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Kids Camp Innovative Learning Academy

Second Long Test

S.Y. 2019-2020

Name: Date:
Teacher: Mr. Arlou C. Garces Score:

Multiple Choice: Read the questions carefully and write your answer on the space
provided. Erasures and Superimpositions are considered wrong.

_____1. What is the Sacred Text of Judaism?

A. The Prophets
B. Qur’an
C. Torah
D. Tanakh

_____2. Which faith is represented by the symbol of the six-pointed star?

A. Christianity
B. Islam
C. Judaism
D. Buddhism

_____3. Abraham is the founder of which religion?

A. Judaism
B. Buddhism
C. Hinduism
D. Islam

_____4. What is the oldest monotheistic religion in the world?

A. Judaism
B. Buddhism
C. Hinduism
D. Islam

_____5. What form of Judaism provided the expected norms for Jewish life from the sixth
century CE until the emergence of modern forms of Judaism in the nineteenth century?
A. Conservative
B. Orthodox
C. Reform
D. Rabbinic

_____6. According to Judaism, the ideal of life is

A. living in harmony with the will of God
B. achieving balance and harmony with nature
C. strictly adhering to Jewish dogma
D. eliminating desire

_____7. According to Judaism, the way of life that God gave Israel to follow is embodied in the
A. 1,000 commandments
B. 613 commandments
C. 12 commandments
D. 412 commandments
_____8. The two constellations of events that have shaped modern Judaism above all else are the
A. Enlightenment and the Holocaust/founding of the state of Israel
B. Enlightenment and the Romantic period
C. nineteenth-century immigration to Israel and to the United States
D. the Holocaust and the Romantic period

_____9. The late twentieth-century ultra-Orthodox movement sought to

A. eliminate supernatural beliefs
B. eliminate ritual
C. eliminate Jewish ghettos
D. recapture the way of life of pre-modern Jews

_____10. Which movement would be most likely to accommodate the most aspects of modern
secular life?
A. Conservative Judaism
B. Orthodox Judaism
C. Reform Judaism
D. Hasidism

_____11. The great founding story from which Judaism draws its identity is the
A. story of the Assyrian Exile
B. story of Adam and Eve
C. story of the Exodus
D. story of King David

_____12. A proper comparison of scriptures would require a comparison of the New Testament
with which Jewish scripture?
A. Tanak
B. Zorah
C. Talmud
D. Torah

_____13. With whom did God make the first covenant?

A. Isaac
B. Zorah
C. Moses
D. Noah

_____14. Which text is not in the Jewish canon?

A. the Torah
B. the Exile
C. the Prophets
D. the Writings

_____15. After the destruction of the temple in 70 CE, which one of the following was not a
reason that the Pharisees were able to provide new leadership?
A. they had remained politically neutral and therefore were not a threat to the Romans
B. they were keepers of the written Torah
C. they were keepers of the synagogue tradition
D. they were keepers of the oral Torah

_____16. The king who built the first temple to show that Israel was the greatest nation was
A. Saul
B. David
C. Solomon
D. Abraham
_____17. The Talmud sanctifies what medium of religious experience to get in touch with God?
A. doubt and questioning
B. direct connection such as in a mystical experience
C. esoteric teachings
D. exoteric teachings

_____18. Which holiday represents the Jewish New Year?

A. Passover
B. the Sabbath
C. Rosh Hashanah
D. Hanukkah

_____19 In a break from the elitism of Rabbinic Judaism, Hasidism offered another way for the
average Jew to reach God. That way included
A. prayer and devotion
B. duty to God and community
C. knowledge through study
D. duty to family and community

_____20. Jesus was

A. Jewish
B. Greek
C. Syrian
D. Idumean

_____21. Some scholars argue that the ________ of women is a presupposition of Jewish law in
its most central formulations.
A. importance
B. otherness
C. sexuality
D. monogamy

_____22. Ecumenical councils are

A. Councils of priests
B. Councils of priests and deacons
C. Councils of Roman Catholic cardinals
D. Worldwide councils of bishops

_____23. When Jesus spoke of the kingdom of God (also: kingdom of heaven), he meant
A. The kingdom of ancient Israel described in the Old Testament
B. The independent state Jews in Jesus’ time hoped to create
C. The state of affairs that exists when people live in obedience to God’s
D. The heavenly society of saints and angels

_____24. The doctrine of “apostolic succession” states that

A. The popes are the successors of Jesus as leaders of the Church
B. Bishops receive their authority through an unbroken line of bishops that reaches
back to Christ himself
C. Bishops have the authority to appoint their own successors
D. Christians have the right to elect their bishops

_____25. Between the fifteenth and nineteenth centuries, most Orthodox Christians outside of
A. Lived in the Ottoman Empire, in which the dominant religion was Islam
B. Were forced to follow the dictates of the pope
C. Had complete freedom of religion
D. Recognized the patriarch of Jerusalem as their spiritual leader
_____26. When Christians speak of “grace” they mean God’s
A. Justice
B. Mercy
C. Love
D. Power

_____27. The goal of the ecumenical movement is to

A. Promote unity among Christians
B. Encourage Christians to provide aid to the poor
C. Encourage simplicity in worship
D. Increase Christian involvement in global politics

_____28. Christianity understands God as

A. Personal
B. Personal and transcendent
C. Personal, transcendent, and triune
D. Declare the doctrine of papal infallibility

_____29. Which of the following best describes the Gospels?

A. Biographies of Jesus
B. Proclamations of the “good news” about Jesus
C. The writings of Jesus
D. Theological treatises written by the disciples of Jesus

_____30. Traditionally, the sacraments have been understood as

A. Visible symbols of God’s grace
B. Twelve special rituals devised by Jesus’ disciples
C. Cleansing rituals
D. Seven ceremonies that offer atonement for sin

_____31. For the most part, early Christian writers/thinkers sought to

A. Condemn the government of Rome and its emperors as sinful
B. “Build bridges” between Christianity and Greco-Roman culture
C. Explain why Christians could not pay taxes to Rome
D. Reject the idea that Rome’s gods had made Rome great

_____32. Roman Catholic worship and Orthodox worship

A. Have essentially the same structure
B. Are both based on the liturgy of St. John Chrysostom
C. Occur only on Sundays
D. Are simpler in form than Protestant worship

_____33. Pentecost is a holiday that commemorates

A. The descent of the Holy Spirit on Jesus’ disciples
B. The ascension of Jesus into heaven
C. The baptism of Jesus
D. The crucifixion of Jesus

_____34. At the end of what century did Christians begin to call Jesus' words Scripture?
A. The first century B.C.E.
B. The first century C.E.
C. The second century C.E.
D. The fifth century C.E.
_____35. Which early Christian group believed in two Gods: the just God of the Old Testament
and the merciful God of Jesus?
A. Gnostics
B. Proto-orthodox Christians
C. Jewish-Christian adoptionists
D. Marcionites

_____36. The New Testament was written in what language?

A. Greek
B. Hebrew
C. Aramaic
D. Latin

_____37. At the end of what century did Christians begin to call Jesus' words Scripture?
A. The first century B.C.E.
B. The first century C.E.
C. The second century C.E.
D. The fifth century C.E.

_____38. What does the term “heresy” mean?

A. Evil
B. To choose
C. To reject
D. To agree with

_____39. Where did God deliver the Commandments to Moses?

A. Babylon
B. Mount Sinai
C. Egypt
D. Mount Ararat

_____40. When the Israelites entered Canaan, they carried the Ark of the Covenant across the
A. Jordan
B. Desert
C. Red Sea
D. Indus

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