nipple,

below it, and all around it, but never right on it,

shell be ready for you to touch it But only softly

touch, don't grab or pull or knead. Again, just


softly take your fingers and hardly touch at all.

This will begin to drive her crazy. You are

teasing her. Keep it up, knowing you're driving
her crazy. You are calling the shots and that
alone is a giant turn-on. And the soft tease of
your fingers makes her want more. The fact that

you're holding back, and only gently teasing with

the soft touch of your fingers, creates a divine
itch, an unbelievably strong itch, and the more it

itches, the more she wants you to satisfy that

itch. By holding back, you are creating a tremen-

dous desire within all of her sex organs. After a

few minutes of this (and don't weaken, and grab

or paw), whenever you feel she's ready (and
believe me, she'll let you know), if you're ready
with an aroused and hard penis (if not, I'll cover
that a little later — right now we're working on
her) — if you're ready with an aroused and hard
penis, do not put it in her! This is THE MAIN
EVENT coming up, and once you get this right,

you'll never have trouble again.

The Main Event

Now you are aroused. Your penis is aroused.

And she is aroused.
Take your penis in your hand and gently rub
her clitoris with it. Gently. Very gently. Play with
her with your penis very softly. You are letting

her know that you could go inside her with it, but
you're choosing not to. You are going to tease
her with it. You are going to build a desire inside

her until she begs you to put it in. You are now
totally in charge — the master of your self and of
her. You are going to tease her until she literally

will beg you to put it in.

YouTl be getting to that point soon. You're

teasing her clit gently and the more you tease,


The Main Event

the more aroused she's getting. Just keep it up,

very gently teasing her with your penis. She's
now asking you to put it in, and you say no, and
you keep teasing her with your penis gently
rubbing on her clit Again she asks you to put it

in, and again you say no. You continue teasing

her and now she says please put it in, but you're
still not ready. You want her to beg, right? Well,
give her another minute or so and she will beg.
Now remember, you're in charge. It's ^owr penis
and you can sweetly torture her as long as you
And shell love it. She knows you're in charge
and in total control of your penis and her body.
Before this you were not in control You just

shoved it in —^Bang Bang—and that was it. No

control. No mastery.
All right, now you've finally gotten her to the
point of begging you to put it in. So you've
decided the time is now. But do you put it in?

You will very gently go in about one-half inch
(hardly at all) and then slowly take it out, then

slowly back in one-half inch and slowly out again.

She's going to be really going crazy by now


The Main Event

and you're going to love it And so will she. After

all, she never felt like this before.

Good grief, does she want you! But you're still

in charge and still teasing.

Now youTl put it in one inch and slowly out,

and in one inch and slowly out. Now go in a little

more, very slowly. Maybe one and a half inches.

And very slowly out. Don't ever go in all the way,

till she starts having her orgasm. Just keep
teasing her. When you've worked up to almost
the full length of your penis, slowly withdraw and
in again and out again very slowly and very

The reason not to go all the way in

with your penis is that when you do, it

rams against her clit, and the whole

purpose of this is to tease her —not
clit to

hit it, but to create a desire that drives

her mad until she has an orgasm.

Now you're still slowly going in and out, never

all the way, and you can feel her getting more
and more aroused. This in turn gets you more
and more aroused, because as much as you're
teasing her, you're teasing your self, too. You're

The Main Event

totally in command, and both of you know it And

the more you can stall it, the more incredible and
intense will be both your orgasms.
Teasing is a form of sweet torture, for both of
you. And we all— ^both men and women — ^have a

touch of masochism within us. The act of surren-

der, which is the most beautiful part of orgasm,

is surrender in love to the one you love.

Now if you want to try something that is

sexually incredible, but incredibly diffi-

cult to do, get to the point you're at

now —the point where you're both sec-

onds away from an orgasm, and stop.
Just stop cold. And resume several
hours later, or the next morning. Hold-
ing back like that will triply excite you
when you resume your lovemaking, and
you'U both be so sensual and so ready
that when you start over again with the
teasing, you'll both be tortured with de-
sire, and by the time you gently tease
her clit with your penis, she'll be
screaming for you to enter her, and
when you start gently putting your penis

The Main Event

in her a half-inch at a time, she'll be

pleading, begging for you to go in more.
And when you both have your orgasms,
the explosions will rock both of you like

you've never been rocked before.

But it takes great control. And a very

healthy body (see Chapter 7).

Okay, you've brought her to the point of

surrender— she's begging you to give her the

orgasm body so desperately wants now,

that her

so now you go in just a little deeper, and slowly

out, and keep that up until her body begins to

quiver, and you will continue going in and out

while she has an orgasm that rocks her whole

being. She may moan or scream on talk inco-

herently or just breathe huskily, but this time

you'll know she's not faking it You have made
her have an orgasm. It wasn't an accident It

didn't just happen. You deliberately and con-

sciously teased her body until she couldn't stand
it any longer. She gave her self to you totally and
completely because you demanded it With love,
to be sure, but it was a deliberate command for

her to respond. She opened up completely to


The Main Event

Now if you're in good physical shape, you'll be

able to give her several more orgasms after her
first one. The ones that follow come much faster
and you don't have to tease. Of course, you can't
revert to THE BIG BANG, but you can be a
little more forceful. You'll see how she'll react if

you can keep from coming and continue to pene-

trate her. Usually, within a minute she'll have
another and another, as long as you can con-
tinue. Usually three to five —some women only
two and some over five.

But maybe you're so excited by her first

explosion that you just can't hold back, so you

have your orgasm. It will be the deepest and
fullest orgasm you've ever had, because you've
controlled it up to this moment, and you've
teased your self and now you've let your self go.
Hopefully, you've been able to give her two or
three orgasms, but if only one, that's okay,

'cause it was undoubtedly the best one she's

ever had, maybe even her first. And next time
you can try for more than one.
You'll notice how relaxed she is and how loving
toward you. After all, you've just given her the
greatest experience of her life. And she'll never
forget it. Or you.

What To Do K Your
Won't Even Try
(For Women Only!)

If you're a woman and can't get your mate to

read this book (he doesn't read books, he
doesn't read sex books, he already knows how
to make love, he knows some women fake it but
you sure don't, etc.), you read it, and after >'om

learn what he's been doing wrong all these

years, you'll now be able to gently and sneakily
show him what you want, or if you're in love with
a real hardhead who refuses to change anything
about the way he makes love, and he's so stub-
born he's hanging on to his "great lover" image,

all is not lost.

(For Women Only!)

You should not continue faking it. In fact, if you

do, you'll be letting your man down, because
then he'll never learn how inept he is, and he'll

never change, and you'll never have the ecstasy

of an orgasm during intercourse. You'll also be
letting your self down by pretending something
that isn't happening.
In Shere Kite's book The Hite Report, she lists

hundreds of quotes from women who fake it.

Here are just a few that might ring a bell:

"I fake orgasms to save his pride and pre-

vent arguments."

"Sometimes it builds a man's ego to let him

think he's successful. Therefore, if I really

like a man and want him to think I enjoyed

sex more than I did, I do it."

"Yes, I always fake orgasms. It just seems

polite. Why be rude?"

"I fake them often. He and I have had such

an abysmal sex relationship that I don't
want to burden him with the knowledge that

I don't come during intercourse."

(For Women Only!)

"I always did. (I'm sixty-two now.) I was

told to do it by male doctors to keep my
husband happy (bless me). I was thinking
there was something missing in my makeup
for about thirty-five years —and that's a
long time to imagine you had to fake it!"

**I have been faking orgasms for thirty

years, because I need approval — I lack self-

esteem —I'm ashamed as though I had a

club foot or one eye —and because I don't

want to hurt my husband, who is also inse-


*1 always fake them during intercourse. I

know it would hurt the guy I live with if he

knew otherwise, so I always tell him that it

was great."

"Yes, it's easier and faster than struggling."

"When he asked if I came, I said yes.

Sometimes he would even tell me how

many times I came, and I didn't have the
heart to tell him that I hadn't come at all."

(For Women Only!)

"I always fake them —because I never have


"Like asking if the sky is blue. Yes, during

intercourse; I usually don't want men to
know I never have them."

"For fifteen years I was the world's best

faker. — think they should have a
Honestly I

phallic trophy—mounted on a pedestal (like

in the history books)

art women— for all ^I

think they all fake it with men."

