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Southern Political Science Association

Agenda Dynamics and Policy Subsystems

Author(s): Frank R. Baumgartner and Bryan D. Jones
Source: The Journal of Politics, Vol. 53, No. 4 (Nov., 1991), pp. 1044-1074
Published by: Cambridge University Press on behalf of the Southern Political Science Association
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Accessed: 07/08/2013 23:40

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AgendaDynamicsand PolicySubsystemns

FrankR. Baumgartner
Bryan D. Jones
Texas A&M Universityl

Rapid change in public policy outcomes often occurs, but most theories of pluralism empha-
size only incrementalism.2 Yet from a historical view, it can easily be seen that many policies
go through long periods of stability and short periods of dramatic reversals. Often the grand
lines of policy may be settled for decades during such critical periods of mobilization.
In this paper, we argue a single process can explain both periods of extreme stability and
short bursts of rapid change. This process is the interaction of beliefs and values concerning a
particular policy, which we term the policy image, with the existing set of political institu-
tions-the venues of policy action. In a pluralist political system, subsystems can be created
that are highly favorable to a given industry. But at the same time, there remain other institu-
tional venues that can serve as avenues of appeal for the disaffected. Here we use the case of
civilian nuclear policy to examine the process by which policy images find a favorable reception
in some institutional venues but not others, and how the interaction between image and venue
can lead to the rapid creation, destruction, or alteration of policy subsystems. We rely on data
from a variety of sources to trace agenda access of the nuclear power issue in each of the policy
venues available.

R apid change in public policy outcomes often occurs, but most theories of
pluralism emphasize only incrementalism. This overemphasis on incremen-
talism has caused many to view pluralism as inherently conservative. Yetfrom
a historical view, it can easily be seen that many policies go through long
periods of stability and short periods of dramatic reversals. These long pe-
riods of stability have led political scientists to focus on the equilibrium of
current policy compromises rather than on the punctuations in the equilib-
rium by dramatic change. However, the grand lines of policy may be settled
for decades during a critical period of mobilization.
In this paper we argue that pluralism is neither conservative nor radical,
but that a single process can explain both periods of extreme stability and

'Authors listed alphabetically to indicate equal contributions to this article and to the larger
project of which it is a part.
2The authors would like to thank the Center for Energy and Mineral Resources and the
College of Liberal Arts, Texas A&M University, for support for some of the research reported
here. Doug Jones, Susanne Marrs, and Jeff Talbert provided expert research assistance. We
would also like to thank John Kingdon, Roger Cobb, Charles Elder, Bob Boynton, Jeff Berry,
and Dave King for their comments.

THE JOURNALOF POLITICS, Vol. 53, No. 4, November 1991

C 1991 by the University of Texas Press

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Agenda Dynamics and Policy Subsystems 1045

short bursts of rapid change. This process is the interaction of beliefs and
values concerning a particular policy, which we term the policy image, with
the existing set of political institutions-the venues of policy action. In a
pluralist political system, subsystems can be created that are highly favor-
able to a given industry. But at the same time, there remain other institu-
tional venues that can serve as avenues of appeal for the disaffected. Here we
use the case of civilian nuclear policy to examine the process by which policy
images find a favorable reception in some institutional venues but not oth-
ers, and how the interaction between image and venue can lead to the rapid
creation, destruction, or alteration of policy subsystems.
One characteristic of pluralist government often and accurately noted
by political scientists is the ability of single-industry economic interests
to insulate themselves from the influence of large-scale democratic forces
through the creation of relatively independent depoliticized subgovern-
ments. Such systems of limited participation are thought to be highly resis-
tant to change (Cobb and Elder 1983) and have intrigued political scientists
for decades (see, for example, Bentley 1908; Odegard 1928; Griffith 1939;
Maass 1951; Freeman 1955; Cater 1964). However, many systems of limited
participation have been quickly and dramatically altered during certain pe-
riods of history. One such period was the mid-1970s in the United States,
when policy subsystems relating to tobacco, pesticides, air and water pol-
lution, airlines, trucking, telecommunications, and nuclear power were
all destroyed or radically altered (Fritschler 1989; Bosso 1987; Jones 1975;
Derthick and Quirk 1985; Robyn 1987; Campbell 1988). The changing land-
scape of policy subsystems has sensitized policy scholars to diversity in
policy arrangements (Thurber 1990; Ripley and Franklin 1990), but so far
they have not focused on the dynamics of construction, alteration, and the
occasional demise of powerful subsystems. We argue that the 1970s were not
simply an aberration, but rather the breakup of systems of limited partici-
pation, like their creation, can be explained in a systematic way. We pro-
pose an approach which helps account for the creation and destruction of
subsystem politics.
Our approach treats political actors as capable of strategic action by em-
ploying a dual strategy. On the one hand, they try to control the prevailing
image of the policy problem through the use of rhetoric, symbols, and policy
analysis. On the other hand, they try to alter the roster of participants who
are involved in the issue by seeking out the most favorable venue for the
consideration of their issues. In this process, both the institutional structures
within which policies are made (see March and Olsen 1989) and the indi-
vidual strategies of policy entrepreneurs (see Riker 1986; Kingdon 1984) play
important roles.
In the nuclear power industry in the United States, government and in-
dustry leaders were able to create an impressive and seemingly all-powerful

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1046 Frank R. Baumgartner and Bryan D. Jones

subgovernment favoring the industry as it grew and developed after World

War II. Despite the apparent power of the members of this subgovernment,
it was not to be permanent. Changes in the regulatory environment, con-
gressional oversight, state and local government involvement, financial mar-
kets, and public opinion interacted to destroy this tightly controlled policy
network. Changing popular understanding of nuclear power and appeals to
different institutional arenas of policymaking were the strategies of those not
fully represented in the original closed system of policymaking. A system of
positive feedback developed, leading to a surprisingly rapid demise of what
had only a few years previously appeared to be an impregnable institutional
subsystem. In the analysis that follows, a variety of sources of evidence are
used, including content analysis of popular press during the entire twentieth
century, public opinion polls, indicators of regulatory activities, stock mar-
ket performance, and analysis of all congressional hearings on nuclear power
topics since 1944. The approach developed shows the importance of multiple
and competing venues of policymaking within the federal system, and dem-
onstrates the opportunities for overturning what appear to be powerful sys-
tems of limited participation.


Public and elite understandings of public policy problems may change

over time. Often, these changes are the result of new scientific discoveries
or research; other times, changes come from dramatic events or more subtle
influences. In any case, we can note whether given public policies are gen-
erally discussed in a positive or negative light, and we call this the policy
image. Nuclear power, as we shall discuss in greater detail, has at various
times been seen as either the source of abundant supplies of electricity and
the solution to many of mankind's problems, or as the cause of enormous
problems, including radioactive fallout, the destruction associated with nu-
clear war, and other things that cannot be considered good for the industry.
How public policies are discussed in public and in the media is the policy
image, according to the terminology we use here. We simply differentiate
between images that are favorable to proponents of a given policy and those
that are detrimental. For nuclear power, these distinctions are simple: posi-
tive images are growth, jobs, high-technology solutions; negative images are
mushroom clouds, waste, leaks, and the like.
Remarkably,public discourse when traced over long periods of time tends
to show a fascination with one aspect of the issue to the exclusion of the
other, at any given time. While individuals might be able to recognize that
the same issue has both good and bad sides, public attention as it is reflected
in media coverage tends to focus on one or the other. Over time, attention
may shift from virtual euphoria to an equally one-sided preoccupation with
negative aspects of the same policy or industry.

