A Father in A Village With His Three Sons

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Along time ago in China, there lived a father in a village with his three sons.

People said that the first

and second son were very clever but the third lad was simple and a fool. One day, the father wanted
to test all his three sons. He wanted to see who was the smartest son. He built a hut at the edge of his
pasture. He said to his sons, “I am giving this small house to one of you. It will belong to the one who
can fill it completely. Not even a corner is to be left empty.”
Then the oldest son tried the quiz. He bought a horse and brought it into the hut. However, the
horse only filled one corner of the house. Then the second son tried to fill the hut with a load of hay,
but the hay only filled a half of the hut.
Then it was the third son’s chance. He thought a lot about what to do. “Now I know the
answer,” he said, He bought a candle and rushed to the hut. Then he put the candle in the middle of
the hut and lit it. What happened? The hut was full of light, every corner, nook and cranny. Now, the
father knew that the youngest son, whom everyone thought was a fool, was the smartest. Finally, the
father gave the hut to him.

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