As I mentioned earlier in the book, up till a few

years ago, I had never had an orgasm during
intercourse and I always faked it. And I honestly
thought I was the only woman doing this. Of
course, I never ever told a single soul, man or
woman, that I was not able to orgasm in inter-

course. I was embarrassed and I didn't want

anyone to know that I was not "normal" —HA!
This was a little before everyone talked so fireely

about sex, and before all the very explicit books

were written about women's sexual problems.
So firom all I read in popular fiction and firom all I

(For Women Only!)

heard, I certainly thought all other women had

an easy time climaxing during intercourse. All

my friends and acquaintances must have been as

anxiety-ridden as I was about this lack in their

lives, and they sure weren't going to tell me or

anyone else about their "frigidity problem." They
obviously were as upset and embarrassed as I

was, and they were all faking it exactly the same

as I was.
The difference now is that because women are
admitting their problems, probably very few
think they are the only ones faking it. Hopefully,
even fewer think they're "frigid."

Here are some more quotes from The Hite

Report about how so many women think they

are, or thought they were, "frigid":

"I went along for thirty-four years carrying

the burden of not having vaginal orgasms,

never telling anyone because I felt some-
thing was wrong with me — I thought I was

". . . It's going to take some time, and I

believe eventually a woman will have to tell

(For Women Only!)

me how to have an orgasm during sex.

Right now I don't know who to ask plus I

will have to be quite careful in discussing

this —because I wouldn't want someone to

think I was abnormal."

"I fake them to avoid confrontation with a

man, to avoid explaining why I was like I

was, to avoid their trite responses of lesbi-

anism, frigidity, etc."

"Yes, for ten and a half years! I didn't want

anyone to think I was frigid."

"... if I don't have any —then it's my fault,

and my boyfriend doesn't want to have
intercourse very much if I am frigid."

In The Redbook Report on Female Sexuality, a

woman is quoted about her unhappy and unsatis-
fied sex life, and what her doctor told her
about it:

". . . After 10 years of never having an

orgasm, I finally got up the courage to ask
my family doctor (they always tell you to


(For Women Only!)

ask the family doctor, right?), as my mar-

riage was falling apart. His response was,
'Seventy percent of all women are frigid
it's all in your head.'

Just as I thought it was only my problem

(never dreaming it could possibly be my man's
ineptness), these women all think they are, or

thought they were, "frigid."

Again, please remember, there is no such thing

as a frigid woman. Once men really learn how to
intercourse, every woman will respond!
Now lots of women think they have to mastur-

bate during intercourse to achieve orgasm, but

this is not true. When you get your man to make
love exactly as in Chapter 3, you do not have to
do anything to your self—he does it all. Here are
just a few quotes from The Hite Report about
women who orgasm during intercourse, but only
with masturbation.

"I would like to have orgasm during inter-

course without having to play with my clito-

ris at the same time! K I didn't do that I

would almost never come."


(For Women Only!)

"... I have orgasms from masturbation

and clitoral stimulation only. I feel very
little, and rarely, from penis penetration,
and had an orgasm from penis
I've never

stimulation ..."

"I would like to have orgasm during inter-

course without having to play with my clito-
ris at the same time. If I didn't do that I

would almost never have orgasms. I would

like to be able to have them with just
intercourse ..."

In The Redbook Report on Female Sexuality,

the authors state:

"Should intercourse be taken literally

orgasms that occur during penetration —or

generally—orgasms that occur during a
sexual episode, including manual or oral
stimulation? The distinction is not trivial for

the millions of women who are easily orgas-

mic by mouth, hand, and vibrator but for

whom the penis is just a pleasant accompa-
niment to the blissful harmonies."


(For Women Only!)

"I have conducted my own little survey and

I do not have one friend or acquaintance
who has ever had a "real" orgasm through
intercourse —only through clitoral stimula-
tion . .

"I have never had an orgasm during sexual

intercourse. To have an orgasm, I must
have cunnilingus or manual clitoral stimula-

tion. I know of women today who are faking

orgasm during intercourse because they are
too embarrassed to tell their husbands or
lovers that no matter how long they keep
their erection, they just can't make her
have an orgasm. Please, please discuss
this when you print the results of your
survey! ..."

Dr. Seymour Fisher, who wrote The Female

Orgasm, did a study of over three hundred
women, and of these women, 80 percent said

they needed masturbation during intercourse in

order to have an orgasm.

Alfred Kinsey of the "Kinsey Report" (Sex-

ual Behavior in the Human Female) reported

(For Women Only!)

that "the techniques of masturbation and of pet-

ting are more specifically calculated to effect

orgasm than the techniques of coitus itself."

Kinsey says that for most women, intercourse

alone always or almost always results in no
orgasm, and that intercourse with masturbation
for these same women almost always results in

Dr. Debora Phillips, who wrote Sexiuil Confi-
dence, says:

"... a woman is less likely to have an

orgasm during intercourse than through
manual or oral stimulation. (For those who
would rush into intercourse as the goal of

lovemaking, it's interesting to note that

many women actually experience a decline

in sexual pleasure with penetration.)"

Dr. Helen Singer Kaplan, Dr. David Reuben,

Masters and Johnson, have all written about
masturbation as a means of attaining orgasm
during intercourse for most women who cannot
climax without it

(For Women Only!)

So —your mate is a lousy lover who won't

admit it or change, you found out you dont have
to masturbate during intercourse, and you're not
going to fake it anymore. What are you going to
You are now going to take charge of the
situation, and by doing this, control your love life

and be sexually satisfied every time you make


Of course, solving your own problem by your

self is not as sensational as having a loving
partner who tries to change and become a better
lover because he accepts and admits the fact that
he's inept. Listen, almost every man is, so it's

nothing to be ashamed about. He never wanted

to be, and till now he didn't really realize that he
was inept But hopefully he's read this book and
is make you happy.
willing to try to

But your problem now is that you are in love

with a real BIG BANG artist, and he can't (or
won't) accept the fact that he's a terrible lover.
And you're so much in love with him that you
want to stick with him, awful lover or not So
what do you do?


(For Women Only!)

Well, first of all, you don't tell him he's inept.

In fact, no woman should ever tell her man that

he's been a bad lover. Even if you've been faking

it for thirty-five years, don't ever tell him that
Why hurt him now? After all, he wasn't inept
deliberately, and you didn't know what to tell him
to do either, right? The point is you can't do
anything about the past — it's all over with and
you can't recapture all those missed ecstasies
so let's start with NOW. Again, hopefully he's
read this book and is now a fantastic lover (it's so
easy to be one once you know what to do and
what not to do).

So now for how a woman can control her

sexual destiny, can have a climax every time
with a man who hasn't picked up on, or refuses

to learn, teasing.
You do it with your thighs. When a man comes
on too strong and too hard and starts banging,

just squeeze your thighs, which will clamp

around his hips and keep his body firom ramming
your body, and slow him down. Slowly, as he
finds out he can't "bang" you because you won't

(For Women Only!)

allow it, he'll start to ease up his attack because

he really can't do anything else.

Now when I say squeeze your thighs, I mean

take control. You have some very strong thigh
muscles there that are hardly ever used, and the
more you use them, the stronger they get.

When you squeeze your thighs, you also control

how much of his penis you allow inside you. Not
only will he not be able to ram you, he will only
be able to go in as much and as far as you want.
So you can tease your self with his penis and do
all the things that in Chapter 3 he will do to you,
only now youre in charge. It's not as super-
duper as when he does it all, but you definitely
can have an orgasm this way, and he will un-
doubtedly eventually become aware of what you
want and what pleasures you.
Once you have shown a man that you know
what you want, and he starts to pick up on it, and
he knows that you know what you want, and he
begins, gently and lovingly, to move in and out,

you can begin to relax and let him take over

more. And every time you make love and show


(For Women Only!)

him what you want and how you want it, he will

subconsciously begin to remember, so that each

time hell bang a little less hard and you won't
have to flex those thigh muscles as hard. Even-
tually (hopefully after only the first time, but
maybe it'll take two or three times), he will

totally understand how you don't want him to

bang you, and how you do want him to make love
to you in a really teasy and loving way. When a
woman is physically relaxed, she will be mentally
and emotionally relaxed, too. K he gets too
rough again, just flex those thigh muscles to
signal him to gentle it (not that maybe later you
won't want it a little stronger, but you start with

it teasy). Then, as he gently and lovingly and

teasingly makes love, you can relax and begin to
surrender your self to him, slowly, as he will to

you. Sexual surrender is the ultimate in trust

and the ultimate in pleasure. When you're totally

open physically, trusting mentally, and vulnera-

ble emotionally is when the rockets explode.
And exploding rockets with the one you love is
what life is all about!


I'm a total romantic. I believe in everything

romantic. I believe love is the most important
thing in the world. I know it is for me.
Whenever I talk about sex, I mean sex with
love. Without love, sex is an exercise — a pleas-
ant one, to be sure —but still just an exercise.

