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Automation Line
- Progress Updating
Plan Academy – Progress Updating in P6 Hands-on Workshop v3 – April 2016
This workshop is designed to help you better your Primavera P6 skills.

The best way to get better at using any software package is to simply
work in it often.

This workshop goes hand in hand with Plan Academy’s Progress updating in
Primavera P6 course.

Use your company’s copy of Primavera, or perhaps you have a trial copy with
which to complete this workshop.

Follow each step of the workshop and use the resources and hints listed in the
sidebar as you go. For each step of the workshop, we’ve referenced the course
lesson that will help you to complete the step.

If you run into problems, post a message in our Forums and we’ll get you sorted

Happy planning!

Plan Academy – Progress Updating in P6 Hands-on Workshop v3 – April 2016

Getting Started

This Workshop builds on the Workshop Automation Line Refit - Project

Baseline in Primavera P6 course workshop.

Wait!...I haven’t completed the Project Baselines Course

Workshop yet!
If you haven’t completed the Project Baselines in P6 course workshop yet,
please do so now. You can find the workshop on the page below:

Workshop: Project Baselines in Primavera P6 course page.

Download and complete the workshop.

If you are ready to start this Progressing Workshop, go to the next page to get

Plan Academy – Progress Updating in P6 Hands-on Workshop v3 – April 2016

Step 1: Import Project File

Objective: Let’s start by importing a project that gets us to a good point for

1. Download the file Aline-progressing-workshop.xer in to your system.

2. Close all projects before you start. Goto File -> Close All.
3. Goto the Projects screen.
4. Goto File -> Import
5. Select Import format as Primavera-PM (XER) and click Next.
6. Select Import type as Project and click Next.
7. Select the Aline-progressing-workshop.xer file from your system and
click Next.
8. Select Import to field and select an EPS node to import the project and
click Next.
9. Select the Default Configuration Layout and click Next to complete the
10. The project file should now be in your database.
11. After importing, open the project.

Plan Academy – Progress Updating in P6 Hands-on Workshop v3 – April 2016

Step 2: Importing an Activity Layout

Objective: Import an activity layout in Primavera P6. Resources:

Because you may have different layouts in your P6, you may start this workshop Importing and Exporting
by importing the layout below and using it as a starting point. Layouts in Primavera P6

Importing a basic layout

1. Download the file “pa-status-update-layout.plf” from the Course Page

and save it to your PC.
2. In P6, make sure you are on the Activities screen.
3. Goto View -> Layout -> Open
4. Click the Import Button and select the file “pa-status-update-layout.plf”
to import it.
5. Click the Save button to save the layout.
6. Open the Status Update Layout.

Plan Academy – Progress Updating in P6 Hands-on Workshop v3 – April 2016

Step 3: Assign a Project Baseline

Objective: Practice creating a project baseline to help monitor the project Resources:
Maintain & Assign Project
1. On the activity screen Goto -> Project -> Maintain Baselines. Baseline
2. Click Add button on the Maintain Baselines dialogue box.
3. Select Save a copy of the current project as a new baseline option and
click OK.
4. Now a new project baseline will be created as Automation Line Refit-
Workshop4 - B1.

Hint: Having a baseline on each

project allows you to monitor
current project performance and
also to improve the accuracy of
future estimates.

5. After creating the baseline we need to assign the baseline to the

project. Goto-> Project-> Assign Baselines.
6. Assign the baseline Automation Line Refit-Workshop4 - B1 as Project
Baseline and Primary Baseline as shown in the image and click OK.

Plan Academy – Progress Updating in P6 Hands-on Workshop v3 – April 2016

Step 4: Changing Activity Percent Complete
Objective: Practice changing the percent complete type for all activities in the Concept of Physical Progress
schedule to prepare for updating.

1. Make sure you are on the Activities screen.

2. Using the fill down option and change the percent complete type of the
activities to Physical from Activity DE1000 to TS3020 as shown in the
image below. Do not make this change for A1000.
3. Now the Activity percent complete will be measured as Physical %

Tips: Use fill down option to

copy data across a P6 schedule

Plan Academy – Progress Updating in P6 Hands-on Workshop v3 – April 2016

Step 5: Updating Activity Status – Month # 1

Objective: Practice performing activity status updates. Update the project with Resources:
activity status information for the previous month. How to use progress spotlight

1. Start by rescheduling the project, ensuring the Data Date in the scheduler Progressing a milestone activity
window is set to 2-Jan-2017.
Progressing resource loaded
2. Turn on the Progress Spotlight tool (View -> Progress Spotlight). Drag the
highlighted area on the Gantt Chart to extend to 2-Feb-2017 (Month #1).
3. Update the dates and resource units of the activities in the table below.
For each activity, update the actual data from table on both the Status
and, if application, the Resources tab.

