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The Ultimate GRE Math Review
Introduction.................................................................................................................................................. 8
Arithmetic ..................................................................................................................................................... 9
Sets of Numbers ...................................................................................................................................................... 9
Integers................................................................................................................................................................. 9
Rational Numbers ................................................................................................................................................ 9
Real Numbers and Irrational Numbers ................................................................................................................ 9
Properties of Integers ............................................................................................................................................. 9
Divisibility ........................................................................................................................................................... 9
Tests for Divisibility .......................................................................................................................................... 10
Odd & Even Integers ......................................................................................................................................... 11
Prime & Composite Numbers ............................................................................................................................ 11
Prime Factorization ............................................................................................................................................ 12
Factors of a Number........................................................................................................................................... 12
GCD ................................................................................................................................................................... 12
LCM ................................................................................................................................................................... 12
Absolute Values & Inequalities ........................................................................................................................... 13
Absolute Value .................................................................................................................................................. 13
Inequalities involving Absolute Values ............................................................................................................. 13
Properties of Exponents ....................................................................................................................................... 14
Fractions & Decimals ........................................................................................................................................... 15
Ratio and Proportion ........................................................................................................................................... 16
Percentages ........................................................................................................................................................... 16
Algebra........................................................................................................................................................ 17
Algebraic Identities .............................................................................................................................................. 17
Identities of the form (x + y)n ............................................................................................................................. 17
Identities of the form (x – y)n ............................................................................................................................. 17
Identities of the form xn – yn............................................................................................................................... 17
Identities of the form xn + yn .............................................................................................................................. 18
Linear Equations and Inequalities...................................................................................................................... 18
Linear Equation in 1 variable ............................................................................................................................. 18
Linear Inequality in 1 variable ........................................................................................................................... 18
Pair of Linear Equations in 2 variables .............................................................................................................. 18
Quadratic Equations and Inequalities ................................................................................................................ 19
Standard form of a Quadratic Equation ............................................................................................................. 19
Solution of Quadratic Equations ........................................................................................................................ 19
Quadratic Inequalities ........................................................................................................................................ 20
Coordinate Geometry .......................................................................................................................................... 20
Quadrants ........................................................................................................................................................... 20
Distance Formula ............................................................................................................................................... 21
Straight Lines ..................................................................................................................................................... 21
Functions ............................................................................................................................................................... 23
Important Functions and their graphs ................................................................................................................ 23
Geometry .................................................................................................................................................... 25
Lines and Angles................................................................................................................................................... 25
Linear Pair of Angles ......................................................................................................................................... 25
Vertically Opposite Angles ................................................................................................................................ 25
Parallel Lines and a Transversal ........................................................................................................................ 25
Triangle Inequality ............................................................................................................................................. 26
Angle Sum Property of a Triangle ..................................................................................................................... 26
Exterior Angle Property of a Triangle ............................................................................................................... 27
Pythagoras Theorem .......................................................................................................................................... 27
Special Right Triangles ...................................................................................................................................... 27
Area of Triangle ................................................................................................................................................. 28
Quadrilaterals ....................................................................................................................................................... 29
Trapezoid ........................................................................................................................................................... 29
Parallelogram ..................................................................................................................................................... 29
Rectangle ........................................................................................................................................................... 30
Rhombus ............................................................................................................................................................ 30
Square ................................................................................................................................................................ 30
Circles .................................................................................................................................................................... 30
Circumference .................................................................................................................................................... 30
Length of an Arc ................................................................................................................................................ 31
Area.................................................................................................................................................................... 31
Area of a Sector ................................................................................................................................................. 31
Perpendicular bisector of a Chord...................................................................................................................... 31
Equal Chords...................................................................................................................................................... 32
Central Angle Property ...................................................................................................................................... 32
3D Figures ............................................................................................................................................................. 33
Cuboid................................................................................................................................................................ 33
Cube ................................................................................................................................................................... 33
Cylinders ............................................................................................................................................................ 34
Data Analysis .............................................................................................................................................. 34
Sets ......................................................................................................................................................................... 35
Sequences .............................................................................................................................................................. 35
Arithmetic Sequence .......................................................................................................................................... 35
Geometric Sequence .......................................................................................................................................... 35
Sums of a few standard sequences ..................................................................................................................... 36
Counting Methods
utations ............................................................................................................................................................... 36
Combinations ..................................................................................................................................................... 36
Probability.......................................................................................................................................................... 37
........................................................................................................................................................................... 38
Median ............................................................................................................................................................... 38
Mode .................................................................................................................................................................. 39
Range ................................................................................................................................................................. 39
Quartiles and Percentiles.................................................................................................................................... 39
Variance & Standard Deviation ......................................................................................................................... 40
The Quantitative Reasoning section on the GRE might appear a bit scary to some test takers, especially
because you have to correctly answer as many questions as possible within the time given to you. The key
to performing well in the Math section is to make sure that:

 You have a strong understanding of the basics so that you are able to approach different questions
with the right strategy.
 You remember the right formula to be used for a particular question - even though you may have
strong understanding of the basics and you are capable of deriving the formula if necessary,
remembering the formula by heart helps in saving precious time.
 You avoid careless errors, so that you don‟t lose out on questions that you actually know how to

The purpose of this book is to help you brush up the formula and recall the basic concepts that are
required for the GRE. It covers all the topics in Arithmetic, Algebra, Geometry and Data Analysis that are
frequently tested on the GRE.