Aah, but sex with love . . . that's the greatest

experience in the world —bar none! I can't think

of one thing that feels better physically, men-

tally, or emotionally.
Now the ability to love is something we all

have, but not all of us use it. There are lots of

reasons for this. We're afraid, we're tense,

we're angry, we're anxious, we're depressed


Unfortunately, all of these negatives keep us

from being loving. So it's up to all of us to try as
hard as we can to get rid of all the negs in our
lives. In Chapter 7 I cover the physical part of
health, and I believe when the body is truly
healthy, then the mind and emotions will be
healthy, too.

So in this chapter I don't want to talk about

feeling loving, but feeling loved. Receptive to
love. Opening your self to love. Not feeling

guilty or unworthy of love.

I believe strongly in God (or Good, or Giant
Self, or Spirit, or anything you want to call Him/
Her/It); in fact, my belief in God is the strongest
belief in my life, the one thing I'm positive of.

And I God gives us every-

strongly believe that
thing in life we need, at the moment we need it.
We may need to learn something, so God gives
us a tool with which to learn our lesson. The tool
may be pain, or loss of a job, or loss of a loved
one, or anything which may appear to be nega-
tive, but is in reality only a tool that God sends

us so that we can use that tool and learn.

I don't believe in guilt. I don't think any nega-



tive is a part of God. And guilt is a negative.

We're not supposed to feel sorry we did some-
thing. After all, if we could have done something
different at the time, we wouldwe have. But
didn't, we did what we had to do at that moment

We're supposed to learn from what we did.

We're not supposed to feel unworthy of any-
thing, which is what guilt makes us feel.

God created us perfect —we're the ones who

screw up. And the only reason we screw up is
because we don't fully realize that we are God's

children. If we really and truly believe and feel

that God loves us and protects us and guides us,
how could we ever feel afraid, or lost, or angry,
or guilty, or depressed, or any of the negative
feelings? So the whole point is to work on a real

positive —the ultimate positive —the knowledge

and feeling and assurance that we are part of
God and God is in all of us, and that God adores
each one of us and wants us to feel only positive

things in our lives. And the more we can work at

feeling the closeness to God, the sooner we can

feel and think and have these things.
I don't believe that God just loves me —

believe that God adores me and wants me to

have everything I want. And I do an emotional
exercise every day of my life that brings me
closer and closer to God every day of my life. I

wrote a little about this in Isle of View (Say It Out

Loud), but it's so important to me that I'd like to
repeat it. I feel so strongly about this exercise,
and I know how tremendously it's helped me to
achieve the things I want, that I want to convince
you to try it. It only takes several minutes a day,
but it colors your whole day in such a positive
light that once you begin doing it, I think you'll do
it the rest of your life. You, too, will begin to feel
differently, and you'll begin to think differently.
You'll also begin to get a lot of things that you've
wanted for a long time.

It's actually a form of self-hypnosis, and when

you start to use your conscious mind in this

exercise, you will be feeding input into your

subconscious mind. You will start to relax when
you let God run your life, trusting that every-
thing you want and need will be given to you
when you need it. You'll stop pushing so hard out
of fear, because once you feel, actually /^^/, that


God loves you, you can't experience fear. You

can't feel love and fear at the same time.

Here is my emotional exercise that I do every

day of my life.

Every morning, at the end of my twenty sit-

ups on my slant-board, I just lie there and close

my eyes and totally relax (if you don't have a
slant-board, you can lie flat on your bed, without
a pillow.)Then I remember emotionally what it
was like when someone really loved me (mother,
father, husband, wife —
makes no difference

who, but you must remember the feeling of being

loved, the wonderful physical glow, and warmth,
and open feeling, of someone truly loving you).

This takes real concentration and you must be

relaxed, but it's really fun. Just be still and go
back in time and remember incidents of being

held by your mother, or hugged by your dad, or

praised by either one of them. You might re-
member lying on a beach as a kid, under a warm
sky, and seeing your mother or dad, and feeling

secure and warm and loved with them sitting

nearby. It doesn't matter how you recapture the
feeling of being loved, as long as something in



your past warms you and opens you up emotion-

ally in its memory.
When I've captured this warm feeling, I smile,

and say, "God adores me," and then I smile

bigger and keep that great feeling of openness
and warmth. You don't have to try to smile

when you feel really loved, you can't help but

smile. Then I say, "God adores me and wants

me to have everything I want." Now, follow my

logic —^assuming that God, or Love, or Giant
Self, exists, and really loves me (which we've
been taught mentally but not emotionally). He/
She/It certainly wants me to have everything I

want and need. My darling mother wants me to

have everything she can give me; when my
father was alive, he loved me dearly and wanted
me to have anything and everything my little

heart desired. So God, who adores me (I like the

word "adore" better than "love" in this case,
because it seems stronger to me to emotionally
capture the feeling —but you can use love or
cherish or any word that works for you), so God
who adores me wants me to have everything in
the whole world that I want.


Now I get into a little more detail. "God

adores me and wants me to have everything I

want" —then I list all the things I want (and you

pick all the things you've ever really wanted, and
realize that if God does adore you, you'll get all

these terrific things —success, love, a joyful

marriage, friends, money, a great job, a terrific

apartment, gorgeous clothes, fame, an emerald

bracelet, a new car, a baby). Whoever really

loved you would have given you anything you

wanted, right? And if God adores you, and you
not only believe it but you feel it, that feeling will

grow till you feel more and more loved, and you
feel more and more deserving of everything you
want It's very important to smile broadly, be-
cause that'll help you to feel loved and happy.
Again, you don't force a smile —when you feel

truly loved, you can't help but smile! So when

you're relaxed and smiling, you'll know the right
feeling is there.

My biggest problem was that I never felt I

deserved anything. I felt only guilt for wanting

good things for my self. Maybe it was my super-
religious upbringing with hell and guilt, etc., or


maybe it came from somewhere else, but there

it was, coloring everything I did. No wonder I

repelled my self from getting good things from

my life — I didn't feel I deserved them. But doing
this emotional exercise every day, and without
exception, makes me know I'm loved, and
makes me feel like I'm a lovable person who
deserves everything I want.
And every single day I feel more and more
loved, and more and more lovable, and this
automatically makes me a more loving person.
Feeling loved makes you realize the goodness

within your self, and that goodness is your

REAL SELF, or my GIANT SELF, as I call God.
Feeling loved makes you feel your oneness
with God.


Fantasies are wonderful. They take ordinary

experiences and transform them into imaginative
flights to the unknown. They can be exciting,

sexy, erotic, stimulating, fun, relaxing — all kinds

of different things.
We all fantasize about a new car, a gorgeous
mansion, a yacht of our own to take us to our
own private tropical island where well never
have to work again. Just get up, pick breakfast,

swim in the lagoon, laze in the sun, make love,

and sleep a peaceful sleep under the stars.

Where our fantasies start differing in sex is

how we see ourselves. Some men fantasize

about power in love, and some women fantasize


about helplessness in love. However, I've

known men who fantasize about helplessness

and are very passive in sex, and I've known

women who fantasize about power and are very
active in sex. And I'm not talking about very
weak men and very strong women. Some of the
strongest, most successful men in business, real

titans of industry, want to be treated as pussy-

cats and fantasize all kinds of masochistic de-
lights (to them), and some of the weakest-
appearing, most docile types of women are
tigers and fantasize power. So you can't tell from
looks or appearances.
A fantasy is just that —imaginative. It can't

hurt you or anyone else, because it's all in your

Now I don't think fantasizing someone else in
place of the person you're with is constructive.
That's negative, not positive. After all, if you'd
rather be with someone else, you shouldn't be
with the person you're with.
And of course I believe totally in faithfulness,
so that precludes fantasizing group sex.
Really constructive fantasizing is taking the


person you're actually with and imagining a situa-

tion with him or her that turns you on — really

stimulates you mentally, emotionally, and sexu-


How can that be bad? You're using your power

of imagination (mind's dominant power) and us-
ing it to put excitement into a real situation. And
if you feel like telling your partner what turns
you on, go ahead and do it. If not, don't.

