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Introduction to Industrial

Hygiene for the Safety


Jeffery K. Dennis, MS, CSP, CHMM, CET,


 Today we will introduce and discuss the
elements of effective Industrial Hygiene
Monitoring Programs for the Safety

 Jeffery K. Dennis, MS, CSP, CHMM, CET,

CSSM, WSO-CSE – President – Industrial
Safety Solutions, Inc.

Learning Objective #1
At the conclusion of this presentation, attendees will be
able to:

State the importance and use of an effective industrial

hygiene monitoring program

Learning Objective #2
At the conclusion of this presentation, attendees
will be able to:

List the steps involved in the industrial hygiene

monitoring process

Learning Objective #3
At the conclusion of this presentation, attendees
will be able to:

List the different roles of different individuals

and organizations involved in the industrial
hygiene monitoring process

Industrial Hygiene?
Many people think “Industrial Hygiene” is being
sure to brush your teeth prior to coming to work
each day…

As important as Personal Hygiene is in the

workplace, Industrial Hygiene is something
completely different…

Definition - Industrial Hygiene
The American Industrial Hygiene Association
(AIHA) defines Industrial Hygiene as:

The science and art devoted to the anticipation,

recognition, evaluation, and control of
environmental factors or stresses arising in or
from the workplace which may cause sickness,
impaired health and well-being, or significant
discomfort and inefficiency among workers or
among citizens in the community

Definition - Industrial Hygienist

The AIHA defines an Industrial Hygienist as
occupational safety and health professionals
concerned with the control of environmental
stresses or occupational health hazards that arise
as a result of or during the course of work

Importance of an Effective Industrial
Hygiene Monitoring Program
An Industrial Hygiene Monitoring Program
allows safety professionals to scientifically
quantify worker exposures at the job site,
and then base each hazard control upon this
actual exposure data.

Importance of an Effective Industrial

Hygiene Monitoring Program
Companies involved in construction, general
industry, maritime industry, and the service
industry all expose employees to hazards.

An effective Industrial Hygiene Monitoring

Program will serve to identify, quantify, and
prioritize workplace hazards

Importance of an Effective Industrial
Hygiene Monitoring Program
Industrial Hygiene includes the development of
corrective measures to control health hazards by
either reducing or eliminating the exposure

Importance of an Effective Industrial Hygiene

Monitoring Program
Once we can quantify the exposures, we can
base all of our engineering controls,
administrative controls, and Personal Protective
Equipment (PPE) on the actual exposure levels,
in order to control and eliminate the hazards and
prevent injuries and illnesses


Importance of an Effective Industrial
Hygiene Monitoring Program
The four (4) elements
of Industrial Hygiene

3.Evaluating, and;

…Occupational Hazards

Importance of an Effective Industrial

Hygiene Monitoring Program
The main goal of an organization’s Occupational
Safety and Health Program is to prevent
occupational injury and illness by:

3.Evaluating, and;

…Occupational Hazards…. Look Familiar?

Anticipating Hazards
Anticipating health
hazards before they occur
allows a more efficient use
of resources by
minimizing costly retrofits
and renovations needed to
protect the health of

Hazard Recognition and Evaluation

An unrecognized hazard can not be controlled,
evaluated, or eliminated

Upon recognition of a hazard, the Industrial

Hygienist identifies a set of measures necessary
for proper evaluation of the hazard

Controlling Hazards
The Industrial Hygienist, working with other
members of the work team, can implement and
monitor controls that will reduce exposure to
acceptable limits

The Industrial Hygiene Monitoring Program is

an integral part of this process

An Effective Industrial Hygiene

Monitoring Program…
 Will serve to identify, evaluate, and quantify
hazard exposures
 Allows the organization to prioritize the
workplace hazards in order to assign
resources towards the control or elimination
of the hazards
 Thus, preventing injuries and illnesses from

Sources of Hazard Information
Hazard Information is available in many
different forms:

 General Knowledge of Chemicals and


 General Knowledge of the Materials Used

Sources of Hazard Information

 Observations of Work Practices

 Safety Data Sheets (SDS)

 Review of Plans for New Facilities and Renovations

 Conversations with Workers

 Objective Data

Sources of Hazard Information
 Types of Processes

 Number of Employees

 Types of Exposures

 Historical
Injury/Incident Data

Sources of Hazard Information

 Review of Historical Data/Information
 Test Reports/Chemical Analyses
 Earlier Monitoring Data
 Information from Professional Associations,
Colleges, Universities, and Government
documenting Previous Studies, Results, and
 Research Data