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Agenda Dynamics and Policy Subsystems 1047

Because images have implications for which actors in society will be at-
tracted to a given debate, policymakers have the incentives to attempt to
manipulate them, and many political scientists have noted their attempts to
change public or elite understandings of the nature of important policy ques-
tions (see Boulding 1956; Edelman 1964, 1989; Elder and Cobb 1983; King-
don 1984; Riker 1986; and Stone 1989). Images are based on facts, of course,
but public attention tends to focus strongly on one set of facts at a time, and
exhibits a remarkable ability to dwell on the positives while ignoring the
negatives during one period; only a small change in environment can later
cause the attention of nonspecialists to swing to the opposite extreme. Tech-
nically complex issues such as nuclear power can be discussed either in
terms of their scientific and engineering details, or in terms of their social
impacts. When they are portrayed as technical problems rather than as social
questions, experts can dominate the decision-making process. When the
ethical, social, or political implications of such policies assume center stage,
a much broader range of participants can suddenly become involved (Baum-
gartner 1989). Where a positive image dominates, specialists have strong
arguments for demanding that political leaders grant them the autonomy and
the resources necessary to get on with their work. Policy subsystems may be
created during periods when public understandings of the questions in-
volved is overwhelmingly positive.
Related to the policy image is the question of its venue. There are no
immutable rules that determine which institutions in society will be granted
jurisdiction over particular issues. Depending on the issue and on how it is
understood by those potentially involved, it may be assigned to an agency of
the federal government, to private market mechanisms, to state or local au-
thorities, to the family, or to any of a number of institutions. We term this
the venue problem. Each venue carries with it a decisional bias, because
both participants and decision-making routines differ. When the venue of a
public policy changes, as often occurs over time, those who previously domi-
nated the policy process may find themselves in the minority, and erstwhile
losers may be transformed into winners. The image of a policy and its venue
are closely related. As venues change, images may change as well; as the
image of a policy changes, venue changes become more likely.
Schattschneider's (1960) conception of conflict expansion forms the basis
of our notion of institutional venue and points to the importance of image as
well. Schattschneider argued that losers in a policy debate have the motive
to change the roster of participants by appealing to those not currently in-
volved in the debate. If they can appeal to the right group of potential par-
ticipants, they may be able to change their losing position into the winning
one, as more and more people become involved in the debate on their side.
Schattschneider, however, viewed conflict as either contained to elites or
socialized to include the mass public. In our view, there are a variety of
venues to which a particular conflict may be directed, most of which would

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1048 Frank R. Baumgartner and Bryan D. Jones

not involve mass mobilization at all. The mass public represents but one of
a number of venues for policy conflict.
Conflict expansion to new venues can occur in three ways. The first is the
classic loser appeal strategy that Schattschneider noted. The second is action
by concerned outsiders, who may or may not be allied with losers in a policy
subsystem. Oftentimes such outsiders lack both credibility and information
to attack the existing subsystem, so that making alliances with losers from
within the smaller group can be very important to outsider strategies. Third,
decision makers from another venue can attack an existing policy arrange-
ment trying to expand their own policy jurisdictions. Congressmen, for ex-
ample, may wish to raise their visibility through such a strategy. Clearly
these three conflict expansion processes are not mutually exclusive. In fact,
alliances between all three types of conflict expanders are expected (see
Baumgartner 1987 for a similar example in a different context).
Policymakers need not employ a rational decision model or know in ad-
vance exactly how their ideas will be received in a particular institutional
venue. Rather, they may search for favorable venues through a trial-and-
error process or an evolutionary search. Those uncomfortable in the current
venue or with the current image have incentives to seek out more favorable
ones. They may search in a variety of arenas at once. Where they find initial
success, they continue to search; where their ideas are rejected, they aban-
don that effort. In this way, we need not assume that strategic actors can
predict in advance the single most favorable image or venue for their poli-
cies. Successful efforts to shift image and venue may often be the result of
evolutionary, rather than rational, search.
Any model of the policy process which seeks to explain both incremental-
ism on the one hand and rapid change on the other must appreciate the
interaction between issue assignment and political rhetoric. Where the
rhetoric begins to change, venue changes become more likely. Where venue
changes occur, rhetorical changes are facilitated. Thus, a slight change in
either can lead to rapid changes in policy outcomes. With each change in
venue comes an increased attention to a new image, leading to further
changes in venue, as more and more groups within the political system be-
come aware of the question. So the interactions of image and venue may
produce a self-reinforcing system characterized by positive feedback mecha-
nisms. Such systems can produce both long periods of no change or dramatic
reversals in outcomes in relatively short periods of time.
As an example of how image and venue changes may reinforce them-
selves, consider a case where an environmental group is continually on the
losing side of regulatory decisions made with the executive branch of the
federal government. Let us assume that they achieve some initial success by
appealing to a previously uninvolved group in Congress. Their understand-
ing of the issue, disregarded or considered to be marginal in the original

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Agenda Dynamics and Policy Subsystems 1049

jurisdiction, may receive a more favorable hearing here (especially if there

are congressmen searching themselves for issues where they might increase
their own powers or visibility in hopes of running for higher office). If these
first changes in jurisdiction are successful, Congress may pass legislation
which allows protagonists greater access to the courts or in the regulatory
process, thereby allowing the environmental group greater powers even in
those venues where previously they had been weak. Further, the laws
passed by Congress may explicitly make legitimate certain rhetorical sym-
bols, so the venue change may lead to changes in image as well. These
changes may generate increased public attention, thereby increasing further
still the shift in image that the environmentalists seek.
From one strategic appeal, a whole series of self-reinforcing changes in
image and venue may potentially follow. Such a scenario is not purely hy-
pothetical. When Congress passed the National Environmental Protection
Act (NEPA) in 1969 calling for environmental impact statements and allow-
ing for much greater access to the courts, this one piece of legislation
changed the nature of participation in both the courts and in the regulatory
process, and forced these other institutions to give greater consideration to
certain aspects of environmental policy which had been ignored in the past.
When Congress created the Environmental Protection Agency shortly after
the passage of NEPA, it created a new institutional venue where a variety of
issues could be discussed. So strategic appeals from one venue to another
may lead to dramatic changes over time. In other words, there may be a
snowball effect, as image and venue changes continue to reinforce each other
over time.
The degree to which problems are tightly linked to images is related to
the degree to which a single arena of policymaking exerts monopolistic con-
trol over a policy. Where images are in flux, one may also expect changes in
institutional jurisdictions. Where venues change, the terms of debate may
be altered still further. Where venues are tightly controlled, on the other
hand, changes in image are less likely; where changes in image are ruled
out, the odds of effecting changes in venue are correspondingly lower. So
image and venue can combine to produce rapid change, or they may interact
to reinforce the current assignment of authority. Both stability and rapid
change in policy outcomes can come from the same process.
Political images can be used by dominant political elites to reinforce their
advantageous positions, as Edelman (1964, 1989) describes. Similarly, Bach-
rach and Baratz (1962) describe the ability of economic elites to keep al-
ternative images of important policy decisions off of the political agenda,
which they termed nondecision making (see also Crenson 1971). Stone
(1989) focuses on the ability of political actors to portray issues in ways that
suit their interests and argues that politics constantly involves strategic ef-
forts to manipulate the understanding of reality. She writes that issue devel-