Some women fantasize being spanked. If

you've always wanted to imagine this and it

seems your partner is just not the type, well,

use your vivid imagination {all imaginations are

vivid, and like a muscle, they get stronger with
use, so the more you use your imagination, the

more vivid it becomes). Fantasize your man as

the type who would want to spank you. And
realize that every person, man or woman, reacts

differently in different situations. What may ap-

pear as a Casper Milquetoast or Wilbur Wimp

may have all kinds of strong and kinky desires
lurking beneath the surface. Just use your imagi-

nation and realize that it is possible —he could be

harboring a secret desire to spank you. You don't



have to tell him what you want (unless you

decide you'd like to). You can just keep fantasiz-

ing all you want and hell never know what's

going on inside your mind.
And then again, you may not know what's
going on in his brain either. He may have an
incredible imagination and may be fantasizing you
doing all kinds of wonderful things to him.
For instance, lots of men love to imagine that

their woman is stronger than they are, and

capable of ordering the man to do the woman's
bidding whatever it is. Some men like to fanta-

size being spanked by their wives. It really turns

them on.

Now lots of women also fantasize having tre-

mendous power men to do what-

to order their

ever they want. Some women use their own

sense of power as an aphrodisiac (power can be
a turn-on!). They like imagining that they are
more powerful than their husbands and can force
little husbies to do their bidding. Now remem-

ber, this is aU fantasy —we're not talking about

real life.

Lots of men fantasize total control of a


woman. They want to feel like potentates who

can command their women to follow their every
whim. It gives them a great feeling of might and
strength to imagine their women are slaves to
their simplest desires.

I know a woman who gets turned on by

tickling. She imagines she's being tickled by her
husband, and this feeling of losing control really
excites her. Her husband hasn't a clue to what's
going on in her mind.
And I know a man who visualizes himself

crawling on his hands and knees in front of his

wife, and this feeling of subservience turns him
on. He doesn't want his wife to know, because
he's hesitant that she might think it weak of him.
He happens to be a good friend of mine, a very
strong, good-looking man in show biz who let

down his guard with me and "told all." I told him I

believed he should share this with his wife, that
that might turn him on even more, and he said he
probably will — he's just not quite ready yet But
if he doesn't ever tell her, if he keeps it to
himself, that's okay, too.

I could list a lot of different fantasies, but the



whole point is to make up your own. You know

you have strong feelings and desires —and you
also have a strong imagination.
Like a muscle, it gets stronger with use. And
your own personal fantasies will get even more

The beauty part of fantasies is that you can

interchange them. One day you can be a power-
ful person, commanding and vigorous —a real

martinet—and the next day you can be a weak

person, reveling your own weakness—
in help-

less, defenseless, and very sexy in your helpless-

ness. Or if power really turns you on, or weak-
ness does, use one or the other all the time.

It's easy, it's fun, it hurts no one, and it just

might add spice to your already terrific sex life.

Just remember — in fantasies, anything goes! !

A Healthy Body

You might wonder why I've included a chapter

on physical health in a book about sex. Again, I'm

a very logical person, and when I explain it,

you'll how important health is to sex.

We may fall in love mentally or emotionally or
spiritually —mentally you observe someone and
you think you what you see — great
like a smile,

sensational legs, gorgeous eyes, an incredible

body. Your thought processes race along and you
decide to further pursue this person. Then your
emotions begin to function — feelings begin to

play within you which start urging you to get to

really know this person. And spiritually you feel

that this may be the missing half of your self for

A Healthy Body

which you've been so eagerly searching for such

a long time.
But all these thoughts and feelings and long-
ings can't happen without a body, and cannot be
fulfilled without a body. Without your body you
can't think, you can't feel, and you can't desire.
Your body is the vessel, the instrument, through
which all of these things are expressed. Your
body is truly the temple of God, although God
knows most of us don't treat it so religiously.
Most of us brutally mistreat our selves until it's a
wonder we can function at all. No wonder we
have a problem thinking straight —our veins and
arteries are so clogged from eating junk and
smoking and drinking booze, that oxygen has a
hard time reaching our brains, so how is it

possible to think clearly? After all, our brain is

very much like an IBM machine. And when your

body is full of tension or in the depths of a
depression, you jam your computer, and you
can't think clearly.

And the same for your emotions. When you're

filled with tension and anxiety, it's impossible to
be a loving person. It's not that you don't want to

A Healthy Body

be sweet and caring and full of tenderness, you

literally cannot. When you're tense and anxious,
you hit your kids and scream at your husband or
wife. You don't want to —you just can't help your
self. And when you're depressed, you're sure
not thrilled about hugging and kissing and making
nice. You're probably thinking about how you can
do away with your self.

So an unhealthy body is not a loving body. But

the reverse is certainly true. A really healthy

body is a loving body.

Sex is a normal function, like eating, drinking,

walking, and sleeping. Now you don't feel like

eating or drinking when you're sick, and you

don't want to walk or move when you're sick,
and certainly you don't sleep well when you're
sick, and of course you don't want sex when

you're sick.
When you're on drugs (cocaine, grass, booze,
dgs, coffee, tea, etc.), you can usually eat and
drink, though not well. You can usually walk, but
not with a bounce in your step, and you can
usually sleep, though fitfully. But drugs almost
always interfere with your sex life.

A Healthy Body

Sex is one of the best barometers of health

that there is. And this goes for both men and
women. When a person is a heavy smoker (or

even a moderate one), it negatively affects the

sex organs. When a man or woman is sexually

excited, the sex organs (penis and clitoris) en-

gorge with blood and that's what excites us.

Smoking constricts all the veins and arteries in

the body, particularly those in the sex organs, so
they can't fill up with blood. This is what we call

impotent —a sex organ that won't or can't fill

with blood and therefore can't get hard.

And drinking too much booze will deplete the
body of all the B vites, which are what keep the
nervous system in good shape and keep us
relaxed and sensual. So drinking booze will ini-

tially make us feel good for a few minutes, and

then, as the effects wear off, it makes us tense,
and we alternate between bouts of depression
and anxiety, which feelings are not conducive to
love and sex. Indeed, it will chase away any
feelings or thoughts you might have had about
making love. And coffee will do the same thing.

It gives you a temporary "up," then plummets

A Healthy Body

you down, so you need another cup, and an-

other, till your body is so tense and anxious that
love and sex are the last things on your mind.
And so it goes with all the drugs — cocaine,

grass, etc. They're all the same.

Of course, when we smoke or drink too much
(women as well as men), it harms lots of other

parts of our bodies, too, like our lungs, our liver,

our heart, our skin, etc. , but a real barometer of

the harm done (and a quicker one) is our sex life.

When we smoke, the nicotine constricts our

blood vessels (it really makes them a lot

smaller), and as I said, the swelling of the blood

vessels is the cause of erection and sexual ex-
citement in both men and women. And the
inhaled carbon monoxide reduces the level of

blood-oxygen and also the hormone production.

When a person is a heavy smoker, the lung
capacity is cut way down, and that cuts way down
on your endurance and on the ability to last a

while during intercourse. Try it. See what hap-

pens when you cut out the smokes for a month.
If your sex life doesn't pick up considerably (and
I mean your ability as a lover), then you can


A Healthy Body

always go back to smoking. I know it's difficult to

stop, but if I did it, anyone can.
One of the wonderful things about life is that

things are usually never totally lost. There is

usually hope that something can be salvaged.

The good news about stopping smoking is that

once a person stops, the body is totally cleared

of all the tar and nicotine and assorted gunk in a
matter of months. Several doctors have told me
that people should never feel that because
they've been smoking for years it wouldn't make
any difference if they stop — that all the damage
has already been done; that's simply not true.
Your lungs will go back to their pre -smoking

condition a few months after you stop.

Alcoholism is a result of nutritional deficien-

cies (particularly the B vites), so, because our
bodies are malnourished, we crave liquor
which makes our bodies more nutritionally defi-

cient, and we become more malnourished, and

we crave more booze, etc., etc., etc.

So the main thing to do for men who want to

have a super sex life is to cut down the booze,

cut out the smokes altogether, and start exercis-

A Healthy Body

ing those gorgeous bodies and getting them in

shape. Jogging is a terrific way to begin, even if

it's running in place in your bedroom. Once you

see how good you're feeling, you might even
graduate to running outside.
Now I'm sure some men smoke and drink too
much and still function well, but believe me, they
are the exception. And their sexual prowess
won't (can't) last. These men start out in life in

better shape than most of us, so it takes the

nicotine and booze a little while longer to get to
them. But get they will.