Whether you‟re rusty with Math because you haven‟t studied it since High School, or whether your
college major was Math but you still want to brush up in the last minute, this review will be very useful to

At the end of the day, remember that just knowing the formula will not be enough to get the dream score
you wish to get. The secret to a high score is in getting plenty of practice and learning from your
mistakes. So download our mobile app (Android, iOS) or log on to our website for more practice.

Wish you all the best for your GRE!

Team Galvanize

If you any feedback or suggestions to improve this book, please write to us at [email protected].

This Ultimate GRE Math Review is meant to help you brush up your rusty math skills, which means
you should already have a good math background to begin with!


If you need more help with GRE Math Prep, then please visit our website and enroll for a GRE prep
course. Good luck with your GRE Prep!
Sets of Numbers
The set of integers include all the counting numbers ( etc.) and their negative counterparts and the
number 0. The integers can be represented as:

 Integers are ordered, i.e. given two integers and , then either or or
 The set of integers is not bounded above or below, i.e. there is neither a largest integer nor a
smallest integer.
 Integers greater than zero are called positive integers and integers less than zero are called
negative integers. (Note: is neither positive nor negative!)
 The sum or product of any two integers is always an integer

Rational Numbers
Rational numbers are of the form , where and are integers, and have no common factors
besides the number , i.e. p and are co-prime.

 The set of rational numbers includes all the integers

 Every fraction is a rational number
 The sum or product of any two rational numbers is always rational

Real Numbers and Irrational Numbers

The set of numbers that have a one-to-one correspondence with every point on the number line is the set
of Real numbers.

Real numbers that are not rational numbers are called irrational numbers. √ √ etc. are examples
of irrational numbers.

Properties of Integers
An integer is divisible by an integer if there exists another integer such that
 is said to be a factor of or we say divides .
 is said to be a multiple of or we say is divisible by .

For example, is divisible by because if and we can find an integer such that
since .
 is a factor of or we say divides .
 is a multiple of or we can say is divisible by .

Some important properties of divisibility:

 All numbers are divisible by the number
 Every number divides itself
 No number is divisible by , but is divisible by any number
 If divides and divides , then divides where and are any two integers.
 If a divides and divides , then divides .

Tests for Divisibility

Divisibility by Test of divisibility

If the units‟ digit of the number is divisible by , then the number is divisible
by .
If the sum of the digits of the number is divisible by , then the number is
divisible by .

For example, the number is divisible by because the sum of the digits,
is divisible by .

However is not divisible by because the sum of the digits, is not

divisible by
If the last two digits, taken as a single number, is divisible by then the
number is divisible by

For example, the number is divisible by because the last two digits,
is divisible by
If the units‟ digit is a or a then the number is divisible by
If a number is divisible by and then the number is divisible by

The number is divisible by but not divisible by So we can conclude

that it is not divisible by

However, is divisible by both and and hence it is divisible by as

This one is not straightforward!

Separate the units‟ digit (say ) from the number and treat the remaining
digits as a single number. From this number subtract and check whether
the resulting number is divisible by If the resulting number is divisible by
then the original number is divisible by

For example, to check whether is divisible by calculate –

which evaluates to Since is divisible by the number is also
divisible by
If the last digits, taken as single number, is divisible by then the number
is divisible by

For example, the number is divisible by because the last three

digits, is divisible by
If the sum of all the digits number is divisible by then the number is
divisible by

For example, the number is not divisible by because the sum of the
digits, is not divisible by Whereas the number must
be divisible by since the sum of the digits, is divisible by

If the units‟ digit of the number is then the number is divisible by

Take the sum of digits in the odd places and digits in the even places. If the
difference between the sum is divisible by then the number is divisible

For example the number is divisible by because

and and the difference between the sums is which is divisible
If a number is divisible by and then the number is divisible by
The method is similar to test for divisibility by

Separate the units‟ digit (say ) from the number and treat the remaining
digits as a single number. From this number subtract and check whether
the resulting number is divisible by If the resulting number is divisible
by then the original number is divisible by

For example, to check whether is divisible by do –

Since is divisible by is also divisible by

Odd & Even Integers

Numbers that are divisible by are called even numbers and numbers that leave a remainder when
divided by are called odd numbers. Some properties of odd and even numbers:
 Even + Even = Even
 Odd + Even = Odd
 Odd +Odd =Even
 Even times Even = Even
 Odd times Odd = Odd
 Even times Odd = Even

Prime & Composite Numbers

 A number is said to be prime if it has exactly two factors – the number and itself. Here‟s a list
of the first few prime numbers:
 Numbers that have more than factors are called composite numbers.
Ex: 24 has 1,2,3,4,6,8,12,24 as factors .Since there are more than 2 factors , 24 is a composite
number 32 has 1,2,4,8,16,32 as factors .So 32 is a composite number

 Note that is the only even prime number.