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1050 Frank R. Baumgartner and Bryan D. Jones

opment is more a result of conflict over problem and policy definitions than
blunt instruments of elite control. We agree with Stone. The manipulation
of images is not only one of the ways in which the powerful try to maintain
their positions but also is a potential route to political power by relatively
weak opponents to large economic interests. As we will show with the nu-
clear power industry, failure to control the images associated with a policy
can lead to loss of control over the policy itself, even when it appears to be
firmly within the institutional jurisdiction of influential groups all of whom
favor the current direction of public policy. Manipulation of image and
venue is an inherent part of the policy process understood by those on all
sides of most policy debates. Sometimes it works in favor of economic elites,
sometimes against them.
Cobb and Elder (1983, 152) describe a link between agenda entrance, by
which they mean inclusion in the list of issues that compels attention by a
governmental entity, and issue expansion, which refers to the number of
people mobilized around an issue. They see the issue expansion process as a
key element in the destruction of systems of limited participation and argue
that as a larger and larger circle of participants is mobilized, the strength of
the subsystem is likely to be weakened. Yet there is a second manner in
which issues may gain agenda entrance: venue shopping by strategically-
minded political actors. This strategy relies less on mass mobilization and
more on the dual strategy of the presentation of image and the search for a
more receptive political venue. While well-placed allies are essential in this
process, mass mobilization is not necessarily critical. The mass public rep-
resents but one of many potential venues for a policy debate, and strategic
policymakers can often be successful in breaking apart policy-making sys-
tems which go against their interests without any direct appeals to the broad
Even when mass publics are involved in the issue expansion process, they
often come into the process following elite debate and then generally re-
spond to symbols generated during the elite conflict. Carmines and Stimson
(1986) show this to be the case for the important partisan issue of race rela-
tions. (Page and Shapiro 1983, have made the opposing case for the effect of
public opinion on policy.) We shall present information shortly that indicates
that major declines in public support for nuclear power occurred well after
the demise of the option as a realistic policy alternative. By the time the
conflict had been socialized to include the mass public, important policy
decisions had already been made through the manipulation of image and
venue among the institutions of national and local levels of government, far
from the glare of public attention. Reversals in public opinion played an
important role in solidifying the changes that had occurred among elites, but
they did not create them.
Finally, the process of change need not involve only governments. In a

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Agenda Dynamics and Policy Subsystems 1051

capitalist system, many decisions influencing the course of public policies

are made in the private arena. In particular, the decisions of investors, re-
flected in the stock and bond markets, influence (and are influenced by) the
dynamics of the policy process. In this study we treat the stock market as a
primary venue for political action. Just as in any of the governmental venues
of action, actions in the stock market show how dramatic changes within one
arena can lead to further changes in other arenas. Thus, the stock market
constitutes a further example of the complicated interactions among institu-
tions that we believe are crucial to understanding the positive reinforcement
mechanisms of the American policy process. The markets played an impor-
tant role in weakening the nuclear subsystem well before the issue was at its
peak of public attention or dislike. Dramatic changes can take place within
the various arenas of elite behavior in American politics. Anticipated mass
behavior certainly drives much of this activity, but the public plays mostly
an indirect role, according to this research.
Where issues have been assigned to policy subsystems, the venue change
process can lead to dramatic reversals in policy outcomes. We use the term
"subsystem collapse" to refer to changes in subsystem organization which
enable interests not generally supportive of the involved industry to intrude
in the policy process in critical ways. Other scholars have described changes
in subsystem politics in different terms, and of course we recognize that
there are degrees of collapse. Jeffrey Berry (1989) has described in consid-
erable detail the changes in the American interest group system. These
changes roughly correspond to the succession of terms that scholars have
used to describe subsystem politics-from "iron triangles" to "issue net-
works" to "advocacy coalitions"-from tightly structured systems of limited
participation through more fluid boundaries and easier access to the incor-
poration of conflict within the subsystem (Heclo 1978; Sabatier 1988). This
raises the issue of whether the process of subsystem collapse occurred
throughout the interest-group system, or whether it was confined to particu-
lar arrangements. In any case, this article shows how a powerful subsystem
was created, maintained, then destroyed during the postwar period.


We examine four specific predictions in the pages that follow. First, where
policy issues have been assigned to policy subsystems, increasing attention
is related to an increasingly negative policy image. This follows from at-
tempts of strategic policymakers to alter the prevailing policy settlement by
calling attention to its undersireable effects. This relation between attention
and valence is expected to hold only when opponents to the prevailing image
are seeking to alter a standing decision or the institutional locus of an issue.
The initial assignment of the issue to a venue may be associated with consid-

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1052 Frank R. Baumgartner and Bryan D. Jones

erable positive attention. Subsystems are created during periods of positive

attention but are destroyed when attention increases and shifts in tone.
Second, we postulate a succession of venue-access events as conflict ex-
pands. Conflict does not expand across venues simultaneously. Rather, the
venues most susceptible to the changing policy image should change first,
with other venues accepting the issue on their respective agendas more or
less sequentially. Venues differ in their potential receptivity to a new policy
image; the job of a policy entrepreneur is often that of identifying the most
receptive alternative venues for the policy. We identify these venue access-
events by noting the levels of attention to the policy problem across numer-
ous venues.
As disgruntled policymakers seek out new venues that they hope will be
more favorable to their views, each success leads to some change in policy
image. As the image deteriorates, a greater number of potential venues may
become receptive to the question. Therefore, we expect that venue expan-
sion and image change should occur quickly and simultaneously.
These three hypotheses have to do with the destruction of an established
policy subsystem; the process is similar but distinct in the case of the cre-
ation or the build-up of a system. In this case, a wave of popular enthusiasm
may generate considerable popular attention, an overwhelmingly positive
tone, but little participation. Rather, this euphoria encourages government
leaders to structure institutions in such a way as to allow the greatest leeway
to the experts. So the creation of a subsystem may come amid high positive
attention with little range in participation. The destruction of a subsystem
may come with high negative attention but with important shifts in the ven-
ues of government policymaking.
In order to examine the viability of these four propositions, we turn to
the case of the civilian nuclear power industry in the United States. By the
middle 1950s, a tight subgovernment had been constructed centering on the
civilian uses of nuclear power. The subgovernment consisted of the Atomic
Energy Commission, charged with both regulation and promotion of nuclear
power production as well as with the production of military nuclear needs;
the Joint Congressional Committee on Atomic Energy, a unique oversight
committee consisting of both Senate and House members; elements of the
scientific and technological communities in government, universities, and
the private sector; and public utility companies interested in exploiting the
new technology (Hamm 1983). By 1974, not only had the subgovernment
collapsed, but the civilian nuclear option was, for all practical purposes,
dead. No new nuclear power plants have been ordered in the United States
since 1977, and more than 100 previously ordered plants have been aban-
doned or canceled (Campbell 1988, 4). Forbes magazine labelled the failure
of the nuclear power program as "the largest managerial disaster in business
history" (Morone and Woodhouse 1989, 1).

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Agenda Dynamics and Policy Subsystems 1053

We report data on nuclear power policy from a variety of sources to trace

the changing image and the shifting institutional venues within which nu-
clear power policy developed from 1944 to 1986. As strategic actors raised
the issue in various institutional arenas, regulatory agencies, congressional
committees, state public utility commissions, federal and state courts, the
attentive mass media, private investors, and the broader public became in-
volved in making nuclear power policy in the United States. The growth in
the list of active participants in the debate was associated with dramatic
changes in the image of nuclear power portrayed by interested parties and
through the media. It led to a complete reversal in public policy outcomes.
Clearly examining a theory in one context constitutes only a limited test
of a theory. Negative evidence in such an important subsystem would cer-
tainly discredit the theory, but positive evidence offers only limited confir-
mation. The data presented below, however, are nevertheless the most ex-
tensive ever assembled on changes in subsystem governance and point the
way for more extensive tests of the interaction of image and venue in pro-
ducing public policies in America. Most importantly, we think that this ap-
proach allows for the study of stability and change in policymaking. Incre-
mentalism and crisis are part of the same process. Policies and policy-making
processes may shift from one apparent point of equilibrium to another such
chimera, lurching from periods of relative stability during periods of intense


In his analysis of the history of images of nuclear power in the modern

era, historian of science Spencer Weart (1988) carefully shows how the image
of nuclear power changed during the twentieth century from solidly positive
to overwhelmingly negative. He argues that this change in image is the pri-
mary cause of changing policies toward nuclear power in this country. This
shift is not based so much on changing realities as it is on changing images.
Inglehart (1984) documents myths and misinformation on nuclear power
among the mass publics of 10 western nations, and suggests that misinfor-
mation and sensationalism in the mass media is partially responsible for a
lack of factual basis in mass responses to the technology. Based on their
comprehensive analysis of attitudes toward technological change, Rothman
and Lichter (1982) report that "the scientific community is highly suppor-
tive of nuclear energy development," with support strongest among scien-
tists most knowledgeable about energy matters. However, "journalists in
the prestige press are far more skeptical of nuclear energy" (Rothman and
Lichter 1982, 52). The views of other leadership groups correlate highly with
those of the news sources that they consider reliable (Rothman and Lich-
ter 1987).

