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A long time ago, there lived a powerful king in China.

He was successful in bringing greatness to his

kingdom. He made a of of military conquests. Then his success made him worried about his life. He
realised that one day he would get older and finally die. So he wanted eternal life. He gave orders to
all of his people to help him live forever. Those who disobeyed the order would be punished severely.
This mad everybody in the kingdom afraid of him.
The king had military advisor, name Xu Fu. Xu Fu was very concerned about the situation. He
wanted to find a way to save the people. One say, Xu Fu came to the palace. He hold the king that
there was special grass that could make the king live eternally. The grass could be found on an island
for to the east. Xu Fu offered to find the grass himself in condition that the king gave him 3,000 girls,
and 3,000 boys to go to with him and enough food for three years. The emperor granted the request
immediately and let Xu Fu go to east. The king gave him two big ships.
Two month later, Xu Fu and the 6,000 children departed to the east. The king prepared a big
party on their departure day. Soon, the king stopped being cruel to innocent citizens. He already
dreamt about living eternally. Day by day, he was waiting for Xu Fu’s return.
After five years of hoping for Xu Fu’s return, the king fell sick and died. Xu Fu and the 6,000
children never returned to China. They landed on a big island and stayed there. When they grew up,
they married each other and they became a big nation. The nation now is known as Japan.

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