 Note that the number is neither prime nor composite – since it has only factor.

Prime Factorization
The fundamental theorem of arithmetic states that every number can be represented uniquely as a product
of primes. This representation is called the prime factorization of the number

For example the number can be factorized as .

Factors of a Number
Consider a number whose prime factorization is given by
where are distinct primes.
 The number of prime factors of the number is equal to
 The total number of factors of the number (including and the number itself) is given by

For example, consider the number .

 The prime factorization of is
 The number of prime factors is just ie., the primes and
 Comparing with the formula given above, for this case, and
 Plugging in the values for a1 and a2 in the formula, we get the total number of factors to be

 The factors of the number are and

The GCD (Greatest Common Divisor) of two positive integers and is the largest number that is a
factor of both and

 If GCD of two numbers is , then the two numbers are said to be relatively prime. For example,
the GCD of the numbers and is . So they are relatively prime.
 If GCD of two numbers is equal to the lesser of the two numbers, then the smaller number is a
factor of the other.

The LCM (Least Common Multiple) of two positive integers and , is the smallest number that is a
multiple of both and .

 If LCM of two numbers is equal to their product, then the two numbers are said to be relatively
prime. For example, the numbers LCM of and is equal to (which the product as well) –
so they are relatively prime.
 If LCM of two numbers is equal to the larger of the two numbers, then the larger number is a
multiple of the other.
Absolute Values & Inequalities
Absolute Value
The absolute value of a real number is defined as the distance of the point represented on the number line
from the number .

Even in real-life, absolute values are used while calculating distances. For example, if you were to travel
from New York to Boston and then return from Boston to New York via the same route, then the
distances would be the same in the both parts of the journey. i.e. it is not „positive‟ in one direction and
„negative‟ in the return direction.

Note that distance is always positive, so the absolute value is always positive. Absolute value of x is
denoted by which is also read as “modulus of ” or “mod ”

For example, the absolute value of the number is and that of the number is In general,

Note that, in general if we have then can either be or –

That‟s the graph for

Note that when x is negative , lets say , y is +5 .So when x is negative is +ve and when is +ve
is still +ve

Inequalities involving Absolute Values

Let‟s take an example to understand how to solve inequalities using absolute values.

Consider the inequality,

The above inequality means, “the set of all such that the distance of the from the origin is greater than
or equal to units.
 Remember that the above set of values for could occur on either side of the origin on the number
line (the positive side or the negative side).
 The above inequality can be solved as follows:

 So either is greater than or equal to or it is lesser than or equal to

A picture is worth a thousand words Check the example graphs below to understand these inequalities
better :
 Example :

As you can see from the number line , the shaded region is to the left of -5 and to the right of which
means x can take values from these parts of the number line only.

Let‟s now look at the other inequality with respect to the modulus

Here is the example graph to understand this better .

 X takes all values from -5 to 5 as is seen in the number line below

Properties of Exponents
Given a real number the following properties are always true for any two rational numbers and (in
fact, these true even for real numbers, but that‟s not required for the GRE! ).

For example,

Since both quantities are equal to we can see than


Since both quantities are equal to , we can see than

Points to remember:
 for all real values of (NOTE: is controversial, but the consensus amongst
mathematicians is that it is to be defined as )
 for all finite real values of
 for all non-zero real values of
 √ and in general √ for all positive integers

For example ,
√ =

Fractions & Decimals

 A rational number or a fraction when converted to a decimal will always be a terminating decimal
or a non-terminating but recurring decimal.
o If the denominator of a fraction in its simplest form has only or as its prime factors,
then decimal form of the fraction will be a terminating decimal.
 For example the fraction when converted to decimal form will be a terminating
decimal, because the only prime factors of are and
o If the denominator of a fraction in its simplest form has any other prime factor besides
and , then the decimal form of the fraction will be non-terminating but recurring decimal.
 For example, we can conclude that the fraction will not be a terminating
decimal as the denominator has and as prime factors.

Observe that these decimals are recurring ,

ex: ̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅
Also , ̅
As you can see , the recurring digits are represented by a bar on top called as
Also , the number of recurring digits in a recurring decimal say is atmost

 An irrational number when represented in a decimal form will have non-terminating and non-
recurring decimal expansion. For example, the decimal expansion of √ is
non-terminating and there is no pattern of digits repeating.
Ratio and Proportion
 A ratio is a comparison or relationship between two or more numbers of the same kind , expressed
as “to “ or by the symbol colon “:”
o For example , if there is a recipe for a cake that uses cups of dough and cups of
milk for every cup of sugar, then “The ratio of dough to milk to sugar is ”

 The ratio of two quantities can also be represented as a fraction.