Sources of Hazard Information
 Discussions with Medical

 Production / Process Review

 Environmental Analysis Data

 Process Flow Diagrams

 Job Safety Analyses (JSA)

Sources of Hazard Information

 Review of Literature

 Inventory of Chemicals

 Equipment

 Field Survey

Preliminary Survey
 We can take all of
this preliminary
information and
create an initial
Industrial Hygiene
Survey Report

Industrial Hygiene Monitoring Plan

 Using information discovered during the
preliminary survey, the Industrial Hygiene
Monitoring Plan can be formulated

 The Industrial Hygiene Monitoring is

performed to evaluate the degree of employee
exposure to hazards in the workplace

Industrial Hygiene Monitoring Plan
 Industrial Hygiene Monitoring is a continuous
program of observation, measurement, and

 Industrial Hygiene Monitoring is a combination of

observation, interview, and measurement that
permits a judgment to be made regarding the
potential hazards present in the workplace and the
effectiveness of each hazard control

Industrial Hygiene Monitoring Plan

 The Industrial Hygiene Monitoring Plan
establishes what we will measure, how we
will measure it, how we will analyze the data,
and how we will report the findings of our

 Our Industrial Hygiene Monitoring Plan is

made up of the objectives that will allow us to
systematically reach our monitoring goal

What Should We Measure?
Common Workplace
Hazards include:
 Industrial Noise
 Exposure to Heat
 Exposures to Cold
 Biological Exposures

What Should We Measure?

Common Workplace Hazards include:

 Exposure to Chemicals in the Air that are Inhaled

 Exposure to Chemicals that Contact the Skin

 Exposure to Chemicals that are Ingested

 Potential “Injection” Exposures

What Should We Measure?
Common Workplace Hazards include:

 Exposure to Vibration

 Exposure to Low or High Illumination Levels

 Exposure to Radiation (Ionizing and Non-


Chemical Hazards
Chemicals pose a wide
range of potential
health hazards:

 Irritation
 Disease
 Sensitization
 Carcinogenicity

Chemical Hazards
Chemicals pose a wide
variety of Physical

 Flammability
 Corrosivity
 Reactivity
 Toxicity

Chemical Hazards
Chemical Hazards can be
found in many forms:

 Dusts
 Liquids
 Fumes
 Mists
 Gases
 Vapors
 Smoke

Physical Hazards
 Ionizing Radiation

 Non-Ionizing Radiation

 Noise

 Vibration

 Heat

 Cold

Ionizing and Non-Ionizing Radiation should be
monitored by an Industrial Hygienist with
specialized training, methods, and

Noise Surveys
 Sources of Noise
 Amount of Noise
 Exposure
 Duration of
 Proper PPE
 Attenuation

 Very Hot Temperatures are very dangerous to
human beings and are also very common in
the workplace

 Very Cold Temperatures are very dangerous

to human beings and are also very common in
the workplace

Guidelines for Evaluation:

 Occupational Exposure Limits are designed to

protect industrial workers from temperature-
related illnesses

 Thermal Comfort Limits are used to ensure

productivity and quality of work

Biological Hazards
Sources of Biological
Hazards (biohazards)
 Bacteria
 Viruses
 Insects
 Plants
 Birds
 Animals
 Humans

Ergonomic Hazards
Ergonomics is the
science of fitting the
job to the worker.
Ergonomic hazards
 Repetitive Motion
 Musculoskeletal

Toxicity Versus Hazardous

 Toxicity is the ability of a substance to
produce an unwanted effect when that
material has reached a sufficient
concentration at a certain site in the body.

 A Hazard is the practical likelihood that

exposure to the toxic material will cause

Routes of Entry
Routes of Entry

 Inhalation
 Absorption
 Ingestion
 Injection

Personnel Monitoring
 Personnel Monitoring is the measurement of a
particular employee ’ s exposure to a
workplace hazard, and in theory, reflects
actual exposure to the employee

 Personnel Monitoring is usually performed

using personnel monitoring devices, portable,
and battery powered air sampling pumps, that
allow the employee to work as usual

Area Monitoring
 Area Monitoring measures the
ambient concentration of a
hazard or contaminant in a
given area during a given period
of time

 Area Sampling is often

performed utilizing portable
sampling devices that may or
may not be battery-powered.