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1054 Frank R. Baumgartner and Bryan D. Jones

Media coverage of political issues has two dimensions; attention and va-
lence. Changes in the valence of issues matter little if attention is low. How-
ever, Mazur (1981) presents evidence that, at least for technical issues, any
increase in media coverage tends to cause declines in public support for
the policy (see also Freudenburg and Rosa 1984). As attention increases
(whether positive or negative), public acceptance declines. For the nuclear
industry as for other established policy subsystems in technologically com-
plex areas, the adage "no news is good news" could not ring more true.
The peaceful use of nuclear power was initiated on a wave of positive
propaganda: atoms for peace; electricity too cheap to meter; a clean, high-
tech technology; low-cost source of energy for the future. But there were
always competing images: the enormous destruction of nuclear weapons; a
society of fall-out shelters; giveaways of public technology to private busi-
ness. At the beginning of the civilian nuclear era, these negative images
were far outweighed by the positive. As time went on, the image changed,
and this degradation of image was associated with later changes in venue
access. As the venues of nuclear power policy expanded, image degradation
accelerated. Finally, the industry was in deep trouble.
Weart (1988) coded positive and negative titles listed in the Reader's
Guide to Periodical Literature for both military and civilian uses of nuclear
power, and has made his data available to us. Figure 1 shows the total num-
ber of titles concerning civilian nuclear power listed in the Reader's Guide,
thus measuring attention.3 In addition, it assesses valence by presenting the
percentage of these titles coded positive (neutral and uncodeable titles are
omitted from the calculation of percentages).
The figure shows an increase in attention to the issue of civilian nuclear
power in the late 1940s, coinciding with the passage of the McMahon Act
establishing the Atomic Energy Commission in 1946. In the early 1950s, a
second major increase in attention occurred, coinciding with major amend-
ments to the McMahon Act in 1954.4 Both of these increases in attention
were associated with positive images. This is the period of "atomsfor peace."
During the late 1950s and early to mid-1960s, attention to the issue fell.
Then, in 1968, the dynamics of the nuclear image changed. Attention began
to increase, and negative titles began to dominate. In 1968, the number of
3 Weart coded selected years from the turn of the century. Each year coded is indicated by a
point in the figure. The Reader's Guide published annual volumes from 1965 to present. Before
1965, individual volumes covered more than one year. The figure represents data by volume,
standardized by the number of years covered. For example, if a volume covered two years, then
each of the two would be assigned the same score equal to half the number of articles in the
4The number of titles in the Reader's Guide changes over the years, so there is a risk of
misinterpretation by using the raw numbers of titles on nuclear power. However, when we
express the data in figure 1 as a percentage of all titles in the Guide, the shapes of the two lines
are remarkably similar.

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Agenda Dynamics and Policy Subsystems 1055




100% 200


. ..... . .. .................. ....... .- ................................. . .... .... ..... ............... l ................

6 0 % ........ .
Percent of Articles
Coded Positive
(Left Scale) 100

Total Number of
Articles Per ,*ar
(Right Scale) 50

20% L I:; ,I'::- :,;,,::, , ' ,:,

0% I
1900 1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990

negative titles exceeded the number of positive titles, for the first time in
the century. Since that year, the trend has been an increasing dominance of
negative titles over positive ones, until in the 1980s, negative titles outnum-
bered positive ones by more than 20 to 1. The opponents of nuclear power
had succeeded in convincing writers for the mass media that the future of
nuclear power was not the shining city on the hill, but death, destruction,
and debt.
So attention to nuclear power has gone through cycles. First, high positive
attention was associated with the development of the industry in the United
States, with extremely favorable institutional arrangements. Later high at-
tention came in a period of bad news for the industry. The next section
examines the link between these changes in image and the changes in venue
that are expected to correspond.


The initial technological advances making commercial nuclear power pos-

sible were developed by the national government for military uses, with a
heavy reliance on contracting to private corporations. In the McMahon

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1056 Frank R. Baumgartner and Bryan D. Jones

Atomic Energy Act of 1946, Congress established the Atomic Energy Com-
mission and granted it a governmental monopoly on the development of
nuclear power (Polsby 1984, 18-35). After lobbying by private utilities at
the AEC, within the executive branch and with members of the Congres-
sional Joint Commission on Atomic Energy, Congress amended the McMa-
hon Act in 1954 to provide for a private nuclear industry of which the AEC
became the facilitator and the patron. The issue had been assigned to the
private sector for decision with a small group of executive and legislative
branch officials charged with boosterism, facilitation, and almost inciden-
tally, oversight.
The initial institutional assignment of civilian nuclear power questions
could not have been more favorable to the development of the industry.
Institutions were purposefully designed to ensure control by those most
strongly interested in advancing the technology. Government agencies were
specifically organized to facilitate private development, and the nation'smost
powerful corporations pushed forwardin concert with an encouraging execu-
tive branch agency and with a special joint committee of Congress also in-
clined to give them every assistance. Campbell describes the situation as
one of differential access to decision making: "Corporate, political, and tech-
nocratic elites advocating nuclear power had privileged access to the most
insulated and centralized interiors of the policy process" (1988, 78). Nuclear
power was seen as the future guarantorof America'senergy needs, while the
negative images associated with it were pushed away from the national
agenda. The technology of destruction which had put an end to the war
would be put to use through a government-private sector partnership to put
an end to scarcity and hunger. "Atoms for peace" would produce electricity
"too cheap to meter."Journalists covering science topics played an important
role in reinforcing the positive images of the time (see Lanouette 1990).
In his excellent case study of nuclear power policy, John Campbell clearly
shows that political conflict expanded from the closed subsystem outward
as AEC technical staff began to question the agency's safety decisions. He
describes this as an internal legitimacy crisis (Campbell 1988, 51). These
scientists and safety experts began to feel that government funds were going
disproportionately toward the development of bigger and newer reactor de-
signs with insufficient attention to the safety questions for which they were
responsible (see Campbell 1988, 51 ff). Some scientists believed that the
variety of designs permitted by the AEC made safety more problematic
since each construction project was unique (Mooz 1979; Morone and Wood-
house 1989).
From the outset of the establishment of the policy subsystem, opponents
had voiced objections. First, labor unions complained about government
subsidies for private business (Morone and Woodhouse 1989, 47-50). Later
environmentalists and local activists displeased at the location of plants close

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Agenda Dynamics and Policy Subsystems 1057