 If an increase in quantity results in a “proportionate” increase in another quantity, then the two
quantities are said to be in “Direct proportion”.
o For example, the price and the number of items are directly proportional to each other.
 If an increase in one quantity results in “proportionate” decrease in another quantity , then the two
quantities are said to be in “Indirect or Inverse proportion”
o For example, increasing the speed to cover a particular distance will proportionately
decrease the time to cover the distance.

 Expressing number or ratio as a fraction of is termed as “Percentage”
 To convert a ratio or fraction to percent , multiply the fraction by and write it as a percent
denoted by the symbol
o For example, is as,
Algebraic Identities
Identities of the form

(NOTE: The symbol represents the number of ways of choosing r objects from n distinct objects.
The value can be evaluated using the formula,
If you notice the above identities, it is easy to identify the pattern of decreasing powers of and
increasing powers of in each of the terms. But, the values of the coefficients, do not seem to be in any
obvious pattern. Here is a visual way to remember the coefficients by making use of Pascal‟s Triangle.

To find the coefficients of look at row number For example to find the coefficients of
look at row number and find the them to be and Now you can write down the
expansion as:

Here is a link to an animated gif which shows how to construct the Pascal‟s triangle.

Identities of the form ( – )

Identities of the form –

In general, for any natural number

Identities of the form

In general, for any natural number
 If is odd,

Linear Equations and Inequalities

Linear Equation in variable
A linear equation is of the form where and are constants, and is not . To solve this
equation, we need to isolate the on one side. We first subtract from both sides – note that subtracting
equal values from both sides of the equation will not affect the validity of the equation.

Similarly, dividing both sides of an equation by a non-zero number will not affect the validity of the
equation. So let‟s divide both sides of the above equation by

So the solution for the equation is given by

Linear Inequality in variable

When dealing with linear inequalities, the sign of a needs to be taken into account. For example, to solve
the linear inequality

 If is positive, then the dividing both sides by will not alter the direction of the inequality.

(dividing both sides by )

 If is negative, then dividing both sides by will alter the direction of the inequality.

(dividing both sides by )

Pair of Linear Equations in variables

Linear equations in two variables can be solved using Elimination or Substitution methods. Consider the
following problem:
Ruth has candy more than Sandra. If three times the number of candies that Ruth has is more than
twice the number of candies that Sandra has, then find the number of candies that each one of them have.
To solve the above problem, let‟s frame the equations. Let be the number of candies that Ruth has, and
be the number of candies that Sandra has. Based on the first piece of information in the question, since
Ruth has candy more than Sandra, we can write in the form of an equation as

Now we are also given that “ times the number of candies that Ruth has is more than twice the number
of candies that Sandra has”. Three times the number of candies that Ruth has is whereas more than
twice the number of candies that Sandra has is Since these two quantities are given to be equal,
we have which can be simplified as

So we have to solve the following two equations, to find the values of and

 Elimination Method
o Multiply the second equation by to get –
o Subtract the above from the first equation

o Since and – must be

o So the solution to the above pair of equations is i.e. Ruth has candies and
Sandra has candies.
 Substitution Method
o Rewrite the second equation as
o Substitute this expression for in the first equation to get

o Simplify the above equation to get

o Substitute the value for in the expression for to get
o So the solution to the above pair of equations is which is the same as what
we got using the previous method.

Quadratic Equations and Inequalities

Standard form of a Quadratic Equation
 The standard form of a quadratic equation is with These equations can
be solved either using splitting the middle term or using the quadratic formula.

 The solutions of a quadratic equation are called roots of the equation.

Solution of Quadratic Equations

Consider the quadratic equation This equation can solved in two ways:
 By splitting the middle term
o Consider the product of the coefficient of (i.e. a) and the constant term (i.e. c) {in this
case it is
o Find a pair of numbers, which on multiplication will yield the above result and on addition
will be equal to the coefficient of (i.e. ).
o In this case, the numbers should have a product and should add up to – – and
– satisfy this condition.
o So we split the middle term as and solve as follows:
(Since product of two terms is either one of them
should be )

 Using the quadratic formula

o For a general quadratic equation of the form with is given by,

o Substituting for and in the above equation we get

Quadratic Inequalities
Given a quadratic inequality of the form with the solution for can be found
out using the following method:
 Solve the quadratic equation to find the roots. Say and are the roots of the
quadratic equation, with
 Take any real number in between and and check if the value satisfies the inequality.
 If it satisfies the inequality, then solutions is the set of all such that,
 If the value does not satisfy the inequality, then the solution is the set of all such that, or

For example, to solve the inequality

 We find the roots of which are and
 Let‟s take a real number between and say and substitute and check if the inequality is
valid. Substituting in we get i.e. the
inequality is true.
 So the set of all such that will satisfy the inequality and is the solution set of the
given inequality.