And as important as it is for men to be in great

shape physically to be terrific lovers, it's impor-
tant for women, too. The clitoris is a miniature
penis, and if a woman puts gunk in her body, her
clit will react exactly the same as a man's
penis — it will be difficult, if not impossible, to
keep it erect, and she will lose her desire for

Remember, it's impossible to keep an erection

if your body isn't healthy — it's not a mental
problem where you can will or demand your
penis to be hard, and it's not an emotional prob-

A Healthy Body

lem where a new and exciting bed partner will

stimulate you, and your penis will automatically

get hard — ^it's a physical problem if you're mis-
treating your body by loading it with junk and
booze and cigs and other drugs. Your penis
cannot get hard until you change your self and
get healthy.
Once you get your physical self in great shape,
and your mental self sharpens up (which it will

when your body is activated), and your emo-

tional self softens and expands as the love in-

creases in your life, you'll find the life forces

growing greatly in every part of your physical,

mental, and emotional self. The ultimate expres-

sion of this life force is sex —a juicy, delicious,

loving, and exciting sex life. This is only one of

the ways of pleasuring your self, but it is the

The great turn-on for sex is love, and love is

what this book is all about. When you have love

radiating from every pore, and love surrounding
every thought, and love filling every passion,
then you'U know what life is supposed to be.
So work at getting healthy and I promise you

A Healthy Body

you'll feel better than you've ever felt.

People are so used to feeling tense and anx-

ious that they think it's a natural way of life — that

that's the way they're supposed to feel. Only

after they've gotten rid of tension and anxiety do
they realize how awful they used to feel and how
unnatural it is to feel that awful.
The natural way to feel is calm and relaxed yet
full of energy, waking up in the morning wanting
to take over the world. That's what life is si4>-

posed to be like. But most people don't feel that

good, and I sure didn't either. I used to be so full

of tension and anxiety that I couldn't function,

then I'd fall into the pits of depression. I used to
think my fears and depressions were all mental,
so I tried everything—yoga, psychologists, psy-
chiatrists, meditation—but me you, you
let tell

can meditate for ten months, or see a shrink for

six years, and if your body's screaming out with
tension, nothing mental is going to help.
On the other hand, when your body is feeling

super good, you'll start thinking more clearly

than you ever did before — you'll find you don't

A Healthy Body

get confused anymore. And you'll be amazed at

how your personal relationships will improve.
People will find you more relaxed and more
loving —because when you're relaxed you won't
yell at your kids, kick the cat, or pick fights with
your mate.
So the very first step is to get rid of all the
physical tension in your body, and I've found the
all-time best way to do this. Only a person who's
felt as low and really awful as I used to feel can
understand why I'm so grateful for the great
change that happened to me several years ago.
Anything that could change my life so drastically,
that could make me feel so incredibly good every

day, is a miracle.

Now everyone who's read two of my books.

Everything You've Always Wanted to Know About
Energy But Were too Weak to Ask, and Isle of
. . .

View (Say It Out Loud), knows a little about how

I changed my life, but I'd like to tell my new
readers how it happened. If through my experi-
ence I can help even one person to feel better,
that will make me very happy.
Before my wonderful discovery, I was a

A Healthy Body

wreck on my ten cups a day (at least) of coffee,

my pack a day (at least) of cigarettes, and so
many sweets I can't believe I was even alive, let

alone functioning. I was tense and anxious be-

tween my bouts of depression. Every day I

smoked and drank coffee and tea and colas and

ate candy and cakes to whip myself into action.

Then I'd have a martini to relax at the end of the
day, then coffee, cigs, and sweets after dinner to
push my self again, and then to bed where I

slept horribly, with lots of nightmares, and the

next day the same routine all over again.
Finally, I had a physical collapse —my body
just conked out. They took me to the hospital
where the doctors thought I had mono or a
kidney disease —and at the time I was very
young, in my early twenties. While I was in the
hospital, a friend, Rachel Perry, gave me one of
Adelle Davis's books and I found out that all the
things which I'd had wrong with me physically

since I was a little kid came from tension, which

was caused by a lack of the B vitamins. I later

found out that the B vites in my body were being

used up by all the sugar and junk I was eating.


Sugar, to be metabolized, bums up all the B

vites in the metabolic process. No wonder I was
such a wreck!
Then I found out that yeast is the most con-
centrated source of all the B vites in any food,
and those B vites could also knock out tension
and depression —so that's when I invented my
Dynamite Energy Shake. Not only did the can-
ker sores and neuralgia attacks and pimples go
away, but the tension just sort of drained out of
my body, and my depressions faded away. I

could feel them leaving and a wonderful sense of

well-being taking over.
At that time made my Dynamite Energy

Shake from scratch, but now you can buy it

ready-made at all health stores, or to order
direct, call 1-800-255-1660, M-F, 9:30-5:30
e.s.t. worked months perfecting the
I for-

mula so that it would not only make you feel

sensational, but would also taste terrific.

I'm so grateful that God gave me my physical
collapse that led to my inventing the Dynamite

Energy Shake, that I decided to put all the

money that would have come to me from the sale

A Healthy Body

of the Dynamite Energy Shake, every penny,

into a foundation —The John Ellsworth Hayden
Foundation — that I named after my father. The
foundation is giving free Dynamite Energy
Shakes to people who can't afford it or who
wouldn't be able to get it otherwise. I want to
give it to every prison I can get it into, because
I truly believe that some people commit crimes
because of nutritional deficiencies that lead to
tension. The same way people drink to escape
tension and some fight with their mates and kids
and friends as a result of tension, some other
people who have chemically imbalanced bodies
and serious nutritional deficiencies commit
crimes because of the tension-
Free Dynamite Energy Shakes are also going
I to those people in mental institutes, senior dti-
i zens' homes, and other places where there are
people whom I feel could be benefited enor-
imously by putting something this potent in their

bodies, something that could change thier phys-
ical, mental, and emotional lives.

In my Energy and Isle of View books I give the

real basics about vitamins, but I'd like to tell you

A Healthy Body

just a little here about why you need them and

how many you should take. If you want to find

out a lot more of the details of vitamins and the

Dynamite Energy Shake, read both of my previ-

ous books. I've made it really logical and simple

and easy to understand.

Before I found out about vitamins, I was as

confused as everybody else about how many to

take and which ones I needed. I used to take a

multivitamin once a day, and thou^t I was
getting everything I needed, but now that I've

studied and found out a lot about vites, know I I

wasn't getting anywhere mar as many as I

Every body is individual and has individual

needs. We don't all need the same amount of

What I've done is list what I believe is the

minimum for every body (I take much more,

which I list under the minimums). Some of you

may need just the minimum, and others may

need more like I do, but I'll tell you how you will

know if you're getting enough or need more.

A Healthy Body



Vitamin A—25,000 units

All the B Vitamins —Get plenty in Dynamite
Energy Shake
Vitamin C—3,000 mgs.
Vitamin D—3,000 units
Vitamin E —400 units
Dolomite— 1,300 mgs. (10 pills or 1 level tsp.
Other Minerals—Get plenty in Dynamite
Energy Shake


Vitamin A—50,000 units

All the B Vitamins —Get plenty in Dynamite

Energy Shake
Vitamin C— 15,000 mgs.
Vitamin I>—3,000 units
Vitamin —
E 3,600 units
Dolomite— 3,900 mgs. 30 pills or 3 level tsp.
Other Minerals —Get plenty in Dynamite
Energy Shake

•Give duldrcn proportionatefy less according to their body weighL

For instance, a twehe year oW who weighs 100 lbs, give ^4 of amounts
Ested. a 6ve year old who weighs 50 lbs, give V4 of anx>unts listed, etc
Give ViL C according to frequency of colds, etc the child gets.

A Healthy Body

Let's start with Vitamin A. Vitamin A is essen-

tial to good skin— ^it prevents and clears up skin
infections. It also makes hair shiny, improves
day vision and particularly night vision, promotes
cell growth, and aids in resisting infections.

Vitamin A and Vitamin E work together and

should be taken together, because without Vita-
min E, Vitamin A is destroyed by oxygen. Vita-
min A is found in green and yellow vegetables
and apricots. The National Research Council
recommends 5,000 units a day, but I take 50,000
units a day, and I believe that 25,000 units a day
should be a minimum for an adult.

The B vitamins are Bi, B2, Bg, B12, biotin, folic

acid, inositol, niacin, pantothenic acid, and PABA

(para amino benzoic acid). Science is finding

there are other B vites, and has recently isolated

two, B16 (pangamic acid) and B17 (amygdalin). All
the B vites are water-soluble and can't be stored
in the body, so they must be taken every day.

They are synergistic, which means that one

alone or several together increase the need for
the rest of them. For instance, if you took lots of

Bi or Bg, it could make you terribly deficient in all

A Healthy Body

the other B's. When you take the Dynamite

Energ)' Shake, you'll be getting all the B vites,

and lots of them, because it's loaded with them.