to urban areas objected. Their complaints fell on deaf ears as policymakers

deferred to the scientific experts. However, scientists concerned with safety
issues could not be viewed as opponents to the industry, since they were
nuclear engineers themselves. Hence their complaints had special legiti-
macy. In their efforts to ensure a larger share of the budgetary pie for safety
questions, these bureaucratic entrepreneurs enlisted the support of mem-
bers of the Joint Committee on Atomic Energy. Members of the Joint Com-
mittee objected to the authorization of the Fermi breeder reactor near De-
troit over the reservations of the AEC's Advisory Committee on Reactor
Safeguards (Mitchell 1981). With the first appeals from within the commu-
nity of nuclear power experts, the monopoly of decision-making authority
began to be whittled away.
Campbell sets 1965 as the date at which significant concern on reactor
safety crystalized in AEC's regulatory arm (Campbell 1988, 53). However,
earlier changes in rules of operation concerning licensing allowed external
opponents access to the policy-making system. For example, in 1957 the
AEC began holding public licensing hearings; in 1962 the AEC established
routine and open licensing hearings. This gave safety advocates the oppor-
tunity to strike where the public was potentially most concerned: reactor
safety at particular locations. Between 1967 and 1971, around one-third of
all license applications were challenged (Rolph 1979, 102). The conflict had
expanded outward as scientists in the agency leaked information to the
Union of Concerned Scientists and other antinuclear groups (Campbell
1988, 61). This connection gave external opponents the credibility they
needed to attack the system. According to Campbell, an external legitimacy
crisis developed by 1972, as the Union of Concerned Scientists and their
allies in the emerging environmental movement contested all license hear-
ings. In 1973, Ralph Nader and other environmental groups filed suit in
court based on the safety concerns (Campbell 1988, 63). As Campbell puts
it, the internal legitimacy crisis had been transformed into an external one.
Changes in regulatory procedures had their impacts not only in the regu-
latory environment itself but also in a number of other venues. State and
local governments, courts, and Congress all began to play a more important
role, and most were hostile to the industry as the theory of conflict expansion
leads us to expect (see "Activities of State and Local Governments," this
article). In 1969, Congress enacted the National Environmental Policy Act
requiring environmental impact statements for all federal licensing proce-
dures. The courts, initially supportive of the AEC, became increasingly hos-
tile, beginning with the DC Court of Appeals ruling in 1971 that NEPA
applied retroactively to AEC licensing procedures (Rolph 1979, 106). The
AEC responded to the use of its licensing procedures by environmentalists
and the Union of Concerned Scientists by trying to close off the venue op-
portunity. It proposed eliminating the opportunity for public intervention in

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1058 Frank R. Baumgartner and Bryan D. Jones

operating license hearings in 1971, but this received no support from even
the Joint Committee (Rolph 1979, 116). In 1974, Congress dismantled the
AEC, assigning its regulatory functions to the Nuclear Regulatory Commis-
sion and its development functions to the Energy Research and Develop-
ment Agency (ERDA), which later became the Department of Energy. A
m4jor reason for these changes was the low esteem of the AEC and the
entire nuclear industry in the eyes of many congressmen. In 1977, the Joint
Committee was abolished because of the general perception that the com-
mittee members were too close to the industry. A number of congressional
committees claimed responsibility for oversight. Venue shopping clearly
played an important role in this process, and its importance was understood
by those on both sides.
Opponents followed the classic pattern of expanding the conflict by alter-
ing the institutional venue. Simultaneously they worked to reformulate the
image of nuclear power from one of progress and efficiency to one of danger
and waste. Ironically, as Weart points out, much of the reason for the shifting
image of the nuclear power industry came from the almost perverse pride
that the leaders of the industry took in its early years in proclaiming that
they were going to harness the world's most dangerous technology. The in-
dustry prided itself on its preparations for worst-case scenarios, but oppo-
nents were able to make effective use of "Maximum Credible Accident" cal-
culations when it suited their strategic needs (see Weart 1988, 288ff).
Unfortunately for those in favor of the industry, public attention focused on
the seeming admission by the government and industry that these accidents
could indeed occur, rather than on the preparations being made for them,
or on how unlikely they might be.
Even though it was not clear at the time, and even though most analysts
today do not fully comprehend it, the fate of nuclear power was sealed prior
to 1974. When the industry lost control of the issue, when the venue had
been expanded by opponents to include licensing, oversight, and ratemak-
ing, the future was determined. Utilities ordered only 15 more plants after
1974. Opponents had won primarily by getting their vision of the issue
accepted and by altering the nature of the decision-making process by ex-
panding the range of participants involved. We present data in the following
sections which assess the changing nature of the nuclear power policy com-
munity in the United States. The image changes evident in Weart's data
presented earlier correspond to the emergence of nuclear power questions
in a variety of institutional arenas.

The Changing Regulatory Environment

Nuclear power at its inception was regulated by an agency intent on avoid-
ing the public discussion of any problems in the nuclear industry and driven

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Agenda Dynamics and Policy Subsystems 1059







0o 921 It I ;I , 1 I I I

1955 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990

by a desire to see the civilian program grow. The Atomic Energy Commis-
sion issued few regulations, its inspection staff was small, and its annual
reports to Congress showed little reason to be concerned with any problems
with the industry. Since the agency was responsible both for safety questions
and for the promotion of the growth of the industry, however, internal con-
flicts existed from the start. By the mid-1960s, the AEC was showing the
first signs of greater oversight of the industry which it simultaneously sought
to stimulate and regulate. While small and seemingly inconsequential at
first, these changes multiplied rapidly in following years.
AEC/NRC annual reports and other sources can be consulted to document
the transformation of the regulatory environment of the nuclear industry
over time. By almost any measure available, the regulatory environment had
gone through a major transformation during the early 1970s. Figure 2 pre-
sents one set of indicators.
The total number of regulations and amendments issued by the AEC/NRC
per year is a rough indicator of how rapidly the regulatory environment is
changing. Figure 2 shows the number of regulations and amendments en-
acted in each year since 1957 (unfortunately, the 1973 data were not avail-
able in AEC annual reports). After an initial period of only 15 or fewer new

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1060 Frank R. Baumgartner and Bryan D. Jones

regulations per year, the agency shifted in the late 1960s toward much
greater activity. By the mid-1970s, regulatory activity as measured with this
simple indicator was much more erratic but generally at about four times
the previous level.
Corresponding to the change in the total number of regulations and
amendments are the results of an independent study which sought to classify
each new regulation in terms of the scope of its impact. This study covered
only the period of 1967-1977; fortunately this is the period during which
the regulatory environment was transformed in the United States. Bennett
and Kettler (1978) created a "weighted regulation index" that counts those
regulations with greater impact on the industry more heavily than those with
smaller impact. The weighted regulatory index grew almost geometrically
from the late 1960s to the mid-1970s, from a value of 3 in 1967 to 12 in 1970,
29 in 1972, 47 in 1975, and 49 in 1977. As figure 2 indicates, the annual
output of regulations and amendments increased in a similar way at about
the same time. The two series of data combined show the changes surround-
ing the activities of the AEC/NRC as the breakup of the nuclear energy
subgovernment approached. Of course this activity has a much greater cu-
mulative effect than only annual figures suggest. A major shift in regulatory
behavior started in the late 1960s and was complete by the mid-1970s.
Other indicators also point to an increasingly tight regulatory environment
over time. The annual number of reactor inspections done by AEC/NRC staff
went from about 500 per year in the early 1970s to more than 3,000 per year
in the 1980s, according to annual reports. This dramatic shift in activity be-
gan in or around 1974, when the number of reactor inspections passed 1,000
for the first time. Inspections of fuel facilities and other nuclear sites besides
reactors under the jurisdiction of the AEC/NRC follow a similar pattern.
Finally, the percentage of NRC staff in the Inspection and Enforcement Di-
vision shows a steady increase, from 20.9% in 1975 to 32.8% in 1986. During
the early period, much of the federal government's investment in nuclear
energy was in research and other activities, but by the late 1970s the NRC
had become a watchdog agency. The mid-1970s was a period of transition.5

The Changing Nature of Congressional Oversight

The dramatic changes in the regulatory agencies surrounding nuclear
power in the United States were paralleled and partially driven by changes
5 The regulatory data also allows us to eliminate a potential rival hypothesis: that changes in
control of the White House caused changes in the regulatory activities. From the mid-1960s to
the mid-1970s, regulatory actions increased. A process which had begun in the Johnson admin-
istration was continued and accelerated under Nixon until the system was transformed. The
data do suggest a lightening of the regulatory load in the Carter and particularly the Reagan
administrations (see Wood 1988); however the nuclear industry subsystem had already been
dismantled before then.