Coordinate Geometry
The horizontal axis and the vertical axis intersect at the origin. These two axes divide the Cartesian
plane into quadrants. For a point in the plane with coordinates the values of and take
different signs based on where the point lies:
 If is on the axis, then
 If is on the axis, then
 If is in the 1st quadrant, then and are positive
 If is in the 2nd quadrant, then is negative and is positive
 If is in the 3rd quadrant, then and are negative
 If is in the 4th quadrant, then is positive and is negative

II Quadrant(x-ve,y+ve) I Quadrant(x+ve,y+ve)

III Quadrant(x-ve,y-ve) IV Quadrant(x+ve,y-ve)


Distance Formula
The distance between two points and is given by

Fig. 2

Straight Lines
Any linear equation in two variables represents a straight line on the coordinate plane. So the general
form of straight line is

The -intercept of the line is coordinate of the point where the line intersects the axis. The -intercept
can be found out by substituting in the equation of the line and finding the value of

Similarly, the -intercept of the line is coordinate of the point where the line intersects the axis. The
-intercept can be found out by substituting in the equation of the line and finding the value of
Fig. 3

If and are two points on a line then the slope of the line, can be defined as




Note that the above definition of slope will only work for straight lines that are not parallel to the -axis,
i.e. lines that are not vertical. For vertical lines, there is no definition of slope.
Also note that for a horizontal line (i.e. lines parallel to the -axis) the slope is always

The equation of the straight line can also be written in terms of the slope, and the -intercept, as

y-intercept of 3

Slope = -3/4 ;down
3 and right 4

Equation of line:

A function can be thought of as a system that takes an input (or many inputs) and produces an output.
For example, a function f can be defined as Given an input value for the function value
is which is also known as the value of at

The set of all permissible values of for which is defined is called the domain of The set of all
values of is called the range of

Important Functions and their graphs

Linear Function: where and are constants and is non-zero.
Fig 6-Linear function given by

Quadratic Function: where and are constants and is non-zero.

Fig 7-Quadratic function

Note that the graph of all quadratic functions are parabolas.
Lines and Angles
Linear Pair of Angles

In the above figure, angles and are adjacent and is a straight line. So these two angles are called
a linear pair of angles and they add up to (i.e. they are supplementary)

Vertically Opposite Angles

When two lines intersect at a point, there are angles that are formed, as shown in the figure above.
 Angles and form a pair of vertically opposite angles and they are equal to each other.
 Angles and form another pair of vertically opposite angles and they are also equal.

Parallel Lines and a Transversal

When two parallel lines are intersected by a third line (called a transversal) angles are formed as shown
in the figure below:

 Angles and , angles and angles and angles and are all called corresponding pairs
of angles. Corresponding angles are equal.
 Angles and angles and are called pairs of interior angles on the same side of the
transversal. Interior angles on the same side are supplementary, i.e. they add up to
 Angles and angles and are called pairs of interior angles on the alternate sides of the
transversal or alternate interior angles. Alternate interior angles are equal.
 Using the above three conditions, we have and

Note: The above conditions are actually “if and only if” conditions, i.e. their converses are also true. For
example, if two lines are intersected by a third line and if one pair of corresponding angles are equal then
we can conclude that the two lines are parallel.
Triangles are 3-sided polygons. Triangles can be classified based on the length of their sides and based on
their angles .
Classification based on sides:
 Scalene triangle – the lengths of all three sides are different
 Isosceles triangle –The lengths of two sides are equal.
 The angles opposite to equal sides are equal
 In an isosceles triangle , the altitude to the unequal side is also the median of the
unequal side is the perpendicular bisector of the unequal side and also the angle
bisector of the vertical angle from which it is dropped.
 Equilateral Triangle-The lengths of all three sides are equal .So each angle = 60 degrees.

 The altitudes, medians , angle bisectors coincide in an equilateral triangle.

 Among all triangles with the same perimeter , the triangle with the largest area will
be equilateral

Classification based on angles:

 Right Triangle –One angle in 90 degrees
The side opposite to the right angle is the longest side called Hypotenuse in a right
 Acute angled triangle-All three angles are less than 90 degrees
 Obtuse angled triangle –Ateast one angle is >90 degrees.

Triangle Inequality
 The triangle inequality states that the sum of the lengths of any two sides of a triangle is always
greater than that of the third side.
 If and are the lengths of the three sides of the triangle, then we have:

For example, you can never have a triangle whose sides are cm, cm and cm as
not greater than the third side.


 The difference in lengths of any two sides is always lesser than the length of the third side.

 In a triangle, the sides opposite larger angles are longer in length.