Month #1- Completed Activities:

Activity Activity Activity Actual Actual Resource Actual

Id name type start finish Name unit Hint:
DE1000 Project Start 3-Jan- - - -
Use the Status & Resource tab
Start Milestone 17
on the activity screen to update
DE1010 System Task 3-Jan- 1-Feb-17 System 264 h
Design Dependent 17 Engineer the activity status.

Month #1- In-progress Activity:

Activity Activity name Activity Actual Actual Remaining Physical %

Id type start finish duration complete
DE1030 Prepare Task 23-Jan- - 2d 90 %
Control Depende 17
Equipment nt

Resource Actual Remaining

Name unit unit
System 48 h 12 h

Plan Academy – Progress Updating in P6 Hands-on Workshop v3 – April 2016

Step 6: Moving the Data Date – Month # 1

Objective: Practice rescheduling a project and moving the data date after a
status update.

After updating the activity status as of 2-Feb-2017, it’s time to move the Data
Date to reschedule the not-started and in-progress activities in the project.

1. Use this tutorial to understand more about Moving the Data Date in
Primavera P6.
2. Run the project scheduler, Go to Tools->Schedule, change the Data
Date to 2-Feb-2017 and click Schedule.
3. Now check your Gantt Chart to see the results.


Write your answers down:

1) Which not-started Activities are affected by the late start and finish of


Plan Academy – Progress Updating in P6 Hands-on Workshop v3 – April 2016

Step 7: Building a Progress Measurement Layout
Objective: Build a Progress measurement layout to help monitor the progress of
the project.
1. Goto View -> Columns. Use the Columns chooser to customize the
Activity columns with new fields as shown below. Setting up a activity layout

2. After customizing the columns now save it as a new Layout. Go to->

View -> Layout -> Save layout as.

3. Enter the Layout name as ‘Progress Measurement’ and save it. You can
open this layout at any time to monitor the project’s progress.

4. A short description of the fields:

Schedule % Complete: This field represents the planned progress of the

project which is measured from the project baseline.

Performance % Complete: This field represents the actual perfomance

of the project.

Variance-BL Project Finish Date: This field represents the number of

difference between the project’s Finish Date and the Baseline’s Finish


Write your answers down:

1) What is the planned percent complete of the project? _____________

2) What is the actual percent complete of the project? _______________
3) By how many days is the project delayed or early?

Plan Academy – Progress Updating in P6 Hands-on Workshop v3 – April 2016

Step 8: Updating activity status – Month # 2

Objective: Practice performing activity status updates. Update the project with
activity status information for the previous month.

1. Turn on the Progress Spotlight tool (View -> Progress Spotlight). Drag the
highlighted area on the Gantt Chart to extend to 2-Mar-2017 (Month #2).
2. Now update the activity status for February by updating the activities in
the tables.

Month #2 - Completed Activities:

Activity Actual Actual

Activity Name Activity Type
ID Start Finish
Prepare Control
DE1030 Task Dependent 23-Jan-17 03-Feb-17
Equipment Drawings

DE1020 Design Approvals Task Dependent 2-Feb-17 17-Feb-17

Review & Approve

DE1040 Control Equipment Task Dependent 20-Feb-17 24-Feb-17

SE2000 Installation Begins Start Milestone 27-Feb-17 -

Activity Resource Actual

ID Name Units
DE1030 60 h

DE1020 - -

DE1040 48 h

SE2000 - -

Plan Academy – Progress Updating in P6 Hands-on Workshop v3 – April 2016

Month #2 – In-progress Activities:

Activity Actual
Activity Id Activity type Actual start
name finish
SE2010 Task Dependent 27-Feb-17 -

Remaining Physical % Resource Actual Remaining

duration complete Name unit unit
10 d 10 % 36 h 120 h

3. After updating the activity statuses, follow the same instructions as in

Step 6 to move the Data Date to 2-Mar-17, and reschedule the project.


Write your answers down:

Check the project’s performance.

1) What is the planned percent complete of the project? ____________

2) What is the actual percent complete of the project? ______________
3) By how many days is the project is delayed or early?

Plan Academy – Progress Updating in P6 Hands-on Workshop v3 – April 2016

The End Result

Congratulations! You made it!

This workshop was focused on updating activities with progress in Primavera P6. You should have a good feel for the
updating process now that you’ve completed the workshop.

If you want to check your results, then head-on over to the Progress Updating Course Workshop page. Once there,
follow the link to the Results page.

NOTE: you must be logged in to view the Results page.

Take me to the
Workshop Results page!

If you have any questions, please post them in the Forums on our website.


We’d love to hear your opinion on this workshop. Did you learn from these exercises? Did we miss something?

Email us at [email protected] and let us know how we did.

Plan Academy – Progress Updating in P6 Hands-on Workshop v3 – April 2016

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