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Agenda Dynamics and Policy Subsystems 1061

in congressional activities. Changes in congressional activities led in turn to

greater regulatory activity, as for example when regulators requested, then
received, authority to impose expensive fines on utilities found in violation
of safety regulations (see Jones and Baumgartner 1989). The two venues are
tightly linked, and changes in one are rapidly seen in the other. As congres-
sional attention to nuclear power has grown, the tone of its inquiry has
shifted from positive to negative.
In order to pinpoint the period when nuclear power emerged on the con-
gressional agenda, we have coded and analyzed all hearings on civilian nu-
clear power topics by all congressional committees from 1944 to 1986. There
were a total of 1,203 hearings on civilian nuclear power in Congress during
this period, which we have identified by reading their abstracts and descrip-
tions in annual publications (Congressional Information Service, annual).
For each hearing, we have coded its date, the committee(s) and subcommit-
tee(s) which held it, and up to five topics which were discussed. These topics
were noted as positive, negative, or neutral in tone. Each hearing then could
contain both negative and positive topics, so our dataset contains a greater
number of topics than of hearings. Positive hearings were those focusing on
such things as the use of nuclear power to desalinate seawater, to propel
commercial ships and aircraft, to promote new technologies necessary for
the industry, or on growing demand for electricity. Negative topics include
such things as reactor accidents, regulatory reform, safety for workers, ex-
port policy criticisms, waste disposal, or transportation problems. Neutral
topics were those such as annual appropriations hearings or others where no
clear tone could be identified.
Early in the postwar period, there was little congressional attention to
nuclear power questions, with an average of only three hearings per year
from 1944 to 1954 (except for one year 1949, when there were 28 hearings).
Very few committees were involved in this process, generally fewer than
two House and Senate committees holding hearings in any given year. As
time progressed, however, the controlled nature of the agenda and the rela-
tive inattention to nuclear questions were transformed dramatically. The
number of congressional hearings increased to an average of 16 per year
during the period of 1955 to 1968 and to 51 per year from 1969 to 1986. The
number of different committees and subcommittees claiming jurisdiction
over nuclear affairs increased dramatically as well. Table 1 presents infor-
mation concerning the emergence of nuclear power on the congressional
During the early years of the nuclear power industry in the United States,
Congressional activity could not have been organized in a way more favor-
able to the industry. There were few hearings on the topic, and a small
number of committees and subcommittees were able to maintain the exclu-
sive right to oversee "their" industry. During the late 1950s and 1960s, this

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1062 Frank R. Baumgartner and Bryan D. Jones



Average Number Average Number
Average Number of Committees of Committees and
of Hearings on Holding Hearings Subcommittees
Dates Nuclear Power per Year Holding Hearings
1944-1954 5.8 1.8 1.9
1955-1968 15.9 5.3 8.6
1969-1986 51.3 14.3 24.2

system began to break up, as evidenced both by the increasing number of

hearings on nuclear topics, but probably more importantly, by the increasing
number of different bodies claiming jurisdiction over some part of the indus-
try. By the 1970s, the previously independent subgovernment intent on sup-
porting the industry had completely disappeared, as two dozen different
committees or subcommittees of the Congress held hearings on some aspect
of the civilian nuclear program in a typical year. In 1979, no fewer than 36
different congressional bodies held a total of 94 hearings on nuclear power
Not only did the number of hearings and the number of committees and
subcommittees claiming jurisdiction over the civilian nuclear industry in-
crease dramatically in the postwar period, but this change in attention coin-
cided with a shift in valence. Negative topics came to dominate congressional
attention to nuclear power. Figure 3 shows the increasingly negative view of
Congress as nuclear power emerged onto its agenda in the mid-1970s. It
presents the number of positive and negative topics that were discussed in
congressional hearings from 1945 to 1986 (a small number of hearings clearly
had more than one topic; therefore the number of topics coded in figure 3 is
slightly higher than the number of hearings indicated in table 1).
As congressional actors became increasingly interested in questions nu-
clear, their purpose was not to promote the industry. They were breaking
into a subgovernment which had shown its favorable inclinations toward the
industry, and those committees and subcommittees which sought to en-
croach on this jurisdiction did so as the result of appeals from those on the
losing side of the previous policy battles. Institutional changes within Con-
gress during the 1970s increased dramaticallythe number of committees and
subcommittees which were able to claim jurisdiction over at least some as-
pects of nuclear power policy in the United States. The Congress as a whole
represented a venue to which opponents of the industry appealed when they
could not win within the Atomic Energy Commission. By taking advantage
both of regulatory rules which allowed for public participation and by in-

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Agenda Dynamics and Policy Subsystems 1063





100 - ------.........

80 N..u
mb.... .............. .....
.......... ...................
...... .....
Negative Topics, , .
................................................... ............. ......
.......................... . .. .......... ............... ............
8 0 _.............

40 .........
. ........... . . . ..... .. . . .
.......... .-
. .. . . . . . . . ....
. . .. . . . .
. . .. .

40 , P- Number of
Positive Topics

20 X S ~ /N\ 'xj

1945 1955 1965 1975 1985


creasing their presence in Congress, opponents to nuclear power succeeded

over a number of years in breaking down a powerful subgovernment. The
changes were not dramatic at first. However, the cumulative effects of small
changes in congressional oversight during the 1960s, then alterations in
regulatory activities during the early 1970s, and finally an explosion in
the number of congressional masters overseeing the regulatory agencies
in the 1970s signaled a complete breakup of the pro-nuclear iron triangle in
the United States. These changes were similar to changes occurring at other
levels of government and were soon to have their impact through the finan-
cial markets.

The Increasing Activism of State and Local Governments

Beginning with rules requiring public participation and local hearings for
individual plants, environmental activists were able to mount increasingly
successful campaigns against plants in particular areas. While the national
policy-making system was being altered on the one hand, some of the great-
est successes of antinuclear activists were due to their skills in using state
and local levels of government to slow down or to stop construction on many

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1064 Frank R. Baumgartner and Bryan D. Jones

plants. They pressed the rhetoric of public participation to force the opening
of numerous previously closed governmental processes, allowing greater and
greater intervention by opponents at all stages of the policy process (Nelkin
and Fallows 1978). Massive local protests were mounted at specific plants
(Nelkin 1971; see also Kitschelt 1986).
In California, strong environmental and consumer movements and the
availability of the initiative and referendum allowed citizens to vote on two
antinuclear propositions, one in 1972 and a second in 1976 (Kuklinski 1982).
Although these referenda failed, California environmentalists continued to
press their case at licensing hearings and rate-setting hearings before the
public service commission. Consumer advocates in many states began focus-
ing on state public utility commissions in order to force them to take a
tougher stance against the electric utility monopolies which they regulated.
They began to intervene regularly in ratemaking procedures, especially
when nuclear plants were involved, with more success in some states than
in others. As capital costs for nuclear facilities escalated during the 1970s,
nuclear opponents benefitted from public service commission rules that pro-
hibited passing on costs of facilities to ratepayers until the plants were com-
pleted. They also picked up some valuable allies in the form of manufactur-
ing corporations interested in keeping their electricity costs low. Antinuclear
activists, once a diverse coalition of environmentalists, now included Gen-
eral Motors, Dow Chemical, and other large industrial users of electricity
who knew that with each nuclear power plant granted an operating license,
state regulators would allow significant rate increases so that utilities could
recoup their enormous investments.
Expansion of the nuclear power policy community did not only occur in
national policy-making institutions. Federal and state courts became more
involved, and state and local governments were mobilized. In short, oppo-
nents were successful in seeking out not only one more favorable venue for
their views, but literally hundreds of them, breaking up the previously
tightly controlled subgovernment in the process. These changes were to
have dramatic impacts on the economic performance of those utilities oper-
ating or constructing nuclear facilities.