Angle Sum Property of a Triangle

The sum of the angles at the vertices of a triangle is always equal to a straight angle, i.e. If and
are the angles at the vertices of the triangle then we have
Exterior Angle Property of a Triangle
An exterior angle of triangle is the angle formed between one side of the triangle and an adjacent
side that is extended as shown in the figure below.

Note that the exterior angle at and the angle at the vertex of triangle ABC form a
linear pair.

The exterior angle property states that the exterior angle is equal to the sum of the other two interior
angles at and

Pythagoras Theorem
A right-angled triangle or a right triangle is one in which one the angles at the vertices is a right angle.
The side opposite the right angle is called the hypotenuse of the triangle and the sides adjacent to right
triangle are called legs of the triangle.

In the above triangle, is the hypotenuse and are the legs of the triangle.
Pythagoras theorem states that “the sum of the squares of the legs is equal to square of the hypotenuse”.

Conversely, if the sum of the squares of two sides of a triangle is equal to the square of the third side, then
the triangle is right angled with third side being the hypotenuse.

Special Right Triangles

The triangle is one in which the angles at the vertices are and In this triangle
the sides opposite to these angles are always in the ratio √

The triangle is an isosceles right triangle where two of the angles are and the third
angle is In this triangle the sides opposite to these angles are in the ratio √
Area of Triangle
The area of a triangle is found by dropping a perpendicular from one vertex to the opposite side.

The length of the perpendicular from the vertex to the opposite side is called the height of the triangle
(denoted by ) and the side perpendicular to the height is called the base (denoted by ) of the triangle.
For an equilateral triangle whose sides are all equal to the area is given by


A polygon is a planar figure that is bounded by straight edges closing in a loop to form a closed figure.

The triangle is the simplest polygon with sides.

A quadrilateral has sides

A pentagon has sides.

A hexagon has sides

A heptagon has sides

An Octagon has sides

A Decagon has sides.

For a polygon with sides or vertices, the sum of the angles at the vertices is given by
Quadrilaterals are polygons with vertices and edges. The sum of the angles of a quadrilateral is .
The various types of quadrilaterals and their properties are discussed below.

A trapezoid is a quadrilateral in which two of the sides are parallel.

Area of a trapezoid is given by where and are the lengths of the parallel
sides and is the distance between the parallel sides.

 An isosceles trapezoid is a special trapezoid where the non-parallel sides are equal in length.
 The diagonals of an isosceles trapezoid are equal in length.



A parallelogram is a quadrilateral in which two pairs of opposite sides are parallel. Other properties of
a parallelogram include:
 Opposite angles are equal in measure -
 Adjacent angles are supplementary -
 Opposite sides are equal in length -
 Diagonals bisect each other. –


 Area of a parallelogram is given by where is the length of one pair of parallel sides and
is the perpendicular distance between them.

A rectangle is a special type of parallelogram in which all the interior angles are right angles. Other
properties of a rectangle include:
 Opposite sides are equal in length
 Diagonals are equal in length
 Diagonals bisect each other.
 If is the length of the rectangle and is the breadth of the rectangle, then the length of the
diagonal is √ from Pythagoras theorem.
 Area of a rectangle is and perimeter of the rectangle is

A rhombus is a special type of parallelogram in which all the sides are equal in length. Other properties of
a rhombus include:
 Opposite angles are equal in measure
 Adjacent angles are supplementary
 Opposite sides are equal in length
 Diagonals are perpendicular bisectors of each other.
 Area of a rhombus is given by where is the length of the sides and is the perpendicular
distance between them.

A square is a special quadrilateral that is a parallelogram, a rectangle as well as a rhombus, i.e. it‟s a
parallelogram in which all the sides are equal and all the angles are right angles. Other properties of a
square include:
 Opposite sides are equal in length
 Diagonals are equal in length
 If a is the length of the side, then the length of the diagonal is given by √
 Diagonals are perpendicular bisectors of each other.
 Area of a square is and the perimeter of a square is

The circumference of a circle of radius is equal to where is the irrational number that is defined
as the ratio of circumference to diameter of any circle.

The approximate value of is taken as or for the sake of convenience.

Length of an Arc

The length of an arc is dependent on the measure of the angle subtended by the arc at the center of the
circle of radius If the measure of the angle subtended by the arc at the center is then the length of
the arc is given by

The area of a circle with radius is equal to

Area of a Sector

The area of a sector is dependent on the measure of the angle subtended by the arc of the sector at the
center of the circle of radius If the measure of the angle subtended by the arc at the center is then the
area of the sector is given by

Perpendicular bisector of a Chord

The perpendicular bisector of any chord passes through the center of the circle.

Conversely, a line drawn from the center perpendicular to a chord, bisects the chord.
Equal Chords

In a given circle, chords that are equal in length are equidistant from the center.

In the fig., AB and CD are equal chords. OM and ON are respectively the perpendicular bisectors of these
chords. By this theorem , OM = ON.

A corollary of the above statement is that equal chords subtend equal angles at the center.

