Maintenance, Rehabilitation & Retrofitting of Buildings: Table Des Matières

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Maintenance, Rehabilitation &

Retrofitting of Buildings

Cover Chapter
CRN ……… – Ka



Academic Year 20…-20…

Term 20…….0

Holy Spirit University – Kaslik

Table Des Matières


UNIT I – Concrete Repair & Maintenance – General Procedures Cover Chapter

Part 1 Concrete Behavior

Part 2 Concrete Evaluation
Part 3 Surface Repair
Part 4 Strengthening & Stabilization
Part 5 Protection

UNIT II –Detailed Calculations for Strengthening

Part 1 Beam Strengthening
Part 2 Column Strengthening
Part 3 Other structural elements Strengthening

UNIT III –Seismic & Bridge Considerations

Part 1 Philosophy & Evaluation
Part 2 Examples

Syllabus – Doc File
- Maintenance, Rehabilitation and Retrofitting of Buildings GCV525 - CRN ……. - Ka
- Time: …………………………..

Cover Chapter
- Course Contents:

- Define the sources of Structure deficiency.

- Provide General Procedures and Methods of Repair and Maintenance.
- Define the appropriate materials to be used.
- Evaluation methods for the existing structure.
- Methods of Strengthening.
- General considerations and Structure Protection procedures.

- Course Objectives:

- Assessment of the serviceability by Visual inspection, and in situ tests.

- Explore the impact of using different materials on the structure behaviour
- Evaluation of causes and mechanism of damage, and assessment of actual
capacity of the concrete structure.
- Apply the Repair/Rehabilitate/ Strengthening techniques by using traditional 3
and advanced materials and technique.

- Références:
Emmons Peter, 2002 “Concrete Repair and Maintenance Illustrated", Wiley, RSMeans.

Alexander Newman, 2000 “Structural Renovation of Buildings: Methods, Details, & Design
Cover Chapter

Examples”, McGraw-Hill.

- Evaluation:
- Active Participation, Including Quizzes and HWs 10%
(several quizzes that will be given unannounced at the beginning/end of class)
- Research work (10%) & Case Study (10%) 20%
- Midterm Week #8 30%

- Final Exam 40%

- Recommendations:
- Events – Academic Calendar-‐academique‐2 4
- Exams
- General regulations- USEK

 Mandatory Requirements
 Being in Classroom before 5 minutes, Coming into the classroom will
be prohibited after class starting.
 Acquiring the necessary tools for the lecture: pencil, notebook,

Cover Chapter
calculator and textbook. The student will be asked to leave the classroom
in case missing one of these tools.
 Cellphone (IPAD, Tablet) is prohibited in class (even in silent mode)
Student with his exposed devices will be asked to leave the room.
 Take notes in class, Slides and lectures could not be posted on your
E-learning. Refer to Text Book, Reading from Resources for exams
and quizzes.
 Be ready for a Quiz at every lecture. Prepare for your coming lecture.
 Presenting the homework, reports and any other work on time and
should be presented by using the MsWord and/or other appropriated
software. Hand free presentation will not be acceptable.
 Cover Page form to be used for HW, Projects, and any other submission. 5
Appropriate information have to be presented.
 Draft papers will not be corrected in the exam and quiz.

- Final Evaluation Schedule

Over 40
Over 10 (10%) Over 20 (20%) Over 30 (30%)
Cover Chapter

HW/Q1 HW/Q2 HW/Qn Rep. Proj. Cont.1 Cont.2 Final
HQ1 HQ2 HQn IE RE PR C1 C2 f

 HQ C1  C2

HQ  x0.05  IE  0.05 P  RE0.1 PR0.1 C   0 . 3 F  0.4  f

1 i

n 2

Final Grade: HQ+P+C+F (Over 100)

HW : Homework
Q : Quiz
Inst. : Instructor
Eval. : Evaluation
Rep. : Report
Proj. : Project Marks over 100
Cont. : Control 6

- Case Study: (Group Work of 4 students/Group)
Project Proposal: Project Definition (Instructor) 1st Week