The Changing Reactions of the Financial Markets

Ultimately, nuclear power was abandoned in the United States because
the industry became uncompetitive with alternative sources of energy. The
financial plight of the nuclear power industry occurred during a period of
long-term problems in the electrical power industry. In 1965, electric utili-
ties as a group represented extremely safe investments, with only 11% of
major electric utilities being rated at the lowest investment grade of (Baa)by
Moody. A decade later, half of these utilities were rated so poorly and were,

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Agenda Dynamics and Policy Subsystems 1065



200 Relative Value of Stocks

Over Time

Dow-Jone Utilities Index

150 0/1

s o . . . /.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

' Nuclear Utilities Index

0 I . l I
1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990
therefore, forced to offer higher rates on their bonds (Campbell 1988, 99).
Utilities had lost their luster to the financial community. Part of the reason
for the declining economic performance of the utilities had to do with their
heavy nuclear investments and the changing regulatory environment, as
noted earlier (Montgomery and Rose 1979; Golay 1980; Weingast 1980; Ko-
monoff 1981; Paik and Schriver 1981; see also Goodman and Wrightson
1987). The financial markets reacted to the huge cost overruns associated
with nuclear investments in a way which reinforced some of the negative
images associated with the industry, even though the business and financial
community had no particular aversion to the technology per se. Those utili-
ties most committed to nuclear power fared even worse than others during
this time.
Figure 4 compares the stock market performance of the Dow-Jones Utility
Index with an index of nuclear utility stock prices which we have created,
from 1962 to 1988. The Dow-Jones Utility Index is comprised of 15 utilities
and thus may not be fully representative of the utilities industry. A com-
parison with the more inclusive Standard and Poor'sutility index yielded no
significant differences, however. Our nuclear utility index was constructed
by averaging the stock market performances of those 36 utilities listed on
the New York Stock Exchange that rely most heavily on nuclear power for

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1066 Frank R. Baumgartner and Bryan D. Jones

electrical generation. While the Dow-Jones Utility Index includes a number

of utilities with large nuclear investments, it also includes those with none
of their generating capacity coming from nuclear power. The 36 utilities
which we have combined into the nuclear utilities index include some of the
largest utilities in the country, including Commonwealth Edison, Consoli-
dated Edison, Houston Industries, Southern California Edison, and Duke
Power. They were chosen by assembling a list of all the utilities with nuclear
power plants and taking those with the highest proportion of their total gen-
eration capacity coming from this source. Ironically, these utilities may rep-
resent some of the most successful nuclear utilities, since by definition they
have managed to get their plants constructed and in operation. Many other
utilities invested heavily in nuclear power plant construction only to aban-
don the projects in some cases after billions of dollars had been spent. We
have also analyzed the performance of those 11 utilities which abandoned
nuclear power projects after the longest periods of construction (and there-
fore presumably the greatest lost investments). We find no significant dif-
ference between the stock market performance of these 11 utilities with
abandonments and those 36 utilities with the greatest commitment to nu-
clear power included in figure 4. Both groups perform poorly.
Figure 4 reports quarterly values of stocks for both indices, adjusted to re-
port their values as compared to their starting points in 1962. Both groups
show a decline from 1964 to 1974, when utility stock prices hit bottom. It is
in the recovery phase that important differences occur, making clear the in-
vestment community's new aversion to nuclear power. The Dow Utilities
recover in the late 1970s, are steady until 1982, and then improve rapidly in
the bull market of the 1980s. The stocks of companies building and operating
nuclear facilities fail to recover at all during this time. Figure 4 compares the
nuclear utilities index only with other utilities, but it is important to note
that utilities in general did not fare well during this period. The Dow Jones
Industrial Index grew from a value of about 700 in 1962 to more than 2,500
in 1988, while the Standard and Poor's index of 500 stocks grew similarly
from a value of about 70 to 325. So while these broad stock indices increased
their values by factors of four or five during this period, utilities in general
increased their values by a factor of less than two, and those utilities heavily
committed to nuclear power distinguished themselves by seeing their stocks
decline to less than one-half their original value. Utilities with heavy nuclear
investments became the pariahs of the investment community.
The investment community did not react negatively to nuclear projects
before the breakup of the subgovernment which controlled the industry be-
fore the early 1970s but later avoided them with a passion. The breakup of
the pro-nuclear governmental iron triangle seems to have affected the finan-
cial performance of the utilities. While utilities in general recovered from
the poor performance before the oil crisis of 1973 and 1974, and on average

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Agenda Dynamics and Policy Subsystems 1067

their stocks were worth over three times as much in 1988 as in 1975, those
most heavily involved in nuclear power have made no discernible recovery.
In 1988, their stocks remained, on average, at less than one-half of their 1962
Clearly, the economics of nuclear power did not drive its politics. On the
contrary, politics had an important impact on the adverse reactions of the
market. As regulatory activity increased and as the federal government jet-
tisoned its boosterism of the industry, it became clear to investors that utili-
ties operating, constructing, or planning nuclear plants could be in serious
financial trouble. The market constitutes one more element in the positive
reinforcement process. As elite understandings of nuclear power questions
were altered in the 1960s, new actors began to intervene thereby changing
the nature of the regulatory and the governmental environment for the in-
dustry making it considerably less favorable. This led to serious changes in
the financial outlook for the industry. So changes in the political environment
and in the processes and rules of policymaking eventually found their reflec-
tion in the financial markets as an image problem became a serious economic
concern. Prudent business managers began to shy away from nuclear invest-
ments, where previously the tightly controlled and supportive governmental
structure in charge of promoting the industry had made the investments so
attractive to this same group. So we see clearly the link between politics and
markets, as the markets are a part of the single process of interaction among
the multiple venues of decision making in any complex society.

The Changing Public Image of Nuclear Power

We have argued so far that policy change in the nuclear power area pro-
ceeded as follows: opponents exploited divisions within the community of
experts; images in the popular media changed; opponents were able to ob-
tain the attention first of regulators and then of Congress, of the courts, and
of state regulators; finally, the .market responded.
What about the public? Far from anticipating or causing the changes in
venue which we have identified with respect to nuclear power in the United
States, public attitudes toward nuclear power responded to elite activity.
The expansion of conflict often includes the mass public, but its inclusion in
the policy debate is not always necessary. In the case of nuclear power, opin-
ion polls assembled by William Rankin and his colleagues (1984) show clearly
that a majority of the public supported the construction of more nuclear
power plants until after the incident at Three Mile Island (TMI). However,
the proportion opposing started rising after 1974. Moreover, there existed a
minority opposition of just under 20% as early as 1970. In response to the
question, "Do you favor or oppose the construction of more nuclear power
plants?"positive responses outnumbered negative ones (unsures eliminated)

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1068 Frank R. Baumgartner and Bryan D. Jones

by approximately 60 to 18 in 1970; 60 to 27 in 1974; 45 to 35 in 1975; 60 to

28 in 1977; and 50 to 30 in 1979 before TMI. After TMI, opponents outnum-
bered supporters by 60 to 30 (see Rankin et al. 1984, 48). Throughout the
period when changes in the nature of the policy process in Washington were
at their most dramatic, the public became increasingly concerned in a pat-
tern that suggests response to elite conflict.
There was significant public concern about the siting of nuclear power
plants "in this area," which show increasing opposition to the industry
throughout the 1970s. In this series of polls presented by Rankin, in re-
sponse to the question: "Suppose your local electric company said it wanted
to build a nuclear power plant in this area. Would building such a plant be
all right with you, or would you be against it?" large majorities were in favor
of such a decision in 1971 (58 to 23) and 1973 (56 to 24), then opposition
began to rise steadily throughout the mid- and late 1970s, reaching greater
opposition than support in the last poll before TMI, in 1978 (see Rankin et
al. 1984, 52). The critical weakness, ably exploited by opponents, was the
location of power plants near heavily populated areas.
The mass public represented but one of a number of potential arenas of
political discourse in the American political system and not always the key
one. Strategic policymakers can have tremendous success and even up-end
powerful subgovernments made up of cohesive groups of executive branch
officials and strong economic interests, through the strategic manipulation of
images and venues of local and national governments. They are not limited
to appealing directly to the mass public in their efforts to expand conflicts
beyond their original bounds. Available data on nuclear power suggests that
mass opinion followed elite exploitation of venue opportunities. However,
the case can be made that the potential for conflict expansion to the mass
public is an important calculus in the entire venue search/conflict expansion
process. That is, participants may be keenly aware of the consequences of
mass mobilization on an issue.


