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L’Altra Montessori School Inc.

High School Department
First Periodical Exam

Name: ___________________________________________ Date:_____________ Score:_________

Grade & Section: __________________________________ Teacher: Ms. Rachelle V. Henson

I. Multiple Choice:Write only the letter of the correct answer on the space provided before the

_____1. It is a kind of bread that has a higher content, which contributes to a flaky or crumbly texture.
a. Bread b. Pastry c. Dough d. Pie/s

_____2. He is the first person who discovered the pastry product.

a. Claudius Gele b. Claudios Gale c. Cladious Gele d. Claudious Gale

_____3. Its a container made of glass or aluminum that is used in baking.

a. Baking pan b. Baking tools c. Baking container d. Baking wares

_____4. It is a round pan and used to bake chiffon type of cakes.

a. Round pan b. Baking pan c. Bundt pan d. Tube center pan

_____5. It is a shallow rectangular pan used for baking rolls.

a. Loaf pan b. Jelly roll pan c. Cake pan d. Roll pan

_____6. It is a baking tool used for different baking procedure like beating, stirring and blending.

a. Electric mixers b. Egg Beater c. Wire whisk d. Mixer

_____7. It is a measuring tool used in measuring liquid ingredients.

a. Graduated cups
b. Measring cups
c. Measuring tools
d. Plastic and glass cups

_____8. It is a mixing tools that comes in different sizes and shapes.

a. Mixing spoon b. Mixing tools c. Mixing bowls d. Mixing plate

_____9. It is used to cut fat or shortening in the preparation of pies, biscuits or doughnuts.

a. Mixing tools b. Pastry blender c. Mixing spoon d. Blender

_____10. It has a blade knife used to cut dough when making pastries.

a. Pastry wheel b. Pastry cutter c. Pastry knife d. Pizza cutter

_____11. It is used for icing or frosting cakes.

a. Short spatulla b. Long spatulla c. Rubber scrapper d.Wooden spoon

_____12. It is the workhorses of the bakery and pastry shop and are essential for producing the bakery

a. Machine b. Oven c. Broiler d.Gas range

_____13. It is the most widely used type for baking small pizza.

a. Electric range b. Portable oven c. Pizza oven d. wonder oven

_____14. It is the sophisticated version of the portable glass-front oven.

a. Wonder oven b. Electric oven c. Broiler d. Portable oven

_____15. It is the most modern type of baking appliance used in baking.

a. Portable oven b. Wonder oven c. Gas or electric range d. Broiler

_____16. It is a powdery substance produced by finely grinding grain through a process called milling.

a. All-purpose Flour b. Flour c. Bread Flour d. Cake flour

_____17. It contains compact wheat kernel in its original proportion.

a. Flour b. Wheat flour c. Whole wheat flour d. Whole flour

_____18. It has 7-9% of gluten content and it is also known as soft flour.

a. All-purpose flour b. Wheat flour c. Soft wheat flour d. Cake flour

_____19. It has the highest amount of protein thus, has high gluten content, so it is used for breads.

a. Cake flour b. Bread flour c. All-purpose flour d. Wheat flour

_____20. It contains baking powder and salt.

a. Self-rising Flour b. Cake flour c. Special flour d. Rising flour

_____21. It is another word for fat used in baking.

a. Butter b. Lard c. Shortening d. Leaveners

_____22. It is responsible for the attractive golden brown color of baked products.

a. Flavors b. Shortening c. Sugar d. Ingredients

_____23. It is a solid mass of crude sugar usually in half coco shell shape.

a. White sugar b. Brown sugar c. Panutsa d. lump sugar

_____24. It is a substance that produces gas while mixing or heating the dough or the batter.

a. Shortening b. Leavening agent c. Eggs d. Salt

_____25. This fat is emulsified with culture milk. and contains about 80% fat and about 16% of water.

a. Butter b. Lard c. Vegetable oil d. Margarine

_____26. It is used for cakes and cookies, sometimes this sugar is called “baker’s special”.

a. Ultra fine b. Soft sugar c. White sugar d. Brown sugar

_____27. It is considered to be the most powerful leavener.

a. Air b. Baking soda c. Steam d. Yeast

_____28. It is a single-celled plant that feeds on starch and sugar.

a. Yeast b. Baking powder c. Air d. Baking soda

_____29. It is granular and darker in color than cake yeast.

a. Dry yeast b. Solid Yeast c. Compressed yeast d. Yeast

_____30. It gives finer, more velvety grain. It adds flavor.

a. Salt b. Water d. Sugar d. Milk

II. TRUE or FALSE: Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if the statement is incorrect.
____________1. The gluten in the flour provides the framework in bread dough. The stronger the gluten
the better the quality.

____________2. The gluten has been properly conditioned, it becomes elastic and allows the
expanding of the dough for the first 15 minutes of baking

____________3. The dough in pastry needs a highly developed gluten.

____________4. Shortening and butter are preferable than liquid oil.

____________5. The ratio of flour to shortening ranges from 1:1/3 cup to 1:2/3

____________6. Cold water or liquids contribute flakiness.

____________7. An attractive and appetizing crust should be brown in color with edges usually light
brown in color

____________8. Pastries are baked products that contains a high proportion of fat.

____________9. There are 3 kinds of pastry crust.

___________10. Use heavy strokes in kneading the dough pastry

___________11. Solid fat is better than liquid oil in pastry making these contain moisture.

___________12. The liquid ingredients that improve the flavor and color of the crust is juice.

___________13. A variety of desserts is served in a buffet.

___________14. Multi-layered cakes filled with fillings that are served for dessert are called tortes.

___________15. Indigenous containers can be used for all bakes product because they are

III: Sequencing: Rearrange the order of the steps of the pastry methods. Number the steps
_______1. Cut the fat into the flour mixture until forms into small particles.

_______2. Transfer the dough on a floured surface or between sheets of wax paper or pastic sheets

_______3. Sprinkle cold water on the mixture.

_______4. Blend gently with a tossing motion using fork

_______5. Flatten dough using your hands.

_______6. Rotate the wax paper as you roll to obtain a uniform thickness of 1/3 to ½

_______7. Number of rolling motions should not be more than 10.

_______8. Roll dough using a rolling pin to flatten starting from the center going to the edges.

IV: Matching: Match column A with B. Write the letter of the correct answer on the blank before each

a. Arranging pieces of cake or pastry on a
_____1. Cake pedestal plate in an aesthetic manner
b. Used to serve baked products for a
_____2.Paper cups, plates, and napkins
great number of customers
_____3. Bowls and baskets c. Makes serving easier as it can neatly and
easily transfer a piece of cake in a plate
_____4. Cake and pastry server d. Decent and aesthetic containers for
presenting and serving cakes and
_____5. Plates and Platters
_____6. Trays e. Commonly used in presenting breads
f. Efficient container that can
_____7. Indigenous containers accomodate a greater number of
individual baked products
_____8. Ethnic dishwasher
g. Coconut shells, banana leaves, corn
_____9. Custom displaying husks
h. Authentic ware that depicts a culture of
_____10. Plating a people
i. Creating a scenario in displaying cakes
or breads to depict a theme
j. A container that can turn a simple cake
into something elegant and a show

1-5. Give 5 types of flour

6-8. Types of sugar

9-11. Examples of leavening agents

12-15. Examples of Fats and Oils

16-18. Categories of Petit fours

19-25. Equipment for presenting baked products

BONUS question for 2 points: What is my full name? (Surname, Given name, and Middle Name)

“You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough.”

― Mae West

God Bless! 

Parent’s Signature

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