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PHILIPPINE BRANCH, petitioner, copy the selected text. Citation
vs. COMMISSIONER OF included.
Citation: 806 SCRA 485  
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G.R. No. 193321. October 19, 2016.*

PHILIPPINE BRANCH, petitioner, vs.
REVENUE, respondent.

Remedial Law; Civil Procedure;

Jurisdiction; Well-settled is the rule that the
issue of jurisdiction over the subject matter
may at any time either be raised by the parties
or considered by the Court motu proprio.—The
Court deems it appropriate to determine the
timeliness of the petitioner’s judicial claim for
refund in order to ascertain whether or not
the CTA properly acquired jurisdiction
thereof. Well-settled is the rule that the issue
of jurisdiction over the subject matter may at
any time either be raised by the parties or
considered by the Court motu proprio. As
such, the jurisdiction of the CTA over the
appeal could still be determined by this Court
despite its not being raised as an issue by the
Taxation; Tax Refund; Tax Credit;
Prescription; The two (2)-year prescriptive
period refers to the period within which the
taxpayer can file an administrative claim, not
the judicial claim with the Court of Tax
Appeals (CTA).—The petitioner timely filed
its administrative claim on April 11, 2003,
within the two-year prescriptive period after
the close of the taxable quarter when the zero-
rated sales were made. The respondent had
120 days, or until August 9, 2003, to decide
the petitioner’s claim. Considering that the
respondent did not act on the petitioner’s
claim on or before August 9, 2003, the latter
had until September 8, 2003, the last day of
the 30-day period, within which to file its
judicial claim. However, it brought its petition
for review in the CTA only on March 10, 2004,
or 184 days after the last day for the filing.
Clearly, the petitioner belatedly brought its
judicial claim for refund and the CTA did not
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