In the fig., AB and CD are equal chords and by the corollary <COD = <AOB

Central Angle Property

The angle subtended by an arc at the center is twice the angle subtended by it on any point, on
the circle.
3D Figures
A cuboid is a three dimensional solid having rectangular faces. The opposite faces of the cuboid are

The dimensions of a cuboid are usually denoted by (length), (breadth) and (height).

 The total surface area of the cuboid is given by

 The lateral surface area (excludes the top and bottom faces) is given by Volume of the
cuboid is given by
 The length of the diagonal of a cuboid is √

A cube is a three dimensional solid having identical square faces. The length, breadth and height of a
cube are equal. The length of a side of a cube is usually denoted by

 The total surface area of the cube is given by

 The lateral surface area (excludes the top and bottom faces) is given by
 Volume of the cuboid is given by
 The length of the diagonal of a cuboid is √ .
A circular cylinder consists of two identical circular faces (with centers and as shown in figure) and a
lateral surface that consists of points that are equidistant from the line joining the centers. The line joining
the centers and is called the axis of the cylinder.

Height h

Radius r

The radius of the circular faces is called the radius of the cylinder, and the distance between the centers
is called the height of the cylinder,
 The curved surface area of the cylinder is
 The total surface area of a cylinder is
 The volume of a cylinder is

NOTE: The diagrams in GRE are not drawn to scale unless specified
Data Analysis
A set is well-defined collection of objects. The constituents of a set are called elements.

The cardinality of a finite set is defined as the number of elements in a set.

Given two sets A and B, the cardinality of the union and the intersection of two sets are related by the
following equation:

If two sets are disjoint, then , i.e. they have no common elements

Given three sets and the cardinality of their union is given by the following equation:

Arithmetic Sequence
An Arithmetic Sequence or an Arithmetic Progression (A.P.) is one in which the difference between
consecutive terms is a constant.

In general, the nth term of the sequence is given by

The sum of the first terms of the sequence is given by
( )

Example :Consider the sequence 2,5,8,11,14,17,……

Here , the first term of the sequence is given by .Hence the term is given by

So we can generate the sequence using this formula.

Suppose we want to find the sum of the first 10 terms of the sequence , we directly substitute the known
values in the formula , =155

Geometric Sequence
A Geometric Sequence or a Geometric Progression (G.P.) is one in which the ratio between consecutive
terms is a constant.

In general, the nth term of the sequence is given by

The sum of the first n terms of the sequence is given by

Example, consider the following sequence: 2,4,8,16,32,…..

Here , the common ratio is
The term of the sequence here is =
( )
So the sum of 10 terms(say) of this sequence will be , =

Sums of a few standard sequences

 ( )

Counting Methods

The factorial of a non-negative integer n, denoted by n!, is the product of all positive integers less than or
equal to n.

Some rules for factorials:

 , for any natural number

 Given distinct objects, the number of ways in which they can be arranged in a line is
 Given distinct objects, the number of ways in which they can be arranged in a circle is –
 Given objects out which, objects are identical and the remaining are distinct, the number of
ways in which they can be arranged is
 Given objects, the number of ways in which of them can be selected and then arranged is
given by

If there are 4 people sitting in a car , how many different arrangements of these people is possible.
Solution: Assume we have 4 slots or seats and the 4 people P1, P2,P3,P4 have to seated in them.The
arrangements could be P1P2P3P4 or P1P3P2P4 or P3P1P2P4 and so on. So there are are 4 choices for the
first seat. After one person is fixed in the first seat , now we need to arrange the remaining 3 persons in
the remaining 3 seats .The procedure is iterative .So the total number of arrangements =
 Given objects, the number of ways of choosing of them is given by
 Since number of ways of choosing objects from is same as the number of ways of leaving out
objects, we have

A basket has 5 red balls and 3 blue balls .In how many ways can we choose 2 red balls from the
Solution: There are 5 red balls and we need to choose only 2 out of the 5.So the number of ways
will be = = 10

The probability of an event is defined as the ratio of number of outcomes in which the event occurs to the
total number of possible outcomes of the experiment.

 Probability of an event is always in between and both inclusive.

 If probability of an event is then we say that it is an impossible event.
 If probability of an event is then we say that it is a certain event.


Ex 1: Consider the event of tossing a coin. Find the probability of getting a head.

Solution: The sample space denotes the set of all possible outcomes . If „H‟ denotes to head and „T‟
denotes tail, then S = {H,T}.Let E denote the required event .E = {H}
n(S)=2 and n(E)=1.So P( E )= =

Ex2: Consider the event of rolling a die .Find the probability of getting a prime number.

