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SOC2 Annual/Initial Audit Checklist V1.


System Name:
Business Owner:
Tech. Reviewer:
Review Date:

Annual Review Items Comments / Exceptions
Yes No
Date on cover page of report ☐ ☐
Look for AICPA certification emblem – ☐ ☐
usually located on cover page
Date on Bridge letter ☐ ☐
Subcontractor list and tasks assigned ☐ ☐
List of Data Centers – review to ensure ☐ ☐
there are no foreign DCs
Testing performed and results – look for ☐ ☐
exceptions that are usually in bold
High-level system diagram of servers – if ☐ ☐
Independent Evaluator – review the ☐ ☐
scope and subsequent results to ensure
that the independent review conducted is
consistent with applicable American
Institute of Certified Public Accountants
(AICPA) Standards (i.e., AT Section 801)
for Reviewing Service Provider Controls.
User Complimentary Controls - review to ☐ ☐
ensure that any requisite internal State of
Illinois (SOI) controls have been identified
and implemented, that interoperate with
and compliment the Service Provider's
controls thereby providing effective
controls to meet or exceed overall
business and system control objectives.
Sub-Provider Controls - In the event the ☐ ☐
primary Service Provider utilizes one or
more sub-providers, the Business
Owner/Technical Reviewer should
acquire SOC2 Reports from each of these
sub-providers and conduct a review of
their controls as well.
Contractual Controls – review to ensure ☐ ☐
that all applicable contractual, statutory
and regulatory controls have been met.
(Note: This may require interviews with
the Service Provider/Sub-Provider.)
Initial Review Items
The following are items that may be contained in the SOC Report or you may have to ask the Service Provider
(vendor) for additional information:
Code Migration Process - Review the ☐ ☐
SOC Report, if not directly included in the
SOC Report, interview the Service
Provider and determine whether the
development, testing, and production
environments have been distinctively
Access to Production Code and Data - ☐ ☐
Review the SOC Report, if not directly
included in the SOC Report, interview
vendor and determine whether controls
are in place to prevent programmers from
normal access to production code and
Access to Production Program Libraries – ☐ ☐
1. Identify what is needed to gain access
to Production program libraries. (Who has
access to the Production libraries)
2. Identify what security monitoring exists
on production program libraries.
Emergency Change Procedures - Review ☐ ☐
the SOC Report, if not directly included in
the SOC Report, inquire about
emergency program changes and verify
procedures and controls have been
Quality Assurance - Review the SOC ☐ ☐
Report, if not directly included in the SOC
Report, determine whether quality checks
are performed on modified software to
ensure standards are followed, and
documentation and testing are complete
before moving the changes into
Business Continuity Plan (BCP) - Verify ☐ ☐
that the BCP is current and that it covers
both the Service Provider(s) and the
Business Owner's responsibilities in order
to preserve data integrity, security, and
sustain the operability of business
processes in the event of partial or
complete system failure.
Disaster Recovery (DR) plan – Verify that ☐ ☐
internally, a DR plan has been created
that identifies both Service Provider and
Business Owner and the DR Category,
RTO Stage, and Disaster Recovery
Justification have been provided.

Additionally, determine if the Service

Provider (vendor) is responsible for
disaster recovery. If yes, ensure the
disaster recovery location has been
identified and determine if disaster
recovery tests are completed annually.
Vulnerability Scan - If applicable (web ☐ ☐
based applications) verify that the
system/application has had vulnerability
testing/preproduction scans performed by
the Technical Safeguards Unit or a state
approved 3rd party. Vulnerability Scans
should be conducted whenever code
changes are implemented and, at a
minimum, annually thereafter.

SOC2 Report to be reviewed annually by Business Owner


Business Owner Date

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