Phase I: Proposed Project – Sub. Hard & Soft2th Week

Cover Chapter
Phase II: Additional information concerning the problem
to be resolved (Instructor) 6th Week

Phase III: Due date for any correction 10th Week

Phase IV: Final Submission and Presentation 14th Week

- Microsoft office and Autodesk/Autocad Software have to be used for
Project report and drawing preparation.
- Report (Calculation and Comments) including appropriated tables, chart
and graphs.
- Drawings (Reinforced section details and structure system).
- Soft and Hard Copy. 7
- PPT Presentation.
- The Hard Format should be A3 for drawings if exist & A4 for the report

 Project Statement:

• Deteriorated Elements to be repaired Cover Chapter

• Strengthening the Structural Elements for additional loads

• Load Rundown and structural Analysis
• Reinforced concrete Verifications
• Composite Structure, if any
• Special Materials to be used
• New Material behavior

- Research Reading: (Group Work of 4 students/Group)
Reading: Select an article of journal or conference paper

Cover Chapter
Topic or Subject: To be defined by students/Instructor – Related to
Repair, Maintenance and Rehabilitation Field
Structural Elements

- Step I: Selecting the Topic 6th Week

- Step II: Submission of the Report 12th Week

- Step III: Presentation of the Research 14th Week

- Microsoft office and Autodesk/Autocad Software have to be used for
- Soft and Hard Copy.
- Summary of the article(s) presenting the objective and the result.
- PPT presentation 9
- The Hard Format should be A3 for drawings if exist & A4 for the report

 Topics for Research Reading:

• Concrete deteriorated due to fire attack
• Structural deterioration due to seismic attack Cover Chapter

• Explosion concrete repair

• Different norms and existing standards
• Strengthening using mixed structure
• Wood Structure Frame – Repair and maintenance
• Salt/Chloride and offshore Structure attack

 Research Statement:
• Selecting the topic and the subject to investigate
• Prepare a summary concerning the research
• Presentation PPT to present the paper with relevant topics


 Document to Submit for the Research:

• Step I: Hard & Soft copy of the selected paper(s)

Cover Chapter
• Step II: Hard & Soft copy of the report that summarizes the paper with
the personal conclusion, if any.

• Step III: Hard & Soft copy of the presentation file during the

All required documents (Hard & Soft) to be submitted by hand in class.
Delay means no mark for the associated phase
The Hard Format should be A3 for drawings if exist & A4 for the report


• Fall/Spring Sessions – Schedule (Lecture of 50 min)

o Lecture 1: Syllabus, Cover & Chapter 0 o Lecture 19: Chapter II.1

o Lecture 2: Chapter I.1 (Sect 1 & 2) o Lecture 20: Chapter II.1 cont’d

o Lecture 3: Chapter I.1 (Sect 3 & 4) o Lecture 21: Chapter II.2

Cover Chapter

o Lecture 4: Chapter I.1 (Sect 5 & 6) o Lecture 22: Chapter II.2 cont’d

o Lecture 5: Chapter I.2 (Sect 1-7) o Lecture 23: Chapter II.3

o Lecture 6: Chapter I.2 (Sect 8-14) o Lecture 24: Chapter II.3 cont’d

o Lecture 7: Chapter I.3 (Sect 1) o Lecture 25: Chapter III.1 TOC

o Lecture 8: Chapter I.3 (Sect 2) o Lecture 26: Chapter III.2

o Lecture 9: Chapter I.3 (Sect 3 & 4) o Lecture 27: Presentations

o Lecture 10: Chapter I.3 (Sect 5 & 6) o Lecture 28: Presentations

o Lecture 11: Chapter I.3 (Sect 7) o Final Exams

o Lecture 12: Chapter I.4 (Sect 1 & 2)

o Lecture 13: Chapter I.4 (Sect 3, 4 & 5)

o Lecture 14: Chapter I.4 (Sect 6)

o Lecture 15: Chapter I.4 (Sect 7 & 8)

o Lecture 16: Midterm

o Lecture 17: Chapter I.5 (Sect 1) 12

o Lecture 18: Chapter I.5 (Sect 2)

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