Solution: The sample space S={1,2,3,4,5,6}

Let E denote the event of getting a prime number. E ={2,3,5}
So P( E) = = =

In general, for two events and that have probabilities of occurrence as and the probability
that either one of them will occur is given by

 Two events are said to be independent if the outcome of one event does not affect the outcome of
the other.
Example: Consider a fair coin and a fair six-sided die. Let event A obtaining heads and event B
rolling a 6.These are independent events.
 Two events are said to be mutually exclusive if the two of them cannot occur simultaneously.
Example: Consider a sized-sided die , even numbered faces are colored red and the odd numbers
faces colored green. Let A be the event of rolling a 6 and let B be the event of rolling a green
face. A and B are mutually exclusive.

A and B are mutually exclusive

A and B are independent events
Either one of
them occurring
ie .,P(A or B)
Both occurring
i.e., P(A and B)

Arithmetic mean of a data set with data points, { } is given by

Example: The mean marks of 15 students in a class 12, 13, 14, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 14, 15, 13, 15, 12,10

= =13.67

The median of a set of points denotes the middlemost point when the dataset is sorted in ascending or
descending order
Median of dataset tells you that half of the data lies below the median and half of it lies above the median
The median of a data set with data points depends on whether is odd or even.

 If is odd, then arrange the data set in ascending order as { } and select the middle
value – this value is the median.
 If is even, then arrange the data set in ascending order as { }, then select the two
middle values – the mean of these two values is the median.
( ) ( )

( )
Example: Consider the dataset 2,3,4,2,2,3,4.
First sort the dataset: 2,2,2,3,3,4,4
Median is the middle value = 3

The mode of a data set with data points is the most frequently occurring value.

Example: The mode of the dataset 2,3,4,2,2,3,4 is 2 as the frequency of 2 is the highest in this dataset.

The range of a data set is defined as the difference between the maximum and minimum values in the data
Example: Consider the dataset 12, -10, -2, 13, -1, 4, 5
Range = Maximum value – minimum value = 13-(-10) = 23

Quartiles and Percentiles

Quartiles and Percentiles are two common measures of position.

The quartiles divide the data set into four groups of equal number of data points.
 The lowest quarter of the data lies below the first quartile
 The second quarter of the data lies between the first quartile and the median (2nd quartile)
 The third quarter of the data lies between the median and the third quartile.
 The top quarter of the data lies above the third quartile.
The difference between the third and the first quartiles is called the Inter-Quartile Range (IQR).
Similarly, the percentiles divide the data set into 100 groups of equal number of data points.

If you are interested in where you stand compared to the rest of the herd , you need a statistics that reports
“relative standing”, and that statistics is called a percentile. The percentile is a value in a dataset that
splits the data into two pieces: the lower piece contains k percent of the data and the upper piece contains
rest of the data , where k is any number between 0 and 100.

The median is the 50th percentile .

Example: Here is a sample data from ETS that has converted the scores to percentiles .As you can see the
percentiles and the raw scores are not proportional to each other .

Raw Score Percentile

170 98
169 97
168 95
167 94
166 92
165 90
164 88
163 86

As you can observe , a Quant Score of 164 in GRE corresponds to 88 percentile , which means 88% of
the students scored below 164 and only 12% of the students scored above 164. This score 164 is actually
= 96.6% apx. i.e., * 100 = 96.6 approximately .So percentages are different from percentiles and are
not to be confused with each other.
Note that, both quartiles and percentiles can only describe position of the data point and it is difficult to
make any prediction of other data points based on just

Variance & Standard Deviation

The Standard Deviation of a data set with data points, { } and a mean is given by

Variance of a data set is the square of the Standard Deviation

Example: Consider the following datasets of the quantitative reasoning and verbal scores of 10 students in
GRE in 2016-17 . Let‟s try to compute the mean , and the standard deviation to understand this concept
better .

(Quantitative Reasoning scores)

Raw score(x) Deviation from mean
̅ )2
152 15.21
165 82.81
160 16.81
161 26.01
132 571.21
160 16.81
141 222.01
158 4.41
162 37.21
168 146.41
Total 1138.9

Verbal scores
Raw score(x) Deviation from mean
̅ )2
148 0.09
143 22.09
140 59.29
147 0.49
132 246.49
148 0.09
145 7.29
156 68.89
159 127.69
159 127.69
Based on quantitative Reasoning scores:

∑ ∑
Mean = ̅ = 155.9;Variance = = =113.89;SD = √ =10.67(appx)

Based on the verbal scores:

∑ ∑
Mean = ̅ = 147.7; Variance = = =66.01; SD =√ =8.12(appx)

Lets look at the following table to compare both scores:

2016-17 Mean Standard deviation

Quant 155.9 10.67
Verbal 147.7 8.12

We can infer the following from this data:
 Since the mean of quant is greater than verbal scores , students have performed better in quant
than Verbal
 Quant data has a higher SD than that of Verbal data. This means that the quant scores among the
students have varied greatly compared to the verbal scores which is centered around 147.7.
 The SD (verbal) < SD(quant) .This means students have shown consistency in performance in
verbal than in Quant. i.e., they are all having the same level of understanding of the verbal
concepts than Quantitative Reasoning.

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