Personnel and Area Monitoring

 Personnel and Area Monitoring are often
combined to determine employee ’ s Time
Weighted Average (TWA) Exposure

 A Time Weighted Average (TWA) is

required to determine if the exposure exceeds
the Permissible Exposure Limit (PEL)

Personnel and Area Monitoring
 Many times Personnel and Area
Monitoring Samples are collected
and then subsequently submitted
to a laboratory for analysis

 The laboratory analyses each

sample by accepted analytical
methods and then reports the
results of the analysis

Direct Reading Instruments

 Certain types of analyses are
performed using a Direct Reading
Instrument that performs the analysis
onsite and provides the data directly

 Examples include Noise Dosimeters,

which are capable of performing all
analyses onsite and provide results

Biological Monitoring and Medical
 Biological Monitoring
is a tool that can be
used to assess worker’s
total exposure to

 Exhaled air, blood, and

urine can be analyzed
in order to determine
the worker’s exposure

Biological Monitoring and Medical

Three main types of Biological Monitoring

 Measurement of the contaminant itself (directly)

 Measurement of a metabolite of the chemical

 Measurement of enzymes or functions that reflect

harm caused by a hazardous exposure

Medical Surveillance
 Medical Surveillance is
performed in order to
determine employee ’ s
exposure to chemicals in
order to track exposure and to
provide for early detection of

 Over 20 OSHA Standards

now have requirements for
Medical Surveillance

Sampling Strategy
 The preliminary research and initial field
survey help you to identify potential hazards
to which workers may be exposed

 The Industrial Hygiene Sampling Plan

devises the strategy that will be utilized in
order to determine the intensity of the
hazards, the source of the contaminants, and
the adequacy of current hazard controls

How to Sample
 The Industrial Hygiene Samples should
represent each worker’s exposure

 The National Institute for Occupational

Safety and Health (NIOSH) has developed
the NIOSH Analytical Methods that will
provide you with the correct method to collect
and analyze each sample

Methods of Air Sampling

 Charcoal Tubes
 Cassettes
 Sorbent Tubes
 Passive Sampling
 Direct Reading Instruments
 Personnel Sampling
 Area Sampling
 Grab Samples
 Time Weighted Average
(TWA) Samples

Where to Sample
 Personnel Sampling – The collection media is
attached to the employee

 Area Sampling – The Work Area is Sampled

 Determine which method of sampling and

what sampling technology will work best in
each situation

Whom to Sample
 Use the results of the
preliminary investigation and
observations to determine which
personnel are the most likely to
be exposed to each hazard

 Regulatory issues

 Study processes and air

movement patterns

 Study differences in work

patterns, habits, tasks

When to Sample
 Sampling can be performed at different times
with varying results
 Study temperature patterns
 Study ventilation patterns
 Study Work Flow
 Study Work Load
 To determine the most opportune times to
perform Industrial Hygiene Monitoring

How Long Do We Sample?

Each NIOSH Analytical Method
prescribes the type of sampling
media to utilize and the
recommended duration of the
sampling event
 Flow Rates
 Sampling Times
 Expected Concentration Ranges
 Duration of the Sampling Event

Time Weighted Average

 Measuring the exposure over an eight (8) hour period,

typically the entire work shift

 The TWA is the average concentration for a conventional 8

Hour 40 Hour a week work week, to which it is believed that
nearly all workers may be repeatedly exposed, day after day,
without adverse effect.

 TWA data is compared to the Permissible Exposure Limit


Short Term Exposure Limit (STEL)

STEL is the concentration to which it is believed
that workers can be exposed continuously for a
short period of time without suffering from:

 Irritation
 Chromic or irreversible tissue damage
 Narcosis of sufficient degree to increase the
likelihood of accidental injury or impair self-

Short Term Exposure Limit (STEL)
 An STEL is a 15-Minute TWA exposure that
should not be exceeded at any time during the

 Exposures above the TLV-TWA up to the

STEL should be no longer than 15 minutes
and should not occur more than 4 times per

Ceiling (TLV-C)
 The Ceiling Concentration
is the concentration that
should not be exceeded
during any part of the
working exposure.

 An airborne concentration
of a toxic chemical in the
workplace that should
never be exceeded

Documenting Sampling Activities
Accurate Records are a Necessity
when performing Industrial
Hygiene Monitoring
 Time Sampled
 Flow Rates
 Sample Locations
 Sample Identifications
 Parameters
 Engineering Controls Present
 Sketches of the Sampling Areas
 Chain of Custody Forms

How Many Samples Should We Collect?