We have argued that Schattschneider's notions of conflict expansion need

to be modified to include the multiple policy venues that can be activated in
the United States. We suggested that policy venues tend to become involved
in an issue sequentially because of their differing perspectives and respon-
sibilities. Finally, we argued that image change and venue access proceed
simultaneously and in an interactive fashion. Changes in policy images fa-
cilitate changes in venue assignment. Changes in venue then reinforce
changes in image, leading to an interactive process characterized by positive
feedbacks, which can lead to dramatic results (on positive feedback mechan-
isms, see Arthur 1988, 1989, and 1990).

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Agenda Dynamics and Policy Subsystems 1069


Date Event Source

Pre-1965 Tight Control by AEC/JCAE; positive images Hamm 1983; Figures 1-3
1965 Internal questioning of safety at AEC Campbell 1988
1966 Slope of regulatory activity becomes positive Figure 2
Amount of media coverage begins to expand Figure 1
1968 Negative press coverage exceeds positive Figure 1
1969 Negative Congressional hearings exceed positive Figure 3
1971 Court of Appeals rules that EIS applies to AEC Campbell 1988
1972 Union of Concerned Scientists begin to intervene
in licensing hearings Campbell 1988
1972 California antinuclear initiative Kuklinski et al. 1982
1973 Nader's court suit
1974 AEC reorganized into NRC and ERDA Campbell 1988
Only 15 Nuclear plants ordered after 1974
1975 Nuclear stock prices fail to recover after nadir Figure 4
Congressional hearings per year exceed 40 Figure 3, Table 1
1977 Joint Committee on Atomic Energy disbanded
1978 Public opinion on building local plants becomes Rankin et al. 1984
1979 Three Mile Island
1979 Public opinion on nuclear power becomes negative Rankin et al. 1984

The information concerning nuclear power presented earlier can be sum-

marized in table 2, which presents dates that indicate an image change as-
sociated with a change of venue. Direct, quantitative evidence we have as-
sembled here are supplemented by particulars from other sources as noted
in the table. The indicators are only rough benchmarks of changes in a very
complex policy process. Nevertheless, the table presents strong evidence
that conflict expands sequentially, venue by venue, rather than dichoto-
mously, from elite control to mass public.
In the minds of many analysts, pluralism divides power, thereby making
both coordinated policy and major change difficult to achieve. This system
benefits powerful economic interests by allowing them to create govern-
mental structures that insulate them from popular influence. Yet we have
shown that at least in some cases the numerous policy venues characteristic
of a pluralist system provide opportunities for those on the losing side of a
policy debate to find a more favorable venue for the consideration of their
issue. In order to take advantage of these multiple venues, they,must be
able to alter the accepted image of the issue. The changes which can stem
from shifting images and venues can be quite dramatic, as they were in the
reversal of American policy toward the nuclear power industry.

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1070 Frank R. Baumgartner and Bryan D. Jones

Systems of limited participation are often supposed by political scientists

to be resistent to change. Yet the nuclear energy subgovernment collapsed;
and this was a particularly impressive subgovernment, tying together pow-
erful governmental agencies with many of the nation's largest economic cor-
porations, with jobs and contracts spread throughout a number of states and
congressional districts, and with a technology which was thought by many to
be the very embodiment of progress and prosperity.
Was the collapse of the nuclear power subsystem unique? We think not.
We know from several existing studies that this was not the only subgovern-
ment to weaken dramatically during the mid-1970s. Bosso (1987) carefully
analyzed changes in pesticide policies since World War II and notes a change
in image from agricultural bounty to health risk. As in the case of nuclear
power, environmentalists exploited the variety of venues open to them-the
regulatory agencies, the Congress, the courts, and state and local govern-
ments-to achieve policy change. Similarly, the tobacco subsidy subsystem
has become much more open to divergent views as health officials have be-
come more active, according to Fritschler (1989). Seemingly powerful sys-
tems of limited participation can be torn asunder in the American political
system if opponents are able to tarnish the image and shift the venues of
consideration of the policy.
Was the collapse of such subsystems as nuclear power and pesticides part
of a general trend in policy organization in America? Here one would need
evidence of subsystem collapse at various points in history and evidence of
subsystem construction in the more open atmosphere of the modern interest
group system. Evidence here is limited, but Browne (1990) has shown that
in the agriculture policy arena groups search for niches where they can have
disproportionate influence and not run into the activities of other groups.
That is, each specialized group seeks out an area, even if a minor one, where
it can enjoy a policy monopoly.
Enough other examples of subsystem construction and collapse exist to
convince us that we are observing a general phenomenon. On the one hand,
government now regulates such items as automobile safety and fuel econ-
omy, air and water pollution, and electric utilities through what Sabatier
(1988) has termed "advocacy coalitions." On the other hand, other sub-
systems have survived to date as systems of limited participation. One might
cite the regulation of financial securities, which successfully deflected con-
gressional interference after the 1987 stock market collapse, although cer-
tainly this arena is home to considerable intramuraljockeying. Finally, new
subsystems have been created, such as the special regulatory arrangements
established to promote the production of generic drugs.
The process seems to be one of continual strengthening and weakening of
systems of limited participation affected by secular trends and cycles in def-
erence toward such systems. We believe this process can best be understood

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Agenda Dynamics and Policy Subsystems 1071

by attention to the interactions of policy images and venues. Subsystems are

created and thrive under conditions of positive images and restricted juris-
dictions, but they can be destroyed as events or strategic actions conspire to
chip away at the image, leading to intrusions from other policy venues. Fi-
nally, as the issue is the object of simultaneous interest within multiple ven-
ues of the political system, its image (and its corresponding policy monopoly)
may be completely destroyed.
Pluralism, then, is not invariably conservative. The existence of multiple
venues makes change a recurring possibility. Certainly in many cases it may
not be easy to rout the old order. But the many venues of American politics
also allow new policy to find niches within which to flourish. Because pow-
erful economic interests cannot normally dominate all venues, they can lose
control of the policy image that protects them. As images change, so does
the possibility for dramatic policy change contrary to the will of those pre-
viously favored by governmental arrangements.
Pluralism is not invariablyprogressive either. Strategic manipulation of im-
age involves a sophisticated understanding of the policy process and requires
resources not controlled by all. Many venues require the mastery of special-
ized language and the understanding of complicated concepts. Courts, regu-
latory agencies, and congressional committees all require the presentation
of policy proposals in specialized and arcane language, and all have compli-
cated rules of formal agenda access. Hence, agenda entrance barriers will
favor those able to master these rules or pay for specialists who do. Even
with many venues, there remain substantial barriers to entry into the plu-
ralist heaven.
We may conceive of pluralist systems of governance as systems of institu-
tionally-linked policy venues. Such systems of governance are open to new
ideas, can engage in nonincremental policies, and give the opportunity for
losers in one policy venue to search for more favorable venues elsewhere.
This results in the continual creation and destruction of systems of limited
participation. Often, the creation of these systems provides enormous bene-
fits to the economically powerful. In some cases, those disadvantaged by
such arrangements are able to use the multiple venues of power in order
to turn the tables on those who are advantaged. The resources necessary
to dominate policymaking by subgovernment are certainly not the same as
those needed to appeal to allies in other potential venues of policymaking.
Some groups may be able to create subgovernments while others may be
more skilled at breaking them up. Questions of the distribution of political
and economic power cannot therefore be considered without a discussion of
the relative abilities of policy actors to manipulate image and venue;

Manuscript submitted 2 February 1990

Final manuscript received 7 March 1991

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1072 Frank R. Baumgartner and Bryan D. Jones


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Frank R. Baumgartner is assistant professor of political science, Texas

A&M University, College Station, TX 77843.
Bryan D. Jones is professor of political science, Texas A&M University,
College Station, TX 77843.

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