Vitamin C is ascorbic acid, and Nobel Prize-
winner Linus Pauling recommends at least 3,000
mgs a day, but I take a minimum of 15,000 mgs a
day and have for years. If I start to sneeze or
feel a cold coming on, I go up to 50,000 mgs a
day, and several times have taken as much as
100,000 mgs in a day, but each time I knocked
the virus out that same day, and can honestly say

that since I've been on high doses of Vitamin C, /

haven't been sick even one day (and I used to get
colds and flu bugs and viruses maybe eight or ten
times a year, bedding me each time for a couple
of days —and my doctor bills and antibiotic bills

were enormous). Vitamin C is fantastic, but you

do need massive doses (always taken with a lot

of liquid). If you're taking Vitamin C and still get

a cold, then know that you're not taking enough.

And continue taking the large amount of C for at

least a day after you start to feel you're all better

(and you generally do start to feel better right
away after taking a lot of C), because if you stop


A Healthy Body

too soon, the germs will begin to multiply again.

If you have bleeding gums or bruises on your
body, these are signs of a Vitamin C deficiency.

If you never get a cold or flu bug, then you

probably need far less than the rest of us, and
3,000 or 4,000 mgs a day should be enough for
you. Vitamin C is water-soluble and can't be
stored in the body, so any excess is flushed out,
and the body tissues should be saturated with it

every day. Again, be sure to drink lots of liquids

when you take lots of Vitamin C. Just use your

body as a barometer: If you feel great and don't
catch colds or viruses, then 3,000 mg a day is

enough if you do catch colds, etc., then you

need more.
Vitamin D is known as the sunshine vitamin
and helps the body absorb calcium and retain it
Without Vitamin D, much calcium is lost. Foods
don't contain much, so many people are terribly

deficient and don't know why they are so ner-

vous. Vitamin D cannot be absorbed without fat

or oil, so take it after a meal that includes some

oil. Vitamin D, like Vitamin A, can be toxic, but
only in massive doses. I take two packets of my

A Healthy Body

own vitamins every day, which give me 3,000

units of Vitamin D, or 21,000 units a week. Dr.
J. A. Johnston of the Henry Ford Hospital in

Detroit researched Vitamin D, and his studies

show that an adult can profit by taking at least

4,000 units daily, and even though I take only

3,000 units a day (21,000 a week) in my vita-

mins, I get more in the eggs I eat and the milk I

drink every day. Of course, I also try to get a

little sunshine every day just walking around.

Vitamin E is an oxygenizer and it helps all the
muscles in the body by lowering the needs for
oxygen. With more oxygen, the heart doesn't
have to work as hard. Vitamin E is sometimes
called the sex vitamin, and helps produce normal
sex hormones. Vitamin E also adds oxygen to
the brain and has been used to help mentally
retarded children. Dr. Del Giudice, head of child
psychology at the National Institute of Public
Health in Buenos Aires, Argentina, has given
mentally retarded children 2,000 to 3,000 units
of Vitamin E daily for many years with surpris-
ingly successful results, and no evidence of tox-
icity. U you have high blood pressure, I suggest

A Healthy Body

you start very slowly with 100 units of Mtamin

E, and after you've been on the shake and \'ites

and ha\'e gotten healthier and your blood pres-

sure has lowered, then up your Vitamin E to 400
units. Most ever>'One else should begin with 800
units, or if you want to start slowly, 400 units
and build up to 800. I take 3, 600 units a day now
and feel great.

Dolomite contains calcium and magnesium,

both super -important for your nerves. It comes
in pills and powder. A teaspoon of powder in milk
or juice or even water (it's tasteless) is equi\'a-

lent to about ten pills, and ten pills is about the

equivalent of the calcium in a quart of milk. K
you're under a lot of stress (and who isn't nowa-
days?), take at least ten pills a day (or one

teaspoon powder in liquid). I usually take thirty-

six pills a day, but \^ith all the things I'm doing, I

really need 'em to keep me cool. Dolomite is a

great natural tranquilizer. It's also awfully impor-

tant for older people who usually don't get

enough calcium and whose bones are getting
brittle and porous. It will not only strengthen

A Healthy Body

your bones and keep them from breaking, it'll

also calm those frazzled nerves.

To me one of the saddest and most ridiculous

things about MDRs (minimum daily require-
ments) put out by Washington and used by
countless doctors all over the country, is the
MDR on Vitamin C, which is 60 mgs. According
to the statistics, 60 mgs of Vitamin C will keep
you from getting scurvy, which disease marks the
last stage of a Vitamin C deficiency before you
die! That's like saying the MDR of water is two
ounces a day, that that will keep you from dying
from a lack of water (or dehydration). Now
obviously one wants to be healthier than a bor-
derline case of scurvy which is one step from
death, and the sad part is that so many people
accept the MDRs as gospel, and are starving
their poor bodies from a lack of vitamins, and so
many ignorant doctors promote the MDRs as
the last word on nutrition. There are lots of

great doctors in the world and there are lots of

close-minded ones. If you're wise, you'll search
out the ones who are open-minded, who are

A Healthy Body

constantly learning about new findings, and who

are into preventive medicine and nutrition.
Just try to remember that vitamins are foods,
not drugs. It always astounds me how some
doctors warn people about taking vitamins,
which are foods and promote great health, and
they don't warn people about drinking coffee or
tea or cokis or eating sugar, all of which are
addictive. Once you become aware of your body
and listen to what it's telling you, youll become
more sensitive to what it needs and what to put
in and what to keep out And once you do get to
know your self physically, and your body starts
to feel really healthy, youll begin to know your
self mentally and emotionally, too. That's the
basis of happiness, because when you really

know your self, you can get rid of all the negative
things and cultivate all the positive things. That's
when you'll begin to like your self, and life will

begin to be fun and exciting.

The shakes and vitas are not a diet —they're
a way of life. They become as much a habit as
brushing your teeth every day. Everything you
put in your body is a cause and will have an

A Healthy Body

effect — some right away, like pimples, head-

aches, canker sores —and some are long-term
effects, like strokes, ulcers, heart attacks. When
you abuse your gorgeous body (well, it will be
when you take care of it), you really can't blame
it when it starts to fall apart. But the wonderful

thing is that it's never too late to change. So even

if you've been doing wrong things for years, you
can now start a new w^y of life, one that will
make you healthier and happier.
The Dynamite Energy Shake and vites
changed my life completely. Now I'm the health-
iest, most energetic person I know, and I want
every body to feel as good as I do!

Living Alone

What do you do about sex if you're living

alone? Your wife died several years ago. Your

fella is in the service overseas and won't be back
for another year. Your girlfriend has dumped
you. You decided you would be better off di-

vorced, so you and husby split several months

All right, now you're alone and whether you

like it or not is irrelevant. You're trying to make

the best of it and you're coping pretty well.

Except for sex—or the lack of it When you had

a partner, a mate, you may have fought like

Living Alone

crazy, but you were at least with another warm-

blooded human being. Because the relationship
was so strained, there wasn't a lot of love

floating around, but at least there was occasional

sex. And as they say, "At its worst it's better

than anything else." i

Well, I believe God gave us sex organs for a

reason. And I believe in sex with love. And
preferably sex with love in marriage. But if that

isn't possible, I don't believe God meant for us to

be celibate.

In his book Sex Can Save Your Heart and Life,

Dr. Eugene Scheimann points out that celibacy

just about destroyed earlier civilization, and that

some scholars believe that celibacy, not orgies,
led to the decline and fall of the Roman Empire:

"During the early centuries, the Christians

actually tried to get rid of sex entirely. . . .

It wasn't Christ's idea, nor that of his earli-

est followers with the possible exception of

Saint Paul, but his later followers became j

obsessed with stamping out sex. . . . Over

the years, this attitude took its toll. The

Living Alone

glorification of celibacy led to a decline in

the population of the Western Empire. The

defeat of Rome by the barbarian Huns from
the North has been blamed on everything
from decadence to lead poisoning, but one
scholar, Dr. Richard Lewinsohn, claims that
the antisex doctrine was responsible. 'Un-
less we can assume that the innumerable
treatises in favor of asceticism were mere
literary efforts and that no one except a few
thousand monks and nuns ordered their
lives after them, one is forced to conclude
that sexual abstinence did more [than cor-
ruption] to bring about the downfall of

Again, sex is a natural function just like eating,

drinking, walking, and sleeping. Just as you
hopefully don't glut your body by gorging with
food or drink till your belly juts out, you also
hopefully don't starve your body of nutrients, or
keep your self from drinking liquids till you're all

shriveled from thirst

M appetites are meant to be satisfied. Not


gorged and not starved. A happy medium. We

use Someone may give you a gor-

geous strawberry mousse cake, but that doesn't

mean you dive in and eat the whole thing in one
sitting. That would undoubtedly make you sick.