 Each situation will require
a different number of
samples to be collected

 Base your judgment upon

the factors unique to each

 Try to represent each Job


How Many Times Should We Sample?
 OSHA or MSHA Regulated Chemicals will
require that monitoring is performed on a
routine basis

 After all Changes

 Monitoring should be repeated if the results,

the analyses, or the sampling media are
compromised or questionable

How Many Times Should We Sample?

 Monitoring should be repeated if previous
results indicate that corrective actions are
required – to evaluate if the corrective actions
were effective

 Monitoring should be performed whenever

materials, processes, or equipment are

Who Should Sample?
 An Occupational Health and Safety Team
may consist of many members depending
upon the organization:

 Industrial Hygienist
 Safety Professional
 Occupational Health Nurse
 Occupational Physician
 Employees
 Managers and Supervisors

Who Should Sample?

 In some organizations all
of these functions may be
performed by the same

 Although the concept of

performing Industrial
Hygiene Sampling may
seem very simple, it can be
very challenging and
technical in reality

Sampling Considerations
 Sampling Equipment
 Sampling Methods
 Sampling Plan
 Sampling Media
 Chemistry
 Laboratory
 Data Analysis
 Reporting
 Suggested Corrective

Industrial Hygienist
 Some organizations have a full-time
Industrial Hygienist on staff

 Industrial Hygienist can also be Consultants,

working for organizations on a contract basis

 Certain Industrial Hygiene Laboratories will

rent monitoring equipment and also provide
consulting services

Locating Industrial Hygiene
 American Industrial Hygiene Association
 Certified Industrial Hygienist (CIH) by the
American Board of Industrial Hygiene
 Insurance Company Industrial Hygienists
 Trade Associations / Professional

Working with Industrial Hygienists

 Request a Proposal
 Project Information
 Scope of Services
 Agree to Fees/Expenses
 Agree to Scheduling
 Check References
 Written Authorization
 Manage your Consultants

Analytical Chemists
 Industrial Hygiene Analytical Laboratories
generally seek accreditation through a third
party such as AIHA, ISO, and many other
third party registrars

 Analytical Chemists analyze the Industrial

Hygiene Samples submitted to the laboratory
by the Industrial Hygienist

 Engineering and Science is the basis for all
Sampling Media, Sample Collection
Equipment, Direct Reading Instruments, etc.

 Many companies design, fabricate, and sell

this equipment to Industrial Hygienists,
Laboratories, and Organizations

Learning Objective #1 – Can We:

Recognize the importance and use of an

effective industrial hygiene monitoring program?

Learning Objective #2 – Can We:

List the steps involved in the industrial hygiene

monitoring process ?


Learning Objective #3 – Can We:

List the different roles of different individuals

and organizations involved in the industrial
hygiene monitoring process?


 Industrial Hygiene
Monitoring allows safety
professionals to quantitate the
level of exposures in the
workplace which allows us to
base each Engineering
Control, Administrative
Control, and Personal
Protective Equipment (PPE)
on the actual hazard exposure

 We may then utilize
Industrial Hygiene
Monitoring to gage
the effectiveness of
each hazard control
employed in the

Steps Involved in the Industrial Hygiene Process

 Preliminary Investigation
 Initial Survey
 Sampling Plan
 Industrial Hygiene Monitoring
 Data Analysis
 Corrective Action
 Evaluation of Corrective Actions

Different Roles in the Industrial Hygiene
 Safety Professional
 Industrial Hygienist
 Consultant
 Occupational Nurse
 Occupational Physician
 Analytical Laboratory
 Employee
 Management / Supervisor
 Equipment Designers / Manufacturers / Salesmen

 Industrial Hygiene Monitoring is a powerful
tool that can be used to great effectiveness

 Utilize Industrial Hygiene Monitoring to

Anticipate, Recognize, Evaluate, and Control
workplace hazards

 Identify, control, and eliminate hazards to

prevent injuries and illnesses

Questions and Discussion

 Questions?

 Discussion?

 Thank You

 Hagan, et al, National Safety Council, Accident
Prevention Manual for Business & Industry –
Administration & Programs, 12th Edition, 2001

 Plog, et al, National Safety Council,

Fundamentals of Industrial Hygiene, 5th Edition,


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