A small slice after dinner, another small slice

tomorrow. With care, it could last a week or
The same with sex. It's certainly all around
us, and it's not too difficult to come by nowadays.
But just to grab the first available body is not the
answer. In fact, that will probably disgust your
self with your self, and could turn you off sex
altogether for a while.

Now if you're a healthy person, you're going

to have a healthy sex drive. You didn't ask for it.

You were born with it. All healthy persons have

healthy sex drives. It makes no difference if

you're a priest, nun, schoolteacher, postman,

race-car driver, movie star, astronaut, or attor-
ney. If you're healthy, it's there. Some of us may
try to sublimate it in religious activities, or
sports, or an artistic endeavor. But it's still

there. And wishing won't make it go away.

L iving Alone

Again, Dr. Eugene Scheimann says:

"Freud was not the first doctor to notice

that people who got sick often had severe
sex problems. But Freud was the first to

make this a subject for science. . . His

theories became the basis of psychiatry,

and the foundation of psychosomatic medi-

cine ... he demonstrated that when sexual
desires are repressed into the unconscious,
they often show up, not only in dreams and
accidents and psychological upsets, but in
organic disease. . . Recent insights into

human sexuality seem to suggest that not

only was he on the right track, but that in

truth he didn't go far enough."

So what to do without a partner. Well, there

are pros and cons to self-satisfaction. Michael, a
character in Mart Crowley's Off-Broadway play
The Boys In The Band, believes it cuts down
your wardrobe needs. He says, "Well, one thing
you can say for masturbation —you certainly
don't have to look your best" Some people


believe in it and do it all the time, and others are

offended by the mere mention of it. I personally
think that anything in life that doesn't hurt you in

any way physically, mentally, or emotionally, or

doesn't hurt anyone else physically, mentally, or

emotionally, and is pleasure-full and feels good
and is health-full and is good for your circulation

and well-being, must be good.

But if you feel that something—flwyf/ii>^g—is
not good for you, and that thing —^whatever it

is —^makes you feel guilty, then I don't think you

should do it. This goes for food that you eat,
liquids that you drink, actions that you make, and
I believe sex should always be with love, but
then I believe that everything should be done
with love. What is love? It's caring —caring about
your self, your family, your friends, your pets,
your plants. And what is caring? Taking care of.

So to love is to take care of. When you truly love

your self, you take care of your self—you take
care that you put only health-fuU foods and
health-full drinks into your body, and only health-
full thoughts and feelings into your mind. Love is


Living Alone

And if you're living alone, either through cir-

cumstance or through choice, love should be in

every part of your life, too. You have no one to

take care of but your self, and you have no one to
take care of you but your self, so you have to
care for your self. Caring is love and love is


You should care for and pleasure your self in

every possible way that makes you feel good

physically, mentally, and emotionally.

In the Redbook survey is this report:

"The activity once thought to cause warts is

now recommended to do all but cure them

. . . therapists advise masturbation to sur-
vive sexually without a partner."

In Sexual Confidence, Dr. Debora Phillips


"The list of bad things about masturbation

can be summed up in a word: Nothing.

Except the attitude that masturbation is

Masturbation is a pleasure. And human
beings are especially endowed with a great


capacity for pleasure. The woman's clitoris,

for example, has nothing to do with procre-

ation. The only function a clitoris has is to
give pleasure. Isn't it remarkable that we
humans have been given an organ that is
only for sexual pleasure?"

Dr. Phillips goes on:

"The Reverend Dr. William Kirby, a Prot-

estant theologian, states, 'Let's start with
love. Is sex loving? Sex before or after
marriage or between two individuals of the
same or different sex cannot simply be
placed into a category of good or bad or
wrong or right or liberating or confining, but
rather whether it is loving.'"

Then she adds:

"Theologian and author Rabbi Reeve Bren-

ner points out: To Jews, sex is a blessing
... In the Hebrew Bible (the Old Testa-

ment) and in the Talmud, Judaism makes a

strong argument against celibacy and for
the raptures of love.'"

Living Alone

If you've found the love of your life and you

have a great relationship, you're a lucky per-

son —but if you haven't, don't deny your self

pleasure. Certainly love is the all-time greatest

pleasure in the world, but love comes in many

packages. I believe in feeling good so long as you

don't hurt your self or anyone else. The only

possible thing that could hurt you is guilt, and if

you're a loving person who's actively spreading

love, there's nothing to be guilty about.

Pleasure your self as much and as often as you

can. Eat wholesome food, breathe clean, fresh

air, drink lots of pure water, use all your mus-

cles, take good care of your skin and your body.
Do as many of the things that you can do to make
your self feel better physically, mentally, and

The Joy of Marriage

Now we come to my favorite subject, mar-

riage. I don't believe in living

together "playing
house" —and I truly believe in the commitment
of marriage. I think it's the greatest relationship
that two people can ever have. A partnership
with someone who loves you. What could be
I also believe strongly, as I stated earlier, in
faithfulness in marriage. I don't think you can
break the bond of trust in a marriage without
seriously damaging the relationship. And I don't
mean that he'll find out she's fooling around, or

she'll catch him with another woman. I mean the

person who's cheating will feel damaged. That

The Joy of Marriage

person will know the trust is broken, and the

relationship can never be the same.
I hate it when a married man makes a play for
me. Even if he's the handsomest, darlingest
man-about-town, it truly distresses me. I don't
want him to embarrass his wife by flirting outra-
geously with me or any other woman.
And I'm really happy when a married man is

attentive to his wife and acts like he's in love,

and doesn't make goo-goo eyes at me or anyone


That might seem strange, you might think I

would love any male attention, but again for

Naura's logic. A man who pays attention to his
wife, who is polite and gracious but doesn't
single out or flirt with other women, proves to
me that it is man who will be
possible to find a
faithful, who won't fool around, and who can be

trusted. The married man who ignores his wife

and flirts with me would flirt wi± other women

exactly the same way if he were married to me.

I want a man who loves me and who is faithful

because of his love and devotion and trust and all

The Joy of Marriage

those other beautiful feelings that we all have but

don't always use.
So why do so many people fool around outside
of marriage? Why is it thousands and thousands
of marriages are broken up every day? Why do
families split, destroying children's emotional
lives and traumatizing the broken partners?
I believe most of it stems from incomplete sex
lives. Most women are faking orgasms and are
deeply dissatisfied sexually with their husbands
and their marriages, and are looking around for
**Mr. Right" to fulfill them in this very important
And the men fooling around are doing it be-

cause they sense their wives are not deeply in

love with them, and all men, like all women, are
searching for a deep emotional love. Deep love
comes only when both partners are united heart-
to-heart, soul-to-soul, and body-to-body.
Now I've heard lots of people say that sex isn't
everything, and that it's overstated in a relation-
ship. People have told me that companionship

and compatibility are what really count, and that

The Joy of Marriage

sex isn't that important or necessary for a happy

marriage, and also that many marriages are just
as happy without it
I totally disagree with this.

To me, being married and living together with-

out sex is like cooking a super-delectable seven
course dinner and saying, "You can look at it, you
can touch it, you can smell it, you can taste it,

You can be married and compatible and love to

do all the same kinds of things together, but

without sex, your union is not complete. And

anyone who says it is has obviously got problems
in his or her sex life, and the marriage can't be a
really happy and complete one.
Of course, companionship is important in a
relationship, very important. And having things
in common is what makes you so compatible.
The fact that you both love movies and hate
picnics, or adore dancing and loathe golf, is part
of what makes being together fun. But sex is one
of the strongest and most important feelings we
have in life — ^physically, mentally, and emotion-
ally. And to underestimate it is a foolish and

The Joy of Marriage

dangerous thing to do, because that might lead

you to overlook unhappiness in the boudoir,
instead of looking for solutions.
Sure, other things are important, but don't
ever forget that sex is the closest two people can
get Certainly physically (you literally can't get

any closer!), but also there is a bond formed

mentally and emotionally when sexual pleasuring
is the ultimate joy for both partners.
I believe God gave us our sex organs so that

we would be bonded to each other in pleasure

forever within marriage. Sex was also given to us
for procreation. But if this were all it was for,

sexual feelings would then cease when a woman

can't procreate, or when a man is unable to have
children. And they don't.
If a man and woman are truly sexually happy
together, there would be no reason for him or
her to look elsewhere for sex. When a man and
woman love each other and share the joy of
ecstasy when they express their love in sex,

why would they look around?

A truly sad story I read a few years ago was
told by a woman doctor in her eighties who had

The Joy of Marriage

been very happily married right after the turn of

the century. She was deeply in love with her

husband, another doctor, who loved her just as
deeply. She how one night at the beginning

of their marriage they made love and she experi-

enced the most incredible feeling of ecstasy that

she had ever felt, a feeling of her body exploding

and expanding into space. Much later, she
learned that what she had experienced was an
orgasm. At that time, however, the ecstasy of
the feeling was so intense that it frightened her
and her husband to the extent that in later sex
relations she tensed up physically to keep her
self from any further enjoyment of her husband's
body-union with her. They were both taught that
a woman did not enjoy sex, that any pleasure in
the sex act was forbidden for a woman.
She related how he died a few years later, and
when she finally realized that her ecstasy with
her mate was a beautiful and tender part of their
love, something to be cherished, not feared, and
that she had stopped it —she had actually killed

all the physical joy and passion with the man she
totally loved — ^her regret was so profound that it

The Joy of Marriage

filled her with a sadness that she could never

shake for the rest of her life.

How lucky we are today to be living in an era

of openness in so many areas. Men and women
today are frank in their discussions of sex. Years
ago, when there was so much shame and guilt,
no wonder IRE BIG BANG got started. Wham,
bam, thank you ma'am. Just do it fast and hard
and get it over with. No wonder women (and
men) have had so many sexual problems through
the years. Shame and guilt are awful bedfellows.
A great part of great love, a very, very impor-
tant part, is expressing that love through sex.
You hear about so many couples having unhappy
sex lives because the wife isn't satisfied. I was in

Salt Lake City recently and a friend was telling

me about some problems in his marriage. He

said their sex life was awful and his wife didn't

ever really enjoy sex. They're both in their

twenties, and deeply religious Mormons. I ex-

plained to him about THE BIG BANG THEORY
and suggested he follow my advice at least once
and see what would happen. He called me the
next week in New York and said his wife had had

The Joy of Marriage

her first orgasm and was a different woman. His

happiness floated right through the phone.
Helen Gurley Brown is a truly beautiful
woman, inside and out, and loaded with sex
appeal. I'll never forget a couple of years ago
when we both were on the same plane from New
York to Los Angeles. She got up to stretch her
legs, and every man on the plane craned his neck
to watch her as she reached for her bag and then
headed for the restroom. When I saw her later in
Los Angeles at the baggage claim, I told her of all
the men eyeing her, and asked her how does she
keep so sexy all the time? She gave me a great
reply which I could never forget. Helen said she
feels so much love from her husband, David, and
that it's with her all the time, and it makes her
feel sexy all the time. Wow! Now there's a great
love affair and a great marriage.
A few years ago I created a phrase: "Pay
attention instead of alimony."

Alimony is expensive (for men and women!).

Attention isn't.

Attention is a pat on the fanny, a "you look

great!", and even a simple "I love you," and if

The Joy of Marriage

you have trouble saying that, say "Isle of View"

(from the book of the same name)!
Attention is taking your spouse's hand while
walking down the street, winking across a
crowded cocktail party, calling long distance the

night you arrive across the country and saying "I

just wanted you to know I miss you."

Attention is a lot of things. A lot of simple
things. But most importantly it's letting your
mate know you care. You care how he feels. You
care how she looks. You care what he eats and
drinks. You care that she keeps healthy.
Caring is loving. Loving is caring.

I never met Hubert Humphrey, but he was a

good friend of someone very close to me, who
tells of Hubie's great love and devotion and pride
in his wife, Muriel. He invited my friend to

Minneapolis many times to have dinner so that

Muriel could make her famous vegetable soup.
"Muriel makes the best vegetable soup in Amer-
ica," he said, so many times that even if she

didn't, everyone was convinced that she could

out-cook L'Escofifier. Hubert was a devoted,
attentive husband who had a wonderful marriage

The Joy of Marriage

because he not only loved his wife, he made sure

she knew it. He made her a big part of his life

(and that isn't always easy in politics!).

The few people I know who have happy rela-

tionships all pay attention instead of alimony.

They have learned that the greatest joy in the

whole world is to be deeply loved and cared for

and pleasured sexually by your mate.
This is truly the joy of marriage.
And the joy of marriage is truly the joy of life!

A Married Man's
Incredible Letter to
Me. . .

I have received tens of thousands of letters

since my book came out in 1983, and I cannot
tell you how thrilling it is for me to know that
my book has saved so many marriages, and
made so many other marriages happier than
they ever thought possible.
Some are from couples who tell me they
were going to marriage counselors, and
some of them were cheating on each other,
but after using the technique, all said they
were closer and happier than ever, and now
totally monogamous.

Others are from wives telling me they had

never had an orgasm before they and their
husbands read the book.
Others are from husbands saying they
never felt so much love from their wives as
now since they learned how to intercourse

Still others told me they were actually in

the process of getting a divorce when the

husband or wife got my book, got the spouse
to read it, and changed their whole lives

around with more emotional intimacy than

they ever dreamed possible.
But the most incredible letter I ever
received arrived in November of 1991 from a
man in Virginia who sent me 14 handwritten
pages (he says at the end that he obviously
couldn't have had his secretary type it), and
it is such a sincere and loving letter from a
husband who obviously really loves his wife
of 18 years that was genuinely moved by it.

He tells how upset and frustrated he was

by her lack of responsiveness and pleasure
in lovemaking during their years together, so
much so that he contemplated cheating on
her and even thought about the possibility of
He says my book changed his life and his

marriage . . .

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To all you men out there who are putting into

action what you've just read, and are no longer
practicing THE BIG BANG THEORY, but are,
with much love, gently and tenderly pleasuring
your women . . .

thank you . . .

And to all you women no longer faking it, but

enjoying sex completely, with warm feelings and
open hearts, who are with much love and pas-
sion pleasuring your men . . .

thank you . . .


because from all of you who are giving and

receiving and maldng love, lots of that love is

spilling over and touching all the rest of us, and

because we're all when you're more
loving it touches me, and when I'm more loving it
touches you.
We're all in this together, and love makes us
know we're all one.

Naura Hayden*

* ISLE OF VIEW (Say It Out Loud)

A book all about love . . . learning how to care for
and love your self, learning how to tune into and feel
loved by your Giant Self (God), and learning how to
love and be loved by another person so that you can
have a happy love life, a fulfilling sex life, and a faithful
marriage which will last a lifetime.

Hard Cover—$19.95

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the future. Naura believes that no one but (jod can

know what tomorrow will bring, but that astrology
can help us to know our selves a lot better. Astro-
Logical Love will tell you more about your self, your
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Naura Hayden is an actress, singer and author, and co-
starred many TV shows with Don Rickles, George Ken-

nedy, and many others She had the female lead in several
movies, including THE ANGRY RED PLANET ,and is
currently starnng in a movie, PK . Iilmed in Buenos Aires.
Miami, and New York
HAVE HER BEG FOR MORE' is Nauras fifth book She
which sold over 200,000 copies in hard cover and to date
over 1.800,000 in paperback, 'ISLE OF VIEW (Say It Out
Loud) and ASTRO-LOGICAL LOVE' all of which are still

selling well
Naura testified before the US Congressional Committee
on Nutntion, citing the effect poor nutntion has on all Amen-
cans, and she is an Honorary Fellow in The International
Academy of Preventive Medicine
She invented "Naura Hayden s Dynamite Energy Shake',
sold in ail health stores, and SHE PUTS ALL MONEY DUE
Naura believes that criminals and feeble older people and
people with mental and emotional disturbances are a result
of nutntional imbalances
Naura co-hosted AM-NY was a regular on 'GOOD

MORNING. NEW YORK' had her own radio show on


WMCA, recorded an album saluting women songwriters.

AND THEN SHE WROTE and just taped two pilots for her

own TV and radio shows, NAURA S GOOD NEWS

The 5 8\ 135 lb Ms Hayden lives in a yellow town house
on Manhattan s East Side, has a poodle named Seymour, a
cairn named Toto, three cats named Nathan, Sidney and
Maggie, a turtle named Ozwald. jogs and gulps vitamins and
Dynamite Energy Shake every single day She s impressive
and impressionable, animated and ambitious, beautiful and
bursting with energy'
"/ believe in marriage. I also believe in faithful-
ness in marriage I believe
. . . God gave us our
sex organs to bond us together in pleasure within
our marriage. And through this incredible plea-
sure, to keep us faithful to each other as long as
we both shall live."
"A man be loved as never before when he
is able to give his woman the greatest pleasure he
— —
can give her an orp^^**^ ^a nw iuh^n ho nan
this every time the^
no bounds" ^
HT "!
C Ox>

»$15.T5 . . kj -r <J I 1

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